an council Continued from page 1. Health and Pollc: Dr. J. H. Rosenborg, chairman; J. B. Shlpp, W. Cratn. Judiciary: Ward well Cram, chair niann; Gwrge Storkmann, W. Cram. The fiimtlnif Indebtedness of the city In shown hy the retort of the committee to be 12.133.79. Thte Is tt reduction during the pant year by I.W9.1S. "Except (or the bonded Indebti-d-noM of $10,000 the city of Frluevllie will lie out of delit at the clone of tuleyear," ay Councilman Shlpp, "and will be on a cash baaia." The report of the commute follows In full: Prlnevllle, Oregon, Jan. 4, 1910. To the Mayor and Council of the City of Prlueville. Gentlemen. We your finance committee beg leave to report as follows: That we have examined the report of the city Treasurer and find the same correct We also examined the report of Wade Huston, Ex-Marshal and find same correct. On Januerv 1st, the outstand ing Indebtedness exclusive of the bonded Indebtedness was aproxl niately 12324.97. The preseut In debtedness to January 1st Is as fol lows: Outstanding warrants $ 1.US9.3? Interest on same 5!.6$ Bills passed last night 174.31 Expense of election 24.00 12,247.56 The treasurer has sufficient funds on hand to pay Interest on bonds, and a balance of $99.77 with 22.00 to be collected from water rents makes a credit of 1121.77. This amount deducted from $2247.56 leaves a floating indebtedness of f2.125.70, and a reduction of the city's Indebtedness during the year 1909 of $m9.1S. Respectfully submitted, J no. B. Shipp, Chairman. Jesse Yancey. A. II. LIppman. The first regular council meeting for the year was held Tuesday even ing with every member of the coun cil and all the other city officers present. The work of the year will be taken up with a vim, and the city is promised a straight up busi ness administration, very defferent from the old haphazzard regime that prevailed up to the beginning of the last year. The men now In charge of the city's affairs make it their business to know "where the city is at" and endeavor to meet the prob lems confronting them with the same business ability they would apply to - their private affairs. City Treasurer C. E. Smith ap peared before the council, his bond in the sum of f 2000 was approved, and he was sworn into office. Attorney M. H. Elliott brought to the council the lately prepared plats of Newsom's addition to Prlnevllle, to be Inspected by the council before they were presented to the county court for final approval The plats were entirely satisfactory to the city and were approved. The finance committee was instructed to secure a copy of the plat to be placed in the city halL N'ewsom's addition embraces that part of town east of Main or "A" street and north of the Ochoco. From Main street east the streets are named East B, Nichols, East D and so on in order to East I street. Commencing at the bridge across Ochoco the streets are num bered as follows: The one running east and west, south of Mrs, Dillon's property Is h street. The next one north is East 6th, and so on to East 12th, which Is near the water reser voir. The filing of the plat with the county court carries with it the dedication of the streets in this ad dition, which action has never been fully taken. Now all the streets will be opened and this part of the city will be ready for improvements. No more will the doleful tolling of the funeral bell be heard In Prlnevllle if Dr. Rosenberg has his way. He announced that be had In course of preparation an ordinance abolishing this relic of barbaric customs. He stated that he did this In the Interests of those who are sick and nervoutdy inclined inasmuch as they were often thrown into a