mi L Q RIN G My Spring Samplet have arrived, also Sample Suit made up. With five hundred styles of goods to select from a man can find the color and pattern, of doth he wants. Better still, he can order from any style in the line and he sure of securing ALL WOOL GOODS. Besides the low. prices I offer you REAL TAILORING. It is worth while looking anyway.'---""---- - - . ,.,,, . GORMLEY THE TAILOR M ' ! Wimer Ranch to be 1 Made Reservoir A dispatch from I.alllsw to the Ptirilmiil Journal rays (tut work on the new survey lor tli irrigation canals, ililrhea and reservoir Of J h Oregon, Washington A MmIio Pinaiire company the concern which ' hss taken over the bolilings ami contract of the Colo tnbla Southern 1 rr igst ion com pany , has begun, ml will lie prosecuted as fsstss iomiblo, Tim survey fort ho reservoir site will flint be taken II . Sixteen huuilrot Seres of html in I ho Wimr Hit will be used for Ih reaervolr to eowerve th fliMxl Milium of Tunisia creek. It in proposed to build tum 70 feel bi-h ml im feet long. By thi limit ill it 1 tUiutttil that stiflU-lfiit wt-r can be su.-iiret! mnl stored In from the lluud WaUtrsof the natural How of the stream tojrrlgitte between 40, m ami 4".,000 lorn, ! Ill th iurNHM to construct new ! canal Ui the reservoir, mnl mimt of the cannla ami ditches will have to be reconstructed soil put on proper grade. Ills expected to have enrr.igh of the Work to the dam and reservoir- com pleted In time to turn in some of the IIihhI water the coming winter. Two years' time ia estimate.) to be needed to piutplete the f a holo project. ' The company him put up a bond with the tale to guarantee that it will make a through topographical survey for the reservoir and new catals and ditches. Spring Millinery On Display Going Like Hot Cakes Showing all the latest ideas in SPRING HATS The estlmitlcd cost of tb dam alone la :7),HK), an I the totnl cot of the projnet la placed at f IU2.000. The company ha 120 miloM of esnals and ditches already constructed that they took over from the Columbia Southern people, and these will l added to under tba new proj'ct. Oregon Trunk Buying South from Bend Mrs. Estes Corner 2d and Main StrecU PRINEVILLE. OR. Aaeolsl from I tend lo the Oregon ian says that during the hint week much right of way hat been acquired by the Oregon Trunk Line aloinj 1U surveys south from Item). Ia fact, it la audi r stood that for approximately 30 miles land haa been purchssed in A 100-foot width along the l'pier Pesclititea, clone lo whli'h river the atirvey followa More hranihinif from It In a southerly direction to war J Klamath. The majority of the farm and "black jack pine lamia, It i understood, over w hich the right of way passed, were paid for on a basis of 1 10 an acre valuation. In tot a fi'W Instances, it ia said, off ir of right of way Kratis were proffered, pro viding only the railroad would agree to pi nee alatlona at iiointecouvenienttothe rancliea of the property-owners. Indeed according to one of the road's pun-hasing agents, ahould all the offers of thli de scription beaccepttd there would be sla tioni scattered at intervala of less thau a mile all the way from the Columbia to Klamath. lH!ipitetheoft-rpated ftatcmetit em anating from the officiate of the Trunk I due that they have no intention of con tinuing the Great Northern ' Central Ore gon road further than Itend for theprea ent and will devote their energiei to dn- vcluj ing the immediately adjacent terri tory with branch linea instead o.fpuih ing on to untried flelda, preaent Indica llona do not entirely lubitantiate theae announced p!n. For not only it there activity in pnrrhaaing right of way aouth from lieud, but forcca of aurveyora have been in the fluid between thli point and lUiris practically all Winter, working along the line followed by the old Cor yallia Kantern survey, through the heart of the big new