TexU-The coming of the Railroad. ARGUMENT: Ja. J. HOI promises a railroad completed into Central Oregon by next fall. Our great sale is genuine; selling at actual sacrifice, to reduce all our surplus stock. A Mighty-, tuuendous Store will be closed all day Tuesday to arrange o our bargains. Doors will open at 9 a. m. Wednes day on the greatest aggregation of sacrificed merchandise ever placed before the people. Clearance Sale Begins Wed I TT 5th a. m, During the entire month of January we will continue to give to the buying public the greatest value for money ever shown. Be an early buyer. Do not wait. Your neighbor will come. Be on hand at our Opening at 9 a. m., January 5th. CO a ctf "S) cd a, CO Clothing. lot l. 23 Men's wool suits sites 34s to SS made in good style bet of Mtwn and serge lining, regular price $12.50 to $15, now , 7.45 LOT 2. 17 Men's all wool suits, sixes 35 to 44 heavy weight garments silk sewed handworked button-hole, regular $ 16.50 to $22.50 suits, now $9.09 LOT 3. Men's heavy Kersey Ulsters, double breasted, high storm collar, made very large and roomy, regular price 115.00, daring sale, $9.30 LOT 4. Men's medium "weight overcoats, fashionable cut, velvet collar, suitable for nice wear, are in dark shades, regu lar $12.50, sale pi ice $7.39 LOT 5. Boy's knee pant suits, ages 3 to 5, made in elegant style, of all wool goods, heavy weight, prices $3.00 to $4.00 now $ 1.95 LOT G. Boys ki.ee pant suits, ages 8 to 15, same grades, prices $5.00 to $6.50, on sale at $3.29 LOT 7. Men's heavy brown duck coats, heavy blanket lined, corduroy collar, splendid $2.23 lined $2.25 -$1. value $3.50 now selling at LOT 8. Men's waterproofed blanket coat, medium weight, regular value now LOT 9. Men's extra heavy duck coats, lambs wool lined, fleece collar, regular j rice $7.00 now $4.93 LOT 10. Men's corduroy coats, heavy woi 1 lining, selling regular at $5.00 $:!.17 LOT 11. Boy's waterproof coats with heavy lining, regular $1.50 values, now 98c 3 a n 1 Hi Several men's and boy's elegant Nor folk style corduroy 7 H3 8u't8 at exactly 1-3 J, 11 it .? LA off regular price. These are all strict ly up to date, high grade and are bargain?. o GO Men's Furnishings. New felt hats in $2.09 and $3.00 grades at 89c. , New felt hats in $2.75 to $3.50 grades at..T. $1.23 Heavy fleeced underwear, regular 75c at per garment 39c. Heavy wool fleeced underwear, regular $1.25 value now 97c, Heavy cotton ribbed underwear regular 65c values, Dry Goods. lot S8. Fancy plaid Outing flanne's, 21 inches wide, several doien bright patterns, suitable for comforts and children's night dresses, sacrifice price, 16 yards for 97c. LOT 39. Heavy fleeced outings, regular 121!. grade, in 10 yard lengths, for 89o. LOT 40. Heavy dress flannelette of best grade, in large variety of patterns, regular 12.igC, in 10 yard lengths 33 Heavy "blackhide" shirting in red, blue and black, regular 10 2-3 c, salt price . lle Heavy Amoskeag apron gingham, regular 10c grade, special, 12 yards for $1.00 Wide red table Damask, good texture and heavy weight, regular 50c ft'ade, sale price 29c Best grade colored table Damask, absolutely fast colors, regular price 75c, special at ..53c Krinkledown, suitable for chil dren's coats and buggy robes, regular 65c grade, special during sale, only 39c Ladie's Clothing. LOT 19. Ladie's heavy weight Kersey coats, very long, well made, all in dark colors, and latest style.", price regularly $15.00, eale price $10.49 LOT 24. Ladie's fancy dress skirts in latest styles, materials either panama or pro mi 1 1 a cloth, regular prices $0.25, selling now at $3.79 LOT 25. . La He's dress skirts, in Her ringbone serge splendid styles and bet shades former price $7.50, special Bale price $4.37 LOT 29. Misses skirts, heavy Prunella cloth, in shades of green, blue, London smoke, etc., selling at $5.00, on sale at. $3.29 Children's coats all at 1-3 reduction. Mieees coats all at 1-3 reduction. LOT 93. Ladie's tan covert coats, very neat and stylish, collars of self material, semi-fitting Lack, extra length, sold close of $10.00, your choice at $0.39 Bleached bath towels, small, each 7sC Bleached bath towels, good size, each . 