The Greatest Mail Order House-Meier & Frank Co.-Portland, Or. i ; t " - ' Portland's Largest and Best Store-The Meier & Frank Co.-Agents for Butterick Patterns-Ostermoor Mattresses-Willamette Sewing Machines-Send for Catalogue The Greater Meier & Frank Store's Annual Clearance Sale Now in Progress Unrivaled Bargains Here Thousands of our out of town patrons are availing themselves of the unmatchable bargain opportunities presented during January Clearance Sale, This organization Established in the year 1857, starts " ' ' ' i in - - -. - - "' ' - n 'I ' - '- ' -"" f ''... i' ' ' "--I' I the year 1910 (53 year in business) with the Greatest and Best Assortment of Desirable Merchandise and All at Clearance Sale Prices. The Saving Event of the Year. Do Your Shopping at Home and order by mail. Orders Filled the Same Day Received. " s Send Us Your Name and Address for Our Great Catalogue. Be Sure to Get on Mailing List For Our Next Great Catalogue. Art Department Children Cloaks Laces . Ribbons . Blankets Boys Clothing Baby Carriages Candy Books Colored Dress Goods Muslin Underwear Silks Carpets Drug Sundries Veiling Soda Fountain Crockery Groceries Corsets Dress Trimmings , Oriental Rugs Sewing Machines Gum Restaurant Stoves Black Dress Goods Notions Knit Underwear Handkerchiefs Patterns Music Furniture Domestics Leather Goods Umbrellas Men's Clothing Toys Upholstery Goods Jewelry Hair Goods Cloaks and Suits Kid Gloves Ladies Neckwear Millinery . Boots and Shoes Pictures Cameras Candies Waists Hosiery Trunks Men's Hats Men's Furrmhingi Stationery B ibyJThings Restaurant7th Floor Clearance Sale Prices in All the Above Departments. Clearance Sale Prices in All the Above Departments. Teachers' Examinations Notice U hereby given that the county superintendent of Crook county will hold the regular exami nation of applicants for state and county paper In Prlneville, at the courthouse, a follows: Far State Papers. Coninieuelns Wednesday, Februa ry 9, at-9 a. m., and continuing until Saturday, February 12, at 4 o'clock ' p. in. . Wednesday renmnnehlp, history, . spelling,' physical geography, read ying, psychology. Thursday Written arithmetic, i ' theory Of teaching, grammar, book " keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, : composition, algebra, Knelish lltera ) ture, school law. Saturday Botany, plane geomtry, general history. , Far realty Papers. " ' Commencing Wednesday. Februa : ry 9, at 9 o'clock a. m., and contlnu ! lug until Friday, February 11, at 4 ; o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, . orthography, reading, physical ge , ography. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory pi teaching, grammar, physi ology. , Fridny Geography, school law, civil government, English literature. Note Teachers holding permits are expected to take this examina tion. - "; It. A. Foltf), County School Superintendent. Estray Taken Up. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has taken up an estray de scribed ns follows: One light roan heifer about eighteen months old; enr-marked with crop off left ear and underlope off right ear; do brand; average size of 18 months old com mon cattle. . That said aniraul can be seen at the ranch of the undersigned immed iately west of Prlneville. , -Dated this 10th day of Jan., 1910. ' 1-13 5w W. S. Cakhou.. Gormley, The Tailor. Whnt about that winter suit ? Of course you want it tailor-made. It doesn't cost any more than the hitsand-hiiss kind. My samples are the tiiH-st in town. Pressing, r pairing ni cleaning. Give me a trial. ft-3 For Sale Sewn ro m house and four lots, good out-building. Can be had on reasonable terms. Apply to Mrs. Hugh Lister, Prineville, Oregon. s2:!tf CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior l'uite-1 State Land Ottice The Dalles, Or., January 8, 1910. A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by Charles A. Graves, cont-stant, against homestead entry No 142ti, made March 10, 1905, for SWVi section 2tj, township 15 s, r 15 e, Willamette Merrflian, by Consider E. Ixvll, coutestee, in which it is alleged that said Consider K. Lovell has wholly abandoned said tract for more than six months, last past ; that said tract it not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required bv law ; that there are no improvements Whatever upon said tract: that said alleged absence was not due to his em ploytnent in the aTrmy, navy or marine corps of the United States in time of wur. