Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 20, 1910, Image 3

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    Om Prices Are Always -ReasooaHe!-!!
While We are not having a reduction sale, yet our patrons know that our prices will
compare favorably with those of any house in Central Oregon. Our stock is complete in
all departments. We invite you to call whether you buy or not.
The W. F. King ' -Company, Primeville, Oregon
J. H. To hit boujjht tlic Kwoh
property tuljolnlnji the Cniuiuerelnl
It. V. KwiiMnnil family Icavi today
dr Wtnulhurn, Oregon. Mi. Mwope
will leave IiIm fmnlly there temporar
ll.v while ln look nrouml for another
MIm Clara llorucy dhl not leave
Whitman Colli'(i for the Mulio t'ul
vcmlty at Miwuw iim ivportctl two
Week lltfll. Kim continue her
w ork at Walla Walla.
The Ochornnlnim defeated the Al
I'lwm la tliu himket tuill khiiio nt the
cluli hull taut Saturday evening; with
a h'un of 13 to 10. There win a
jrooil wixtiii crowd out to enjoy the
It In reported that there In about ft
foot of hiiow at Ttiuialo. The
utri-Hiim are nil froxen over and
w ater In very ncnree. Nlock hit to
lw driven Ave ami nit in lien tor
water. ,
The ladle of the Annex will enter
tain eluh Member at "500" January
20. The committee on entertain
ment In enmpoMcd of Mm. (Jeorm
Ktorkmnn, Mr. I.. Hiionar and MIhh
Cclla Nelnm.
Hervlee nt the I'nlon church every
night thin week and over Kiuidny.
I!ev. Led ford, the Kinging evniigellnt,
took chtirgc Wedneadny evening.
Come and enjoy the itervhvH. (.'. 1.
Jlnlley, pantur.
Preaching nt the Firm I'rcb.vter
Inn Church Sunday at 11 A. M. and
"M V. M. Morning, theme "Chrl
tlnn OptliuUtrt." Kvenlug anbjeot-v
"Horrowed Ib-Hglou." Come and
yon will tie made welcome. (. ('.
lbibhhlge, iMHtnr.
It In uudemtood that a petition l
Wing circulated to create a new
Mchool dlHtrlet on the northwest,
"nnd take mime of the Laldlaw terri
tory. The Chronicle In Informed
that any attempt to take any of the
Laldlaw School .DlHtrlet territory
will be utreniiouxly foughthy thccltl
cn and taxpayer. Chronicle,
Veatft Itrown, daughter of, 8. S,
llrow u of Culver ami youngcHt lnter
of Warren Hrown nntl Mm. Dale
Jonen of Prluevllle, wan married
Hundiiy, January hi, to llohert E.
(lalloway, a popular young rancier
of Madran. MIm Urown attended
the Crook County High School ut
one time and In well known In till
city. .
1st Presbyterian Church
Himdiiy SchiKil, 10 a. in,
(ilirixtmn Kmli'uvur, il:.H) p. m.
Crew-hliiR nt 11 a. in. ami T;, p. tn.
Mul-Wrck iirnyer niurtiiiK Weilmwday
evening nt 7:,').
I'nine mill wijny good nittsle ami Giwpel
preuelitnff. Our pultiv! In csmintiuls
t'lmrily. In iion-towi'iiliiiln -MIhti.v,
N. It. For upeuial imlici-s aw liioals of
tlila 1'IIJHT.
l'4 M inmicr.
Horn Monday, January 17, to the
wife of Italph llreeae, ft girl.
Terry Long returned Friday from
a prolonged mijuurn In Montana and
the Kant.
Mr. V. It. l'eek and daughter,
( Mm. Homey, from Lamouta, were la
town the Brut of the week.
1'rof. J, K. Meyer In now at the
heAd of the rrlnevllle public nehooln.
He nHMiimeil charge Monday.
MIm NorH Doblw came home taut
week from Hlmnlko to attend her
laUr' wedding and to vhtlt with
her parent.
Seventy thouannd pound of land
planter have la-eu contracted for by
the farmer about Ialdlnw, to fer
tlllie their Irrigated land.
Dr. Ilclknnp' auto I out of the
running. During the cold weather
the water jacket on the cylinder of
the etiK'Ine frote and cracked the en
glue, ruining It and eutalllng au ex
IHMiHe of about fltfu. The dix-tor
drained hlx engine all rlKht, but It
cem that there wa enough water
left In the Jacket to frei'ie and burnt
K. 1. Atthby who for a year and a
hull him had charge of the rrlnevllle
public nchool department, and who
renltned to take up Insurance work,
left tiHlay for 1'ortlaud to confer
with the head ottlclal of the Oreitou
l.lfe IiiHurauce Company. Mr.