state of nervousness anJ depression by the doleful tolling, Mr. LIppman stated during the dis cussion that many states had laws abolishing all Sunday funerals, and aiso promuuing tne taking oi a corpse Into a church building. How ever, Dr. Rosenberg's ordinance will only cover the tolling of the IkjIIs. It will probably be passed by the council. The curfew measure was ulso dig. cussed. The council was of unani mous opinion that the curfew law was a good one, and Marshal Kelso was instructed to enforce It. At the annual meeting of the old council and the meeting held Tues day evening the following bills were allowed: Annie Mallng, rent L C Perry, election 25 00 . 3 00 . 2 50 S A Prose, hauling "LI E McLaughlin, recorder" Prlueville Planing Mill, lumber A H LIppman & Co P L & W Co, lights .1 M D Powell, recorder, J VV Boone, ex-treaaurer Demarlg & Son, lumber 1) P Adamson & Co Wade Huston, marshal Crook Co Journal, printing 34 79 8 75 4 75 4 25 3 50 11 61 65 50 70 52 00 34 20 Gormley, The Tailor. What about that winter suit 7 Of course you want it tailor-made. It doesn't cost any more than the hit-and-miss kind. My samples are the finest in town. Pressing, r pairing and cleaning. Give me a trial. 8-6 FRUIT GROWS IN SPOTS. Continued from page 1. ripened fruit cn the fame day. Apples, peaches, prunes and cher ries are also grown at Tetherow Bridge, eight miles northwest of Redmond. Commercial oicliards are now be ing act out on the high table land. Edward White has a thrifty young growth of hardy apple trees doing well on a 25 acre, non irrigated tract near Madras, hut the trees have not yet reached the hearing stage. ear rnnevule farmerf have home orchard that are demonstrat ing the adaptability of the country to fruitgrowing. In the irrigated districts sur rounding Redmond practically every pettier is setting out a home orchard, while a few are devoting their attention to commercial or chard?. On a tract of 45 acres V. A. Stevens has a promising young or chard fix miles north of Redmond, and Kirk Whited, who has had ex perience in the Yakima country, has another thrifty orchard near town. Joseph Ruckholz, near Redmond has an orchard of 505 trees planted in 1908, which includes a pies. cherries, pears, prunes and plums. Apple varieties meet commonly used are the Duchess of Oldenburg, Yellow Transparent, Arkansas Black, Winter Banana, Winesap, Spitzenberg, Snow, South Carolina Red and Wealthy. Cherry varieties used are Monticello, King. Special, Early Richmond, Royal Anne and. Ring. In small fruits in the irrigated district raspberries generally pro duce the first year. L. D. Weist, whose property adjoins Rend, has produced 7200 pounds to the acre of Gregg raspberries and 9000 pounds to the acre of Cumberlands. Strawberries bear for six months in the year. From the Annual Xum ber, Portland Oregonian. DESCHUTES BOOZE TRAFFIC Continued from inserted page. arrests of bottleggers. The Ilarri man contractors, also, have placed a gate across their road from Mack's Canyon to tne Deschutes, where one can ferry across to Wasco side. This gate is closed to shipments of liquor and also to dissolute women. Last Fall the near-beer saloon thrived immensely in Grass Valley. One place, it is said, was clearing $1200 a month, and it was a resort for scores of railroad laborers go ing to or returning from the con struction work. Finally, officers of Sherman County made tests of the near beer sold and found that it differed from real beer only in the label. The places were closed, but the proprietors declared they purchased the "near-beer" in good faith and blamed the breweries, so were not prosecuted. Oregonian. Fur