Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 02, 1909, Image 5

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    t 1, ",
Before you decide on the new grain drill see the Superior
at Kings. "The Name Tells a True Story."
The W. F. King Company
s v (Incorporated) '
Walter Ktwter lit night cU-rk at the
Hotel Tulmli-xUT.
l'jxtt" nro 60 wnt) Mr tlo-n In the
lot-til lunrkf t, ael tlu-re are none.
Mr. O'Domicll of l'ortltiml, hut n
ptmltlou with L1vi'ly.Jorili.-Iaulu
ltoy (Irny wm looking after bul
ntwi In town thin wpt-k Irom IiIn hoine
nt Tout. ,
Itev. Uiilh'y did not continue hi
!iiwtlnjr at Newitom Crtt-k on ac
count o( Imil wvutlicr aim road.
Mm. John Wlcle plwumntly enter
talmil omo friend at "500" liiNt
Friday fvenlnic. After card plnyltiir,
dnlnty rvfrenlitinMit were wrved.
Villon church, mhool nt 10 a,
n. pri'iuhliiir nt 11 a. iu. Text:
1, h I. "I'omo with u and we
will do thee good." C. P. Halle,
Rev, llalli-y and hla church will
coinmence revival imetlnirn Monday
evenlntf after Xmu. All who are
liitented In the winning of aoule are
1IVU1 tO ItMMlHt.
lAwrvnre Hyde, who line liocn on
thenlKhtehlft at thtt del-trie light
plant line Ihhii compelled to give up
the work on account of etckneee.
Kml Kiln, an O. A. l graduate, I
now In charge.
Married: M lee Valdn Haruea aud
Thontne U foon, both of tide city,
were married lnt Thursday evening
at the home of Mnt. 1'lrket, C. P.
Hnllejr oflklntlng. A large coinjmny
of frleude were iireeent. The Initio le
the daughter of !eo. W, Hnrties.
The groom le a protntwlnsr. young
man, with a lrlght future In-fore hint
The eupiier given by Mre. Picket, wne
extra good and enjoyed by nil who
participated. Many um-ful preeente
were given the hnppy couple, with
the beet wlNhce of the donor tor their
future welfare.
Friday, Dec. 10, '09
Morgan's Orchestra
Tickets $1.00
Every Knlgtit a Floor Manager
Ales Tlioumon hne gone to Kleters
on bUHlneee.
MUe Verna Howard came up from
Mud rue and spent Tbankeglvlng at
Marrted-llr. W. E. Nenblt of Idaho
and Mlea Verdn Iolklu of Culver
were married thle week.
Mre. Knrah Ketchum le vlnttlng
her daughter, Mre. Henry WlilUHt
at Hvnd.
G. N. Clifton, of the firm of Clifton
& ( oriiott, left Saturday for a buel
neiie trip to Portland.
Mre. Lillian Jortlan, who hae Uen
In a Portland hospital for the pant
several mouths returned to her home
In I'rlnevtlle lost Friday.
The Indies of the Haptlet church
will give a Window Boclal at the
Helknap Hall, Saturday at 7:30 p. m.
An Intereetliig rouelcal and literary
trcnt will precede the enle of ehad-
owe. inoiee are idviuhi u nnng
their ehadowe, and the gentlemen
are Invited to come and tr their
luck, and enjoy the (east.
1. 1 Ketchum, one of the pioneers
of Prlnevllle passed the three ecore
and ten mile stone of life Tuesday
and to commemorate the event his
daughters, their husbands and his
son, sent him a gift of seventy silver
dollars. Mr. ketcbunt says he will
either have to tako a trip or get
drunk and has not decided yet which
would be more appropriate.
The Hlllman townslte people,
known as the Crook County Invest
ment Co. ore very busy at this time.
They put their property on the
market some time lust week, and the
plats which have Just come to band
to the Koalty Development Co., their
local agents, show that about a
thousand of the lots In t he 400 acre
townslte are already sold. Those
who want to buy property In the
townslte had better see the Kealty
Development Co. right away and
choose their location, as the choicest
lots are being taken very rapidly.
Tim Crook County Investment Co.
have set aside a number of blocks to
lie sold right hero In Prlnevlllo. Plats
on view room 10 Adamson block. It
Walter Ituolo was In town the last
of the week from his home near Cul
ver attending to business matters.
Mr. Ituble states that representa
tives of the Idaho capitalists who
have recently had . surveys and
nieaeureiuenU of the flowe of water
from Crescent Lake, have been In the
Cutter section recently urging the
owners of land there to sign up for
water for Irrigation. Mr. Ruble
states that there will lie no hesitancy
on the part of tho ranchers to take
water when they see that the pro
ject Is feasible, but adds that many
of them believe the Object of the pro
moters Is to secure power fights
along the Deschutes Inasmuch ns the
Irrigation project would supply
water to only a comparatively small
acreage, by taking the water out of
the Deschutes at Cllne Falls, as Is
Miss Hattle Qulna Is up from
O'Nelt today.
