Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 17, 1910, Image 3

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The most complete line of Farm Machinery in the County
Complete Line All Sizes and Stylet
Wood Frame I arrows
Spring Tooth I larrows
Superior Grain Drill
Fanning Mills 6c Daggers
The well known Oliver and Canton
Plows in walking, sulky and gang
In an effort to keep pace with the many improvements in agricultural machinery, we are introducing every
season new types of implements that have been tried and found to materially increase the yield of the soil in other
sections similar to ours. This year, we offer the Canton Alfalfa Harrow and a big assortment of Land Packers. In
packers we have the Dunham for light, sandy soil and the Campbell for heavier soil. These packers are designed
to conserve the moisture and to obtain the proper proportion of air and moisture in the ground and thus increase yield
Complete line All Sizes and Styles
Peg Tooth Harrows
Disc Harrows
Wagon Scales
Feed Grinders
We are always pleased to show you
the goods whether you buy or not
The W. F. King Company, Prineville, Oregon
J. V, IIhiiu went to Portland u
litMlmmi Saturday,
Mr. and Mr. Whltl ramo In from
Mhaulko Sunday evening. .
Mia Hurtle McCoy left on Tuesday'
stage tor her home at llllxxnr.l Itldge.
Will ell of Mad rim wna a hulm-a
vtaltortn rrluevllle the II ml ot I lie
Oivn MUM ot llenver creek In visit
ing relative niul friend In town
thin week.
T, M. Hmlth niul Walter Smith ol
Lamonta were In town on busbies
thin vink,
8. 8. Htearn sold tUty-three head
of beet row to Howard niul Urown
limt Monday, lie got f I a hundred
for tin-in
Duncan MiU'li'od, who ha Ihhmi
funlliiril to IiIm rooiu wllli ulckiU'wi
for n couple of week, I able to 1
out fitful u. '
Mm. llinry Whltsott returned to
her homo In lUnd Kunduy after a
week' visit with relative and
friend In Prlneville.
ThoaO Who (It tended the HHlslltT
ttde hull ut Inianta last Friday
evening report n largo attendance
mid a good time generally.
IVrd MeCnllUtersold seventy-seven
liend of Uff cuttle to Prowii &
llownrd Hie other duy. Klvedolna
n hundred wna paid for 41 head und
II.T5 for the lm I n nee. -
The Committee on ground ot the
Prlneville ('uiuiuerclnl Hub are re
quested" to meet'nt the club room
tomorrow (Friday levelling at
p. nu A full attendance U requested.
Won hip . nt tho Presbyterian
church next Sunday, Jtev.C. C. Hub
hldge, tin pastor, will orcupy the
pulpit nt both morning und evening
services 11 iu lu. and "M p. in.
(loH'l preaching and old fashioned
eougrcunilolial singing. Come!
The Hires bent moderate
Iiriitni can on th market,
f yon contemplate buying a
car do nut fail to see ua a we
ean give you more real value,
for your money than any
other agency In Crook county.
New Shop and Garage just
north of Ochoco Bridge.
L G. Hodsoh,
Colonel F. Smith,
frank Kmlth of Madras war a
business visitor, Wednesday,
1. K. Young und A uk tin Klser t-ame
In from lleart'reek Wednesday.
J. J. JoliriMou of Mill Creek came In
on business the flnt of the week.
Tom Arnold and I Van Cynm left
thl morning for Alabama on a tiusl-
nes trip.
Kiv. C. I. Bailey left Monday for
Dayton, Wiodi., where he gmn to
hold revival meeting.
Itev. J. D. Uwfllen, J. M. Street,
(lardner Perry and Itandolph Ket
chum left thin morning for Mad raw
to attend a temterauce convention
held there.
The ladle of the Annex will give a
500 hundred pnrty at the club room
on Friday evening, February 25. All
club member are exHfU'd to lie on
hand at 8 o'clock aharp.
A quiet wedding took place Wed
nesday evening at the office of Sheriff
F.lkln. Kidney J. Feakea and Mlxa
Vlrta Joins were the contracting
parties. Itev, C. C. Hahhldge, pastor
ot the Presbyterian church, officiated.
The afternoon tea that wna an
nounced for February 22 at the home
of lr. Ilelknnp hna been postponed
on account of the accident to Mra.
Itelkuap. The Will Aid of the
Christian church will fix a date laUr
Mra. Mary Hlnton gave a big (II li
ne r February 14th In honor of her
ami Alex' thirty-sixth birthday.
Those present were: Mr. and Mm.