Sale: Seven room house and four lots, good out-buildings. Can be bad on reasonable terms. Apply to Mrs. Hugh Lister, Prineville, Oregon. e23tf Oregon Agricultural College Winter Courses Jaaaary 4th U FeWaary I8li, 1910. i iKiini worn, tenure ana aemonstration will be given in such vital aul.ject -ieneral Farming, Fruit Culture, Animal Hunbarclry, Poultry-keepim?, the Business Hide of farm ing, Forestry, Carpentry, Biackamitbing, Me chanical drawing, Cooking, hewing, Dress making, Home Management etc. i.,uimi i-.rurseK oegiu January nn ana en.l February UtU, Farmer's Week February A cordial Invitation is extended to all Inter ested. Qnod aecotnidationn mav tie secured at reasonable rales. KoaSie limit above 16 rear. Io enterance requirements Prominent lecturers have been secured for special tuples I he instructional force oi the College numbers 100. fcxeellent equipment. A special feature ii the Farmers' Week which comes this year Feb. 14ih to lti.. Lectures, discussions, and general reunion For further information address Registrar. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- vallis. Oregon. 6 jj For Irrigated Farms jj t anil Fwiiif I inr1 I j) uuu m. a vaaw UU11UO . P IN THE ijj lili WRIT W 1 JONES LAND CO Redmond, Oregon a THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the T 1 1 , xveauonaoie rates. Kemember us when rrineville. Kates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent HIGH SCHOOL L0TES. Continued from page 1. home at Madras tor Christina week. Mit-s Wild Nye, '12, reports a very enjoyable vacation apent at her home on Rear Creek. Saien mi fnvlmta. Guorge Mingers, ol the freshmen class, tpent his holidays at his home near Lamonta. He reports an enjoyable week all too thort. Lee Rowell passed a tew days of his vacation on Upper Crooked river, hunting. , lit killed nothing except time as there was no game to be found. When school closed for vacation, John and Mary McDowell went to their home on Lower Crooked River. After a few days here, Miss Mary went to Redmond where she spent the remainder of the week visiting friends. Miss Vivian llinkle, '13, was the gviest of Mrs. Ralph Sharp of Madras dutjng the holidays. Miss Vivian says she enjoyed her vaca tion immensely. A very pleasant vacation week was epent by Miss Ethel Moore at the home of Mr. (!orge Slayton on Crooked River. Business College. J. 8. Fox, the public stenographer, has taken extra rooms in the Adautson block and is prepared to teach com mercial subjects. Shorthand, Type writing, Bookkeeping and Handwriting. Individual instruction. Any pupil can take any or all subjects. Terms reason able. 1st Presbyterian Church SABBATH SERVICES. Sunday School. 10 a. m Christian Kndeavor, 6:3 m. 30 p. m. Preaching at H a. m. and 7:30 P. m. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Come and enjoy good music and Gopcl preaching. Our polity: In eesentials Charity, in iiou-esaenliala Liberty. N". B. For special notice! tee locals of this paper. CLARE MONT C. BABBHKiE til Minister. Call for County Warrants. Sot tee is hereby flven tht all Crook county warrant! up to ami iuctutliDK neutered No. Sl", will be paid on presentation. Interval ceasva from this dale. Dated thta 16th day ol December. HOW. . r. SIM.. County Treasurer, Crook county. Or. Furs and Hides Wanted Bounty on Coyotes $1.50 Bob Cats 2.00 " Cougar 10.00 After receiving your bounty take your case hides to the Janitor at the Crook County court house, and get highest cash price tor same from HENRY H. CLOW 15 .ii GQim mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, Prssldsnt D. F. Stewart, Vic Prssldsnt O. M. ELKiHa, Caahlar