Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 31, 1910, Image 8

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    n SSIg
Take the Bull by the Horns
You must buy your Spring and Summer needs sooner
or later. Why not now when we are offering such
exceptional bargains. To know how great these are
you must see the values we are offering in everything
to wear for men, women and children. It will not
take vou long when once you see our merchandise to
decide that such an opportunity is not one to be
neglected. Just glance at a few of our bargains.
Mens Cooper UnJcrwear. $1.50 vlue..
Men's Cooper Underwear, $2.00 values ..
Men's Cooper Underwear, $3.00 value
Silk Underwear, $5.00 value
Men's Union Suits $3.50 values
Men's NigKl Skirts, $125 values
Men's NigKl Shirts, $1.75 values
Men's Pajamas, $3.50 values .
Bleached Muslin
Table Linen, $1.50 value.
Colored Satin Finish Table Linen, 75c value .
Winner Bed Spreads..
Clarendon Bed Spreads
Saxon Bed Spreads
The Place for Real Bargains
High School News.
The try-out for the ceneral ora
torical contest will be held on next
Friday and Saturday evenings, as
there are so many contestants that
it has made it necessary to separ
ate the try-outs of the two societies;
the Ochoconiana will hold theirs
on Friday evening and the Alphas
on Saturday. The try-out promises
to be interesting, as each of the
pixteen contestants have been
working hard to be selected as one
of the six to represent his respec
tive society in the public contest
to be held on Friday, April 8.
The following from which three
will be selected will enter from tl.e
Alpha Society,
Miss Louise Summers, senior;
Misses Fay Baldwin and Ethel
Clann, of the training department;
Miss Blanche Wilson, junior; Miss
Wilda Nye, Roy Lowther, Vernon
Bell and Elmer Martin, sopho
more; Miss Maude Potter, fresh
men. Trie Ochoconian contestants are;
Misses Emerien Young, Agnes
Elliott, Ethel Moore, Clark Morse
an 1 Wilford Belknap, seniors;
Mifs Lotta Smith, junior; Clarence
Bice, sophomore.
The student body voted on Mon
day to institute a contest among
the different classes in order to in
crease the interest in selling tick
eta for the coming oratorical con
test. The class averaging the most
tickets is to be the guest of honor
at a reception given by the other
three classes.
The basket ball season is over
and the teams have all done the
usual closing "etunl" and had
their pictures taken.
The Crook County High School
is preparing to put out a catalogue
that will combine the features of
the regular calalogue and annual.
Last Friday night the high
school basket ball team met a pick
ed team from the Commercial Club
at the club hall. The club team
started off with a rush and closed
fie first half with a score of 10 to
5 against the high school, but the
Becond half showed that training
and practice counts, as the club
team was unaccustomed to the
"strenuous work" and the high
school team closed the game with
a score of 18 to 16 in favor of the
high schcol.
1 he program for the Ochoconian
society for next Friday afternoon
is aa follows:
Instrumental Duet Misses
Mamie Bailey and Georgia Cleek.
Vocal Duet Mrs. Wickersham
and Miss Lotta Smith.
Talk Rev. C. C. Babbidge.
Jeeisrs mi Sopaaaeans.
Miss Blanche .Wilson, '11, was
absent last week on account of ill
ness, but is again in classes.
Five of the . sophomores are
scheduled for the oratorical try
out. TniV is unusual, but means
excellent preparation for the future.
Vernon Bell, '12, was absent
from classes one day last week on
account of illness.
Frasaasea ami Seaien.
The freshmen has its repsesent
ative in the oratorical try-out, as
Miss Maude Potter of this clafs
has entered. This is excellent
preparation for future work along
these lines.
Robert Kester, '13, has been ab
sent from classes for the past week.
We hope he will soon be with us
All of the seniors have entered
the oratorical try-out and are all
working hard for a place in the
final contest.
The program for the Alpha so
ciety for Friday is aa follows:
Instrumental Duet Misses
Gladys Doak and Vivian Hinkle.
Impromptu Miss Etta Houston.
Recitation Miss Ethel Klann.
Paper Vernon Bell, editor. As
sistants, Blanche Wilson and Amy
Recitation Chas. Lowther.
"Ste Hob's Kt Kattiag Babies"
Removal Notice.
