Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 21, 1910, Image 4

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is for the development and improvement
of Central Oregon. You are a partner.
And that's GOOD business for all of us.1
NEWS? If it happens in Crook Co.
we tell you. That's OUR business.
JOB PRINTING? The best that is.
Use us. That's YOUR business.
Is Juniper Timber?
Hanley Says No
Some Interesting Facts to be
Brought Out in the Han
ley Indictment
William Hanley, the Burns
rancher and stockman, will
challenge the government's inter
pretation of the term "limber." C.
E. S. Wood attorney for the indicted
rancher, so announced in the Feder
al conrt. Notice was given that a
demurrer to indicment will be filed
taking the position that the scrub
juniper is not timber in the sense
that the Federal act implies, when
prohibiting the cutting of forest
In making the announcement,
Colonel Wood said that he would
show where juniper was being up
rooted on the public domain as so
much rubbish and waste, without
the government officials interposing
any objection. It is also said
among the stockmen that it has
been the universal custom cf
Eastern Oregon since white men
went there to regard juniper as a
scrub growth, fit only for fuel and
in no sense coming under the head
of timber which the Government
seeks to protect and conserve for
the future lumber supply. Most
of the Eastern Oregon juniper is a
scrawny growth, with no trunk of
sufficient length to make a board
Limbs are gnarled and twisted, and
many of the alleged trees do not at
tain greater dignity than does brush,
which rating will be contended for
in the coming hearing.
In addition to the contention that
juniper is not timber, as implied by
the law, it will be shown that there
has been no restriction to the cut
ting of this, growth for fuel
Ranchers wholly dependent upon
tne juniper for fuel, could not
acquire the waste acreage needed to
furnish a large establishment with
fuel, because juniper is a scattered
growth, and usually occupies high,
rocky hills and flats. Jo one in
official or private life has been for
bidden the use of this growth, so
that the ranchers had come to re
gard it as granted by the Covern
ment, and did not hesitate to cut
such brush more than they would
greasewood and sagebrush, the
former of which sometimes attains
almost the size of a juniper tree.
Mr. Hanley's ire is aroused over
this and the preceding prosecution
instituted by the government
against him, and says he is going to
make a determined fight to show
up the causes at work. The issue
promises to'bring out a multitude
of interesting points on range nec
essities and the customs of Eastern
Oregon ranch life, which will be ar
rayed against some of the conserva
tion theories that have been fostered
in official circles. Telegram.
This sterling household remedy hu
long bees recognized as the best and
safest Blood Purifier, the most successful
prescription for spring humors and such
disorders of the blood as boils, pimples,
pustules, blotches, sores and cutaneous
eruptions. Kasparilla is admitted to be
the best remedy for that lack of energy
and the peculiar debility so prevalent
during the close of winter and the opening
of spring. For derangements of the di
gestive organs u u miunimmMi,
operating directly upon the liver and ali
mentary canal, gently but persistently
stimulating a healthy activity. Its
beneficial influence extends, however, to
every portion of the system, aiding in tne
processes of digestion and assimilation of
food, promoting a wholesome, natural
appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad
breath, irregularities of the bowels, con
stipation and the long list or trouDies
directlv traceable to those unwholesome
conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi
ness, headache, backache ana despond
ency due to inactivity of the liver,
kidnevs and digestive tract. It is a
strengthening tonic of the highest value.
Hoyt Chemicai. Co. Portland, Oregon
For Sale by Templeton & Son.
For Sale.
Eggs for Hatching.
From pnse-winninft Rhode I slum! Reds;
Sl.Su per setting. Apply to t larence U.
Kice, iTtnevtue, nr. Jltt-liup
A Good Business for Sale.
A good wrlleutipfd wood nw
aud outfit. Sis h. t. irnaollne en
gine; sawed 3000 corda of wood liiat
year. w Hi Ml twcniiH or aociiH'iit.
which render me unable to continue
the work. Call on H. I Hoiww,
FrlnevUle, Ore.
For Sale.
A rood stock ranch; dairy ranch and
2M) acre of Rood tim her. l'airy stock gie
with the ranch. ' For particular addree
J. H. ZKYKLY, Howard. Ore. 3-24 2m
Rooms 16 and 17
Adamson Block
(Over poet office)
EASE for all dis-EASE
Demonstrator of Psychology
Power of Mind
1st Presbyterian Church
Sunday School, 10 a. ni.
Christian Endeavor, 8:3u p. m.
Preaching at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. ni.
it id-week prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at i :3u.
Come and enjoy good music and uo pel
preaching. Our polity: in essentials
Charity, fn non-essentials Liberty.
N. B. For special notices see locals of
this paper.
n Minister.
Patients Received.
Persons needing hospital accommo
dations can find them at my home. I
am prepared to care for patients, or
patients may employ their own nurses
Maternity cases may expect special
Wood Cutters, Attention.
