The Place to Save Honey THE LEADER The Place to Save Money Too busy unloading my new spring goods to write ads. Next week if you will keep your eye on this space you will find all about the latest styles in Ladies Shirt Waists, Mus lin Underwear, Ginghams, Embroideries, Laces, Etc, LARGE SUITLY OF FRESH GARDEN SEEDS CHOICE LOT OF FRESH UTAH ALFALFA SEED Closing out 1 0-inch Records at 35 Cents I. MICHEL, Proprietor, Prineville, Oregon $300 Piano Given Away That l"Hnev tile fc taat becoming HvtnHHvltt l th method H vmtin k Ivy r merchant , call tho lutli imldhw attemKm tj th twaay hdM value which, they f wreofMlne, W (Ml th whhMtaak rw id C, W. Ktkt tv r kedm " tt with and Areinat lnwlKJti(; U tiroe In a Hdvertbtln wiwl ; I ctHHyHrontrtv4 by j ht I inrhp th tot tlsKimWj tcna td dcritsdkevertttted ; lv- k.y bualwc- honw in thhtevtb, f ket ; tn givmc ay m t ttiul I l'Mi INrkr trwnd 4Hk Mln . wpo rihibit at Mf (.wo, Tfete pUito rvtalla at IX vh, and H rwrrtc I he iwnictrenr ttnaraatv rMrti yewra. Yh yim xym ict terbrty cd the rc bewted. I m ww kvr y avthe , thin vi ltrct Be In th threeatrtwsra to w-Uh vrtrn,e bs. the aiNVwMiy t$Hbsl V ) tr WOW5iS baiitU cttWtotht rV. NVV W tVkf .-. 4Sl larwt ttvr krw with Mr V".i.t vrdie than wVdl 1. ! RURALSCH00LS Good Work For Women's Clubs and Civic Leagues. INTELLIGENT EFFORT NEEDED Ddaadatd and AitM trwtea May Tranaf lt Attractive ttldina, OiMt th Childr Bat Mtal ad Ml Uplift. Vh!i it ta required psm! that ovknoUtatto or tb cootbinatloa of recl av-h.Ntl district tat t the real vtkvi vt th rural acbooi lumb er nv yet, according to With H aye t th Xftd $utw department f st cwitwe, thor ar UXtXX taoiatrd t I wMitiiiL. It U ti ti(vr f akt rtww th rt and tvrL wvti tvp, lgrl ahuttipr aiMI bro ken (Iowa ( sbvmKl be rvtlarvl with w onr ami vrjlhlus alvut lh tmlKltBK Hit la Cvod orxlw. A d bto wt of paint abouM N givn Mb txWTtttr and lntHlor of tb bulUtlnj try Kmt tba utM ami pt yellow, nearly errata, ft in Utakla, aa yvtkr rrfiwt tb llbt ami tuakra a dark ivtua llKrf. It tbi rralr(itt ami palotltt ar Jvo by tb Mr acmMtbojra smler '.h Ul rctk of aa loteilMprat citUo tb x pn will b a trtfl Id fact, mybl&s ohv tbaa th cot of lumber ami paint At tb aatua time th etttbttsi ast of tba tbtUreo In twlvltie io tb rvrl wtU act aa a aafetraani In pro-t-tlnf tba buiMing from futurt oiutt Utkwta. Samiier ami trantUb tb iks ami aeata am) by all meaaa put a bUckboarJi all arvxttxl tb iwu, for to aiiwct a tettcmnr to Instruct chil dren ttb a by 6 foot blackboard b julratent to fc-nJittj out a carpenter Vo io xrk wtttKHit toots. Wheat tb butkltnc to raa ami tn CvwJ repair a beginning ran b owtJe ta ealiHtvs ami beautlfjloj U. A utp of tba VulteJ States, t North ami South Atuerk-a, ooe of Cu fieaiJ AU. areliKlisetvwWe. Tbesa oaa be purchased frm any a-bitol sup Kv rwntr4tnT. la aJUitkva. iut a little I money Into a few pk-tums that mill help to tratwform tbe bar alta lnt plarea of lulertwt