O RING My Spring Sample, have arrived, al.o Sample Suit, made up. With five hundred style, of goad, to .elect 0 iinu me coior ana ninffnt -!. u - r ...... . ... t ..... , , , F 1 "c wani ee" ne can order from any .tyle Toi'i, irz;r C00DS' pri-1 - GORMLEY THE TAILOR THE DANISTERS. What They Ttll th DwslUr In Ntw York' Ttncmtnt. Mnnr a Kri-mxiiiiM till of nM.nu U ifitii-( by wiili'iiuoit worker. 'Win Mher tliijr a woiuuti of ililluiiiiiriiilc kuitlcm-le iruitK"! mile looking for rooms r.ir hm unfortunate family thnt biut la move. After she hint mnilu solwtloti tlmt would lit (Itt'lr scitnt linwi (In. mother of the fiimlly went urouiiil to vo ilia room before mov- I kC III. "Oil." rxi'lnluuil Unit wise tenement dweller, "we'd Im. worse & here t tin n where we are! Tlilii iliu U too un lieiilitijr.M "How do you limke tlmt ontr nuked the Kettleiueut Worker. "It Strike till) a U'liitf U'tler t tut It Most house of It riuiM." The womnn pointed to the banister, wlik-li nm iit ihrouuli toe five fllKht of ainlr to l lie roof In u nikikiI. uro ken Hue. "t'oillim.- he nil.) grimly. 'Unit' wlnit Unit menu. Coitiiis Id tet-rililu Imnl on luiulnter. Thpr are too inimy ttentli here to ult me." And wueu Hie scttM-incut Worker lenrntM tlmt tunny tenement dweller rtwlljr do JmKe of tlie heiillhfuliieK of a lioime l.y the condition of tlio twill tor he coinliiiled tlmt (lint litr wouldn't suit lier I'lthcr.-New York I fin. , WOMAN. A Myitsry That Kp Man Etsrnslly en th Qua. "When woumii bit penned to be a mystery she will rease to bo of bhk'1ii luiereHt to muii. mild ouo anionic the lowliest of her kp i. nnd Mho Is able to Hnk n one tint ing authority, for alio I comely ii il ha iH-eu iillve ug (uoiik'h to know whereof she axak. And, conic to think of It. aha la about rluht-alio I rtsht. i It Isn't becuiiN womnn innke of herwlf a lliyHiery. the uiymery In ilte of herself. And nature alone, Mnir iiiii ii auKTlor ou eurth, seems to bo idnyliiB woiimu o a lo keen nuiu ever piemdiif. for a soou as lio bits smi-redi-d u IIkuHiik out olio of Iter tMiunilniiM she hitiids lilin auotber, mid on, nnd ou. , At tlmt lite minor man fl.lnt.. I. know nil hIm.iii nil women, but lijp the i i i t For ; You Th ere t i A few see ajByj,jj,j,j1 ---''ifcui.jjfcjKUBWULUU I ' H H : Why Pay Rent ? ' i ? ; '? in To tlmo bl liHk tM-k'ln to whiten be I ready lo toueiulv that he diwuu't even kucw nil altout one. Or do you know all about herT To ;ho luddle'they are all kumahle, or tienrly all. but aa time the klmuililo lint ahnrtena and aborteua un til at lnt well, you umy anawer for yournelf, hut no doubt It I quite abort unltnuj you U'lonii 10 the pmuilwuou brolucrboiHl.-rilUtMiritUaisctie-Tliui'a, Ltfr of the Herolo. Why la bnm-tMll the K'une of the aitinmer limlend of croquet, and foot ball the gnme of the autumn limtend of tlddlodfwIukaT It I the clement of conflict, of atrutcgle. Hint gives to the dlnmond and the gridiron their empire over the linngltiailou. The whole man goea Into bneball, whereua croquet cnuuot contiilii the entire enionallty of any except a very weak dilution of mnacultulty. The normal man like a game Unit trie the player' tliew and alnew, eye and brain, heart and cour ae. Tbe fact of tbe matter la that noth ing la more attractive to men ilmn dltllculty, hnrdHlilj), dungur. .The call or the heroic la IrreNlatlble. A caae lu point U tbnt of a muo wbo left one pomiion ror another a few mouth ego. lie turned hi bnck on friend and a aure aucceaa to grapple with dinicultle of a moet utiuaunl klud. Ill emtiloyora offered hlin everything they could give til in to Induce him to remain. Uut one thing they could not dupllente-the oniKJiiunllr for a eirnir. gle aucb a trlea meu'a aoula. That ' more 10 hliu than the material reward 8t. l-oul Ilepubllc. Tip to the Wayfarer. "Well," demanded the atcrn faced wont n a nhe leaned over tbe red handled broom, "what do you wautT" "Uuly." mild the wayfarer with the long beard and matted chin. 