Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 10, 1910, Image 1

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Crook ' County
1 tiirK
Ent-mt t tbc pmutfflm at Prlnevllla,
tnra, M MfwadUM outlier
Many Autos Being Put
Into Service
Mail Now Carried by Auto Be
tween Prineville and Bend
New Can Coming
Central Oregon ha no railways
at yet, nor trolley lines, but it ha
the bent known substitute auto
mobiles, When all the machines that
have bet-n ordered arrive it will be
powible to trawl over this vast
country at very little more expense
than in the alowrr-going stage
Tim Cornell Slag & Stable Co.
have purchaxcd a 7 passenger iar
(or J that will he put into the reg
ular service Ik-Iwwu Prineville and
Bhanikoj two Mitchell of the 7
passenger SO home power type are
also to be ud by the fame com
pany. The car have all been pur
chased and the first one will reach
Hhaniko tomorrow night. Beside
. these big cara the Cornett people
have fourteen smaller 1C. M. F. car
that will be delivered at Hhanlko
in two installment aa soon at po
The only U. 8. mail route in
Oregon using auto ia now in oper
ation between Prineville and llend.
The service was started last Hun
day by the Cornett Ftage & Ftable
The Wenandy-l'-unten Company
have a number of Chalmers-Detroit
machines that are ready for busi
ness and aro in commission at this
time on the run from Bend to
The Deschutes Auto Company la
arranging to put on several Pierce
Arrow cars and have at this time
two of the "-passenger machines
doing daily tripa between Itend
and Bolters on Trout creek.
Creed Triplet and associates
have bought four cars- two Max
wells and two K. M. F. cars, and
are making daily tripa from Bend
to Prineville. The schedule was
started the first of the week.
Besides the autos enumerated
there are many private cars that
will be pressed into the passenger
carrying business. Autoista aay
that the roada will be in fine shape
in all parts of the interior in 10 days
more and that nearly all machine
will be in amice by that time. At
present the demand for auto ser
vice greatly exceeds the supply
and summer traflic has not yet
Cabinet Makers Wanted.
Two or tlim rablnt-t maker wnld t
oiu-c. mHid ncri nuids iHWltivvIv no cur-
carn-iitnr wnnlr.l. Apply to A. 11. !.J-
man rnnrvwe, wn-iton. vim
$6.10 Paid for Beef
Cattle Raised on C Sam Smith
Place up the
With the sale of a shipment of
beef steers to the Burke Commis
sion Compsny of I'ortland. C. Bam
Smith, of l'rineville, has not only
received the highest price of the
year, but it is asserted among the
commission men that I C10 a hun
dred is the highest price ever paid
for beef cattle in the NorthwcHt, if
not on the Pacific coast.
Mr. Smith arrived here Satur
day, , March 5, with 125 head of
grade Shorthorns and Ilercfords,
aged 3 years and up. They had
been on the road just ten days,
after which the average weight ol
the animals was 1260 pounds. At
90.10 a hundredweight, Mr. Smith
received tOG07.50 for the lot.
The cattle came from the famous
4000-acre ranch run by Mr. Smith,
13 miles eat oi l'rineville on the
Ochoco, and were fattened on al
falfa alone. They were driven
over the roads from l'rineville to
Shaniko, eight days being taken
for the trip. After loading, the
animals were 25 hours traveling
to The Dalles, the freight train
carrying them being sidetracked
frequently to give congested pas
senger traflic the right of way.
"1 even helped to mate track
to get that bunch of steers into the
market," said Mr. Smith at the
Mr, Smith is ene of the pioneer
stockmen of the l'rineville coun
try, having located on his present
ranch in 1875. He has added to
his holdings on the Ochoco from
time to time until the ranth has
become one of the bes t-known stc ck
farms in Central Oregon. Mr.
Smith served a number of years as
sheriff of Crook county.
E-A Author' Club Meeting.