lUa aest for window garuVaa. espe cklty If any of tba arooot windowa have a aoutbera or southeaster ex. posure, Nothing help cbiklrro nxv (baa to watch ami care for these dar lag tha wititer. Pteaaant Rafcaaraak rlr Anrfr-Tbe carta i will rise I a few MttRuiea. Ar row qaita r ytm know your word? Hero Yea; all eirevt the part where I kts ye. We'd bettr rrbearae that a pi! a. No maa la rearty hltnsetr admtta H. beare tft ef lb ftvK-carol xne ciaba fKV 4w(M. Vr. fSkiwa ; a4 Diturt efciaea throoxhoot th St:! - y 4 rr .'V tTJ-Jr kwf j ' -evk -wlet beMtiit tht ! Th fooc?ot ba f Teaaewe x or rt ".' Kvne j e4 et r?r traa ttbraHea for is jlMw .- red K anew ef ivjrva have te to Interest tn a r v , tbBsy jj tannera' laatttute av rn w 1 ttvftw r , vvr ,. kr t.wt with Vrw r-.eLn4., totr te f lTV!, Led 1 1 ni.M MM vniiie re a ,rrr" triHt h oq-ed at Mv It ut a.1: iriw a t V ttet. 1 if aa eperemxd teach- Hry 'bi l ter?r,irT. Te oiw.RC d hehM vMHnlr w mine la aw y tfcta ' J tascrax-t the ck:Ure ef tb city and liwsirtr aa la ..;. I te anvadRc rewatrr acbooi I tr.' wsyC tlxw lwt. The pbJMIn it a kivr thins avil i wit pexiarty Sited for i.W Vfw rW ef t; 1 antaatka do a ahfw o.rj.a f.,51 , N Kji v.'.. te re4r; rwral rtoo. Th outlay Cl t t aweai 3t to t 'fe4 j be aS-lMdr jKVbut tb result Urer the Urjpet ) cd -ee wia cowa c(t(aehip w 1H be treat I l b.rey far 4 t u roM nuke artists ef our ehU . cvt. N tvv wii! ) a-Waw. 5 4ws w ira beaattTa) X three hatred 4.8r tai! tS harwmk. aa4k l.ri,runu,l 4s h ?Ky fit'11 yet he woU cnak stA M xrth fcaxinc (4 w rer4t a j tbrifty eftferaa and erderty tHekep. vrv WterrT rv's I. tvirvia tte i w ,d r chorea f t wtfcin4a IW the rt lew n-.tbv jf tbe dy t a boau ao d-aptdated 1 he i XV. K,if. O.V are My t j aad kaopt that w wvwld hosEral t .ec.,iTO I;,,, ft f a bar Tet w rratia that " " xnaa a who fear la 4eer&aed ? Ja'npKy bj fcta arartvBw!;ic ia rkild- ' ' - IhywdL It ta aw precept. tt evanrOft, . si-.H . ? ewvty r.. her wh tvasr w4ew to e M) ,,,, t vnst tve a wa " a w a? .ln-ortVJrjS .jtcs. Spring Millinery On Display Going like Hot Cakes Clydtidale Stallion for Sale. t'onlii S )nrmUl: arrliiht oYr l' II. A.I.Iia-m K. A. Ivn, I'rmnilW, tr. Mow PASK 8TATEURXT. i.Vjmcf oj Utt "w.Mi' of Tk t'irs( Sviumat ftihi, i't-tneetlie, h th Stut i thf fiti, at tht rU tJ fciMiMTM, March 29.1910. ' Itrsourrrst I.muo an.l aimnU il.UJ n Ovwilretla, koiiwI ami uimwvmipkI. ,V..1 y5 t . S !).( t vr ciivuUtloa l. tm Hon.K iWni ilh. rto. 10.7TH 1ft lUnkinn - hotie tuHiitura aud Itxtun j IW toiM Nti.iul )tuk KeawwAiHil 31. Ui ti IHw lrm .sut aiul I rivatr Itanka at IUiikw, trust lYiupame and Saviiir lka ?M7 IHw fixni amrttt rv aiie'ita Sv'7.lTt t'htvk ami oilier cl ilomv , . T N4(liW .Naluaud lianl 24 (H) t rti.Hii itaiwr curn-ncr. iink-U anti mill. , lt 4 Uni Mom liKMiavi in IUnk, viat Spart S7.S;m tW IvWhh Inn (un.i ith I. . TiaaiAt .4 vtroilatK) fiij W TVUl Ayh.e 27 Liabilities: Capita! rt.k l in ,0100 Swplua 'd JtKtWVW l attild imvttta. hi exiwuxM a.l UM ki SIKVt National IUk ihim oiitMmvlin US tW lHiioMher national bauk ... IHvi.lenda miiwid S.lv3rt W llxlivhttMl tWlMniU alJct to eWk Ill If 45 t Vttuta.1 crrlihcatea o! d.