For Sle: f ; i i The Place to Save Money THE LEADER The Place to Save Money As the Holiday Rush is over we have decided to put on a few specials in the different departments of our store We have a nice line of Men's Suits to choose from at f 7.50, for merly 114 to 115 each. Also Hats and Shoes t special prices and many other articles in the store st the same reduction. Don't forget to call and examine the goods bt fore going elsewhere- Ten-inch records for Standard and Victor Talking rachinec, 60c siie now each. . . . . . , .35c I. MICHEL, Proprietor, Prineville, Oregon . M r,. fv l.r (ri.r V,. . 1 ftlmwl k c..i u nr. i.r ! t B fjl pTI 111 T'O Aii i I.. ions r . M ,Ki;i. I'tnvwlk-. u... 1 I II I I I l P N ,,..i,.r..i.'. J A IV i WSlliU - A MOULDING It FRAMES if ft . 1 8 M cot? sun OFSICtRS: W. S, Bootm, Prl.nt O. S.Stiwmt, Vlcft Y,lft O. M. (kftiN, Cat Mar OmtOTOMS: W. A. SOOTM. O. M. IllllHS. O. P. Btiwakt Transacts a General Hanking Business Exchange Bought and SoUl Collections will re ceive prompt atten tion spii ';Ait3b w'.JSR;nj- sir! CAPITAL rl ... f DejiCr svrvi LOCAL MENTION . Mrs. ftruee I'rlee of Tost was lu the rity on business, Tuesday. Frank Booth of Sisters wn a busi ness visitor the first of the week. The A. M. JraVe residence prop erty In Bend has been sold tor $-10, 000. Mrs. J. V. Robiuson of Madras, who bought the Steve Yancey place opposite the court house, came over yesterday. Siie will now reside tnanently in Trineville. Old Settlers Gain An Advantage Madras News Notes. Attorney IJeneral Crawford, In reply to a letter from F. K, I.iy ton of LahlUtw, has this to say In regard to the taking over Vf the Columbia Southern Irrigating Company's hold ings by the new company: "Yours of the 31st ultimo, relating to affairs of the Columbia Southern Irrigating per- j company received, and in reply beg j to say that evidently the Telegram C H. Foster of Towell Buttes fiu-j of the Sid instant did not state the tshed threshing his oats Saturday, j full prt'Dosltiou, They had been In stack since last! "The board is considering and wUl Getober but did not suffer anv deter-1 probably enter Into a contract with certain parties to Immediately go on the ground, make a complete topo graphical survey, purchase the Wiiuer basin for a rettervoir, and submit plans tor a complete plant, sufficient to reclaim all the lands re claimable In that segregation as well as other lauds. "To old settlers, like yourself, who have remaiued on the land and borne the heat and burden of the dav. iiatpnta will ! lssiifd Ihtv ttu.v ).- ..n ii,iintin J-S- Fox, thepobl':c tteuoerai her, , , , , ' , has taken eitra rooms in the Adamsnn elmve already Issued quite a nnm- Wocktnd is prepara to teach eom t lr. Then, if tbv have not euthclent I m.rrial .nhJ.. h..rth. t The social committee of the Prineville ! water, then tliey w ill lie permitted to vritina-. Book-keepina- and Handwritina come tn anil have all toe water they inai..ill ;,,,: " .- loration In contejuence. not even In color. William Gavin of Madras came to an untimely end last Sunday. He died from the effects of too much booxe." Gavin was also a "doi" j fiend. The combination carried him , off prematurely. j Jo. Lister came in from Paulina Wednesday to attend to sume business I in town and visit with his family. He 1 cays that stock is ttanding the long win-, ter in fine shape. He will return to the ! ranch tomorrow. (floueer) Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. I. IYrrlvnl Friday, January 7, 1910, a son. Born to the wife of tius Lovelaud Saturday, January S, l;tl0. a son. Mis Lulu Dsborn of Culver Is visit Ing at the home of Mr. and Mr. It, Sharp. The firm of J. C. & M. A. Robinson of this city has this week completed the sale of Its store and mercantile business to the Central Oregon Mer cantile Company, which Is composed of R. T. Olson of Seattle, as general manager, who Is associated with other Seattle gentlemen. Notice. All persons knowing themselves to le indebted to the old firm of Stroud Broa. prior to October 1, l'.tOS, are re quested to settle at once. These ac counts have been placed In the hands of Attorney O. L. Bernler for collec tion and all remittances should be ma.le to him at Prineville, Oregon. jl3-tf C M. STtiol l. Business College rir,K v, . ; come in i x . - . . , . : want by an additional payment Irf ' i.ti. an nr u nt.iu.t. becsof tbe club and their ladies onlv. A. M. Caswell Seeks Niece. miK iwuiiguu; niuaj iiuiTa Iu 515 tier acrv. the hall commencing Friday, January i "Speculator, or jieople who have ! 