Tr A W r.rot.. La. . 1 v : , :
.... ... . -i.ui "lyiii .juice
fmill til PflinHvtAI h.ktnl ftl.n ...U
- vvj uri uiic
door north of the Price Bros, store, where
ne win oe pieaseu to meet all patient. 3-3tf
Some White Rock eggs or chickens. J.
S lux, Prineville, Ore. 3-17-2t
.10 yards for $1.00
Raise a Pig.
It you wish to own an nuto tbat will
' travel fust ami fur,
Rake a pig;
It you have a dear doire for a splen
did private car,
Raise a pig;
If your daughter yearns for jewels
that will make a lurid blaze,
Or your wire would be aleniler where
some other matron sways;
If you wish to give up tolling and Id
comfort spend your days,
There's a way don't overlook It
Raise a pig;
If you're sick of serving others and
are longing for a change,
Rahte a pig;
If you wish to gaze at wonders that
are far away and strange,
Raise a pig;
If your son would like to squander
money on a chorus girl.
If you yearn to own a castle having
walls Inlaid with pearl,
If yourdarllngdaughter wishes to lie
married to an earl,
There's a way don't overlook It
Raise a pig.
If you wish i to be untroubled liy the
rising price of meat,
Raise a pig;
If you wish to get from under the
big burdens which yon liear, .
If you wish to go to Wall street and
create a furor there,
If, in short, you have a longing to be
come a millionaire,
There's a way don't overlook It
ItaW a pig.
Riser In Chicago Recnrd Herald.
"Set Hott'S Kst Ksttisr Babies"
BuU Calf for Sale.
Thoroughbred Jersey Bull Calf for sale;
arjre enough for service; will sell for JUS.
Address T. F. McCallister .Prineville. 3-10
Gydesdale Stallion for Sale.
Comings years old; weight over WOO lbs.
Address 8. A. Prose, Prineville, Or. 3-10in
Annual Meeting Commercial Gub.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting nf the Prineville Commercial Club
will beheld at the club house in Frineville,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the 5th day of April,
1910, for me purpose of electing officer for
the ensuing year and for transaction if
such other business as mav properly come
before the meeting. Dated this 2lrd day
of February, 1910. 11. K. ItBINK,
Victor Hugo's Homo Whitt Ho Wss In
Exile at Guorntoy.
Hauteville Uoum In HI. IVter Tort,
i;mniM',, , t,.r Hugo's homo r. Ill le
III V.lll. TCIIIUllI exactly us lut loft It.
It Is held liy Ills descendants. Yk'tor
1Iiisd . haunter Is written u th
walls and ceilings tf every room lu
the house. Each Is distinctive and
tilled with priceless pictures, tuctrlct
tut furniture.
The dining room U "puHrcd" with
iHiub dolt't ware, and In u recess
U u saltcellar made liy a pupil of
Michelangelo valued at ftkHl. The
study Is s bare und Inconvenient room.
It commands magnificent V knu of
Surk, ilerm, Jellmu, Castle Cornet
aud tile baliior and leads. Into a stiinll
room used liy the iiovelbu as a rest
aud sleeping chamber, lined with Vol
umes bearing the marks of his own
Not the least lutervstluj; of tlio fea
tures are, the corrvHudout point
out. the mottoes and uphorhuu writ
tea up tu unexpected places, "Rife Is
au Exile" U Inscribed ou the door of
the dining room; ou the IhhI prepared
for GarllMldi (which was never occu
pied) one limy read. "Nox, Mors, I.ux;"
la the oak gallery are three chairs In
Berlbod "rater." "Mater." 'Tlllus,"
and underneath "I'lllus" Is written
"Amatus A mat."
lu the red drawing room and otbrr
splendid apartments are tables that
belonged to Charles 1U a bedstead
of Frauds I. aud a Ore screen worked
by Mm. Pompadour, a white and gold
dessert service once the proHrty of
Louis rhilippe. Sunday S hood Chron
Thoy Sit In Tall Sontry Boxot on tho
Lookout For Fish.