-(Kit .... It ,dM ST.UK t tKKivX, I. T. M. lUU'tttx, C.hwr l tbe aUive atitrvt vi miiVauUx wv that ta alvT ttMWI w true to th txt ( ntr tana leU and T. M. HA UW IN. Ca)iier. SuK-r!d and t- br thi 4;h Uav ot April, H'KV i. II. H Na. Xotary luh!ie. Coaaacr Attt; Win. Wvai mnai 'r W. Koive IHteeton X. M. Hroa I Call for Warrants. AlleounlY warrant (Hiutandtna are m!V4 aran4IU mm wvaittKia U ttw vlf Itvamanrr. lakrnwl owm mtxn Uita Yt4 U.t tt of MarrH. 5, . K. KINv), t wm.T Trv.a nrr. IloUc for Publication. tveattmrnt ot la lntrw ratted stu iJinJ C9.sat fne l!lnit, IVkniuj A, UiA Noller ta heritor fiwa thai Mn K tVBiw-u. tK.w of ia W. )ViMNi, errar.t. ot (Nt trrv, wtwv vtwn vr 4 n. nud juvwawi, si h mii, and Hs !K'. are U. l. H"hl I xiik. nine ' el. . J.. h ail .Mtv of tnc.mi4.Ha ickiuafee aaal av-yr rr.W. hmuHtvk rtaim K id tut4 rvr.Nj. aarv arrr Hrowi. itrr I.Ik .VApill. i&jnnt mmw. mm m naintw lwt W, alarr A tr.Mt aad ir T. J,T 4 tNl- TUk. h-K C . Mmuaa. RtW, Notke cf Sale of State Lab it. NoUc i bere y tiwa that tb Stale lind Hoarl wiil recen until 10 o'cWk a. m.. Jnnei. 1910, tor lb Mtoarwf 'ecrittl artHMd latKl. to-l: All of Secthw IS. T. S. R. 9 All of Ncll ifi, T. Jl S. K. 1 VV. lhSW,. WW of SK aai UuJ and 4, SHvtRw 16, T. Si S. R. IS W. Ailof e ti-wi 1. T. K. 13 W. Tb of S. ml I. S, S aad ol Swt,Hi ls T. 41 S. K. IS U. T.hNW 4NW. X: and NK of SK4 of Sect !.. T. SS ft. II. r K. I-ot I, 3, S aai 4 ad KV ofAV, S of SKa ivf ,NevtM 14. T. 4 R. IJ lt 1 I, S.4. and tbeWV, K.S r V, of liY V V J S V, ai J V V, t SV,of NtntAWi StvT. 14 . R. U r Al bks mail be awa j a ed b a iKtartt kt.til ariU,-wii to par- cbaae aed at kan cat ?i;ib 4 the amoaiat eAel. i bod of We thaa ST & per a.r ul be er.jieyi. T?i rl.t it referred t fwt ; asd a ! bjj-. A ??4xlikw,t atWI W i .hi'.J b ad Jreawi to li. ti. Rram. C"k f-Tate lari lv-ttrj. SaVa. Ortceav ax ana.- k oi 'Apfj-ataiw aad bad V ratT-aae Xaci " t. r'. CVrk ute iaod f-vJ. Ial Yarh 4. l - .fl. 4-XI Stint tiioitn. In tha rtn-nlt (urtor the Hlataof On.m ft.t I'nx.k fountv. t A. Htovrnaim, UlilllT, VI N.'ttle Hiovrnrntn, it.n.ti1ant. In N.'lil MtvYvnaun, tliv avove named dv Ih the nattw ilha alala nf Origin you are hi-wl'lr rtum4 l.i aiiHir ami aii.wrr 11.0 cmi'llttt nUnl aawlii.t you In lit atM.tra rn llllv.ln.ort Kti.l aotlon, on nr ta-fltra the li ttf t lit. Ilttte riH-ttH.a In the tteder n.r lllli1lll.Ml Of till tltllllHMla, lakWlll the Mh Jm m Mv. tain, and II von fall lo an.f.r. rrwul ihrimr, th I'laliitln" will l'll lo ih court for the rlh'(thr'ln ildiianutl, to wn: 'or a dreree of dlvttrt rilntlvln th lH.ti.ta of nmlrtmtmv now exlitta oplw.n llnllir an.l il. fi ii.Unl. Tht uioiiHiii. l 'rvnl u.m tom lit tnltr of th Hon. H Kills Iti.lf of t rta.k r.. iiuly, tlv oTOr-cMi. lUtt'd Ih l.t iIht ot Mmvh, Hk. ami lit .tl..f th rlrl iil.ll ealion oflhl umtti.m I Murx h tlli, mm and lit dale t lit I. I nuhll.