Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 30, 1909, Image 3

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    The Place to Save
The Place to Save
A Happy New Year!
TOYLAND Headquarters for Prineville
Our iture is rrplde with Toys and Dolls thai all chilJrcn love. Our assortment of Toys, that please the
lillle lolks, is complete. We cannot enumerate the hunJrcJs ol 'articles ready lor your insf w:lion. Bring in
the children. Let thrm see what we have, such as Dolls, Doll Trunks, Games, Mechanical Toya,
Toy Cook Stoves, Child' Sad Irons, Savings Banks, Doll Buggies, Go-CarU, Doll
Bureaus, Chairs, Wheelbarrows, Wagons, Etc.
We also have a leautilul selection ol Toilet cases. Collars and Cull Boxes. Manicure Seta. Albums and
Post card Albums. Our lancy imported hand-painted crockery is all new and our slock is full, lul make
your selections early.
I. Michel,
- Prineville Oregon
A Novel Entertainment
for Ochoconians
Realistic Production of Scenes
in Santa's Headquarters At
Christmas Time
Beveral weeks ago the Alpha
Society sent an invitation to the
Ochoconians to ho present at a
Chrintnus entertainment to be held
In th BtHCtnbly room of the high
school building on the evening ol
Itacpmbrr twenty third. Beside
the Ochoconisna there were several
invited guests, all of whom teemed
to thoroughly enjoy the "Trip with
FanU CUuc," which was presented
by the Alphas, asobtcd by several
children from the Grades.
Tito play was unUpto and un
usual and from the rnising of the
curtain upon FanU Claim land
where were seen all nations; the
negroes, Charles Lowlher, Klmer
Martin and Roland McCallieter, in
their native garb, making the
musical instruiuenU lor which
theto jx-ople aro famous; the Dutch
pjrls, Mines Vivian Jlinkle, Etta
Houston and Klhel Klunn, in the
I icttirenque garb of these peasants,
making the beautiful picture books
for Santa to carry in his rounds of
distribution; the American girl?,
Misses Kay Ibid w in, Maude Potter
and Lulu Montgomery, each repre
senting the Goddess of Liberty and
making the significant Hi llican
dolls which htve replaced tne
popular Teddy liears; the French
nation, represented by Miss Orpha
Wright, Vcrna Smith and Amy
Davenport, In the fantastic dress of
there pleasure-loving people and
making the dolls with which Santa
gladdens the heart of every little
girl; the Inst nation, represented by
Vernon Hull, Hoy McCilIUter and
George MingerH, whs Japan, and
they were veritable Japs in gowns
and qties and were making fans of
all sorts and difcriptiona for both
old and young. Into this scene of
action, Santa (Roy Lo wilier) ap
peared and waa soon joined by
Mrs. Santa (Wilda Nye) and
Rrownie (Leo Howell) who waa
Santa's attendant. Next came the
messengers who bad been sent , to
earth to gather news for Santa and
to prepare the way for him. First
came Frosty Jack( Warren Yancey)
and reported that all was in resili
necs for Santa and his reindeer.
Next came Mischief Finder (Clar
ence Itixhy) who had discovered
some naughty children on earth
that Santa waa to punich by leav
ing lumps of coal in their stockings.
Then came Sweet Charity (I)lanche
Wilson) who had discovered a joor
family that the wanted Santa to
remember; and lastly, came Fairy
Kind Heart (Gladys Doak) w hose
mission was to touch hardhearted
people and make them feel the
spirit of Christmas. Santa receives
and notes all reports and then calls
his F.squimaux . groom (Robert
Kester) and annouoes that he is
ready to start earthward and the
fairies (Hern ice Shipp, Tony Cor
uett, Km m a Hockenberry, Father
Adamson and Myrtle Lister) and
the brownies (Wister Rosenberg,
Ralph Haner, Raymond Smith,
Doyle Templeton and Teddy
Kwlng) dance in and sing "Jingle
Hells" to the sound ol which Santa
On earth we find him in the
desolato home found by Sweet
Charity, inhabited by Mrs. Blake
(Louise Summers) and her three
fatherless children t Decse! Johnson,
Rorcia O'Neil and Glen Harnes),
whose stockings he fills to the brim
and their surprise at the gifts is
well assiraulated indeed. We next
find the four naughty children
(Blanche Shipp, Fred and Frank
Rioe and George Stearns) who
have been reported by Mischief
Craig Sentenced for
a Year and a Day
Ninetoen-year old William E
Craig broke down and cried when
he was sentenced to serve tne year
and one day in the federal nilen
tiary by Federal Judge C. E. Wol
verton in United States district
court, says the Journal.
