- J Crook- Cotaety Mraa COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRINEV1LLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1910. Enlrl lit the poafoftlo at Prlnevlfle,, VOL. X1V-NO. 4 QUESTION FOR DE BATE ANNOUNCED Government Ownership of Railroads Is It OTHER NEWS OF HIGH SCHOOL Local Teams Dcire Batkct Ball Matchea With Bend and Madras SchooU. Vacation Uovrrtnd the tludcnU ara all again in their Atu v ready for another halt yuar'a hard work. Kwybodjr report a drliglitful va cation. The Jong waited for question for the inUT-ndioluHtio debate in here and ii the much ilUciumtl govern nicnt ownemhin of railroad. The teaiut are both hard at work proniUe to do credit to the rchool. Oclciit. The Ochocohian Society li ten to the following program on Friday, January 7th: . Debate Kenolvcd, That the eyntem of direct leginlation hould 1 more generally adopted in the United State. . - Affirmative l'thel Kidder, John McDowell and Itutnn Montgomery. Negative -Knierine Young. Law rence Lister and Arthur O'Neil Current Kvent. . .Clarence Hice. and high will Kenny Mary McDowell. lUcitation .... Wilford Itelknap. Talk Aaron Hoffman. Recitation (ieorgia Cleek. Atpkit. 1 The Alpha Society will render the following program at ita first meeting in the New Year to be held Friday, January 7th: . Vocal Solo MUe Conway. Kccitotion Maude Potter. Heading.., Lee Itowell. Paper Klta llouiton and Roy MuCalliater. Kway ..Wilda Nye. Oration ...... Louise Summeri. Talk Mine Parrott. Impromptu. .. .Warren Yancey. Heading. . . . Lulu Montgomery. Impromptu .(iladya Doak. AlkUlica. We regret that on account of no auitahle place to practice, Madraa has been unable to get her banket bull team io condition to play but j lioe, later, to overcome this difliculty. We have not heard from liend but hope to hear that IV nd is as progressive as Prine villu and has organized and equip ped a team. The junior clans has lost one of its members Miss Carol) n Christian! who lias been com pt'llcd to give up her school work on account of illness. Mies Kiliel Kidder sHnt the holidays at her home near Madras. Kluier Martin, '12, r-pent bis vscitiion at his home in Culver. Aaron Hofftran was out on the Hoffman ranch during the greater part of bis vacation. Mi Ethel Ktann went to her Continued on lu-1 page. MUSIC LOVERS RENDER PROGRAM Evening Devoted to Ver di's "II Trovatore" MUCH INTEREST MANIFESTED Story Told in Prose, Song and Instrumental Selections from Beautiful Opera. The Music Lover's Club held ita second regular meeting in the Commercial club Tuesday evening, January 4. There was a large at tendance. After the regular order of business the evening was given over to the consideration of one of Verdi's most noted operas, "11 Trovatore." This beautiful story was told in prore, song, and instru mental selections. Following was the prosram: TUno solo, Mrs. Cvcar Hyde. fc'tory, "The cure upon the Count's son. Lady Leonora's love for the unknown knight," Mrs Wickersham. Vocal solo, "'Leonora's Love for Manrico," Miss Conw ay. Vocsl solo, "What Words Can Speak My lioundless Love," Miss Klkins. Story, '-Manrico and the Gipsy Camp." Piano solo, "The Anvil Chorus," Miss (Jertrude Hodges. Vocal solo, "The Mother's Hong, "When the Fierce Flsmes are Soaring," Irene Barnes. Piano solo, Selections from II Trovatore, Mrs. Edward. Story, Count de Luna's love for Lady Leonora. Meeting of tbe Count and -Manrico. Mrs. Wicker sham. Vocal solo, "Ah; Death In Thee." Prof. Ashby. Story, "The Prison Scene," Mrs. Wickersham. Vocal duet, "Home to our Mountains," Mrs. Rosenberg, and Prof. Asbby. Story, "Lady Leonora's great sacrifice. Monrico's death. Tbe Gipsies revenge. Mrs. Wicker sham. She program committee de.cerve much credit for its excellent woik. Madras Will Incorporate Madras has a petition before the county court signed by J. II. Jack son and six other persons for the incorporation of tbe town of Mad ras. The court has acted favorably upon the matter and has set Mon day, January SI, 1910, as election day. The citizens of Madras will, at that time, determine whether or not the territory included within certain prescribed limits will have local self-government with the following officers: Mayor, recorder, treasurer ami marshal. For Sale: One 8hri'.w Tubulr Srtor, No. 4, altnont kkw1 a , lor Mle at . biirgaiu. Apply 10 JOHN r. MitKKIrt. I'rinpvllle, Un jon. AlMi oin kimkI dairy uwa lur aale. FRUIT GROWS WELL IN FAVORED SPOTS Cove Orchard is Best Producer PROTECTED BY HIGH RIMROCKS Industry Will Be Tried on a Larger Scale Several Or chard Planted. The new visitor to California in variably writes home the wonder ful tale of orange trees on which may be seen the blossoms, green fruit and ripe fruit, all at the same time. Tbe Deschutes Canyon can duplicate the wonder almost any October "day with its apple trees. Along the Deschutes and Crook ed River canyons ara numerous small flats of rich sedianent, and eo hemmed in by towering walls and high hills that the sun's heat dur ing the day is stored op for the cooler