21. Invitation cards are sent to mem-! nt resided on the land or cultivated ! j it Htv given tne option or receiving; ! tne money bacs tuey nave pau, or t sntimittin? to an lucrense of lien not ) to exceed $30 per acre. These specu lator will have to pay $30 If tfcey I A recent issue of the Oregonian con- 6ta Jn tJ""T wb?, fVei . , . . ,, 8 : actually settlel on the land, if tbev i Uined the following: i desire additional water, wlil onlv I A. M. Casell, of Three Forks, Mont., ' pay 25, that is. the f 10 already paid last night asked help of the local police and 115 additional. in the continental hunt he is making! "Old settlers like yourself and j for Ruth Caewell, his 6 year-old niece, j others, who have reclaimed and cul- j who wag left an orphan in Prineville, f tivated their land can receive the Or., two months ago. jsame amount of water they have' The little girl is believed to be in some; tteen receiving without any add!-: Pacific Coast city in the euetody optional payment; in other" words, t Frank Bell, a septuagenarian, and his patents wiil be issued to them, as! yoong wife. Bell is a id to have been t before stated, and thev will be en-! tn PrreeviHe at the time of the dzath of j titled to receive their pro rata share : the child's pareuts from typhoid fever, j from the natural flow of Tnmalo , After the funeral of her parents. Bell, ' creek, the same as they do now, ; an aged piano tuner, secured popvet&icn ! without additional payments. The l of the child. Betide the Montana waters conserve! In the n-serviir, j ancle be had no oilier knows relative. ' however, aiil le distributed nnderi Bellaith hit wife and the little girl ; the new contract, and If tbey wish: Wft Prineville quietly several weeks , to participate in that, then the pro 1 ago. posed contract provides they sha!I j Learning of the sudden death of his pay fi- per acre for that privilege, i brother, A. M. Caewell left his Montana "I think that makes the matter! home for the West to aJipt his niece, clear. To be explicit: Settlers on! At Prineville he learned of the disap ; the hind who have cultivated their j pearanceof Bell with the child. He ; land, can retain their lands with thej lmmeuiaieiy oegan a search lor tneai, ! water they have w ithout extra j I charge if tbey desire. Tbey can par- i i tk-ipate in the new deal for $15 perj i acre. Sfieculators who have not lieen on tbe Jam! and not cultivated ; it will be required to pay the full in- i , or receive their roonev able. can Terms reason- I RECORD Pacific rlorse Lfaiimcnt is prepared expressly for tbe seeds of kortemea snd raachmea. It is a powerful aed pene tratinf bnimcM, a remedy for emcre cies. A soothinf embrocatioa for the relief sf psia snd the test liniment for sprsias and soreness. Lacanaled for carinf the wounds and injaries ol BARBED WIRE and for acalinr cuts, abrasions, sores and bruises. Pacific rlorse Liniment is fully guaranteed. No etfeer is s good or helpful ia so many ways. If it fails to satisfy, we authorize 11 dealers to refund tbe purckase price. as., ciw uaec momn rtrrr ctnra Hovt Chemical Co, booklet but all his efforts ha-e so far failed. Caswell told the polk-e last night he will go to the extreme limit of Li.e law to eeenre possession of bi niece. It is possible inform ltion will 1 - filed &iB.irt RpH ftnft ti mifA with t Ya Cr..t AMfidn i f lu,- county officials charging abdoction. I back' and surrender their contracts. I r or sale by Templeton jAl JV A. A. A V?jcjftk A A A j 8 Drop in and See I Champ Smith a ft T T" Ml H i t tftvl' . 