7 - - . - - -- P' ... ..,.... . - ----- - 1 A Good Butine. for Sale. A kkm1 w ll-tiliW(l wood mi City Meat Market Have You Ever Thought nml outflt. Hit h. . (t' (In; inwril 3mmi rrU ol wood liint yenr. Will mill iN-ratim fcl nrt'KM-ni whh'h ri'mli'in ine unnnm 10 rniiiiiuir the work. Cull on II U Moim. 1 I. W. Horigan. Proprietor I'rliiev.l.e, Vre. For Sale. L I - .Ua ami,!! hors Hair irlllllfls? ! Beef, Pork, Mutton, Wholesale and About corning arven, bout 1U"0 llr. (Umh, road animal. Nery. rl, but gentle. Net mean, never Duck., win nm m-n ntt" aill, blanket ami bridle, Renltjr Ix velo'iitieut Co. 10 Adamant! lilwk. Trine Title. March 17, l'JIU. U. Retail Spokane? A prospective settler has the following property which he values altogether at $20,000 and is willing to trade for property of equal value in Central Oregon: On Seven-Room Modern Hoiue, io Fpokann, lw In, goo,! location. Hou.. well built with flrepluof, bnam ceiling, minion finish, built-in bookesM. china cliMet, Urge bath room ana pantry, large barriuent. I an tlejant home. One Five-Room Modern College, tn Spokane-, gray brick artUtlcallr flnbhed; two more large rooK can be flnitbed uUIm. Thla We will bear inspection and la a good 1 one in a good location. One Four-Room Modem CotUge, just ouUiJa the mile and a ball circle in the beat , residence diatrict of Bpwkane. Tbi ia a good rental property or cory little hpme. Ten Acre of Irrigated Land near Kennewick. Wwh , in the lamoue fruit belt. Ten Acrea Irrigated Land in the fuw Ppoktn. Valley t (.reenters-, ' f Does This Interest You? Investigate the merits of Spokane, the power city, and if you have $20,000 worth of Central Oregon property that you want to sell and move to a more salubrious climate, come in and talk to us about this proposition. If this does not suit you we can perhaps get you another trade of another kind at another price. WE ARE SELLING THE OTHER MAN'S FARM LET US SELL YOURS. Egg for Hatching. Krom rte-lntilnf Khode lltnil ll4; 1HT M-UIK. Apply to l larwiHSJ V, Rice, J'rlnetille. Or. SUMmp 640 ACKK8, 4 nilleafrom I'rine- ville. Improved. 140 cre under plow. Mring water: Address DoiHl, 1'niieville, Or Wood Wanted. I sm harvbv dlm-lrd be I he Count Court fCnwk tvmnl', Orttfm. loB4vrUA lor W curdAejf (nod nolld iunlper or body pine eord- wcmxi. to u UellverHa ana pitvn nt iiwur i.u.m u folUitm: U0 aurda At tlie rear of the w.tirt hrniK l.iillilln. and M ord on tue l,ih ,1 lot: Millra amount to be delivered on or prior o Hi piemtier 1, ll. nrt re atMrv right to rviwl ear or all bid.. Hid. munt be Bled wllh county clerk on or before p, Dl. A rril '. Professional Cards, J. S. I OX Room 10. AJatnaon 81k, Prineville, Or. rUBUC STENOCRAPKEK AND BOOlKEEm Agent lor Royal lilandard k Smith Premier Tjrpewrlter Ckmt. J. ejwmrl, Jf. P. 33tlknmf, Belknap d 6 d ward 9 . !PAfi4an mm -af Smiyms. Off Jfrtr Kl0f 6m mf 1tHmm't Prtm.wIU, ' Ortfi WADE HUSTON Surveyor lloaiuctfad locations a "pecialty PrirtavilU, .... Oregor r nMBSaVSSsri aWHaaaHaVHial 10-11-12.13 Adtmon Block Prineville, Oregon t JC. SRofAry (County fhjmiclan.) trm0 JSWwlB.ee rmmr si mm 9fmtm Jf. 7rin.mill: Vrf0. Mmm mm J Smryum Call Akiwiriii !bomftlv Dav ob Sun Orrici Oh uoob hovtm or amwoi i luoa itToaa. Both oRice an rJ i denoa telepbonea. Colonize Road Lands. OntliiutHt from page one. lido Kcttlcr at a fixed j rice. Din-cuH.