mm Just-Samples! Talce ,0ne! WftrtU. HI, If Am fr I5S0S, Tr-. On tlailr at nd tcr?pho line; five nillt north of Prineville. All col tivateJ, SO acre in fall a-rain. Iloiiw ami large barn. Kalfca tine wheat, lnt will be covered by irritation ton day when it will grow alfalfa to h tun of $100 Or more to the acre. Term. S-JOOO -ah down, balance in two year at 8 er rent Off No HI, 1SS Aoo far 13000. T 11 mil from Prinevllle in the Powell Butte district. 20 acre oltivte.l, at lean 40 more tillable. Good epring on the place from whieh a nice little orchard could be irrigated, at it is in the fruit belt, having orchanla around it in good condition. Grow all kind of tender vegetable to perfection. Small cabin and ehed. " , Off or No. Hi, lMAcrafw 16000, rUVCuk. !5 miles from Frineville. practically all cultivated, all tillable. Ditch now beirg built on to the land which will supply it with abundance of water. Water right mill be for llOacres, which can eaaily be irrigated. Buyer would have to pay $50 per acre for the irrlirable land (which as aoan as set to alfalfa would be worth conservatively $1001 and 10 per acre for the remaining 50 acres. This totals the $ti000, on which the terms are half cash, balance to suit at 8 per cent. New owner would then have to pay ap proximately $10 an acre for the com pletion of the ditch, having thereafter free water for irrigating purposes. Ir rigable Und would actually cast pur chaser $00 an acre. This is a good buy and ia worth investigating. Psrty is now negotiating and the sale may be con summated any moment. Offer No 170, 320 Acret far $8500, Half Cm. 11 miles from Prineville In the famous Powell Bnttes neighborhood. 900 acre tillable. 60 now cultivated. Allfenced. 2 springs, good house and barn. The very best of wheat land. Offar If. 108, $3300. Tim. Good two-story house on a full block of the beet land in the city for growing garden truck. Plenty of irrigation water free. One block from main street. Well and windmill. Barn etc. A gocd buy at the price. Offer H. 113. Cask, $2200 Fully furnished seven-room house on two lots in good resilience section. 2 blocks from Main street. Well. Good garden spot. Offer X. 142. 25 Acres for $2000. Tcrau. Adjoining city limits, two acres inside li niU. 3 room' house, small bars. 20 acres cultivated, more can be tilled. Will make a good investment. $1510 cash down, balance to suit purchaser. O.ftxNo 179CeerferUUeHoafar $2875. Terr. A fine practically new 8-room house, a block from Main street. In the very lieet residence section. Finished in Old Mission style. $300 worth of Mission furniture goes with the place at price. House is too large for present owner who intends building. Good . out-houses, chicken parks, lawns, 2 porches and balcony. $1500 down, balance to suit. O.'fer Ho. 128, 160 Aero for $1250. Ten. 40 acres deeded ditch land with good water right near Laid law together with 120-ecre homestead relinjninhmenf. All under water. Fenced. 30 acres cul tivated, more tillable. Borne cord wood. Cabin, cistern, elied. Span of mares in cluded at price. Offer ffa. 135, 160 Acre for $9000. Term. In Clnverdale Section near Liidlaw on the Deschutes. 80 acres cultivated, 40 in clover and timothy. 130 irrigable. 60 apple trees in bearing. Four-room house with cellar, barn, crainery, farm machinery etc. Four shares In ditch valued at $100 each. Offer Na. 174, $800. Tenu. Three room house in Prineville on two lots. Fenced. Well and pump. Shed for four homes., Chicken hose. House well papered and finished. Offer No. 184, 120 Acret for $2600. Tern. In the Powell Butte district. 90 acies cultivated. Orchard. Good house, barn and well. liaises orchard, garden and potatoes. Offer No. 108. Parcel of land within city limit; contains 1 blocks, exclusive of street would sub-divide or make an amuse ment park. $31uf. Offer No. 124. Good hotiHe on block for $100Q, Beet house in town, half block from Main street in good retddence lln trict. Good grounds and outbuildings. 1 !, - ; - . ... 1 OffarN. 1SS, 1(0 Acre for $1200, Cask 7 tnlK from Prineville. IS acre rultlvnted. Orchard land. NkwHttl on-hard of 50 tree. J spring and crwk on place. Kange good. Unit- good grain. Fruit tree in full hear . s f OffarN. 