Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 07, 1910, Image 6

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    nTr?? front wheel .truck the ditch.
j toppling over tlie car. The wheel
was buckled and the axlo badly
'Writ. Hut for tit top the car
! wouM have turned turtle on it
j occupant.'
I In ti e auto were 1. II. urn of
jtJreshatn, William Urcwn of ItonJ,
and the driver, J. A. Jonea of Tort
land. Tlie car ia the property of
the White Automobile Company
I of Porl'and.
we 'Are
in this store. Come and see the veritable feast of
bargains in fine wearing apparel for men, women and
children we have prepared for you. If you Relieve
that a penny saved is two cents eamedf come here
and save many. Remember the saving is hot at a
sacrafice of quality. You will appreciate that the
minute you see the wonderful bargains we are
offering. Below we quote a few of the many: money
saving values to be had here:
Corset Covers. 25 cent value 15c
White Petticoats, $1.25 tallies 85c
White Petticoat, $1.75 valuea . . .$1.25
Waitress Aprons, 50c . . '.j 35c
White Gowns, $1.50 Talnes. .$1.00
White Tailormade Waists, $1.50 values. ; .$1.00
Linen Skirts, $3.00 value.... ...$1.75
Kimonas (long), $1.95 value $1.25
Kimona, (short), $1.50 values .75c
The Place for Real Bargains
1 Villain' Teeth.
Tbe two tots or talse teeth looked
Just alike, but oue net coat HO more
limn the other. "There la a lot ot
extra work ou (boa ei penal re teeth.,"
aaM tbe dentist, "Ibey are made for
ao artor who aiwnya piay the part o(
heavy vllhtlu tu melodrama, aud be
bua to have teotfi that be rau blsa
with. I eiHniueotea on three ttif-
j ferent acta ol teeth before I got tbe
combination. Somehow the nice, even
1Mb that ; usually turn out wouidu't
xruiU tbe athlltitit 'a-esea' t hut be
deols la to mt with ultlrlcut eo
om. Ion wouidu't believe bow much
tinkering It lake to Ik-k teetU luto
aim e for the 'adenitis' aud od"e
bloods' to totiud Just tight. Of alt tbe
people ever made teeth for the hoary
Binge vlllitlu is burdeat to Ut." New
Vork t "rosj.
Report f the Condition
rllle, In th uit of oregou, at Ih via ot
buhica )Uh h , tuirt:
I..whu.1 dlcotint tlofi.M 1, aecurvd u. uiimcuivhI,. IWI 4
Baud, aocurllloa, ie y dm M
Hanking houae, furniture ami tUturv t.tM VI
rtlhor real Milt owned 6..VW IK)
ltl truin bank (not rrr.r bank), l.W l
tin from approva morn bank.,,. Ite.gjJ
rheckiaud mhir nli Item., WW
("h on hand., , U.U! in
Espeiiiv ,4 H
TuUl tM.t uj
Capital aim k paid In M .me ou
siirplua ron.t a.voo l
t'ndlvhled profit, ten iiH-itMt mnt
lae (Hllil ,,,,, , to
Iu to hank ami banker .Mu to
Individual depoalta ulJm-t lorlietk. IW.IM 40
tk-oiaud cerllftcale ot depualt,,.,,, , Win
Tina certificate of dcpoall i.wft j
Caahler' check outaiamllug. t,uuew
Male dcpoatla.
.W1 U
What la a Cntltma,nT
1 II have to give you tue rwtl dednl
tloo ol a real Bcuilemno: "A mao
that's cloau Inside and out; wbo ueltber
looks up tu the rich nor djwu ou tbe
poor; wbo run lose without cuoullng
aud who rau wlu without brupettic;
who la coiiHldvrMle of women, rhll
dreu aud old people; who la too bra re
to lie, loo lU'iiemus to cheat aud who
takes bin share of the world mid leta
other people have their." Nt-w Vork
Big Touring Car
' Spills Occupants
What might have been a serious
automobile accident was narrowly
averted Saturday noon just outside
of the city limits, when a big White
steamer turned over on its side,
braising and scratching its oc
cupants but not otherwise injuring
It was at the dinner hour when
two big touring cars passed through
Prineville at a pretty good clip
bound for Shaniko with a party of
Portland real estate men. It was
raining, or snowing rather, at the
time, which made the going very
slippery. On reaching the out
skirts of town, about a hundred
yards north of the Hester feed
stables the roadway narrows to a
single track, with qoiteatteep em
bankment. It was at this point
that the car skidded and the left
Ha W.a Wiaa.
