Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 20, 1910, Image 1

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    Crook Coitety
Entered at IIm pnttntTtm Kt prinerllle,
Orretuu, a weood-ciaM matter
Excellent Program and
Splendid Banquet
Prineville Fire Department Has
Never Failed to Do Its Duty
Say the Speakers.
, The annual (Irviit atpludge and
lidiiqtiot of thf I'rliiovlIU' Fire De
partment held Inst Friday evening,
wn nt tended by alwmt 150, Includ
ing the firemen and their friend.
The program pnrt of the entertain
ment wan hold lu, Uflkiuip Hull and
the banquet in the dining rotim of
Hotel .'oludcxter. The program
wwt curried out Jumt no fiittltlicfl In
last week's Journal. All iiuiiiImt
were of exceptional merit and were
thoroughly enjoyed, There wan not
n hitch lit the evening, except for n
hurt Interim after the program an
til the tinmitiet wiut In reiidlnemi. and
thin time won plrnsutitly filled by
Morgan' rvhintn..
The bnniUit fuirhed by the Pres
byterian Indie supplied everything
tlmt rtuilil lu ilitilrvil In the way of
dflh'lotiM thing to eat.
J. X. WlUltunNott presided ns
totwImiiMler. Mayor I). F. Stewart,
Dr. K. (J. Hyde, Sheriff Frank F.lklus,
and Atty. M. II, Itlgiin rtupondcd to
c. w.
We thank the publ ic for the gen
erous patronage during our clearance
sale and will continue the same
until February 1st, giving every
person in the county an opportunity
to take advantage of most favorable prices,
extremely low prices on
Men's Suits and Overcoats
Sweaters -v
I lats and Footwear
Ladies' Coats, Suits, Skirts
Millinery and Footwear
Pittsburgh Field Fence
Poultry Net
Kentucky Drills
Boys' and Young Men's Clothing
and Footwear
It will pay you to
C. W.
their reHH'llve toaota In happy eln
and the sutlre evening wu a delight
ful in.
The glNt of all the Mpeecheti wm,
that the 1'rliifvllle ladles are the bent
rooks, the ImtiiUoincut and nobleat
women In the bind, that the Trine
rllle fire rirpnriueut haa always done
Ita full duty, and that the crying
need of the hour la a more up-to-date
and cltlrlcut equipment for fighting
fire. '
, Combs-Dobbi Nuptial.
Deputy Sheriff John Comb aud
Mia F.ffa Dobb were married last
Sunday, January IS, at the home of
the brldo's parrnta, Mr, and Mra.
E. M. Dobha, on Ochoco, at high
noon. Iter. 0. 1. lialley ofltclatlng.
Relatives of the contracting partli
and a few Intimate frleuda wltneaeed
the happy event. The brldo waa be
comingly attired In a ItundHouiej
gown of cream Matin. A sumptuous
wedding dinner waa nerved after the
ceremony, ' .
Mr. aud Mra, Comba came to I'rlne-J
vlllu In the afternoon and from 6:30
to 8:30 were given a reception at the
home of Mr. aud Mra. Charles M. EI
klna. Scorea of their frlenda called
at tha Elklua home during the eveu
Ing to extend congratulation.
Mr. and Mra. Comba will make
their home In IYInevlIlt) at the old
Comba rcaldeuce property on the
corner of Kant 7th and Nichols
Tailored Wanted.
A tnlloreim wanted. Apply to B
(lormley, tailor, I'rlnevllle, Oregon.
13 -P
Clothing Lost.
A anck of clothing waa lout Iw-
tween the m. Adams place on
Comba Flat and Prlnevtlle, Monday,
January 11th. Finder pleiute notify
Mra. It. I Miller, l'twt. Oregon. JiXttt
trade with us once
of 1910 in
Breaks Away With Trap
Is Tracked and Shot
Brute Mad a Long LUt of Dep
redations Charged Up
Against Him.
The murderoua wolf which haa
been killing calvea and colt In the
Paulina and Font neighborhood) for
the pout fjw years bus at lost lieen
killed. lie got bla foot Into one of
Tom O'Kelley'a coyote trap hint Fri
day night at the WIHIainHon ranch
at Riverside, tore loose the chain
and made off Into the hills wit h the
trap at III on bin foot. Ownr and
Irvine Craln otid Mr. O'Kelly fol
iowed him about tour miles with the
aid of a dog and Anally got clone
enough to finish liltu with their guns.
The brute waa nn old gray one,
stood about thirty Inches tall and
metwured cven and half feet from
the now to the tip of hlw tall. The
reward offered for hi capture, sub-
crlhed by different etockmett,
amounts! to f 117.60.
This brute la charged with the kill
ing of at leant 40 or 50 head of year
ling calvea within the pat two yearn.
