0 Are Always . Reasonable!!! irnces While We are not having a reduction sale, yet our patrons know that our prices will compare favorably with those of any house in Central Oregon. Our stock is complete in all departments. We invite you to call whether you buy or not. The W. F. King Company, Prineville, Oregon M. N LOCAL MENTION Mix Stella Young 1m home from Pvirtlllllll t(l H'llt till' ll.llldll.VH. Mr. iiml Mr. I.edford returned Hntunliiy from 11 Unit In Portland. Itev. ltiullinl went t Irfildlnw Wednesday to hold n revlvnl iin't'1 Iiik- Mm. ChnrleaChrlMlnnl and children are now nt Cllne Fnlla vNIUng rela tive. ' The Infant on of Mr, mid Mm. T. It. Zell Is iiiltti sick with typhoid f'vi'r. Mr. Wliltla, who Is with Clifton & Cornet t. left Sundiiy for a short visit to the Willamette valley. Arnotil & Storms have oisMicd a Jobbing shop In the Itelkiinp bidding. They repair furniture, clean citrpets, ttC. W. T. King lift the first of tlu week with hi family for Portland where hi children art attending m'hool, Tht Artisan InalHllcd their ollleer tor the following year, Inst Monday night. After a iliort program, mi elaborate lunrh vu served. Mix Clam Horncy, who hu Ihvii attending the Whitman College In Washington, Im left that Institution niul taken up her studies lit Moscow, Iilalio. THE PEOPLE ARE FROM MISSOURI We Have Shown Them We have shown the buying public that at leant one "Ceaaiue Sle" ha at Uxt taken place in Prinsvllta, There have U-cn some so-called "Sales" in our pity, which htvo not k'ivoii thn buy in sr imblic any advantage in reduc tion. The generous, patronage the public bus given its in the first three opening day ot our Cash Halo Ih proof tlmt nurn i a Cianine Price ReaWiBI Salt, lllid is sppret'lil- teil a aueli by the buying pii(lic. Kemeuiber, everything in our Immense stock ia greatly reduced, we do not reserve a single item. FOSTER & HYDE Cash Sale I Groceries Hardware 1 : : i 1 1 1 1 ' : ifTnlEal il I 'J'RAPS" We now have in stock a complete line of Steel Game Traps in all sizes, both Newhouse and Victor. . .VTainrr &y Joe Hrilelzer Im reported to 13 liav Ing tt siege of nppenilleltlM. HolM-rt Ilea wn In the pity from Madras on business thla week. Mis Irene tarne Im learning the nrt of typesetting In the Jourtiul olllee. A. II. Llppmnn and Company have a force of men rutting saw log on Willow Creek. Frank LnfolIetU lina returned from n visit to Portland and Pull nian, Washington. Mrs. C. M.Trlplett and Mis Hynes of Hend wcra passenger to the mil road by auto, Wednesday. Mr. and Mra, Alex Thomson left Wednesday morning for a vlalt In LuOrande and later, Portland. MImh Jane ('. Allen who- haa lHen teaching on McKay Is now engaged In the public aehoola of the city. Mra. Louis (Hdtleld of Portland arrived Tueadny and la a guest at the home of her sister, Mra. Colllna W. KlkltiM. Mra. M. A Hoblnaon, Klta Itot.ln aoii and Mra. Llnna H. Wood of Madras spent several dnya In town thla week. The Polndexter hotel la again un der new inniiHgeiiient. Olniated hrothera and Alva (illlata have thnrp f kitchen nud Park Donk, the beda. Mra. Jamea Montgomery wna called to Portland laat wwk by the erloua lllneaa ot her daughter, Mra. V, T. Fogle. She wna mTothpanled by her aon Charles. . tleorge MlllU nn cnnie In from the Cine Mountain country the laat of the week. Ileaaya that cattle are doing fairly well on the desert, not withstanding the cold weather. Twenty la-low aero la rvjxirieu na the temiH'rature at Henry Carlln'a ranch on Hear Creek laat Sunday night. The therniometer rrglatered 4 below In I'rlnevllle that night. Colburn Mel'lieraon waa In town thla week from llaycreek. He had an Accident the other day canned by a wagon seat breaking and fell out on the frown ground, brulalng his face very paluftilly. The annual number of the Port land Orcgonlnu contained the bewt write-up Central Oregon ever had. There Ih uo tllHcountlng Its advertla Ing value to this country. Our mer chantable and marketable resources will receive wide publicity at an op portune time. A large Immigration la sure to come this way the coming summer. We'ure advised by Edward A lienls, the