Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 31, 1910, Image 2

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JSp 11
Suits are Bound to Give You Satisfaction
LJ First the Styles are correcf.
J Second the Qutlity is there.
J Third fey ?f.
3 Fourth they keep their shape.
CJ Fifth they are mocferafe in price.
J Now these ate strong statements, but you don't
need to take our word for it These statements are
made by the makers in their full page advertisement
in the Ladies Home Journal See March number,
page 85.
3 You are privileged to examine the garments
themselves, now on display in our Cloak Department
and you are given the opportunity to approve or
disapprove their claim.
Q We want you to come in, examine the materials,
the making, the finish. ,
Take any suit into your own hands, feel it,
examine it with your own eyes. You will find good
serviceable, dependable materials. You will find
strong linings matching the materials harmoniously.
You will find all seams neatly piped, a desirable
feature. You will find a V shaped reinforcement at
the back of the neck, inside, of same material as the
suit or coat. It's placed there to prevent the lining
wearing there, as is common even with the best
in every
J You will find every button reinforced on
inside with small Pearl buttons.
tj You will find protecting shields
3 You will find every stitch, every seam, perfectly
tailored and finished.
J Now try one on.
3 Notice how easy and comfortable it feels.
3 Notice how every line falls gracefully
3 Notice how prettily the skirt hangs with just the
right flare.
3 Notice how stylish, how well tailored, how refined
the whole suit looks.
3 Notice how the little touches of tailoring, the
dainty trimmings, harmonize and give tone to the
I And then, reflect that these suits and coats so
well made, so justly famed, cost you no more than
ordinary unknown garments.
3 We invite your inspec'ion, your criticism,
your judgment
taklm Db Sm U Hv Law f
THtlr Own
In bla voyan f lir iplorttlion
Oumiau.lcr Flala olwerved aiming bia
tloK aort of goverumeut nulla Inde
pendent of that of luelr keeper. Tby
erof ilia Kaklmo variety autl war
trained to wk lu lea ma. in ihelr
gvueral conduct, bowvr, tticy acted
aa a evmmuulty. and tbetr rules bad
rerVrvtjce to Ilia coinimiu food. There
waa no peimllj ha tbau Ibut of death.
During th period of dark now wa
hwt eight dots. Three vt them, pleu.
did tarv anliiuil. wer killed by their
oouiiuuUiua. Tb other Uva either wan
dered off on Ilia youn Ice and war
blown away or wr killed by tba pack
at dlatane from camp. Kvery dog
wa kuowo by naina.
It la a cur low fact tbat wbco ooa
dog has autnvoulaed tb others tba
only way to aura til in from deaiructloa
later on la to cbalu bliu. Then lb
oilier dK lH til m aKtna. L'nrortuuaia
ly fur um ilia dtn tlml aeoiued 10 In.
tor iba enmity of Ihelr fellowa er
I lb laruA atrong aulniala, tba bullla
: md tlshiers.
There whmikI lo be a degree of Jua-
lUe In their judgment. rTom cloa
obervatku I found llmt lb dog geo
; ernily rtirgav a bit on I b bead or
i body, but lliat an attack on tbe leg
eeuied to l eoualdered foul play and
out b paid for by lb life of (be of
feuding raolne. Tb whole puck unit,
ed la bl eieiutkiu.-Vouib Coaipmn
On Man Who New Ha an Argument
Handy For Hia Wife.
Tb wife of a Topeka tuan object a
itreuuouaty becaua ber but band U a
uflriued aiuoker. lie I uerer bappy
without a cigar or a pipe. Tb otber
mora lug ab gar him a lea dollar bill
md told bltn to buy aeTeral tblog for
' ber. II puabed tb bill Into hi cont
j pockK and rubed out of tb boo to
ratcb a car.
i lie fmind that be bad lo wait a few
1 minute at tbe corner, for tb car
i were off arbedul I bat morning, and
. tbea be proceeded to llgbt a cigar, llul
'be fouttd no ttiaU'beall of bla pock-
' eta were bare of tbeot. Suddenly be
haeeit to iblnk tbat be alao tulaaed
be teo dollar Wit. A burrted aearcb
i ilx-losod tbat It wna gnn.
lie turo,-d rtgbt about and retraced
bU te. Jui aa lie got lu frout of
his hoir.e. be bappened to took Into tb
' ret, and tber wa l bat "ten" tum
bling anmnd lu lb wlud. Ilia wife
taw bliu go and k-k it up. and abe de
manded ao ctplauMtiou. lie tirotuiitly
! tokl ber bow looking for a uiatcb bad
' rauMtl biin to discover tbat be bad
! hM the bill.
