1 i '4 ) V r Have You Ever Thought About C 1 A tane : ? A prospective settler has the following property which he values altogether at $20,000 and is willing to trade for property of equal value in Central Oregon: . On Seven-Room Modern Hoiue, in Fpokane, close in, good location. Hoote welt built with fireplace, beam ceiling, mission finiib, built-in bookcase, china cloct, large bath room anJ pantry, large bait merit. Ii an elegant home. One Five-Room Modern Cottage, in Fpokane, gray brick artinticalljr fini.bed; two more large roottd can be finished upstairs. Tliia bouse will bear insection and ia a good home in a good location. , t i. One Four-Room Modern Cottage, jutt ouUide the mile and a half circle in the beat residence district of Ppokane. Tbia is a good rental rortr or cozy little home. . Ten Acres of Irrigated Land near Kennenick, Wash., in the famous fruit belt. ' Ten Acres Irrigated Land In the famous Spokane Valley at (Jreenaerw, Does This Interest You? Investigate the merits of Spokane, the power city, and if you have $20,000 worth of Central Oregon property that you want to sell and move to a more salubrious climate, come in and talk to us about this proposition! If' this does not suit you we can perhaps get you another trade of another kind at another price. WE ARE SELLING THE OTHER i MAN'S FARM LET US SELL YOURS Icq i 10-11-12-13 Adamson Block Prlneville, Oregon citizens co-oxrate in keeping tbi elliciency of the school at lh higb nt standard. This building wai erecter in 1887, and has long sine been outgrown. Two other build ingH are occupied by the city schools and the District is considering plans for an adequate rnoderr, school building for the imroediat future. Crook County has 72 organized scbool districts, 2K) children of school age. Kducational facilitie are everywhere provided and home Headers, however remote, may res' assured that their children wil. Lave school advantages. Wages of school teachers a r t ibove the average. Male teacher receive so average monthly salar? jf $80.00 the female teachers $6-5.00 High school teachers from 9100.CX to f 150.00 per month. The educational facilities of Crook County are not excelled any where outside of the universities A commodious brick and ston high school structure was bull n Prineville in 1902, and i ilready inadequate to tbe need if the rapidly growing population The regular course of study pre crihed by the Slate Hoard of EJo cation, from the 9tb to the 12tL trades, are maintained. German Latin and higher mathematics an included. The school is equippet with chemical laboratory, scientiG Apparatus and gymnasium School District No. 12, including tbe town of Bend, also maintains t bigh school department in connec lion with the grammar grades. Tuition ia free to all these schooh and pupils from onlside district may obtain board and dor mi tor;. accommodations at toe most reasonable rates. Diplomas fron tbe Crook County High School admit to the colleges and univer sities. Crook County Needs Settlers (Continued from First page.) any of the public land laws. Tbe forests of Central Oregon are practi cally intact, and await only the ad vent of transportation facilities to develop the western and southwest ern portions of this country Into one of . the greatest lumbering regions of the West. It will take a train hauling fifty cars a day, and each, car carrying 10,000 feet ol lumber, fifty years to market the merchantable pine timber in this county. This timber makes the finest finishing lumber known, and demand for it far exceeds the sup- r'y- These timber lands cruise from four to fifteen million feet to tbe section, and are worth from $10 to t'10 per acre. i The Deschutes river, withoul doubt, has the' largest amount of unapplied water power of any river in the wotld. Flowing ap proximately 4,000 cubic feet of water per second, and having a fall of 4,000 feet perpendicular in a dis tance of about 120 miles, the power capable of being developed is al most incalculable. A perpendicu lar fall occurs every few miles throughout the whole length of the river from Lava postoflice to the Columbia river, liulween the numerous falls the river is very swill, having an average descent of SO feet to the mile. It rises near the foot of the eaastern slope of the Cascade Mountains and is fed by eternal snows. A peculiarity ol the stream is, that it seldom, if ever, rises or falls more than 14 inches. It abounds with trout, the gamost fresh water fish, and hun dred of thousands are caught from its waters annually. It is only a question of a few years when this vii gin power will be harnessed, und furnish electric power for the Northwest. ! The Deschutes river flows in a rocky canyon and on