10c Heavy bleached bath towels, large, each 19c Heavy bleached bath towels, very large, each 27c Fancy bordered huck towels llc Sweaters. LOT 47. Iji. lie's all wool sweaters in fancy weaves, extra length, very popular gar ment, colors ret), gray and white, sells readily at $3.00, sale price $2.39 LOT 43. Indies high grade sweater coats, in heaviest weaves, beautiful color combi nations, excellent value at $4.00, re duced to . $3.27 LOT 52. Children's all wool sweaters, with or without pockets, hand somely bordered, sizes 23 to 34 in., splendid value at $2 50, now priced at $1.83 LOT 53. Children's all wooi sweaters, slightly inferior to lot 52 but warm and heavy', regular $1.50 value, reduced to $1.19 LOT 64. " Men's wool mixed sweater coatu ,in tan or green, medium weight, very handsome, regular at $2.00, on sale LOT 67. ' Men's all wool sweaters, in great va riety of colors, heavy weight, reguhir $3.50 value at $2.37 LOT 73. , Large assortment of small sweaters for children, all good weights, include $1.50 anil $2.00 values, your choice, sacrifice price 63c Fine dania-k lied spreads, good me, our regular $1.50 value, reduced $1.03 Beautiful fringed bed fpread, very large, our special $2.00 grade, at..-... 1.33 Our wonderful $2.50 bed spread, very handsome weave, scalloped edges and cut corners, now only $1.69 White and colored cotton blankets in sheet size, original 85c grade for 53c Regular 11-4 cotton blankets, borders either blue or pink, regular $1.50 grade, now 03c Beautiful heavy cotton plush blankets, very large, s-jlling at $2.25 f 1.63 Oregon City wool blankets in gray or mottled vicuna colorings, actual weight 5 proumls. actual .(size 60 x 80 inches, regular $6.00 grade, sacrifice price $4.98 Heavy bleached muslin pillow slips, 42 x 36, sale price per pair '. 34c Heavy tleached muslin sheets, 81 x 90, sale price, each 72c Heavy bleached muslin sheeting, 8-4 wide, regular 35c value, at 27,'c Heavy bleached muslin sheeting, 9-4 wide, regular 40c value, at 33c Heavy bleached muslin shce'ing 10-4 wide, regular 45c value, at 37Jc .White Skirts. 75c grade at $1.00 grade at $1.25 grade at $ 1.50 grade at $2.00 grade at .........53c .... 77c .. 97c $1.13 '...1.49 Muslin Drawers. 40c grade 32c 60c grade 37c 75c grade . 57c New finc) border dress print, our regular 8 l-3o grade, IS yard $1.00 Rubber Footwear. Wc promise you the greatest saving possible in any l.ind or clime. The pricta we mention cannot 1 duplicated. Theim bargains are worthy of earnest effott to sblain as they will not be re peated within the next decade. Men's heavy 4 buckle overshoes, sell regularly at $3,00, sate price $1.98 Men's 1 buckle scow excluders, rolled edges, r( gular $.'.25 values, at. $1.40 Men's hljh laced uiotormena to wnir itli Oermau sox, selling at $3.50... $1.69 Ladie's 1 .buckle snow excluders, regular $1.63 grade, at . t)8c La lie's 2 buckle overs, regular $2 00 grade, at $1.39 Miites 1 buckle artics, price.: 72.- Misses rublwr overshoes, per pair, 3to Children's rublier overshoes, p-r pair , 3." Children's 1 buckle arctics, per pair 62c Chilhren's rubbjr boots per pair $ 1.13 The Last Sale of Winter Millinery. S"'A' LOT 7. All hats $0.00 to S 10.00, sacrificed at $2.19 LOT 9. All hals 13.00 to $5.50, -sacrificed at f 1.20 LOT 13. All hats unclassified, your choice at S'.k. Tain O'Shanters, all finished In long wool, 75c nd f 1.00 grailes at .57c- This is the greatest saving ever offered and is without regard to the actual worth or cost. Be early at the Millidery Department. Ladies' Petticoat.-. TIB Wm ill Itant-'some black "Mohaie" sateen, made ith flounce-tucks and dust rul'le, our leader at $1.25, sale price... l8e F.stra wide Hetherbloom, in variety of colors, with wide or narrow stripes, splendid value at f 1.60, on rale at $1.19 Light weight. Heatherbloom, plain shades, very wide flounce, with pin tucks ami hemstitching, our bet $3.C0 grade, sale price $2.17 Dress Goods. We show an up-to-date assortment ranging in price from 15c to $2 00 per yard, on which the price lias been re duced in accordance with the general policy of this sale. Our 'sal s people will gladly show these various lines. Our out of town customers please send for sample and prices. Outings heavy l'-"8c grade, 10 yard pieces. , ..8SK Boy's Children's and Missess Shoes. Will be lound plainly marked at ex tremely low prices. The story is too long to tell here. We promise you something sensational in low prices. Ladie's Shoes. Ladie's kid dress shoes in handsome styles, our $3.00 line, price! at $2.29 Ladles fine kid shoes, odds and ends, include values to $5.00, sacrificed at $1.49 Corset Covers. 