Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 21, 1910, Image 2

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    The Place to Save
The Place to Save
. Too busy unloading my new spring goods to write ads.
Next week if you will keep your eye on this space you will
find all about the latest styles in Ladies' Shirt Waists, Mus
lin Underwear, Ginghams, Embroideries, Laces, Etc
Closing out 1 0-inch Records at
35 Cents
I. MICHEL, Proprietor, Prineville, Oregon
Educational Rally
at Culver
Superintendent Ford, assisted b.v
tenfher of the county, will hold a
prnnd educational rally at Culver on
April 2S and 29. This gathering Is
lor the beneat ol all teachers, school
officers and people generally living
north of Crooked river and all are
urged to attend. The first session
will be held Friday evening, and on
Saturday there will lie a morning
and afternoon session. At noon on
Saturday the good people "of Culver
will serve lunch. This is a feature
that should not be overlooked as
the neighborhood Is noted for Its
hospitality. The program Is as fol
lows: Friday Enau Asr. 24.
Presiding Officer...Profcsor Tolbert
Music Miss Reynolds
Talk (selected) Supt. R. A. Ford
Titlk, "The Value of the Trained
Teacher". ...Mrs. Wickersham
Music ......Miss Yerna Howard
Talk, "The titlien and the Schools"
Mr. Springer
Safaris? Aprs 29.
Morning Sesslou.
Music ......Institute
Arithmetic, Sth Miss Reynolds
Arithmetic, Mb, "th, and 8th ....
."...Professor Myers
History . Professor Cook
Phonics . ...Mrs. Torter
Vocal Solo Miss Con way
Geography . ..Mrs. Dougall
)jiuguage Mrs. Wickersham
Agriculture Professer Evans
Voenl Solo. Miss Verna Howard
Aternooo Session.
Music Instlt u te
Sclling . .Miss RIdeout
irammar.. Miss Kent
Heading Mrs. Wickersham
Vocal Solo... Miss Verna Howard
Morality In the Schools"
Mr. Moor head
"Mental Suggestions In the School
Rooom" Miss Parrott
"School Discipline," Supt. R. A. Ford
Vocal Solo ....Miss Conway
Blooded Stock Stays
in the County
The Baldwin Sheep Land Com
pany are selling most of their regis
tered blooded stock to local people.
R. M. Powell bought two Shire
mares for flOOO. M. R. Biggs
bought two yearlings for f WO each,
and two mares, price not stated.
Herbert RIdeout bought t wo mares
for S1500. Oliver Towell, Marion
Terapleton, M. R. Biggs, It. M.
Powell aud Herlert RIdeout formed
a company and together purchased
one of the big stallions for 12500.
This Is all registered stock and the
best money can buy.
Child Had
Narrow Escape
Building Westward
From Vale
R. M. Powell came near losing his
4-year old daughter by drowning;
Tuesday. j
He went op to the headgate of his
Irrigating ditch to fix the flow of!
water, and as usual, the little one'
followed. While fixing the ditch he I
bad occasloa to go away forty or
fifty feet and happeuing to turn his
bead saw the feet of his little
daughter disapjearlng down the
sluice way. She had tumbl-il In,
head first and the suction of the
swift-ruuulng water drew Usi under
the bendgate aud down a l&foot
box flume ln-fore she was rescued.
The child was unconscious when
picked up by her father but resusitat
Ing measures soon brought relief. It
was a narrow esctie and one the
futher will not soon forget.
Shumla Club Meeting.
Last Saturday evening F. A.
1 1 ii u nel and Grace McKenzle, both
f Bend, Oregon, were united In mar
riage. The ceremony took place In
the Methodist church, where the
mother of the bride and a few friends
hail gathered to witness the transac
tlon. After supper the young couple
returned to Bend by auto, where
they will make their home.
The Sbumln Club met Saturday
afternoon, April 16, with Mrs. Em
ma B. Wickersham as hostess.
After the usual business, Mrs. Mar
garet Elkios opened the program by
reading an excellent paper on the
life of John Ruekin. Mrs. Wicker
sham followed, giving a most Inter
esting review of Ruskin's "Ethics of
the Dust."
At the close of the regular pro
gran, Mrs. Wickersham read and
discussed an article In the "Ameri
can" magazine on the education of
William James Sldis, the eleven-year-old
boy who Is causing so much
wouder at Harvard I'niversity.
j Ater adjournment delicious refresh
; ments were served by the hostess,
I assisted by Miss Marjoric Brink.