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on February 21, 1910, before Warren Brown, County Clerk, at his office in Prineville, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m., February 28, 1910, before the Register and Heeeiver at the United States Laud Office in The Dalles, Or. , The said contestant having, In a proper attt.lavit, tiled January r), 1910, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. j20 C. W. MoOKE, Kegister. C I-! i - J 1? rur irngaieu rarms a and Fruit Lands 1 I I 1 ffi IS THE I DESCHUTES VALLEY 3 VTRfTV Til JONES LAND CO Redmond, - - Oregon In Patients Received. Persons needing hospital accommo dations can find them at my home. I am prepared to care for patients, or patientM may employ their own nurses. Maternity cases may expect special attention. n2a " Mas. P. B. PoiNncxTx. Applications For Grazing Permits. Notice is hereby given that nil applications for permits to grasp cattle, horses and sheep within the DESCHUTES NATIONAL FOKET (luring the season of 1910, in tint lie filed In ruy oltice at Prineville, Oregon on or before February 2ti. 1910. Full information In regard to the grating fees to tie charged and blauk forms to be used In making applications will be furnished upon request. A. S. IRELAND, Super visor. l-ti-4t Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given, bv the under signed, the administrator of the estate of Harry W. Bennett, decease), to all credi tors of and all persons havin claims against the estate of said deceased to pre sent them, with the proper voucher, to the undersigned, at his office in Prineville. Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 23d day of Dec., 1909. M. R. ELLIOTT, Administrator of the estate of llarrv W. Bennett, deceased. fc-23 Order to Show Cause. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of crook. In tho matter of the guardianship of Robert Oaborn, minor. It appearing to this court from the petition this day presented and filed by Ma Prose, the guardian of the estate of Robert Osborn. minor, praying for an order of nale of certain real es tate belonging to her said ward, that It appears to the court that It la beneficial to the aald ward that such real estate should be sold. It 1 hereby ordered that the next of kin of of raid ward and all persons interested In the said estate, appear before this court on Mon day, the 7th day February, 1910, at It) o'clock a. in., at the courtroom of thia rourt at the courthouse in the county of Crook, then and there to show cause why an order should not be granted for the sale of such real estate, described In said petition as follows: The east half of the northeast quarter of section twenty-eight and the west half of the north west quarter of section twenty-seven tn town ship thirteen south of range sixteen east of Willamette Meridian in Crook county, Mate of Oregon. And it is further ordered that a ropy of this order be published once a week for three suc cessive we-ks before the said day of hearing. In the Crook County Journal, a weekly news paper published in Prineville, Oregon. Haled this lh day of January, l'Jlo. H. C. KLf.IS, 1-13 tt County Judge. Katie for Publication. Not coal land. IVpftri merit of the Interior, U. 8. Ltltid Oltice at I he lalle. Ore. Itcecmbcr Mil, Notice Is hereby given that Chillies It. Poster, of I'mveli lUttte, Ororoli, who, on June 3rd, U4, made homestead (serial So. ttttlS). No. 1WI, lor NWi. Sect ion U, township 1(1 South, Kange It Kast, Wil lamette Meridian, has tile.1 not ice of in tention to make final live-vear