We will let to responsible parties a
contract to cut 1000 or 20(0 cords of pine
wood. we will furnish the timber. Call
on or address the Prineville Light A Water
Company. Z-Jtr
First class saddle horse.
coming seven, aOout l'JW los. uooa
Bay gilding
g seven, about luuu lbs. uooa rosa
animal, rtervy, speeuv, out gentie. noi
mean, never bucks. Will also sell light
saddle, blanket and bridle. Realty De
velopment Co. 10 Adamson Block. Prine
Tille. March 17, 1310. tf.
Call for Warrants. ,
All enuntv warrants outstanding are called
for and will be paid upon prv.'nlatlon to the
eounly treasurer. Interest cease after thin
"" . . .
Dated tills lst day of March. We.
'. F. KING, County Treasurer.
Timber Claim for Sale.
Good timber claim for salt on the Me
Kay; near Prineville; will be Mild cheap if
taken at one. Address 8. A. Prose,
Prineville, Oregon. S-lOmp
Fine Washing Article for Sale.
I have Permywash for sale. Price V a
package: can lie had at my house on the
north side of the Oehoco. M KS. PK A K L
160 Acres Land for Sale.
1J0 acres, rich bottom land; good tot
(tram or alfalfa; stream of water running
llirwugh it; all Under rod fence! good
hams and corralst small house, good well
and force pump. Price S1H per acres PJU
ran le Irrigaled. Address Jued Vender
pool, Prineville, Oregon,
Prineville Steam Laundry.
Have vour clothes washed at the Prlnsvlll
Steam 1-aiimlrT. Hneclal attention givi-n to
traveler. Ijiun.lrv 1 loealed In the e Blus
ter building, near lli Vli.xsk
SJlf JAMKH R INi). Prop'r.
Klghlmsre, reatlcsanea and ntghtsweatt all
caused bv Indlsesilou.
Half of the nervousness In ltt world, all the
disturbing dreams and ntghimsrvs, can be
ended in a lew weeks by a stmi.le, tnexpeusic
I let siomarh I the cause ot nervousness
and bad dream. Your lood Is lying In vour
stomach undigested and hrmeuiing ; It is
forming poisonous gases sh'di irrttste the
tiheuiuogsstrlc nerve ibt leads dtreet from tlie
brwia and ends ia a neisrork of liny bram-hes
running through every part of the slomsvh.
liisaiso ine irriiauon oi inis great pneu
mogsstrtc nerve that causes besdsrlie. Msnv
limes people have severe headache and
know tbsy are eausetl by Hie slotuat b, but do
not know In what aianner.
If von are nervous, have rlresm- or nM-
ovsrs. do not sleep sound at night, get a M
cen I bos ol IHllf.iHO stomach tablets and laks
one or two after each meal. They relieve ills
trcassd .onisi-On a tew minutes, but It Is
Ihutr usefulness In building up Ihs slomsih
and putting II luto perfect condition.
I'll I yon slontat'B In An shape with MoKKTO
and vour nervousness and bad dreams will
Itiiiklv vanish.
Plgvslo tomarh tablets are guaranteed lo
rellfveanr eaaeof IndKealioB. sour stomach.
' hraribiirn. belching ol gas, heaviness, and all
' stomach dlslurusnvvs. In a raw minute.
Far Sab sy D. t. Aisauaa a Ca.
60 Cents a Box.
!At the dose of
Loans and PlaeounU SI
United Btatea Bonds.. tt 00
Bank tremtse.eto .5i "
KedenipUon fund & 00
. Cah A lu from banks l
. F. AlUa. Praaldsat
Will Wsmsikt, Vks rVsssisM
Statemsnt of Resource and liabilities of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
basinaaa Mar. 29, 110
capital (stork I ss.0 00
Hurplus A l adlvlded: prollUl 71.SM W
otreulaltoa .J0S 00
Individual Deposits
, 361
T. M. staUwia, Casldw
a Baldwaa, Asst Caskss
W. A. Booth. Pres.
D. F. ftrawaaT, VU-e-Pre.
CM. Elkinb, Cashier
L. A. Booth, Ass't '
(Irook County Bank
Taplfal Slock fully paid. '. W.IW W
Hurplus 6.OJ0.U0
Block holders' liability Is.UM.tM
Statement Rendered to State Bank Examiner March 29, 1910i
Assets Liaktlitia
Iansand Piseounts in.Mw Capital stack.?.. ...v..
County and other warrants S.OIrt.WI Hurpius
Beal estate and fixtures T.W.H I ndlvlded pfoltts
Kxnenws. I.kihji latposlls .-
Cask a kasd sad i- inm kaaki f 130,990.78
Removal Notice.
Dr. A. W. liraler has moved Ills ntHe
fnmi Ihs Polndenlar hotel to the ultloe one
door north of the Prlee llro. store, where
lie w III be pleased lo meet all atlents. .Vtlf
1 oenil my miliars and cuffs lo tli 511
laundry, just north ot the (Vhoco,
Where do you send yours T S-'.'4-lf
Light hoiisekeeptiig rooms.
O. lio m.
Addr.fw P,
Eggs for Hatching.
Klngle ooinli It, I. Itels, (Irdera hookeil
now. Mrs. J, h. Adamson.
Woman Wanted.
A nilddlf-aged woman in do housework.
