Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 31, 1910, Image 5

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    The most complete line of Farm Machinery in the County
CompleU Line -All Siie. and Stylet
Wood Frame Harrows ,
Spring Tooth Harrows
' Superior Grain Drills
- Fanning Mills ot Daggers
i . The well known Oliver and Canton
Plows in walking, sulky and gang
In an effort to keep pace with the many improvements in agricultural machinery, we are introducing every
season new types of implements that have been tried and found to materially increase the yield of the soil in other
sections similar to ours. This year we offer the Canton Alfalfa Harrow and a big assortment of Land Packers. In
packers we have the Dunham for light, sandy soil and the Campbell for heavier soiL These packers are designed
to conserve the moisture and to obtain the proper proportion of air and moisture in the ground and thus increase yield
Complete Line All Sizes and Styles
Peg Tooth Harrows
Disc Harrows
Wagon Scales
Feed Grinders
We are always pleased to show you
the goods whether you buy or not
The W. F. King Company, Prineville, Oregon
Mr. (Ji-orgo ltuy nf l'ottt In vIhUIiik
In town.
Andrew Morrow ot Willow wna In
town tottiiy.
Juliii Klmrp Jr., wna a Imaluraa
IWn Murtft 27, to the wife of
Frank Punter, n girl.
W, C Colby nitil wlto In the
flrat ot the wwk from tlii'lr Cruukcd
river ranch.
Mm. KM 11 Ituwy, a nltr of Mr,
tlmtrtctt Mllllciin, In hrru on n, vlalt.
Hhe rnimi from llnrrlxbnrg, Oregon.
The lufmit non of Mr. nnd Mrn.
Mil wta linricil Mumttiy, Her. C. I".
llitll.-y, oHli-lutlug.
J uka Johnson In (111 routined to
lil IhhI. II thluka the proK'r il u
tor n tick to tilt In on the other fel
low. " .
1'ruuk Johuaun and family hurt
rvturnrnl from HeiUtle, where Mr.
Johnaon lina bwu attending the
M'hool ut foreatry nt the Uulveralty
of YViialilngtou.
The itnptlHt Sunday Keliool held
Appropriate m-rvlrra on Knater. The
children did aplwidldly. The ad
ilrvaa by Itev. ltmlford wna good nnd
the lnglng by the t holr wna excel
lent. Tho linwtinll game U'tween the
mnrrled nnd Mingle men Htiuday
nftertioon remitted In n aeon of 21 to
0 In favor of the youngatora. The
MitrrM men allowed lack of prnctlce
nnd did not att'in nhle to connect
with llyider'a alimt at the right
time. ' 1 ' -
' ( llftou Cornet t have bought out
the firm of I.lvely-Jordan-Lnulua Co.
The "trnnafcr will tie made April 1.
I V tail of the trnnmictlou nre not
'completed and the pur tie thereto
did not wImIi to lie Quoted until
everything wit womid up. Clifton
Cornett will take over the Mock of
the other fir in and move to the
WuriwclliT block In about a month.
Mr. Nnotul Salomon nnd II. V.
Curvy ol ftulein, were married hint
Thuradny, Mra. Salomon lvd for
many year In Prineville, where alio
ium ninny rein liven and friend.
Mm. I. L. Ketehum In a alatfr. Mr.
Carey In a brother of Mm. W. A.
Itnoth of till place, and him a liont'
of frlfiida In and near Rnlrin, where
lie owim coiiHlderablo proHrty. Mr.
and Mra. Carey will make their
future homo lu Portland.
Mlaa AlUv Dillon and Lloyd On.
trill were married last Sunday after
noon at the home of tint brldu'a
mother, Mra. 1.. Dillon. Rev. C. C.
Rabbldge Mrformed the ceremony.
Mlaa I.avelle Dillon wna brldeamnld,
anil Maraton White acted aa beat
man. After the ceremony all at
down to amimptuoua wedding din
ner. Mr. Cantrlll haa a homeatend
near Iionnnxn, Klamath county, to
which he will take hla- bride after
flulnhlng u ditch contract tor Oliver
Powell. ,
William Ktnnton wna a btiattieaa
vlaltor Monday.
