iSI S3 Have Yon Got It? We have a buyer who wants 160 ACRES Must be good grain land with bright and practicable prospects of getting water for irrigation. North slope, or northwesterly preferred. Land lying fairly high is pre ferred to bottom land. Improvements not absolutely necessary, but small house, barn and well an advantage. Can pay $800 cash down and give security for balance. Price should be low. Write or call and tell us what you have. REALTY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 10, 11, 12, 13 Ad&mton Block P. O. BOX 1 PRINEVILLE, OREGON jjj I o ADAMSON'S D I G E S T 0 is intended for use in cases of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas on Stomach, Heartburn, Sourness, Excessive Acid and other forms of Stomach Trouble DIGESTO in not Intended as cure-all, but i simple, harm less preparation a everyone will know alter reading the formula on each box. IMgrsto U computed o( PAPAIN, baring physiological actions resembling Pepsin converting proteids into soluble eptones and stimulating the gastric glands. PA NC'RKATIX digests eggs, milk and meats, converting them Into peptones for assimilation; with the aid of an alkali It emulsifies fats and oils. PEPSIN is one of the highest digestives approved by the U. 8. Pharmacopoeia, repsin's chief ase is to aid weak digestion and it is invaluable In atomic dyspepsia, following acute dis eases. Pepsin sets as a stimulant to th. gastric glands and promotes their functions and energy. PO COMPOUND PEPSIN N. F. forming a compound In itself of digestive and stomach stimulant, assisting the other digestives in their work. MAGNESIA CALCINED is antacid and laxative and is much used In dyspepsia, sick headache, gout and other complaints attended with sour stomach and constipation. AROMATIC POWDERS are stimulant carpinitlve in cases of enfeebled digestion and flatulency. CASCARA 8AMRADA, one of the most widely nsed drugs in treatment of constipation. It produces natural motions of the bowels by its tonic action upon the tntestinal glands, increasing peristalsis. It is also a hepatic tonic in congested liver. GINGER is a valuable carminative to stimulate the stomach, improve the appetite, relieve flatulency and colic. I DIGESTO also contains Sodium Bicarbonate, Glucide, and is flavored with Oil of Peppermint to alley nausea and relieve spasmodic pslns of the stomach and bowels. EAT, DRINK and enjoy life by taking DIGESTO and ridding yourself of stomach miser-. EAT PLENTY' of wholesome food, DIGESTO will digest It for you, restoring your stomach and intestines to good working order and your general health will usually take care of itself. II undreds of thousands of people are getting through this world unlit for the duties or pleasures of life, a misery to themselves and a burden to others. They sutler constantly from distress sfUT eating, loss of sleep and mental depression and all because of the failure of the stomach to properly digest their food. WHAT FOOD MEANS TO THE BODY. Food is Just so much matter added to the system as to make it necessary to replace that which is constantly used for the existence of the body Food is the fuel necessary to supply the working power of any person in order to attain results, for be it known that no half-fed body can be restored by depriving it of the nece ar ies of life. DO NOT DEPRIVE YOIR8KI.F of what you want to eat; this will reduce the system and debilitates the patient. The proper use of good wholesome food acts as a system builder. A cure cannot be obtained by starving oneself. A generous diet with the sasiatanceof DIG SHTO will result in well digested food and a good rich blood. Tn(rtch blood) will renew every por tion of yonr system, and when so renewed the lining of your stomach will be In such co iditlon that yonr food will be prop erly digested and assimilated and your dyspepsia will be naturally cured. WHAT TO EAT. No a.!opted rule can be followed regarding diet; the foods that may be eaten and relished by one person will not apply to another. A person readily discovers what foods agree or disagree with their stomach. By abstaining from those that rebel against their stomach a quicker and more effective cure may be obtained. In case of nervous indigtstion it Isadvisable to eat largely of meat, as it is easy to digest and rontalns more nourishment than vegetables and grains. PIUX8TO tablets will easily digest any' kind of meats, pure fat is almost Indigestible, even In the strongest well stomachs. Fried foods are harder to digest than foods cooked any other way. All meats are more easily digested boiled, broiled or even roasted. When fruits or vegetables disagree with the stomach, it is better to discontinue their nse for awhile In order to perfect a cure, or put the stomach back to Its normal condition. WHAT TO DRINK. If you drink coffee see that it la per fectly fresh ; warmed over coffee is one of the most detrimental things a person