-ing the liittory of the grant, Mr. Wood laid: HUlary tl Craal Tela. The land grant wn made to the tate ol Oregon by the United Btatea by act of Congress in IStto, upon the tole condition that a wagon toad be constructed acrots the Cascade mountains irom near Albany and across the ntate to its eastern boundary, the Snake river, via Harney Valley. The evidence of construction of the road was to he the governor of Oregon and Ciovernors Woods and Chadwiek, II respectively, certified that the road ami . a , I) u it been constructed. Upon these certificates the pres ent owners bought the land and if when in Cleveland's second ad 1 minielMtlon, a suit to forfeit the It grant was bought by the attorney f 'general on the ground that the road had never been properly constructed, the circuit court for tho dintrict of Oregon, commencing with Judge Deady and ending with Judge Gilbert, decided that in fact the road had been built sufficiently well according to the rugged and pioneer custom of the country and i also deoided that it was immateri I al whether the road had actually ; been constructed according to the Uerms of the grant or not, because the granting act of Congress itself mude the governors' certificates conclusive evidence upon this point, and that purchasers had a right to rely on these certificates, and that, therefore, the present owners were bona fide purchasers for value. ' ! Till Perfectly Clear. The contentions, on appeal, were upheld by the supreme court of the United States and Bince that time the present owners have held the title absolutely and without any condition or restriction what pver. There is no condition that they shall sell to any one, or at any vrice. In fact there is no condition whatever and they own the property tin fully and perfectly as any man owns the fee simple right to his fur in. The original grant was from the United States to the state of Ore gon, The state of Oregon then granted iu rights to the Willam ette Valley & Cascade Mountain Wagon Road Company, which sold to the present owners, although there have been several convey ances of title among themselves. This grant was also peculiar in not being a grant in place, or, as in every other grant on the Pacific Coast, a Brant of every other section designated by the odd nam bers: but was a erant of three sections per mile of road as defi nitely located and constructed to be selected from odd numbered sections anywhere along the line of definite location and within 12 mile limits, being six miles .each side of the line of location. -Very Little af Gnat SeM. Under this method of filing the grant, it finally amounted to 863,- 000 acres, of which, from the time of the original grant (1865) about 75,000 acres has been'sold, leaving in round numbers about 790,000 acres and no timber has ever been sold. ' .. ' The policy of the owners of the grant in refusing to make sales has sometimes been criticised, but in the first place nobody really de sirous of. making a home has ever been refused a location if it could not be found on the governmeat sections. In the second place, the owners have paid many thousands of dollars every year into the state treasury as taxes and the natural demands for schools, churohe, lodges, cemeteries, etc., have been met by donation. Wherever a townsite was demanded, it has been created and the lots freely of fered for sale. The wisdom of holding the grant intact is now demonstrated from tho fact that every buyer who has Investigated the grant has made it a determin ing point to know whether the grant has been skimmed off or de pletcd of its best property. The Awakening of Crook County. Oh, thingt are sure a doing In tliii long DPglected laud And developments are brewing Now the railroad's took a hand. From Shaniko to Prinvville, From Biggs right up to Bend, - The proepecU are dura Sue, Bill, For prosperity without end. Yes, you bet your bottom dollar , The country'! on the go, And the "knocker'a" ceased to hollar Cos now he's got no show. All the real estate 'i a-cllmbing While the settler's juinpin' In, With the first Investors' tmiliux And locators on