"Now tell nte tbere laat any virtu
In irovklngT be aovrted aa be puffed
out hi tbet.-Katua City Journal.
uncertain method of person 1 in caaoot take a BOtuestraJ or Umber
Ul f
X MBk AAA Al 4Mft aVfe
IIUIllC5CCfCI 5 Ttition. claim.
i The homestead law allows every
j unmarried perton of lawful ara
and erery head of tb family to en-
ter 160 acres of agricultural land
Continued from page 1.
Oapwlaaifm Far Al
For the iomtcr ttere is a field
Ta Beareat rJlioad point to 'of vit extent in which to hi own '
PrioeviU at present ia Shaniko,cbocire he mar find th mosrere
Wher Wmiw Do An th Work.
Ill inallext dttwbdeocy of Kraoe j
la tbe lie d Uovdie. alluaied at lb eat
of HelHf Isle. Ita pocxitalloa at Sua
TVy do not apeak rvyurh. except It
cur and tbe boolroawec, but Ceitlc.
and tbey are provided witk food at aa
I tin nut based by tt wrouwO. rtablbg
fct tbe iin lal industry. Tbe prodia
are twird out ecb year amoog iti
lohatittaaiia. lb M-a lit auap j
ad lUk am amote ppe wHb totaMer
clan ror aiem. 1 be wone do alt '
lite hard work-get la tbe barvaat. took i
eet for ml(f sod xrather aeaweed.
frvm wjtk-b Ibey ettrart U. I be :
Iowa baa do street. 1 fee auoae are
of mad. 1 be launder bave a yearly
fei ta l be rafiy part ot October. 1 b
fauand pan a got4 water auppiy.
Tbe goreniliig body k cotupoaed of
tbe ira aavirma of tb ptiK-e aoder j
tb directWa of tbe car.
of that time. Or, after a coa
tinuotu residence of fourteen
rropa are rrodtKed with excellent
field, tn mot caws without ir
ripatwn, and fome dry land farmers nwntb th ettlr ha the option
bare this year raided corn wh ch of eommuttcg to a cash an try and
bid fair to rival that of Kansas r Bjon payment I tl-25 aa acre can
Mi'tHMS. obuia title. On th dVert in
rtuitraiiuU still iaiUinfancraoBtheastern Crook county home
though in eoroe places all fruits of !tders are allowed to tale op S20
tWtemrraterxwejapplee.racbeaJacre. It and red of homesteader
aprtcota, pear, plums and alt the hare recently take adranttge
berry family, notably at the. Lore
on bard, arc raided to perfection.
Iiarl aad AkJKV
Tb rainfal', e shown by torero
nnnt inttrumenU, average be
tween 10 and SO itches aanuallr.
Summer is temperate and pleasant;
winter i mu.l, rarely beMw ter!
tlioeth often below freezinr, w
Orrton, 62 mile dsaUnt Er tall : wh!ch will rd;3r return ta Kim . tr w Htdunt,
oneortwo i-.Hrw. t ;ll W. K;t.! : v . ,l . J" pnae-wUsutr Rbl lJ Eed:
..... .- ...... hick iu rmiiuie oe vacua! ! 1.W per rrU-.nt. AbbIv It OtmmU.
and by making a home thereon for to Madras, So milea away, llolh invested. From lb common field I Kk' rine"1'' - itww
nre years, making ateo certain im-jue itui and Itamman rd ar c4 aeTjcuhoral ursoiu. tbrongb
provements, obtain Utl at th end being puahed rapidly op th Dei- tb pin forj, cn into lb m-oeral !
.Vniu r . .v. v.- !i , , . . I iiv mi mhiiibuu riTw. i ueiia w nose latent resources are
' ' Tibiii i f tr-fwrt. ijost now being prospected and'
. - f - - ...
th year 190
Choke Seed Potatoes.
