The most complete line of Farm Machinery in the County Complete line AH Size and Style Wood Frame Harrows Spring Tooth ! arrows Superior Crain Drills Fanning Mills & Baggers The well known Oliver and Canton Flows in walking, sulky and gang In an effort to keep pace with the many improvements in agricultural machinery, we " are introducing every season new types of implements that have been tried and found to materially increase the yield of the soil in other sections similar to ours. This year we offer the Canton Alfalfa Harrow and a big assortment of Land Packers. In packers we have the Dunham for light, sandy soil and the Campbell for heavier soil These packers , are designed to conserve the moisture and to obtain the proper proportion of air and moisture in the ground and thus increase yield CALL AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO SHOW Complete Line All Sizes and Styles Peg Tooth Harrows : Disc Harrows Wagon Scales i ' , ; Feed Grinders ; We are always pleased to show you the goods whether you buy, or not The W. F. King Company, Praieyille, Oregon LOCAL MENTION M. It. nilott baa ordered n new Ovrrinnd twr. John WIkIo ret units! Niuidny with lit now Ovrriniul. Arther WunwiMIt linn rrturnml from IiIh trip to IVrthuid. Clin. ClirlMtlrth) wlfo were In the t-ity tint flrwt ul tht wrrk. Walter Foster cmn In Sutunlity with lit nrw mmliliit a Marian 1' I.vt. llerltert Hnwley ciime down from , liU ranch til 1'iitiltiia Motidny and will apend the week lu town. Mr, lirorgr ItuwH'll rniup In from TiU'iiinit liut wwk to Jolu her hu l.nntl, who mently urvhned the ( Wnin Huilth lwt. II. K. Joii.n ciune In from Khitnlko Miit hroiiKht with lit nt Ills mottirr n ml nephew who hid k'Ii to live lth lit in. Mr. Wymer ulno came out with them. Tln Indie Annex will entcrtntn at BOO tomorrow evening. Mr. Onrar Hyde. Mm. M. It. Elliott and Minn rterthn Hnldwln nre th member of the commit ttr that have clinrRu of the n..nlr. Tiny nre preparing for a lnrtfo attend unco. At a meeting of the I.ikIIih Annex IttMt week, Mm. Klkln Htrwnrt wb elerted prmldi'iit: Mr, tleorire Ktork maun, vlee-irvddeiit and Mr. C. M. Klkln treasurer. Finance Commit tee Mm. fieo. Storkiiiimn, chulr man; Mm. a M. Klklim. Mm. J. II. HiwulMTtf. Meiubendilp committee Mr. (In). Storkmanu chalrtnnn, Mr, Ottcnr Hyde and MIm liertha Hnldwln. Mm. D. F. Stewart, the president, will entertain the club at the next meeting. ' X V : a w m ' immv H . I - Ml' ,. iPACIFlttioRSE 1 il prentred exprwsly for the need 4 horaetuen and ranchmen. It la a powerful and nenetratinfj lini ment, remedy fur emerencfe. toothing embrocation fur the relief of pnin, ami the bent liniment for ipraiim and xireneM, i Unequalled fur )ieling wound! tnd injuries cans! hy BART1RD WIRK and for all cut and bruises. Pacific Horae Liniment i fully jfiinrnntecd. No other i ao good or helpful in to many waya. If it full to satisfy, we author ize nil dealers to refund the purchase price, Extra large bottles 8 0 Cents. UovT CiiRMtCAl, Co. Portland, Ore. For sale by Templeton & Son I'd Oerow hit a aevero attack of lung fever. Mm. A. ft. Ireland to on the sick lint thle week. Mr. and Mm. Joe Llater came In from Paulina last Tueaday. Dr. Cllne from Lower Bridge I a County Heat visitor thi week. Wm. Jacob of Paulina, wni a 1'rlnevllle vhtltor the flmt of the week. Circuit Court convenes Monday. May 2. County Court Wednesday, May 4. Ir. IkOknap waa callet! to Mudd Hprlnga Monday to atu-nd (ieorge Lytle who to quite III. I'leaHiintMllllornand wlfeof Burns are vUltlng relatives In town. Ilia father and mother live on Hear creek. MIm Hut tie Qulnn of O'Nell baa come to I'linevllle to remain Indefi nitely. 