homeMead country, whoae rapid settlement recently has a trarted so much attention. Whether the intention ?a lo find a soul heasteto outlet in ronmctiun with some road in the Snake lUver country, a haa been aoofttn sugitesled, or to con tinue tow ard California, as is repeat edly rumored and reimatedly denied. iaof course problematical. The fact remains, however, that in the popular mind the repetition of the statement that Central Oregon lUelf ia the aide goal of the Hill line does little more than to Implant the belief that bigger plans are in the making. For there seems to be instilled in the populsr Central Oregon mind pretty firmly the impression that when railroad builderssay they areabout to do one thing, exactly the opposite result is apt to be forthcoming. Union Church Services. 1 send my collars and cuffs to the Z)l Laundry, just north of the Ochoco, Where do you send yoursT S-24-tf SUGGESTIVE THERAPATHICS Or Vital Healer Dr. firater liegs to announce to the pub llo that he has got an siunt to help him lo hi practice, Ir. LVackley, who Is a grsiluute from the Wcltinrr's Institute, brill" Kood tct!inoiUli with him, and 1 lelr to ssy tlmt our aim l to accoiuplinh a cure where others fail. Charges reason able. ' The following sre Ustimonlals which Dr. Coarkley brintrs, vis: ' May 27. J!ft. !' summer when I wss in tteddin, Calif., I was suddrnly taken with terrible pains in my slile, resembling spppuilicilis. A large lump formed in my right side snd the mtuwh-s of my body aeemnl urawa I could not sit or stand. After Dr. Coin k Icy had given me one treatment I no longer sunVred so InteiiM-lv and could walk alwtit and do my houwwork. In three I was rompWu.jr cured and have never been so attacked since. Yours very sincerely, MisxiK BixiKY, YouiikrUiwii, Wash. Fehrusry 23, 1909. This is to certify that Dr. Coackh y, by virtue of his healing power alone and with out the aid of medicine whatsoever, com pletely cured me of serious eye trouble with which I bad suffered for five years. I had been to some of the most eminent speeialUta on the coant but could find no relief. Since treating with Dr. Coackley my eyeii have grown uteadily stronger and are now porfMIr well. I can see a well aa 1 svsr emitd and am now holding twattlon that miulmi niintut roaitlns and I expert earn no (tlnromforl from nir i ym. 1 u also rw red of m rlooi tuns trouble and wu rr thin and eomph-lolv run down. I am now iwrfcrllv WpII and am nlipr now than I evwr have bmn lirSre, and mv ii-nfml hc.lt h haa twn much Iwnrriied hv hit lnatincnU. Vary slmwrvly vourn, Lfcv Bovktoh, YouiifHinwn. Wmb. Tim pul.llo are requenlvd to rile tliow peo ll? r the truth of Hie txh-nipnls alHv. Office drat donr north of Piloe llrun.' Klom. WediMjaday, 7 p. m. Prayer meet Ing. Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday Kchool. Kiiuday, 11 a. rn. Pri-itch-ing. Topic ittnea ; 'Three fiolden Links." 7 p. m. :hrlstlan Kndeavor Hoclety; leader, Ilro. Ilcynolds. g p. tu.,--Ireacblng. Topic "Tbe Walk That WIna." A eordlal lovltatioo extended to all. C. P. Baiijct, Paator. "I- Hoit't Ksat Kettiag BW Normal School Question. Yon know what s good teacher means to a child. Yon know what he means to s community. We moat have M-hools and we muit bave teacher. The normal et-bool question Is now submitted free from politics. That the way you want it kept If you pay taxes on 1000 it will cost you four cents a year to maintain the Btate Normal at Monmouth, Vote, yes, on this bill. , ' Colonist Rates !i OREGON and the Great Northwest The manacementof I be Orraun Bait road S MavUralkm Co. takes arvat (rlrasurs In announcing that the low rates from Katie rn eltlea, which have done so much to paat svaaons to stim ulate travel lo and arttit-ment In Orton, wilt Prevail acatn this Rpring DAILY from March 1 to April IS, Inclusive. PEOPLE OF OREGON HOME TRAINING. ' As It Waa Carries! Out