Joe I .later, C. Sam Smith, and the
Bonny view Ranch of Gray dcKon,
We call special
All Rubber Footwear
Laces and Embroideries
Bed Spreads
Table Linens
Outing Flannels
Dress Goods
Lace Curtains
Furniture Coverings
and always. Begin the economies
our store.
and the llotixtun ranehea have all
had visit from t lilt destructive wolf.
For the pant several yenra the rexl
denta of the l'ine Creek neighbor
hood have Mleved that some beaut
t- np;il from a menagerie had taken
up Ha realdence there, while many
have Itelleved that this wolf la the
Identical beast that haa killed ant)
nte the dogs and cats off the porches
and put fear Into the hearts of Ibe
teople. Since the wolf has confined
bis depredation more to the east
Mldeof Crooked lUver, so much haa
not Ix-en heard of the terrible beaut
of Pine Creek.
The lucky huuU rs have the wolfs
skin for a trophy ut Klverslde. He
was npporently tin aged one. His
color was about the same as that of
a coyote.
hunt winter several trnpiers made
It their particular buttlneas to try to
capture hltu, but he always proved
too wary for them, and was never
seen plainly py any of the many
hi) ii tern who hoel to get a shot at
him. He would go Into the feed
yard and pastures audllll a year
ling calf and eat most of It. In a
night or two he would come again
aud kill another and perhspa the
next night would murder a calf 10 or
15 miles away. Ilia death will be a
great relief to the cattlemen among
whose herds be has wrought such
rWletoa WooIm Mill Co. Reor-uizti.
The Pendleton people were fortu
nnte In getting their Woolen Mill
Company re-organized. A new con
crete mill was built und thoroughly
equipped and It Im now In oeraUon
in full force and Is giving Pendleton
Nome especially good advertising.
. Piano for Sale Cheap.
Second-hand platio, good as new,
for sale at a bargain. Inquire of
K. W. Kayler. 1-20-tf
-jf i?fil ;-
attention to our
Sheriffs Office Directed
to Correct Tax Roll
A Thorough Round-Up Will
Be Made This
Sheriff Klkini wm directed by the
lant SMHion of the county court to have
publtahad inch extracts of the Us laws
of Oregon ss he deemed nececaary for
the information of tLe taxpsyert so sa
to give them fall understanding of the
law snd the following extract sre here
with supplied from hiiofliceand printed
by bia order. ,
Special attention is called to that
portion relating to the sheriff's aaeeag
ment, the necessity for shich was ex
plained in the order of the court pub
lished last week in the proceedings of
the county court. During the past three
year Sheriff Elkina says hi: office haa
dog np. property liable to assessment
on which thousands of dollars were
saved to the county each year. Con
siderable property having slipped past
the notice of the assessor, the board of
evaluation and the county court, the
county commissioners now direct the
sheriff and clerk to dig into this busi
ness and put all the property liable to
taxation into a sheriff's sgse&nent, and
the work has already couira?nced under
the direction of Sheriff Elkins snd
County Clerk Brown, who will be as
sisted by Addie Foster.
It is the Intention this year to make s
thorough rouud-np of sll the personal
and real property In order that every
one shall pay their just proportion of
taxes. The mortgage records of the
county will be sesrehed snd every other
available means will be resorted to, to
put all taxable property on the'rolL
Extracts frea tat AtwMOMat laws af Orefoa
Tear 1909.'
Fertion 22, Page It. At the time
prescrilied by law (1st day of March
each year) the assessor in each county
shall ascertain by diligent inquiry the
names of all pertons liable to taxation
in bis county who are assessable to (by)
him, also all taxable personal property,
and all taxable real estate therein
which by law is assessable by him, and
make out an assessment roll of all such
property, and appraise the same ac
cording to the provisions of the statutes
relating thereto. .
Owacr U Faraisk List af Praferty Pemaltjr
far Refuinf.
Section 23, Page II. Every assessor
shall require any person liable to be
taxed in his county and to be assessed
by him, and the managing agent or
officer of any corporation or association
liable to be taxed in his county and to
be assessed by him, to furnish such
assessor a list of all the real estate of
such person, corporation or association
situate in his county liable to taxation,
and a list of all tbe personal property
of such person, corporation or associa
tion liable to taxation in this state, and
shall require such person, managing
agent, or officer to make oath that, to
the best of his knowledge and belief
such list contains a full and true ac
count of all its or his property liable to
be taxed in such county ; and if any
person shall refuse to furnieh such list,
or to swear to the same when required
so to do by tbe assessui, such person
shall forfeit and pay to the assessor, for
the use of the county, the sum of $50.00
which sum may be recovered by action
in any court having jurisdiction of mat
ters of debt or contract to the amount
of WM.