8he will be with Mm. rick ett The county clerk ha lanued a niarrtnge lli-eime the flmt of the week to Mary Scott of Sl tern and Hyde It. Otot of Utot M. 8. Mayfleld returcel from Rhanl ko Sut unlay where he shipped 200 head of beef cattle to the Union Stock yards of Portland. Thomna Hoover has sold hi farm, consisting of 1 0 acres, to Josluh Wlll lam for $9,000- The place to a good one and Mr. William got bargain. A shipment of steers brought $7.10 a hundred at the I'nlon Stock Tarda, Portland lust week. They averagnd U:iO pound. Speyed belter sold for lil.R0. Mm. Emerson of Hood Ulver, daughter of F. K. Broalus, and Mia X. Waybrlght, of Lincoln, Neb., a niece of Mr. Broelua, are vlsltlug In Prlnevllle. The bandaome appearance of the courthouse lawn epeak well for the care and 'attention given It. by the janitor. It ns set loot fall to blue griia and clover and thla uprli g there to a good heavy sod. Water and cultivation did It, any Mr. Clow. MIm Maude Newblll of Grlixly and Mr, Frank Long of Prinevllle were married lout Sunday at 2 o'clock at the home of the bride' pareutaMr. and Mr. Cnaper Newblll at Grbuly, Iti'v. Wlltoe of Lftinouta ofttclatlng. Relatives of the contracting partle and a few friend wltnetiaed the happy event. Mr. Long and hi bride are busy receiving congratulation. They will make their home In Trine vllle. W. H. Arnold of Chattanooga, Tonn., will arrive this week to vtoit hi daughter, Mr. F. J Lively.-, Mr. Arnold has been superintendent of the Chattanooga Car & Fouuder Co., of which H. Clay Evans, ex-post-ninster general of the United Rtate, laprealdeut, for over twenty yean and only resigned bla position a tew week ago with a view to visiting and probably locating In thi part of the Oregon country. Mr. Arnold will lie followed later by hi daughter and son. ' Local juention Mis Elsie Ulrdsong to vUltlng In town thi week. Uolert Cram to In from Trout creek visiting relative. Henry Edward of Powell Uuttes, wa la the city Tuesday. j Mis Iielva Templeton to borne from Portland on a vlnlt. M. E. Roger of Bend, was a couuty sent visitor Monday. J. M. Elliott from Crooked river, wa a Prlnevllle visitor Monday. Bend and Prlnevllle will crux hnt at the latter place Sunday April 17. Mm. Cary Fterk'ft Tuesday for a 6-week visit at her old home In Walla Walla, Wash. Harry Elliott left the flmt of the week for Klamath Fall, lie will bring out eome cattle for 7.. M. Brown. Mr. and Mr. Bundy and faintly of Indiana have moved to Prlnevllle to locate permanently. Mr. Bundy to an experienced uiochlnest. He will work iu the Hudson garage. Cm H. Congleton, forest ranger In this district, left Wednesday for Re public, Wash., on special work cou uected with the department. . He will lie atiacnt until about next Christ ma. Mm. F. B. Mllllorn entertained the 500 Club last Friday. Mm. Lieorge Storkman wa again victorious If her luck hold out she will have quite a collection of hand painted china. Mm. Haner will entertain the Club a week from tomorrow. The Ladles Aid and Mission Society of the First Baptl st Church will hold a aale and Ice cream social on May 4 at some place to he announced Inter. Aprou. fancy article, etc., will lie on sale, .Will open la the utteruoou and continue In the evening. Regular services will lie held at the Union church Sunday, morning and evening. Preaching by the pastor of the Church of Christ. Subject for morning, "Three Volumes." For the evening, "Conversion." All are Invited.; C. T. Radford, Piwtor. At the Presbyterian Church next Sunday, April 17, 1910. The evening service will be thirty minutes later. Christian Endeavor will be at 7 p.m. Instead of 6:30 p.m. a formerly, and preaching service will be at 8 p.m. In stead of 7:30 p.m. ThtHBchixlule will run through the summer mouths. The subject for morning will be the "Brevity of