Horn March SO, to the wife of
Walter I.lthgow, a girl.
llal Co wn n of I.fiiiionta, waaa
Prineville vlaltor Monday.
John Mllllorn of Rear Creek, waa a
bualneaa vlaltor the flrat of the week.
Alticrt Streamer of Lamonta. waa
a county aeut vlaltor fho flrat of the
Prank Klklna returned from
Shaulko Tueadny evening with hla
uew Pord car.
Dr. P.dwarda reporta that Raker
Knox of l'oat la alck with an attack
of apottiil fever.
County Clerk Rrown returned
Saturday from hla trip to Portland,
where be waa aummoned aa awlt
ncaa lu a ault agaluat the county.
The Royal Neighbor gave the
Woodmen a very pleaaant aurpiiae
M:nday evening. After a good
mini time the boy nerved a good
Next Tuewlay, April 5, will lie chil
dren', flay with the Royal Neigh
bor. A program la being prepared.
All Neighbor ahould come and bring
their children.
R. Rooten of Pont, wna In town
Tueadny. lie aaya that he Ita tun
ed out Ida cattle and that they look
well. He dldu't low a hoof during
the winter.
The Lndlc Annex will entertain
club iiiciiiUt tomorrow (Friday)
evening at MX). Everybody la i re-
l uea ted to tie on baud promptly at
8 o'clock. Meadame Roaenberg,
llrlnk and Michel are the ladle In
According to cattle report from
the Union atock yarda at Portland
price for good atuff are ruling high.
The hlgheat point remditnl la ftl.75.
Henry Cram had 14 cara of good
atock laat week that old at a good
figure. He ' bad 'one ateer that
weighed 20.'0 pound that aold for
(l.60. Cow brought 15.75 Breed
up your berda, gentlemen, it pay.
Tillman Reuter of Madrna, waa In
Prineville the laat of the week. He
la preparing to plaut a larger acre
age on hla dry rauch tula year thau
ever. HI fall aown grain look well
never looked better, he Bay, at
thl time of the year. Hi Increaaed
acreage will be sown to potatoes.
which he grow to perfection. Till
man la a firm believer lu dry farming
principle and carrle them out In
practice ou hla ranch. He make It
pay, too. ' '
F. E. Whitney, chief clerk of the
railroad mall aervlce, with head
quntera at Portland, I touring
Central Oregon with Mall Contractor
U. M. Cornett In hi big auto, looking
over the mall routes for which
contract liavi not ltcen obtained for
the uext tour year. Ho fur the de
partment un received noBatlafikctory
bid for the service from Shnnlko to
Prineville which ithotruuk line of
mat! supply for the whole of Centrnl
Orcgou. .
Horn March 30, to the wife of
Oeorge Zachery, a on.
(J. M. Cornett received a7-poaaen-ger
Kuox car Tuesday.
Mra. C. W. Congleton wa a Prlne
vllle viator the flrat of the week.
Judge Elba mid Comnilaalotier
Ralley were holding county court
tlila week.
Andrew Noble haa ordered an Over
land touring car through Dr.
R menb rg. ,
A. U. Chapman haa taken up a
botnatead at Lower Rrldge. He ha
a good location.
There will be a red hot amoker
after the annual meeting of the Com
mercial Club next Tueadair evening.
I'verybody come.
Presbyterian Church: Sunday,
April 3, 1010. Trenching aervlce at
11 a. m., and 7:30 p. in. Subject for
evening "A Buay Man' Rlunder."
Information I wanted concerning
the whereabout of 17-year-old John
Coackley, who left Prineville over a
week ago to look for work up
Crooked river. Any Informaticn
will le thankfully received by Ida
father, P. Coackley of thia city.
The 500 Club met at the home of
Mra. C. M. Elkln laat Friday after
noon. Mra. Harney Mllllorn won
the plate on the hlgheat acore. After
card playing dainty refreshment
were aerved. The club will meet at
the home of Mra. Mllllorn a week
from tomorrow.
