The most complete line of Farm Machinery in the County Complete Line AH Sizes and Stylet Wood Frame 1 larrowa Spring Tooth 1 larrowt Superior Grain Drills Fanning Mills Ac Baggers The well known Oliver and Canton Plows in walking, sulky and gang In an effort to keep pace with the many improvements in agricultural machinery, we are introducing every season new types of implements that have been tried and found to materially increase the yield of the soil in other sections similar to ours. This year we offer the Canton Alfalfa Harrow and a big assortment of Land Packers. In packers we have the Dunham for light, sandy soil and the Campbell for heavier soil. These packers are designed to conserve the moisture and to obtain the proper proportion of air and moisture in the ground and thus increase yield Complete Line AH Sizes and Styles Peg Tooth Harrows ; Disc Harrows Wagon Scales Feed Grinders We are always pleased to show you the goods whether you buy or not CALL AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO SHOW The W. F. K i n g C o m p a in y , Praieville, Oregon LOCAL MENTION lr, Clnrk nmt wlti f Minims, were In town Knlnrilny. Honi-Mnnh 1. to the vlf. of Lloyd I'tiwHI, n ! in. I'm uk IVIett Rut home from liU trip tn Purlliiiicl Humbly, Hnie Urny nml wife were 1'rlm' villi visitors tin- first ut Hie wtn-k. J mine Kill nml Ciiinmliwlomr Hnlley held potirt the first of the wwk, County Clerk Umwn Mton Mon. Iny'e stage fur n business trip to 1'oriliiiul. Mis Smith, ft niece tf 1'.. II. Kinllll, from IKmikIhi county, In vlxltltitr In rrlni'vHIe. V, I.. Spires, a ilruftsmitn from Myrtle I'olnt, Oivkuu, In now ut work In the olllre of County Survey or Illee. 'Judjje V. A. Hell mine In from The nll the tlrx! of the win k onlttfiU titiMlueiM, Hit will Ih In n riiI ii for the Mny term of court. A. II. Holler mid wife returned Sunday from their ("nllforula trip. They hud n very leimitiit sojourti In the Holdcii limp State. S. K Mi. . herd of Towell Ilii.ttes, wns In town on luiwliei the taut of the, week. He suys everythliK l looking Hue out til way. W, I. Meyer, formerly of LahlUtw, tint now of 1'ortJand, enme In on Kiintlny'sstnue. Ho had netise be fore the county court Mouday. J. II. Urown of Hnystnek, wiu In town Tuesday. The rnlil the llrst of the week he snye, will be worth thointnuiU of dollar to the dry rmioh fnnneni. j A letter received from KiiKene l.uwlcr n nd wife snys that they have liiutit n triict of fruit land tienr Knlem nnd will ro I'"" the fruit business. They like It over there. The HoHlund Luiulier .Coiupuny , filed supplemental nrlleles of In corporation with the county clerk on March 21, wnerehy the name of the corporation U rliiuwd to the J. N. M listen Lumber Company. Slla ' Adam, who went to n hospital at rortlaud for ii critical operation, linn come out of It nil rlttht nud In on the road to recovery. He hi now able to bo wheeled it round tn hii Invalid' chntr for n few bourn dally. Forest StijuTTlHor Ireland lift Inst Saturday to attend a meeting of all the supen Ixor In the employ of the I 'nl ted Stated forestry reserve The object of the meetliiK I to rxchikiiKe Information for the irood of the service nml to lay out the work of the coining svuson to the liest nd vnntnire. Precautionary measures ngnlnst forrvst lire w ill lw discussed an well iui the l-rt rtunlnilon nnd line of reserve by stockmen. The meetlUKM are held once a year for the exi huiiRe of experience and to hear MUKKCHtlollM. Mm. KomMilxTtf In ri'ported on the nick list. I'mil Held ami Tom Hickman of Held, tire,, were In town the first of the week. Mm. Morn and Mm. (lam Stunle vitnt of lEedmoirl were In Prliicvllle Tuesday. Sid K "iters of Camp Creek wan a business visitor In town the flmt of the week. Crank Smith, the road master, went up Crooked river Wednesday to work the roadH. Mr. Itoach of Kansas, n brother of Mm. Kuiustrii, In here to visit bin Inter, who In very skk. I'xtra quality jrood atwr sold for $'UK) lu the Portland market lout week. It pays to mine good tuff. A. M. Drake, John Steldl, J. M. Lawrence nud Frank llohcrtaon of (lend, art business visitors to I'rlne vllle today. Kev. C. T. Unlley returned Tuesday from Ihtyton, Wash., where lie bna Imvii holding revival meeting the pant few weeks. Hud Itlntoii nnd ChrU Lemon, who have Iktu trapping neur Hampton Huttcs the pant winter, came In