It Is conutMin enough to see a boy
watching cattle to keep them from
straying, and In days not so very long
goue by it was no unusual thing for a
bey to be set to keep the birds off the
crops. But a watch boy whewe duly It
is to keep a lookout for a school of
fish and who sits In a sentry box set
upon stilts Is not such au everyduy
'1'hla particular kind of watch boy Is
Norwegian, the seetie of Ills labors lie
lug the shores of some fiord of bis un
live laud.
His little sentry box is made of
wood aud perched high upou ixists.
Here the lad sits. KazliiK out across
the arm of the sea, usluj; bis keeu
eyes for the benetit of the fanners
who are dciiemtlti;; upon hi m to give
the alarm when a school of ttsh (hull
appear. They work contentedly
enough lu their fields, secure lu the
belief that their watch boy will lot
them kuow when It is time to reiip a
harvest from the sea Instead of from
tie land.
When the signal is given they leave
their work, throw their big uets over
their shoulders aud hurry off to their
Sentinel boxes similar to those em
ployed lu Norway were lu use among
the Gsbermeii on the shores of the
Mediterranean, and it Is siixsod that
the rlklugs brought back with tbem
from some of their piratical raids tho
Idea that has been put In practice ever
sluce. Youth's Companion.
There was once a young man who
was paying court to three dlffercut ,
beautiful damsels. Each was fair,
each was sweet, each was churuiliiR. 1
So much of a triplicate similarity did
they have that be did not kuow bow
to choose between them. So he went
to a wise old man aud laid his trou
bles before him. I
"Is there a clock at each house?"
asked tbe wise old man.
"There Is." 1
"And what does Esmeralda sny
when the clock strikes II?"
"She says the clock Is slow."
"What does Kulalle say?"
"She says the clock Is Just right."
"And what does Evangeline say?"
"She always says tbe clock Is fast."
"My son, there Is no need for fur
ther evidence. Evangeline Is the one
that really loves you." Judge.
Burglar Medicins.
"A society woman otice asked me
what she should do If a burglar were
to get Into her room and awakeu her
from sleep." said a former police cap
tain. "I told bcr to do nothing except
sit up in bed and srjueal for help at
the top of her lungs. That's the medi
cine for Mr. Ilurglnr. Not one of tbe
gentry la 10,000 will do aught save run
like a deer when a woman begins to
yell. The mm enough professional
will not harm anybody unless corner
ed, and to shoot Is tbe last tbiug be
contemplates in his philosophy. An
amateur loses his head und uses bis
gun, but a tegular never.'' Baltimore
American. '
A pompous looking lawyer once
chartered a hansom cab, and on reach
ing his destination be only gave his
driver tbe shilling required by law.
The driver looked at the coin and
bit his lip. Then In the most courteous
manner he said: "Do step In ngaln. sir.
I could ba' druv ye a yard or two far
ther for this 'ere." London Fun.
Reasons For Lovs.
Patience All the girls Just hnto blm
because he's going to marry me. Pa
trice Ifou love him for the enemies he
has made, I suppose. Yonkers States
man. Tho Manager..
"Are you able to manage your hus
band?" 'I don't have to. My mother lives
with vs." Honstou Tost.
Piano For Sale.
A $475 Cambridge Irers fe I'ond plane.
Rosewood case, in excellent condition, for
$250. Impure at Journal ottice or of
Margane r. Brink. 3-17-tf
"Sec Holt's Kott Katting Babies"
For Sale.
First class saddle horxe. Buy gilillnjt
coming seven, about 1U0O lbs. od road
animal. Nervy, speedy, but gentle. Not
mean, never bucks. Will also sell Wvhl
saddle, blanket and bridle. Realty De
velopment Co. 10 Adamsoti Klock, I'riue
vilie. , March 17, l!IO. tf.
Timber Claim for Sale.
tiocl tillllHT clsiitt fur SmIm .til l't lt
Khvi near I'rlueville; mill be sold vtuap If
iieii m oneo. AdtlreM . A. I'ltw,
l'ruieville, Oregon. S-IOmp
Fine Washing Article for Sale.
I have lYnnvwli for sale. . 1'rlce 'JUc V
package: can be hat at my Imu. on (he
north aid of tie Oi hoco. XlKM. I'KAltl,
HUhr.Ul.NVI. 3-10-Imp
1st Presbyterian Church
Sunday rVhrnd, 10 a. III.
rhriliHn KudiHtvor, l:.'k) p. lu.
