Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 27, 1910, Image 4

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    y. , j :
Do you realize that 1910 is certain to be the most eventful year in the history of your county? THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE will be here
this year, representing every state m the Union, to invest TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in Crook County. They come fully
prepared to take advantage of the mady opportunities afforded for LEGITIMATE INVESTMENT.
MAYFAIR, the Ideal Addition to the Rapidly Growing Town of Madras
WASTF NOTTMirM t0 aiquire SP.EEEX, AN9 CERTAIN RETURNS. Get in on the groun floor!
WAMh NO 1IME IN MAKING SELECTIONS. Lots at the open nc w run from dOr? i d1AA in i 1
balance in monthly payments, WITHOUT INTEREST. $25 tO $100, 10 per Cent OWIl
7 - wsswsh- ay y a AUMSSXM. I A ill f sTOw 4I
SELLING AGENTS: Pit leod, Jn, moj & Ncim madras rjr I
KuwtxL, t Hotel rrineviiie, PRiNETiLLE ror central v-Jrecron investment Lomnanv i
i . '
n Trunk Line
Continued from first page.
side elopes to towerlnjj, rounded
hills. On the ellfl side, railroad con
struction la costly and difficult; on
the other side It Is comparatively
easy.. The cliffs alternate from one
shore to the other, and almost
always where the Hill line is finding
easy work, the llarrlman road Is
blasting a roadlied through solid
rock, and vice Yerea. To avoid one
of the frowning cliffs where rock
tunnel work would be necessary the
Oregon Trunk line jumps the river
73 miles from the moutn, and again
canyon existed. Acre w-8 this chasm
the distance at the bridge site Is
about 320 feet Prom either side one
can drop a stone straight down Into
Crooked River 3S2 feet below. One
steel span will leap this chasm.
When the traveler journeying to
Central Oregon over the Oregon
Trunk line leaves the Columbia river
and enters the mouth of Xhe Pes
cnutes ne win tie m bare and unpro
ductive canyons while the train
speeds over 100 miles of track. He
will gain no Inkling of the extent of
the rolling fields of grain that lie on
the plains of Sherman and Wasco
counties 2000 feet above him. The
train will emerge from Willow Creek
Canyon with startling suddenness
through s gap In a wall of rimrock
that forms the western edge of the
saucer-like basin in which Madras is
situated. The train will come from
there is a conflict with the Harrl.
man survey. This conflict exists for ! a wild and rocky canyon ns if from a
! 12 miles and to a point near the
i mouth of Trout Creek, where the
Deschutes line leaves the Deschutes
i to follow other canyons to the
; plains. The Oregon Trunk line con-
; tinues on up the Deschutes 12 miles
. farther, and then tarns up Willow
For ten miles up Willow Creek the
, Oregon Trunk line will be working
! in solid rock. In that 10 miles there
; will be six tunnels, and the cost of
i construction will approximate
1150,000 a mile. Camps for construc
tion work In Willow Creek Canyon
were established by the Oregon
(Trunk line about one month ago at
j Madras.
: The next camp south established
: by the Oregon Trunk line Is at the
crossing of Crooked River, 20 miles
.beyond Madras. There grading is
under way on each eide of the river
.and approaches are being blasted in
the rock for what will be one of the
mosi remarkable bridges in the
I'nited States.
; Crooked River cuts a meandering
gash through what is In that
vicinity a level plain covered by junl
jkt trees. One hundred yards from
the canyon the stranger traveling
through the country might look
across it and not know that the
tunne', onto the cultivated fields of
Central Oregon. From there south
ward the Oregon Trunk line travels
through grain fields, irrigated lands
or timber, all of which will cc
tribute to Its tonnage.
Gormley, The Tailor.
w bat about that winter luit f Of coarse
you want it tailor-made. It doesn't cost
any more than the hit-and-uibi kind. My
samples are the finest in town. Pressing,
r pairing and cleaning. Give me a trial. 8-5
Business College.
J. 8. Fox, the public tteoograi her,
uas uieo extra rooms in the Adanison
block and is prepared to teach com
mercial subjects. Shorthand, Type
writing, coon-Keeping ana Handwriting.