csn put Into their stomach. It should be made fresh for each meal. Milk is good if it agrees with you and does not constipate. Neither coffee, tea nor milk are objectionable if taken perfectly fresh and agree with you. Among the best foods for dyspeptics are: Raw oysters, boiled mutton, chicken (boiled, roasted or broiled), broiled venison, steak, soft boiled eggs, baked potatoes, boiled rice, old wheat bread (bread should be at least 1 hours old, otherwise It causes fermentation in the stomach), old rye bread, Ice cream, sponge ease and oranges, musk melons, grapes and berries of all kinds. Black tea is better than green. Mush, beans, pess and raw cabbage. There are many other articles of food which are excellent, but each person must be the judge of those agreeable to himself or herself. Take a DIGESTO after eating a hearty meal any time and rest while It works. Y'ou do not have to be sick in order to take a DIGESTO. They do you good alter eating any time day or night. EASTERN OREGON TOWNS IN EARNEST Taking Great Interest in Per fecting Commercial Organizations. HOW TO OBTAIN "DIGESTO" OF YOUR DRUGGIST. DIGESTO tablets are for sale generally in the drug stores, but if your druggist does not happen to have them in stock, if you ask him to do bo he will send and get DIGESTO for you, and by keeping DIGESTO in stock where you and your friends can get it at any time, will do me a great favor, and at the same time be a great convenience for you by saving delay and expense of correspondence. However, if your druggist will not get it for you, I will send a box of DIGESTO, postpaid on receipt of price, SO Centa Bos, or Six Boxes for $2.50. DISTRIBUTED BY D. P. AD A MS ON, Get the Genuine, PRINEVILLE, OREGON, U. S. A. Beware of Imitations. Portland, Ore., March 21-Eas'.-ern Oregon cities are tremendously in earnest in perfecting their corn mercial organization. Duiing the past week, under the joint augpices of the Oregon Develop ment League and ltcal bodie, meetings were held at 15aker City. La Grande, Per.d'.eton aid Tie Dalle", and each was addressed by Tom Richardson, recre'a'v of the Oregon Development League. The gatherings were extraordinary in attendance and interest. Baker City had the largest at tendance ever gathered at a pro gressive meeting. The leading citizen?, after a conference, deter mined to raise a large sum ol money and advertise Baker City thoroughly. At La Grande a newly built re vival tabernacle was turned over to the businrs men and a great meeting resulted. Almost every town and commun'ty in Umatilla county was represented at the Pendleton meeting and there is a determination to make a great canvass of that notion and to take advantage of the stale law pro viding for a special tax for adver tising the county. At the meeting at The Dalles, every seat in the hall was occupied and standing room was at a premium. Many prominent men were out who had never before attended a meeting of this character. These meetings show that East ern Oregon is earnestly at work to get all the benefits of intelligent publicity and the value of this or ganized effort will appear as lime passes. A. L. Mills, president of Port land's biggest bank, evidently knows wtiat he is talking about when he says the Pacific North west is the most prosperous section of the United .States. He says capital of the country is cay and it is coming this way tor invent iitcnt in large quantities. Pro peels for this year are the best, he nays the Northwest hat ever known. Ho naturally attributes a wry Urge part of the activity and hustle hereabout to the large amount of railroad building row under way. This work, he ), i showing the confidence the leaders in the finnnciul world have in this section and it naturally brctds confidence in others. John F. Steven", president of the Oregon Trunk railway, now under construction wp the 1V chutes to Centrol Oregon, ay 5000 men are at work on the 109 miles now under construction, or nearly as many men a ever wert employed on the construction of the 370 miles of the North Bank road. He says the new line Is ol the most modern construction and the whole thing is being pushed with the utruort post-ible energy. The present plan is to build south only as far as Bend, although rnajw have been filed from Bend south to the Klamath Indian Ueservation. Despite heavy weather of the past winter, inquiry into crop and stock conditions show that losses have not been to general as wai feared. Some stock was lot on the range but the percentage is not large. Procpects in the ex tensive grain districts of Eastern Oregon are reported to le excel lent tor a bumper crop. Grain prospects in the Willamette Val ley are said to be somewhat less satisfactory. Because of the un usually heavy snowfall in the mountains during the past winter, tht-re will le plenty of water for irrigation purposes this year. Prineville Steam Laundry. Hav Tourclolhr- wa.hnt at lh I'rtnrvlll Mtram lAundrv. Htxvlal attention alvi-n to travrtrr. Uiumtry la localfd In Ilia fie'nlll. trr InulUliMt, nntr lh Ouhoco, -3tT J AM KM EINtl, frop'r. Wood Wanted. 