Treadling; at M a. m. and T:. p. lu.
Xlid-WM-k lrnyer niseling V,lnwUy
evvuing at T:.
Come and enjoy (ChkI inuaic and Oo'pel
rrvaebing. Our polity! In eaaviidals
haritv. In iKm-miilfat I.ilwriv.
N. U. Kor siwial notices see liValt of
inn paper.
tit Minister.
Notice of Sale of State lands.
Notice is here y given that the 8tate Hoard will receive sealed bids
until 10 o'cl.H-k a. ui., June 3, HMD, lor
the following t'eecribed M'liuol lands,
to-wit :
All t Section Id, T. 2l 8. R. 9 VV.
AU ol Section SO, T. Ill 8. K. S V.
HieSV4, W WolSKti an I I,ots 3
and 4, Section 111, T. 32 8. It. 13 W.
All of Section Id, T. 39 8. K. 13 W.
The NV of S, and U.ts 1, 3, 3 and 4
of Section HI. T. 41 8. K. IS V.
TheNW olXWW, NKi, and NK
of SKi4 ol Section JO, T. SH 8. K. W K.
Lots I, 2,3 and 4 aud SKS( ol SWfc,
8S ol SK,' ol 8ctiou Itt, T, 0 8. K. 13
Itsl.2, 3,4, and the t, ofE.S,
ES of WS,. SWi,' of NW and W of
Sof Mectioa 3d, T. 18 8. It. 11 K.
All bids must be accompanied by a
regularly executed application to pur
chase and at least one tilth of the
amount offered.
No bid of less than J7.W per acflfwill
1 considered.
Th" right it reserved to reject any
and all bidt.
Applications and bids should bo id
dressed to U. U. Ilrown, Cletk State
Land Itoard, Salem, Oreiron, and mark
ed "Application uJ bid U purchase
itate lands." O. tj. Mkows,
Clerk State I jnd lloarj.
Hated March 24. 1U10. 4-SI
Trade at Home!
V greatly appreciate home
trade and know all would be
beneftted by spending your mon
ey at home. Catalogue houses
never hclprd your son, daughter
or neighbor, they do not pay
taxes In your community nor
upjiort your schools or churches.
DOES. If you will add freight
or postage, then compa.e quality
with our goods we will meet the
catalogue houses every time.
Yours for home trails,
General Merchandise
Sisters, Oregon.
In the Circuit Tourtof the Slate of Orrcon
for i rook County.
A. Hlvvvnaou, plaiiillrr,
Kettle Htrvrwinn. defendant.
lo Nettle htevvnuon, llmavove named de
fendant: in the name of the. staut of Oregon yon are
hereby required to appear and annwer tlie
compllnt filed acalnat you In the a bnve en
titled court and action, on or before the laal
Unrnf t lie time prenr.rllM-d In the order for
publication of this summons, Uwlt: the 5th
dny nf Mitr, lulu, und If you fall to aoanawer,
for want thcteor. the plaintiff will apply lo
Hie court tor the relief therein demanded, to
wn: Kor a decree of divorce dlaaolvlnf the
bonds of matrimony now exlullmf between
plalntin and defendant.
TIiIm auninionft la wrved upon you by order
of the lion. M. O. Kill', Judg of I'rook
oounly, stale of Ontron, datet the lint day of
IKareh, iviu. and tlitt (lute of the nnit publi
cation of Ibis aiuniiiona Is March 2llh, ll'lu,
and the date ol the In. I publication of tbla
summons will expire ou May 5th, 1 1 .
&24 Attorney for I'lalutlir.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance
of an order of the County Court of the
Stute of Orenon for Crook County, made
ou the loth day ef March. 11)10, in the
matter of the estate of William C. Ann.
stroiiK, deceased, the undersigned, the ad
ministrator of (.aid estate, will sell at
public auction to the highest bidder, for
cash, gold coin of the United States, sub
ject to confirmation by tbe said County
Court, on Saturday, the 14th day of April,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
at the front door of the county courthouse
in Proneviile, Oregon, all the right, title,
interest and estate of the said William C.
Armstrong, at the time of his death, and
all the right, title, ami interest the said
estate may have acquired other than or In
addition to that or the said William C.