105, ISO Acrts far $3500, Cu. 5 miles from IrlneylIU on dtill.r stage and telephone line, good houwe and barn. , 70 acre cultivated, and all tillable. 35 acre In crop. Water ran can he obtained at from. 8 to SO feet all over the land. Tll place, will lie under irrigation' without ft doubt In a few year, - and water could lie obtained by pumping or by the existing ditches. OffarN. ISC, 640 Acre far $6400, Cut. 7 tulle from Prineville In very fertile district. Watered by spring and creek. Good reservoir ite for storing water. ISO acre cultivated, fiO acre more tillable. 100 fruit tree la bearing. Knleea corn, potatoes and fruit, Inside grain and hay. Good 7-rooiu house. Excellent range. Offer (fa. 110, 640 Acre far $5500, Ten. Stock ranch on Ooofced river. N) acre cultivated, and 100 more till able. SO acre In grain and some al falfa." ltaise excellent garden track. Ivtnd sub-Irrigate readily. IHOaerea will be sold separately for $1500. Offer No. 118, 160 Acra let $6600. Only 4 mile from Prineville, 40 acre now In alfalfa, and at least 30 more can be put In nnder Irrigation. Good bouse) and barn. This I a really good buy, and we shall be glad to show it. ; ., .. ; Offer No. 144, 600 Acre for $S500. 4 miles from Prinevllle on dally stage route. 00 acre cultivated, 2tM tillable. 2 house and a number of . other building. This hi Prinevllle' track garden, and ha prodticetl most of the vegetable used In the city for year. Part of property In relinquishment. Offer No. 67, 40acmfee $700. 11 mile Iroiu Prineville, creek runs right through the place. Ill acre meadow, with Irrigation, another 0 acre ploughed. Cloe to stnge and telephone line. Good house. Grow garden truck well. Excellent locu tion for small dairy herd. No. 168, m Acre, for $4200, Euy Tense. On Crooked river lielow Prinevllle towards the railroad. HO acres culti vated, 100 more tillable. Small house. Can be Irrigated. This hind produce exceptionally good wheat. Offer No. 104, 156.66 Acre for $1600, Cook. 6 miles from Prinevllle, on the bench, above the frost level. 83 acre cultivated and 25 more can lie ploughed. Small creek on laud. Water could lie conserved. Isolated government land adjoining. Plenty of range. Right on stage route and telephone line. , N. 89, 1800 Acre far $20,000, Easy Ten. 1200 acres tillable, 400 acres irri gable. Plenty of water, well, springs and creeks. A large stock ranch lying in four townx)il. Stage goes through property dally. Four small houses, barns, etc. lo cation Is suited to the culture of al falfa and grain. Surrounded by government land. Owner Is retiring und will sell very reasonably. $tXH)0 cash down and the balance In from 5 to 7 year at 6 per cent. Offer No. 140, 1478 Acre far $31,000 Terau. Ranch about 20 mile from Prine vllle. Well cultivated,, and funned extensively.' All In oue body. 450 acre cultivated, 1000 acre good plow land. 0 acre natural meadow , with Irrlgiijtlon.i Irrigated garden." Plenty of v'ater.J 9 good all-t he-year-round 1 springs on the place. Kathe all kinds of grain, - apples, . pears, plums and small fruits.- Is a tine large diversified farm. Plenty of good 'range adjoining. Good seven-room house, also a numlier of other houses. All farming Imple ments from' a threshing machine to , a wheel barrow are Included at the price. Half cosh, bulance to suit. Offer No. 149, 920 Acre for $21,000, Term. 8 miles from Prinevllle. 800 acres can lie cultivated and much of the land Is good fruit and garden land. Has oue of the !et and oldest or chards of the country. Some lands produce as high as $700 annually er acre. Itaises good grain. Can be watered In parts. 3000 fruit trees' In full bearing. Binder and other ma chinery Included in the price. Offer No. 34; 2-itory Hone, 2 Lot, $1400. Three blocks from Main street ; good house, barn and outbuildings; wtjl-kept grounds. If what you want is not on this list write for the largest list of Central Oregon bargains to The Realty PRINEVILLE, OREGON Hill to Spend Thirty Millions in Oregon J aim's J. Hill's railroad-building programme tor the state of Oregon for the next three year call for an expenditure of fully $:!0,(XX),(XK). This Ini'ludea the construction work for 11U0 that I estimated to run iIiwk to lO.MO.OM). The Information that j the great empire builder ha only liogun gigantic oMrntloti that