40c. values at 75c values at ..32c ..57c Underwear. adin's heavy fleeced underwear In snow white bleach, "Royal Mill's Mfg.," our regular 50c garment, sale price 43c Ladie's extra heavy fleeced underwear, positively the lest 75c value ever shown. colors white or "peeler," on sale 69c Ladie's extra size, gray vests, otdy, very heavy fleeced, regular 65c, on sale to close at , 43c Children's cotton fleered underwear, per garment, 14c to 37c according to size. Mfsttca heavy union suits, sixes 4 to 11 years, selling regularly at 65c. now priced at 49c Boy's heavy gray anion suits, all sizes, in warm fleeced ribbed work, our price 65c reduced to 52c Lace Embroideries. All 7c laces at ........4c All 8 1 3c laces at 5c All 10c laces at.... 7c All 15c laces at 11c All 20c laces at -14c All 25c laces at ; , 18c All 8 l-3c embroideries at ; .". 5c All 10c embroideries at 7c ' All 12J-aC embroideries at 9c All 15c embroideries at 11c All 20c embroideries at 13c All 25c embroideries at 17c Men's Overcoats. LOT 83. Heavy gray hoimopun, tet grade, cut in ulster effect, ' Colleglau" style, value $."0.00, !e pike ; f I2.U". LOT 87. Men's heavy black Melton automobile coats, very stylish and strictly up to date, $22.50 value, now at ..... $14.25 LOT 93. Boy's ulnters, bmvy Immfftpun, new. est style, 12 to 10, ?''.'( values at $1.75 LOT no. lUiy's "CoIlcEittii" overcoats, ages 10 to III, $'.).(H) value, sale ptico.. $0.2 LOT 98. Jtoy'f uMert), siteiiH to ll,giK.l length, lati'xt style, all neat garments and splen did v .lines at $0.00, reduced to $1.23 LOT 23. Men's waterproofed maciuaws in nil wool, hard shrunk, regular $3.50 gar- m.Hits, at, - . $2.47 Shoes. 0 I I Men's heavy tan Kip Bluchcr, 7 inch top, genuine "Chippewa," fully wuter. proofed, oak tan sole, regular $1.50, during sale at $3.29 Men's high top Engineer luce bo)t, 11 incii top, hcavp grain, outfide coun ter, doublo sewed, regular $5.00 grade, reduced to '.. $3 98 Men's 'Health and Walk Krtsy" dress shoes, special fu!t Insole, most comfort able shoo made, si.eB 6 to 7,'B' only, gold at $5.50, to close at ; $2.89 Men's patent calf dren shoes, in bent lasts, regu'ur $1.50 to $(1.50 values, soiling at $2.99 White Waislings. Now is the time to buy your wuistings, , 25c waiittingsat igc .'!5c waitings at 21c 40c w aitings at 32c 45c waitings at Grocery Specials. One pt. best liqui J blue, 11c ; 1 bar Diamond C soap, 4c. ; 1 bar gaeene soap, 6c. ; 1 can Bee tine cleanser, 8c. ; 1 can Dutch cleanser, 9c j 1 25c package Schil lings Best tea, 18c. ; 1 9 pound sack May flowor rolled oats, 45c. ; 1 can Diainon d W blackberries, 21c. FREE with every 50j purchase in our grocery department, a 10c bar of excel lent scouring soap will be given. Goods sold during this sale are guaranteed to be as represented or money will be refunded. Mail orders will be promptly filled. Tickets on Dinner Sets given as heretofore. Prices mentioned are for cash or bankable 30 day notes. Sale begins Wednesday, January 5th at 9 a. m. Darly buyers get the choice of bargains. This clearance sale is planned with the determination to make its prices, its variety, its general scope, more acceptable to the public than anything we have yet arranged. There can be no other Great Sale in Prineville at this time, our superb stock, the arrangement of our store, the immense variety of our lines, and our prices as you will readily see gives to you the opportunity of the year. Take advantage of the great savings we offer. This sale means a clear gain to the people of this country amounting to thousands of dollars. Hardware Specials. ' One 75c galvenized ''wire cloths line, 19c; 1 No. 0 white enamel tea ketlle08c; 1 "Nesco" heavy tin Hour sifter 14c; 1 foot warmer $1 09; 1 dozen foot warmer bricks 89c; large . Wilson stylo heater $8.79; large Wilson stylo heater $7.52; large front draft heater $7.20; one joint pipe and damper with each heater pur. chased. c. w. (INS CO regon fflPANY, Prineville, 0