Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 30, 1909, Image 1

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    rook Cotnety Journal
Entr1 t th podtnflloe mi Prlnrrllle,
VOL. X1V-N0.3
Gene Miller Victim of
Fool's Carelessness
Trying to Scare Friandi With
Blank Cartridge-One Wa
Loaded, of Course
Paulina win thrown into a ntnte
of nervous excitement Hunday
evening ly the accidental shooting
of the 1 1-year old son of Leo Mil
lar. The shooting wa a toy ieh freak,
but nevertheless a reprehensible
act. It seems that the 15-year-old
hoy of Doll Kudea and tho Miller
hoy er having a good time dur
ing tie holiday playing Indian
and otherwise, making merry with
2'2-caliber riuVs. They would'ex
tract the bullet and fire blank
cartridges at each other, to the
consternation of onlooker. Tlx
boy had been warned repeatedly
of the danger of the sport but it
wa not heeded.
Bunday evening the Kades boy
and a companion were out hunting
jackrabbit and a they were coin
ing home met tieorge Iloba, the
Miller boy and another hoy driv
ing into town from where they had
been gathering lice. The Eudi
boy remarked j to hi com
panion, "Watch me care them,"
or word to that effect. He bur
ridly took the ball cartridge out
of the magazine jof the rifle and
lipped in louie blank one and
opened Oro at the three' Mated on
the wagon. Tho second cartridge
Tired contained a ball and it struck
tho Miller hoy a ,couplo of inches
above the navel, its course rang
ing upward and lodging in the base
of the left lung. J It wasjbougbt
that the boy bad received a mortal
wound and would be dead before
medical aid could be secured so
physicians were not notified until
Tuesday morning. Urs. ISelknap
and Rosenberg were summoned by
telephone and immediately left In
an auto to attend the lad. They
found by the use of a stethoscope
that no blood vessel or arteries
were injured but that the base Of
ill left lung bad been wounded.
N j probing wa done for the bullet
a tho boy was suffering no pain
and could move all part of , hi
Inxly at will. The doctor say that
If the bullet did not carry any
infectious matter, young Miller
stands a good chanc of recovery.
It will take from five to ten da)
for infectious matter to develop.
The Eade boy wa placed, under
arrest pending the result of the
injuries to the wounded tad but
Mr. and Mr. Miller completely
exonerate the Kades boy from all
blame. -The youngsters were play
mate and while they regret vert
much the accidental shooting yet
would Dot prosecute even in case
of the dalh of their son.
Ladies' Annex Will Keep
Open House.
Music, from 2:30 to 4:30
Progressive Five Hundred
in the Evening:
The ladies of the Annex are
making extensive preparations for
the proper observance of New
Year's. In the afternoon a recep
tion will bo civen in the club par
lor from 2 30 to 4 30 o'clock. The
program from 1 30 to 3.30 is as
follows: .
Vocal solo MIn Elklns
I'lano duet. MIhn Elliott nod Hiullb
Vocal eoto MIm Net his
Vocul eoto I'rof. Anhby
HolerLloii from the orchestra
Mm. Oscir Hyde ami Ml William-
eon will preside at the plnno.
The followina matron will
receive in the front parlor: Mrs
Marion Klliott, Mrs. David Stew
art, Mrs. Collins Klkins and Mr.
P. H. Howard. ' '
Mrs. II. P. . Belknap and Mrs.
John Wide will have charge of the
refreshments in the back parlor.
They will be assisted by the follow
ins voune ladies: Mies Lotta
Smith. Mif Agnes Elliott, Miss
Fay I'.aldwin and " Mis . Louise;
The following program will I
given from 3 30 to 4.30 o'clock:
Vocul olo ..Mr. V. M. I'.lkiu
Selection by orcbentra.
Voenl solo Minn Conway
Vocal solo Mrs. J. II. Koenlerg
Mies (Jertni'le Hotljp will prenlde
nt the piano.
Reception Committee Mrs.
Charles Elkins, Mr, Oeorge Stork
twin, Mrs. Joseph Haner and Mrs.
Charles Edwards . .
Refreshment Committee Mrs.
Mason Brink and Mrs. Colonel
Smith will have charge of the re
freshments, assisted by Miss Bald
win, Miss Williamson, Mies Sum
mers and Miss Emerine Young.
Executive Committee Mrs.
Wickersbam, Miss I'arrottand Miss
Progressive five hundred will be
in order lor the evening, ine
game will commence at 8 o'clock
sharp and club members are -re
quested to be on band promptly at
that hour.
Tho evening program is in charge
of Mrs. Kay lor, Mrs. Clifton and
Mrs. Haner. ,
Reception Committee Mint- Con
way, Miss Parrott and Mrs. Wicker-sham.
Royal Arch in Full
Regalia. 1
Eastern Star Member Furnish
Exceptionally Fine
Lunch. '
Patients Received.
Tersons rneKnit bocpiUil ncwmtii'V
dutioim can And tliem at my lioiiie. I
m prepared to cure for pationt", 01
pBtii-nU may employ their own nurses.
Mutcrnity caws may expect special
i)23 Mas. P. B. Foimiibxter.
, : , l
Houae for Palo Four-room house, two lots
'or nle; nurlli rite. Inquire at this otilce.3
The annual joint installation of
the Masonic and Eastern Star
fraternities on St. John's Day,
December 27th. had an added fea
ture of interest and importance in
the Royal Arch ceremonies' which
took place at the same time. This
degree of Masonry bas been organ
ized here enly a few month and
baa the distinction of being tbe
only chapter in Central Oregon,
which speaks well for the progres
sive spirit of the Masons of Prine
vilte. Special mention should be
ra ide of the paraphernalia of this
order, as the robes added much to
the dignity and im'pressiveness of
the installation ceremonies.