1 am hcrrbr rttrvrtrd hf lh Countr fHrtirt ofCmok eounty. Orrtm. to ndvrrtlai Air oortts of coul wild Junliirr or Imdv pine curd, wood, to tw dvltwrvd and Idled fttr ttwur- HH-tit na follows; Usieurds t ilia roar of the court bouw milldlnc and AO oorda nn thr hut It u-liool ltd; mitre amount to be delivered on or Prior to Ht nlrniU r i. 11", I ourt re- aertcs rlibt to rvjeel any or all bids. Hlds must be It I with county clurk on or before p. in. April u, iviii. WAKKKN UKOWN oounly clerk. Homesteader Located. Choice homesteads in Paulina district. ( am a stockman of this section ami can locale settlers nn some choice claims. Reference : Any I'rineville business man. Write or call on U.K. Henry, I'aulina, Urrgon. 117-Owp I send my collars and cuffs to the 711 I.MinJry, just north of the Ochoco. Where do you send yours? 2 i.'4-tl Automobiles STODDARD DAYTONS REOS and MITCHELLS s The three best moderate Fricfld ( t on the market. ( you contemplate buying a ear do not fail to see us we ran give you more real value for your money than any other auoucy in Crook county. New Shop and Garage just north of Ochoco Bridge. E. G. Hodson, Colonel F. Smith, AGENTS ritlNEVILLK, OR. Colonist Rates l OREGON Great Northwest The management of the Oregon Hull roud ft Navigation Co. takes gnt pleasure In announcing that the low rales from Eastern cities, which have done so much In past seasons to stim ulate travel to and settlement In Oregon, will prevail again this Hprlng DAILY from March 1 to April IS, Inclusive. PEOPLE OF OREGON The railroads have done their part; now It's up to you. The colonist rata Is Die greatest of all home-bulldera. I)o all you can to let Eastern people know about It, and encourage them to come hero, where land Is cheap and liome-hulldlng easy and attractive. Fares Can Be Prepaid t home If desired. Any agent of the road named is authorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point In the Kust. Remember the Rates From Chica go, W8; from Ht. Louis, $32; from Omaha and Kansas City, IliS. This reduction Is proportionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY si Passsniar Acent rartlaad, Oregon City Meat Market J. V. Horigan, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Mutton, Wholesale and Retail All Kinds of Sausage Nice and Fresh Home Cured Bacon and Lard. FisITand Poultry in Season. i Butter and Eggs. Give us a call and we will save you money. Statement of Resources and Uebilitiaa of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At th. doe. of bwainMS Jan. 31, It 10 Hf-Kll HCKM Uwns and Warounta t-'to.i.' ist United MUtes Honda li.t 00 Kaftk I remlaM,t ttair) 1 Kedemptlon fund MA on Cash a lue from banks aw.we Ti tM.tJS 7u . t. AlUa, PraaU.rt Will WarswauW. Vk.PWJ.aa MAIMMTIKa capital Mloek I Hurplua rund.... . rlreulaltoa.. 1' .divided proflta !. Individual Deposits , . aw.aa T. M. laUwIa. Casals H. aUUwaa. Aast t I I Soneral ffilacksmithing W!i s L J ri u ri CJ S3 n i:j fii CJ r.i CJ ri CJ n CJ ri CJ n,i GJ CJ -..i pj r.i CJ K.I CJ r.i (3 m CJ IIoKftKsiioEiKo, Wood Wokic, rrc., NKATLT AND rROMITLT Do When it . Don Bt t : : : i Siobert 7oorc Satisfaction Will lie Guaranteed PiUNF.VILLK, Orkoon. 11 .J r,i i! r-i ! J u r-i CJ r-i a. J r.-i CJ 15.1 ri c J n ! C J UJCJWUCJCJCULLC-iCIJCJCLICaffc.UCJL.aCJCiJUUCUCiUi.UCUC.JWUl,J W. A. Booth. Pre. P. F. Btwt, Vlce-Frea, UTATE BANK NO. I CM. Kt.aina, Cashier OivOOK County Bank PRINEVILLE, OREGON Capital Ktock hilly paid fXI.BiO 00 Muri'lns , A.iso.oi) Htockholdrrs' llahlllty Itt.uuu.uu SUtcmant RandcraJ to Sut. Bank Examiaar January 31, 1910i AimU liabllitUM Uiansand IXsrounU l"l.lll,li Capital slock .w.nao.flo Ovi-rdraMs .; Huriilm , , ,, Cmmty and othi-r warrants , 1.11 M I n.lll.lid prod Is 'JUS.iSi Real nUK and astuma T.7si.H Ix-ihwIIs Cash ou hand and Uu from liauks W'.iri-i ut l7H,liw.m II7S.IIW.M lllil Now is Your Time To have WATCH ItEPAIRINU done. I am Just opening repair ihop at Elkint' Ktore, an 1 I 0fltr th. anrvii'. o( year, of eiporlence. All work lent la me hy mail or Cipro will have my careful attention. L.KAMSTRA Prinavilla, Oragon All work guaranteed. "'C jujcjc jcjcmc jcjujujc jwyuyujLjjcjc jt juuujyjuuuucjR CJ c J El CJ r.i CJ ni U'J rui CJ ri CJ B.I CJ ri c J K;1 CJ E.I C J na CJ na CJ B. I CJ C. I C J ri The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIloloE, OREGON First Claw Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season " W.J. SMELZER, Proprietor BnBnrriBnn3B?BHBrirnBCB!ir!ijjBiiBBr!nBBriRnBnBiiBnBnnnBPirp BuuukuuycuyuuuyuLiuuuuuuyyuuauyyuauuuuuiyuuyyuuyyuu CJ ri CJ r.i CJ cj B1 CJ RSI CJ Bil CJ na CJ ca CJ m ria ri na c J Oil yj 8 THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember ua when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent ft'