-The E-A Author' Club held its
adjourned meeting with Mies Con
way at the home of Mrs. (iuy La
toilette, Saturday evening, March 5.
The members answered to roll
call with appropriate quotations
from Washington.
Misses Hodge and Horigan
favored the club with a piano duet.
Nathaniel Hawthorne was the
author chosen for study at thir
meeting. Miss Mhel Moore gave
an interest ng sketch of his li'e
and Miss Emerine Young gave a
review of bis"BIithedaIe Romance"
which was enjoyed by all. An in
teresting discussion of the author
and the most prominent characters
followed. .
Miss Conway, assisted by Miss
Moore, then served the members
with delicious refreshments.
Superintendents Named
for Divisions
You will find our lines of Implements best adapted
to this country. Call and let us show you
Sulky and gang
plows with either
chilled or steel bot
toms, Oliver double,
disc plows, Oliver
steel and chilled
plows, Oliver side
hill plows.
No. 222 Extra Chilled
new plow, cuts 1 4
inch; will plow any
kind of soil; out
wears any" other
plow made. Don't
fail to see it.
John Deere sulky plows with either sod or stubble bottom. John Deere
walking plows, disc harrows, spring tooth harrows, spike tooth harrows,
hacks and buggies, Mitchell wagons.
1 extra good fanning mill. NSO--- T ' - k' . "3
1 2-horse Stover gasoline pump- nJ'CX if' iHi'J WE HAVE THE GOODS
- ing engine. ;. ' NaIvLj?!IW ' ' J Y " ; H
Stnittghr ,endrg f - m ON HAND-NO TEDIOUS
iat;SgNo.U.l . ' " DELAYS TO ANNOY YOU
When ready for groceries let us show you how much
you can save buying from us. Some stores have low prices
when "just out;" you've met 'em. You will find our prices
right and that we have the goods ready to deliver
Plana for Big Baseball Tourna
ment and Many Special
Amusement Feature
An important special meeting of
the board of directors of the First
Central Oregon Agricultural Soci
ety was held in the office of the
secretary last Saturday morning.
AH of the directors were present
and a full discussion took place
with reference to the advance ar
rangements for the holding of the
fair next fait , .7; s .
Among other subjects that occu
pied the attention of the meeting
was the appointing of the super
intendents for the various divis
ions and the thought was expressed
mat the superintendents were
among the most important officers
of the fair and the success of the
fair depended very largely upon
the way in which they performed
their duties. The following were
appointed, subject to their consent,
their names being chosen both on
account of the probability of their
being present and willing to help,
as well as their fitness for the
Horses -J. L. Windom.
Cattle -Henry Cram.
Sheep James Rice.
Swine Park, Redmond
Poultry If . A, Myers, Redmond.
Pavilion superintendent Alex
Farm products G. Springer.
Vegetables Tillman Renter,
Fruita William Boegli.
Flowers Mrs. J. II. Rosenberg.
Sewing, etc Mrs. T. M. Baldwin
Pastry Mrs. Alex Thomson.
Art Mrs. M. E. Brink,
Minerals George Summers. '
Miscellaneous Mrs. .Ada
Educational W. D. Ban
It is hoped that all these parties
will be able to verve, but if there
are any that are unable to be pres
ent and take their part, the board
will be glad if they will kindly
communicate with the secretary; at
once, bo that the name can be
aitered before the lists are printed
The date of holding the next
fair was next decided upon, and
after a full discussion it was decid
ed that owing to so many outside
people having to come to Prine-
ville for the circuit court, it would
be only fair and right to them and
would increase attendance at the
fair, to hold the fair the same
week as court convened, namely,
October 18 to October 22 inclusive.
Fair to begin on Tuesday and end
on baturday as is tne ssual
custom. -
James Rice : introduced Mr.
