Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 03, 1910, Image 3

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    Out Prices . Are Always Reasonable ! ! !
While We are not having a reduction sale, yet our patrons know that our prices will
compare favorably with those of any house in Central Oregon. Our stock is complete in
,all departments. We invite you to call whether you buy or not.
The'W. F. King Company, Prineville, Oregon
Attorney It. F, Swoiw Im turnled at
1 iit1(Miil(iic, Oregon.
(.'uiuiiitaainiier Jllce I here tMa
week from, lit much ut Unycreek.
Horn Jnuuiiry 22. to the wife of
Cliurb' O'Nell i if Tox'ka, Knuans, n
Mr. Mitry Urown of Powell Ituttca
win tu on IiiihIiics tlm first of tlif
Wllllitni Prlue nml rlitlclrtn Imve
removed from Hnycrcek to Prineville
to rt'Mlilo.
Atiolpll 8(JlUl of I'lfO, UMN(1
tlirmiitli town Momltty on hi wsy
to Portland.
Htnnley Ilitlfour and Mr. Mamie
Hlxtiy visited Mini run luat Saturday
and Kuudny.
t'nr) N. IChret anil wife were In
town from Itedrnond fur a brief busi
ness visit limt Friday.
I'r. (iiill Ncwsome has lieon visit
litur bin jmrenu In Prineville the mt
wwk, He will noon returu to Port
Intnl. Mis Vivian Allen jinancd through
townthtii week from her home at
l'tiullun, on her way to UrUily to
rmu i in' tcmhlnn.
The revlvnl meeting In the t'nton
il.urvh, continues with frrowltiif In
terest. Il'V, lcdford I a forcible
lcukcr and give no uncertain
sound. Come and hear him. A
cordial Invitation I extended to alt
Chrlstlnn worker. Come aud enjoy
the wcctlui;. They will continue
over Sunday. C. F. Ilnlley, ntor.
The) ttti roll fur the year I'.KW wm
turned over to the sheriff January SI
for the collection I Use. The ex
temtliiim were made by William
Johnson, w ho Im had courlderable
exHrlence nt audi work. In fact
t'ounty Clerk llrown any that for
proficiency and accuracy hi work
could not Ih excelled. Mr. Johnaon
I 73 J cur of age and I still hale
and linrty.
It. D. Post, who waa formerly
In Prineville mensurlnjc the flow of
the t renin In thla county for the
V, S. Oeolojflcnl Hurvey waa here for
n few daya from Hurns thla week.
Mr. l'oat, who haa uceii In the survey
tor many year lm rcNltfucd from
the aervlce and will hereafter bo con
nected with ono of the '(fits uud oil
development coinpnnlea now operating-In
Harney county. Ilia wile
nml child are now at Hum.
1st Presbyterian Church
Pimday 81 IiihiI, 10 a. m.
llhrintisn KnuVavur, U:,iu p. ni.
Preaching at U a. m. and 7:) p. m.
atid-weck prayer meeting Wsdnesdsy
evening at 7:30.
Come and enjoy good music and Gopel
r reaching. Our ntity I In essentials
linrltv. In non-eM'iitin) Liberty.
N. li. Fur special notires ten locals of
Hits puper.
Ii4 i Minister.
J.C. HoiiNton returned borne from
I'ortlnnd Monday morning-.
t). ). Hall of Illverdnle waa a busi
ness) vlltor to I'rlnevllle thla week.
M. A. Udiman of O'Nell wn a
bualnea vtaltor to I'rlnevllle ttatur
day. ,
Mla Anna O'Nell of O'Nell wiu In
town thla week visiting with her
youug friend.
Itobt W. Zevcly and Omcr Clay
pool liava each tiled on a homcatead
claim near the Caaey ranch on the
northweat end of Powell Butte.
Thoiuna llovlcn, superintendent for
the 11. M. a 1 Co. at I lay creek waa
In I'rlnevllle lust Friday evening,
looking; alter bualnea matter.
J a me Allen, who baa been a real
dent of I'rlnevllle for aeveral year,
l.rft yeaterday for Monroe, Wwh,,
where ho will make Id future home.
I'rof. K. I. Aahby who baa taken
up luaurauce work with the Oregon
Life la now at Moaler, In the Hood
River valley, where he will do Ida
Brat work.
Mr. and Mm. C. E. Gandy, who
aMnt the pnat few week In Prine
ville, departed for I'ortlnnd Monday.
Mr. Untidy waa employed In the
merchandlae atore of I. Michel.
The Junior Ep worth league of the
Methodlat church will give a Oeorge
Washington birthday entertainment
on the 1 of tlil mouth. The Juulors
are working on the programme and
promise to give everybody a good
Foivat Hangera, W. L. Nlchola
and C. K. Cough'ton returned laat
Sunday from a trip to Orescent In
the aouth end of the Deachutea
Foreat where they examined timber
and atone claim. The land la enow
bound and they left about S feet of
enow on the level.