U. 8. weather man of Portland, that he tried to get a tele phone message to Prlnevllle on New Year's day notifying stockmen of the approaching cold spell but could not on account of the wires being down. When It's possible such ad vance information will be scut to the local weather man here for dissemi nation. Jo Eo LOCAL MENTION J. (1. dark, of Aahwood Is In town thla week to have aotne dental work done. Harold llahlwln, of the First National Hank, returned Sunday from a visit In Portland. Chnrlea Whltsett, who has lxi-n a business visitor la I'rlnevllle, re turned to his home at Madras the first of the week. Wade Huston, since the expiration of hla term as city marshal, has re sumed his vocation as a surveyor. Ills card apiears In this issue. Attorney W. A. Hell writes the Journal that himself and family are now located at The Ihilles. His residence address Is No. 305 Fast Eighth Street. The revival meeting held In tlie I'nlon church will continue this week. Interest Is growing. The pastor Is doing the preaching. Come with us and we will do thee good. C. P. llailey, pastor, tiny E. I.afollette, a nephew of Senator Lafollett of Wisconsin and a relative of the loenl family of the same name, Is on his way here to look over the country with a view to locating. Mr. Lafollette Is a news paperttinn. If you have no other place of wor ship, the First Presbytcrlati Church Invites you to their church home one block east ot the court house. Sub ject for morning, "Preparing the Way for the King." Evening theme, "The Prodigal Sou." Ilench warrants have lioen Issued by Federal Judge Wolverton against Flam Faught,T. J. Ferguson and J. C. Houston for unlawfully fencing public lands. All three Informations are practically the same, and refer to the enclosing ot large tracts of grac ing laud In Crook County. W. A. 1W1 and Frank Menefee, attorneys-at-law, have formed a co partnership with others at The Dal les and Prlnevllle. Mr. Hell still owns his own odlce and library at thla place and will make occasional visits, especially for the circuit court. The annual stock holders meeting of the Central Oregon Livestock & Agricultural Association will be held nt the olllces of the secretary lu the Adamson block over the post office, on Saturday, January 15, 11)10, at 2 o'clock p. in. Formal notice will be found lu another column. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Smith, assisted by Mrs. M. It. Ulgge, gave a very .pleasant watch party New Year's eve. About tweuty guests were present. The evening was passed playing tllueh nud five hundred. Mrs. Smith and Messrs. Doonar and Ken nedy furnished music with piano and violin. Miss Maggie, tilaxes'nng sev eral good solos. A fine lunch wue served at midnight after which host and hostess received the liest wishes of departing guests. Stewart A 99 C Rifl he Dick Mulholland of Hear Creek Is in town this week. Iogan McPherson was In from Powell Buttes, Wednesday. W. I). Hnrnea of Latdhiw was a county seat visitor yesterday. Miller Mcriierson of Haycreek Is In town on business this week. J. F. Hlanchard and Jesse Endes of Madras were In with grain yesU-r- Mr. and Mrs. Itutherford of New aoui Creek are visiting relatives in Prlnevllle this week. Mrs. O. Prose has resigned her po sition as teacher In our pu blic schools. Miss Allen bos taken her place. The Odd Fellows and- Hebekahs will hold their Joint installation Sat urday, January 8. A grand time is expected. Misses Etta Dasr and Orpha Wright spent a few davs of last week at O'Nell, as guests of Miss Mary McDowell. The Prlnevllle Flouring Mill Is now using steam power for grinding pur poses. This will te necessary until warmer weather sets in. Hen Jones and son started for Shaniko Monday, with one hundred and twenty head of leef cattle be longing to Howard and Hrown. The ladles of the Methodist church will give a silver tea at the parson age, next door to the church. Friday afternoon from 2.30 to 5 o'clock. An Invitation is extended to the eentle iien as well as to t he ladies. At the First Methodist church for Sunday the 9th "The Victory of Faith' will lie the subject for the morning