Should any such person, managing
agent or ofticer when so required, refuse
to furnish and to swear to such, a list,
the assessor shall ascertain the taxable
property of such person, corporation, or
association, tnd shall appraise the
same from the best information to be
derived from other sources.
Addition) ts tke AHeuaieat Roll After It
Retura to th Clerk.
Section 24, Page 34. Whenever after
the return of the assessment roll to the
county clerk by the board of equaliza
tion, tne omcer naving possession of
the roll shall discover or receive credit
able information or if he has reason to
believe that any real or personal nrou-
erty baa from any cause been omitted in
whole or in part in the assessment of
any year or number of years, not ex
ceeding five years prior to the last roll
equalized and returned, or from the
assessment roll or tax roll, he shall pro
ceed to correct the assestment or tax
roll In his handB and add such property
thereto and charge such property and
the owner thereof with the nroner
amount of taxes thereon, at the rate
that the said property wou d have been
taxed had it been properly upon the
tax roll, for the year or yearB as to
which it was omitted. To enable such
offieer so to do he is hereby invested
witn all tne powers oi the assessor,
board of equalization and countv clerk.
under the laws in force during such
years ami tnereatter.
Digest of Decisioai el Orefoa Supreme Court
Relatiag To AueisaieBt ud Taxation of
Adding to the assessment roll prop
erty not assessed is a correction of a roll
aud not an alteration. .
A statute empowering the sheriff
(who is tax collector) to add to the tax
roll without notice to tha owner, prop
erty omitted by the assessor, and to
collect taxes thereon, is not unconsti
tutional where there is a board of
equalization which holds a public
meeting at a stated time, with power to
aM to and correct the saseanor's roll.
Tbe taxpayer has notice by the stat
ute that tbia board will meet to ewrect
errors and omissions, snd it is hi duty
to sppear and see that all his propert.
is correctly listed. If he neglects this
dutr snd tbia opportunity to be heard
he cannot object when his omitted
property ia assessed by tbe sheriff snd
made to bear its share of tbe public
Ofmoas af Atiaraey Caacrtl ReUtisf to
AiRiiant tad Taiatioa.
Isnd acquired from the United
States is subject to assessment snd
tsxation, although patents therefor bsve
not been issued, whenever final proof
thereon is made before the register snd
receiver, or the person acquiring such
land does every thing, including pay
ment of all required fees snd the pur
chase price, entitling him to a patjnt
mereior ana sucn prool ana payment
has been accepted by the officers of the
United States suthorized to accept the
Rerideaca of Owaen af f arsaaal Preserty.
The Supreme Court haa hell in one
case that where money ia deposited for
investment, is tne place wnere it most
be taxed.
Inter High School
Debate Jan. 28
Shersna aad Croak Coaatica Will Coatead far
Supremacy at P riser ill Every
body Saoald Tan OwL
The debate between Sherman and
Crook counties will take place at the
Commercial Club Hall on Friday, Janu
ary 28. Crook county will uphold the
affirmative aide of the question of gov
ernment ownership of railroads. A
good musical program has been pre
pared for the occasion snd everyone is
promised an interesting evening. The
program and further announcements
will appear next week. Everybody
abould turn out and give the home
team the support it deserves.
Railroad Material
Now at Vale
rfarriaua Cettiaf Ready to Baild Acre.
Ceatral Orefoa WiO C
Wkea Weather Penaita.
A special dispatch to tbe Journal
says that It Is reported that 0 miles
of the proposed Harrlman' railroad
across Central Oregon, from Vale
west Into the great Harney Valley,
will be built as soon as the weather
will permit of construction. It is
said that the contract for the grad
ing of the $0 miles has been awarded
to the Utah Construction company.
Several carloads of material have
arrived at Vale, Including three cars
of dynamite, which will be used In
blasting the roadbed In the Malheur
canyon. When the first 125 miles of
the road are completed, Ontario will
be connected by rail with Harney
Valley. The road Into that valley is
to be completed this season and will
continue.on westward to the coast.
The building of the road has been
under contemplation for some time.
The activity of the Hill people in this
section of Oregon Is believed to be
the cause of the early building of the
Post Items'.
January 17, li10.
We are having fine weather here at
Mrs. Homer Norton has been on
the sick list for the past week, but
Is reported improving.'
Joe Post left last week for Shaniko
with a fine bunch of beef cattle which
he will ship to Portland.
Frank Smead went " to Hampton
Buttea lor cattle the first of the
Bruce Gray passed through this
country recently with a bunch of
beef cattle enroute to Portland. ;
Oscar Craln captured the big wolf
for which a large reward was offered.
The beast was very destructive, kill
ing sheep, young calves and colts.
W. W. Brown of Fife has his. new
home about completed. It will cost
In the neighborhood of $ 10,000. It
has thirteen rooms In all seven bed
rooms, a dining room, sitting room,
kitchen, pantry and private parlor.