proof to establish claim to the land hove described, before Warren lirtiwu. County Clerk nt hi ottice, t I'rinevilie, Oregon, on the Uli dav of January, lido. (saiiuiint usuies as witnesses; prank Kellcy, Mary II. lliown. tieorse J. Pholwrt of Powell lUttte, Oregon, and Samuel K. Sliepard of Prineville, Oregon. lJ-ap O. W. ilUOUK, Kt'Rlstvr. (Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, I'nitr-d Stat en Ijiml tllte. The 1'alles, Oregon, De cember l.V IWl. A stitlit ieiit contest ttiilv:t having hoeti filed in this othce bv Williiitn Hovil ctmtesuint, ngninst lloimtcad Kntrv, No. lVkM, made April 0, 1:m;. for K1, SVi,. W.S SK-i, ewttrot V'S, Township i:t h, Unnge 14 K. Willaiuetle Meridian, hy William Mclvinnev, contestee, in utile It it i aliegeil that sait William McKinuev tins wholly alaiidoneI said tract for nion than til months last past; tin t said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law; that said alleged a! sence was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine coipi tf the Pnited States iu time of war. Said parties are hereby notified to ap pear, resHind. and otter evidence touching said nllega'.ton nt IU o'clock a. in,, on February 14. IWtO, before Warren llrown. County Clerk, at his oltice in Prioeville, Oregon, and that bual liearing will Iw held at 10 o'clock a. m. on pebrunry lldd. Iiefore the liegiter and lieceiver at tho Dnitetl States ijnd Ottice in The Dulles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, tiled December 3, lii!l, set lorth facts which show that after due tliiigcuce personal service of this notice can not lie made, it is hereby ordered and direc ted that such notice be given by due and proper publication. yya v. w. moo uk. Uegter. Nutioe Ur I'tihlicution. Not Coal Land. -Depart. of the Interior. I'. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Dei eiiilmr ailh, VX'J. Notice is lierehv given that Monro k w. smkad, of Post. Oregon, who, on August l"th, pm made Homestead, (Serial No. ft STH,) No. 137:si, for SW SK','. Sec 9 and W 'i SW',. Section 1), Town-hip 17 South, Kaii'.'e 111 Kast, Willamette Meridian, lias tiled notice of intention to make final live-year proof, to establish claim to the land above dn crilied, Iiefore Warren ltrown, County Clerk atdii office, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 3rd day of February, lttlO. Claimant names as wiln-rc: Ueiilrich Koopman, John A. (iilwon, Caleb lavis, Wallace Post, oil of Pott Oregon. lL'-SOp C. W. JlOOitK, Kegister. Metha for Publication, Not I'oai land. Department of the Interior, t'.B. lrfud Otllce at The) Dalle, Oregon, IVeetlHT Utii, P.HW. Notice Is hen hy given that Alfred T. Stacks, of Litmonta, Oregon. who. on July l.1th,lt3, load,! homestead, (serial No. (VatM.) No. l.'SIll, for S", SW',, S' St:t S.vtioii S, Township U South, Kange 14 Kast, W il ium, tte Merl.liau, has tiled notice of ill letitiou to make final five year proof, to estnbli-h claim to the land aloc described, bt-tore Warren ltrow n, County Clerk, at his othce, at Prineville, Oregon," on the 'JMi day of January, lido. t'laimaiit names as witiles-es: Oeorge Hendricks Walter lleltrich, Al-t W. Morford of l.amonta. Oregon, and llattie Ouinn, ol'O'Neil, tiiegon. Utp C. V . MiHiK, Register. Notice (or I'ublitatlort. Not Coat Land. IVpartnu tit o( the Interior, V. H. Land (lllc at The Dalles, Oregon. lXixinber 'Jot It, Notice ia liertdiy given that JOHN A.UIItsoN, ol l'oat, Oregon, who, on July SMli, PIKH. made homestead, (Serial No. tr'.fj,) No, f.r K' SKS, NW SK1;. NKi SW. Swtioii 1, Township 11 Hoittli, Itnuge is Kat, Willamette Meridian, hasrilrd notice of intention to make final ttvc-yrur proof, to establish claim to the land above tie serilMtt, before Warrrn llrown. County Clerk at his otllie, at Prineville, tin'goii, on the 3rd day of February, tuttl. Clninini-.t i:iuiii witnesses: Monroe W. Smead, Joe post, Caleb Davla, Frank M. Tost, all of Post, Oregon. '.Cktp C. W. XllHiUK, Kegister. Kotic for 1'ubllcntloa. Not Coal 1 