r The Place to Save Money THE LEADER The Place to Save Money A Happy New Year! TOYLAND Headquarters for Prineville Our .lore is rrpiVle wtlh Toys and Dolls llial all children love. Our assortment ol Toys, thai please ihe lillle lollts, is compl. li;. We cannot enumerate the hundred ol articles ready lor your inspection. Bring in the children. Let them see what we have, such as Dolla, Doll Trunka, Gamea, Mechanical Toys, Toy Cook Stovea, Child's Sad Iron., Saving Banks, Doll Buggies, Go-Carta, Doll Bureaus, Chairs, Wheelbarrows, Wagons, Etc. We alw) have a bcautilul selection ol Toilet cases. Collars and Cull Boxes. Manicure Sets. Albums and IVl card Alliums. Our fancy imported hand-painted crockery is all new and our stock is lull, lut make your elections early, L Michel, - Prineville Oregon Shaniko Is Great Shipping Point A tlivpatch from Hhaniko to the Journal aay: "At a distributing jKiinl (or central Orrson, Hhaniko i doing a record Wealing l.UMine.e. From Heptemtt r 1 to iHcember 1 there waa received nt the depot here .'U? carload of general narchan diio for central Oregon, a grand total of H,C17,0H pound of freiglpt. Thin frerlit wan all teamed to interior point, onm as far south at Silver I.ko, wiles from Hhaniko. Indications are that Prineville, MadrM, Bend, l.amonta, Mitchell, Dayville and a dozen amallei town are doing a record breaking busiiieaa judging from the. unusually large contdgniucnU for these places. Owing to the impana able, conditions of the road throughout the south, which has Made teaming practically impos aihlo thin month, the warehouses are congested with freight. The niain freight hou."e, which is COO feet in length by TO feet in width practically blocked. Merchants in the interior are offering fancy prices for delivery of thir waree. As to a Kiock shipping point Shaniko can well be proud of her record. She shipped, from August 1 to Ieceuilier 1, 420 cars of live stock, mostly cattle and sheep, September and October being the banner months wilh 121 and 182 cars respectively, A great portion of the cattle went to Portland markets while abeep were shipped to Montana, Idaho, Colorado, I'tah and Wyom ing grazing grounds before being placed on Chicago and Omaha mar kets. As h wool market Shaniko is sur passed by none in the West. Last reason approximately 4,000,000 pounds w marketed at prices ranging mm 14 to i-ij cents per pound.' As in several years past Shaniko had the, distinction of re ceiving the highest prices paid in the West. Shaniko was tho only point in Oregon, lust season, where the sealed bid wool sales were held. This is accounted for by the fact that throughout eastern Oregon and Idaho extensive contracting was carried on. Practically all wool except that consumed by mills in Oregon is baled and ship ped to Huston, le juiring 07 cars to move last aeasou'a output from! Shaniko alone. ISoth Porter Prothers, Hill con tractors and Twohy brothers, with the Harriman road, have made contracts with many local team sters for a year' work transporting supplies to the Deschutes river. Teaming to river points is a strenu ous task owing to the difficulty in constructing a safe wagon rood from the top of the hill to the river. In come places the distance is about four miles of very steep grade. Shaniko has, it is claimed, more than doubled in population within tho past six months. Thirty-eight buildings have been completed with possibly a dozin more under . construction. Throughout the residence portion many families are living in tents. The Eastern Oregon Hanking company, the only bank ing house in the southern portion of Wasco county, has deposits of more than $120,000 more than at a corresponding time last year. Booze Traffic in Deschutes Canyon At a lonely ppot near the Des chutes Canyon, on the road from The Dalles toj I ill's new ferry, a cave has been hollowed out of the