DIREOTOR8: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkini, D. F. Stswart I Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt atten tion 3f33THErHEJ3i3T HARNESS and ISADDLERYl SHOP : K c j iti isz ii ii iai 1- I.. k J. W. B00NEM 7i Prineville, Oregon kk4 day, week or month at . in Time to be Thinking of that Trip to CALIFORNIA via' The Shasta Route AND "Road of a Thousand Wonders" Southern Pacific Company . Th!a is the route of thatmagntficent train SHASTA LIMITED Luxurious equipment, high class oervice, magnificent "or-nerv tan route, and all the pleasing (tntuies that bo to iiinke winter travel easy. Now i the time to fee the OKI Minion, ltoo Holloa Hot Springs, Dtl Monte, iSanU Uarbara, am! other f:iiiiou Wjnit. torts in California, the Land of Sunshine and Flow era. Special Round Trip Rate from Port land 55.00 To Los Angeles, with correfjwndinjr low rait from all other j'ointa iu Oregon and Washington. Liberal Hop ovirs in either direction, with final return limit six months". S IV Acant fitr nttrsftivn hiviklrt Ifornia us a winter I'aradiso, or write to Wm. McMURRHY, Central Passen2er Azent, Portland, Oregon. City Meat Market Horigan & Still, Proprietors ' ' ' I,, i Beef, Pork, Mutton, Wholesale and Retail All Kinds of Sausage Nice and Fresh Home Cured Bacon and Lard. Fish and Poultry in Season. HaMwMaMMaaMHBHBBtMaHawHaaaMaafMMaa Butter and Eggs. Give us a call and we will save you money. Statement of Roioureea and Liabilitiea of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon Al tli. cloa of buainaaa Nov. 16, 1909 KKHDI UI Krt Loan and IHarottnta r-!-v,.!)l M United HUttea Bond J2.!K W Bank rr. mlsen.etc 12.5112 Kedrmption fund Kto W lub A Due from banks 2m,t2 W B. F. AlUa. PruidcDt Will Wnnw.U.r, Vic. Pr.ia.t ' T i AT THE TOP THERE IS ALWAYS ONE THERE ARE NEVER TWO BESTS! , HARPER IS NUMBER ONE THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST I Berahelm Dutillini Co., Louisville, Kr. For 3ale by Silvertooth & Browder, Shaniko, Or. ; H Pi PI ; a. v. .' j' 41 i xx :a..; PI287 Ark any local O. II. & N. or '1 a 111 Krririinr thit iMitiiti,a nf f'uti 111 I.1AI1II.ITIE CaplUI Htock 1 60.000 00 Kurplun Fund to circulation .100 00 I ndlvldod prodU W Individual Unpoalt. m,W3 M iv.n.ns so T. M. Baldwin, Caviar H. Baldwin, Aw'l Cahir Quality Is what the careful buyer in vestigates when purchasing jew elry or watches. We stand be hind the quality of everything we sell we guarantee it to be of the quality we represent it to be WATCH REPAIRING W. FRANK PETETT Jeweler & Optician Prineville, Oregon Shingles, MouJdings, Windows, . Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHI PP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON Slul Ifl'l Sale. Ik lit fir. nit Court ol lli Mat of On fur t'ro Comity. '. A. Mt'V.'iiwui, I'lahttitr, . NftH i.... i llv virtue of dWilloH out o aU.nililMl Court. Ill U.J- !'' '' 'V"' raiire.i-n H' ''til .lay of IWi '. ' utNii a i...l"i''it rviulirl eourl tlUl!illi .l.iyoHKl.Ur. l'i. tu lavor o Hit. nlnno immwl v1"'"" """ (. alM.vt. iiaim-.ldi-f.-ilaiil. Ir tli hmi o ... ... ,., i. i.,i..r...t iiiKrtHiii at llio lala ol iii.r ri'tit ir Biinuin trout Ilia Imh Uy of (1,1. i, aii.lil litK liirlhcr onioMMi ami .1 1. 1 1. .. .mil i iiiirl Unit Hi follow- i,.. iix.l Biim lir.l iirof-'ty. towlli llic wi ki'i Kk'i. swi.. NK'i SIVU ol c .V. m.. n m Kt. W. M , he wil.l l,yl,,'.rii.rillofCn"kCoiiiily.lii'oti In the inaniipr .mvI.I.hI ly law, or rv mu.h ll.rrm.l a. limy riarjf to attlv bi Ju.Ik nl ami Mtl n.- ami v..ili u lif ra-l.v aivrii l.luul 111'tl, 11111 WMM .' uii.. I Killuii Kutiinliiv tin '."'tli day of Immarv lulu, at I lip Imiir ol imp o'clock In tin. aft.