1 Craig was found guilty of rob
bing the United States mail by a
jury in the United States district
court Tuesday, and was brought
tip for sentence, Friday.
He did not avail himself of the
opportunity offered him to make a
statement to the court Judge
Wolverton impressed on him the
fact that a great degree of clemency
waa being shown him because ol
bia age and the crime bis first
Craig was driver of the Madras
II dialer stage. On October 20, ol
this year, ho was given charge of a
mail pouch for delivery. When
the bag reached its destination
two registered letters containing
$116 were missing. Following the
robbery, Craig appeared gaily gar
bed, and lavished presents on a
sweetheart. Since his arrest, Craig
has repeatedly declared his in
nocence to officers.
Finder with lumps of coal in their
stockings but who are going to
profit by SanU'a note that he will
cross off the Hack mark if thev will
he good next year, but who an
still skeptical about the existence
o! a Santa and to prove the reality
of this personage, Santa, with all
of the nations and assistants
march in, much to the consterna
tion of the little ones and close the
scene and play by singing, "Merry
Christmas," after which Santa dis
tributed the Christmas treat of
candy and nuts, which was placed
in bags representing the Society
colors, to the guests. All departed
feeling that" the Alphas deserved
much credit for giving the Ochoco
nians such a delightful and enjoy
able evening.
TheWinnek Company
Every pair p.sit.vcly guar
anteed. $3.00 to $5.00
$22, $30, $40
" Easy Terms
r aihdma& wLiiAnit.
ft .-v. V .
All Furniture 33J per cent off
All f ur niture
333 per cent dis
count during Janu
ary 1910.
Jewelry, Watches, Guaranteed Goods, Elgin & Waltham Movements
a Llfa Caver For Cct'.l During th
Australian Drought.
"It w like a rcitl Uftli'. thirty fwt
lilgti. miiTi-i! Kllli Hie l.iuli of a bos
tree o:id ul'h gmu tree crowing out
wbero (lit) costs oiifc'ltt J
Pik li mm i!ip wiiy In r, Im-Ii an Etijr
IKVnmi dcwrlU-fi Hie flint Lottie tree
wlilcli came under hi lutlre, ami truly
oiio who doe tint kuow the trrv It
midden npiM'tiruni-e In til pathway,
ofti-n Id tlu luldat of denxe scrub, niuxt
make a IvUl hiiiirunHlon.
The lower urt of I lie trunk I tblrk
nml ryllmlrlcnl. di-cn-axliia In size to
ward the top. Its lini Ih-Iiih that of a
gigantic living bottle, from the neck of
wlikli pprlnti the only limnetic and
leave tluit the tree K,nm-nn-. In tbl
rHft It carries to nn exci-x the pe
culiarity of most Aiixtrullun tr
nnn:c!;-, their lack of linim-lit for a
considerable dlntuuee op the tstcm.
The tmrk U of grajMi color and 1
very hard, any the I'hlludelphla In
'I'lliiT. lint the wooil Irinl'lc U oft and
moli t. The latter eiiu lie chewed In
the aarne wny n sugar cane, but a It
lack It aweet, pleaunt timle It I
rurvly tiwd In thl way. Thin peculiar
chnrocteruttlc of the tree, however,
inakin It a ralunhle food for cattle.
Indeed, during the long lroulita
wliU h occnilonnlly vUit AuMlrnlla hun
dred of aettlcni hove to thnuk the
bottle tree for auvInK them from ruin.
Sometime for more than a year and
In the Inland dlxtriets for atlll longer
period aearcely e drop of rain full.
Every blade of crni I dried, tank
become empty, creek no longer run
and la many com- dry up altogether.
aa do nearly all water hole and la
goona; cnltlvntion I Impoxslble, and
fodder for cattle and borne U extreme
ly dluVult to procure. Then the bottle
trco cornea to the retcue. Every acrub
ia m-n relied for these living bottles.
and everywhere I beard the ringing of
axe a the strange, attractive tree
are laid low.
A soon ai the trunk baa been atrip
pod of Its bark tho entile are brought
to It If wit hlu easy distance, and there
they remain till neither leaves nor
wood Is left In places where the
settler have no itcruhs of their own
they will drlv. many mile In order to
obtain a wngon load of this great treas-
ura. .
