Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 23, 1909, Image 2

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    The Place to Save
The Place to Save
Merry Christmas!
TOYLAND Headquarters for Prineville
Our store is replete with Toys and Dolls that all children love. Our assortment ol Toys, that please the
little folks, is complete. We cannot enumerate the hundreds ol articles ready for your inspection. Bring in
the children. Lei them see what we have, such as Dolls, Doll Trunks, Games, Mechanical Toys,
Toy Cook Stoves, Child's Sad Irons, Savings Banks, Doll Buggies, Go-Carts, Doll
Bureaus, Chairs, Wheelbarrows, Wagons, Etc
We also have a beautiful selection of Toilet cases. Collars and Cuff Boxes, Manicure Sets, Albums and
Post card Albums. Our fancy imported hand-painted crockery is all new and our stock is full but make
your selections early.
I. Michel,
- Prineville Oregon
Big Crowd at the
Basket Ball Games
The first "brisket ball game of the
mason which were ployed last night
lit the club hall was attended by a
lars and enthusiastic audience.
Athalt past seven the girls were
called onto the floor and the way
they played for a few minutes made
the boys feel that they would have
to work some to hare any part of
the public's favor. At the end of the
first half the score was nothing to
nothing, but in the second half the
' Alphas succeeded in making two bas
kets. The game ended In a score of
four to nothing In favor of the Alphas.
The Alphas had the advantage In
' weight aud experienced players, but
the Ochoconians played them hard.
The officials were: Evans, umpire;
Foster, referee; Asltby, time keeper.
Following the girls game was a
gaine between the boys. The two
teams were very evenly matched, the
Alphas having a slight advantage in
weight. The lirst halt ended disas
trously for the Ochoconians. The
score was eight to two In favor of
the Alphas. The second half took a
different , turn. The Ochoconians
made basket after basket nntfl time
was called. The Bcore stood ten to
ten and the game had to continue
until one team or the other made
two points. After a few minutes of
hard playing the Alphas were suc
cessful and won by a score of twelve
to ten.
Oregon Trunk to
Cross Columbia
Bank road with the Oregon Truufe
Line now bepig constructed up the
Deschutes cauyon Into eastern Ore
gon. '
(.Continued from pagel.)
being very satisfactory.
The cheaiidt at Washington Bta.
ted that the sample had a good
commerc'al value and if it were
possible to grow them in sufficient
quantities there was no reason why
the industry could not be success
fully established here.
Taking the -figures given above
one can readily see that the toil in
this experiment produced one
pound of sugar beet for every two
hundred and forty square inches.
By using a little arithmetic we
arrive at the conclusion that th
soil in this case produced a little
more than thirteen and one half
tons per acre. '
In sugar beet countries the ( rice
ranges from t4.50 to $6.50 per
ton. This would allow a gross in
come of something like 160 per
The expense per acre for growing
sugar beets in this country can
only be determined by a large
number of experiments and it
is with a view toward enlisting the
interest of practical men that this
article is wr itten.
.It seems to the writer that this
subject ought to be more widely
discussed. It ought to be possible
to gain the attention of a number
of men in each ol the several dis
tricts of the county who would take
an active inter st in this matter.
II. A. Scoggix.
A bill has been introduced by Repre
sentative Ellis authorizing the build
ing of a bridge across the Celilo canal
and Columbia river by the Oregon
Trunk railroad to connect its Des
chutes railroad with the North Bank
The Oregon Trunk Is to have a
bridge, after the same plan as that
of the Northern Pacific across the
Columbia at Vancouver, constructed
across the Columbia at the mouth of
the Deschutes.
The bill authorizing the construc
tion of the bridge wa Introduced be
fore congress by Congressman Ellis.
Plans for the bridge call for a mod
ern steel structure td cost approxi
mately ?2,500,000. ' The work of con
struction Is to be commenced as soon
as the consent of congress is gained.
The bridge is to connect the North
Oil Heat
Without Smoke
No matter how sensitive your
olfactory nerves may be, or under
what working conditions you en
counter the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
you'll not detect the slightest odor of
The Perfection Oil Heater neither smokes nor diffuses odor. The new
Automatic Smokeless Device
positively prevents both. Repeated tests during its incipiency and develop
ment, innuir Table trials after it had been pronounced perfect by the inventor,
demonstrate' its utility and sure effectiveness.
