. Out Prices Are Always Reasonable!!! While We are not having a reduction sale, yet our patrons know that our prices will compare favorably with those of any house in Central Oregon. Our stock is complete in all departments. We invite you to call whether you buy or not. ' The W. F. ECing Company , Prineville, Oregon LOCAL MENTION Minn I'ulii Wright linn Ixvtt very III Uhj lnt wifk. MIhh lint III! Ilmmtoii rnuit lu from Alkali Flat Hatunlay. lrovr I'rUu of Hear Cn-uk waa In town tlia flrat of tlio WNk. m Mr. Wntt Join of I'owcll Buttca wiu a biiHlnt'iM vlaitor In town Man tin)'. Prim k Cowan ami MaM llrn ilrlcka wr In town trout Itittonta litMt Sntiirilnjf. MIms Hiiiu'l Cowan of I.nmnuta ramo to Prlwvllto lat wwk to at- tutu) Illicit H'lmol. MIhw-h MuIm-I ntul Myrtte Wliulom rami) up front Culver Inxt t'ritluy to uttriul the tlt-hnte. Mian NhiIU McCoy will iiDHlMt IUv. Ilitllry In M-'lul niii-tliiK till wtH'k Come niul licnr tier. , Minn Itcrtlui llorncy ami Mrs.M. I'.. IVrvlval of Madras came In for tlio (lolmte limt Friday. iMmcan Miuli-od la coiifltit'il to lit room tit tl-.l Hotel I'rlnevllle with it lllflit attack of juieiiiiioula. Mm. Wnrrvn Ihiiicmi, who hna lut'll vIhIiIiik In )'rtiitvUI the iit two weeks, left Moiulny for her home nt Mllver Lake. The I'tilted Artisans luHtnlletl ten new tiirin'.M'm Momlny ilht. A Ifiidil iroKriitii wnnKlveu ami refresh. msiita wen nerved. C, C. Henley of llnyatai-k linn pur rbttaeil City Iafollett's auto, Mr. Healey will tine It for ciirrvliiK pun wiik'em thin summer. Uev. J. H. Unlford cIinuhI IiIm work last Kumliiy night mid left Monday for Helix, Oregon whew will Ih'kIu meetings next Htlilday. ft N. Khret of Iti'dmoml wns A luiHlnt-fK vlnltor TneBdity. Mr. Khret him renlKiieil the pimtnitinterMlilp of Kediuoud oillce 111 fuvor of J. A. Norwood. Automobiles STODDARD DAYTONS REOS and MITCHELLS i' The three text moderate rieed rats on the market. f you contemplate buvinu a cur do not fail to s ua aa we ran give you more rest value fur your money then any other agency in Crook county. New Shop and Garage jutt north of Ochoco Bridge. L G. Hodson, Colonel F. Smith, AGENTS ! " riUNKVIKLK, OR. C, It. Henry of Pnultmi waa In town this week. K. E. (Jlllenwater of Post U n I'rlnevlllo visitor. HyronCndy was a I'rlnevllle visitor the fl ret of the week. Orvllle Davie of Ilnyrreek wni a I'rliievllle vlHltor Friday. W. C. CotiKleton of Paulina wan n lniMlniKH vlHltor this week. Mm. Henry WhiUett of Itend la visiting relutlvea In town. It I reported that F. W. McCaffrey of Itedinotid hn sold hie forty ad joining thut towu for 17000. There la to lie a grand masquerade bull nt lamonta tomorrow ( Friday) evening. A great time la anticipated. A tuarrliige lieenae wm laased Inst Saturday to Hubert It. McLnnt and Mrs. Mary 8. Httiead, both of Mad run. Hev. J. Anthony Mitchell came over from llend for a few days thla week. He will return today or to morrow. The dates not Juggled lu Doting the lilrtlt of a boy In the family of Marlon Mar field. It ahould have rend February 2, Instead of December ni. (1. 1. Elliott and winter of Redmond enme over Tuesday. Minn Klllott will tnke the teacher' examinations before Conuty SuiH-rlntendeut Ford t'lln week. O. K. Lnfollett, a newapaper man of Wiaeonaln. wiw a I'rlnevllle vlaltor the flrat of the week. Mr. Itfollette la talking of atnrtlutr another mer at Itend. A. It. ltoller and wife left Ttteadny for a mouth'a vlett to CaJllornliu They wilt vlult Mr. Itollcr'a mother at Iam (lutoa for a few weeka and then tnke a trip through southern Call torn la. Worahlp at the Preebyterlan church uext Knbbath. Preaching wrvk-ea at 11 h. nt. and 7.30 p.