"It aeenm queer thnt a be ever look
a faury to him. tie isu't at all the
kind ot inuu one would expevt ber to
"I know.' but be a!wnya had a way
ot notk-luit It when she hiippened to
hare ou a new hat or a gowu that bad
Ju"t route from the drvtuumker a."
Chicago Kecord llewld.
Tommy'a Queation.
Toiomy-i'upa. when a Ihliuj la
boiifiht it nor to the bu.vir. dmun t It?
Tommy's Phmi-Yw. my son. Tommy
-Then how Is it that wbeu you buy
tout It gtH-a to the cellar
Total I.'.VU.'O Ul
Stalv ot Ur.-fon. County ol Crook, aa:
I.C. M. Klklna raM.r ot iha auovo-uamnl
tmuk, ilo aoU'iunly ixi'nr Dial llm aom
hk'iiI la Iruo to Ilia bwi ol nijr kiwolnlaw u.
bhil. c.M KkKika,'aliWr.
Sulwrllv-.t an-t aatoru to uvoro me nil. aid
ila. ol April, I'.'iO M K. Ki i M'lT.
Solar f ubilv,
t'ormjt-Attwit: ti. M. n-rr,
W. . Booth,
Natic al Oiaaaiatiaa f Partaaraaip.
Nolltv U hrrvl.y vva that Iha parliivralilfi
nrrvuMorw vximilia iKIWwn Otira r. MiTfc
un aiul Khnvr F. lUooinlti'ltl ol ISiwvll lluilc,
CrtMik muul.v. (itmiiit, oiutur Ilia arm naniaol
Hn kmall . UlounllU'lit. baa hrn lhl it;, i,j
mutual ninwui, diMolml, Kliurr K. Hloom n-ttriiif. All aciimnu ilua lit Itnn an
.ll... io t.-rg K. Bii kmn, ami all tlabtll
lira ot al.l Hrni will bn .hi by him.
I'olvil IhU joili day ol Uarvh, Into.
H M Onora K. H'H'kmati,
Klmar K. llloututtulil.
Timber Qaim for Sale.
flood tlmbt-r rlalm for tale on the Mo
Kay; near J'nnerille: will be told chi-ap If
taken at once. Adttrvat t. A. I'roae,
l'riiiivtlle, Ureiroii. J-lOinp
Pine Washing Article for Sale.
I hara l'vntivarath Air ul. Pvt.. hv.
packaiif : can lie hat at ntr Itouaa on the
nnrilt i.te of the Ot hoco. Si KS. PKA UL,
UKr.fc.UlMU. 3-10-Imp
Bull Calf for Sale.
Thoroughbred Jeraey rtull Calf for aula;
.arx enoiiKh fur aerviit; will aril for
Addmt T. '. McCalliatar.Pritieville. J 10
Removal Notice.
Dr. A. W. tiratrr raa moved hla ottlre
from the I'oiniiciler hotel to the oltlre one
ilnor north of the I'rica Pro, atore. mhvrt I
lie will be pleasril to meet all patient. VSif
"rriit rjt OfttlAL tATALOQ AND PRICC5
Intlieritvtilt Cmirt of the State of Ore
gon lr t'nmk t'ountv.
f. J, Newfimi, I'lainl'iir,
Adolph HimiwaMKvr and all olhera tn
tTMUit, IMi'tiilanU.