Armstrong at the time of bis death. In sll
that certain real estate situated In tbe
County of Crook, State of Oregon, more
particularly dexcribed as follows: The
northeast quarter of cection twenty-live in
township eleven south, of range eighteen
east of Willamette Medridian, -
Terms ami conditions of sale: Cash,
gold coin of the United States, five per
cent of purchase price to lie paid on day of
sale, Balance upon continuation by the
saiil County Court.
JJuted this 17th day of March, 1010.
Adininistrrtor of the estate nf
William C. Armtrong, deceased.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate.
Notice Is hereby given, that in pursunsFe
of an order of the County Court of the
State of Oregon l'er Crook County, made
on the loth day of March, 11110, in the
matter for tbe estate of II olenian W. Mor
rill, deceased, tbe undersigned, the admin
lstnitor of said estate, will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder, for caih,
gold coin of the United States, subject to
continuation by said County Court, on
Saturday, the lllth day of April, 11)10,
at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the Irnnt
door of the County courthouse in I'rine
viile. Oregon, all the right, title and inter,
est of said iloleimm W. Morrill ut the time
of nis death and all the right, title and in
terest the suid estate has acquired other
than or in addition to thai of the said
I loleman W. Morrill, tt the time of his
death, in all that certain real estate situa
ted In the County of Crook, State ot Oregon,
more particularly described as follow:
The northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter, the caxt half -of the northwest
quarter and tbe southwest quarter of the
northwest quurter of section twenty-nine
in township seventeen south, of range
twelve east of Willamette Meridian.
Terms and conditions of sale: Cash, gold
coin ol the I'nited Htates, live per cent of
purchase price to be paid on day of sals,
balance upon confirmation by said County
Dated this 17th day of March, 1010.
A. V. Morrill,
Administrator ol the Kstute of
lloleiuun W. Morrill, deceased.
. Wood Cutters, Attention.
We will let to responsitdo artia a
contrail to cutlnor .KO rordaof pin
wood. We will furnish the timber, ( all
on or address tho I'lineyHIc Lights Water
ohiMtnv. I.ttf
Professional Cards,
j. S. 1 OX
and Boomiru
Itootu 10, Adamson lllk, 1'tlnevillo, Or
Aaeiil lor
Royal standard A Smith premier Typewriters
nsvau ll-rityanu)
Belknap cC d wards
S"4jrWami TrryesA
? .eVl ee TW S tsWaas'
Homestead locations
a specially
Prinovillo, ... . . Orefoa
(County Physician.)
V ar sm Ce
& 0. Jb
Caixj AHswsasu riosmi Pay oi Ntsav
OrtH i Oss boos Moera or anaaaua's
Painiltroaa. Hoik oHlt an reaj.
denes lelvylioaea.
W. A. lJI-LL
The Dalle ... Oregon
G. L. M'RNIl'R
Attorney -at -Law
Will Braellea In all the IVurU.
Offlo nvsl dHur lo ttr. ltuanuersj'a,
Prlnrvllls, tlrrsMu
. Si rink
SP. Cuutt,
Q C. SBrx
Office with Ueo. W. ltarnes
In the Circuit Court of the (Hate of Ore
gon tor. K rook County.
H. J, Newsoiti, plsint'iir,
Adolph Iltnswanger and all others In
terested. Defendants. t
To Adolph llinawanger, the above-
named defendant and to all others Inter
ested t
I n the name of the state of Oregon
1 ou are hereby commanded to annear
and answer the complaint tiled SKsiust
you in the above entitled suit, on or before
Second dav of Mav. 1010.
and if you fail lo so appear or answer said
complaint, for want thereof the plaint!!!
will take a judgement anil decree against
you lor tne reiier prayed for In the com
plaint, to wit:
h'or a decree of sold court forever remov
ing the cloud upon the plaintiffs title to
uie following ucscritMni premises, town:
lleuinnlnir at a tioint 30 feet east and fif
teen hundred thirty leet north of the sec
tion corner w riecuons nve, sis, imrty-one
and thirty-two, on the township line lie
tween townshitu fourteen and fifteen
Houth, and all being In Kange sixteen east
oi tbe Willamette Meridian In Crook
County, Htate of Oregon, and running
tuetice south, seventy-nine degrees east,
sixty feet, thence north two hundred feet;
thence north, seventy-nine degrees west,
siity feet and thence south two hundred
feet to the place of beginning. That the
defendant Adolph ltiiiawanger, aud all
persons claiming by, through and under
mm be forever barred and estonned from
having or claiming any right, title or in
terest in or to said premises or any part
inereoi, ana mat too pianino ue accrued
to be the sole owner in fee simple of said
premises free and clear from cloud or in
cumbrance, and for such other and further
relief as muy seem meet to the court and
lust in the premises.