-riKHin til nl.l .lay, at Uir front iluor ,.f n, I'.mri li.mui lii tin. t llv ul I'rlnrvlll. t:Mik County. OrvKn, I III or 1 1 at ulH' mi. ii.iiitii tli liit'lir-t hulilcr for III liaml. tlia aliove tlraerihisl real roK'rty, or ... iiui.'h tliprtsif N nmv I Hi lltCMMIV In tha iIkivo liiiluiuriil anil Interval muWiwtn. Kit AN K KI.KlNM.riliprlir, CriM.k County, tircaoit ll.lM.1 tlua tmli ilnv .it I llIU. KIiki Instill lh. ;w. imu. Ial l-ut! Jan '.'7. l 'to. 1 Notic. f.r I'tihlicittloti. Not Coal IjiiuI. Ddiart. of the Inlrrlor, IT, 8. t.iul Dlflc at tit Dall.'M'i'evoti, Dw. hilwr Jlilli. limu Nolle. In lirrpny kIpii tlmt MONKOK W.hMKAI). of Port. Drvktm, who, on AimuM lllli. liiaile ll.iuirstPiKl. IScrlnl .No. 0 .,) " IJ7;il. lorh SK:. H. U an.l S 8W t. SiH'tlon la, TowiiOiln IT rimitti, Hainr If hnat. Wlllnini'tt Mtirldlan, liaa lllfd null of iiiti'iitKui to iiiak llnal llvit-y.iir proof, to rliiiin to til. lamt aliav. iIp M'filil, Iwforv Warn-n llrown, Cminty t ltrk at lit ultiiT. at rrtn.tftlie, lirrgun on III .ir.l ilay of Febrttary, luio. i militant iiittiip a witiitiaM1! ix uirn Ktuituiian, John A. Ilihwii, Caleb Wallait) 1'iMt. all of IVwt tlrirll. IMlip C. W. MOO UK, ItcKltlrr, Notice for I'tihlit'utloit. nt (',! Ijiii,1. 1'i.inrtuiPiil ot the lutprlor. If. H, l.aiul Olllm at 'l ite iull'5, On')toii, Utt-viuhrr at'th, ituxi. Nullt:ii liprt-liy alvrn that JOHN A.tilllMO.V. of 1', who, on July '.Nth, Ha mail. Immi l'Bil. IM-rial No. o.'W.) o. for K', K KS,, SK'i hw"! r.i'ctl.tti Iti, lownnhiti 17 houtn, Hanire I Kt, illaui.tia MiTlillaii, liannlrtt noli. ol inlt'titlun to make tlual ttve-yrar lr,x tu cmlilili i-lniin tu Hi. len.t almv. tle- pcrilx-.l, httfiira Warren llrown, Count Merit at liU ulllt'ti, at I'rlupvlile, Orri(oti on Hip 3rd iiav ol rrruary. imu, t, liiiiunni unnuK n wllu,wa: .Munro. V. Smrail, J,hi I'ont, Calrli layl, Kruuk M. l oxt, all of rol, Orrirou f. W. MIHJRE. Uetllvr. Kotic a for 1'ubllcat n. Nut roal land. I ,-f n 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 ufllia Iiilcrlur. t. S. Land Ulltc nl The lal!M. Owicin, iKi-eiulier Hlh, UMi. Notice U hrrrby iiIvmi that l''r n k Ki-llry, (ifl'uwi'll lliitin. Ort-Koti, lnt, on AiiK'i"t KHh, l'.H'l, lliiiiii-teail, (rAi-rlal Ni. iWiT.M No. XtX, fur W'j HK'i. Sw. 10 and N'j.NK1;. Mttiuit I A. luaimhiii lilaniith, runic II rat, H'illaiitPtto .Mrridlan, ha til 'I nutita of iiilt'titiuii to maka limil livtivi'ar riMif, to .taliliti claUii In tin' Inml abova (luni rlUil, Iwfure Warren llrown. county clerk al hl-t nflU-e, at I'rlnfvillt', Urt'gun, oil the 2ltli tlay of January, lltln. I lilt tun li t tianifN wltlirawa: I'harla It. KoMti r. Mnry tl. llrown, Itii linril M yi-r of I'nwt'll lliittf, tirt'K'in, anil Ntimioi r. Slicpitrd, of i'riiivvillv, Ori-irin. w IT ,i.m i, r., 12-J3p Kcitlnter. Nutlet for Publication. Not coal land. IVpHflmi'iit nf tlii Intfttlnr. II. H. I Jlllil OlDiw, The llnllra. Orrcnn, Drcrlnlier Kill, I'.WO, Notice U lionihy glvt-n that Haniiitd K. r-lii'Dard. of Prliifvllie, UrvKon, who, tut July Sxth, lm. lirndn lliimi'Stfad. (rierlnl No. traail.l No. ritt7. for HKi, aiwtliin S. township IH hi in (li. rHUKi' II I'H-t, W IIIbiih'IU MerUllan dan tiled notice of llilcnlioii to iniiko lina livi-yt'ar proof, to mtablinh claim to the Inml ahovw tlcnfrilwd, U-foro Warren Hrown. countv clerk at hlv ouW. at l'rine- villti, Ort'Kou.ou the 'Mh day of January, 11)10. Cliiimant nnnica an witii-Mt: CharlPS H. KotiT, Frank Kfllcy, Mary 11. llrown, Klanon A. Uunat't, of Powvll Dutle, UrcKon. C. W.MOORE, 12-i'ip lli'ijiiiter, Notic of Float Settlement. Notice In lie-ri-tiy Hlrrn by the iiiulfmlKni'd the adinlnlitraltir ol