by Little Wil lis's Father. When Willie's father came borne to upper there waa a vacant chair at the table. "Well, wbere s the boy T ...... ' "William ia upstairs la bed." ' The answer came with pslnful precision from toe sad faced mother. , ? ' "Why, wh-wuafs up? Not sick, is ber (An anxious pause.) "U grieves me to say, Robert, that our son your son baa been beard wearing on the street! I beard him." "BwearlngT Scott! I'll teach him to swesrr And be started u pats Irs In the dark. Halfway tip be at ambled and came down with bis chin on the top tap. ,. - .,!.. - Wben tba atmosphere cleared a lit tle Willie's mother was saying sweet ly from the hallway: "That will do, dear. Yon bare given him enough for one lesson." Judge. Furs and Hides Wanted His Only tat vat ion. The polar explorer faced bis raat au dience and recited the tales of bis hardships. . . ' "And at one time, my friends," be related, with dramatic realism, "the mercury dropped down to 60 below xero, and I found myself freezing as olid aa an Iceberg. Then came a hap py thought that saved my life." "What was nr' cried the audience, unable to keep quiet in Its enthusi asm. -;,',. "Why, I bad my faithful Eskimo bring me the picture of my rival. Aftet gazing at it for a few aeconda my blood boiled, and I felt hotter than a radiator. Nor waa this all. By plac ing the picture in front of me on the led I found it sde me not enough to dispense with my blrdskln shirt" Chicago Kewa. x The railroads have done their part; now It'a op to you. The colonist rate Is the greatest of all homo-builders. Do all you caa to let Eastern people know about It, snd encourace them to come hers, when land la cheap and bome-bulldlna; easj snd attractive. Fares Can Be Prepaid bt, If desired. Any acent of the road named ta authorised to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point In the East. Remember the Rates From Chica go, 133; from St. Louis, 13 from Omaha and Kansas City, 1. This reduction Is proportionals from all older cities. WM. Mc MURRAY (Uasnl tmntt Ateat Portlud. Oreo f J UCJf POM H an M org a m ompaiy thought enough of the E-M-F Company a few day ago to pay $6,000,000.00 for about 60 per cent of it. gtock. ISNT IT LOGICAL TO SUPPOSE that the E-M-F "30" is a "WONDER?" If it wat a "LEMON" E-M-F tock would not be worth a nickel, and if the car was only mediocre the tock would be worth less than 100 cents on the dollar, but, as a matter of fact, the stock is ABOVE PAR which, together with the fact that the MORGAN COMPANY made the deal, simply goes to prove what we have always contended that the E-M-F is the best car ire the world for the money and the equal of many higher priced cars. 1 19 10 E-M-F "30" "A handsome, roomy, 5-passenger touring car, light in weight, dependable as the day is long, economical as a car could possibly be and the easiest car to take care of that was ever buUt. It has the specifications of the $1500 car, the handsome appearance of the $2500 and the quality, material and workmanship of the $3,500 car, L e., quality unsurpassed and accuracy to the half thousandth of an inch. There are no experimental features whatever in the E-M-F Car. All are proven. There is no element of doubt. The factory says and we say YOU MUST AND WILL GET SATISFACTORY SERVICE FROM YOUR CAR. r 5 1 , 4 cylinder, SO h. p., throe speeds, selective sliding gear trans- - , minBion, Bpeed 55 miles an hour if you want it hill climbing power galore. Price, including five lumps, French horn, tools, - ... tire repair outfit, pump, jack and magneto, of course, $1250 - ' " i f. b. Detroit. Cornett Stage & Stable Company PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stepping Hsr. (' Mamma (with the baby) He has my eyes. Papa (trying to read)-Tep. Mamma And your nose. Ps pa Sure. Mamma And my ears Papa On, certainly! Mamma And your hajr. ' Papa-Xea; just about aa much as I