Individual instruction. Any pupil can
take any or all subjects. Termi reason.
All persons knowing thpniMplvpa tn
be indebted to the old firm of Stroud
Bros, prior to October 1, 1!W9, are re
quested to settle at once. These ac
counts have been placed in the hands
of Attorney G. I-. Bernier for collec
tion and all remittances" should be
made to him at Prinevllle, Oregon.
J13-tf C. M. Stuoio.
Subscribe for the, Journal, Coun
ty Official paper, $1.50 a year.
Contest Notics.
U-partmcntor the Interior
... Cnlled state Uml Oil).
Th Dm I lea, Oregon. January 14. P11
-"'"elent contest affidavit having Inn
filed In thl. orttce by Jew. u. ll.u..t..
contestant, against honmimut Fnlrv. N,,!
14475. made Mt. 1 ,r K HwC'swt
SKl.,SlM'i( NK- Recllon M. Town-
uik i'mv, ruiwr j, r. , mame t Meridian,
by H.WKolUiK HNYOKK. Ooutestce.
In which It In altered thai ui.l u
Snyder ha wholly abandoned uld trwet of
inuunirmuiv lunn six months last past
that mid abandonment mill eIM; Inat mid
alleged absence was not du to bu employ
ment in me army, navy or marine Corp of
iu i nut-u maiev id umeor war.
Said parlies are hereby notified to appear.
intruuu, wu i rviueiine touching said
all. gallon at 1 o'clork a. m . on Kebruarv Hi.
1S1, b.'fore HowartI W. Turner, a notary
publioat bit office In Madras, Onon nod
that Unal hearing will be held a 10 o'clork a.
ilk on March 4, Oil), before the Register and
rUc-iver at the I'niled SI tea Land Olhcc In
The Dulles, Orrcon.
loeMuu ronwawii navmc in a protr
''" January n. , ml rorth Tacts
which show that after due dlilcence peraonal
erviceoi ini noiiceean not be made. It It
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
ue niven oy oue ana proper poblicatlon.
MOOKK, llejl.ler.
Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
Not toe Is hereby glvea that the undersigned
has been appointed administrator of l he
estate or Aucuitus Rosslow, dteaaed, all
persons navma etaimx acalnsl aald entitle are
required to prewnt the same to nie duly
verined at my office In Prinevllle, Omrn,
wltbln six nionth.4 after the date of the Unit
publication or thin notice.
J. H. liANKR. AdmlnlsUator.
First PublicaUon Jan. iTth 1I10.
Call for Warrants.
Notice Is hereby eyen that all crone County
reitisterel warrsuw up to and Including
ejistered No. Slv, will be paid on presentation
to the Treasurer of said coumv. Interest
ceases from this date, hrineville.Ore., Jan. lu,
Ulu. W. K. K1NH,
County Treasurer.
Wood Wanted.
I am hereby directed by the County mnrt or
Crook county, Oregon, to advertise for 1 iO cords
of sood solid juniper cordwood to be delivered
and piled for measurement as follows: lou cords
at the rear of the court house buildins; and &u
cords on the high school lot; entire amount to
be delivered on or prior to September 1, 1I0.
Court reserves right to reject ny or all bids.
Bids must be tiled with countv clerk on or be
fore 6 o'clock p. March 1. l'vi'i.
County Clerk.
17 I : i- J i?
and Fruit Lands 1
Estray Taken Up.
Notice Is hereby given thut the tin
derwlgnetl has takeu up an istr.v tle
scrllHHl as follows: One light roan
heifer atiout elght.-en montliM uld;
ear-marked with crop tiff loft ear and
underlope off right ear; no brand ;
average site of Is months old com
m on cattle.
That said animal can Ire seen at
the ranch of the undersigned Immed
iately wim of I'rlnevllle.
latetl this 10th dav of Jan.. 1910.
-W3w . s. Cakkoi i..
Applications For Grazing Permits.