A Vale dispatch to the Oregonlan
dated April 15, says: Determined on
Mng the first railroad Into Harney
County the Harrlman Interests Jump
ed Into Vale this morning with a force
of 100 railroad laborers and started
construction work on the Oregon &
Eastern, thesurvey for which extends
westward across the state from this
point to a connection with the Nat-ron-Klamath
line at Odell.
Material yards have been establish
ed In which W) carloads -of ties are al
ready piled np. In addition to several
miles of 70-pound steel rails. Engi
neering parties are now settlug the
grade stakes along the line of the sur
vey and are camped as far west as
the Harper ranch 23 miles from Vale
in Malheur County.
The survey of the Oregon & East
ern extends from Vale up the Mal
heur river to Malheur Lake, and, as
at present staked, leaves the town
of Burns IS or 20 miles to the north.
The road swings around the base of
Wagon Tire Mountain, enters the
Christmas Lake Valley, passes
through the Sliver 1-ake and Fort
Rock countries and out through a
gap between timber-covered hills
at the western end of the Fort Rock
(Continued from First pitgv.1
bafl uhii the "MwMmitw to tiarvlit,''
in which wa ortt'liaii'.l the vain and
iniHHtiH' of being Uilhtul to an aa-
ligued duty. Ths loot literary number
tn oration, "Slopping Sioncs," by
Miss Agnes Klliolt, ho dwelt upon the
importance of exercising care in the
clioic and selection of our stepping
tones for tio them depends our sue
res or failure. She. rniphaniu'd her
thought by her torvaful and unaffected
ityls of delivery. The program closet)
with an instrumental duet by Miasc
Georgia fleck and l-eola Kates, wlilcl
was well rendered and was a llttitig
riot) to ons of ths most excellent pro-
grama the societies have liet.moJ to this
Ws had thought the basket ball sea
son closed but arrangements have been
mads for ths girl to meet the Bend
High schools on the evening of April SO,
Both teams are tnre of victory ami a
good gams is promised. IVw'l miss it.
Further announcement will arpeai
next week.
The boya have legun baseball ami
track work. The tryout for the team
to meet at Whitman and O. A. C, w ill
be held on Junior day. Ths societies
are also planning to have an inter
society baseball gams at that time. ,
Frtskam mi Seaisr.
Miss Leola Eitea, '13, was absent from
classes on Monday.
We are glad to welcome Clark Morse
back to school after an absence of al
most two weeks.
Ths seniors have passed ths laurel
crown of victory to ths sophomorv thi
month, but they will have to work to
hold it next month.
Jmmi mi SfWssraa.
The juniors are busy formulating and
perfecting their plant for junior dav.
The sophomors class are holding their
heads high these days, as they averaged
ths highest last month and ths bigheit
that any class has during ths year.
Their total averags wax Ho per cent
which is an average that any clan
woukl be proud to hold.
Notice to Creditors.
Nolle U hereby given by ttie undersigned,
the administrator thetat.le tr Hitrlcl It
Mahen, dwiwd. to all ercdllore of and all
perwtM bavins claim against said deceased
to present the aaute with the proper vouch
era, to the undersigned, at Iho oilier of M. K.
Klllotl In l"rlnevllle. On-con, llliln six
months from the Ortt publication of this
Dated tbls flat OUy of April. WO.
Joh Mhk,
Administrator of the estate of lUrlet It.
Mahen, deceased.
On Friday, April 16, 1910. at his kome
in Prineville. Peter Zell, aged 74 years.
Peter Zell was bora in Parkerville,
Ind., in April, 1836. He was married
to Ellen Miles. They crossed ths plains
in 1864 and settled in the Willamette
valley. Three children were bora to
this onion. Afier a few years residence
in the valley the wife died. Later he
went to Iowa and married Miss Sarah
Hyatt on August 10, 1873. They cross
ed the plains in 1879, settling in Prine
ville in the same year. Two children
wero born to them.
Mr. Zell leaves a wife and three chil
dren to mourn his loss Frank Zell of
Watkins, Ore., F. B. Zell and Sirs. Mat
tie Edwards of this city. Funeral serv
ices were held at the Union church from
which place he was buried Saturday
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice la berebr given that the partnership
neretoiope enannc net ween tiny Uuallrtu
and J. S. Fog. of Prineville, Oregon, under
the arm name of The Realty Development
.. baa been this day, by mutual consent,
dissolved. J. B. Fox retiring rrotn tbe bust
neu. All accounts doe aald Arm are navahla
to tiny Latbllelte and all liabilities will be
paid ny nun.