bare. Mamma And and Papa Your mother's temper. Mamma Yea brute! Brooklyn Life. Tact "Dear me, Mrs. Btulthera, what ta that noise I beard yesterday over yoor way r Waa that bowling your dog in a fltr "Xo," Mrs. Queerit; that was my daughter taking her alnging lesson from Signor Yelerlno." "No, no, Mrs. Smithers. I was told It waa your daughter singing when X asked whet bird yon bad there trilling more beautifully than I knew your canary could." Baltimore American. Bounty on Coyotes $1.50 " " Bob Cats 2.00 Cougar 10.00 After receiving your bounty take yonr cane hhlea to tbi Janitor at the Crook County court hotine, and get highest cash price for same irora HENRY H. CLOW SECOND-HAND STORE AD Kinds of Goods ; f Bought and Sold C. L. V. Marker Dillon Building. Drop in and See For Irrigated Farms Champ Smith DEALER IS Soft Drinks J of all kinds Imported and Domestic W Cigars At the old Smith & Cleek island, Main street, two doors south First 4 National Bank .W J 17 Is. I J . M (I IS THK 2, I DESCHUTES VALLEY jf I W8IIE ... iil JONES LAND CO l El Redmond. . OregoB : I HARNESS and : 'id n a' v w nn v i'l w oAlJlJLhK I g SHOP 1 3 A'vAi !t f,s ,e S H I I S I II I am s amsar m aWT m sfciiasf mM f $s rrmevuie, uregon w 1 fit. Brotherly Love. "Yes, they bring In a lot of eggs," re lated Storekeeper Jason as be dusted out the prunes. "Why, we even re ceive eggs in exchange for the latest ongs." v,v ,..-.. .. "Shaker said the big man in the checked suit as he lit on a stogy. "So do V "H'ni! Storekeeplng too T "Ho; I'm a minstrel man." Puck. Quick Sprint. Eandy Pikes Dat rich guy In de oungaiow took quite a fancy to me. lie took me around to de stable, show ed me de $3,000 dollar bulldog be bad just bought nd asked me if I could beat it Gritty George And what did you say? - Sandy Pikes Nut tin'! I Just beat it Cnlcago News. OLD ' "I. W. HARPER" The whiskey you remember.. Its fragrant bouquet, velvety smoothness, rich, warm, cheering body and delicate after-taste make HARPER the pride of a good wine cellar. ' - . Sold by Silvertooth & Browder Shaniko, Oregon H M. COOK Tfain Street Studio Good Roads Wanted. ' "What we need is a good roads movement," said the progressive cltl- sen. . ... . , "But yoa don't Ure in the country." "No. I'm even worse off. I pay taxes in a town where the streets are torn np the year round for alleged re pairs and improvements. Washing ton star. Marked Down to $3.98. It pleased Miss Flags' to hear tomruss wsc About her new fall bonnet. But she was mad to And It bad UM price tag atlU upon it Still In tha Family. "Don't TOU think romplin'a ramnrlc was twisted tlnit he had a pedigree In bis family?" "I don't know. ITn hna a ilnr with a screw tail.' Baltimore American. Pull Goes Hsre Too. Him Why is a crew race Ilka a class election! ' . , Her Why? mm The bunch with the aironireat pull wins. Wisconsin Sphinx. Artistic portraiture and photographic work ol all kinds. Developing and finishing for amateurs. Reasonable prices and quick delivery. Porvo flnnrara t,A n ..I,,.. 1 rtDCKT CI IWn S VP a Plants! Plants! Plants! AT THE PRINEVILLE GREEN HOUSE Cabbage, cauliflower, tomato and - celery plants. Also some of the hardier flower plants. All in proper season. Early plants ready by April 10th. Don't ask your wife to grow them in a window box this year but patronize a new industry. All plants will be stocky transplanted. Something sure to live and grow quickly. """ ........ C W. Spring, Prineville, Oregon, Box 331 v i o p I Quality Is what the careful buyer in vestigates when purchasing jew elry or watches. We stand be hind the quality of everything we sell we guarantee it to be of the quality we represent it to be P1587 WATCH REPAIRING W. FRANK PETETT Jeweler 8c Optician Prineville, Oregon Shingles, Mouldings. Windows. Doors. Glasses. Etc. Etc.. Etc. ril SHIPP& PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGOJ? ? IS