Life." Evening theme, "Law of Harvest." At the Flmt Methodist "church for Suuday the 17th. Subject for the morning service will be, "The Work : of John the Baptist." The one for the evening will be the second talk on "Bunyau'g Pilgrim's Progress." Good music at both services. ,4A welcome to all. The church Is t wo block east of the Prlnevllle Hotel. Strangers are invited to worship with us. J.D. Lewellen. ! Grover Price wa In Tuesday from hi boiiiejiear Barne. Alex. Smith of Sisters, was In the i city on business yesterday. j Bid well Cram of Hhanlko, waa a bushiest visitor In town Friday. Irwin D. Busey and wife of O'Nell, were PrluevllleVtoltor Tuesday. j Ike Mill of Paulina wo a county i seat visitor the flmt of the week. Mr. and Mm. (ieorge Taylor of Bear creek weceFrine vllle visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Oscar Prose started Wednes day for Wisconsin, to visit relative. HerlK-rt Whltsett wo In town Tuesday from hi home near Mad ras. Tom Miller of Pauling was a busl new visitor in town the hist of the week. Marlun Taylor and wife came In Sunday from their home on Newsom Creek. Mr. and Mm. J. L Jones came In yesterday from their home at Powell Buttes. Bruce Balfour wa In the city Wtfdnesdny from hi home at Paulina. Handera Logan and' on Otto, of Barnes, are buslnes visitor in Prlnevllle this week. Charles Montgomery started Saturday for Fall river where he will work this summer. Clarence Ferguson and Ira Cox or Bear Creek, were business visitor in the city Wednesday. Mr. aud Mm. O. P. Alllngham of Lower Bridge, were business visitor In Prlnevllle Wednesday. Ferry Long ho Bold h' soft drink Joint to Walter Snodderly. The change wa made last week. Miss Lora Steams finished a three month term of school In the John son Creek district last Friday. . F. D. Dibble of IUley. Harney couuty passed through Prlnevllle today from Portland with a new Cadillac 30. Mrs. Emily G. Dougal and Miss Matilda McCrudden of Lamonta, were iu town on bulsness Tuesday. Charles Hiudman and wife passed through towu Saturday on their way home at Sisters, after several months sojourn In Portland. Dick Rhody started Monday for Silver Ijfike with several head of thoroughbread cattle, which he Is taking over for Hayes Brothers. Mr. and Mm. George Ferris of Salt Creek, came to Prlnevllle the first of the week. They will work on S. S. Stearns' ruuch ou Crooked river this summer. , Dr. J. H. Rosenberg and William Young were appointed delegates to Grand Camp of the Woodmen of the World, which will be held at Baker City May 18, 1U10." Mrs. Kamstra, wife of L-Kamstra, died at 8:20 o'cl6ck this morning. She had leeu suffering for sometime past. Beside a husbaud; and baby, she leave a mother, two brother and a sister to mourn her death. The funeral will be held Friday at 2 p. m., from the Methodist church. LOCAL MENTION Ralph Jorden left for Portland the flmt of the week. . , Jamea Rice of Hay creek waa a busl nes visitor Tueaday, G. W. Jonea came In lat Friday from hi home at Powell Butte. Mis Jissle .Hartley Mt today for the Paulina country to fi!e on a desert claim. Dr. Spanldlng ha gone to Portland on a buslnes trip. He will be away tor two or three week. Mike Mayfleld of Juniper Canyon, waa a buslnes visitor Iu t town Saturday. Mr. and Mm. Logan McPberaon of Powell Butte, were visitors In the city last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blrdaongof Puullno, were buslnes visitors In town last Friday. John Houston and grandson. Arthur came In from their come at Bear Creek Monday. ' ' Mm. Mary E. Bennett, Lew Ben nett and Mis Jessie M. Bennett of Barnes, were in town on business Tuesday. t Miss Lottie . Montgomery went bock to her school at LalJlaw Sun day, after a few days' vhilt with rela