Dated this 21st day of April I WO.
tirv LaroLLsn-ra,
J. a Vox.
! At iitsAi r?k-jJ-5 t-zr nsi-srfi ? UrJr 2t-2j ? Las "2 Va Ar)-r ijv
The Winnek Company
Shoe Department
Drug Department
Winnek'$ Cream for the toilet . 25c
R 56402 lor Colds and Grippe 50c.
Colgaie s Dental Cream ; 25a
Toolh brushes 15 to 35c
Sarsaparilla's Sassalras Bark (or that tired
spring feeling.
Wall Paper
Wall Paper and spring house - cleaning
come at the same time, Our stock ol paper
is large and the price is small 20c per
double roll up.
Waltham and Elgin
Men's Guaranteed Work Shoes
The Wizard A Gentlemen's Dress .
Shoe in fashionable shapes
The Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoe .
High top riding boots ..J.;
$3 50
. 4 00
- 5 00
. 7 00
Men's Furnishings
We have just received our new complete
line of Men's goods
Men's work shirts good grades 45 to 90c
each -
Men's Dress shirts all colors and sizes
$1 to $5 75 each.
Edison Phonographs
and Records
The Winnek Company
j Our Last Month in Prineville.
We will close our photographic
studio shortly after the May races.
Parties desiring work should take
notice, if. M. Cook Main Street
Studio. 4-14-21
Clydesdale Stallion for Sale.
Cum in S yeara old ; weight over ItiUO II.
Aiidreas b. A. Trose, Prineville, Or. 3-Um
ACRES, 4 miles from Trim
ville. Improved. HO arrw
under plow. Living writer
Adilreaa Hoi "I, Prineville, Or
Wood Wanted.
1 Mm htreb dlnett'J by County Court
of Crook oounty. Oregon, to advertl- for
eortu or ft ood mm mi jnnlHror body nrl
wood. lo be dellvervd Hnd pllrd for mi-aiiurw-ment
m foltow: HO ordt M lUw rrr of th
cturl houm building and hO oord on th
btcb wrboiH lot; vnitre h moo lit U br dHlverrd
on or pritr to Ht ptamwr . i'ourt if-
wre right to nkct mny or nil bid. Mldn
muni be flltd with roauly clerk on or before
9 p.m. April W, 1IU.
V AKHEX BROW'S oounty clerk
Room 10, Adameon 81k, Prineville, Or.
Agent (or
Royal gtamlard Si Smlth-l'rtmler Typewriien
(rru-e (meefnu)
Zftelknap dc Cdivards
00t Jhir 2mr Smmt mS tfmm't
Colonist Rates
Wk m 1
Great Northwest
The nnmagrmt-nt of the OnKjn Rull'
road A Navlfatlun Co. takes (ntit
pleaaure tn announcing that the low
rate from Katern elllen, wlilch have
done ao much In past aeaaona to atinv
ulate travel to and aettlement In
Oregon, will prevail asuln thla 8prlng
DAILY from March 1 to April 13.
The rallroadi have done thi lr part;
now It' op to yon. The colonlut rate
Is tbe greatest of all home-bat Idem.
I all jrou can to U t Koxtern people
know about It, and encourage tbem to
come here, where land l clu-up and
bome-hulldlug easy and attractive.
Fare Can Be Prepaid l boniI
If desired. Any agent of tbe road
named Is authorized to receive the
required deposit and telegraph ticket
to any point In the East.
Remember the Rates From Chi,.
go, t38; from Ht. Louis, $32-,from Omaha
and Ksnsas I'lty, 125. This reduction
Is proportionate from all other cities.
Cmsral Pawaagar Acrat fortlmmd. Oragoa
In the tlivdll ttitirlof the Hlulruf t !-. hi
Ar i'rMk tninlv.
r, A. NlrvviiMMi, l ln HIT,
Ni'llle HlrvriiMin, itfrVmlKiit.
i.iN. iiK. Hi. v.(, iIivmvuv named Uc-
In the name of the tle nfOn-atHi yon are
hon-hr ritniln-d ti aiawr and answer the
eomi'llnl HUxl aNlnl ymi lit th ninv en.
Illhil nxirt ami action, on or l -nr the Is. I
ilav.! Hie lime prwrllird In the onler ar
piilllKiloit or this siuniiKina, ticwllt Hie .ih
day of Mm-, tat", ml II vo hill to mt answer.
Air want theiiMif, the plalnllir Wilt aliilv to
ihootmrl hr the n ll.'f ilu n ln di-nutmleil, to
wn: Kor a H.vre r dlvurre dlsaidvln the
ImmiiIs of innirtmiwiv now exlUo tsrtween
plnlnlin and ili-n uilMnt.