This Humnions is published by order of
the Hon. 11. C. Kills, County Judge of
irooK i;iuiiiy, otate oi Oregon, mane anil
entered the 2i:d day of March, l!)i:i, in the
irooK county journal, lor seven full
weeks commencing with the issue of
March a, imu.
Dated and published first time March 3d,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Olllce.
The Dalles, Oregon. February 12. 1010.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed in this office by Ada E. Morse, con
testant, against homestead Kutry, No.
14171, made Muy 2'2, 1H0.5, for 8 W. Section
2, Township 15 South, Kange 14 Kant,
vviuamciie meriuian, uy
John M. Stewart, deceased, Contestoe,
in which it is alleged that said John M.
Stewart died on or about March 13. If);
that since his death, his heirs, Alice H.
Johnson, John M. Stewart, Mary 8.
Anderson, William W. Stewart and Ruth
liloom have failed to reside upon, cultivate
or improve the land in any wuy; that said
abandonment was not due to services in
the army, navy or marine corps of the
United States In time of war.
Said parties are hereby notified to ap
pear, respond, and offer evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. ou April
1, 1010, before Warren Brown, County
Clerk at his office In Prineville Oreoon,
aud that final heurine will be held at 10
o'clock a. m. on April 8, 1010, before the
Register and Receiver at the United States
Land Office In The Dalles, Oregon.
The said contestant having. In a proper
affidavit, tiled February 11, 1010 set forth
facts which show that after due diligence
personal services of this notice can not le
made, it is hereby ordered and directed
that such notice be id veil bv due and
proper publication.
2-Uy C. W. MOORE, Register,
('I tut loll. -
In tbe (Wily IVurt oftheHlaU ofOrrsnn
air t'rooa tvuuly
In lb inaitrr of I lie estate of Hobart Hows,
llmvaaetl, t'ltsllon.
Toll A. (Vnli'tn, Mnrtln Arthur Howe.
Melvln lloharl Hows, Maud ilrsham ami
MnU-I While, Hie heirs at law ami n. l of kin
ol .aid deivaaril, and lo all ullter heirs uit.
known, and luall rsolia lulerented In said
estate, gieellng!
lu Hie mime of the alal of tlmtim, you are
heiehv cliinl and rvsolhvd lo appear In lha
enultlv court of the alaleol tlis-eon, Air the
cointlv oH'rtMia, at lite May term f aalit
ismrl, al His wHirlnmm llimr In I he eaiumy
i'tirl houai4, In rrtiievlile, t'naie enuulv,
non,n Monday IheSml day of May, IviO,
at ten ii'iiliM'h In Ihe firenRM of aaiil day,
then wild there li ahnw ewuse. If any vihi
have, why an order alionld not he granted to
Ilia admlnfcstralor irf aalit eatalo lo sell Ilia
hrrsniarter dewrllieil eeal nitrrly heluitalne
to aald ealale, ileai'rtlN'it aa follows, Uwlll
The northeast Quarter ofaerllon asvenleew
tl?i In lownslihi twelve (II) ami lb of range
ten (il K. H. M.
WllnMM,lM II. ai. M. '. ICIIIa. Indteoflhe
an I.I rs in ii ly eourt, wllh lite aval of aald eourt
aillm-.l. this Hal day nf Marvh. Il. ,
I t i.Hiiiv ( ink.
Hy II. A. Mslglu, iJeputy.
Nolle tor Publlcatioa.
IVpartmeiit of the Interior, I', H. I .and
OlHee at The Dalles, Oregon, March IWh,
Notice is hereby given that
John Malison,
of rrlnevllle, Oregon, who. on tVtolier
dh, 1117, made Homestead. trWtal No.