Itit" Miate ol I'rrry Cm in ilpiwincd, to all pcrwmii liitcrimli-d In Ilia r lute ol bl tlwraneil, that li Inu made anil llu-.l with thvConntv Clerk lila Unal icoiuit ln of hli ailmlnlmratlon ol aald twUle, and (lie County Court h. t Monday, the 7th lay nl Kcb., lflU, at the roomy court room In I'rlin villo. (inKon, the llino anil plam lm hrarlnit and nutUliiK nnld llnal aicuiinllna At which unlit lime nil Mare any Pcnou liili ruHii il In mild numa may appear and oh- led to mini ll tin I aiToiimnnr. lialed this Hilli 1hv of IM'c.. VM. Vt'AKIlM KM. CHAM. Admlnlatriktor ol the eitatj ol l'vrry Cram, do eeaiuu. Notice fur Publication. Not coal land. , IVimrtmi'iit of the Interior, U. H. Land Ullice at The Dulles, Ore. DotH-inlwr Hlh. 1UCJ0. Notice Ii hereby irlven that Cliarlea If. Fooler, of Powell Hutte, OreKuu, who, on June 3rd, r.KH, made liomestoud ( serial No, V,vm), No. for HWKi Hi-ctlon 10, towimiiinlOHouth. Hanee 14 Kant. Wll lainette Meridian, has tiled notice of in tuntion to iniike tinal live-year proof to entuhliHli clniiu to the land ctMveucacrihed, before Warren llrown. County Clerk at hm olllc.e, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 24th day of January, 1910. Clainiuiit name aa witnese! Prank Kellcy, Mary II. llrown, fJeorpo J. Blioliert of Powell Hutte, Oregon, anil Hainuel K. Hhepard of Prineville, Oregon. ia-ap 0. W. MOOUK, Keglater. Contest Notice. Dt'piirtinent of tlie Interior, United BtatoB Lund OIHce. The Dalles, Oregon, De cember 15, lHOf). A aiilllcieiit content alllilnvlt havliiK been filed In tli in olllco by Williiiin Floyd coiitcKtitnt, ngninut lloineiteiid Kntry, No. IWKiH, made April U, looi), for . BW, V'A HK4, Hcotion lis, Townnhiii 13 H, ltuii(.'fl 14 K. Willamette Meridian, by William McKinney. contoetee, in whic.b ft in uliced Unit xuiif William McRintiey'haa wholly abandoned natd tract for moretlian nix montha hiHt; that Biiid tract is not settled upon and cultivated by aald purty as required hy law; that paid aliened al nence waa not duo to li in employment in the army, navv or murine corps of the United Htatea Cn time of war. Halil parties are lierchy nutilicd to ap pear, rcHpond, and oiler evidence touching mtid alli'Kiition at 10 o'clock a. in., on February 14, W10, before Warren llrown, County Clerk, at his otllce in Priucvillo, Oregon, ami that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. ni. on Februury 21, 1910, hefbro the Krister and Receiver at the United tilates Land Ollice in The Dulles, Oregon. . The said contestant having, in a proper aliiduvit. tiled December 3, 11(00, pet lorth liictfl which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be, given hy due and proper publication. 12-23 t 0. W. MOORE, Register. Ml tPtofossional Cards, f(ttrmtfmt-Cmm Ulflo with Uwt. W. llarnr VvaeavVav Ortn CM J. JT. SP. SStlkmmm ZBolknap & Cdivards 01 fr afWw IMkMi't (County fliynlt'Un ) V, ilkM Jip AM mm WVmm JnM Caua Aniiu raoarrtv tut oa Hiaar trr-a tmi nopa or iumu i liavaaruaa Mil in ( Uvuw llbui. Ortfmm tt.Xmmt Prfntmiil. Ortfmm W. A. HELL FRANK MFNFFFIi lawyer Tha Dalhs OrT((in H. F. swofi: Attorn al Law 1'aii.avii.LB. . . tiaauon (i7Ulu:RNIFR " Altornay-al-Law Will prnctlm In all tbatVnrta. time twit dnr to r. ItianlKni'a, Prtnvllla, tirmon 23rik Jf strut. Ortfm. m. cuiott, JfU, Onfmn. Applications For Gruing Permit. Ntitlce) la horcliy ctven Hint nil HiMillcntluna fur mt itilta tit Krnn rnltlt. Imrwa itml alifa-p wllliln tln i)i:stiiirn:.H national koukmt tlurlnir the ki-hhimi ( 1010, muat In nicil in my Hilled nl I'rlnevllii-. On-Kiiii on nr la-furt! I'Vlirimry 21. PJll). t till Inliiriiinluii In rt-uitrt lit llio ltrnlu fit-a tu Int clmrjnl it ml blank furiaa tel lit uaotl lu tnnkltlst aptilk'ittioii will I fnriilahi'tl tiuiti rvtiuittt. A, . 