tives In Prlnevllle. . Mr. and Mrs. William Balfour, who have been In the city the past two week, returned to their hbme ' at Howard yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Montgomery j returned Sunday from Portland. j Jimmy Mofllt wa In Saturday j from hi borne at Powell Butte. Selwln Montgomery of Lower Crooked river, was In town Sunday. Johrt Nelson finished bl contract on the Highland ditch Wednesday. v Piano For Sale, i A 473 Cambridge Ifers A Pond plane. Roaewood case, in excellent condition, tor Inquire at Journal ottic or of Mar(?aria V. Brink. 3-17 If For Sale or Rent , S-rnom honie and Wn; two lot; water, electric light, tctephuoe; lo two other Ion and barn: btw aboard. Apply to. 11. Detore, or M. R. Elliott. 4-7-2p There Are -Two Classes of Investors ONE KIND This kind makes most money. He invests in farm lands and city property while prices are low. Every advance in price is that much money in his pocket. ANOTHER KIND , This kind hesitates while prices advance higher end higher but he, too, finally buys, because the value of tbe investment actually forces him. Land Owners, Attention i If you wish to aetl and your property U reasonable, list with n. We are in touch with capital and am receiving many inquiries concerning raw and Improved farm lands in Central Oregon... , . , -. - , HENDERSON INVESTMENT CO. Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor Prineville, Oregon. Maker Creak Kaivee Scka.1 Seeks Caiera SepeUe Jewelry WaO fiaer D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Malic al httrwaeatt Maiais Unraej't Caaiiea ' Statieaery . Cifart Almond and Cucumber Cream Protects the Complexion. It prevents injury lo the lace and hands if applied before exposure to the sun wind and weather. When not so used it promptly relieves all distressing conditions of the skin if applied on returning indoors. ALMOND AND CUCUMBER CREAM is not a greasy preparation, and does not resemble the paste form creams and cosmetics. It is aure antiseptic lotion, possessing remarkable cleansing' and healing "properties that have been used and tested for years by the highest society ladies of the land. It will give the most gratifying results in softening rough, dry or irritated kin resulting from any cause. For chapping, chafing and eruptive conditions Almond and Cucumber Cream will bring speedy relief, making the skin smooth, clear and healthy. Best for papa, best for mamma, best for baby. PRICE FIFTY CENTS. , r . , ; Dl?. Adamsonr& Co. DRUGGISTS s Ota GROCERIES i HARDWARE J. E STEWART & GOIWOT DRY GOODS . SHOES Oean SLimmlnf Easy Running Long Wearing m ?r . - mm wm THE NAME UNITED STATES SEPARATOR U all the f uarantee neceaaary when buying a 1909 Model U. S. Cream Separator. You can't be half as particular about the material, workmanship and durability as the makers of the United States Separators are. The 1909 Model United States Cream Sep arators have anller bowlt than ever before and every separator Is Thoroughly Tested Ipavlntr the fartorv. It is the motto of the manufacturers not to see how cheap the U. S. can be made, but how strong ana everuuungiy uuiu.s j"""--"'- W know me w.s.uic(imi" ................. r- , . .... , . n Lnnu it C nil and examine the. rpHnfi 1 uiiii wc nuiiv ' ' ' 1909 Model United State Cream Separator. ,j Milk Cant, Cream Cana and Everything for the Dairy. FT m. M m GROCERIES! GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Hams and Bacon STEWART Brand of home-cured meats are now on the market. Too well known to need any recommendation. . I GROCERIES! GROCERIES! GROCERIES! A Directoire Model for short, full figures. Long below the waist with low full bust. White Sateen. We have - just received a new supply of corsets. Call and inspect them. I V