(Txiioe dry land Seed Paioim railed at
Poweil Bmin. fat W at J. C imrt A
vrooK county for;oiopeij, tnrougb tie ttccs r
was assessed on a j icg district and dairying eectiort
Taluatioo rf t7.910.f21. an in-M lb magnificent iVsthuic rive
crease ot tS4d,l67 over 1908. j whose enormous water power today
Th county contains I0.CQ I'remaias caharoeseed, tbere is
horses, raloed at t22S.U0; 76 room ar.d thrr are opportunitie j
mules valued at tlSSO; S4.0t7jf' tb man with capital. Just as!
cUl, valued at tS2S,f4; 110.S50 Ibere are pportunites for tbe man
abeep, raloed at tlS34S; 1652 irilb smaller mean. In short, tbe
twine, valued at ftwXL jpresect complexitj of industrial
Tbe Bomber of acres under cchi-; phase in tbe concur, fatcre
ratios i raloed at HIS.-; l-ilaie of dvekjtneBt undri
b?u; and tn nuns her oj acre of capital ti-vady invested and
cncullivated land is 139.S5r!direritj f oil, prod active ne
mostly timber and homestead , d cLmate, coupled with tbe fact
tract. tbat tbi immense a?a still retains
Telephone systems, both Bell and j its UnbmaTk of tewnes. a'iord
firmers" independent line, grid- a field of e0e ror ecoud to oo
SiaaW4 aywUial
nnmi.t hwmi ahnot . t.wnj rrorit j
amBil. errr. fwir. Inii eetaie. f4
nrt. Jtitie- i
110. it
m farworv mt fHoww wnk aa o
'''I wtai ia tkm nil
a Tuiiiii. i niminm
a " ' r . m
5. V" C Ck
liMf,, J.smTJss
n A1XS1T00L
iumfiLmm a
this opportunstT to get an addition
al homestead entry. If you want
one you bad better hurry aa tbe
choice lands ar going fast.
Tb IVsert Iind Act gives tb
right to any man or woman of
lawful age to enter $20 acres of
I land or ie&. bo residence oa said
jjj land being required. A payment
a rr asonabl snowfall in lb o cent an acre maae at u
mountains, insuring water tbe jUm 01 ntr " PnturjiroB tb county ad daily mail i ibe Fc: 5c coast f ate.
reason. i mesi oe nraoe eacn rooies peneirai aocn oi its area.
1 1.: j.. .i v. .t.! rear for three rears in imwov-. In more ic4ated oocu&Baitie n3r For Sale.
bulk of the countr is bet woea 2,000 v placing water ob lb - tri-weekly serrict ia malnliir ei
and 4.0C0 feet tising toward tbe'U,,J ,or 'f.Uc. At tbe esd of Crook county is eettled by
scutb and west Tb Great Sa't toere nsnsi ne or eignt American, lurcui tr-r.aiang aa. hir.ta mai s.-uie.
lU raller tn Ct.h and W in uf.l cultivation of fcotcb, Irkh, 'lmva,
Arkansas raller in Colorado are i lJsr0f B irrigation and tbere must ScAndlnavian acd Italian, ia tbe - -
Mb higher, ret there are no better I provided toir- ratio of about one ia tea te tbe IF YOU HAVE $1500 TO 54 COO
developed garden spot on earth, j r5?, 11 lh 'nd l'1 " irrigable. ; tire bora. It k a good country AUTOMOBILE AND A BALANCE
, t ( water mf re prevtued tr ary com to; to grow cp witb; to aid
laniiuiiia aiiiuni. i feasible atveans tbe enlrvmaa see deveop:Eg. Tercfial f tbe
ImmigraUon into thia part of tbe , fit to employ. At tl cr.d of the Crook tour tr Journal far one rear
state baa bee beavy darirg tbejtbree rear, lb Mraroing coa- fire all facU relatirg lo'lb
rst rear or two and wul become 'aitions baring been complied wsta, county tba aa iEteasdirg squirt
eu.i greaier wua i coming ot l be tbe enlrymaa pays tl an acre and would wish to know,
railroad.. Bring situated ia tbe !buins ml frJ ife, peverament Tbe county baa two Eocring
larfrst ainle are in U VBitd:reBcing,wlHiggiEg,caKbarB, iaill,oe at Prinerille as d one at
Jatc till without a railroad, and jcultirauoa, etc, are cos riled ia tbe i Madras; erral rtk yards and
with several railroad projected, it 'exreaditures bat a resideace aay lumber milk. " There, is
behooves tbe homeewkersto come. 4,14, j, tampl room for many additional &at wi2 take yon 25 mile on one gallon of gasoline.