Will Arnold and wife left Wednes
day for the railroad.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Stewart took
an auto trip to Bend today.
Mrs. J. C. Harber Is a guest nt the
home of Mrs. It. V. Constable.
Itobert Ilea of Madras was a
county sent visitor Monday.
Mrs. Llnna D. Woods of Madras
was visiting In Prlnevllle this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Herald from
Portland arrived Friday and will
vldltatthe home of Mrs. Herald's
son, Onier Claypool.
Mike Brown came down from
Paulina the last of the week with Dr.
Edwards la the latter's auto aud is
spending the week In town. ,.
William Led ford this week sold his
timber claim located above Bend to
D. L.' McKay, who Is buying for the
Hudson company. The price paid
was 3075.
The Cornett Stage and Stable
Company during the past ten days
discontinued bringing express matter
from Shantko on the regular stages
on account of bad roads, but sent
heavy teams In after the freight
Several cargoes of this matter have
arrived during the past few days
and the prosect Is that the con
gestion of express and baggage will
return to normal.
The grand ball given by Hose Co.
So. 2 of the Prlnevllle Fire Depart
ment on Thanksgiving night was a
graud success In every way. One
hundred and forty numbers were
sold, and while all did not attend the
ball, the hall was crowded to over
flowing by the merry makers, who
seemed to enjoy every minute of the
time. Music was furnished by Mor
gan's orchestra,
LunaEodge, No. 65, Knights of
Pythlasf la making great prepar
ations for their ball on the 10th. It
promises to be the social event of the
season. Many Invitation cards have
lieen sent out, but these have been
mailed more as an announcement of
the event than anything else-. Every
one Is invited and will be welcome,
whether they receive a card or not.
You will regret It If you don't come,
for the Knights know how to do
things right
"The Source," will lie the subject
for 11 o'clock at the First Methodist
church next Sunday. For the even
ing the subject will be, "A man true
to his convictions." The chorus
choir will reuder special music at
both services. The special given lnt
Sunday morning was pronounced by
good Judges the best ever heard In
Prlnevllle. The Sunday school at
10. Junior League at 3 p. m. and
Senior League at 6:30. A full gospel
as a message; a kind word tor the
stranger, a "homelike church" for
Dr. Ed wards made a professional
trip to Paulina the lut of the week.
Carl Wlodom of Culver attended
the firemen's bull here Thanksgiving
night. " ., .
Austin Klxer of Bear Creek, was In
for winter supplies the first of the
week. ,
- Fred Wiese and Mitts Annie Cyrus
of KlMters were married on the 29th
of November.
Jerome Knox was In the city Tues
day from Post attending to busi
ness matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Colby have
been In the city sevesjil days this
week shopping.
Miss Viols Iteynold who Is teach
ing on the McKay spent Thanksgiv
ing In Prlnevllle with friends
Saturday, November 27th, Is the
UlU birthday of B. F. Nichols of this
place, and In honor of the event his
graud daughter, Mrs. F. N. Wallace,
will hold a reunion and give a birth
day dinner. There will lie four gene
rations present on the occasion: B.
F. Nichols, MIhs Mollle Nichols, his
daughter, Mrs. F N". Wallace, his
grand daughter, and the four child
ren of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Wallace,
his great grand chlldr en. Laldluw
Before You Sign
a contract for life insur
ance in any company
look into the merits of
The Policyholders' Company
No matter how much
you are urged to place
life insurance elsewhere
write first and hear what
we have to offer.
All the money paid to
this Company stays in
Oregon and helps your
own prosperity. It as
sists in the up -building
of a Greater Oregon.
There is nothing better
in life insurance than
QrCgOnTlfC There is
nothing as good for Ore-
gonians as QrCgOPTlfC
R.'M. Morris of Trail Crossing was
In town Tuesday. Mrs. Morris has
been In the city for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Balfour de
parted Wednesday for the Dixon
ranch near Fife, where they will spend
the winter. '
Mrs. Grace Bayn was a passenger
to Khanlko on Wednesday's stage on
her way to Seattle where she will
visit for a month.
A new sign has been placed on the
Presbyterian Church. It Is not only
a very neededful article but adds to
the appearance as well.
The Misses Agnes Elliott and Ada
Morse and Messrs. Van and Clark
Morse spent Thanksgiving at Cross
Keys with relatives and friends.
Frank Huott, of Paulina, better
known as "Alkali Frank," passed
through town yesterday on his way
to Portland to spend the winter.
Joe Smelser, wbo wns badly hurt
in a runaway accident a couple of
months ago. Is able to be around
again. He was out for the first time
Hubert Irwin of Madras and Miss
Mabel Bennett of Laldlaw were
united in wedlock Friday evening at
the Polndexter Hotel. City Recorder
McLaughlin tied the knot.