each side are the bih rolling sage brush plains now being reclaimed by private irrigation enterprises. Climate. - The climate of Crook county is tho mojt healthful to be found in the world. Free from malaria, fevers; plagues, epidemics, locusts, potato bugs and fleas. The aver age snow fall in the Winter is 4 to 12 inches. Average days of sun shine per annum, 300.' Tbe tem perature in winter rarely goes below tero, and many seasons to only 8 to 12 above. The Summer heat never reaches over 08, and the average is 85 to 87. Elevation above sea level, 2,500 to 4,000 feet. Tbe pure mountain water and high, exhileraling atmosphere all con duce to health and longevity. Lands and Products. The vacant government lands in Central Oregon are rolling hills and high uplands, covered with sagebrush and juniper trees; these trees are a species of cedar, and make excellent fence posts and fire wood. It is essentially a "dry farming" proposition, v Water may be found on these uplands at depth ranging from 25" to 150 feet, in most places. The soil is a light volcanic ash and is wonderfully fertile when water is applied. Grain crops may be grown on these lands and will make an aver age crop unless it should be an ex ceptionally dry season. The valleys are all settled and produce every thing that is generally raised ins temperate climato. Potatoes grow to perfection in the loose sandy soil. All grains, grasses and hardy vegetables do well.' Grazing lands sell at (7.50 to $12.00 per acre. Improved grain lands $15.00 to fCO.OO per acre. Nearly all the im proved grain lands have water for domestio use. Fruit . Fruit growing is only in its in fancy. Orchards -. have been planted in only a few places. Two bearing orchards in this vicinity marketed, in 1909, 6,000 boxes of apples and 2,500 boxes of prunes. Peaches, pears and other fruits do well in favored sections. All small fruits do well. " y Transportation. The so-called Harriman and Hill lines of railroad are now building up the Deschutes river from the Columbia and have 10,000 men employed. These roads will le in Crook county within the ear. The Harriman line is buildint north from Klamath Falls and at least two roads are planning t cross the Slate from East to West. At present, take the O. It. & N., and get off at Biggs, then come south on the Columbia Southern to Sbaniko,' then take stage or automobile to Prineville and you will be in the Heart of Oregon, where hack and auto service will take you to any point desired. Prineville Is not a new town. It was settled in 1867 and corporated in 1880. It became the county seat when Crook' county' was created, and has enjoyed a steady and con tinnons growth since its first settle ment. Prineville has never bad a "boom" and' don't want any. Ii is growing healthily and will con tinue to do so. It is situated in the very center of the most produc tive part of the County and ia its geographical ' center, as well as of the State. Population, 1910, 1,600. It has the finest Court House in the State of Oregon, . and public buildings that would be a credit to any city, has a complete water and electric lighting system, flouring mills, pluning mills and machine shops. Several stages and automo bile lines center at Prineville and it is the distributing , point for all Central Oregon. Residence lots sell at $50 to $300; business prop erty $50 to $150 per front foot. Societies. All the principal secret societies are represented, with large and en thusiastic membership. The Prine ville Commercial Club is the prin cipal social and business club for men; it owns its own building and recreation grounds and has a membership . of 100. , Several women's clubs are progressive and enjoy a large and enthusiastic membership. - Four religious societies have regulftf organhed churches.'. They are Presbyterian, Methodist, Bap tist and Christian. All are pros perous and well represented with resident pastors. - The public schools of Prineville furnish all the advantages of the best city sohools. The, prescribed course of study is strictly maintain ed . and the School Board and CHEAP INSURANCE FOR GRAIN GROWERS "Woodlark" Squirrel Poison ia the mos reliable and destructive agent yet devise for the extermination of Gophers, Squir re Is. Sage Rata and Prairie Dogs. It i the cheapest insurance against theii ravages. Every kernel is warranted U kill. Climatic changes or moisture of th tarth do not destroy its strength. Re juiret NO MIXI.VO OR PREPARATION. It always ready for use. No other is sc good. Dealers will refund the purchase price if not as claimed. Pamphlet free. HOYT Chamicai, Co., Portland, Oregon For Sale by Terhpleton & Son. iProfessicnat Cards, WADE HUSTON Surveyor Homestead locations