Lundy of the Willamette Valley &
Cascade Mountain Wagon Road
company, who stated that his com
pany was ready at all times to
encourage the work of the develop
ment of the country and in his
opinion the educational work being
done by the fair association was a
very important factor in the devel
opment of the ' whole of Central
, The race program occupied con
siderable attention and the general
opinion seemed to be that last
year's purses were unnecessarily
large in some cases, The purses
were accordingly cut 1600, but
this cut affected outside horses
solely, new raceB being added for
the encouragement of the local
bred horses. Following is : the
amended program which will be
followed this fall:
Quarter mile dash $100
Three furlong race for 2-year- : ;
? olds .....:..U....H00
Bronco race, same as last year 1100
Three furlong race...( 1100
Six furlongs . .1150
Half mile ,...1150
One mile 200
Trotting race, three year old
and under.......... ,.....$100
Three and one-balf furlongs. .$150
Trotting race for Crook county
horses ,.$100
Five furlong handicap....... $150
Two-year-old trot for Crook
county horses.. . . . ....... .$100
Other amusements such as base
ball, basket ball, bucking contests,
together with the arrangement for
the band were left to be arranged
or separately. Tbe fair will have
a bind as usual, and they will be
required to play morning and
afternoon all through tbe fair. The
association is open for bids from
any of the bands in Central Ore
gon, and the secretary will be glad
to hear from all the band leaders
without delay.
It is also proposed to have an
other, and a better, baseball tour
nament for tbe championship of
the couuty, and local teams now
existing or to be formed are asked
to communicate with the secretary
at their earliest convenience if
they wish to take part m this
M. R. Biggs came before the
board with a request for payment
of a bill for services rendered and
and race won in 1908. After some
discussion Mr. Biggs was allowed
five shares in the stock of the cor
poration in settlement of his
The secretary was instructed to
procure what printing was neces
sary from the state printer without
delay, and also have the priie
lists prepared as soon as possible.
At the clone of the meeting of
the board of directors of the First
Central Oregon Agricultural So
ciety, the members of tbe board of
directors of tbe Central Oregon
Livestock and Agricultural Society,
J. E. Roberts, president, . lf JM
Lister and James Rice, had a short
meeting at which it was decided to
rent the grounds of the association
to the townspeople for the holding
of the spring races, the privilege
being retained of overseeing tbe
meet the same as an ordinary
meet of the fair association.
The treasurer was also in
structed to pay the taxes of the
From the present indications
and the preparations that f are
already on foot, together with the
expected enormous increase in the
population of , Central Oregon
within the next few months the
directors confidently expect a very
successful fair this fall from
points, and are going to spare
efforts to accomplish this end.
Many Towmite Addi
tions Acted Upon
Matter of Interest to Every
' ' Citizen Record of the
County' Business
Want to Organize
Baseball League
The baseball players and fans
of Prineville are agitating the queS'
tion of organizing a league to give
the four principal towns of the
county a Sunday ball game. A
meeting is called for next Sunday
at the office of Dr. Spaulding for the
purpose of considering the advisi
bihty of such a move and to see
what support could be expected
The hour is set for 10 a. m. It is
proposed to arrange a schedule of
ten games or more to be played in
Prineville, Bend, Redmond and
Madras, and the two teams secur
ing the highest score to play for
the championship of the county at
the place offering the best induce
It bas been several yeara since
Prineville had a winning team but
thiB season it is . proposed to put
one in the field. Turn out, then,
to the meeting next Sunday morn
ing. . . - '
Patients ' Received.
Persons needing hospital accommo
dations can find them at my home. I
am prepared to care for patients, or
patients may employ their own nurses.
Maternity cases may expect Bpecial
n25 Mas. P. B. Poindkxtkb.
Horse for Sale.
Five mares, one eeldinc all broke
to work and ride. Also two colts.
Call on CM. Lister on Mill Creek
ranch. j27-2inp.