-in. Morning aubject "Don't Drift! How." KveuliiK theme "Hell. Where la It? What U It?" A cordial Invitation to nil. Ileal eatate U active in the La montn country. I-ee Moore hna Juat dlepoHed of Ilia plm e. L. M. Thotnaa bought KM) acrea, Colonel F. Smith took 120 ncrea and Joe Wlegand, 100. Mr. Moore and family will leave shortly for California. J. M. Cornet t him aliened a con tract for two carloads of E. M. and F. autoa. One carload, or seven car, la to lie delivered at Hhnnlko by April lat and the second carload will arrive July 1. Mr. Cornett, In order to hold tho agency for theae autoa, had to guarantee the aalo of tour teen. K, U. Hodaon and Colonel F. Smith have taken the aseucy for the Stod-dard-Duyton, Heo and Mitchell autoa. Their headquartera will be In the new narngo Juwt north of the t)chico bridge. These gentlemen have Juat sold two7-pneeenger Mitch ell cars to (1. M. Coruett. One of the cars will be delivered the first of the month. LOCAL MENTION Stanley Hnlfour left for P.uck creek limt Tuesday. Austin Klu-r of Itenr creek Is In town thla week. Miss Francis Cooke enme In from Hear creek Monday. Mra. Inaley Houston of Pendleton la visiting relatives In I'rlnevllle. Mra. (iolda Furguesou wns visit ing In town from Itenr creek this week. Mr. and Mra. C. X. Kliret of lled mond were I'rlnevllle visitors thla week. Jack Shnttuck of lienr creek wna a business visitor lu Prineville Wed nesday. Dill Mosea of l'pKr Crooked river wns lu town ou business the first of the week. Ferd MeCnlllHter "will stnrt for Hhnnlko w ith a btiuih of Is-ef cattle this week. Mr. Whltls, who Is with Clifton & Cornett, left today for Khnnlko to meet his wife and baby. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Cook of Powell Duties were lu tho city visiting friends the first of the week. T. K. Duffy, special np-nt of the general laud office, Is going to resign hla position with the government and open a law oillce In Prineville. The firemen 11 11 nu once a big mas querade ball for Monday evening, February 21. Morgan's Orchestra has been engaged for the occasion. Mra. II. P. Iielknap announces that ahe will give a Martha Wash ington "tea" on the afternoon and evening of February 22. Everybody come. I'ncle Joe Huusaker wag stricken with paralysis one day lust week. Hla entire right aide was affected. Owing to hla advanced years Ills fjtenda have reason to be apprehen sive. Cecil Steatna returned from a bus iness trip to Itoslund the last of the week. He says the stock In that part of the country Is looking flue aud hay Is not so scarce there as It Is around Prineville. Aunt Nancy Noble, son and daugh ter are all taking the teachers' exam lnatloua. Mra. Noble despite her years, looks hale and rugged and just as capable of wielding the birch as the best of them. Floyd Jones, the little son of A. P. Jouee, had the misfortune to fall from a buy stack last Sunday strik ing on hla head. The child was ren dered unconscious for two hours, but was reported out of danger by the attending physician. Several friends of Mlsa Ethel Potter received invitations to the graduat ing erferclses of the class of '10, of which she was a member, from the Deaconess Hospital, at Spokane, Wash., to lie held February 1." Miss Potter has been training for the past two years and will now take up the I work ol nursing. Mrs. Jessie Urny and Mra. Olllc Keet of Poet are visiting relatives and friends In town thla week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jacobs and children were in town thla week from Paulina buying supplies. Carl Metjhec, W'ho Is now engaged In the real estate business at Ia montn, la In town today. The Oregon Trunk rnilrond makes official announcement that It will build lis fur as Klamath Falls. C. Sam Smith Is Granted a New Trial C. Snm Smith hna leen granted a new trial by the Supreme Court In n decision written by Justice Moore last Tuesday. The case waa argued before the court on January 11 No Information la obtainable regard ing future proceedings, aa to whether a change of venue will be a Wed. Tho Oregonlan'a Salem dispatch atatea that Mr. Smith Is now serving a term In the eultentlary. This is an error, as he haa not served any sentence at all, lielng at present under bonds. C. Sam Smith wns convicted of the burning of J. N. Williamson's sheep shearing plant ou a charge of arson In the clrcnlt court of Crook county In PHM. If the case folio wa the regular order the new trial will lie