In addition to the beautiful in
stallation work of the three orders,
the members and guest were en
tertained beeveral musical eelec
tions, among them tbe solos by
Mis Nelms, Dr. Edwards and Mrs.
Rosenberg ,were greatly enjoyed
and appreciated. A delicious
lunch prepared by the Eastern
Star members closed an evening of
unalloyed pleasure for the members
and invited guests.
The officers installed in the var
ious organization are as follows:
Those of Prineville Lodge No. 76,
A. F. and A. M. were installed by
Carey Foiter, assisted by Colonel
Smith and are: .
C. S. Edwards, W. M.; D. P.
Adamson, S. W.; Ralph Jordan, J.
T.; O. (. Adams, Treas.; J. II.
Rosenberg, Sec'y.; M. E. Prink, S.
D. ; Dale Jones, J. D.; I. Michel, S.
S.; J. E. Adamson, J. S.; C. W.
Noble, Tyler.
Mrs. Margaret Elkins, assisted
by Mr. Rova Brink, installed the
officers of Carnation Chapter, O.
E. S , No. 44, who are:
Tillie Adamson, V M ; Colonel
Smith, P.; Sarah Thomson, A.
M.; Marjoria P. Drink, Sec'y.;
Blanche Michel, Treas.; Fay Bald
win, Con ; Addie Hoffman, A. Con.;
Mr. Jordon, M.; Bertha Baldwin,
V ; I. Michel, S ; Mr. Wigle, Adah;
Mrs. Rice, Ruth; Mrs. Winnek,
Esther; Marion Rice, Martha; Mrs.
Brink, Electa.
Tbe Royal Arch Chapter, No.33,
officers installed by Doctor Hyde,
assisted by Doctor Edwards, are:
D. P. Adamson, High Priest; W.
F. King, King; T. M. Baldwin,
Scribe; J. V. Boone, Treas.; Claude
E. Smitn, Sec'y.; Chas. S. Edwards,
Captain of the Host; M E. Brink,
Principal Sojourner; Chas. I. Win
nek, Royal Arch Captain; Geo. V.
Noble, Master of tbe Third Veil;
Johrt II. Wigle, Master of the
Second Veil; James Cram, Master
of tbe First Veil;X).E Hyde, Senti
nel. . .. .
Columbia Southern Pro
ject Reorganized
$1,000,000 MORE TO EE SPENT
Flood Watera Will Be Impounded
to Irrigate 45,000 Acres of
Land All Together
Construction of n immense dam
and reservoir to conserve flood wa
ters and tbe irrigation of 45,000
acres; complete reorganization of
the first irrigation project under
the Carey act in Oregon, and plac
ing the project on a sound finan
cial footing, is the object of the
Oregon, Washington and Idaho Fi
nance Company, which has signed
contracts by which it will take up
the project of the Columbia South
ern Irrigation Company, say the
Telegram. The enterprise, a now
contemplated, will involve more
than $1,000,000. The Oregon,
Washington and Idaho Finance
Company is a holding company for
tbe Columbia Southern Irrigation
Company, and is officered as fol
lows: President, Dr. Otis B. Wright;
secretary, A. v. Katz; vice-presi-
J a l. ir n ... .
ueni inu treasurer, Ji. i. oieei, OI
Vancouver, Wash.
The segregation was the first step
taken op in Oregon under the Ca-
( Continued on laet pace.)
There are lots of chances for SPECULATION, but
If you wish to lay the foundation for a steady income
INVESTMENT means safety with assured EARNING POWER
What better NEW YEAR RESOLUTION than that you Will
INVEST your savings and become prosperous and independ
ent, avoiding SPECULATION with its one chance in a thousand
of success.
He. is indeed a pessimist who does not believe that the town of
MADRAS is not destined to become a city of prominence.
adras is no myth--- iou c
aii 'find
And while we cannot truthfully draw alluring pictures of skyscrapers, wonderful factories,
electric lines, orchards or tropical flower gardens, we absolutely know that it is FACT not
FICTION that TWO RAILROADS will be within the limits of Madras in a FEW MONTHS
-We know that buildings of all kinds are being cbnstructed as Tast as material can be hauled
in and labor secured. :
We do not claim that Madras will supercede Portland, but we'do know, and you know that it
is bound to become art important shipping and business center, and if you will stop to consider
iviaaras on your map
Madras is an assured and rapidly growing town, one that you - can find WITHOUT A
SEARCH WARRANT. Look over its surrounding country, consider well its resources and
then compare its prospects with- the ENTIRELY MYTHICAL and ABSURDLY FABU
LOUS "CITIES that are being : advertised as having existence, and you will at once compre
hend the difference between INVESTMENT and SPECULATION
, til
bts in Mayfair A
f: i.. i 'U',-'
1 v
3.16., m
MAYFAlRi an addition to the rapidly growing town of Madras, will be placed on the market Early in January and affords a splendid
opportunity for INVESTMENT. Lots or. blocks can be bought with a small cash and subsequent monthly payments, without interest
GET NEXT to the fact that there is a golden opportunity at your door, and that "The further away, the greener the field" is a fool's .
maxim, j CENTRAL OREGON INVESTMENT CO., Inc., will have local salesmen on and after the opening, meanwhile
make application to ; V.-, " ,.; . . , .
Meillp Jkg