I send my collars and enffa to the Zell
Laundry, just north of the Ochoco
Where do you send yours? 2-21-tf
Court met Wednesday, March 2,
with H. C. Ellis, Judge, and Commis
sioner James Rice and R. II. Bay ley,
On application of A. M. Drake et as
for approval of a sub-diviaion of block 4
of the original town of Bend. It ap
pearing to the court that the plat and
tracing thereof, together with the dedi
cation of the streeta and alleys to the
public, without reeervation, ha been
filed and that the same ha been duly
approved by the county surveyor and
county assessor, and that all of the re
quirements of law have been fully com
plied with, it is hereby ordered that
said plat be approved and spread of
In the matter of the David Travis
road the claim of W, - II. Kilmer for
I30C0 damage. It appearihg to the
court that said road is not of sufficient
necessity to warrant such payment
from county funds, it i directed that
the order made on September 29, 1909,
be vacated unless the petitioners make
a settlement or adjustment with said
Kilmer for hi claim for damages.
Upon petition of 38 resident free
holders ot road district No. 3, affidavit
of due notice as required by law and
after due action of the common council
of the city of Bend relative thereto, it i
ordered that ucn portions of the Pau
lina Creek and Powell Butte road and
such portions of any other road or road
within the platted portion of the city
of Bend aa do not conform with and be
not within the limits of the streets, al
ley and common as shown on the
original plat of Bend now on file, be va
The application of the stockholders ot
the First National Bank of Prineville
for rebate on excessive and unequal as
sessment for the year 1909, was denied,
it appearing to the court that authority
ia not granted by law, statute or other
wise to grant this application. The
same is hereby dismissed without prejudice.
Pursuant to continuance heretofore
entered in the following named pro
posed roads, the viewers are ordered to
view, review and survey said roads at
the time hereafter provided and report
thereon at the next term of court, viz. ;
W. S. Waugh, April 8, 1910 ; Jerry
Achey road, March.31, 1910; J. F. For
rest, April 4, 1910; F. T. Redmond,
April 15, 1910 ; Albert Harper, April 11,
Ia re erroneous tax sale. Upon
proper showing and approved by Sheriff
showing erroneous salo of certain real
estate for taxes for the year 1S97, it is
ordered that a quit claim deed be exe
cuted for north half, northwest quarter,
section 29, township 10 south, range 15
east.W.M.-- - "" . -
The petition of L. E. Prickett and 24
other for the establishment of a road
district disallowed because not in com
pliance with the statute.
Clerk directed to send certified copy
of order for incorporation of city o f
Madras to the secretary of state.
The following road supervisor were
appointed: Otha Baker for Redmond
District No. 27 J W, M, Durham for
Kutcher District No. 23 ; John , F. Cor
win for Haystack District No. 6'.
Upon affidavit of . May Mackey, to
gether with certificate of sheriff show
ing that said Mackey had been wrong
fully assessed for 1909, to the amount
of $9.15, the clerk is hereby directed to
credit the sheriff on said 1909 roll for
said amount.
Upon affidavit of Lone Pine Trading
Co., per George O'Neil, together with
certificate of sheriff showing said com
pany had beeu wrongfully assessed for
1909 to the amount of 72.60, the clerk
is hereby directed to credit the Bheriff
on the said roll for said amount.
In the matter of a petition for a
county road by Allen Willcoxon et al.
Upon petition, affidavit of posting notico
and bond for 200 with George Morgan
and George Hobbs as sureties being filed
herein, all in accordance with the statute
it is ordered that the viewers meet at the
beginning of Baid road on April 6, 1910,
view, review and survey out said pro
posed road and report thereon at the
next term hereof.
In the matter of the petition for
county road by H. M. Smith et al. Up
on petition, affidavit of posting notice
and bond for $100 being filed herein, it
is ordered that the viewers meet at the
beginning of of said proposed road on
April 14, 1910, view, review and survey
the same and report thereon at the
next term of this court.
Continued on insert sheet.