held at the May term of the circuit court. New Banks for Crook County "Crook county Is to lie well looked after In a financial wn.v. The latest nddltion to our bnnklug facilities is the Deschutes Itanklng & Trust Co of .wnil. County Clerk Brown la now transcribing the articles of In corporation onto the county records. The capital stock of the bank U placed at $15,000, divided Into 100 shares of the par value of 1130 each. I.. B. Itaird, M. F. Coe and Frank U Minor are the incorporators. ltedmond, too, Is to lie provided with an additional bank. The name f the new institution is the Red mond Itank of Commerce. Its ar ticles of incorporation stute that It will do a general savings and com mercial banking and trust business. The capital stock Is $ 10,000, divided ints 100 shares of the par value of $100. G. E. Dodsou, Harold M. Sawyer and Ct. C. Slocuni are the In corporators. Millinery Clearance Sale Trimmed hats, f 10 values $6 50 Trimmed hats, fS.OO values..; 5 50 Trimmed hats, ftt.00 values S 90 Street hats f 50 and 3 at 1 50 Caps regular 75c and f 1.00, at 25c Veils from 25c to $1 50 Tobojtsan caps 25c Ijadies' wool gloves .....25c Children's wool gloves 15c Ladies ' sweaters from $1 to f i 50 Special bargains In silks, satins, vel vets, ribbons, etc. Must liavo room for my Spring Stock. Mrs. Estes Corner 2d and Main Streets PRINEVILLE, OR. Grandma Harbin's 92nd Birthday Almirs Harbin celebrated her 92d bittiulay at ber home in Prineville on Febiuary 10. With the exception of Mrs. Breece, who will be 94 years old in April, "Grandma" Harbin ia tbe oldest woman in this f county. She can see and hear well tor s person of her age and has a remarkable memory. She remembers distinctly aa far back aa the ixth presidential campaign, when John Quincr Adams waa elected. "Grandma" has been s widow for forty-eight years. Her busbauu waa accidentally shot for s deer in 1802 when they lived up on Camp Creek. Since then ahe haa lived in Prineville with her eldest son, Ed. It pleases ber to think her friends always remember "Februtry 10th" and never fail to give her a' birthday dinner. An interesting feature of the dinner given this year was the large birthday cake on whicli ninety-two lighted candles were placed. Among Grandma's Id friends, who were invited to the dinner were: Mra. Newt Johnson, Grandma Stewart, Mrs. Knos Houston, Grandma Breece, Mrf. Uoee Perry, Mrs. Sarah Stevena, Grandma Barnes, Mra. Ellen Logan, Grandma Sumner and Grandma BelL Furs and Hides Wanted Bounty on Coyotes $1.50 " " Bob Cats 2.00 Cougar 10.00 After receiving yonr bounty take your case hides to the Janitor at the Crook County court house, and get highest cash price for same from HENRY H. CLOW HARNESS and : SSAnni.F.RYS SHOP 1 , . J. W. BOONE Prineville, Oregon Gormley, The Tailor. If you want to see the latent thing in men's spring and snnimer suits take a look at our new lfashion Book. I have the best samples in town and tell at pricm that are right. Come and see if I don't. Pressing, repairing and clrsniig. f-5 r 1 AT THE TOP THERE IS ALWAYS ONE THERE ARE NEVER TWO BESTS! HARPER IS NUMBER ONE THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST! Bcrahcia DUtillinf Co.. Linie, Ky. For sale by Silvertooth & BrowtJer, Shaniko, Or. Miktr k Crash Kaivts ScaM Boats Csaera Sapplie Jewelry Wall Paper D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Haskal laiuaanali Hafais Lawaey's Codies Slatieaery Cifars During the cold weather hot fires are a necessity in every home, so is a dry chemical fire extinguisher needed in each house for the pre vention of fires liable to result from stove pipes and chimneys burn ing out Call and inspect our extinguishers. D. P. Adamson & Co. DRUGGISTS '$ I ' i f x SHOE Mayer Shoes for Ladies Mayer Shoes for Misses Honorbilt Shoes for Men Special Merit Shoes for Boys : OUR SHOE STOCK IS NEW AND COMPLETE : "HOLEPROOF" HOSE for Men, Women and Children They are absolutely guaranteed proof against holes for 6 mos. 9 1 1 1 1 ' J. E STEWART & COMPANY ft. 1 I . MM HI i.l i, ..ajS-apisi .api "t F ' A