Fri day for a short visit with relative. MIhh Frnncl IVtett, a winter of W. Frank IVtett, the Jeweler, came to w ith her brother from 1'ortlihid the flmt of the week. She will remain for the mu miner. The Cbrldthtn Kndenvor of the I'tvobylerlnn church have pontponed their pie nipper from March 2.1 to Saturday, April 9. Save your pie npctlte for that date. Will llnrber, one of the owuem of the new Opnl Prnlrhj townHlteoutli wt'Mt of Madrra, wm In town thin week. He n.iya the flmt thing they lnt -nd to do with the property la to get water. They are going to do Momethlug theniHelvea ln-fore they nnk the public to buy arty of the lot. S. V. Mclntee and John Carmody left Prlitevllle thl morning on n prtMpitlng trip In the Boar Cnvk c inntry. They have aeiit some time In the mlnea nboht Hawhlde, Nevada, and will take a look around In the different localities of Central Oregon that have any promlne of be ing mineral licnrlng. Herbert . Caldwell nnd Mix Frnncea .lie Courcy of Iiend, were married In the purlara of Hotel I'rlnevllle yeatenlny afternoon. Hev. J. Ant hony Mitchell of Bend per formed the ceremony. The young couple will make their future home on the bridegroom's ranch near Ron laud. A ery plennniitSt. Pat rlck'a ever- lug wan enjoyed by the Heliekaha on hint Thursday. A guennlng content wan Indulged In remitting In Mrs. Mc Dowell winning tirnt prUe, and Mra. Cyrun tho booby. Delicious refresh nienu were nerved. Much Interest In luiltiir iiiilii lii thin order, nnd iiiinllcatlonn are being recelveifj nightly. 'Sm Holl't Koit Kullini BakMi" LOCALMENTION Arthur Kelley of Pont waa In town the flmt of the week. Heurr Carlln came In from bin borne on Bear Creek today. Dave I lamer was a bunlues vlnltor In the city the flmt of j he week. Clnrnce Fi-rgueson of Bear Creek was In town en business Wednesday. John lewln, the Urlxxly inerchiint, was a Prlnevllle visitor the flmt of the week. J. K. HolierU nnd F. R. Merrltt of Alkali Flat were bunlneas visitors In town Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Houston and son, Charles, went to their homes on Henr Creek Monday. Mm. Lucy Anderson and daughter, Mm. Vern Balier, returned Friday from a visit to Portland. Mm. Hurley Hauuders of Upper Crooked river la visiting relatives and friends In town this week. Some fine radishes, the product of the Prlnevllle Greenhouse, were left at the Journal office today. Many thanks. Iter. C. T. Itadford, who has been pastor of the Christ laa church here for the post several months, expects to leave for Southern California to reside early lu May. There was a good soaking rain throughout Crook county last Mon day night and Tuesduy. It was of great benefit to the cattle and farm lug Interests. Good grans and good croi are almost assured. Mm. Carl Beeson, formerly Miss OUIe Hearing of Madras, died rec ently at Medford of typhoid fever nnd was burled at Talent, In Jackson county.- She had been married but three months when her death occur red. W. H. Cadle wrltea that be Is lo cated at Fresno, Calif. He hna bought city property and a 40-Hcre Irrigated tract set to grupe and p .'aches, both lu beating. Mr. Cadle Is very much In love with bis new home. Preparations are being made to fittingly observe Easter Sunday at the Presbyterian Church. Tbe pastor will preach to the children In the morning. This will lie lu tl e nature of an Illustrated sermon. Subject, ' Little Fosia.' The Inter esting part of this service will be the uulque music. 'Sm Holtk. Ksrt Kiitisf J.W Wanted. Ulclit housekeeping rooms. Adilron P, 0. Hon 233. S- J4p Easter at the First M. L Church MOIt.M.NO. "Christ the Lord Is Hlsen Today" , Choir. "I Know That My Hcdi-euier Llr- eth" Solo "Wagner's "HlenM" Instrumental Sermon "The .Hlsen Lord" KVENISO "The Lord Is Hlsen Indeed" Choir "Christ Hath Klsen" Choir Selected.. Instrumen t a 1 Sermon "Christ's Words on the Cross Instrumental music before nnd after services Infant Baptism. Easter at the Presbyterian Church AT 7:30 I'. M. Trelude "The Garden of Hoses." Violin and Organ; I- C. Morgan and Miss Est. Hymn "Christ tbe Iord Is Risen Today." by the choir, Vocal solo-"The Lost Chord." E. L. Ashby. Prayer by the pastor. Hymn "Christ Arose," by the choir. Vocal solo "The Star of the East" Mlns Nellie Summers. Scripture reading 1st Corinthians 15, 1-83. o:.ertory "Song Without Words" vlollu solo; L. C. Morgan. Duet "Love Divine." E. L. Ash- by and Mm. C. M. Elklns. Faster sermon "The Silent Wit ness." Rev. C. C. Babbldge. Hymn "Tbe Ascennion," by the choir. Potttlude "Violin nnd , organ. L, C. Morgan and Mlns Kb tea. CHEAP INSURANCE Easter Service at Union Church Trogrnm at Union church Easter Sunday, March 27, at 7:30 p. m. . Anthem "Come I'nto Me" Choir. . Prayer ...Bev, Bailey. Recitation ...."Easter Eggs" Tlllle Zell. Song ."The Gospel Banner" - Six girls- Recitation "All Hall" ; Elva Miller. Exercise "The Red, White and Blue" Three girls. Anthem "Bright Eaaier Morn" Cbolr. Recitation "What Snowball Did" Luclle McDanlel. Rec1tatlon............."Easter Llllles" Hazel Clark. Song. "Llllle" of Easter" Twelve girls. Address Rev. Radford. Anthem "Jesua Lover of My Soul" Choir. I Collection will be taken vp for missions. IF YOU HAVE $1500 TO $4000 TO INVEST IN AN AUTOMOBILE AND A BALANCE FOR MAINTENANCE Buy a FORD Touring Car With all the eqnipment on it for $1050 f. o. b. Portland and invest the balance in real estate and give to charity the differ ence in maintenance. What you get for $1050 is a car equal in every way except in weight to $4000 proposition and a car that will take you 25 miles on one gallon of gasoline. Equipment Top, Ga Lamp, Generator, Mg neto. Two Sid Oil Lamps, Tail Lamp, Tub Horn, Wind Shield and Spasdomater. Demonstration at your convenience. C. L SHATTUCK, PRINEVILLE, OR. Agent for Crook County. - "Sw Halt' Ka! Kattiaf kbits" Three Lots, Cheap. If you want a bargain In Iota, see Ueorge Storkmann, at tne i'rlnevllle Cigar Factory. 3-Z4ti. Bull Calf for Sale. Thoroughbred Jaraejr Bull Calf for sale; arc. n.nirli frr ftffrwif- all fnr IFAV Address T. F. McCallister.Pnueville. 1-10 RUSSELL HIGH GRADE iiACHIRl FN G I N E.S BO I LtRS- SAW Ml US-THRESH ER5 WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES II THE A-KAVER ILL MACHINERY CO. SPOKANE. WASH. PORTLAND.OR SAN vJOSE. CAL J Baled Hay For Sale. Dnlitt hent liar for tale. Applr toj. II. Uinitli. un tlie McKay. 'i-.'4-2tp Eggs for Hatching. From prise-winning Khtxte Island Red?; I.W per setting. Apply to larenca P. Rice, rrinville. Or. 3-lil-lnip 640 ACRKS, 4 milet from l'rine ville. Improved. 140 acres under plow. Living water. Addreas Box SI, 1'nneville, Or FOR GRAIN GROWERS "Woodlark" Squirrel Poison is the most tellable and destructive agent yet devised for the extermination of Gophers, Squir rels, Sage Rats and Prairie Dogs. It ia tbe cheapest insurance against their ravages. Every kernel ia warranted to kill. Climatic changes or moisture of the earth do not destroy its strength. Re quires NO MIXING OR PREPARATION. Is always ready for use. No other ia so good. Dealers will refund the purchase price if not as claimed. Pamphlet free. Hoyt Cbemicai. Co., Portland, Oregon For sale by Templeton & Son Maker Gratl Karfts ScWI Basks Camra Sspplist WaO Paper D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Maucal IattnaMsU lUfait Lsvsty't Cas4is Sutieaery Cisart See & See Cream Soda and SodaWaicr See Cold for Sale jfll the Vime DIGESTO for Dyspepsia 50 cents D. P. Adamson & Co. DRUGGISTS fJilSi8SiiBiBSiie8Si3ii)893 GROCERIES . HARDWARE J. E. STEWART & COMPANY DRY GOODS SHO E S 1 r-iv r Clcin Sliimmmj Easy Runiu'nj vi Long Wesnuj i-. 1 a ii . 1 l i -X. mm 4 3m !!st!l THE NAME UNITED STATES SEPARATOR U all the guarantee neceMary when buying a, 1909 Model U. S. Cream Separator. You can't be half as particular about the material, workmanship and durability as the makers of the United State Separators are. The looo Model United States Cream Sep arators have imaller bowls than ever before ami every separator Is Thoroughly Tested It is the motto of the manufacturers not to see how cheap the can b made, but how strong and e..ny u rr-, cvcry Wm know llie LI. 0. 11 le , . .1 . we now uc " - . , CaU an(i cxamine the, i 1509 Model United States Cream Separator. very JJ MUk Cant, Cream Can. and Everything for the Dairy GROCERIES! GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Hams and Bacon STEWART Brand of home-cured meats are now on the market. Too well known to need any recommendation. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! GROCERIES! No. 157 "A Directoire Model for short, full figures. Long below the waist with low full bust. White Sateen. We have just received a new supply of corsets. Call and inspect them.