This siiiiiiiMHia u served Bpun Tntt hr nnter
of the Hon. It t'. Kills Judge of iihI
eoiinlv, sui,. orttrvxui, datd the tlt day nl
Man-h, Wiu, and I lis ileleor the Prl puhlt.
ration of Km summons Mnrett INIh, IUiU,
and the date ol lit U.t puhllmtliot of ililn
sumnioua wilt eil'lrv on Miuf Mh, KM".
Attorney rir I'lalnilO.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate.
Notice Is hereliy given, that In pureunnee
of an order of lite County Courl of the
Mate of Oregon I'sr I'nmk t'uuttty, male
on the tilth .lay of Man-It, tl)lt. in 'he
toaltfrlor llirtatof iloleinsn W. .Mor
rill, tlistaeil, the titioVrstiriinl, the ailuilii
Islrutor of aaiil estate, will sell at public
auction to tlic htKhesl tdilder, lor ra-lt.
gold roitl of the I in led Slates, sol.), ct to
continuation by said County t'utitt, on
Saturday, the lmh day of April, lulu,
at ID o'clock In ths forvitiHin, at ths fruit
door of the Count y couriliouse in I'rlne
vtlle. tregit, all tlie riuht, title ami Inter
est of sm. I llolemnn W, Morrill Ml the lime
of nis death and all the ritflit, title and In
terasl the said e-tsle has ariuiril other
than or lit a.l.lilion to that of lha suld
llolemnn W, Morrill, at lbs time of In
dent Ii. in all that eertain rtn estate situa
ted in the County of Crook, Slat ol Oregon,
mors particularly described as follows;
The northeast quarter of lha southwest
.uarter, the ca-i half of the northwe-t
iiuarier aud tt e southwest quarter of tbe
nortliwe-t ttarter of section twenty.ulne
In township seventeen south, of range
twelve east of Willamette Meridian.
Term and condition of sale: Cash, gold
Coin ul lite rmtrtl Suites, live r rem ol
tiurchase price to lie paid on day of sale,
balance upon ootiluniulion by said County
Duled thl Kth day of March. l!)t).
A. I). Morrill.
Administrator ol the. Kstate of
llolrtuan V. Morrill. dei-ea-e.1
Notice for Ptihlicallon.
Is-partmeut of the Interior
Culled States Laud Onlee, at The Is. Me., Or,,
April 7th. tant.
N. it Ice Is hereby given that
liuali I. (fee. '
of Prineville. Onwon. who, tin April th.lW.
made houM-atead .serial No. UUiV.I ,No. USi'J,
air N K'i section li, township li south, ranee
Iseast, Wlllauielle Meridian, has Sled notice
of Intention lo maks filial live-year proof, to
establish claim to lha land aliove described,
l'fnre Warren llrown, county clerk, at his
"dl.-e at Prineville, On-gon, on the L'lth day
of Mav, ItllU,
I'lslomiit namea as wllnosses: William
Marks Ullllain Adams, Jobh K. Morris.
Krauk T. t'o. all of l'rlnevle. tin son.
C. . Nona. Iglster.
(Otvtt Wotlc.
4-1 ti
The Store for Young Men
We have nhrirtl to t!eserve this title, by allowing
distinctive apparel for the young man who is
not satisfied with ortlinary clothes. Our success
cannot be doublet). You realize that we are absolute
headquarters for "nobby" apparel, and nowhere cle
in town will you ever find clothes which possess that
same air of elegance
which you always
find in the clothes
exhibited by this
We Specialize -
- MatlsWBBMsMasWHBYBBtaa)jasjM
because we are con
vinced, from actual
experience, that no
other make possesses
the same amount of
character, nor the
same high standard
otquality. It pleases
us to so successfully
cater to the wants of
our particular young
You will be delighted .q,Vf
with the new Sprint? sf?Jii
suits which are now TVDLtRSgi i
being shown by us. Qpk2tll''
r t ! :i
f w
t'nlted States Ijiii.I Office,
Tti I is lies. Oregon, Msrvb. . loin.
A iiifncieut contest amdavtl having been
filed In this Ki.s hr James Hstn, contestant,
sgslnst homestead entry. No. l.tjts, tiis.b.