service. The one ftr the evening will be "The Ruling Pas sion." Sunday school at 10 a. in., J unlor League at 3 p. m. and Senior league at 6.30. Let us liegin the new year with renewed consecration to the services of the Lord. Several new townwites, or- ad ditions to towns already established, are now before the county court. Don Steffa bus platted the town of Kenwood, Just opposite Hend, which has been accepted by the county court The Mudras addition to Pnl- innln and a sub-dlvlslon of Palmaln were both tiled by Holiert Ilea. The Mayfair addition to the town of Palmaln, filed by Thomson, Macleod & Neill, was also accepted with the other plats. During the first three days of our sale we did as much cash business as in the entire 30 days of January 1909, which shows we have reduced our prices and the public know a genuine sale from a fake. Foster & Hyde. Special Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the animal meeting of the stockholders af the Central Oregon Livestock and Agricultural Association will be held at the ottlce of the Secretary, rooms 10, 11 and 12, Adamson building, over post ottice, Prineville, Oregon, at 2 p. m. on Saturday, January 15th, 1910. All stockholders are requested to be present either In person or by prosy. J. S. FOX. Secretary. Room 10 Adamson block, Prineville, Oregon, 12 30 Safe Place to Trade. tVi liia Aiirnmatir Rifle and Reneatinff Shotfifun Priceson h New Year' Reception. The Ladies' Annex of the Com mercial Club kept "opsa boose" on the afternoon of New Year's day for the members and their friends. While the matrons received and presided in tbe refreshment room, the young ladies served and as sisted in entertaining the guests. During the afternoon several mu sical selections, both vocal and instrumental, were rendered which added much to the pleasure of the callers. The club parlors and library were transformed into veri table bowers of beauty by means ot The R. D. Co. wants FARMS, RANCHES, CITY PROPERTY We have the b,nyerg, either , here now or on the way List with us for speedy sales REALTY DEVELOPMENT CO. 10 Adamson Block PR1NEYILLE, OR ll fc i J MiWI Crad Euro ScbMl Book CaaMra SaapHM Jewelry Wan Paper D. During the cold weather hot fires are a necessity In every home, so is a dry chemical fire extinguisher needed In each house for the pre vention of fires liable to result from stove pipes and chimneys burn ing out Call and inspect our extinguishers. . 0. P. Adamson & Co. DRUGGISTS Company evergreen streamers, bells, artificial j greens and roses, the w hole male j ing an especially pleasing and artistic effect in the soft candle light. The afternoon reception was followed by an evening of Five Hundred, which was greatly en joyed by all who participated. Tbe paizes were awarded Mrs. Doonar and Mr. Bernier who held the two highest scores. The evening closed with music and lunch and all de parted hoping that 1910 may bold many such delightful affairs. Hons for Sale Four-room boose, two lot oriale; north aide. Inquire at tliiaoflice.3 P. Adamson DRUGGISTS D I O Joint Installation. Welcome Camp No. 3G33 It. N. of A. and Prlnevllle Camp No. !W3 M. W. of A. will hold Joint Installation on Tuesday evening, Jan. 18th. 1910, at the Helknap hall. Refreshments will lie served and a short program given. Royal Neighbors and Modern Wood men are Invited to bring their fa ml Iks. Committee. 3t WADE HUSTON Surveyor Homestead locations a specialty Prinerilla. Orefo Millinery Clearance Sale EEC1NS THURSDAY, JANUARY ( Trimmed hats, $10 values $fl M Trimmed hats, IS.OUvaluea 5 60 Trimmed hats, S3.00 values 3 90 Street hats f 2 50 and $3 at 1 50 Cap regular 75c and f 1.00, at 25c Veils from .25c to 1 50 TolKvgan caps 25c lilies' wool gloves....- 25c Children's wool gloves 15c Ladies' sweaters from $1 to f 1 50 Specinl bargains in silks, satins, vel vets, ribbons, etc. Must have room for mf Spring Stock. Mrs. Estes Corner 2d and Main Streets PRINEVILLE, OR. & Co Masical lastraeats Mafaia Lewaey'i CaaJJes Statiaaery Cif ara Dry Goods Shoes jgy Tf riH " V J' al Will ata-4 , w w wjj - .. J . a 01 all are guaranteed to be RIGHT. j ' - - m t