The Henderson Investment Com
pany la a uew real eatate firm Juat
organized In Prineville. While the
firm la a new one In name the metr
liera composing It are old cttbsen
J. W. Hcuderaou is an old bualneas
man, J. W. Rooue and Omar Clay-
Claypool are well known in the bual
neaa circle of Crook county. They
will do a general real estate business.
Their office will be In the Prineville
Hotel block.
At tho First Methodist Church for
April 3d the subject for tbe morning
service will be, "The Mind of Christ."
The one for the evening will be,
"Christian of Bunyan rilgrlm'
Progress." Siieclal music will lie
rendered by the choir. A very Inter
esting feature of our service now la
the music rendered by Mrs. J. S.
Fox. , Her selections on the organ
are very fine, and the church ap
preciate her help very much. J. D
The following have been named a
census enumerators for Crook
county: Albert Noble, Prineville;
George Summers, Prineville; William
Johnson, Lnldlaw; Ernest A. Smith,
Bend; John T. Dlzney, Madras;
Alvnh E. Uillam, Prineville; Merton
T. Mortlmore, Madras; Charles M.
DUuey, Madras; Rufu E. Waldorf,
Culver; John F. Cadle, Prineville;
Percy B. Howard, Frlnevllle; David
W. Baruett, Madras; Ben Morgan,
The Dalles.
Prof. Ashby left on today' tage
for a trip to San Francisco.
Rola-rt Ilea of Madras wa in
town on bualneaa Wednesday.
Joe Llatercame down from Peullna
the flrat of the week and wna
accompanied home to North Eork
by Mr. Llater and W. O. Elliott and
family. Mra. Mater will spend a
couple of week at tba ranch for the
purpiste of relieving Joe' bachelor
life of some of lu monotony.
Mr. W. T. Fogle, formerly Mlaa
Etta Montgomery of thl place, died
at Portland laat night at about 7
o'clock, one hour after her father J.
M. Montgomery, reached there. Mr.
Fogle ba been suffering from a cancer
f ir a long time, and underwent
several ojieratlona In an effort to get
relief. Her mother ba been at her
btfdalde since the Brut of the year.
Eastern Star
Anniversary Observed
Carnation Chapter, No. 44, Order
of the Eastern Star, celebrated the
fourteenth aunlversary of Its organi
sation last Saturday evening.
Worthy Patron, C. F. Smith, In a
few well chosen words welcomed the
Star members and their families.
The program committee then gave
the farce, "The New Woman."
Needles to sny, this was one con
tinuous round of merriment and
wn most thoroughly enjoyed.
Another feature of the entertain
ment wa provided by the lunch
committee. Thl was the bunting
for Easter eggs. Highly colored
eggs were hidden In all the nooks
and corner of the room and these
were gathered with much glee by tbe
children and member of the order.
After tho egg were gathered tbe
committee served & delicious lunch.
A the parting hour drew near all
Star member exprcssd themselves
a having enjoyed one of the most
sociable and happy anniversaries
that Is yearly given by this order.
Several special bargains in Sulky
aud Walking Plows, Disc Harrows,
buggies aud Hacks at C. W. Elkln
E-A Authors Club.
The young ladies of the E-A Auth
ors' Club were entertained at the
home of Mis Estes Inst Saturday
afternoon . Mis Leola Estes, assist
ed by Miss Georgia Cleek, served re
freshments, consisting of orangi
Jello aud cake. Tbe club will meet
on April 0th at the home of Miss
Louise Summers.
New Abstracting
Firm for Prineville
John T. Ros of Salem, D. L. Wyb'e
and B. F. Wylde of Prineville. have
Incorporated and filed article as ti e
Crook County Abstract Company. J
They are Just starting In to makej
a complete set of new up-todatej
books which will consume some tin e
before they will lie ready for bual
nes. ..