will 'eventually lead to the completion tt ,a new transcontinental line cotnrs ( to The Telegram from a source that admits of no dispute, j The purchase if a portion of the vast land holdltigs In Eastern Ore Igon from Kaiurd Frere which Is now practically consumnted I but a single straw which show the way ' the Hill wind I blowing. It III be used a the right of way tor one ol ! the most Important link In the new j transcontinental line which has leeu l Hill's dream ever since he brought Joiint . Steven, that genius ol tre ! railroad engineering world back Into his fold. By purrhnxe of this grant Hill uo. holds in the pulin of lit hand the most strategic course that any great railway system could desire In carry ing out the glgiiutlc scheme of In ! vadlug some of the most cherished (preserve that have lieen llarrl j man's exclusive domain for year. B ! tho lltll iiroirrniiiiiie mil tor extend i lug the Burlington system through to Portland and San Francisco. Control of the Glliuore Mttsburj line, one ot the mysterious railroad prtiject of tho northwest, pius -d In to Hill's bauds some time ago. It reaches from Billings, Mont., the t nrcHent witern termlnu of tin Burlington, and ha been completed well Into Idaho with work progress lug In the region tributary to Sal nion, Idaho. From the activity with which work I iH'Ing ptisheti and the trull which the englneerliii! crews and right-of-way men art blitilng it will not If n matter l many month Infore the Glliuore Pittsburg has tiling Its constwatd rail-head to Boise. The next link In the system Is tin control of what I known a tin I Boise & Western, and this proj. c h 1 from all Indications being fa there ! and fostered by J.J. Hill under the Idlrectlou of Presideut John F. i Stevens, of the Oregon Trunk. From I the Idaho capital, the Boise & West I em Is projected clenr across the state of Oregon to Coo Bay torn jpaclllc tidewater terminal. It l known that Hill surveyor and laud ! agents have been busy In the Co i Bay country for many weeks. The closing of the deal for tin cross -Orvgon military road grant which has liven the lending feature i f the railroad operations in the fas West of the past month must be as sociated intimately with tiie Bolie & Western project. I'nder what arrangements the coup has bceu turned Is not revenled but there h every reason to believe that Hill hu successfully engineered u deal w hich puts an end forever to the bottling of Oregon by the Htirrliunu forces, It has lieen oue of the deplorable facts of railroad history in this state that the Harrlman forces have buMi able to command exclusively a uum ber of strategic gateways In this state that presented obstacles which no group of hostile mngnaUs fel could lie overcome until Hilt sent John F. Stevens out here as his personal and confidential represent atlve. Stevens has been muktng steady and rapid Inroads against and through Harrlmnn strongholds and there is every reason for bellev ing that this wizard of railroad building has simply turned another neat trick on the enemy. Counting the Oregon Trunk from the Columbia Kiver to Bend, tin present proposed terminal, together with the bridge across the Columbia to hook the new road up with tin North Bank for an outlet to Port land, ns representing an outlay of $10,000,000, and the purchase of the big land grant at $2,000,000, It will be seen that James J. Hill will have turned a golden stream of $12,00,000 Into this state by the end of 1910. Oregon Trunk engineers have opened camps at several points south of Bend and one of them Is now within 35 or 40 miles of Klamath Falls working rapidly down the Williamson River headed for Agency Lake, Pelican Bay, Odessa, the center of the great Weyorhueuser timber holdings, and onward to ward Klamath Falls. Statement made within the past week by L. A McLeod, of Taconia, and- Joseph Gardner, of The Dalles, the men 1: charge of the prellmluary work on the Invasion of the Klamath Ban In Indicate clearly that Hill will be Into that rich and expansive territory just us quickly as men und money can build tho Hue. These men have received positive Instructiors to complete their work at the earliest poKHiutu moment ana to hasten it they have been recruiting their forcis and have bought thousands of