Gilchrist-Hinkle Wedding.
.Floyd Gilchrist and Miss Margaret
Ilinkle of . Paulina were married Wed
nesday afternoon in the parlors of Hotel
Prineville. Rev. C. C. Babbidge offi
ciated. ' ;
Quite a party of Paulina friends ac
companied rhe young couple to Prine
ville to give the wedding a good send-
off. Among the number were Mr. aDd
Mrs. A. E. Rutherford, William Smead,
the Misses Jessie H inkle and Gertie
Eads, Walter " Freeman and Bush
Cradock. '
In the evening the Paulina folks gave
a free dance in the dining room of Hotel
Poindexter in .honor of Mr. and Mr?.
Gilchrist, who leave today for Portland.
Watch Repairing.
L. Kamstra will open a watch repair
shop at the C. W. Elkins' store the first
ot February. All work guaranteed
1-20-26 L. KAMSTRA.
Seniors' Grades Aver
aged Above 95
Organized by the High School
Ladies Ochoconians Won
at Basket Ball.
The first semester closed laat Frl
day and the mid-year exams began
Wednesday noon and closed Friday
noon. The schedule and cards are
out and there are some happy and
unhappy students, but all are re
solved to escape finals In May. '
The general average for the first
semester's work was posted this
week and we were delighted to find
that the classes ranked according to
seniority the seniors highest, Jun
lors next, sophomores third and the
freshmen lowest.
The girls of the senior and Junior
classes of the high school, together
with the lady members of the faculty
and a few Invited guests, met at the
home of Miss Parrott on last Satur
day for tbe purpose ot organizing a
classical literary club. Tbe following
officers were elected for the ensuing
year: Miss Rosa B. Parrott, presi
dent; Miss Fay Baldwin, vice presi
dent; Mrs. Emma B. WIckersbara,
secretary, and Miss Blanche Wilson,
treasurer. Committees on program,
name and colors were appointed to
report at the next meeting which
will be In two weeks at the home of
the Misses Baldwin.
The game between the Alphas and
the Ochoconians last Saturday even
ing was hard-f jught from the time
tbe whistle sounded until the time
keeper called a halt. The game was
a good one and greatly enjoyed by
an enthusiastic audience. The first
half ended in favor of the Alphas),
but tbe Ochoconians played hard
and when time was called the game
stood 10 to 13 in favor of the latter
society. Each society has one game
to its credit in the contest for inter
society honors and this means an
Interesting game shortly.
The program of the Alpha society
for Friday, January 7th is. a "mock
trial." The officers, lawyers and
prisoner are as follows:'
Judges Robert Kester.
Prosecuting att'y Roy Lowther.
Att'y for defense Warren Yancey.
Sheriff Elmer Martin.
Defendant Clarence Blxby.
Fretktaea and Sealers.
The freshmen who are unfortunate
enough to have to take finals are
cramming, as they realize their defi
ciency and we hope not too late.
The seniors are congratulating
themselves upon their general aver
age of over 93 per cent for the semes
ter. We feel It Is something to boast
Juniors aad Sepkoaiorea.
Aaron Hoffman and Wm. Crlswell,
'12, were absent from classes, Mon
day and the refrlgerator-Uke condi
tion of the class rooms proved that
the absence of the boys makes a diff
erence In tbe running of the furnace.
We hope both janitors will never lie
compelled to be absent at the same
time again.
Misses Ethel Kidder and Blanche-
Wllson.'ll, were absent from classes
a part of last week.
Department of the Interior
United States Land Office
The Dalles, Oregon, January. 8, 1910.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been tiled in this office by Hannah M.
McClun, contestant, against homestead
Entry No. 0891, made September 2,1908,
forNWKNEtf. EtfNWtf, NEJiSWtf
Section 20, Township 14, 8., Range 16,
E., Willamette Meridian, by
John A. Seabury Con testes,
in which it is alleged that said John A.
Seabnr has wholly abandoned said
tract for more than six months last paat;
that said tract has not been settled upon
and cultivated by said party as required
by law ; that there are no improvements
thereon except an unfinished house
that is unoccupied ; that said alleged
absence was not due to his employment
in the army, navy or marine corps of
the United States in time of war. Said
parties are hereby notified to appear
respond, and offer evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on
February zi, 191U, before Warren
Brown, County Clerk, at his office in
Prineville, Oregon, and that final hear
ing w ill be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on
Februaiy 28, 1910, before the Regis'er
and Receiver at the United States Lan 1
Office in The Dalles, Oregon.
The sail contestent having, in a
proper affidavit, filed December 81,
1900, set forth facts which show that
after due diligence personal service of
this notice can not le made, itia hereby
ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
l-20p C. W. Moore, Register,