-alln oflhl utuKhMta wilt txplr ua May Mil, l"l". tt. A. HKI U lt Attorney rr lialniln. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Notice la hereby (lean, that in puroianra of an order of the futility Court of the ftal of Oreaon hir Crook' Count, mail on tha loth day of Max-it, t'.HO in lit matter of tha estate of William C. Arm troite. ievail. tha linilentiuned, tha ad miniMralor of aal.l ealale, wa ill aell at ruhlic auction to Ilia hiKht blJ.ler. for rah, itoLI coin of th l ulled Matea, autf jet'l to cciiormaluin by tit aaid I'ountv Court, on Saturday, the Itith day of April, llHO, at lOo'cltH-k in tha feioon at the front tloornt the c.uiity eonrthoti in I'ronevtlle, Oregon, alt Ihe riKlit, title, ItttrreKt and eatate ofllteaald William C. Armr..i!, al the timeolhia death, ami all the richt, title, and tnteerat Ih aai.l eslat n have aoiutrad other than or in addition lo that of th aaid William C. Ariittroiit at Hi Urn of hi dealli. ia all thai certain real tat ailuated In the county of Crook, !lte of Orejrom, nir ivirtivutarlir deriilted aa follows: Th northeast quarter of aection twenty-rltr in lownahtp leTenouth, of rang eighteen eat ol t tllamelte Mniridian, frrina and eontliHona of aal: Cah. coM ruin of tit I niiad Matra, tl.-e iter cent ol )ut ha-e prn lo b paid on -lay of ai. oaiance aa connriuatKHt ay in aaid County Court. Itatcd Una Kth .lay of March. l'MO m. k. Ki.Lmrr, Adminiatrrtor of th etl of MilliamC. Antttrong, deceaaed. Notice of Sale of Real Estate The Store for Young Men We have aimed to deserve this title, by showing distinctive apparel for the young man who it not satisfied with ordinary clothes. Our euccea cannot be doubted. You realie that we are alejlute headquarters for "nobby" apparel, and nowhere else in town will you ever find clothes which possess that same air of elegance which you always find in the clothes exhibited by this store. We Specialize ADLER'S Collegian Clothes because we are con vinced, from actual experience, that no other make possesses the same amount of character, nor the same high standard of quality. It pleases us to so successfully cater to the wants of our particular young men. You will be delighted with the new Spring suits which are now . being shown by ua. 7 m ADLER'S noIleSiaiy CLOTHES FOSTER & HYDE UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS Notice la hereby firn, that ia pursuance of a a ordve of the l oom Court of kit Mat of krrjron lr Ctx County, itiao j on Ih bHa day of March, tstld, ia .n j matter Kr th euu of Iloletuaa W. II or- j nit, deeMd. Ih nnderMcaed, th ad mm- I tmmtor of aanl eatat, will eett at puMic i auction to the huthvat hd4ar, for cat. ' ir id C" a vi th I mini 8lat, ubrct tu ! toobrntatKMi by aaid County t otrt, on tsaturday. IU li4h day of April, tt0, i at ti) VU k in tit forenoon, at lb front ; door of lb tVumy fourth ia t'nite-( ti... Oieesa, all tne riitM, utl an.1 inter. : et uf aa lioiman W. MurriU at Ut biu , 4.iu0eath aad atl Ih rurhi. tit and t trr.4 ta ad 4at ha acquired othr j lhan or In ad.titt.Mt to that uf th aatd H.