side of a hill. A door, covered with cement and earth, conceals this cavo from the closest scrutiny. Yet if one knocks at a curtain place, the door swings open and reveals a stock of liquors and a price card. No one is in sight, and the person who enters may leave the required amount of money and carry away as much of the liquor as he wants. This is what is known as a "gal lon hill," or rural blind pig, and is one of the means used for unlaw fully grasping the opportunity offered by thousands of workmen engaged in labor in a lonely canyon where there are no opportunities for recreation or the spending of hard earned money. The liquor ob tained at a "gallon bill" is said to be something like a concoction of sheep dip and alcohol. The contractors for both railroad companies are using their efforts to keep "booze" off the work, but in instances they are not wholly able t accomplish their purpose. Sher ar'rf Bridge has become a sort of rendezvous for bootleggers. Boot leggers, in vehicles similar to those used by traveling quacks, have driven along the work. The bottles are arranged in a compartment in the rear of the vehicle and the pur chaser helps himself after deposit ing his money in a convenient slot The Deschutes River 'divides Sherman from Wasco County .Much o! the Harriman work is in Sherman County and the balance in Crook County. Poth counties are "dry." Wasco County still permits the saloon, however, and on that side of the river eemi-legiti mate "gallon houses" have been established, where the proprietors have Government licenses, permit ting them to tell liquor in quanti ties of not less than ono gallon which must not be drunk on the premises. It is told, however, that a request for "near beei" produces a drink of the genuine article, and that a call for "California grape juice" will bring out something in small quantities that tastes whole lot like brandy. sales in gallon quantities are not very profitable to the gallon houses, as it requires five ordinary quart whiskey bottles to make gallon and the price is fo. workman who will stand at a bar and buy drinks aggregating $5 or more in tne course ol the evening will not, as a rule, purchaso $5 worth of whiskey at one throw and carry it away with him. Wasoo County ofliicials aie active, however, and have made several Continued on last page. Maddux and Wife Refuse to Testify "Mrs. Hazel Maddux, acquitted r n a charge of manslaughter in con nect'mn with the death of Mrs. C lara May lira I, and Patrolman Clifford W. Maddux, her hut-band, were de clared in contempt by Presiding Judg'i i'ronsugb in the circuit court fr th-ir refusal to answer questions before the grand jury lat-t Wednesday;" says the Journal. "The court fined each one f 25 and ordered them to jail if they still refused to testify. They agreed o answer all questions, and were taken In-fore the jury. The judge said that Mrs. Maddux was a witnecs before the grand jury, the same as any other witness and that she could not claim an exernp- ion on the ground of incriminat ng herself because she bad been ac quitted by a trial jury. "The decision of the court came after a hearing that lasted all morning. Foreman W. J. McConv tier and F. E. McC'urdy of the erand iurv told of the war that iody bad been defied by Mrs. Mad dux and her husband, after they had been informedtbat the investi gation concerned the charge sgainsl Frank E. Hodman, and was in no way connected with the case of Mrs. Maddux, who has already een acquitted. "Mrs. Maddux and Rodman were jointly charged with the respons-i ility for the death of Mrs Real when she was run over by a party of joy riders on the Linton ,road After Mrs. Maddux was freed by i iury the joint indictment was quashed by Judge I'ronaugh as de fectiveand the case of Rodman or dered re submitted to the grand jury. Mrs. Maddux and herpolice- uian' husband were