at once, tor y getting ta cere a bead ? .o pereoa caa secare more than ; maaufadwies.
4 tbe railroads be may still obtain ;S20 be res of land. A peraoa I Mioirr is carried em ia tbe
cook, wring . Boaestead or umber cUia , Bortbera part of tbe couatry. gold Donanstrabon at your convenience.
. .i.u, ..., uk ooij iiw acres anaer liie coal, s.iv-r and cinnatiar t'citc ibe
of i a wo mrosgn a ma tee to a j tvert Act, and a person wb
loo :.w or br tbe . tedioaa and SA acte nndke tb last named
' 1 run Tuna
Six sawc. lit rriot tum
TW rLj Van wm m ftiijn
&( tak ttwra.
impmm ar ma a w Tart.
Buy a FORD Touring Car
Uith all the equipment on k for SI 050 f . o. b. Portland and !
invest the balance in real estate and give to charity the differ-!
ence in maintenance. What yoa get for $1050 is a car equal
in every way except in weight to $4000 proposition and a car'
Taft. Cwa Una, 1
TaS Lamp. Tab Hmn. SwJ U Sp.
Si 03 LawtM,:
tbe coal, ;lrer ad eianabar lmne tbe ' -,..-.
Uk jnc pal output. Gypm '.nd C L. SHATTUCK, PRINEVILLE, OR.
hd law otber mineral are Wwa a akt. ! Aret foe Crook Countr.
0r IU. ISS, IM km far 11200, Cut.
7 mile trotu rrlnevllle. 1H m re
ruftlvHtetl. tin lmnl litn.l. Nk-ellltlu
orelmnl of SO tree, laprliiga hikI
rrivk on lme. Kntiire mmI. lUlaea
khhI itrnlu. Fruit tree In full U-nr
0ff N. 10S. 10 Ami far IJ500. Cm.
6 mile I rum rrlnevllle, on dully
Klnire nml teh'iilione Hue, kmmI hoiiae
nml Imrn. 7U ncre riilllvnteil. Mini
nil tlllnlile. fa nere In rrui. Water
rnu run Im otitiilneil itt from H lo SW
feet all over the I11111I. Till pUce
will It under Irrluutloti without a
iloulit In a tew renra, ami water
could lie olitnlmil by iuiiiplua-or l
the exlatlng dltchea,
OflarNa. 1S4, 040 Ami far S0400, CmL
7 mile from I'rlnevllle In very
fertile illatrlet. tVHtrCeil li.V aprlliu
mil creek. IIihhI lem-rvulr alte for
torlnir wnter. IJ" Here rultlrntetl.
IM m-ree more tlllnl.l.'. IINJ fruit tree
In lieiirliii;. liiilm-a corn, iotntm-a
ami fruit, Unlile- jtnilii nml Imy.
UoimI 7-riMiiu Iniiiw. Kxrellent
0fr N. 110. 040 A cm far SUM. Tenac,
Stock ranch oil Crooked rlvir. AO
nere rnltlvHted, nml UW more till
nhle. .111 acre In irritln and aome al
fitlfn, Hnlwea excellent Harden truck.
Iind auli IrrlKntearendllv. ItWncrea
w III le void enrately for $1100.
OffarX. til, ICO Acr far tOCOO.
Only 4 mlUa from Prlnevllle, 40
lien iiiiK In Hlhilfn, and at lenat .'Ml
more ran le put In under lrrlniliin.
ImmmI Iioiiw and Imrn. Till I a
ivnllr uood y , ami we shall lie
lad to aliolv It.
Ottm Ka. 144, 000 A cm tar SSSOO.