and. Department of the Interior. lT. S. Land Othce at The Italics, Or., Ihvember 17th, l!t. Notice is hendiv given tlinl Nathan It, Heach, of IWell liulte. Oregon, who, -on Nov, Isth, P.M. made Homestead, ISerial No. OMtfl No, 14011. for SKt,, seetum '.'I, i township It) S, Itattge 14 Kast, Willamette ' meridian, has tiled notice ol intention i to make final live-vear proof, to 1 establish claim to the laird uhove j described, t cfore Warren Brown, county j clerk, at his otllce at Prineville, Oregon,! on the L'Ath day of January, 1!I0. i ( latiiiant names as witnesses: Klanson A. Httsset, Charles II. Foster, George Sliobert, Hichard Meyer, all of Powell liulte, Oregon. PJ-aip C. W. MOOUR, Register. Notice for Publication. Not Coal Land. I), parttiient of the Interior, F. S. Laud Otllce, The lHlles, Oregon Denember Blh, PJ00 Notice is hereby given that Mary 11. ltrown, of Powell Butte. Oregon, who, on December iOth,l'.':l, made uomestead.lseriul No.03o3.) No. Mill, for K J N W M , and WJ NK', 8v. 10, township 111 south, rango 14 east, W. M.. has liled notice of intention to make linal live-yenr proof, to establish claim to the hind ubove described U'fore Warren Prown, county clerk, at his otllce at Prineville, Oregon, on the 21th day of January, llti. Claimant names as witnesses. Charles It, Foster, Frank Kclley, Richard Meyer of Powell Butte, Oregon, Samuel K. Shrpard of Prineville, Oregon. IMMp C. W. MOORE. Kegister. Wood Wanted. I am hereby directed by the Comity fnrt ol Cns.k county, Oregon, to advertise lor 1 ) cords of gimd solid jtiniwr cord wind In be delivered and piicd (or measurement as lollows: lot) cords at the rear ol the court house building and &o cords on the high school lot; entire amount o ie delivered on or prior to su-pietuber 1, Itflo, Court reserves right to reject any or all bids. In. Is musi l,c llleil with couiiiy clerk on or be fore 6 o'clock p. m., March ) li'lti. WAKKKN ItttOWS, County Clerk. Notice for Fublitalion. Not coal land. Department of the Interior. V. H. IjohI Otllce at 1 he Dallist. Oregon, December lh, JtMI. Notice Is hereby given that Frank kclley, of Powell Butte, Orvgon, w ho, on August loth. p'l, ma. I Hoiiusstcnd. (S, rial No. n.f.'TM No. lST'.-S. for W, KKt.. Sec. 10 and Ni, NK1,, section 1 township lit south, range II east, Willaun lie Meridian, lias fileil notice of iutentioii to make linal liveyear prool, to establish claim to the laud nlaive deacrilied, I... CUVM !lr.,u'i. i ol H 1.. . L mt his otllce, at Prlneville, Orrroii, on the 21th day id January, Ituo. Clntniant names as witnesses: Charles II. Foster, Mary II. Brown, Richard Meyer of Powell Butte, Oregon, and Samuel F.. bhenard, of i'lineville, Oregon. C. V. MOOHK. t'j-3p Register. Nolle for publication. Not cowl land, lteparlmentof the Intel lor, TJ. 8. lnd Oftlee, The llles. Oregon. December SUi, 11U0, Notice is hereby given that Samuel K, Shepard, of Prineville. Oregon, who. on July 2xth, l!Xt, made Homesteail, (Serial No. 0"J!i.) No. iiMI. for MKU, swtUm 8. township ID south, range 14 ea-t, Wlllamett Meridian, has bled notice of intention to make linal live-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren llrown. county clerk at his btttce. at Prlne ville, Oregon, on the 24th day of January, 1UIU. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles II. Foster, Frank Kellcy, Mary 11. Brown, Klanson A. Buasrt, of Powell Butte, Oregon. C. W. MOORE. 12-2:ip Register. Call for Warrant. Notice Is hereby given thai all fro County registered warrants up to and In. In. ling ri.o.ri.,1 No. lw will he tmldoti presentation to the Treasurer of said county. Interest cesses irom this date. prlncvUle.Ore.. Jan. 10, latu. r- Kirsn, County Treasurer. Nolle ( Final Settlement. Nolle Is hereby given by I lis nndenlgnett Ih administrator ol the estate ol perry Crwttt deceased, Iti alt iwrsolis Interested In the e Isle of said docrns,!. Hist he has made and died with thsliitiniy Clerk Ills tins I acconnl Ins ol bis adiuililstrallolt ol said estate, and lite County court has set Monday, Ihe lilt day ol !". l'l". al ihe county ionr room in prineville, iiregon, as in lime ami place lor hearing and sellllug said Nttal aeouutlug. At which said time and plai any person Interested In satd estal may appear and vie Jccl In said lluat aeeulinllllg. latri mis punusr oi i iw. ARUM ri.l. I'HAM, Administrator of IheeaiaUol I'vrry Cram, de-ceasetl. Shtrlfl'i Sali. In the Circuit Court ol th Stale of Oregon for ( rook County, C, A. hleveuson, PlnllilUr, VS. Nellie hlevetisoii. iH-fciida.'