then informed by their attorneys that they need not testify before the grand jury re garding Rodman, on the ground that she has already baen acquit ted. "Mr. Maddux also refused' to answer after he had told us his name and stated that be was police officer," continued McCurdy "Finally I said to him myself, this your idea of the method by which an officer of the law should proceed to bring criminals 4CM WKSW- 35r?"W- SI2B- -TT -CS- -SSM- CS3- -tSS"C35- i PICTURES MOULDING FRAMES si . . ' I V.I t LINOLEUM MATTING SANiTOS t-..z!h CAPITAL -irrrV. Parfar 'in t . ' , - . V De.3i$r ( ' ' ' ' , ' eirta ' ' j Operation r.i 7 fi ""',1 "" mi -y -'J 7TW 1 !,Q!v . FOR; Furniture Carpets Ranges Hardware A N JD Building Materials GO TO . LIPPMAN it and Save 25 Cents on the Dollar ' 0 1 ... 1 - : i 1',' rs , - cc.-hict Vv- A, H CO. to ihe Vvinnek L oanv MEN'S SHOES Every pair positively guar anteed. $3.00 to $5.00 EDISON Phonographs $22, $30, $40 Easy Terms J m q All Furniture 331 per cent off All furniture 33J per cent dis count during Janu ary 1910. iJjj Jewelry, Watches, Guaranteed Goods, Elgin & Waltham Movements justice?' lie hung his head an refused to answer." Foreman McComber also testified tthe same effect as to the refusal of the defendants to answer Deputy County Clerk Henry Bush was called to the stand to prove the court records as to previous pro ceedings in the case against Maddux and Rodman, and tli state rested, the examination was conducted by Deputy District Attorney Fitzgerald, assisted b Deputies J. II. Page and T. W Vreeland, while Jeffrey and Cald well appeared for the defendants From Foreman McComber th defense brought out the fact that Miss Ethel Noss and Mrs. R. Keeker, who were chief witnesses for the state against Mrs. Maddux and Rodman, had been examined by the grand jury before Mrs. Mad dux and her husband were called into the jury room. Jeffrey attempted to bring out what the other witnesses bad testiSed to, but Judge Brenaugh ruled that this was not proper. , Jeffrey thereupon offered to prove bv the grand jury foreman that the testimony of Miss Noss and Mrs. Becker involved charges against Mrs. Maddux, and that as she had been acquitted, such testi mony was improper for the grand jury to receive. Judge Bronaugh said that the defendants could not lawfully know what Miss Noss and Mrs. Backer said before the grand jury, and ruled out any further in quiry on that line. Jeffrey wanted to call Grand Juror McCurdy for the same purpose, but the. court waved him aside. After Maddux had testified that he refused to answer because his wife was a co-defendant with Rod man, and he did not have her per mission to tell what he 'knew, Deputy District Attorney Fitz gerald caused a laugh by asking if he always had to secure his wife's permission before he gave testi mony, lie waa not required to answer this. ; All the members of the grand jury were present while the hear ing was in progress. Mrs. Mad dux and her husband sat beside their attorneys and gave little sign of being greatly disturbed by their predicament. - House for Sale Four-room house, two lots Tor sale; nortli Bide. Inquire at this ollice.S Dates for Eighth Grade Examinations County Keliool .SujeriiHuk-nt Ford has Delected the lul!iwkii;date open which eighth f?rade tinnl exami nation will be bcld in ('rook County: January i!0 and L'l, 1010; May 12 end 13, !S10. ami KeptemU-r H und , 1110. The program for the twodays will be: Thurtsdayn Physiology, Writing, History and Civil Government. FiMfiys Grammar, Arituiuelle, Geography and .SieI!io;r- Sources of question: Arithmetic l'rnctleal Arithmetic Smith. Civil Government I'mted States Constitution. Geography State Course of Study; Red way and Hinmnis'H Natural School Geography. IllHtory Llt of topics from llis- t ry Outline instate Course of Stu y a id Current Events. Grammar ISuehler'a Modern