'feBr BHD LINOLEUM MATTING SANIT0S 3 DEAXEll IN Soft Drinks of. all kinds Imported and Domestic Cigars At tbe old Smith dc Cleek m stand, .Main street, two j doors south First 4 National Bank 4-. FOR Furniture Carpets Ranges Hardware AND Building Materials GO TO A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. and Save 25 Cents on the Dollar eve RAhGB VMWfWflTtO SECOND - HAND STORE All Kinds of Goods Bought and Sold C. L. V. Marker Dillon Building. P1387 Quality Is what the careful buyer in vestigatea when purchasing jew elrr or watches. We stand be hind the quality of everything we sell we guarantee it to be of the quality we represent it to he WATCH REPAIRING W. FRANK PETETT Jeweler & Optician Priaorill, Oregon & Son TheW innek Com oanv MEN'S SHOES Every pair positively guar anteed. $3.00 to $5.00 Phonographs $22, $30, $40 Elasy Terms J 9 qt-g), L3 All Furniture 331 per cent off ah i urniture 33J per cent dis count during Janu ary 1910. fesT " INT 1 ii Jewelry, Watches, Guaranteed Goods, Elgin & Waltham Movements You're sure you're gcttinj( the genuine when you buy from us. No danger of refilled hotilei No danger of buyinK cheap worth 1 less trash placed in CYRUS NOBLE bottles snd palmed off as the genuine. We are now selling for the first time in 44 years direct to the con turner in districts where you are unable to obtain (his famous brand. A quart tttls of GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE jf? direct to you, all charges alt paid to the tutamt railroad eaprets office. $4 90 Pure old honet whitkey at an honcat legitimate price. Guaranteed to the United States Government and to YOU to contain all the secondary constituents that make it real WHISKEY The government officials stale that any distillation that doesn't is alcuhul. . - W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. EmhUrd 1564 I OS-1 07 Second StreH. PortUad, Oroa CUT T THIS IMC a W TM W. J. Vu SchKrvcr A C. pniuc. Oncm. IjtAmtJ plran Ia4 14.90 U pW Mtd CO ! W if tint, fHmj fW CjVta GENUINE CYRUS NOBU. P O ASJo. WE inn 9 I City Meat Market IT n r 11 T . 1 .noriffan cc otui. rroDnetors fi Beef, Pork, Mutton, Wholesale and Retail All Kinds of Sausage Nice and Fresh i Home Cured Bacon and Lard. Fish and Poultry in Season. Butter and Eggs. Give us a call and we will save you money. I Statement of Resources and Liabilities of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At th. clot, of btuine. N,ov. 16, 1909 THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in . I'rincville. Rates Reasonable We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent 8 ft s $3 g$5 5 (5 (Qp 5 5 p n r.-i Li El r-i L J LJ ri CJ L J r i Li M t ri t j LJ ri Li C3 Li ri LJ n Li B'3 LiLiuitik.'tN Li r..i Li r .1 Li r .t Li r 1 Li ti Li r.i r. . Li The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIlobE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION L3 Carrying a choice selection of fine citudy, clours, oranges, lemona, etc. Ulve us a call. Li r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props, ii txwns Ml IltlKXKlBU $t,W te t'nlted HUlrt Eundi IIA" 00 Bask r remlfk-itc )J KfUrmpt!a fund S2S OS t'tuth A One from banka 21,72 m uantUTiKS rxpllal Stock ff 00 Kurplu Kund CO clrcalatkm .lo 00 t'adlTlded proflu mas lodlrtduiU lirpoalia Vfi.Kl hi I LiLULULULULliLJULULiiLiULiJLiLiL. j'l T. - .. B. T. AXca. Prdest WiO Wwmrcier. Vac Pmadnrt T. M. Baldwia. Cakwr H. Baldwia,A'l TiTJ3VLBE3K, riLingles, JfouldiDRS, Windows, . Doors, Glares, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON Sonera ffilacksmithing IIOHSEBHOKINO, WoOD WOHK, ETC., Neatly and Promptly Donb Whkn it is Donh By : Robert 7ooro Satisfaction Will lie Guaranteed Pkinkvillk, Ohroon. Li n Li r.i ri Li RI Li r.n LJ r,-i Li ri Li r.-t Li n M Li L'J U : " 1 ri T I