To Ailoili liinaaaitKi'r, the alv
nanml itrtemlattl and to all otlivra Itil. i
aatnl !
In the tin, no of the atata of OtTK'vn -You
are hcrehy i-iniiiiaiiiliH to aiiar
anil ati.a.T Ilia complaint Died actual
you In the aUivo eiitttlisl lull, on or Iwfor
HnnmlJav of Mae. 1111(1
ami If jr. ii tail u ao Mix-af or anawer taid
tHiiiiiilaiiit. tur want lliamif ll i,liinil
aill lcikaa Jitiluoiiiaiit and iln ri- aK'ttt
too tor in n'ltoi tiraytit for In ilia cum
lilalnt, tu wit:
r'or a decree of aald court forevat renin,
ina the cloud Ukmi tlie Ulullir lit la to
tn loiiowitiK ucacrtlinl iiremlM, to will
nciiiiinina at a point Stl tnt ram and IH
tivn hundml thfrtv Iwt north of ilmaw.
tion comer to beetiuna live, alt, thirty-one
aim uiinj-twa, on in lownaliln Una I
twern tiwmlili hnirtein and tiiWn
Miuth, aiul all lieina In Kaiiire ailteen eat
ot the Willainrtt MeHillan In Crook
County, ftttle of tlreiton, and runniiia
thence aoiilli, avventvnlne deitrre t,
i7 itt-, mence norin two numlreit reel;
Ihi'tn-e north. aevnty-nlne deitreea weat.
nitty feet and thence aoulli two hundred
feet to the nlace of IvKiuiiiiiR. That the
uvimiiiant Ailolnli llliiawaiiKer, and all
ueinonaflaiininK hr, (lin.uah and under
Mm lie foreTer lrrd and eatonped front
havinvor rlaimlint any rlitlit, title or In-
orrai in or to aain irenitiia or any pari
thereor, and that the plnintlir be decreed
to be tit ao.a ownrr lu fi-e aiiiiide of aald
premtaee free and clear trtun cloud or in.
cunibraiice, and for inch other and further
retirr a may aeeni nie-t to the court and
ul in the DremioM.
Thla huiiiuiona li puhlUtiad by onler of
the Hon. II. t). County Juilite of
viwk ouiii, riaie 01 iirviroii, maiiaanii
enteml the 'Jr.d day of Man h, 1D1 . in the
vrooa i ouniy journal, Mr aeven full
wevka noniuienciuK wllb the iue of
jiait'ti a.t, tuin,
bated and published Hrat time March M,
M. K. lllilSK,
Attorney for I'laintilt.
Conttat Notice.
rvpartmcnt of the Interior,
I'nitetl Mtate Land titliH.
The Uallea, On'piti, Kehruary li. ItltO.
A ultlcieut coiilolaltltlaTil having been
filed ill thta ortli-e by Ad K. Mow, eon.
I eat lit. aitKlnat liomeatead Kntry, No.
14171. mad May 2-.'. ItlUV nr8W, .Kw tlon
i. Townhlp IS riojth, Itang It rU..t.
Willamette Meridian, by
John M. Htewart, arceaard, t'ontrati-r.
In which It la alleged that anld John il,
Stewart died on or about March 13. llw;
that aluce iila death, hi lieira, Alice 8.
JoIiiimw, John M. Htewart, Marr 8,
Anderanti, William W. btewatt aud liulh
Itloom hare failed tn rralde upon, cultivate
or Improve the land In any way; that aald
ahaiiJonmetit waa not due to avrvicoa In
the army, navy or marine corpt of the
I'nited htntea III tltua of war.
Hold parties are hereby untitled to up
par, mHind, and oiler evidence touching
raid allegation at 10 o'clock a. ni. on April
I. lull". Ik-hire Warren llruwn, t'ountv
I'le-kCl hi olllce ill I'rtnrvit e Oregon,
and that Anal hearing will be held at lu
o'clock a. tn. on April H, HMD, hrfore the
Krginterand lierrivtr at the I! tilted Ktale
I jiii. I OrHee In The Dnllea, Oreiron.