J. Million), Victoria Houston,
lllriini Gibson, Mra. Ilcssle tltnton,
Uolda Fergueaon and William Crl
well. Jinnee Mullarky and Archibald
Mcl'hcraou of Aahwood tiled their
petition for filial naturaltxatlon
paper with the county clerk Monday.
Their application will have to go
over until the October term it
the dlatrlct court na petition must
lie flleilUUdayalK'forecourt couveuei.
Harold Baldwin and James It lie
have bought the M. It. Blgff Crooked
river ranch, located five miles aouth
enat of rrluevllle. It coiihIhIs of two
aectlons of land. The price paid was
a.000. The new owners will tie
vclop the property. It will tie cut
up Into small holding and water
furuhrtied for Irrigation purposes,
Tho "500'' club recently organised
la compoHcd of twelve married ladles
with Mrs. L Doonar as prealdent
and Mrs. O. Hyde as secretary and
treasurer. The prlxes are hand
painted china plates. Tho club tuet
last Saturday .with Mrs. II, Laulus
and will meet In two weeks with
Mr. J. Combs."
C. H. Henry was down from Tau
llna tho Inst of tho week after sup
piles and to attend to butdnees
matters. Mr. Henry has a lot ot
good homestead claims which he In
tends to locate settlers upon. Any
one wlalilug to tile on a claim In
that section can do no better than
to see hlin, as he hits resided there
for many years and . knows the
country thoroughly.
Mlxa IVrn Hall returned to her
home at Itcnd.
Miss llattle lliniHtoii returned to
tier school at Alkali Flat today.
17. N. Iluahuell of Hear Creek was a
bimlne- vlaltor the flnt of the week.
Milt ell of Sprlugwater Is vlxlllng
relatives and friends In town this
U. K. Jones of Howard was a IhimI
tieas vlaltor In town the first ot the
Mlaa F.lta Daw left Thursday for
Khaulko where she will violt her
Harley Saunders of upper Crooked
river wna In town ou buslm-n Wert
Mr. and Mr. John Mllllorn came
In from their home on Dear Creek
M otiday.
MImm Trobst Is In I'rlucvllle from
Oregon City. She ha tiled cm a
homestead near Powell Duttes.
Mr. and Mrs. William Balfour of
Howard were visiting relatives and
friends lu I'rtnevlllo the first of the
M. 8. Mayfleld of Juniper Canyon
passed through town Wednesday on
his way to Shanlko with fifty head
of lieef cattle.
Mrs. Mike Mayfleld left this morn
lug for the (ioortSaiunrntln Hospital
at Portland. She was accompanied
by Dr. Del knap.
Mia Lillle Wilson, the photog
rapher, liai) closed her gallery for a
time and will soon leave for her
homettead nt-Uenr Creek Uuttes.
John 11. Puett and Maud E. BUby
were married at the home of the
bride's parent In Prluevllle this
morning. Itev. C. C. Uabbidgo offic
iated. Mr. and Mrs. McPherson of llel-der
were In this week on their way home
from Powell But tea where they have
beeu visiting their son, Logan Me-Phersou.
Jury . Disagree.
One juror raved Dinger Her
mann from conviction of the
charge of conspiracy to defraud
the government in the Blue
Mountains forest reserve. The
jnry was out forty-six hours and
took thirteen ballots when a juror
handed a note to the court saying
that he was hanging the jury and
could not change his opinion with
out going contrary to the dictates
of his conscience.
Promptly after the discharge of
the jury Francis J. Heney, the
government prosecutor, moved to
have the case est again in two
weekf. 'Just when the case will be
retried has not been settled. It is
said that if Hermann had not ap
peared upon the witness stand he
would have been acquitted
Teachers Pass Exams
With Flying Colors
The February examinations are
over and County Superintendent
Ford Is nilglrty triad of It. The
piiiers are all graded and the county
MUMTlntem!ei!t I much pleased with
the work done. He had the largest
numlier of applicant at this Febru
ary examination that ever wrote for
state and county papers In Crook
county. "I am really proud of the
n-cords made by outside teachers.
Those who have had university and
normal training show It. Some of
our home teachers, two, who were
working for higher certificates,
passed with flying colors. As I said
liefore," remarked Mr. Ford, "I am
greatly pleased with the work done.
With such teachers In charge of the
schools of the county our educational
system will tie placed upon an otuul
footing with the liest afforded In any
county In the state." The success
ful applicants are as follows:
Mrs. Aultlo Cady, Lalrtlaw; Mrs.
Delia Foster, O'Xell; Miss Floy
McOee, Lamonta; Mies M. A. Ie,
Post; Miss Jessie Hartly. rrluevllle;
Mrs. A. B. Porter, Madras; Mrs.