Eng lish Grammar, no aiaaxnmmini. Physiology Graded Iakkousj In Physiology and Hygiene Krolm. Reading The teacher will send to the County Superintendent the ap plicant's clusts standing in reading, which shall be taken ly such superin tendent as the applicant's t-taudiug on the miiijwt. SpelHns Iteed'd Word Lessons. Writing Secitneim of penmanship as indicated hi copied matter and from manuscript In Language. It. A. FOItl), County Superintendent of Sehoolf , u a Millinery Clearance Sale All kinds of Millinery at Greatly Reduced Price. Special Bargains in Trimmed Hats. MRS. ESTES, Corner Second and Main Streets, Prineville, Oregon. rt r i t u n j n ' ft x m t u Patients Received. Tergons needing: bcspital Bccommo dations can lind them at my home. I am prepared to caro for patient, or pitients may employ their own nutseg. Maternity cases may expect special attention. n5 Mrs. I. B. Poinde'ctkr. ----c"'i v I Pacific Horse Liniment Is prepared expressly for the needs ol horsemea and ranchmen. It is a poweriul and pene trating liniment, a remedy lor emergen cies. A soothing embrocation lor ihe relief of pain, and the best liniment tor sprains nd soreness. Uncqualed lor curing the wounds and injuries ot BARBED WIRE find for heaiinj cuts, abrasions, sores and bruises. Padiic Horse Liniment is fully guaranteed. No other is so good or helpful in so many ways. II it fails to satisfy, we authoriM all dealers to refund the purchase price. itu ici orr-tm urn cint 8 HOVT CHCWICAL CO., Mnum, Ct. booklet ea5l-g free For sale by Templeton & Son Drop in and See p ! Champ Smiths . 3 iis mail box tc V. y ! 1 Vs are iho otdsst and best known strictly th ! sA h-. in U's Northwest. l or 44 coutir.uousl ia business right Lere m Pori.snd. X.'c are nnw making ft radical departure. In such localities tvhere you are unable to purchase CYRUS NOBLE we are going to seil direct and save you money. No mors danger of refilled bottles. No more danger of not getting the real thing. quoK billtfs, packed in plain cases all charge prepaid to the aearcst raikoad cypres office for $ 90 HUM Pure old honest whiskey bottled by the distillers. Every battle guaranteed. Inquire cf any bnk or trust company in Oregon as to our standing. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. OliTiLLERS ACCNTS Enabled 1 864 103-107 Second Sl. Ponlaad. Oregon hmmvmmm CUT AT THIS L"C AND MAIL TO-O.T wmmmmmmi W. J. W. J. Van Schuyver & Co PartUnd Ortam Sxi-mi pkmt tmi S4 SO f wkuh ptcMC Mod m l acc by Mtpna, Fqud. iota qufU CUiUftt CYKUS NOtU-E. DEALER IH Soft Drinks of all kinds Imported and Domestic Ci At the old Smith & Cleek stand, Main street, two doors south First National Bank n 1. J M t J r t v J K" WtJ r .f J r..i K I c i ri i J r.i ea W A M.Jk El U n L. i ri n i. i lie u mil nestauran MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIbloE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Carrying a choice selection of fine cftmly, ci?'ir, oranges, lemons, etc. Give us a call. . SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. L J r.i LJ r.i t. j r..i r.i t j r. 'i L J r..i U J Til L J r i Ll r.i L J n i. .j r,i LJ r i V. J r,,i LJ r..T L. J ri rii-irir-ir-TTi'iri'iriri Tinr irriririr inririr i LLjvJkJkJLJk'Jl.jkJkJVJkjVjLJvJkJkJkJL.iikJkJL'JkJLJLJLj Seneral iacksrniihinff LJkLJkJLjLJLJkJkjLJLJkJVJ Li r 1 tJ t. i ri t i r.i U.J rn L J 1 1 L J ri fj rt LJ Ljljljl ri L J r.i Li r.i r,,i L J ri r i L;J r.i LI hoeskshoeisg, vood work, etc., Keatiy and Promptly Donb When it is Dose By : : : Siobort ffifooro iLJLjLJL-iLJlk.JLjL.ii. J r i L J r.i L J ri Li r LJ r L J r i Li r.i L A ri L J r.i Li ri L i r.i LJ r i Li r. i Li r.i L J r 1 Li r 1 L J r.iriririrnr:iririrnrii'iriiriiririrr"riririririr,irir"ir.''r i Lik. JLiL JL JLJL JL JL jL JL. JL jLji L JLjL'jL JL JL jLL Jk.JL-lLjL JL. J Satisfaction Will 11c Guaranteed Prineville,. - Orkgon.