-tka W. Morrill, at th lim of hi death, n all taal cenaia rtrai euat aitoa tnt inthe twunty vtfrook. Si at ot vVrf m, nM parneutarsy tncrihed a Mkit; I h a.niteutl auarlee of th aouthaeM quarter, b wt haif tf in avutiiaec-i. y:. 1 n:e: ?a: :e: :e: ke:.:e ie$ m m io:n tumip irtrt rmriw te. eatat of t iUaartl Vlerkdian, Terma and euaKiitiona of mle: lh. rld Me ol th I niwt Stale, tee re eri purvfcaj prxw w re pM Naianc apoa otwianttaltott tVwrt. Lkated th j Kth dat of M an-h. IWA A. U. Momll. A ireiai-lrator ot ta Etta te of lineman W. hloerUI, Oekaird. W$M Puissant de Lireaux 0. 4f I i I wliee that ttnrmm ta w a rail- j ' abe th ld t4aTic. drAa?e4 aa It 1 I ed rNT evC a t tvSa rr Jr rwd 8h IrV I I i4"r. uwt aveik i the kV-K,vwk. Vfeo tabv. la th festj Xthewcteyvi aoad jwt J -j p5,w thee ahK he a thoreaifw f ' '''C v- i- .si-yTiH?tt SPRING IIATS Mrs. Estes Comer Zi and! Makt Streets FRINEYILLE. OR. t'joatort J cc. XVjrarvxt el t !, 'C K;ted sur larJ tSc. T5 IH ei, Vree;k, VamrSk 2S. I tofe"wt.t aTMfcfclawWdJ t--.T- kftlTi Ww t4 Ja li hSc Imt AWiii X. i !.Mak, irf a.tri r. . -4, t r A 4m -mr tf T r Km itn 3ifjiw'M jh4 l.'Stf.iEs-mij. ,; X- lrsi. MKAt. r B .'imKt i(MrTCsvti-sv vt mm rf mu&i-r t MihNMdiitWM Ik. ls.'im,. jb4 m-m abriu . m s "T-a.w- s ' ! ' x tmt vsv'w s .-jrfe' hi -; tmHrmrm A Ud., jiT3skft w4i f NV A--, hf4-, mtmxMm wr iter StHW tr PuMtcfttioa. rrrw-.t mtSt 1K-raaT. mm ptnLhtc m&Jtrvm t imv M tW ?ik ttstv -mi Ajrm3L tsn. r tm tAM " V' fcMBl A r KlIvilL. eM- .VX 4 thrto sw6M-ifclfcT lHTmSr Scse Ij " rtai i f-JSkjS taf4t k$Ma44ihau t .-k4 4 5tj rr tJh-rwt Uty trra par4iM(, tab wv rU3rSfft 1 wk Wsvr irrt t J 9rV.- &a t i4 Kr-f. to.; tm rt aifin 4aki fpsmsi n tmfr-utn sl " a4 war tsersava 4Uf Hwusitk, , tf f -v4 fc4fwbnf.. : IVrJ. tirrfM ,kM- Sra?r wtt. r sbl-Sj -5wp ovsrf . .-tkrt.arc r1 wwwa, ewrre-wwf ' xsn! hftWun o.m sr I- K Hem a-Jr - i-' . THE rw Belgian Stallion OWNED BY H. A. MYERS & CO. Will make three stands during the season of 1910. metis Monday and Tuesday at Powell Buttes. Wednesday and Thursday at T. Sharp's ranch cm Crooked Rirer. 1st the ;l I t V?TA wvn uaS w w, ' Ajwub ecT, la ! Kih it & a!icd i t.iA ad ik A o.a . wl;?y , aha3.-l jia-iJ tTtft fcw www tla m.t Bk:i. tat ?4 ; tat a-i rrart tx I a -"a P last IkNV avv 'Ji I a vv . j?J laxy ?i it a t k'V 1 Ji The Winnek Company A SHUT OWNER tt near PrarrS Kit e $Sd -Wx aa Jurxv. IfkS. He wtw &ea ta tW tWca tKnractit ti Somsae-, wnore tix lsck t Iatnr4 thm Wo-va.waL, or ur refkajrs snaJk. .vve.'vfv?v.akvr.M i JkV j ar in ww ft ?'