Notice Is hereby irlveu that, nil
applications for Hrmlts to graie
came, nurwH aixl slietp within the
during the season of lino, must I
tiled In my olhee at rrinevlHe.
Oregon on or More February iti.
1!)10. Full Information lu regard to
the graaing fes to lie charged and
blank forms to tie used In niaklnir
applications will be furnished upon
request,. A. iukla.M), Suiht
visor. nut
Redmond, Oregon
department of the Interior
I'nited States Land Otlice
The Dalles, Oregon, January 8, 1910.
A tifticient contest alliJavit liavirt?
been tiled in thin otlice by Hannah M.
McC'lun, contestant, avainut homestead
Entry No. 08U1, nia(leSepteuier2,lt0S,
.ecnon zu, township 14, ., Kange Hi,
E.t Willamette Meridian, by
John A. 8eabury Contettee,
in which it is alleid that said John A.
Sea bur- has wholly abandoned atd
tract for more than aix months lat paat;
that said tract has not been settled uron
and cultivated bytaid party as required
by law ; that there are no Improvements
thereon except an unfinished house
that is nnocco pied: that mid alletred
absence was nut Hue to his employment
in the army, navy or marine corps of
the United States in time of war. Said
parties are hereby notified to appear
respond, and offer evidence touching
en id allegation at 10 o'clock a. ni. on
February 21, 1910, before Warren
Hrown, County Clerk, at his office in
I'rineville, Oregon, and that Dual hear
ing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on
Febrnaty 28, 1S)10. before the Benigter
and Receiver at the I'nited States Laml
Otlice in The Dalles, Oregon.
I tie taut contestant having, in a
proper almlavit, blod leceuiber 31,
V.m, set forth facta which show that
after due diligence personal service of
this notice can not Ire made, it ia hereby
ordered and directed that euch notice
be given by due and proper publication.
1 20p C. XV. Moore, Register.
Order to Show Csuxc.
In the County Court o( tbs Slats of Oregon
lor the County of crook.
In the matter ol lb guardianship of
Itoberl Osuorn, minor.
Itappcartut to Ibis court from th petition
this day presented and tiled by Ida Prose, In
guardian of the estate of Robert Osbora.mtnor,
praying for an order of sals of certain real es
tate belonging In her said want, thai It appears
lu the court that It Is beneneial to the said
ward ttist such real estate should be sold.
.11 Is hereby ordered lhat Hit next of kin of
of uld ward and all persons Interested In the
said etat, appear beior this court oa Mots,
day, UieTth ilsy r'ebruary. Ism, al 10 o'clock
a.m., at Hie courtroom of this court at the
courthouse in the county of Crook, then and
there to show causa why an order should not
he granted lor the sale of such real eiate,
described In said petition as follows: The
east halt ol the northeast quarter of section
Iwenly-elKht sud the weal ballot the north
west uuarter of section Iwsnty-sevc In town
ship ttiirlevu south of range sixteen east of
iiiametie Meridian In ('rook county, stats
of Oregon.
And It Is further ordered hst s eopy nf this
order be published once a week tor Ihreo suc
cessive weeks before the said day of hearing,
Inlhet'rook County Journal, a weekly news
psKr published In Wttteville. Oregon.
Hated this ;th day of January, lslu.
l ltll t'ounty Judge.
Department of the Interior
I'nited Mutes Land Otlice
The Dalles, Or., January 8, 1910.
A nfflclent content allUlavit having
been tiled in this otlice by Charles A.
Graves, cont-etant, against homestead
entry No 1 12tl7, ma.le March 10, l!M)5,
for SH i section 2(1, township IS i, r
15 e, Willamette Meridian, by
ConBider K. lovell, cotilestt'O,
in which It ia alleged that (aid Consider
K. I.ovell hai wholly abandonwl said
tract for more than aix months lust
past ; that said tract U not settled upon
and cultivated by said party as required
by law ; that there are no improvements
whatever upon said tract; that taid
alleged absence was not duo to his em
ployment in the army, navy or marine
corps of the I'nited State in time of
Haiti parties are hereby notified to
appear, resiroml and offer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock
s. m. on February 21, 11)10, before
Warren Drown, County Clerk, at his
otlice in I'rineville, Oregon, and that
final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock
a. in., February 2H, 1010, before the
Register and Receiver at the United
States Land Otlice in The Dalles, Or.
