Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 07, 1910, Image 5

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    The most complete line of Farm Machinery in the County
Complete Line All Sizes and Stylet
Wood Frame 1 farrow
Spring Tooth 1 arrows
Superior Grain Drills
Fanning Mills & Daggers
The well known Oliver an J Canton
Plows in walking, sulky and gang
In an effort to keep pace with the many improvements in agricultural machinery, we sure introducing every
season new types of implements that have been tried and found to materially increase the yield of the soil in other
sections similar to ours. This year wc offer the Canton Alfalfa Harrow and a big assortment of Land Packers. In
packers we have the Dunham for light, sandy soil and the Campbell for heavier soiL These packers are designed
to conserve the moisture and to obtain the proper proportion of air and moisture in the ground and thus increase yield
Complete Line AO Sizes and Styles
Peg Tooth Harrows
Disc Harrows
Wagon Scales
Feed Grinders
We are always pleased to show you
the goods whether you buy or not
The W. F. King Company, Pm
Mm. W. II. 1'ivk of I.nninf.U, wna
a rrluevllle v lull or Monday.
A nmrrliift' lltvnm m Imvii laam'd
to ItutxTt I- Ioii nnd Mlaa Minnie
NVwI.III of UrUxly.
- Itty Itnnm-lla of Cllm Pnlkte vlalt
lutf hi , nmtliiT tit tlic In urn? of
t'linrlca ( IirlHtluiil.
II. A. Kt'oett'o I'MS rt'alirnt'd lila po.
altlitu n deputy county tli-rk nnd
luu gone liiM-k to tilt lioiiio nt Tiiina
lu. - .
Mr. Klmttiu k Mfc for Hlmolko the
flrat of the wwk to (P't a ww Ford
enr ordorvd by Mr. Morrill, the Rt-nd
tC. Loiinn wna In from Ilarm-a
Monday. He mat lonklnjr for ranch
timid but could not find a man that
wnnled work.
HulMTt K. Derrick, the forrat
ranger, w ho hit Imvii furloughed for
tlicwtuler, In ot'iilu on duty lu Ila
t rlel 8 ami 0. 1 1 In liendqunrtera are
at Ilolau1.
Dr. ltoiMnlHrit nud J. If. Wlgte left
Tueedny for TIkj Dnllea to bring In
a couple of new Overland. Mr.
Wlglo will jillot liU own, nml the
tliH-tor w 111 drive the one belonging
to Witlt Fouler.
Mm. John I'liatuliem opened her
pure on the tH-liix'o brldne Ittat
Nnturdny during the Kale nml old
Itoreua whiffed n-wny a couple of flu
Mild. A boraeninn plunged Into the
Oclinrn nud rem-tied one nml the
other wna found In a nearby clump
of biialir. f
Mra. Frank Co wna thrown from
her buggy Sunday afternoon and re
ceived a fractured leg. The home,
which was a young one, became
frightened nt an automobile, nud In
Jumping around overturned tie
. buggy. IT. Belknnp wna called to
attend the Injured woman.
: "VVoodlark" Squirrel Toison la the most
reliable and destructive agent yet devised
fur the extermination of Gophers, Squlr
rl, Sage Rata and Prairie Dog. It u
the cbeapeat Insurance against , theii
ravage. Every kernel ia warranted to
kill. Climatic changea or moisture of the
tarth do not destroy It atrcngth. Re
quires no mixing op. preparation. Ii
always ready for use. No other ia o
good, Dealera will refund the purchase
price if not as claimed. Pamphlet free.
UOVT CUSMICAI, Co., rortland, Oregon
For sale by Templeton & Son
Joet'omlia and wife ramn down
from l'aullna the (trat of the week.
Jninea H, McMeen of Lntnonti,
wna In town Tueaduy on bualneaa.
Mlaa Clara Henley of Ininonta, la
vlaltlug her brother In l'rluevlllo tlila
J. If, Dcloro lenvea till we'k for
The Dnllea where be will make hie
future home.