Apply to T. K. Met allister, Prineville. 1 10
All Kinds of Gooda
Bought and Sold
Co I. V. Marker
Dillon ! Building.
Drop in and
i Champ Smith
Soft Drinks
of all kind
For Irrigated Farms f
and Fnilt Tinr1 S
1MTHK ' tt
Redmond, Oreg oa M
Imported and Domeatic
tcinni pdv
At the old Smith A Cletk
' statu), Main street, two
J doors south Fimt
j National Bank
Prineville, Oregon
, , m oon.oo
... S.MVIO
Jo Pierpoet
and Compamy
thought enough of the E-M-F Company a few days ago to pay $6,000,000.00 for about 60 per
cent of its stock. 1SNT IT LOGICAL TO SUPPOSE that the E-M-F "30" is a "WONDER?"
If it was a "LEMON" E-M-F stock would not be worth a nickel, and if the car was only mediocre
the stock would be worth less than 100 cents on the dollar, but, as a matter of fact, the stock ia
ABOVE PAR which, together with the fact that the MORGAN COMPANY made the deal,
simply goes to prove what we have always contended that the E-M-F is the best car in the
world for the money and the equal of many higher priced cars.
19 10 E-M-F
3 0"
On Display
Going Like Hot Cakes
Showing all the latest ideas in
Artistic portraiture and photographic work of ail kinds, ft
iWs nn no ami tiniHiitnor lor amateurs, nessonauie tirices w
Mrs. Estes
Comer 2d and Main Streets
Or Vital Healer
A handsome, roomy, 5-passenger 'touring car, light in weight, dependable as the day is long, economical as a car could
possibly be and the easiest car to take care of that was ever built It has the specifications of the $1500 car, the handsome
appearance of the $2500 and the quality, material and workmanship of the $3,500 car, L e., quality unsurpassed and
accuracy to the half thousandth of an inch. There are no experimental features whatever in the E-M-F Car. All are
proven. There is no element of doubt The factory says and we say YOU MUST AND WILL GET SATISFACTORY
4 cylinder, 30 h. p., three speeds, selective sliding gear trans
mission, speed 55 miles an hour it you want it hill climbing
power galore. Price, including five lamps, French horn, tools,
. tire repair outfit, pump, jack and magneto, of course, $1250
f. o. b. Detroit.
Cornett Stage & Stable Company
Dr. (i rater beg to annoume to the pub
lic that he has got an assistant to help
Ijim In his practice, Pr. Coaoltlcy, who is a
graduate from the Weltmer's Institute
brings good testimonials with him, and I
desire to say that our aim Is to accomplish
a cure where others fail. Charges reason
able. '
The following are testimonials which
Dr. Coockley brings, vis:
May 27, 1909.
Last summer when I was in Redding,
Calif., I was suddenly taken with terrible
pains In my side, resembling appendiciti
A large lump formed in my right side snd
the muscles of my body seemed drawn I
could not ait or stand. After Dr. Coackley
had given me one treatment I no longer
suffered so intensely and could walk
about and do my housework. In three
weeks 1 was completely cured aim nave
never been so attacked since.
Yours very sincerely,
MiviftK Bixley, Youngstown, Wash.
" February 28, 1009.
This is to certify that Dr. Coacklcy, by
virtue of hit healing power alone and with
out the aid of medicine whatsoever, com'
plctely cured me of serious eye trouble
with which I had suilered for live years.
I had been to some of the most eminent
specialists on the coast but could find no
relief. Since treating with Dr. Cosckley
my eyes have grown steadily stronger and
are now perfectly well. I can see as well as I
ever could and am now. holding a poll I Ion
thsttwiulwi constant reading and I expert.
ence no discomfort from my eyes. I was also
cured of serious lung trouble and was very
till it and completely run down. I am now
perfectly well and am fleshier now than I
ever liuve been before, and my general health
lias been much benefited br his treatments.
very sinoereiy yours,
1.ITCY Boyrtow. Youngstown, Wash.
The public are requested to write these peo
ple for the iruin or me siHUJinenis mmve.
Otllce flrst door north of Price Bros.' More.
Whiskey Bad for You?
Depends on the whiskey.
"1. W. HARPER"
Is mellowed in wood till it is thoroughly
aged. A medicine as well as a ; pleasure.
Sold by ... -
Silvertooth & Browder
Shaniko, Oregon
and quick delivery
t, a ..... . 1 1.. rtDFM CIlNirtAVC
riiuir niiwHri run ai iiaLtiir i n i ia in a ajii af ms a i m-r n. a
Plants! Plants! Plants!
Cabbage, cauliflower, tomato and celery plants; Also some of
the hardier flower plants. All in proper season. Karly plants
ready by April 10th. Don't ask your wife to grow them in a
window box this year but patronize a new industry. All plants
will be stocky transplanted. Something sure to live and grow
C. W. Spring, Prineville, Oregon, Box 331
Is what the careful buyer in
vestigates when purchauing jew
elry or watches. We stand be
hind the quality of everything
we sell we guarantee it to be of
the quality we represent it to be
Jeweler & Optician
Prineville, Oregon -
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc Etc., Etc.