Wai.) Ha. l.'iTis, for Ula I. a, S. and 4.
Heetion 1 Towuahlp 14 houtli, Itaugd lA
Kaat, Wllliamelt Ms.ldlsn. lias llle.1 no.
lli-eof Intention to niako Final ruiniuu
lalion I'rool, lo ataldlsh claim to tho land
alaive deaeritsisl, before Warren Mpinm.
County Clerk at Ida atnee, at 1'rlneillle,
On-von, on III Ub day ol April, UHU.
t lainiani name aa Wltneeaea. t art J.
fundquiat, William Clswaon, Otto Bor-re-Hin,
Charles 11. Dluwlddie, all of I'nne
vllle. Oieguii. C. W, MOOKK,
S-atp Ueglster.
Notli for l'ubhVtttioil.
IV'imrtineiil of the Interior. V, H Ijind
Oltiev al The Dalles, Oregon, March I.Hh,
Notice la hereby a I veil thai
William Smith,
ot I'rliievllle. Oregon, who, on March '.Tib,
psj load Homestead, (Serial ,Nu, )
No. I4i:i. for W KW', MK NWt. and
SVV NliV, Section yu, Towushin IS
South, Uanga III Kaat. WllllauielU Mr
ridian, lias lllcd notiea of intention to
make Kinal live-year l'rool, to siahll-h
claim to the land above deaerilied. In fore
Warren Hruan, County dark at hlaotttrw,
al frineville, Oregon, on the Mh day of
April. IUKI.
( laimant name aa wliueaaeai John K.
Harris. Henry McCoy, William II. Uiftlii,
tieorge Turner, all of Prineville, Oregon.
.V.'lp C. W. MOOUK, Uegtaler.
Notice (or Ptikllcatloa.
Departnieiit oftb Inlerlor, t'.S. Ijind
Oltiev al The Dalles, Urrgoii, March,
Notice is hereby given that
tluy Heaea,
of I'rliievllle, Oregon, who, on November
tub. loot, mads Homestead, (Serial No.
U1I77.) No, l.UBS, for Ns NK', SWt
XKX. and NWl, SKt,', ration an, Town,
hip l& South, Range 14 Kart, WilUmett
Meridian, has Itletl nolle of Intention lo
make Knal live-year l'rool. lo establish
claim lo the land abv described, before
Warren Itrown, County Clerk at hla office,
at I'rinsvlll, Oregon, on Hi 'Juh day of
AlH-ll. IU10.
Claimant name a a witnesses) Charles
I). Swanaon, A II ml W, Uayn, Dallon A.
Yates. J. Alvln Rlggs all of I'rlneville,
Oregon. C. W. MtKiKK,
S-aip Kcgialer.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice Is hereby given that lha 11 rm of
llorigan A Still baa been dissolved by mu
tual con-eiii, J. W. llorigan continuing
the titlsiniMa. navltitf ail ln.lpblM,lt,M aiul
etitlicling all aecbuiits.
Haled March I, 1010.
J. W. Ilorlssn.
S-IU II. D. Still.
Cull for Warrants.
All eounty warrants outstanding are called
for and will be paid upon prearniatlon to Ihe
eon nly treasurer. Interest erase after Ibis
Doled Ibis "lal day of Wareh. tSUJ,
W. r. K1NU, County 1 reasurer.
Kotic for Publhatlon.
Department of tbe Interior
United Klaus Laiid Offlws, al The Uallea, Or
. . rebniary st, IWM,
Nolle Is hereby given thai
Marv K. HennetL
widow of John W. llennett, deeeaaed, nf final,
Onsjon. who. on HepUnilier Mh, HS1. made
hoioratead (aerial tiu. inrn-'l, No. IJWM. for
sSNHswftSWl. MMu smI4. and Hk',
MK', see 14. township II south, rawra SI eaal.
w. ., has Hied noliro of lutenlliui lo make
final five-year proof. Uieatabllah elalm lolh
land above deaor I bed .before Wnrien Ilrown,
cuunly clerk, si bis nllnj al I'rliievllle. ilea.
gun, on the I'ilb dny of April, I Via
laiuiBiii namea aa wllneaaes; lwla w,
Iteniiell and Drover 0. I'rbw of liar lira, dr.;
Mailer A I'araou and alUr T. Murrla tit
foal. Oregon.