Kebruarv 3t. Ivol. lor W ( HK,. sertlon it".
it John T. Hlmr bu ln.Ujf bs.ttuitt witi
irt-t .r nior tltn ti mmttb Ut i-t; iht
muI trrl ! iml swlllttl ujMtn ami cutltvMrtt by
jaul party m rr-iiirtt hy lw snt ihl iherj
r m iiH'rovmftiia u( uy di';rttiitn ht
ver lhrrn: ihat mUI tlfirl bMini' w
not ilnc to hieiitUtyn,nt iti uivarmv, tmy or
mriucuriHil lti t niinl Matrs) lit Unit vi
war. V
-sail i.anV ar bcrvt botlAeit to nt'fMiir,
s ruissant de Lireaux u
resHinu, and offer evtdetM tonclitng sat. I alle.
gsilnn at 10 o'clock a. ni. on May 17. lyln, tw
(oretarren Hmwn, county htsorhca
in rrlncMlic, Oregon, and that tltisl bearing
will lis ncm at 10 oet.M'ii a, m. on Msr
H. I'.'lo, belore the Keglatcr and K.-elv. rsl
Hie I tilled States Laud tliln t In lha Italics,
1 lot said contc-lant lisvlh, In a proper
affldsvll. Hied Msrt-h U. I'MU. mi forth lacts
alilcksltuw thai alter due dlllgcne n-rsoiial
errlee id tlm notice ran not be made, it is
hcrel.y ordered and directed lhai n. h notus
be giveu by due aud profier publication.
3-il c- W. Mookk, Kcglstcr.
Hotii c fsr rtihlicatlon. , !
lHpsrtment of tlit Interior,
I'llltvd Slates Utlid OAice SI The Dalles. Oru. I
Msr. h .-Sth. IUIU. ,
Notice Is hereby given Ihst John (. I'oaell,
whose pimlottlce address Is prineville. Oregon, i
did. on iho 7lh day of August, I'S", file 111 tins
othce Maoru Staienicnt and A plication. No.,
ii.l.'.l, lo purchase the UK's WM. section 4, I
SW'si HW's, section S, N, N',. section 10
snd tiH'i NK'-, section , Uiwnhip lil south, j
range Is east, Mlilsmetlo MerldluO. and the I
linilsr thereon under the provision of the ai t I
of June:!, 1S7H, and act amendatory, knoan as .
Ibe "Timlier and rtmno lw," at such value as
might he Axed by s.i rsl.Hi-til. and that, I
piirsuant lo such amit-at!on, the land and
timber thereon have lieen appraised, the tint '
lier estimated 1,4'),U Iswrd feet at (St cent i
M-rM.. and the Isn.l i ml; ttisl said appll
cstit will offer flnsl prtsil In supiKirt of his sw
hlleation and aworn iulrin. nl on tbesihrtsy I
of June, l'Jln, lielme Marren Hsown. county
tiers, at bis office, at Prineville, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty loprotesl this pur
chase beloru entry, or Initials a contest at any
time before patent liutui-s. by riling a corrobor
ated atfl.lnvit n this ortio", alleging (acts
which would defeat the entry.
4 7 C. W. MoOKE, Register.
Ifotice for Publication.
Department of The Interior.
United Htstes Land office
at The Dalles, Oregon. March 'Mh. lain,
Notice la hereby Riven that Niima K. M. l'oln,
whose post-office address it Prineville.,
did, on the 17th day ol Dccceuilier, 1, file In
this nffic Bworn Htalemetit and Application,
No. Hi7l, lo purchase the Htt SW'i, Hit tlnn
il, town. hip llsoiilh, range l.'i cast, Willamette
.Meridian, and the tlinlxT thereon, nii.l.-r the
provisions of the act of June H, ls7s, and act
amendatory, known as the "Timber and Htotis
,iw," al such value as might lie flxsd by ap
praisement, and that, pursiisnt to aiirh appli
cation, the land and Umber thereon have been
appraised, the timlier estimated lU'M'"' board
feel at ..'in per M. and the land I0 ..; thai sil'l j
aiipllesnt will offer final prd in support of
his application and sworn statement on Hi
Jlh day of June, l'.HO, lielore Wsrrcn Brown, i
county clerk at his office, at Prineville, Ore
gon. I
Any person is at liberty tu protest this pur-1
chase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any ;
time before patent Issues, by filing a corrolsir-1
ated affidavit In this office, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
4-7 C. W.MOORE. Register.
aaaaa. wa
Belgian Stallion
p Will make three stands during the
season of 1910.
5j? Monday and Tuesday at Powell Buttes.
it Wednesday and Thursday at T. Sharp's
g ranch on Crooked River.
Friday and Saturday at Redmond.
?S Season begins May 1st and ends August 1st.
Should anyone wish to breed prior to that time the
(I) horse will be at the ranch of H. A. Myers.
1 H. A. Myers & Co.
Post Office Box 27
Si lit ..
25,000 Roll
if aiiws
New Wall Paper
We are also showing a fine new line just arrived of
Mattresses and Go-Carts