'Tin an actor by profeMidon and In bard luck." "Well, what have I to do with thnl?" -Wby-er-l waa thinking If you could upare hie a quarter to get a ahnve and a balr cut I could get a Job In the role of Vlrglnlu." Khe eyed blui disdainfully. "Oil. Ihnf a poor excuse." abe said, with a curl of her thin lip. "do np to tlie town without a lmve and a bnlr cut and get a Job In the role of Kip There's MONEY in owning Central Oregon Property. There's NO MONEY in renting it. Even if you borrowed $1500.00 at 10 per cent IT Better still! BUY ON EASY TERMS and - o wi are many opportunities for this in Prineville. We especially recommend lotsand acres still left. or write Vnn Winkle." And U-fi re be could aay another word Mhe atnrted to umbaln the dog. Cblentjo New. The Moon. The monti' menu dlotanco from the earth U 17.000 mile. When It I at the erli-e,wirM, M,,tn iVXJll mllea and when at the luiogee-fnr-theKt point-more llian Ki.otw mile from tbe earih. The actual diameter I eat limit mI at iuIIik, or a little leu thnu tbree-eleventh of the enrth'a dlnmelcr. Tbe moon's volume la therefore about one forty-ninth that of tbe enrtb. and It runim I one eighty-eighth of the earth; comiequent J the force of gravity U no mucb lew at It aurfacc than It In at the earth' aurfnee that a lnjdy weighing 1.000 pound here would weigh on the moon only VS3 bound. One Who Knew. "Doe any cue In the clan." asked the teacher, "know tbe orlirln f iim torn In war "Yea. ina'atu," nnwcred tho ehaggy nnirea pupil. -Jhey were written by John Buiilon."-Cbtcago lYlhuue. There la no killing tbe aunplelon that deceit boa ouce bcgotten.-Ellot, Anelent Inkatand. An inkstand that waa probably in Uhc 3.100 vcara nan in in a innonm in Berlin. It in of Egyptian mako and is aupposcd to belong to the eighteenth or nineteenth dynasty or aoinewhcre about 1300 II, C, al though its real aj,'o can only bo judg ed of approximately. It in made of wood and has two compartment, an upper one provided with two holen, one for black, and one for red ink and a lower one for holding reed pens. The black nnd the red inks are certainties, for gomo etill re main, in a dry condition, within the receptacles. Another ancient inkstand ia aupponed to have been intended for the use of a achoolboy. It would cortainly hold ink enough for a schoolboy's needs, for it has no fewer than four ink holcn. TWh inkstands were found et Thebes Y O il JOHNSON'S Prices, city lots, 40x1 14,$1 10 to $125. One-acre tracts $300 to $400. Now is the time REALTY BEVROPMENT: ; PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Room. 10, 11, NITR03EN I0DIDL A Wonderful 6ubttano Tht a Mere Broth Would Eplod. "What wo:ild l the foiiM-quelice of firltix a bin rclf nl of nitrogen Iodide It Would be liMpoHKthle lo Kay." declare a writer In the l-ondoii Hiraiul Mug. Xllie. "Klmply iMX-tiiiHe the xluff U loo awful to e made In miicIi iiiiiiiiIIMi- "It may nouiid like a y ke. but It I nevertliehuM I bo Irtith. Ihat the Irearf of a bouitelly I utn leiit to explode thl daiiiterou iimierlnl. It U not necetiry that a fly nhiiuld walk over the