George White, a farmer, living alx
mile northenat of Madras, atrnck
water In a well Saturday by digging
01 feet. There I a strong flow Into
the well, which, contrary toexpecta-
tloiiH, comes from the north. The
well wn blasted thronirh Htt feet of
rock. There Is now three feet of
water In the well.
At the Flrat MethodlHt church tor
Sunday, February 6, Dr. Walton
Sklpworth, the dltrlct superintend
ent, will preach both morning and
evening. At the close of the morn
tug aervlce be will administer the
sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Dr.
Sklpworth' preaching ability Is well
known In I'rlnevllle and It goes with
out saying that all who attend will
will enjoy a treat.
George Geddlnga, a carpenter, has
returned to Crook county after an
abence of eighteen months during
which he wits In the Uluck Hills In
North Dakota, Mr. Ueddlum Is
well known here. JHe worked on
Hotel rrlnevllle and later took a
homestead on the Matolcs on which
he made proof. He suys the w In tor
In the Dakota country him been a
very severe one.
A. W, Boyce of Madras waa In the
city Friday.
11. C. Dove and Lloyd Hunter,
drove the rlif up from Madras Wed
nesday that brought the fourteen
men who 'were arrested there on
different charge.
Forty dollars a ton for hay! (lee
Whls! That's what we thought
when we read the follow ing In the
Madra Pioneer: "E. W. Roberts of
Itedmoud was a buHlue vlnltor In
Madras last Haturdny. While In
town Mr. Itobert completed the sale
of 100 tons of hay to Dwyer & Co.,
railroad contractors, the price being
UOoer ton delivered." Hut when
some inquiry waa made It was
learned that 20 ier ton was the
liltrheat price that was being paid
Rev. O. It. Moorhead came up
from Madras WeilntK'liiy brliiliix
the retnrua of Madra' flint city elec
tion. The election was a very quiet
one he says. Itev. Moorhead lielieve
that the wholcMiiIe arrcatstrf boot
leggers nndKamblcra made by Hlierlff
Klkln till week at Madras will have
a restraining effect on that clement
tor awhile nt leant. Mr. Porter, the
railroad contractor, Informs him
that whiskey Is the greatest draw
back he meet with In nccompllliliiK
his work. The men all want hoo
and are all Hidit as Ions a they
can't itet It. When a supply of whin
key I obtained It take three or
four days to jret anything done. One
man went on the work selling
liquor. Mr. Porter told the boot
ledger he would give him '.'4 hours
to get out, and the boose peddler
took the hint and left In short order.
The lack of lumber and other build
ing material aud labor seems to be
hampering the growth of Madras at
Bora December 31, to the wife of Marion
Maytield, a boy.
Horn Tuesday, Kcbrurry 1, to the wife
Of George Iunkera of O'Nell, a girl.
W. R. Pollard ha received 1 from
tbe Women of Woodcraft, a policy fort list
amount having been carried by bii late
Miss Delia Haight caiue in on Monday's
stage for visit to her school mate, M ins
Manila Bailey. Miu lUiglit will take the
teacher' examination next week.
Preaching, both morning add evening
(tl a. m. and 7:30 p. m.), KumUy, February
(ilh, at the Presbyterian church. Morning
subject, "Bestored Joy." Evening, "Kad
Ing." ,
The estate ol George Stow 8layton, valu
ed at SiVI.OOO i in the courts at lionton,
Mas. Ilia divorced wife has sued for a
half Interest. Should her claim tie allowed
it will open the way for Ed and George
Slayton, nephews and Hoy and John It.
Uoward, Mr. Kdith Zurclier, aud Floy
and Edith Slayton to put in claims for a
portion of the property. T. M. Baldwin is
guardian lor the other heirs in Indiana.
County Judge Ellis and Commissioners
Bayley and Rica were here today to confer
with Thomas Phillips, the stone contractor
of Portland, la regard to repairing five
pillars in the stone work of the basement
of the new courthouse. It was about
pillars that such a howl went up about the
building fulling dowu shortly after it was
accepted by the county. The pillars are
to be taken out and better ones put in.
Mr. rtiillipa is to do the work by the day.
Grace Faught of Bear Creek is very
Ijw with tcsrlet fever.
(Iiarles Hindman and wife of Bisters
were in town Thusidsy.
Jim Moftitt of Powell Rutte wss in
town on buiues Tuesday.
Lou McCallitter of Prineville is visit
ing at the Henry Carlin ranch this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Csp Ilealy hsve been in
town this week, from their home near
Alex Almonds snd Bert Demsris of
Besr Creek were business visitors in
town Wednesday.
Mis Lora Stearns wss in town
Saturday from Johnson Creek, where
she is teaching school.
Chsrles Christianl and family, who
have been visiting relatives in Cline
Falls, returned home Tuesday.
On account of the debate Friday
night at the club hall the club dance
will be tonight (Thursday).
James fcteveaon, who lias been visit
ing relatives in Omaha, Nebrtka, re
turned to Prineville Saturday.