the grin 1 Some are sleeping on the tables, Borne are dozing agin' the wall, All are eating where they're able, Or they're eating not at all. For now the railroad'! coming, Crook County's ou the boom, And the homesteaders are running To get in while there's room. It's the end of open ranges,, v. The b rones an4 wild (usxy tails, For we'll see some startling changes When they lay them Iron rails. . All the sage'U be plowed under, They'll tame the branded steer, s,n say I l snoulun t wonder, ' I( they kicked about near beer. For that! how progress worki Its way, Mixing the whole blamed pack, So take a hunch, if you want to stay And look to the front, not tack. Swap your grouch for a nice town lot That lies near the railroad line. An' mighty soon (if you picket therigh ' spot) ; V You'll own a young gold mine. So if you want to toe a land Where things is moving quick, . An like perhaps to take a hand - For to turn a right good trick, Just you pull your freight a-humming In on the Shaniko stage To the land where the railroad's coming The land that's all the rage. For Sale. A' good stock ranch; dairy ranch and 250 acrea of good timber. Dairy stock govs with the ranch. For particulars addres J. H. ZKVELY, Howard. Ore. 8-24 2m Patients Received. Persons . needins hosuital accommo dationa can tind them at my home. - I am prepared to care for patient, or lmtieiitH mar employ tllt'lr own nurtiea. Maternity cases may expect spei-iul attention. iii!d Mas. P. B. PoiNmsxTKR V. A. BELL FRANK MENEFEE Lawyers The Dalle Oregon G. L. BERNIER Attomey-at-Law Will practice in all the Courts, Office next door k) Dr. Roanberf's, Prtuevllle, Oregon. C. $2rink " '" " ' ' jCawytr jf ttrt, irrimtwll, , Ortjrtm. j(ttwrnf-mt-jCmm Prfmimttli, S?at Cstat Office with Geo. W. Barnes n ! V - n . f (': I i If THE UTILITY MSBBBBHSaW aMSBHSBaBBBBBBBBBBBBtaBBWSMa COAT The low? coat Is finding great favor thla spring. And why shouldn't it? It's made of so many at tractive materials and fills so many wants. The light weight Pongee, Tussah silks and similar materials daintily trimmed make Ideal evening wraps or traveling coats. - In light mlxtores It Is an atl around eoat for all weathers, stylish on all oc casHlons splendid motor coat or for general utility Very reasonable In price. Clifton & Cornett PRINEVILLE, OREGON All Kinds of Sausage Nice and Fresh Home Cured Bacon - and I Lard. Fish'and Poultry in Season. Butter and Eggs. Give us a call and we will save you money. H LJ 63 J 63 t J LJ PI .3 tJ r.i ca n- ca ca Seneral ffilacksmithing rsiIiaikiiiJsaaaiyaiuyaBaWwiiatiiiiw- U'.e LJ 61 Mi C"l U J ft 3 MA C.3 Lj tVl I. J r.3 LJ El LJ t.1 Hok8E8hoeixo, Wood Work, etc, Neatly and Promptly Doke Whes it n Dork Bt : : ; ca I .'jyiAf V-a-i I 3 53 J 53 63 53 ca r.a ca r13"ei Gadtbu caiaui3aa:utUai.UaiaiUMia f auaiMomiwauiaimKUuuniMUtm Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed . J C3 tiJ E3 C J B3 LJ r.3 Peiskville, Oregon. Trade at Home! We greatly appreciate home trade and know all would be benefited by spending your mon ey at home. Catalogue houses never helped your eon, daughter or neighbor, they do not pay taxes in your community nor support your schools or churches. YOUR HOME MERCHANT DOES. If you will add freight or postage, then compa.e quality with our goods we will meet the catalogue houses every time. Yours for home trade, ROBERT SMITH, ; General Merckandia. Sisters, - Oregon. jp B3B3B3 1? Kir3r3mi53B3 rsm wsyuaea it l jlului. ji.jlu .ljl j ; ca 3 JJ 5.3 GERMAN COACH STALLION 13 CJ ir ca 33 r.3 CJ '33 S3 !3 v J 03 ca 53 r?B3B"ri3f3nB3r3r3r;3r3r3 r.3 LJ r.3 L J E3 E J F53 C J C3 LJ B3 LJ n L J K3 LJ E3 L J tl LJ r.3 LJ 1 Lubin's Choice AT HAMILTON STABLES Owned by W. R. Breese Service Single, $10.00 Season, $15.00. T Iniure, $20.00. 