Prlnevllle. and Itedmotid will croaa
bata next Sunday at the latter place.
A good tunny fnna cect to ai'fom
pnuy the team to the Hub town.
H. F. Shepherd, who formerly
lived up Crooked river, but now
hall from Durroa, Calif., la In I'rlne
vllle looking after hla bualneM af
talra. Mla JeHale McCallUter came In'
Tueadny from Portland after an ab
ac-tire of a yenr and a half. She will
vlrlt her purenta for a month oral
D. C. Ingrain haa returned from
Seattle where he baa lieen attemllug
the achoal of foreatry at the I'nl
veralty of WaNhlngton. He la now
on duty In dlatrlct No. 7, which In
clude the Silver and buck creek
T. E, J. Duffy, attorney-at-law,
boa owned an ollice lu the W. A.
Hell building. Mr. Duffy boa been
appointed deputy proaecutlng at
torney for tlila end of the dlatrlct,
and will look after legal bualneaa re
quiring the attention of Proaecutlng
Attorney WIIhou. Mr. Duffy waa
formerly setlul ageut for the gener
al land tilHce.
At tlta I'irxt Methodist church for
Sunday the 10th Inat, "The Com-
tulaalou of the Twelve," wilt lie the
aubject for the morning eermon.
The one tor the evening will lie.
"What Thluk Ye ot Chrlat?" Sieclul
mualc nt both aervlcee. The apeclal
laat Sunday night haa been pro
nounced the leat given during the
preaent puatorate. The Junior
League have a apeclal temperance
nieeting at 3 o'clock, and a aHclal
luvltntlou la given to boy a to atteud
J. D. Iwelleu.
In the ball game laat Sunday at
llend the Prineville nine were beaten
j to 1. Our boya could outbat the
Itend playera but they were not In It
running bnaea or tleldlug their po
sition. The Prlnevllle club itiuat get
In and practice If It la to make
It Intereating for the other ball tcama
of the. county, llend will play a re
turn game on April 17. The Prlne
vllle boya nre talking up a dance to
lie given on April 10, If the Hend nine
can nrrange to lie here on that date.
Mlaa Ueulah Crooka, who haa lieen
at Holne, Idaho, for the puat aeveral
nioutha attending bualueaa colleg',
la f xptH'tcd home next week, nnd will
lio'nccompauled home by beralater,
Mra. It. E. Slmpaon. and children,
who will vlalt relatives In Prlnevllle.
Mr. Slmpaon la engaged In the aheep
lniHliieaa and hla dutlea take blm
awav from home .at thin tenaon.
On her return Mlaa Crooka will re
aume her . lioaltlou In J. H. Haner's
abatrnctlng ofllce.
Charlea Ilouaton and family raovwl
to their ranch on DearCreek Monday.
Will Holllnahead of Uoaland wna
a bualneaa vlaitorln Prlnevllle Tues
day. (
Oeorge Ferrla of Salt Creek waa a
bualneaa vlaitorln town the flrat of
the wwk. j
Henry IUrdaongand Frank Hay of
Johnaon Cre'k were In town on bual-1
neaa Wednetiday.
Mr. and Mra. Charlea Lewellug ot
Ha libit Valley were In the city
bualneaa the flrat of the week.
The city council waa not able to
tranaoct any bualneaa laat Tueaday
evening owlug to the abaence of
three councllmen.
J. S. McMeen, one of Lumonta'a
prominent residents wna In town
yeaterdny nnd today, attending to
bualneaa matter.
A. F. Handle, who wna killed laat
week waa burled Tueaday, The aon
and daughter who were to be here
for the funeral have not yet arrived.