1HI I.AM), Wilier vlaor. 1 tl4t Notice to (Auditor. Notice I hereby Riven, by the under lnnol, the aduiiiiiatrator of lb eataU of Harry W. Ilenneii, dpi-roMxl, to all crvdl tora of and all pernon havliiK clniiim BKaimit the estate of aald deceael to pie eut them, with the proper voiichera, to the underaiitued, at hla otlic In Prtnevllle, Orriron, within ail montun from lite tir t puiilioatlou of thla notice. Dated lliia il.1 day of Ore.. Hull. M. K.KI.I.IOTT, Atlniinlatrator of the e.-tate ol Harry W. Ilennett, deceanrd. li-23 Notice of l liml Accounting. n the Cminty Court ot the Rute ol urefon for cruok Ounty. In the mailer of the ealale of Matthew !lnry Hull, ii -,. t.d. Nolle la liernhv lvrn by the undrralaned, the eaeputrlx and eieeiilor id the alwire en title..! eaiate, lhai thy hV" made an.l filed In the alaive entltleil palate ami court llieir final ai-eoiiut of tin, ailinliilairailiin ol aald eaiaie, and lhat the court liaa an! the 7lh .lay of Feb ruary I'.MUat IU o'clock In the lorennon of aalil ilay, a1 the county courtroom In I'riiievllle, Oreaon, aa the lima ami place for hrarlna: and aullllnx aalil final accoiintlua, Atwhleli time and place any iwraon luiereaied la aald eaUte may apH-ar and uhjerl to aald filial ac.'oiinl In. Iiated January (Ith, Ifllo. Kliialmth Cole Ilnll, execulrlx and T. M. Ilalilwln, eieeiitor of the ealate of Matthew Henry Hull, deveaaed. 1 Netlt' (or Publication. Not coal land. Department of "a Interior, U.S. Land Ollice at Dullea, Oregon, Decendier 11th, lHQU. Notice is hereby given that Alfred T. Htacks, - . of Lamonta, Oregon, ho. on July l.lth.tnos, niadu homimteml, (serial Nn. &M3,i No. IW1B, forttUHWXi tH &K'4 Hcctmn 3ft, Towushin 13 Month, Uange 14 Kast, Wil lamette Merliliun. has tiled notice of In tention to make llnal live year proof, to establish claim to the land attovetleauriiied, liefore Warren llrown. County Clerk, at hla ollice, at Priucvillo, Oregon, on the 2fitlt day of January, 1010. Claimant nuniea as witnesses! Qoorgo Hendricks. Walter Helfrich, Abel W. Morford of Lamonta, Oregon, and Jlattlo Oulnn, of O'Neil, Oregon. PMMp 0. W. Mooait, RegUter. Katie for Publication. Not Coal land. Department of the Interior. ' U. H. Land Ollice at The Dalle, Or., , , . December 17th, 10K), Notice is hereby given that Nathan It. Iteach. of Powell Hutte, Oregon, who, on Nov. IHth. 1004, mado Homestead, Heriai No. 0337 No. 14014, forHKX, aeetion 21, township 10 H, Uange 14 F.ast, Willumette meridian, has Mod notice of Intention to make llnal live-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren flrown, county clerk, at his olllcn at Prineville, Oregon, on the Mill duy of January, 10H). Claimant tiuines aa witnesses! Klansmi A. Husset, Charles II. Foster, George Hhobert, Kichurd Meyer, all of Powell Hutte, Oregon. 12-Z'lp C. W. MOOKE, Register. Notice for Publication. Not Coal Land. Department of the Interior, ; U. b. Lund Ollice, The Dal lei, Oregon .. , . . , Deoember 8th, 1000, Notice is hereby given that Mary II. Drown, of Powell Butte, Oregon, who, on December 10th, 1003, made bomesteaiUscriul No.03O43 ) No. 13111. for N WJ4, and W NKK.Hec. 10, township 10 south, range 14 east, W. M., has filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described liefore Warren Drown, comity clerk, at his ollloe at Prineville, Oregon, on the 24th day of January, 1010. ' Olitlmant names ns witnesses. Charles H. Foster, Frank Kelley, Richard Meyer of Powell Hutte, Oregon, Samuel K. Bhepard of Prineville, Oregon. U-23P C. W. MOORK, KcgiNler,