The wick cannot be turned up beyond the point of its greatest effective
ness. It Iocks automatically and thus secures the greatest heat-yielding flame
without a sign of smoke or smell. Removed in an instant for cleaning.
Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing heat
for 9 hours solid brass wic't carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator.
Heater beautifully finished in r.ickcl or Japan in a variety of styles.
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Kit At Yours, Write lor Dcicripttvt Circular
to the Nearest Agency cl the
, . " ' ' Incorporated)
A Few Suggestions for the Holidays!
For the Men and Boys.
Silk Mufflers...., . $1 to $1.75
Suspender Set 1.00
Shirt Set including collar and
tie. 75c to 3.00
Watches $8.50 to $50.00
Watch chains .$2.25 to $8.50
Cuff Buttons 50c to $25.00
Lodge Pins 50c to $1 0.00
Charms $2.25 to $20.00
Fob Chains. $2.50 to $12.00
Late Fiction, regular $1.50, our
price-- $1.35
Carving Sets to . . $ 1 5-00
For the Ladies.
Phonix Mufflers.. ..$ .50
Candle Sticks 75c to $2.50
Gold Watches $18 to $50.00
Watch Chains $5 to $35.00
Neck Chains. $2.50 to $20.00
Rings $5.00 to $ 1 00.00
Bracelets $1.50 to $20.00
Perfume 25c to $4.00
Chafing Dish $8.50 to $12.50
Pyrographic Sets $2.50 to $5.00
Kodaks $1.00 to $20.00
Fine Stationery all grades.
For the Ghildren a Large Line of the Best
Books 35c Each.
Edison Phonographs and Amberol Records are the Best Holiday Presents for the Whole Family.
innek Company
(Continued from psgt 1.)
Uppniitn, A. II., llutnc Men
mid Tuxpuyora' ticket
NoMts (itHM'Kw V I'rtHrty
Owner" tutd Unsliictt Meu'n
Roeenlterjr, J. It., UtiKluea Men
nnd Trtxm.verl, ticket.
Sturknmiut, UcorgeC IUihIikwh
Moumul Taxpayer' ticket
Smith, Claud K., rropvrty O tru
er nud IIunIuvm Men' ticket
I'OK HKI lllillKlt.
Ljrwae, R. VY Iiindm Men and
Tajs payers' ticket
Mclaughlin, Karl, Projierty
Owner and lUiclncwt Men'
Htmton, Wudo, I'roerty Own
era and lluntnen Men' ticket
Kelso, Joe, Until now Mcu- and
Tnxpayer' ticket
For ordinance No. 1CU !
Ajfulnxt ordinance No. ltK)
Th. Drawback.
Roartliunn was a writer of plnva.
ultimately fairly well known lu hi
day. For nearly twenty years he
struggled and fought hi way along
without meeting with any very pro
nounced success, each play In turn
proving more or loss of a failure. At
Inst, however, he produced play that
really caught tha puLUe last. H and
the famous Sheridan hastened to be
present together ou the oiHutliig night
All went well. Success followed suc
cess, aud applause greeted and ended
each mute. At the eud of the second
act Reardrunu's elation -got the belter
of hi discretion, aud, leaning over to
ward Slierldau ai usual, too witty to
be merely syiupatetle-he exclaimed:
"Sheridan, Sln-ritltin, It- going to be
success," a complete success!"
"Ah, yes, murmured Sheridan,
with exquisite commission lu bin voice,
"too bad, too bad!"
Too bad?" stumnierej bi friend,
completely taUeu o.T hi guard. "Why,
too Imd that It should prove a success
"ISecauso now," retorted Sheridan,
"it'll take you another twenty years to
convin - -
A Reference.
A firm of shady outside London bro
kers was prosecuted for swindling, lu
acquitting them the court, with great
severity, suid:
"There la not sufficient evidence to
convict you, but If any one wishes to
know my opinion of you 1 hoi they
will refer to me."
Next il.'tv the Arm's advertisement ap
peared In every available medium with
the following, well displayed: "liefer
ence as to nrobitv. by special pennls-
Kion, the lord chief justice of England."
Hi Reformation.