Tbe aald coulealant having, In a proper
nttldavit. tiled Kehruary II, 11110 act forth
facta which ahow that alter due diligence
wronal aervlcea of lhl notice can nut tie
made, It la berehy ordered and tltrerted
that audi notice be given by due and
Jiropcr publication,
-ttp ('. W. MOO UK. Keglater.
In Iha l.unlv tourt oftbtHlale ofOroii
Air CriMik County
In ih mailer ottha aatale eflloharl Mow.
ilMaw.1, t'iiMi,
To Ha A. tVrrigan, atartln Arthur Howe,
Mnlvlii llolwrt Mowa, Maud Urahain and
MmIk'I Vi till, Ih holm at law ami or I ot kin
or.ul.l tli-.nKMil.anit toallollH-r tirlra un
known, and in all urrvui lult ralil In aald
eMlalc ariilugt
In ih mint of th a'al of Ora?on, you ar
lioit.hy rlld anil reqnlml to aeurar In Ih
r-piliity court of I he Into ol Oraim, fur Ilia
ouiiily ofCnaik, al Ilia May Utiii of aald
eourt, at Ih onurlnaiin lhrof In lb enumy
eourt houae, in Crtiifvllln, I'naik eouiHV,
Or.. in. on Monilay llietnd day of May, late,
alien o'liliM-h In Ih fnruMt of aalil dar.
llH-n and thrr to lmw nauiw. If any you
have, why an wont thould not b granted to
in aitnilnlmmlor of aald ali lo rl lb
bvriurir dracrllied ral proa-riy hetaHialug
lo ftahl ratal. llMt-rilird fflilluwa. lo-arll:
L Tlw norilial auarler oraarlloai avrulrr
ii in low i. ni twiv ni) aouia or rauia
ten tun K., W. it,
WIiiim.Ihi li.ia. If, C.RIIIa, udartti
al.l moiity iurl, Willi Ih aral of aald eourt
artlawt, tlilttll! day of Manh, vl.
al.l Cminlv Cli-tk,
Pf M- A. DeiglB, lwiuty.
Notice tor Fubllcatioa.
IK parlii.iMit of ih Inlarlor, IjiikI
Otlh-eat The Dallea, Oregon, March l&th,
Notice u hereby given thai
Joh Mattaon,
of Prlnavllle, Oiegon, who, on tMohrr
SAth, IWIT, made iloiuealea.1, (Hcrlal No.
0411,) No. lAita, for Ixile 1. , .. and 4.
Section D Tuwnahln 14 Mouth, Kange IA
Kat, Wllllametle Ma-I.llan. Iim tiled no.
lice of Intention to make Final eonmiu
taUou Trout, lo eatahlMi claim to the land
alwve di-acrilHxl, Iwfcre Warren llrowii.
County Clerk at Iila oloee, at 1'rlnavllie,
On gnn, on ih yuth day ol April, lulu.
Claimant nam a wltneaaea. Carl J.
undtilt. William iHawaon, OtUi Hor
re-on, Charlae It. Dlnwld.lia, all of I'riiie
Ttlle, Otegoii. U. W. MiKtKK.
S-'Jtp Hegtater.
Notice for rublkaUoit.
IVrtnieut of the Interior, C.W, Land
OthcealTh Dalle, Oregon, March Ifttli,
Notice U hereby given that
W iniani Nntlth,
ot I'rlnevllle, Oregou, who, on March 'Till,
IHU'i, made llouielad, (Serial No. UVi'.H.i
No. lU'.J. fur WW N WW, HK NWVi and
NH'U NKi., rlecllon U Town-hlp IS
SiiiiIi, Kange IS Kaat, Wllllamette Me.
ridlan, haa Hied notice of Intention to
make final live-year I'roul, to eaiabtlnh
claim to the land above deacrllied. Iielore
Warren llrown. County clerk al hiaottlce,
at rrinevtlle, Oregon, on tbe 3Utb day of
April, Itliu. .,
( lalniaut naniea aawitnaat John K.