R. (1. Smith and family returned
from Seattle last evening. They
could And no better place to live In
than Prlnevllle and were glad to
get buck. ,
A good atrlng of boraea la promlaed
for the Prlnevllle May racea. There
will lie two from Htntlugton, Percl
val'a bunch from Indeiendeuce, and
aome from The uniica ana t-nens-burg,
J. H. Proae writes that he haa
bought a "nice llttla place tnllea
from John Day and llkea It over
there flrat rate." The people over
there will And that they have good
A. R. Eat wood was lu the first of
the week from Cooli Creek where he
boa been getting out lumber all win
ter for the railroad. Mr. Eastwood
la making arrangements to put In a
mill In the McKay couutry.
At the Presbyterian Church next
Sabbath all aervleea will be held at
the uaual hours. Preaching by the
paator both morning nnd evening
Subject for moraine, "Spiritual Self-
lueaaurement." Evening theme' An
Undesirable Suburb."
Cole nud Miller Macpheraon have
aold their Trout creek projierty to
Bldwell Cram for H4.IS0. There
were 2000 acres .Involved In the deal.
Mr. Cram has now about 4000 acres
In a compnet body, making one of
the fluent ranchea In the county.
That there will be cessation of
nctlvlty In the wny of providing
water for settlers on D. I. & P. Co.'s
segregation Is evidenced by the fact
that two crews are now employed
clearing laterals nnd ditches pre
paratory to the coming season's
Irrigation. The main canals have
already lieen cleared nnd water Is
flowing In them. All ditches Will
carry water lu ample time for crops.
And It Is expected that a large area
of new land will be watered this
year. Bend Bulletin.
Mra. George O'Xell Is stopping at
Hotel Prlnevllle.
Flatter Logan of Barnes waa In the
city on business Monday.
Don Bteffa of Bend, la a bualneaa
vlaltor In Prlnevllle this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bay Mackey were
bualneaa visitors In town Monday.
C. 8. Loveland, state bank exami
ner, k-ft this morning for Shanlko.
W. A. Robertson, a forest ranger
from Roaland, la In the city for a few
Laat Sunday Redmond defeated
Madraa In a ball game by a score of
10 to 6.
Elbert Houston of Bear Creek waa
a business visitor In town the first of
the week.
S. S. Stearns and aon, Cecil .started
200 bead of cattle to their summer
range near Rosland, Monday.
The mall got In this morning at 8
o'clock, the earlleat for a year or
more. 8. M. Scott waa the man that
held the ribbons.
George Mllllcan came In from Pine
Mountain Tuesday. Mrs. Mllllcan
and her sister, Mrs. Busey, will go
out to the ranch with bim.
Mrs. Harley Saunders returned to
her home on upper Crooked rlver.Sun
day, after a two weeks' visit with
relatives and friends In town.
There will be a meeting of the base
ball boys at the office of Dr. Davis In
the Adauison block Friday evening.
A good attendance Is requested.
Jones & Crognn, the Howard saw
mill men, left yesterday for The Dalles
to get their new traction englue that
will be used to haul lumber to Trlne
vllle. Joslah Williams, a former resident
ot this place, who has bem atteudlug
Albany College the past winter, re
turned to Prlnevllle the first of the
week with Ills bride.
The bank statements of the Prlne
vllle banks published elsewhere show
remarkable gains In deposits. At
the present rate of Increase It will
not be long before the million mark
Is reached.
Tuesday K. K. Kuney left Bend
with a crew of twelve men to make
final location of the east-aud-west
Hue of the Oregon Trunk Line from
this place towards Bums and beyond.
The locators, It la understood, will
proceed directly to Klley, near Burns
nnd thence work westward over the
preliminary surveys that have been
made over tue "High Desert" coun
try, Joining the north 1 and south
Trunk Line a couple of nilies south
of Bend. Bulletin. .
1st Presbyterian Church
Sunday School, 10 a. m.
Christian Kmteavor, 6:30 p. m.
Preu.'liiiii? at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Mid-wek prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:30.
Come and enjoy gnod music nnd Gospel
preaching.' Our polity: In essentials
Charltv. In non-esaentiala Liberty.
N.U'. For special notices see locals of
d4 Minister.