Mr. Ross, whole president of tbe
company, ha recently made several
Investment An Crook county land,
and ha great faith In the future of
of the county and state. All these
partlet .were formerly from Fort
Morgan. Colorado, where the Wylde
were engaged In the abstract busi
ness under the name of the ifbrgan
County - Abstract Company, which
business they disposed of before
moving to this staic. They will
make Prineville their -future home,
and have taken a three years' Ieae
on the north roora of the Prineville
Hotel block, which 1 now being
fitted up for an office.
"Sm Halt' Kt Kattiaf B.W '
Ntk af DuMlaiwa ft firtamkia.'
Noitc Is bvrvbjr given tht (be partnenlitp
hvretofore existing between George F. Beck
msn sod Kliuer K. Bloomlttld ol Powell Bulte.
Crook conotT, Oregon, auder tbe firm nsmeof
Bwkmsn A Bloonilielrt. hi been tbii dsy, bT
mutiisl consent, dissolved, Elmer E. Kloom
tiel.l retiring. All aceounU due ssid firm ire
p ivsble to l.eorge Y. Beckmsn, and sit liabili
ties ol Mid nrm will be paid br him.
listed this autb day ol March, 11Q.
i-il George K. Beckmsn,
Klmer E. Bloomheld.
You'd Better Not Get Dyspepsia
It yoa can help It. Degento prevents Kyupeptla, by effectually helping Ssture
, to relieve indigestion.
A great msny people who have trlfled-wiih Indigestion, have teen sorry for It
when nervous or chronic dyspepsia resulted, and they hsve not beea sbletornre
It. Everyone Is subject to indigestion. tMomsch derangement follows stomach
abuse. Just aa naturally and Just is in rely aa a sound and healthy stomach results
upon the taking of Dlgesto.
W hen you experience sourness of stomach, belching of gas and nauseating
fluid, bloating sensation, gnawing pain In the pit of the stomach, heartburn, dull
ness or chronic tired feeling, ya need Digesto.
, And the quicker you take Digesto the better. Est what you want and let
Dicesto digest It.
For sale by D. P. Adamson & Company
la what tbe careful buyer in
vestigates when purchasing jew
elry at watches. We stand be
hind the quality ol everything
we sell we guarantee it to be of
the quality we represent it to be
Jeweler & Optician
Prineville, Oregon
"Sec Halt's Kast Kattiag Babies"
Piano For Sale. j
A $475 Cambriiige I vers it Pond piano.
Rosewood case, in excellent condition. Ir
iW. lunuirc at Journal ottice or of
Margarie P. Brink. 3-17-tf
"Sec Holt's Kcst Kattini Babies"
Maker Greek taint
Sckeal Back
CisMTi Saapliaa
Will racr .
D. P. Adamson & Co
Masical LutraauaU
Ms ftis
Lewsey's Caaalet
ypff Cream Soda and Soda Water See Cold
Jor Sale Jfll the Vime
DIGESTO for Dyspepsia 50 cents
LSOE1 L vo.
t i
dean Skimmntj
ik v v nr, -
is all the guarantee necessary when buying a
1909 Model U. S. Cream Separator.
You can't be half as particular about the
material, workmanship and durability as the
makers of the United States Separators are.
The iyoo Model United States Cream Sep
arators have smaller bowl than ever before
and every separator , ; ;
Is Thoroughly Tested
hefnra leavinir the faetorv. It is the motto
of the manufacturers not to see how cheap the U. S. can be made, but
how strong and everlastingly durable they can be constructed.
i .... ...nn. ,, trt Lrtrtw if PnU nnd examine the
respect Hiiu wc emu tvm xiswv . .. --
1 m it w..I.J Pil, Cnn,iaila
909 Jcioaui UmiCU owiea vicum
Milk Can, Cream Cans and Everything for the Dairy.
Hams and Bacon
STEWART Brand of home-cured meats are
now on the market. Too well known to need
any recommendation.
No; 157
A Directoire Model for
short, full figures. Long
below the waist with low
full bust.
White Sateen.
We have just received a
new supply of corsets. Call
and inspect them.
- ((a5iwi,iewWw8o