Axhby will take np hi new line of
work at once.
I. MUhel, of the lender, bn beeu
MiibJiTted to a llttlu "Jiwhlng" during
the punt week about III reduction
mile on phonograph recimU. He I
making a Neclul price of 35c. on the
tiOc dim and meant to have It In hi
ad that nay, but the printer put It
"hoc lw now wiling ut 00c." They
are worth OOcbut Mr. Michel I sell
Iiik them for .Tie,
The flntt actual railroad comit ruc
tion within night of Madras hit com
ineiuH'd with work upon a cut and a
llllnt the head of Willow Creek can
yon on the wvHtern edge of the town
Mlte. Workmen have laid a track of
light rail upon which they have a
piiHhcar which I loaded with dirt
and dumped In the fill. Porter
H rot hern have three enmp eetab
Untied between Madrn and the Dca
chute river. Large coumIhihuoiiU
of mipplle have arrived for their
couuulHMnry at that place. I'loneer.
Elder Chaa. T. ltadford, of rrlne
vllle, ban beeu holding oervlce for
the ChrUtlau church for the pat
week. The attendance ho been
good for the time of year and state
of the wenther. Interest In the ser
vices ha been good, nod the atteu
tlon the best. There have been sev
eral additions to thechurch, and hoie
for future uddltlans Is bright. The
church has been encouraged and
helped by. these meetings, and ar
rangements are being made looking
toward rcRular services here each
month. Klder Radford can be se
cured for one Sunday each month,
and the church expects to employ
him. Laldlaw Chronicle.
C. Sam Smith lias lxvn In Portland
the past week.
Hilly Howell was In town this
week from the npper Deschutes.
(leorge Kobn of Paulina was regis
tered at the Crlnevllle the first of the
Mr. John Houston Is seriously 111
at the home of Charles Houston In
this city.
Itev. J. 8. Iedford came Wednes
day to help Itev. Uallev In the revival
meet lugs.
Klert Ualley of Crass Valley Is here
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
r. Bailey.
The annual grand bnll clven by
the I'rlnevllle Fire Department will
take place nt the Club Hall on Feb
ruary 22.
K. W. Leverenx, K. II. Edging! on
and Mrs. Lou I'ulllain of Tuiualo,
were In town Wednesday as wit
nesses on a contest case.
C. M. Lister returned from 1'orU
land last Monday. Ills family now
resides there but he will stay here
this winter to look after the feeding
of some cattle which he still owns.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibble of
Hilver Creek passed through I'rlne
vllle on their way homo' from Port
land and California during the past
week. They were the guest of rela
tives while litre.
T. II. Jolly and bis mother, who
have been In Prluevllle for the past
several months where Mr. Jolly has
been employed In the local printing
offices, left last week for their ranch
at Fort Itock. Tom expects to trap
for furs until spring.
Secretary Urluk of the Commercial
Club, bo In preparation matter for a
new folder advertlelng Crook
county' attractions. The folder
will lie Illustrated with reproduc
tion of photographs.
While skating on the lee the other
day little "Dnn" Thronson tell and
seriously injured one of her ankles.
The attending physician state that
the muscles are torn loose from the
tendons. The little girl is coufiued
to her, bed.
Lyn Nichols and Koy Newell
passed through towu the first of the
week with 3500 sheep belonging to
the Baldwin Sheep & Land Company
of Haycreek on their way to the
ranches of Thomas Sharp, Jr., on
Crooked river where they will lie fed
during the remainder of the winter.
The Haycreek company bought Mr.
Sharp' hay in the stack lust fall.
The I loyal Neighbors Installed the
following officers Tuesday evening:
Oracle, Julia McDanlels; Past Oracle,
Ella Powell; Vice Oracle. Stella
Powell; Chancellor, Leila Zell; re
corder, Effa Calbreath; Receiver, Vlra
Cyrus; Inner Guard, Molly Mitchell;
Outer Ouard, C. C. Brlx; Marshal,
Bertha Huffman; Manager, Amanda
Champ Smith went to Madras on
business, Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Keely Messlnger of
Lnmonta were In town the first of
the week.
, Mr. and Mr. Hurley Saunders of
I'pper Crooked river were In town,
Mrs. F. II. Mlngers and little
daughter were In town from Ln
moutn, Tuesday and Wednesday.