J. 11. DemarrU came In from hla
aawmlll np the Ocboco Saturday.
He commenced cutting lumber a
month ago and reports plenty of
work to do.
Columbus J. Johnson Is In the city
In company with hla brother, W. B.,
of Silver Creek. Mr. Johnson Is In
the stock business over In Crook
County, but still haa interests In thia
county where he formerly resided.
He brings the Information that the
Hill railroad surveyors are now In
the vicinity of Glass Buttes on their
preliminary from Bend to Burns and
that there Is a large crew at work.
They have been in the field since early
In the winter and from the time taken
are evidently doing some particular
work. Burns, Times Herald.
Rooms 16 and 17
Adamson Block
(Over poet office)
EASE for all dis-EASE
Demonstrator of Psychology
Power of Mind
J. A. McDonald, who has been con
nected with the Llvely-Jordan-Lanlua
Co., left with bis family the first of the
week for Portland.
Bliss ElvaDobbs has completed hr
term of school at the Slayton school
house and will next 'week open the
school at Combs' Flat.
Piano For Sale.
A $475 Cambridge Irers A Pond piano.
Flowwooti ewe, in ecllnt comliti'm, tor
S'250. Inquire at Journal office or of
Marparie P. Brink. 3-17 tf
For Sale or Rent
g-rnora bourn aod horn; two Ion; wiior,
electric llghu, telephone; lo two other hi
tut tmrn: buckboard. Apply to i. 11. Ur lore,
Of M. K. Elliott. 4-1-i
There Are Two Classes
of Investors
This kind makes most money.
He invests in farm lands and
city property while pricti are
low. Every advance in price is
that much money in his pocket.
This kind hesitates while
prices advance higher and higher
but he, too, finally buys, because
the value of the investment
actually forces him. -
Land Owners, Attention
If yon wish to tell and your property ia reasonable, list with us. We are
in touch with capital and are receiving many inquiries concerning raw and
improved farm lands in Central Oregon. ' "
Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor
Prineville, Oregon.
MaWCrka. fv nil O H I"-"'
D. P. Adamson & to -.
Almond and Cucumber Xream
Projects die Complexion. It prevents injury to the lace and hands il applied before exposure to the sun
wind and weather. - When not so used it promptly relieves all distressing conditions oi the skin il applied
on returning indoors. ALMOND AND CUCUMBER CREAM is-not a greasy preparation, and does
not resemble the paste form creams and cosmetics. It is a pure antiseptic lotion, possessing remarkable
cleansing and healing properties that have been used and tested lor years by the highest society ladies ol
the land. It will give the most gratifying results in softening rough, dry or irritated skin
resulting from any cause. For chapping, chafing and eruptive conditions Almond and Cucumber Cream
will bring speedy relief, making the skin smooth, clear and healthy. Best for papa, best for mamma, best
0. P. Adamson & Co.
i ,
; ' aartufCftaaMft
imn&Bi) i : IS
. 1 r I
Clean Skimming
Easy Running
Long Wearing
is all the guarantee necessary when buying a
1909 Model U. S. Cream Separator.
You can't be half as particular about the
material, workmanship and durability as the
makers of the United States Separators are.
The toon Model United States Cream Sep
arators have smaller bowls than ever before
and every separator
Is Thoroughly Tested
r t u fn-Nnti If iq the motto
1 dci ore leaving , v
of the manufacturers not to see how cheap the U. S. can be made. but
how stronK and everlastingly durable they b constnicted
W. know theU.S.tothjM isomer d 'he UKbT in every
respect ana we wain-juu u. -".v." ...
1909 JUOUCl UUllCU uvuiva v.. i
Milk Cans, Cream Cans andrEverything for the Dairy.
Hams and Bacon
STEWART Brand of home-cured meats are
now on the market. Too well known to need
any recommendation.
No. 157
A Directoire Model for
short, full figures. Long
below the waist with low
full bust.
White Sateen.
We have just received a
new supply of corsets. Call
and inspect them.