Ilarria, Henry McCoy, William II. Until,
lieorge Turner, all of I'riueeill, Oregon,
.t-Jlp 0. W. MOOKK, Hcal.t.r.
Notice for I'tibllcatioo.
Ilcpaiiinrnt of Ih Interior,
U.S. 1-and Oinucal i lio Ih.llr. union,
IVltruary in, imo.
Notice I hvrebv glvrn thai
Jt-aln SI, lltmnett,
of llaraea. Orrson, who, on June llh,ltt.
maile liouiMU-aU (wrlal No. 0HrJ4. No. ISA,
Air eaat halt aoutliraal quarter, arollun tf.
norlheaal quarter norlheaal quarter amnion
37. and nnrlhwrat Quarter nnrthwral quarter
ecthiii iM, townahlp 18 aoutb. rana-e 1 nut,
W. MM baa tlli-it nolle of luletillim lomaka
Hnal Itva-year pnaif, Uie.ul.llsb cliilin lo th
land alnive deacrllied, liefora W arren llrown,
eminty elerk, at lil oltliw at I'rtnvvlll, Ure
gon. on th IJth day of April, IWIu.
I'hilmant nniea a wltneaaea: l,ewla W.
HenneUand U rover O.l'rlorof Km rniM. Ore
gon: "alter A. I anion and Walter T. Morrla
or I'oat, Orecon.
nei v, w Mookb. Ilea-Uter.
Hotice tor Pubtlcatloa.
epartioeiit of the Interior, I', ft. I -and
Oltlre at The Uallea, Oregon, March I .Hi,
Notice ta hereby glveu that
tiuy Sear.
of Hrlnevllle, Oregon, wbo, on November
lllh. IU4. mad llomeatead. (Hartal No.
WI7I, No. l-WTo, tor Nt, N-H, HW
NKU. and SWj HKU.-hectlon , Town,
alnp IS Houth, Kange 14 Kaat, WUUiurll
Meridian, baa bietl antic of Intention lo
make rnal tlve-yaar Troof. te eatahliah
claim lo the land above deerribed, before
Warren llrown, County Clerk at hi otllce,
at I'rln. villa, Oregon, on the itlt day of
April. ldlO.
Claimant name t a wilneeaee; Charle
I), bwanaon. Alfred W. tiayn, Uwlton A.
Yatce. J. Alvln Hlgg all of Prineville,
Oregon. C. W. MOOKK,
S-24p Hegiater.
Notice for Publictloa.
Not Coal Und.
ieiartmnl ot tba lalrior, I, a. Land Oltlra
at Th Ihille, Oregon, January iib, Ulu.
Nolle la hereby f Iren thai
Plaanl M. Turner.
of Powell Unite. Iireion, who, on rliriry
Wlb, t marta llomixlead, tleHal No. iM.)
No. 14-aa. for NS NWi,.Ki, NVili, Mei-ilou ,
Tow ii.h I ii It rviulb, Rang 14 Kaat, Wlllanclt
Meridian, haa gied nolle ol tnmnllou lo
make Mnl nve-year proof, to catabllih claim
to Iha land ebova dearrlbei Iwror W arren
Iraan, County Clerk l hi nOtoe al prineville,
0"Tf"ti,on lb lllh day of Mreh, lt.
t lalmaul name a wtineea: William I)
Johnxin, Tbotna K. MrUanlel, William H.I.I,
win, cbarleall. rolor, all ol fowell bull,
On. in.
a-3 0. W.MOOR K.Reglaler.
a a ' ' iMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaW I HUi V, w MnoKB. Ileslaler.
Il .13
We have not disposed of our business to Clifton
Cornett,: but -are still doing business at the old stand
...'-; , , '....
, ' 71 It
i Si f
W a t cih T
1 s
S p a
c e
. lively 4JeFdao-Lam
'mmmmammmmmmmmmmmKmmmmKim "ia m 'mi l