The said contestant having, In a
proper affidavit, tiled January i, 11)10,
set forth facts which show that titer
due diligence personal .service of this
notice can not be made, it ia hereby
ordered and directed that itich notice
be given by due ami proper publication.
j'20 C. W. MOOKE, Register.
Rot Ice for PtiMifiitioii,
Not C'oal Uml.
Department ot the interior. I'. K. IjouI
Oltlce nl The Dalles, Oregon, December
41111, !.
Notice is hereby given that
John a.iiihsdn.
ol I'ost, Oregon, who, on July th, HMt,
nis.le liotuesieail, (Serial No. Ovx1,) No.
for til, hk. NWS KK'i, NKj KWt,',
Sm-tlon a, Townsliip 17 Moutli, liaiige tit
Kasf, Willamette Mcriillan, lias tiled notice
of intention to tusks unal five-year prtHif,
to establish claim to ttie land above tie-
scnlied, bef.ire. W arn-n liniwn, t outily
Clerk at his otlice, at I'rineville, Oregon,
on the 3rd day of February, 1110.
Claimant names as witnesses: Monro
W. Smes.l, Joe I'ost, t'uleb Davis, iTank
M. I'ost, all of I'ost, Oregon,
IMOp V. W. SlIKinK. Kegisler.
Content Notice.
Department of the Interior, United Btates
IjiU.I titllce. Ill lalles, Oregon, lh
cetnber l.V ltso.
A sufltclent eontrst atlldsvll having been
filed In this ottlc by Will in to Klovd
contestant, against lloine.tcnd Kntry, So
W4 fKi, hectn.n as, Township 13 8,
usiii-s it r., vt iiiarnetis Meriiiian, b
William Mckinney, rontcMce. In which I
is alleged tliul said William McKinney has
wholly alraiidoned salrt tract for more than
six months last past; tin t said tract is not
settled upon and cultivated by said pnrty
as required by laws that said alleged ah
euro was nut due to his employment In
the army, navv or marine coip of the
l mini Mates in time ol war.
Maid parties are hereby notilled to ap
pear, rexind. and ofter evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in., on
r clirusry 1 1, t'.dO, before Warren ltrown.
County Clerk, at bis ottlce In I'rineville,
Oregon, and that filial hearing will lie held
at to o'clock a. in. on February 21. 1DI0.
before the Register and Receiver at th
United butes Ijind OltU- in i'hs Dalles,
The said contestant having, In s proper
affidavit, tiled December 3, 11M, set forth
facta which show that after due dlligetic
personal service of this notii- ran not be
made, it it hereby ordered and directed
that such notice be given by due and
iimper publication,
t). W. .MOOUK. Register.
Node fr rtihlicution.
Not Coal Land.
Depart, of the Interior, U. H. I.sml Office
at Th Dalles, Oregon, Detu'iitlsjr MlU, Uu.
Notice is hereby given thnt
of Post, Oregon, who, on August 13th, 1fX
made Homestead, 1 Serial No, 0 27S.) No.
13731, for )M IriK'f, Ho. and WS KW.
Section IS, Town-hip 17 South, Rang 1!)
Knst, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice
of Intention to make Dual hve-yeur proof,
to establish claim to th laud nbov tie
scriliexl, Iwfor Warren brown, County
Clerk at his otlice. at i'rineville, Oregon,
on the 3rd day of Kebruury, 111 10,
Claimant names as witnesses; Dc Idrlc h
Koopman, John A. Gibson, Caleb lavis,
Wallace I'ost, ail of I'ost. Oregsin.
t2-30p C. W. MOORE, Register.
Ifotlcs of final Sttmsnt.