4 mile from I'rlnevllle oii diillr
ataite route, tut acre rultlvated, SU
tlillile. 1 liouMK ami 1 nuinlierof
other luillilliik'. Till U rrlnevllle'
truck Knrileti, nnd liua irMuiril
moat of the veiretnlile uaeil lu the
eltv for .veara. t'nrt of prowrty lu
relliKinlnbiuenta. j
Of far Na. 07, 40 aim far f 790.
II inllin from rrlnevllle, rnek run
rtuht tli run l'Ii the plnce. IU acre
mettdow, with IrrluHiloii, anoilierO
acre louuhel. lioae tn atnire and
lelephoiie ! I im. Hood hnile lirowa
irtmleii truck well. Kvevllcul k
t Un lor amnll ilulry herd.
Kw 100, 400 Aom far f4200, Uy Tww.
On Crookeit river below I'rlnrvllle
toward the rnllrond. W acre cull I
w vntel. too myr tlllnlile. Hmall
hoiiHe. CnV TrrlitNted. Tblalnud
produce exceptionally riod wheat.
Offer Na. I "4. ISC.C0 A cm far $1440. Cuk.
6 mil. a from Prlnevllle, on the
tn-nch. nliove the front level. .15
acre cultivated and '."ft more can lie
ploughed. Small creek on Inud.
Water could lie ronaerved. Uolntel
sroreroment Innd udjolnlnir. I'lenly
of range. Hlht oil atage route and
telephone line.
K. . 1800 A cm far f 20. 000. l, Ttra.
I .MO acre tlllnlile. 400 acre Irrl.
Kalde. i'lenty of water, well,
apriiiir and rreka. A lurue atork
ranch lying In four towulili.
Ktatre kim- thruiiich proierly dnlly.
Four amall houp, Imrn. etc. Ll
ratUml nulted to the culture of al
fnlfa and jtrnln. Nurrnudel liv
govern n.ent Innd. Owner I retlrinir
and will sell very reaaonalily. Itiouo
rfh dow n and the luilance iu from I
ti 7 year at 6 per wut.
Offer K. 140, 1471 A cm far (31.000 Tot..
Ranch al.out 20 mile from Trine,
rllle. Well cultivated, nnd farmed
extenalvet.v. All In one body. 400
acre cultivated, llHK) acre bkhI
4ow land. 20 nere tint urn I meadow
with Itrlgntlon, Irrigated ynrden.
Tlenty of water. jrood Mll tlie--ear-round
aprhiKN on the place.
l;nie all klml of itraln. apple.
ear, plum nnd amnll fruit. I a
fin larre dlvernltted (arm. I'lenty
tl BH)d rntijre adjolnliitf. Uood
aeven.ruotn hotiae, nlao a numlwrot
other hoiiae. All fiirmlnir lmile
ntent from a tlir1ilnir mnchlne to
a wheel Imrrow are at the
price. Half cnah, tmlnnce to ault.
Offer N. 140. 120 A cm far (21.00, Tceaw.
Snillcafrom rrlnevllle. N00 acre
rnn lie eultlvnte and much of the
land I ntod fruit and garden Innd.
Una one of th lieat mid oldeat or.
chard of the countrr Nome land
produce aa high na f tm nnuiiallr ir
acre. Italae ko.hI Rrnln. fan lie
watered In nrt. W fruit tree In
full liearltitf. Hinder and other ma
chlnery lmln.1,-,1 n the price.
Offce N. 54; lumf Na, 2 U, ,1400.
Three Mm-k from Main alreet;
irood hoiiMP, Imrn and outlmlldlniiw:
well-kept itroun.1. "
Offer Na, 100.
Parrel of Innd wllliln cltr llinlla
emtalii K l.lm k,exclualve',rf afreet
would aulhdlvl.le or make an ainuae.
went park. Ml.VI.
0ffr N. 124.
loo, hoiiae on Id. (or fWkJ. '
P.t hoite tn tow n, mf l,,k tr.M
Main attvet In Koo, residence dl
trkt. t.otnl ground and outbuild-
If what you want is not on thi lkh xm
for the largest list of Central Oregoa
bargains to
Realty Development Co.