Sometimes Instead of allowing the
anlmnls free acces to the tree the set
tiers cut the trunk Into strip, put the
strips through the cutter and thus
make a aubntltute for proper chaff.
In many Instances during n drought.
except for prickly ear and the foil
age of trees, caltle are fed on these
living bottle alone, and they have
been the means of saving large quuntl
ties of stock.
It seems strange that in the absence
of rain these trees should retain their
moist Interior, as the majority of oth
ers look dry and drought stricken.
But throughout all the bottle tree
flourishes, lifting It dark green leaves
toward the sky. whither the farmers
and squatters turn longing eyes lo
hopes of the wished for rain.
When the dry season ends and the
bind in rery few weeks la covered
with fresh green grass, the -work of
the bottle tree Is done. Hut. mindful
of Its past usefulness, no farmer un
less under absolute necessity fells this
tree, and It may -of tcu lie seen stand
ing In solitary grandeur. Its strange
Ehae outlined against the blue sky.
while the land at its base has been
put under cultivation or has been con
verted into grazing grounds for the
cattle, .
Homemada Daromcter.
Those who lave experimentation may
try the following method of making a
cheap barometer practiced In France:
Take eight grams of pulverized cam
phor, four grnms of pulverized nitrate
of potassium, two grains of pulverized
t nitrate of ammonia and dissolve lu six
' ty grams of alcohol. Put the whole In
a loug, slender bottle closed itt the top
with a piece of bladder containing a
pinhole to ndmlt the nlr. When rain
Is coming the solid particles will tend
gradually to mount, little star crystals
forming In the liquid, which otherwise
rcmnlus clear. If high winds are ap
proaching the liquid will become thick,
as If fermenting, while a film of solid
particles forms on the surface. During
fair weather the liquid will remain
clear and the solid particles will rest
at the bottom.
Rival Dignities.
An Englishman, fond of boasting of
bis aueestry, took a colu from his pock
et and, painting to the head engraved
on it, said, "My great-great-grandfather
was made a lord by the king
whose picture you see ou this shilling."
"What a colucltleuce," said his Yan
kee companion, who at once produced
another coin. "My great-great-grandfather
waa made an angel by the In
dian whose picture you see on this
No Witnesses.
"Tou ore charged with stealing nine
of Colonel Henry's hens last night
nave you any wituesseB?" nsked the
justice sternly.
"Nussah!" said Itrother Jones hum
bly. "I s'pecks l's sawtuh peculiar
dut-uh-way, but It ain't uever been
man custom to take witnesses aloug
when I goes out chicken stealln'. sub."
Never Touched Him.
Landlady (to new boarder, crushing
ly Mr. Newcome, that Is the cream
and not the milk yon are pouring on
your oatmeal. It was Intended for the
toffee. Mr. N. Oh, never mind, Mrs.
Dalklns. I like It Just as well.
Let those who would affect singular.
Ity with success first determine to be
very virtuous, and they will lie sure to
be very singular,-Waltel Colton. -
Think what it is not to hate any
thing but sin, to be full of love to
every creature, to be angered at noth
ing, to be sure that all things will turn
to good, not to mlud pain because it Is
our Father's will, to know that noth
ing no, not if tho earth was to be
burnt up or the waters eoino and
drown us nothing could part us from
Ooil, who loves us and . who fills our
souls with peace and Joy, because we
are sure that -whatever, he wills is
holy. Just and good. George Eliot
Perfect In
r:gz;- -M 'l RANGe
i l fi f i I e - j : "
V' 14
and Save 25 Cents on the Dollar
Santa Claus at the
Presbyterian Church
A large audience gathered at the
First Presbyterian Church Christ
mas evening to celebrate the iv.nt
of the Birth of the Ihbeof Dethle
hem. The program rendered by the
Sunday School waa far beyond the
ordinary and showed careful train
ing and perfect execution. The
old fashioned fireplace with its
back log and wood piled I ijb,
burning merrily; and the children's
utockingg hanging lo the shelf to
be filled by Old Santa, took many
ol us back: to childhood h-n. at
our old home we waited anxiously
for the coming of the morn to set
what 'Santa Claus had left us
during Lis rounds of the night.
After the exerc see, the children
were favored by a visit from Sstnta
Claus, who distributed many valu
able and useful presents to both
young and old. He finally tore
down the chiuoney to give the
bricks as souvenirs and these were
found to contain a treat which
added to the enjoyment of the
Voted Twice.