Emily Dotigall, Lmnonta; Mrs. Evae
Xeeley, Portland; Mrs. Carrie S.
Messiuger, Madras; ' Miss Elva 4.
Smith, Prlneville; Miss Uena Noble,
Culver; Merton T. Mortimore, Mad
ras; Earl Noble. Madras; Miss Mne
A. Elliott, ltedmond; Miss Jane T.
Allen, Prlneville; Miss Grace Vande
vert. Bend; Miss Fern Hall, Bend;
Miss Frances Cooke, Prlneville; Miss
Viola Reynolds, Powell Butte; Mins
Olive H. Mortimore, Culver; Mrs. C.
D. Jarrett, ltedmond; Miss JIattie
Houston, Prlneville: Miss Delia
Haight, Shanlko; and Mrs. Vlrga Mc
Farland, Young.
Primary certificates were granted
Mrs. Nancy Noble of Culver aud Mrs.
Lizzie Jackson ot Prlneville.
Supt. Ford has received the ship
ment of library books for the school
districts of the county aud Is busy
separating them. They are a good
list of tiooks and will add much to
the schools.
Clearance Sale
Trimmed hats, '910 values ...8 50
Trimmed hats, fS.OO values 5 50
Trimmed hats. $0.00 values 3 90
Street hats t- 50 and 13 at 1 50
Caps regular 75c and 91.00, at 25c
Veils from 25c to $1 50
Toboittian caps.... 2oc
Ladies' wool gloves 25c
Children's wool gloves 15c
Ladies' sweater from f 1 to 91 50
Special bargains in silks, satins, vel
vets, ribbons, etc. Must have room for
my Spring Stock.
Mrs. Estes
Corner 2d and Main Streets
E-A Authors' Club.
The E-A Authors Club met on hist
Saturday with Miss Edra William
son and listened to the first regular
program for the year and If this I to
le a criterion, we may expect some
thing exceptional from the member
of this organization.
The roll call, answered by quota
tions from Shakespeare' "Hamlet,"
was esiiet'lally interesting na was
the biographical sketch of this fam
ous author by Mis Edra William
son. MUjs Lotta Smith gave an excel
lent review oi "Hamlet" which was
followed by a discussion of the char
acters by Miss Agnea Elliott who
brought out the strength and weak-
tlfal d9 tita ImikOPrant naNinnaua rf
the play.
The reading of Hamlet's soliloquy,
"To Be or Not To Be," by Miss Cella
Neims was greatly appreciated by
the club.
After a general discussion of the
play, refreshment were served and
the club adjonrned to meet in two
weeks with Miss Conway.
Furs and Hides Wanted
Bounty on Coyotes $1.50
" Bob Cat 2.00
"Cougar 10.00
Afur receiving your bounty
take your case hide to the
Janitor at the Crook County
court house, and get highest
cash price for same from
t-CJ:-CJ.s 'iAvvv tWt!'
4 ltd
j. w. boone
Prlneville, Oregon $
Applications for Grazing Permits.
Notice Is hereby given that all ap-'
plications for permits to graze cattle, i
horses and sheep within the Oregon I
National Forest during the season of
1U10, must be filed In ray office at
Portland, Oregon, on or before
March 15. 1910. Full Information in !
regard to the grazing fee to be
charged and blank forms to be used
in making applications will be fur
nished upon request.
T. H. Sherrard,
2I74t Forest Supervisor.
It is handled everywhere Every
body knows the name and only
pleasant things are said of Harper
Sold by ,
Silver tooth & Browder
x. Shaniko, Oregon
D. P. Adamson & Co
Maker & Creik Kaiyct
Caacra SappUcs
Wall rr
Muical IutraaeaU
LMj'l CaaJiet
Statieaery '
During the cold weather hot fires are a necessity in every home, so
is a dry chemical fire extinguisher needed in each house for the pre
vention of fires liable to result from stove pipes and chimneys burn
ing out. Call and inspect our extinguishers.
0. P.: Adamson & Co,
7 m
Mayer Shoes for Ladies Mayer Shoes for Misses
Honorbilt Shoes for Men Special Merit Shoes for Boys
"HOLEPROOF" HOSE for Men, Women and Children
They are absolutely guaranteed proof against holes for 6 mos.
bs) &rs frsaa frsa aej f tas&a &?-3s? fceaa asaa a
tkw) CwJ lSSvj CwO tSi tMl CwT) l W IV) tNiO tSD C
i lali m aa m ei &