compound. It tin a only to let one foot come Into contact with the explo alvc. when Die Jolt cniiK- it to ex plode and to blow the Imteot Into tbe air. "Another manner In which tho pecul iar property of thin exploglre can be demoinitruled la by eatterlng a small quantity or the dry powder over a abeet of clean paper. It then resem ble pepiHT and only need a few nhnrp breathe of tbe manipulator Just authYlent to make them rollto cause each nnek to Ignite and ex plode, meantime giving off a long, tbln column of denae purple smoke. If a bnrrelful of nitrogen Iodide could be made It would have to be kept motet to prevent danger, fly comparison gun powder Is a mild. Innocent, Inoffensive material." TheO'Neil r.t k J WJ r.t i. j r l l J ri L'J ri MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIfcloE, OREGON First Claw MeaU 25c and Up Fresh Oystert and Fuh in Season t j n CJ r.i L J r.;i L J W.J. SMELZER, Proprietor L'J r..i L'J r l F l j r i i l,j nrinrinrii..,... -,... L'J O si mni visiriM STILTON CHEESE. It Differ In the Making From the Or dinary Cheese. Stilton cbeee differ from ordinary c:iece In the method of manufacture. Rich Btllton I made la a circular mold, or vat. two feet deep and about nine Iim-Ih In diameter, perforated at the side, and bottom. When th milk ha been turned Into curd by means of remiet it Is transferred Iniu tbe at, width I lined with a coarse woven cloth, with a ladle. When a thin layer or curu cover the bottom of tbe mold a little dry salt Is sprinkled over It Thl I aupimsed to create tbe blue mold often found 0 Stiltons. Then more curd U added In layers ontll the vat I full. The whey gradually drains throuirb the cloth and out of tbe bolea Into the pan In which tbe vat atanda. After the curd has stood for twenty four hour a tin disk 1 hiJd on tbe top and a weight applied to ha men h exputelou of tbe whey. When quite firm, the cheese Is removed from the vat and placed on, a shelf to dry. After some dnya tbe cloth Is token off and tbe cheese la left to ripen In a special room, tbe temperature of which never varles.-London Answers. "FiT Hundrel" score card priiittd and for sale st the Journal office, 1 cent .each. Restaurant! B3 LJ C3 L J C3 L'J n LJ C3 L J K3 L'J t.3 L J ' C'3 L'J rs - L J C3 LJ C3 C3 . . .,. ;; WOULD BE CHEAPER than renting ' WI 12, 13 Ad.m rifviTOr. n jt l m mv-m it.. sjflf si " f l . i am i 'i i i, fxffl I 'HI ii i w: "'I'll.:.. W. A. Booth. Pre. I D. r. HTiWilT, Vhw-Pre. TATE BANK NO. 18S Crook County Bank PRJNEVILLE, Capital gtock fullj paid. HUtc-kboidera'Vlabiilty'. Statement Rendered to Stat Bank Examiner January 31, 1910: USSUSZ ntTT. not las. Cp,u,t .lock .Vf. . Kml eaute and BXturea. . .. 7 710 "4 Canto on hand and due from bank m'jii&'.vt , im,n. L'J r..i La 13 CJ ra L J fl LJ n L'J r.i EJ C3 CJ C3 e j G3 L'3 Seneral ffilaccsmitiing HoRSESHOEiJto, Wood Work, rrc., Neatlt and Promptly Donk When it is Don By : : Robert 9foorc CJ C.3 L J 53 . CJ C3 L J C3 L3 E3 Satisfaction ' Will Prineville, Blook COMPANY Now is Your Time To have WATCH REPAIRING done. I am Jut opening repair bop at Klkin' r'tore, an 1 I offer tbe service of jear of experience. Ail work tent to me by mail or express will have my careful attention. L. KAMSTRA PHnerilla, Oregon AH work guaranteed. C. M. Elk iss. Cash kr OREGON ..tw.mono . W.UUU.U0 ....l.fl6n,( ... 6,i.iiu ,.. S.MH.W fi75,iso.m I ndlTlded proflu lepolla L'J r.3 LJ 3 LJ K3 L J ra L J e.3 L'J ri L J r,a LJ r..3 L J r,.3 LJ ra L J r.3 LJ r.3 C3 L J ea LJ r.a Be Guaranteed Oregos. For I I You