Sir Gavaa IuHy, formerly speaker of
the legislative assembly of Victoria,
was once returned to his seat by a
single vote majority. On visiting bis
constituents subsequently, he waa re
ceived with a special warmth by an
Irish fellow countryman.
"And so," said Sir Gavan Duffy to
his friend, "you were one of my sap
porters." "No, sir," was the reply.. "I was
two of them."
ea3 3ij33eaea2e333ae33e3e2e3Sr3ene33 aie3
All kind of Millinery at Greatly Reduced Price.
Special Bargains in Trimmed Hats.
Corner Second and Main Streets, Prineville, Oregon.
Tho Bos.
"Cut." exclaimed the man of delicate
sensibilities, "will your conscience per
mit you to do ns you suggest?"
"Look bere, fvieud. answered the
New York politician, "I am accustomed
to ba boss even of my own conscience."
Washington St.r.
Not Modeaty.
"Sometimes," said the press humor
ist, "I think my Jokes are rotten. I
s'pose that's my modesty."
"No," explained a friend, "that's your
common sense." Louisville Courler
JournaL They Certainly Keep It Dusted.
Women in all lands are the cus
todians of speech., They preserve Its
purity. To them must go much of the
credit of the Improvement in American
English. New York World.
Uaed to It
She I suppose It -would break your
heart If I were to say that I.can only
be a sister to you. He Not at all. I'm
used to having girls say that. Ex
change. -
Do not squander time, for that Is tb
stuff life is made of. Franklin.
Dandruff and
are but outward signs of the evil
aone in secret by myriads of dan
druff germs sapping the life blood
of the hair. Micro kills the para
site, soothes the itchiog scalp,
gives lustre to the hair and stops
it failing out A single application
gives relief and proves its worth.
Save your hair before too late.
Micro prevents baldness. It is a
delightful dressing for the hair.
free from grease and sticky oils.
Ask your druggistfor free booklet
Jk quart bottle of GENUINE
f CYRUS NOBLE direct to you Vk IKjf
W I all cWtl paid to the near- V
eat railroad expraw off ice, A
Tai r 3 m w w am . i
A lt ,1 r l . r i
A 9- J. . K-
y u u
You must have the best fuarenieed to be absolutely pure aged in wood and
We buy CYRUS NOBLE direct from the distillers have bought il for 44 years.
Don't let them sell you somethinf else " just as good."
Buy the best it's the cheapest 10 the loo run. Bottled by the distiller.
Guaranteed to the United States Government and to you lo contain nothing except
pure straight aged whiskey. .
For the fcrst time since 1864 (44 years) in such sections as the public is unable to
purchase CYRUS NOBLE we will sell you direct 4 quart bottles for $4.90.
No danger ol rehllcd bodies but the GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE the best
made, the best selling brand in the whole world. -
W. 1. VAN SCHUYVER & CO.. 105-107 Second Sheet, Portland, Ore.
J . .uv B.uw na TBI lT (YM.UV IN Ai) T CIH
W. J. Van Schuyrar & Co.. puuJ. 0s.
Eackaed pteue find $4.90 tor wliidi pletac tend mt at sacs by emreei prcpsid. four quart
' -fii iiriT,igasi?r3?
( PiBO rV.i rV"S PfSO
Beautifully Hand-Decorated $10
Dinner Sets given to .our cus
tomers Absolutely, FREE
Keep Your Eye on the Clock
That stands in a conspicuous part
of our store and will be allowed
to run down and stop at stated
Our Liberal Offer:
With each cash purchase of a certain amount yon mukeatour
store we will give you a card on which the time pf the day is stamped.
Bring cards to our store on the date and time specified thereon, and a
complete dinner set will be given to the person present holding the
card on which is stamped the nearest correct time the clock stops at.
It is necessary for all ticket holders to be in our store at the time
when the face of the clock is uncovered.
. We want yon to secure one of these hanesome dinner sets so as to
advertise our business and to show in a substantial way that we appre
ciate your trade. We are not making any money on them we don't
expect to we make this offer simply to please our old customers and
to make new customers. This is a splendid opportunity for you to
secure a handsome set of dishes absolutely free.
. U your ticket does not secure a set for you the first time the clock
is uncovered, save your ticket as you may win on it the next or the
second, third, fourth, fifth or lixth time. Your ticket is good while we
are giving Pinner Sets Free ou this plan. Ycura truly,
Clifton 4& Comett
- Oregon
For sale by .Templeton & Son