He was rather given to late hours,
and his wife remonstrated with hlui,
so he promised her faithfully that he
would reform. It would have been nil
right If his friend had not heard of it
"So John II. has reformed, has hej
Humph, we'll see." Tbey "saw" htm
In procession. ' First he met one old
chum, then another, and It never dawn
ed uihju blm that Is was a conspiracy.
The first night that John II. renched
home after he had made that promise
to his wife It was very late, or, rather,
It was very early. In fact. It was early
morning. He took oft his boots, man
aged to hang his hat up nnd walked
softly Into the room where his wife
slumbered. So far all was good. He
divested himself of his coat, nnd Just
as ho was hanging It on the gas bracket
his wife woke up.
"Why,., John," she exclaimed, "what
on earth are you getting up so early
This was a poser, but John was
equal to the occasion.
"That's all right," he said. " "You
know I've reformed, Mary, an' there's
lots of people I've got to see early In
the mornln .
And he deliberately put on bis eoat
and boots, found his hat and went ont
again, while Mrs. II. turned over, with
a fiendish chuckle, and went to sleep.
In the olden times a woman In the
north of Scotland went to visit her
husband, who was condemned to be
hanged on the following day. The
doomed man began to give his In
structions to his wife preparatory to
bidding her farewell, when all nt once
she broke In upon the conversation
and exclaimed, "By the bye, John,
whnur will I plant the tattles this
year?" The unfortunate man, ns may
be Imagined, grew exceedingly Indig
nant at the indifference of his wife
and exclaimed angrily: "What need I
care whaur ye plant them? I'm not
likely to need ony o' them." "Hech."
replied the woman, turning , to the
warden, with a wag of the head, "oor
John's huffed because he's gaun to be
hanged the morn!" and marched out of
the cell.
: Pacific Morse Liniment Is prepared
expressly lor the needs of horsemen and
ranchmen. It is a powerful sod pene.
trating liniment, a remedy for emergen,
ties. A soothing embrocation for the
relief of pain, and the best liniment for
sprains and soreness. Untqualed for
curiae the wounds and injuries of
BARBED WIRE and for healing cuts,
abrasions, sores and bruises. Pacific
Horse Liniment ' Is fully guaranteed.
No other is so good or helpful in so many
ways, If It fails to satisfy, we authorize
all dealers to, refund the purchase price.
ixt ukoc omit rim crura -
Moyt Chemical Co., poutuhd, o.
1st Presbyterian Church
Hiiml iy Sclnml. 10 a. ni.
t'liri-tUn Kndeavur, ;3i p, m,
t'rraehiu nt II a. m. ami T::W p. m.
MM-k prayer meeting Wednesday
vening nt T:5M.
Cimii and enjoy good nutate and Ooxpel
itnwi-hltip:. Our polity! la mwntiala
t'hnrity. In noii-vwiitlnla-Liberty.
N, H. For ecitd noticea soe lovaUof
this paper.
nt . Minuter.
. Died.
On iHvemlier II, llHWl, the Infant
aon of V. II, Primmier.
Mr. nnd Mia. Krttininer wish to
thnnk their friend ntul neighbor
who i kindly muddied them In the
lute Kick m nud uVtult ol their In
fant, son.
Wanted at Once.
(lood second hand orgnn nt reason
able price. Apply nt thl otllee, 12 23
rruler! lt an. I J4 jtwre a no
I' very and Opdykeof I'oitland and 1111
Itnw. ol Kiut I'urllantl, Oregon, w Id the
Hell K. ttli Maura, nimle by
Tool t'n, Now dealer In l'tn tUml !l
them ll ne; man IMe. t'o. uml Co
liiml'U IliUe, Co. lVitlimil Mil have
Urki. height older at Ilia factory In
VlmtUnd, N. J. heii'il tilled. Have
jour dealer mid for a few at tmee.
They work easier, better, quicker, lav
ing time, mutcle, trouble aud temper.
For sale by Templeton & Son
Sensible Holiday Gifts!
Smoking Jackets $6.50 to. $10.00
Bath Robes $5.50 to $8.50
Hose, Initial Handkerchiefs, Sus
penders, Mufflers, Neckties in Indi
vidual boxes, Watch Fob's, Etc.
Chafing Dishes. In fact something that is pre
sentable, acceptable and sensible.