dol lars worth of supplies from Klamath tails merchants In the pat hw weeks. Patients Received. Persons needina hospital accommc- d tit ion can find them at my home, 1 am prepared to care for patient;, or patients may employ tneir own nurses. Maternity cases may expect speciu attention. n25 Mrs. P. B. Poinduxtkb; Wanted. tt auicu. Light liouM'kcep ing rooms. Address V Wi hi Suits That Fit and Keep Their Shape And these two points In terest every wonmu A good tilting suit must not only look w ell, but feel easy too. The lines must cling yet net seem to encase the ttgure. And most Important, n suit to give thorough satis faction must keep It shape. Correct tailoring will do It. So many suits don't. La Vol ue suit are. care fully tailored with the Idea ever foremost that they must keep their shape. ( And they do. Visit our Cloak Depart ment and try them on Clifton & Cornett PRINEVILLE, OREGON Trade at Home! We greatly appreciate horns trade and know all would ba benefited by spendiug your mon ey at home. Catalogue houses never helped your son, daughter or neighbor, they do not pay taxes in your community nor sopjiort your achool or churches. VOCR HOME MEIiCIIANT DOES. If you will add freight or postage, then com pa. e quality with our goods we will meet the catalogue houses evsry time. Yours for home trade, ROBERT SMITH, Ccnaral Merchandio Sister, Oregon., Automobiles STODDARD DAYTONS REOS and MITCHELLS The three best moderate Friced ra a on the market, f you contemplate buying s car do not fall to see ns as we can give you more real value for your money than any other agency in Crook county, New Shop and Garage just north of Ochoco Bridge. E. G. Hodson, Colonel F. Smith, AGENTS 0) PRINEVILLE, OR. DON'T BUY A GUN until you have ecn our New DonM Barrel ModoU filled with Stovcal Com protwd Forged Sttcl Barrtla DEMI-BLOC GYOTEM Tho modo of constructing these superb Trap and Fluid duns is fully sot forth in our Nuw Shotgun Cata log. Sond for if, it's free. Ask your Dealer for Steveni . Demi-Bloc Guns, Insist on our jnake. Ji . STEVENS ARMS A TOOL CO. P. 0. Soi sm: " Jfc t-aicope rails. Mass. mmm, mis tiaMi?nATrt twasiEBteiw mmumktt I sO-. ti . n n l city lvieat iviarKet J. W. Horigan, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Mutton, Wholesale and Retail Ail Kinds of Sausage Nice and Fresh Home Cured; Bacon and Lard. Fish'and Poultry in Season 1 - 1 Duuer ana eggs, ui ve us a call and 1 we will save you money. r i e.1 ii -,.1 C J u 11 . i 53 u 63 LstlvIVlAn LUALii dlAJJLlUn Sonera Sftlacksmithing HoiutMiioRiNo, WtaiD Work, rrc, Nkatly and l'miiimT IXlNK Whkm rr Done Br : : x Robert 7oore Satisfaction Will lie .Guaranteed Pw.NrvutE, Orkcx)!. rsi u Cwt ri u ft CJ B.H L'J sa r"i 01 O-l CJ Lubin's Choice! AT HAMILTON STABLES Owned by W. R. Brecie n tt SrvicSi1, 110.00 Sooian, $15.00. To Intur. S20.OO. 6.nr3.rrjr.rr,rir,p,'fr4rnrr3!iriRrnr.ri!!in 4 1 J IF YOU HAVE $1500 TO $4000 TO INVEST IN AN AUTOMOBILE AND A BALANCE FOR MAINTENANCE Buy a FORD Touring Gar With all the cqnipment on it for $1050 f. o. b. Portland and invest the balance in real estate and give to charity the ditTer- ence in maintenance. What you get for $1050 ia a car equal in every way except in weight to $4000 proposition and a car that will take you 25 milea on one gallon of gasoline. Equipment Top, Cat Lomp, Conrrotor, Magnate, Tw Sid Oil Lamp, Toil Lairip, Tub Horn, Wind Shield and Splomtr. ' Demonstration at your convenience. C. L. SHATTUCK, PRINEVILLE, OR. ) Agent for Crook County. 'aHUf Now is Jour Time To hav WATCH REPAIRING don. I sin JuMt 0K)ii!n a repair alion at Klklns' Htore, anj I offer the aervlce of jeara of exK)rlmice. All work ariit to me by mull or cxproaa will have my careful attention. L KAMSTRA Prinylll, Oragoa All work guaranteed. L.J L J rcn i. j LI tJ r.;i I. J r,a C'J na run en The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIUUE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season W. J. SMELZER, Proprietor m J1 M 1 ;J '..1 .4 -.a i'j -.1 jj VI 5J 1.1 J J i .'J 5:1 .'J aa ;i A sa 8 THE HAMILTON STAB1IES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Bt6ck boarded by the day, weok or month at Reasonable rates. Remember ua when in Prineville. Rates Reasokable. We have - Fine Livery Rigs For Rent