Hop C. W. Hooaa. Iblater.
Notics for Publiratlon,
Not t eal land.
Iieiiarlmrnt of the Interior, l:. a. Land Uffli's
al Ihe Uallea, tlregon, January 'Alb, I 'J 10.
Notice I beri'liy given that
Pleaaalll N. Turner.
of Powell Butte, Oregon, who, on February
Voth, ll i.'i. uiaile llonieatead, (Serial No. ttH.')
No. Warn, for Nl, NW'i, SK' NWii, Heel inn i,
Townahip It Mouth, Itanga (4 Kaat, Willamette
sieriuian, lias men notice ol Intention lu
in aim Final gre-year prisif, lo eatalillah elatta
tn I lie land above described, before Wsrren
Ilrown, Comity Clerk at hla office at PrlDeville.
Oregon, on tho 11U day of Man n, lwlil.
Claimant names aa wllneaaes: William f)
Johnson, Thomaa K. MoUanlei. William Bald
win, Charles II. roster, all ol l'owoll Hulls,
1-' C, W. MOORE, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Di'PartnHint of the Interior,
. U. S. Land OfDua at Tbe llallea, Oregon,
. . . February IW, 11110,
Notloe Is hereby given that
Jeaala at. Ilenneft
of llarnea, Oregon, who, on June 11th, tWH,
mad homestead (serial No. OS'iM), Nn. 13,'His,
for eaat hulf sotilheaat quarter, section sV: '
northeast quarter northeast quarter aeollon
it, and northwest quarter northwest quarter
section as, township Is south, range Si east,
T.iisiiini nuiiuo oi inienuon to niaka
filial five-yeHr proof, toesUilillsh dial in to the
land aisive dascrllMd. Iiernre Wasmn Un.u,.,
oounty clerk, at Ida ofllne at frineville, Ore
gon, on the lUth day of April, 1DIU.
"luininiii. naiiina aa witnesses: lwts n,
ItennHlLunfl llrnvei. ft 1 u.. n ,
son; Wa,lutr A, Carson and Walter T. Morris
of 1'ost, Oregon,
S-'UP w. Moons, Ri'glster.
ContcHt Notice,
Dctiarment of th Interior,
1) lilted States Land Office.
Til Dalle. Ilreonn , mm
A annlelnnt ennla.l .ol.l.ul I
tiled in this offloe by Earl McLaughlin,
contestant, against homestead ntry, No.
12272, made March 18. 1003, for WMHWW
Section 10, Township 14, S., Range 12,hV.
Willamette Meridian, by Charles W.
Kman contestee, In which It Is alleged
that anld llbnrl,,. W V. ...... I .i
7 -..-. ... ,, , .,, nun wuoiiy
abandoned said tract for mote than six
iiioiimis iumj past; mat said tract is not
settled upon and cultivated by said party
aa ruioiiritfi hv luu, ll,u '. ,..r
. ( . , uu f.
provement of any description whatever
thereon; that said alleged absence was not
du to his employment in tho army, navy
or marina luirm .f lha IT,.lta.i oi. .... jr.
Ii r Ei, . niaies ill
time of war. Said parties are hereby noti-
iieo lu iiiiar, responu, ami oner evidence
tHfOilm, Hultl allui.ull.... ,A .i.i
rill Anrif 7 11)111 lu.f... w. u ' . . '
County Clerk at his othice in Prineville.
. .5 ! . . """" "earing will lie held
;t 10 o'clock a. m. on April 14, 1910, be
fore the Register and Receiver at the
United States laud olllce In Tb Dalle.
The aald cnlitnututit t. ...!.. I .
in , 7i, , . ill a oroper
affidavit, f led February 23, 1010, set forth
lu rt at asj la I a la aa I,aui !.. jTa.. .1 ini
,,.v, niiivn .muw niat alter uue uillgeuce
personal service of this notloe can not be
made. It is linral,v , i .u ... .
that such notice be given hy due ami
HsfalkaMIs Sill lilliiul likn
rv r"
u, w. MOORE, RegisUr.