Fruit Trees for Sale.
Home grown one and two-year-old fruit
trree for tale.
Howard Spining, Bend, Orejton.
K. Dean Huston, of Ash wood
passed throurh town this week, re
turning from a trip to Silver Lake.
John Hayes, a member of the firm
of Hayes Bros., of Silver Lake, was
In for supplies the first of the week.
Mrs. F. E. UVoslus who has been
attending the sickbed of a daughter
at Hood P.iver Is expected home to
day. You are cordially Invited to wor
ship at the Presbyterian Church
Sunday. Subject for the morning
Ing service: "The Bride of the Son of
God." The evening theme: "Oppor
tunities to Young Men." 'This is in
the nature of a lecture sermon, while
It is especially adapted to young
men. It Is applicable to all. Or
chestral music and special anthems
for this service. Come and enjoy a
pleasant hour with us.
Oregon Agricultural College Xt inter
Courses , ,
Janary 4ik to Fskury IStk, 1919.
practical word, lertnfes and demonstration
will be given In auch vital nubjisf M a General
Farming, Fruit Cuitnre. Animal Husbandry,
Poultry-keeping, the BitsinrM Side of Ksrni
Ing. Korestry, arpentry, Hlacksmlthinjr, Me
chanical Drawing, cooking. Sewing, llresa
making. Home Managemen, etc.
All rexul.r eourafs begin January 4th and
end February Uih. farmer' Week February
14th to 1Mb.
A cordial Invitation la extended to all Inter
eated. Good accomodations may be aeenred at
reasonable rates. No aSe limit above IB yean.
No enterance requiremcnta Prominent
lectorera have been secured lor special topics.
The instructional lorce ol the College numbers
luo. Excellent equipment.
A special feature is the Fanners' Week which
comes this year Feb. 14th to lih. Lectures,
disci'saions, and general reunion.
For further Information address
Kegtutrar. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor. '
vallia, Oregon.
New Millinery Display
Show all the best late Fall and Winter Hat.
All the latest styles. My stock Is complete,
beautiful hats in our enlarged quarters.
Call and see these
Comer Second and Main Streets, PrinevUle, Oregon.
Maker ft Grsxk hires
Select Beeka
Caaera Sappltei
Wall Paper
D. P. Adamson & Co
Masks! sMbwsMSts
Mafais .
Lawaey't Cawiies
GOOD people remember, Christmas is near at hand,
i . We have a new line of Holiday Presents in our store
consisting of Fancy Boxes of all kinds, Post Card Albums,
Pyrography Outfits, Leather Goods, Watches, Chains, Rings,
Broaches, Clocks, Columbia Phonographs and Industructable
A fresh line of Lowney's Candies just arrived.
D. P. Adamson & Go
Cream Separator
bowls are greatly reduced in diame
ter and prove by their clean skimming
records, durability and the superior
excellence ot meir worn, me correct
ness of the principles upon which they
perfection of material and workmanship
are built and the
which produce them.
You can buy a separator for less money than the United
States that every dairyman knows, liut consider this:
When a U. S. is bought and paid for, it is paid for.
A cheap machine is never paid for. Eyery cent expended
for repairs must be added to the original cost it's an end
less system of instalments. These instalments, added to the
first cost of the machine, soon exceed the cost of the U. S.,
and after each successive repair, (if you can get another
part) the cheap machine grows more ana more second-hand-one
step nearer the junk heap.
The loss of cream, cost of repairs, time lostr the trouble
and worry outweigh" many times oyer the difference in cost
between tne "cneap separator and the clean skimming,
Reliable, substantial united States Cream Separator. f
Examine the U. S. yourself and see its good points.
Buy Your Winter
ear o
Mens Sheep-Lined Coats
Heavy Wool and Fleeced Underwear .
Women's and Children's Heavy Winter Under
. . ... , ....
wear, Mittens, Gloves, Etc
,Eo Stewart
II.. asss - I ' U '
11 15L K
l tr f
: I sf
IKT nave eam'ess
yll solid piece, oi ca
I J I flexible, tougn learner
the shoes that will stand
rough play, yet they arev
"ss s . s I I I -X ,11 Mavpr sVirw. thv
I toes. They will many
feCo v
are slides of exeeDbonal strength
and extraordinary wear. Ihey
are biff monev-savers tor tam-
ilies that have boys or girls.
1 hev creatlv outwear ail ordin
ary shoes, because thev are so
strongly and substantially built.
uppers. Uppers are made of one'
refully selected leather Soles are
anrl wear like iron. These are
the scuffle and hard knock of '
not disagreeably heavy or clumsy..
have full vamDS. double leather
r a .
times outwear ordinary shoes.