. Wn. Schmidt, from Summit Prairie
was in town Tuesday evening. He is
on his wsy to Portland with a bunch of
Silas Adams had an operation for
stomsch trouble last Tuesday st the
Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland.
His father is with him.
The Artisans expect to have big
time next Monday night. Several are
to be initiated and there are a number
of contests on the program.
In the afternoon and evening of Feb
ruary 22, the ladies of tne Christian
church will give a Martha Wsshington
tes at the home ot Mrs. II. P. Bclknsp.
Orvsl Davison of Csmp Creek, who
has been visiting relatives in Colorado
and Iowa the past few months, re
turned home Tuesday. He says we are
having very mild weather here in com
parison with tlist m the eastern states.
Notify I bertbr aiveit, that III under
Ifnrd haa Im appointed ty the county
court of tbe atate of Orrsun fnr ' rook canty,
atliiilnitraUr if IIxtmiUU. ol Holmrt Howe,
den-aard, and all perwina havln ciaima
aaalnat aald mlato, are hereby required to
prraent aueb clalma. with proper vouuliera,
wllltln alx mon from the date hereof,
lo me at the law office ol Frank Menefee, The
iHillea. Oregon.
I'ated tlilrd day of Fel.roarr, ll.
Vmnl W. irhlldrra.
Ad nilnla trator of the estate of Hobart Howe,
Frank Meoelee, attorney for ealate, Tbe
Notice for Publication
Not Coal lnd.
Department ofths Interior, C 8. Ijind
OtHce st Tbe Dalles, Oregon, Jsnusry 21st,
Notice is hereby given tbst
Otto Borreaon,
of Prineville, Oregon, who, on June Itth,
l!i03, made Hommtead, (tic rial No. MUSH),
So. 1273L for 8Kii 8EW. Section 4. Town-
btp 14 South, Kange 16 Ka.t. Willamette
Merntian. nas niea noties or naeiitio" to
make -Final live-vear Froof. to establbth
elaim to the )anl above described, before
warren Urown, County Clerk, at bis office
at Frinevitle, Oregon, on the 12th day of
March, l'JIO.
Claimant names as witness: Price
Coahow, Charles B. IHnwidtiie, John K.
Grime", Garrett T. Hoover, all of l'rine-.
Ville, Oregon.
2-10p C. W. MOOEE, Register.
Katies of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby flven by the undenlfned,
the administrator of the nlateof John W.
(Uitllna, deeeawd. to all peionn tnlereKted tn
aald ealaie, that the said admlnUtralor haa
mattsand filed In the oonnty court his final
account I nc of hln admlntHtrall n of aald es
tate, and the aald court has act Monday, the
7th day of March. 110, at I" o'clork a. m.. at
the county court room In Prineville, On-con
a the time and place for hearing and sellout
aald final accounting.
Dated this d day of February, 1010.
w. H. Peck,
Administrator of lbs estate of John W. Col
lins, deceuacd.
Furs and Hides Wanted
Bounty on Coyotes $1.50
"Bob Cat 2.00
" Cougar 10.00
After receiving your bounty
take your case hides to the
Janitor at the Crook County
court house, and get highest
cash price for same from
K ? ss si .! -a f )k
7 -
i& ,. We sv,f
gj. W. B00NE
Prineville, Oregon
Subscribe for the Journal, Coun
ty Official paper, $1.50 a year.
- t l ltii mL. V U a V
Berakeiaa DaUOliag Co., LouinOle, Ky.
For (ale by Silvertocth & Browder, Shaniko, Or.
Wood Cutters, Attention.
We will let to responsible- parties s
contract to cut 1000 or 2000 cords of pine
wood. We will furnish the timber. Call
on or address the Prineville Light A Water
Company, . !-3tf
Clearance Sale
Trimmed hate, $10 values f0 50
Trimmed lists, fs.00 values 6 50
Trimmed hats. $0.00 values 3 90
Street hats $2 50 snd $3 at 1 50
Cups regular 75c and $1.00, at 25c
Veils from 25c to $1 50
Toboggan caps 25c
ladies' wool gloves 25c
Children's wool gloves 15r
Ladies' sweaters from f 1 to $1 50
Special bargains In silks, satins, vel
vets, ribbons, etc. Must have room for
my Spring Stock.
Mrs. Estes
Corner 2d and Main Streets
I Maker & Gresk C aires
I Sckeal Basks
I Casaers Sspalies
I Jewelry
Wall rapes
D. P. Adamson & Co
Kaskal tutrasMsis
Lswsej's CaaJies '
During the cold weather hot fires are a necessity in every home, so
is a dry chemical fire extinguisher needed in each house for the pre
vention of fires liable to result from stove pipes and chimneys burn
ing ouL Call and inspect our extinguishers.
D. P. Adamson & Co,
1 : r 7
I; V V
Mayer Shoes for Ladies Mayer Shoes for Misses
Honorbilt Shoes for Men Special Merit Shoes for Boys
"HOLEPROOF" HOSE for Men, Women and Children
They are absolutely guaranteed proof against Koles for 6 mos.