Nnllce Is hereby given by the undersigned
the sdBiliilsiratur nl the esta le ol terry ('ram
decesu'd. to all persona Interested In the e
tste uf said docrad, lhat h has ssade snd
Itlinl wiih thetviinty Clerk his dual aioount
lug ot his adttilulsiratloa of said estate, aud
he County t'ourl has s! Monday, tin Itri day
ol feh , lulu, at the enuniy etmri room in
i'rineville, Oregon, as the Urns and place lor
hearing and settling said tins! accounting.
At all lib said Unas sad place any person
Interested In asld estate may appear and ob
ject to said Altai accounting.
Paled this lotto dsn ol Urt , I WW.
vi AKfiM KM, I'RAM,
Administrator ot the esieW of Perry crsm, de-
Sheriffs' Sale.
In tli Circuit Court ol the Hlsts of Oregon
for Crook Comity.
C. A. tilevenson. I'lalnllff. vs. Ncltl
Stevenson, Ih-femlsi.t,
llv virtue of sn siecntloit lsueil out or
above rjilitlcd Court. In III shov enllllcl
cause, on lh 17th day of December, ltkj,
iimii a ) iiigment remiereit In said marl on
he iihu uayot octoiier, lis, in rarer or
the shove nameil idalntitV and against
the above named defendant, tor th sum of
fr.liM.utl with interest thereon sttlis rat of
tihier cent per snntiin front th HHh dav uf
Oct. bill, and it being further ordered and
decreed by the said court that th follow.
lug desrrtlMrd attached prnpetty, towltt the
hQ sku. sk. hw. n hwu or
Section Ua,Tp, 111(4.. R. ttl Kast, W. M , b
sold try the Sheri tt ol Crook I'ounty, Oregon,
in the tiinmicr provldetl by law, or so
muib thereof as may h necessary to
satixly said judgment and interest and
Cost", Notice la hereby given that lu
obedient- to said elocution and order of
ale. I will on Saturday th Mb day of
January, IU10, at lb hour of on o'clork In
th afternoon of said tlay. at the front door
of th Court nous In the City of I'rineville.
Crook County, Oregon, I will sell at publio
auction to th blghsnt bidder for rash In
hand, th shov described real property,
or so much thereof as may I necessary to
satisfy th abov lodgment and Interval
and costs,
FRANK EI.K I NH, Sheriff;
Crook County, Oregon,
Dated tin sih day of Dee., Itsju.
First issue Dee. 30. ltU. lost Issue Jan.
n, unit. i3u
Notice of Final Accoun t log.
in the County Court of th Hut of neefun for
In the matinr of th eatata of Uatihuar
ll'-nry Hell deceased.
Notice Is hereby given by th Undersigned,
the executrix snd executor ol ihs above en
titled eslate, that they have made and Sled in
Ihs shove entitle-. mate and court their anal
account of Hi administration ot said estate,
suil that the court has set ihs 7lh dsy of Keb
ruary lulu at 10 o'clock In the lorenoon of said
day, a the county courtroom lu I'rineville,
Oregon, as ths time and place for hearing and
settling said Dual accoumlug. At which lime
sud plaes any person Interested la said salute
insy appear aud object to said Dual account,
listed Jsnusry tllh, 1910.
Kllrshcth Cole Hell, egecntrlg and T. M.
Dsldwln. executor of th estat of Matthew
Henry Bull, deceased.
The R. D
Farms, Ranches
CO. Wants
and City- Property
It has been brought to our attention that it is the
opinion of some that we are endorsing "wildcat" schemes
owing to the fact that we had placed on our map which we
have printed on our literature, the names of places not in
existence except in the imaginations of the promoters. We
did this to save answering inquiries as to the location of
said places. We may say, however, that we do not
recommend or endorse any scheme which by misleading or
exaggerated advertising seeks to obtain the money of
investors quickly by misrepresenting the facts, but recom
mend nothing to prospective buyers except such proposi
tions as we know to be absolutely reliable. We have not
sold, nor do we wish to sell any lots or property in anyplace
or townsite that cannot bear the closest investigation, and up
to the present no townsite has been projected which, on
present showing, we could thoroughly recommend to bur
patrons. ; .
10 Adamson Block, Prineville, Oregon
hP I
Buyers I
On I
the Way I