a specialty Prineville, - - - Oregon (County Physician.) ' J4 mmti WSPmfm iSlmm, Orfm iPAjftician mmJ Snrytm Calls Ahswsmd Pbomttly Day oa Nish Omci On a Dooa Sotth op a damson'. Daue Stoki. Both office an rosj danoe telephones. Ortf VV. A. BELL FRANK MENEFEE Lawyers The Dalles - - . . Oregon G. L. BERNIER Attorney-at-Law Will practice In all the Courts. Ofnoe next door to Or. Rosnberg's, Prineville, Oregon. ' C. Shrink jCawyer ' Jfttrnj-ai-jCmm SReal stat Office with Geo. W. Barnes IPrintmill, m m Orfjroi i i r-v svi t -v fjt -a t. A. Pretty Jackets You will lie charmed wftb our Spring Jackets. They're unusually attract ive. . Mot of tbem have the loug, rolling collars. Made Id covert, and soft weave cloths. They fit easily, are stylish and neat. A Jacket Is almost a neces sity for Hpring wear. It coiue In for ue so many times, saving your suit and obviating the frwuent chan ging of clothes to rtm out at odd momenta. Then, too. It can be worn with any skirt. , We have them at all prices. Clifton & Cornett PRINEVILLE, OREGON Trade at Home! We greatly appreciate borne trade and know all would be benefited by spending your mon ey at home. Catalogue houses never helped your son, daughter or neighbor, they do not pay taxes in your community nor support your schools or churches. YOUR HOME MERCHANT - DOES. If you will add freight or postage, then compa.e quality with our goods we will meet the catalogue houses every time. Yours for home trade, ROBERT SMITH, General Merchandise Sisters, - ' . Oregon. Automobiles STODDARD DAYTONS REOS and MITCHELLS 1 The three best moderate rriced ca s on the market, f you contemplate buying a . car do not fail to see us as we can give you more real value for your money than any other agency in Crook county. New Shop and Garage just north of Ochoco Bridge, , L G. Hodscn, Colonel F. Smith, AGENTS PRIXEYILLE, OR. QON'T BUY A CUN until you liavo soon our New Double Barrel ModeU fitted villi Sieves Com-preo-d ForceJ CtccJ ErreU DEMI-DLOC SYSTEM Tho modo of constructing these superb Trap and Fiold Guns is fully set forth in our Kuv Shotgun Cata log. Scud for it, i'a free. - Ask your Dealer for Stevecs Dezi-B!oc Guns. Insist on our -.'.. mow. m IvW 7 n a-j sa. J- txT.lJt-&J- m r.-i. m thj i. STEVENS AMIS rAfr ft J. V. Horigan, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Mutton, Wholesale and Retail ! All Kinds of Sausage Nice and Fresh I 4 h Home Cured Bacon and 1 Lard. Fish'and Poultry in Season. Butter and Eggs. Give us a call and we will save you money. I I i-rr-1r-r-lr--ir-(r-r-r-tr-p'r-'rnir-r-ir-rTrr-tr-rr-iq'"n?ri-)ri !- J 1 iJ t :j 'j-i ;j -i i '.i :j 13 J3 -.T I'i fa "3 .a ;a j j 13 .3 "3 rj 1-3 .3 J3 JJ S3 Soneral ffilacksmithing iiorsesboeiko, wood work, tc., Neailt and Promptly Don When rr is Dose Bt : : : Siobcrt Tlfoore Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Pkinevelle, Oregon. L J r.i R3 LJ r.3 t. j r,3 L J n B3 r3 i.j r3 rs t j C3 Gi C3 t J t3 v. J r.a rr3r-ir!7r,rir3rrrr-r-fr-iirir""r-rr'rr-rrirnrir!nir-i vr;rnri'yr'.7'r.ir.yrir.ir,im J 13 ;j 13 u 13 ."J :.3 :a 33 IJ 13 jJ i3 n T3 :j 13 rr3?r?r3B3r!3r!3r33rj3r.f5nB3r"'r;3 JkJkJVk'jLjLJLJLJiJAJk'JkJkJLjL'J r3 tj C3 L J r.3 i. J r3 EJ r.3 u ri3 tj S3 t J r.3 LJ T3 C J r3 GEPMAN COACH STAI110N Lubin's Choice AT HAMILTON STABLES Owned by W. R. Breese 3 - Service bincle. SI 0.00 Season. SI 5.00. To liuure. $20.00. .3r!3r3n3r.3r3r3r3r33r3r3C3r3',!3n3r3r3r3C3r3C3rj3f33r3s-3r.3 iJtJtJt JUJtjwjtjt Jujujk,jk.jv:jk0jt3t jk,jujtJkJLJkijkijkjk;j IF YOU HAVE $1500 TO $4000 TO INVEST IN AN AUTOMOBILE AND A BALANCE FOR MAINTENANCE Buy a FORD Touring Car With all the eqnipmenton it for 31050 f. o. b. Portland and invest the balance in real estate and give to charity the differ ence in maintenance. What you get for $1050 is a car equal in every way except in weight to $4000 proposition and a car that will take you 25 miles on one gallon of gasoline. Equipment Top. Gi Lamps, Generator, Magneto, Two Side Oil Lamp. Tail Lamp, Tube Horry Wind Shield and Speedometer. Demonstration at your convenience. C. L. SHATTUCK, PRINEVILLE, OR. Agent for Crook County. A FINE LINE OF JEWELRY Some of the newest things out. Come and see the smallest la iy's watch made In the United States. We carry a choice llae lor both ladies and gentlemen. L. Kamstra PRINEVILLE, OR. ELKINS STORE C J 13 31 r3r33r:3r!3n3C3r3r"G3r"3,T!3r!3B3'53tf LJ Ti.3 L J r,3 I. J r.3 kj C3 LJ r.3 LJ r.3 ra L J ra L J r.a LJ r.a L J r.3 : LJ ra LJ r.3 L J ra LJ r.3 L J "ir..i kijyj The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVILoloE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season W. J. SMELZER, Proprietor 14 THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent . : ' a ft