William V. Coulter of Sweethome,
Oregon and Lorcnn May Hill of
Madras, were granted a license to
wed, Monday.
Ixiuls E. Wilson of Madras came
to rrlnevllle tlie first of the week to
tile a petition for naturalization
papers. Daniel Amsmler also of
Madras came with him as a witness.
Dr. Gall Newsom, who has beeu
vlnltlng relatives and friends' In
rrlnevllle for some weeks, brs decided
to locate at Madras. Dr. Newsom
has gone to Madras where his family
will soou join him.
County Clerk Brown was busy
Monday bearing the contest case of
the government against Rojicrt II.
Krug of Sisters. The matter In
volves the homestead of Mr. Krug
upon which he sought to make tiual
1. Chit wood of Grizzly was a IiuhI
ness visitor today. He says the
continued cold weather Is running
the stacks of hay in his section
pretty low. He looks for an early
sring, however, which may relieve
the situation.
Charles W. Thornthwalte of Tuiu
alo ts having trouble over his home
stead claim. The government was
contesting his right before Warren
Brown, Wednesdny. This case Is
also based upon information sent In
to the department.
At the First Methodist church for
Sunday the 23d: The subject for
morning will be," What defeated Is
rael at AI." The subject for the
evening will be from Christ's words,
"Follow Thou Me." Sunday school
at 10 A. M. Junior League at 3 P.M.
and Epwortlt League at C:30. Welcome.
Furs and Hides Wanted
Ella Johnson came over from
Sisters, Monday.
Mis Estella Powell will leave for
Portland Sunday.
Mr. Jogan Mcl'hersnn wa In
from Powell Butte Monday.
Belva Templeton, who has lieen In
Portland for several years, Is ex
pected home In a few days.
The Modern Woodmen of -America
Installed the following officers last
Tuesday evening: Venerable Consul,
J. O. Powell; Advisor, A. T Bogue;
Banker, H. L. Hobbe; Clerk, C. C.
Brlx ; Escort, 8. D. McCallister;
Watchman, H. F. Mitchell; Physician,
J. H. Rosenlsjrg, C. 8. Edwards.
Silas E. Hodges had a timber con
test case before the county clerk
Tuesday. Mr. Hodge hiJ made
proof but upon Information made to
the government that he had taken
up the claim for other parties the!
claim was contested. It !a thought I
that Mr. Hodges' title will not be
The rrlnevllle debating team will
leave next Tuesday for Fossil where
they will try their skill agalust the j
Fossil high school team. Mr, i
Wickersham will accompany the!
students on their journey. Crook j
County High School will lie repre-!
sented by Miss Ethel Kidder, leader,
Robert Kester and Miss Agnes Elliott.
Thestulijeet of the debate will be the
Government ownership ol railroads.
Bounty on Coyote $1.50
" Bob Cat 2.00
Cougar 10.00
After receiving your bounty
take your case bide to the
Janitor at the Crook County
court house, and get highest
cash price for same from
Prineville, Oregon ($
1 '
Bcrab DistUUa Co., Loai31e, Kf.
For sale by Silvertoolh & Browder, Shaniko, Or.
Clearance Sale
Trimmed hats, 10 values fl 50
Trimmed liata, .()) values...,, 6 60
Trimmed hats. $6.00 values 3 90
Street hate f 2 50 and $3 at 1 50
('a pa regular 75c and $1.00, at 25c
Veils from 25c to 1 50
Tohoajtan caps , 25c
Jailiea' wool gloves 25c
Children's wool gloves 15o
Ladies' sweaters from f 1 to $1 50
Special bargain in silks, satins, vel
vets, ribbons, etc. Must have room for
my Spring Stock.
Mrs. Estes
Corner 2d and Main Streets
Malis k Gruli Lairci
Scho.1 Bmij
Cwscra Sippliei
. Jewelry
D. P. Adamson & Co
Msucal failiwli
Lmtj'i CJiti
During the cold weather hot fires are a necessity in every home, so
is a dry chemical fire extinguisher needed in each house for the pre
vention of fires liable to result from stove pipes and chimneys burn
ing out Call and inspect our extinguishers.
D. P. Adamson & Co.'
X Eo Stewart &
Dry Goods
A Safe Place to Trade.
PPp- We now have in stock a complete line of Steel Game Traps in all sizes, both Newhouse
and Victor.
GunS- Everything from 22 Cal. Rifle to the big Automatic Rifle and Repeating Shotgun.T Priceson
all are guaranteed to be RIGHT.