.! ff ta at !.at fmf . ibumt Wiwy em .. :x ltaj a tfftia ad at., " e W-.e wa ut. a srita a twrrtlntr - mfi &fi a . ta itt ft. ajt -nf tei c?v ana mSrraaed wui j ; (..'c4tlrm. Jt T IT IS, WWT j tc ?", Tr- t lijer lf-: a i aa3 naka lid v j.nnrcTnfi; tldkl nma ttm-x re t m"-.ret. a4 a?r a autl . n,l4-- i iw t a s oe a m mtwc joea.-t a lite atar. oare. fit aara Vx.j)i fuu is usM Jiic ta CrrJilwrtv. a a ptair T sr PnnevSQ, jai vklhMEft ; v.- jkvi jr. 0 a ail 4mfnjC!a e! .ata a.n wam stc aiiit aemiiua t.a e muaw t vrrt liie I t;WiJ i:e is Utii ..a M.B . -u, .-i )nfr i w aaT, s !T.tri-r aa mm a c a.. 4:itn a i ;l k .W m W j 5 fT'""!- ni wu.ta r mumn Smm i sa.ti jta j a? be-rliy iwe. tw w at. t.-e .kh r:m i.t, w.,. i rv. avtti. ana ime t-a)tit inocb-. it aars uri. una saifwkji a:teirtaaE at '4t a. K I aW "4..t. . V. - k-rf w . r.eenM- site ' etw. .?' t. aa h ofh.-w sa IVion-iiie. ficftT wne it itMU lifarott w'i i at 21 rJnrt a. n, B way SV !. beitt-e vt Lrwr ( JJer,--fflr ; It; 11, 6 M Ml. W aitH'WtL. .. Friday and Saturday at Redmond. Season begins May 1st and ends August Should anyone wish to breed prior to that time horse vriil be at the ranch of 1 1. A. Myers. Q 5:e: H. A. Myers & Co. Pot Offico Box 27 5? Redmond, - - Oregon rrs: r- w w svh? at? ars? e. , -mmrw kfjr a vkaM wHs", vTW W$ fcW. Kl it 8 4a r':TifUi Ssraitm 2.Tiil t'tffjr lis 71 "" . T -a. a. .!- mui 3kV Jr. it A MAN CaNTXlULY ON K5 FEET n aa fte a PnMwS frw u a tW Fal lfd a pair T Dr. Kwfi Cmsi Sole W for $S.iXa. K says l5r are tW m W W aial tWt tWy sajapjy taS saet wp taut. Nam ot akatcaaa ta tiaawe inb-eivL TVe ja evstieaxit l.vasc. ia a it'ioinr a.feAtn-a, i ". Z. ".f5H. srri. ia-ar wiari Jww tliaa Sfr e. a ;ae iiica.- Nnoue ietmne sl KCi! cut m he auatte, Jt w iMvwt at I ratfui d dari iiatt nr4. uttu-e -l i F"ea Hw 6oe ac fm w jttilJira&iaft. a VI W kar jott rvksl er sfd cjf 5rirsf ai Scaratraer aWs far We Kawr al fana ti pjr ctv The Winnek Company si ec:i: eel c;i ! V !e 1 "Til , '.V St iStH9k. f fWtt-f it. 1ST 2r lifct 1 & fClltTr;btmi riKr; tmtttt HWfi tki It. Stin fhf I lif 4waa.Ua rfiUMIalU ' taPIHTtaK tt'ifftlTHtnSU. t- iSlM amftr . f;, i twtt.r J atfu'irtiifi. rt, . wnpf r. aL..' iiiur twritXaatn jtJt , hhf ytsit-iij., it .t't. tm: -ti ? Jiiiif )h IwiJt ah.feMiMfUlwf-4 tM.C :irmrr: mi mnn tiwe owitaB jma; ac tsast ' BafC tr- -! iiatta sbd nii:vttHti want r"i a wmitfi'ni;. m aav-v vtifct 3ms ttttjn cw aw iTtuftKHt iB atT orfMan vbau rwtp UMrcwai. uu& xm?. t.fapr-C aM.MHfi lna. 1aacraC MTA fi 1 4dLteCi 9siattkt9 X. 4JJUC 4f . fcaal. i ttf r"H rt- itww 'iMi iHe irtn-isiT Vv(--i. miu. mi" KKwrt iaKIh TsB:'uvr- ma-ittv ic uw i '-. uMr!4ar niaML ifuusa la. ys 25,000 Roll New Wall Paper JUST RECEIVED We are also showing a fine new line just arrived of Mattresses and Go-Carts nfltfK-ii iii-r: H-iatr 3 Jfi. ei ur-u. sw:a -sitra -hUfMn ti . afwr urn aiittfr r-?fiaBa, "Ti- 'tsta- fcii" sm; miaatt: ti -at akf frrwrt Bff drrv:i. tiSM: 1i jaaii.K' 47"-JaV UUf Ii mfr- T4ti-asi,1'l. " A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. 5? 4 - ! 4