Send Us Your Mail Orders.
Foster & Hyde
ma in r r A a i
Perfect in
eve iff
1 1 if n
4 and Save 25 Cents on the Dollar
Oregon Agricultural College Winter
. Courses
Jcaaarjr 4th to FtWaary I8tb, 1910.
ItrciIckI word, Iccturwi ami (1i-niontrRlloin
will be given In Hueh vital ulijwt Oenernl
Farming. Fruit Culture. Animal Hunbamlrr.
t'ouUry-kci'ijIiiK, tlin Butlm-m Blil ol Farm-
li!K, Forestry, Carpentry, Itlackxmlthinir, Me-
eiianlcifl irwln. cooking, bcwlng, l)mm-
maklnl. Home Manaiiuinen, otr.
All ri-irular (imrtn In-Kin January 4th and
end February Hill. Fariuer'a Week February
Htn to inin.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to all Inter
ealed. -
flood accnmldallona may 1 cnred at
reasonable ralea. NoaKu limit above 1A yearn.
No emeraiK-e requlreln-iita Frumlnent
leeturcra have been secured for Hpeeial topled.
The liistrm tlonul loriw ol the College number!
100. Fxcnlli'tit eiuliinent.
A upeelal feature In the Farmer' Week which
comt-8 tlila year Feb. 14th to 18th. Lecture,
discussions, aud general reunion. .
For further information addresa
Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Co'-
vallls, Oregon,
Contest Noticed f
Department of the Interior, United 8tate
l,Hnd Ollicc. The Dalles, Oregon, l)e
, cumber 15, 1901). - .
A sullicicnt contest afliditvit having been
tiled in thia oillce by William FJovd
contestant, againnt Ilomestead Kntrv. No.
inuhN, maae April w, liinti, lor K'i bWw,
n y, oecnon z, lownnmp is o,
r.. ...... , , t," xtr:n
Beautifully Hand-Decorated $10
Dinner SeU given to our cus
tomers Absolut ely FREE
I Keep Your Eye on the Clock
ut That stands in a conspicuous part
M of our store and will be allowed
H to run down and stop at stated
til intervals.
William McKinney, contestee. in which
in alleged that Haiti William McKinney ha
wholly abandoned said tract for more than
ix months last paxt; Hint said tract ia not
settled upon and cultivated by anid party
as required by law; that isaiof alleged all
ence was not due to hi employineiit in
the iiriny, navy or marine corps of the
u mien mates in nine Ol war.
Said parties arc hereby no tilled to at
iear, reBpontl, and oiler evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m on
February I I. ItllO. before Wurrnii Itmu-n
County Clerk, at his oifice In Prineville,
Oregon, ami that final hearing will be held
at 10 o'clock a. in. on February 21. 1810,
before the Hegistcr and Receiver at the
United State Land Olilce lu The Dalles.
Oregon. .
I he eaid contestant having, In a proper
flidavlt. filed December 8. 1H0. Ket lurth
facti) which show that after due diligence
peraoiial Hervioe of this notice can not be
made, it ia hereby ordered and directed
that audi notice bo given by due and
proper publication. - " i
i-Z C, W. MOORE, Regiatcr.
I Our Liberal Offer:
With each caah purcliao of a certain amount yon makoatonr
) "tore we will give you a card on which the time of the day in utampud.
i Bring cardi to our store on the date and time Bpeciflud thereon, anil a
k complete dinner set will be given to the person proaent holding the
I car(l n which Is stamped the nearest correct time the clock stops at.
It is necessary for all ticket holders to be in oar store at I ho time
) when the face of the clock is uncovered. -
We wantou to secure one of these hanoeome dinner sots so as to
advertise our business and to show in a substantial way that we appre-
l ciate your trade. We are not making any money en them-we don't
expect to-we make this offor simply to please our old customers and
J to make new customers. This is a splendid opportunity for you to
, fcecure a handsome set of dishes absolutely free,
If your ticket does not secure a set for you the firnt time tlio clock
is uncovered, save your ticket as you may win on It the next or tho
, second, third, fourth, fifth oriixth time. Your ticket Is good while we
;. are giving Dinner Beta Free on this plan. Yours truly,
! Clifton & Cornett
Prineville, . Oregon