.l. Bv virtue ol an lecutioii lsoie.1 out of above entitled Court, In the above cause, en the 17th day of Iseceinber. lutai, upon si J.idguieut renderesl In said court mi Ihe llslli day ol October, p. In lavor of tho aboie limned plalnlllf ami against the aUive iiaiimldi fendaut, lor the sum of a.ltsj.iai w ith Interest thereon at the rata ol i.Jlier cent per annum from th llth day nf Oct, cssi. anil it neliig lurtner or.iere.i ami (Ut-rretl by Ihe aald c.iurt that the follow ing desc-rilicd lltluclu-d property, lowtt: the S'l PK',. SK' SW, NK, SSM, ..r Sis iioii iTp. III!!.. It. I t Kast, W. M . I sold by the Sberlll oil rvh.k Cuunly, Oregon, In the manner provided by law, or much thereof as may l necessary to salislv said tiitlgiurnt and Interest ami costs. Notice la hervbv Riven that in obedience to said eieeullon and order l sale, I will on Saturday the Mb day of January, into, at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the front dmir of the Court house In the ( it y of Prlneville, Crook County, Oregon. 1 will sell at publlo auction to the higher! bidder fur cash in hand, th above described real property, or so much thereof as may b necessary to satisfy the above Judgment and Interest and costs. FRANK ELK 1X8. Sheriff. Crook County, Oregon. Dated tins ISlh day of Pec., tug). Fitst Issue l'eo. ,), ItMl, last Issue Jan. 27, HUH. 1J-30 Notice of 1'iiuil Accounting. In the County Court of the Dial of Oregon for Crook ivuuty. In I he matter of Ih eatal of Matthew Henry Hell, deceased. Notice Is hereby glvtu by the undersigned, th esecuirlx and eseeulor ol Oi ataive en titled estate, thai they ha v made and Died In Ihe above entitled estate and eourl their anal account ol ttu administration ol said estate, and Dial the court ttaa set the "Hi day ol r'eb ruary lulu at 10 o'clock In the loremsm of said day, a Ihe county courtroom In Prlneville, Oregon, as Ihe time and place for hearing ami' settling said Hnal accounting. Al whirl, time and place any ierson Interested la said estate may appear and object to said tins I ic uunt. big. list. .1 January flllt. 1SI0. KlKaheth cole hell, exerntrlg and T. M, Hsldwln, ewutor ol the estate uf Matthew Henry Bell, deceased. IS P F D arms The R. , Ranches Buyers Here Now SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT It has been brought to our attention that it is the opinion of some that we are endorsing "wildcat" schemes owing to the fact that we had placed on our map which we have printed on our literature, the names of places not in existence except in the imaginations of the promoters. We did this to save answering inquiries as to the location of said places. We may say, however, that we do not recommend or endorse any scheme which by misleading or exaggerated advertising seeks to obtain the money - - ' ' " -1 TTv 1 ! .-.CO. Wants L- a -J and City Property Buyers J On the Way JJ' investors quickly by misrepresenting the facts, but recom mend nothing to prospective buyers except such proposi tions as we know to be absolutely 'reliable. We have not sold, nor do we wish to sell any lots or property in anyplace or townsite that cannot bear the closest investigation, and up to the present no townsite has been projected which, on present showing, we could thoroughly recommend to our patrons. THE REALTY DEVELOPMENT CO. LIST WITH US FOR SPEEDY SALES - THE REALTY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 10 Adamson Block, Prineville, Oregon ill I r i III I s 8