nights that invariably pre vail in that locality. Situated at an altitude from 1000 to 2C00 feet below the surrounding country, the temperature is uniformly 10 to 15 degrees warmer. In addition to apples, peaches, cherries, pears and the small fruits are grown success fully. .. There are but a few of these flats now given over to the groaing of fruit. DocauHe of the newness of tbe country and the long absence of railway transportation not many commercial orchards have been set out in Central Oregon. One orchard tract, known as Cove Orchard, however, is famed throughout Central Oregon. It is situated in Crooked Hiver Canyon near the confluence of the Crooked and Deschutes Rivers. This or chard, 1000 feet below the sur rounding country, markets its pro ducts principally in Madras, 12 miles away, and in Prineviile, 35 miles distant. The orchard was not planted with regard to scientific methods. The trees were too close together and no one knew exactly what var etiea there were. William Boeg li, the owner, set to work, however, thinned out the weaker trees, class- ified the fruit, put the orchard on a paying bans and in four years has cleared otl tbe indebtedness lor tbe purchase price. There are three 40 acre tracts at The Cove, but only 13 acres are set out to orchard. There are grown apples, prar?, peaches, cherries, plums, prunes and other fruits. On other tracts straw berries, raspberries, tomatoes, mel ons and other products are success ful. A few miles farther north in the Deschutes .Canyon and near the mouth of Trout Creek is the Ed Campbell Ranch and orchard and of this place it is told that in Octo ber the apple trees may be seen bearing blossoms, green fruit and CITY IS CRAWUHG - OUT OF DEBT New Administration Is Now in Office FLOATING DEBT ONLY $2125.70 Dr Rosenberg Wanta Ordinance Abolishing Doleful Tolling of Funeral Bella Continued on last page. Prineville'a newly elected officers j have oil qtmllfled and are now per- forming the duties of their respective offices. They are: Mayor, D. F. Stewart, Cooncllmen, J. B. Shipp, A. If. Llppman, George Storkmunn. Jeoae Yancey, Ward well Cram and Dr. J. H. Rosenberg. Recorder, J, R. Breese. Miirxlial, Joe Kelso. Treiwurer, Claude E. Smith. A special meeting of the old eouncll . wan held last Monday evening to lluixb the work of that admlnta ' trillion, at which time some bill were audited, the new officers sworn ; in, and the council organized for the ! coniingyear. ' MayorStewart named ; the following committees: ! Finance: J. B. Shlpp, chairman; ' A. if. Llppman, Jesse Yancey.-. I Fire and Water: George Stork jtunnn, chairman; W. Cram, A. H. i Llppman. i IStreetnand Public Improvements: ;Je!te Yancey, chairman; George Morkinann, j. is. srupp. Continued on last page. Wimm rain I There are lots of chances for SPECULATION, but CAN YOU AFFORD TO LOSE? If you wish to lay the foundation for a steady income INVEST, DON'T SPECULATE INVESTMENT means safety with assured EARNING POWER What better NEW YEAR RESOLUTION than that you will INVEST your savings and become prosperous and independ ent, avoiding SPECULATION with its one chance in a thousand of success. ... He is indeed a pessimist who does not believe that the town of MADRAS is not destined to become a city of prominence. l adras is no mythYou can find Madras on your map And while we cannot truthfully draw alluring pictures of skyscrapers, wonderful factories, electric lines, orchards or tropical flower gardens, we absolutely know that it is FACT not FICTION that TWO RAILROADS will be within the limits of Madras in a FEW MONTHS NOT YEARS. We know that buildings of all kinds are being constructed as fast as material can be hauled . in and labor secured. " We do not claim that Madras will supercede Portland, but we do know, and you know that it is bound to become an important shipping and business center, and if you will stop to consider WHERE, in this ABOUT-TO-BE-DEVELOPED CENTRAL OREGON is there such an ASSURED OPENING FOR SAFE AND SOUND INVESTMENT. Madras is an assured and rapidly growing town, one that you can find WITHOUT A SEARCH WARRANT. Look over its surrounding country, consider well its resources and then compare its prospects with the ENTIRELY MYTHICAL and ABSURDLY FABU LOUS CITIES that are being advertised as having existence, and you will at once compre hend the difference between INVESTMENT and SPECULATION .ots in May fair Addition on Sale in January MAYFAlR,an addition to the rapidly growing town of Madras, will be placed on the market Early in January and affords a splendid opportunity for INVESTMENT. Lots or blocks can be bought with a small cash and subsequent monthly payments, without interest GET NEXT to the fact "that there is a golden opportunity at your door, and that "The further away, the greener the field is a tools maxim. CENTRAL OREGON INVESTMENT CO., Inc., will have local salesmen on and after the opening, meanwhile make application to Tin omsom 9 M aclleoo Mei 429 HENRY BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON Agents