03B3E3tBB3B3rJ'9JH3B33333B3r3r1!3B3B3B3B3B3r3Bi3B313B3a!3r5 3 6ataa.a8aiuJiijacacjiiaeasai2aa IF YOU HAVE $1500 TO $4000 TO INVEST IN AN AUTOMOBILE AND A BALANCE FOR MAINTENANCE Buy a FORD Touring Car With all the eqnipment on it for SI 050 f. o. b. Portland! and invest the balance in real estate and give to charity the differ ence in maintenance. What you get for $1050 is a car equal Colonist Rates bREGONara Great Northwest The manag-emont or the Orr-ion Rail road & Navigation Co. take treat pleasure In announcing that the low rales from Eastern cities, wulcn hava done so much lu past seasons to slim. ulate travel to and nettlement In Oregon, will prevail agitln this Spring DAILY from March 1 to April 14. Inclusive. PEOPLE OF OREGON Automobiles STODDARD DAYTONS REOS and MITCHELLS The three best moderate priced ca:s on the market. If you contemplate baying a car do not fail to see us as we -can give you more real value for your money than any other agency in Crook county. New Shop and Garage just north of Ochoco Bridge. DR. J. E. MARSH Rooms 16 and 17 Adamson Block (Over post office) EASE for all dis-EASE Demonstrator of Psychology Power of Mind The railroads have dona their part; now It's up to you. The colonist rate la the greatest of all horae-bulldera. Do nil you cau to let Eastern people know about It, and encourage them to come hero, where land ts cheap and hoine-butldlng easy and attractive. Fares Can Be Prepaid at home If desired. Any agent of the road named la authorised to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point In the East. Remember tha Rates From Chica go, $83; from St. Louis, S12; from Omaha and Kanaaa City, 25. Thla reduction U proportionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY Canral Ptangr Agent Portland, Oregon E. G. Hodson, Colonel F. Smith, AGENTS PRINEVILLE, OR. in every way except in weight to $4000 proposition and a car that will take you 25 miles on one gallon of gasoline. Equipment Top, Ga Latapa, Generator, Magneto, Two Side Oil Lamps' Tail Lamp, Tube Horn, Wind Shield and Speedometer. Demonstration at your convenience. C L SHATTUCK, PRINEVILLE, OR. Agent for Crook County. A FINE LINE OF JEWELRY Some of the newest things out. Come and we the smallest lady's watch made In the Tnitod States. We carry a choice line tor both ladles and gentlemeo. L. Kamstra ELKINS STORE PRINEVILLE, OR. STEVENS NEW VISIBLE LOADING REPEATING RIFLE NO. 70 . The most accurate .23 Caliber Repeating Rifle made. Two models, one made for .33 short, the ot her for .3i long rule eartridges. Handles 15 .23 short cartridges, which are alwaya in sight being fed into eham'Kr. For the M long rille, U onrtridires, Weight i4 pounds. Extra strong double extractors. THE STEVENS No. K REPEATER is absolutely guaranteed and gives uni versal satist action. fitted with bead front and sporting rear signta. itst Price S9M Semi us thirty cent fVl estkompleteFtrearra v ii Fyi Catelotf and Dan iffi Herd's innosely &Wirr interesMni And in stractivo one hundred 7 Pire boolc, entitled "GunA Hardwire And Spotting Goods I'ciisn everywnere csrry In stock. If vcu cannot olitaib. we will ship direct, express prepAid, upoa STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P. a Bei son CHICOfEE FALLS, MASS. MM . Ki El CI t J C3 on LJ r.3 CJ C3 LJ r.3 CJ r.3 tj r3 ti B3 li'J C3 C3 ca ca ca CJ 153 ca The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIloloE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season W.J. SMELZER, Proprietor R3 CJ tva LJ ca CJ ca c J ca CJ r,a CJ r.a CJ raa ca mm ca K3 CJ r.a CJ C3 ca r.a SJ-J ca ca r.a CJ CJ BiatalSUtaUBUIUtsUIUIa1U ((2a)(a)CCS)Jj 9 9 THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent I