7f. c Crook -.CoMim QJJ ty COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK. COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1909 VOL.XIIIKO.51 REDMOND AFTER " DIRECT ROAD r -. Representative C o iae $ V to Prineville THIS TOWN WANTS IT TOO New Rout. Will Give Auto Line Opn - Year Round Only 18 Miles to Railroad. Kirk Whlted. representing the Redmond Commercial Club, met the executive committee of the Prineville Commercial Club Tuea dav evening to see what Prineville would do towird building a first elate road between the two towm. i Mr. Whlted was given close at tentlon ae he outlined hie plane. Heeald that the committee up pointed by the Redmond Com mercial Club to eelect a route hd located a crossing of the old river bed at the southwest corner o( the Stewart homestead, where there is a light grade and culvert needed lor watte water. The distance between Prineville end Redmond by lection lines is seventeen miles, and It is thought the completed road will be less than eighteen miles, with no hills after leaving the grade west of Prineville. Jt is estimated that the road can be built for less than 11.000 and be made fit for auto mobile travel at all seasons of the . . i .. - i i. year. The old roaa is wo muuuj . . . . A 1 n the winter time lor auto iravei .ml henldos It Is three or four miles longer than the proposed new road. Then there Is the matter oi grades to be considered. The new Wthwav w 11 be comparatively level from the top of the grade wett of town. - As soon as a petition can be drawn up and the road definitely tint nrnrMMttion will be IWBIVU a-v g' t taken no with the county court The matter was presented In favorable liiht br Mr. Whlted that he was given to under land that Prloeville would raise 1150. the same as Redmond has subscribed, and would co-operate with our neighbor and do every thing possible to get the new roaa established. - Mr, ; Whlted explained that It was not all pure philanthropy on the part of Redmond that prompt- VALUATIONS IH SCHOOL DISTRICTS Sisters ia the Lead With $878,950 Worth LAVA NEXT WITH $727,165 Nineteen Out of Sixty Seven District Have Property Val uet Assessed Over $100,000 The following la the tweeted vtlua tlon of property In tle scliool diatrict of Crook county: Crxiked River Athwood.. Shotgun Breete Madraa Buoimlt Prairie Maury . -Font - Ked Rock.. leaver .... Diamond Ridge.. Lapsed. 83. Gray Buttea ... Buck Creek..., Lavs Inuer Dear Creek Crow Keyt Hay Creek r Iwer liear Creek. Upper Kyegrtta WtrmpnnKt Alkali r lat. Lamonta" Cloverdale Vpr Mill Creek.. Ochoco .. Cline Fslli.. 1. I. 3. 4. 6. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. w. 17, Prineville Lower Rye Gr, .. Juhnnun Creeks.. Mill Creek.. . I5aard. Upper McKay Lower McKay Powell Buttet . Slater . Culver -Grialy. Bend.. Mountain View., KUHogbeck Mud Ppringt Ftirview . t 546,06. 36,688 17.943 93.772 118,960 186,709 60,111 167,497 878,9d0 36,305 96,994 776,992 38,628 37,194 22,722 20,823 Ax Htndle Ilethodiat Hill.. Laidlaw - Shepard Paulina Valley Bliward Ridge- Paulina Opal Prairie Redmond Vibbert. Plainview Opal City Lone Pine.. i Bayley - Pleatant Ridge.. North none. Round Butt. Lyle Gap ; W illow Creek Tetkerow ButU (iueria... Butte Valley. Ricliardeon. 115,571 674" 63,468 91,261 91,158 341,305 107,434 95,750 28,860 173,086 71421 100,354 31,253 205,109 727,165 20.951 83,220 112,637 89.6tt4 29,101 62,986 42,615 447,257 50,046 80,107 63,645 40.201 40.118 14,135 10,113 237,869 30.711 54.069 89,207 69 479 8,575 ; 107,548 9,361 . 103.751 13,190 . 23,588 . 107,861 49.267 . 20,447 3,002 . , 9,868 4,946 18,482 a 41,615 59,365 20,280 LIVESTOCK AND .m AGRICULTURE A Synopsis of Count$ Principal Industries. COMPILED BY J. H. CRAY & SON Past AchievemenU Show That Grower are Going in for Blooded Stock. Firee Free. o o Free o o o To those who are acquainted with Crook county it is surprising W a Hunih of ignorance as to conditions is displayed by out siders; but this seems to be mainly due to the paucity of available de tails. The future of Crook county is rapidly being recognized as of the very brightest hue, while stil fact that Crook county has already made a past record among the counting of the who Northwest is not generally known. Neverthe less such is the case, and in order .nllohton the enauirer. The w -)" Realty Development Company interviewed Mr. J. H. Gray, of the firm of J. H.Gray & Son, one of tlia most prominext stockmen of the Pacific Northwest, and the fol lowing facts are largely supplied by him. Mack rWipttJ Stack For vary many countries, including a very strong exhibit from Europe. Durybf la K Wasty. Dairying also is a paying in dustry and one that at present only in its infancy. Its future, however, is very bright indeed; The Pioneer Creamery of Prine ville. is the only one at present in operatfon in Crook County, but the remarkable success which this firm is meeting with, will entail their starling other branches In the various localities of the county. Products of the Pioneer Creamery find a very ready market in the interior and elsewhere, and the territory is veay large.. The cream nroducioz business is less than a year old with the local farmers, and Is meeting with a great deal ot MEWS NOTES FROM THE HIGH SCHOOL Ycrk Re::d Vith a Via after Turkey Day DEBATING TEAM KOSTLY CIXLS Breezy Items About Student and Doings of Classes and ... literary Societies The Thanksgiving vacation, favor, and more attention is being Thursday and Friday, was an as paid this branch of the stock in- pn- enj0yable one to the C. C. dustry as time goes on. fl bnt every. C-4 F'- one was back to work Monday and From the character and; 6itu-l . , .. .j .v ii began witn renewed vim n ation oi me ianu m iuo i - , Ochoco, Crooked River, McKay, energy for another month s work and surrounding country, with and then cornea the Christmaa abundant natural meadow land, holidays. , alfalfa land, and water, and the The Baker City school held its mild climate, the dairy business is . TM Belect , 3 t - - . M.nl H An I Af It. . la fum In niiHunt th annCKtl in tention in the near future. 1 r . ' m, the mter-hieh school contest, i n e piwnf!r whatever branch two teams selected were made up of agriculture a newcomer wishes I of five young men and one young to engage in, the opportunities Udy while the V. I, tu . teame were never better than in Crook reverse this order, having five county at the present time. young ladies and one young man. - Baker City is in the Eastern Ore- Haifimnn RrlfWs Ron district and we hope that it """"" o .v 1 In, F WilloW Creek Gorge team to prove to Baker City that eirls can debate. The question What will be the hiEhest bridge n their try-out was: Re- i . . . r -nm solved that life imprisonment wuu tuna rrook n ih (( nf OrOB when com-i""w" r Dolls, Dolls, Beautiful Dolls With Every Purchase of $5.00 or more we will give a. handsome Doll; Purchases of $10.00 or more, will get large Dolls, 3 inches in proportion. All the Dollsare pretty and are entirely free. This applies to all pur- chases except in our grocery and. hardware departments. Ladies Woolen Union Suits Bise 4 only, regular 12.50 value, exceptional value at $1.45 the gar ment. Only a few kft tor early buy ers. - Ladies Long and Short Kimonas in large' asHortment of beautiful pat terns, one of a kind. 10 per cent reduction on entire line. III GOLF GLOVES All wool, large assortment, regular BO cent to 65 cent values, reduced to 40 cents. k Mens heavy lined calf skin mittens, splendid wearing tor lumber and wood haulers, regular 75 cent at 55 cenU per pair. Mens Sweaters All Wool Heavy worsteds, will not get "baggy." Special values at 2.50, $3.00 &$3 50. Childrens and Misses Sweaters, l.rirfl aiBortment in. Rood shades, sizes 22 Inches to- 34 inches, priceB 85 cents to $2. Ladies All Wool Sweaters, special . values at $3.00 and $4.00. For Christmas gifts, we are showing some beautiful garments for $6.50 to $10, which ' we guarantee , to make any woman happy. . . Beautiful Dishes Given Away. Every Tuesday and Friday we give away a beautiful set of dishes. Pur chases from us entitle you to a ticket for every dollar spent here. If you want to know more about this call and see us. - ' 33 1-3 Reduction on all Our Child- rent Coats, ages from 3 to 8. This exceptionally fine opportunity will not be open long. Be Bure and take advantage of it at once. Not Too Late for a Stylish Winter Hat. For vary many yeaa . wooa ,n the state -B- re9tricted power of pardon be sub county ha. been ra.stng some o. pie ed wm ne tne 8tUuted for capital punishment in the finest stock that is ratssd on Willew Creek canyon at Madras "u" . qJ, the Pacific coast: not merely cay- 0n the Deschutes Railroad. The ine 08 uses or grade stock, but real full- length of the entire bridge will be There wiUbe nc .report from : the h ooded pedigreed ock. . approximaiely J050 feet, and have Alpha and the Ocbocontan editors iJlnL, Raacki.u-WM. a steel span of about 120 feet. The this week as the soc.ettes were . , DostDoned on account of the Zt;7 north of tie canyon witl be 270 fee, It nksgivacatio of Prineville is th- largest blooded is the plan of the Hamman people Fr-.-JW. . sheep ranch 'in the world today, that they do not care to drop their John and Mary McDowell both frequently importing very high road into Willow Creek basin after of the Freshmen class, spent heir priced blooded stock and export- having climbed the grade Jrom Thanksgiving vacation wrth their r .t.. .,!. TmntOrpelt to almost a level with parents on lower Crooked river. ine luu-orea eneeu u uwu v" " - , , ,, . . production to all parts of the world, the plains, and this bridge ot mag- Donald Burle.gb, 13 took This is only one ot a large number nificent proportions is necessitated Thanksgiving dinner with his of important sheep ranches in the in order to avoid the drop. parents at Redmond. I . . . . Tfc Pnt and warehouse of the Georae Hungers, a member ot vicim y. Deschutes road will be located on the class ot '13, enjoyed a turkey Messrs Gr & Sou of the - Bon- the edge of Agency Plains about dinner at Lamonta on Thanks Messrs. uray Douo u tK..nn Briers of a mile northwest dvine. nyview ranch make a apecwij j eround Clark Morse and Agnes Elliott, Herford cattle and hsve one oi ne alread best herds in the state, numbering tor "ac g p p Uwwivin,, ,ith relatives and at present 5000. They also have ' ' J imported German Coach horses, Thanksgiving with relatives and friends at Cross Keys. v Joaiar A SaahaaMrn. Alex Barnes has dropped his work in the C. C. H. S. He is greatly missed, as he was the enly is .. Shoe Reminders Odd pairs, all sizes for children, Misses and Ladies. Prices 75o per pair and un. to close out the entire lot. Every pair a genuine bargain. Boys Wool Knee Pants, , Very heavy, are strongly made, regu lar 75o at 55 cents. Boys Corduroy Knee Pant -Suits, priced at $5.50, special $3.65. Youths Corduroy Suits, long pants, fine whip cording, for ages 12 to 16, special at $8.95.- . imported German Coach horses, Dftllf01. Clydesdale horses, and pedigreed I lliimail Iveilier Poland China hogs. p . Ararrle . . . i Livestock commission men v . . - ...... . , " . tmi T0n f th a r ace dov in me jumur wmb. the Union Stock laros otrorwauu, . Th Rnnmor. are uBinra nart . i it i xr A.n n ir a trnm i t . rii. uiaii. i v - - u ..ytbattbe for public Drea stoca mey g ."... v. ..! Rvrv Mondav after- . . 3 ivus Crptt Nortnern uauwav. man i'v""""0' j UrooK county, anuuiuj . " V5 nnnn wh member of the class shipments are made by J.u.uray "7 ,,ftta reouired to deliver a prepared ad & Son. They always receive muropu .-j ---- r- , - -,nniM n lpnl,th. This j 'j kQ;r t th National urv farming wu- tnantnestanu.ru .r ::;7 . . ork j, 80metHng that will de ,.ure blooded stock industry per- ? - haps better than any locauty .,:y.1 and Caroline K TsTnrfhwRHf KOUter S repumnuu as m - . ...... , . . the JN0rmwe8l. I . . . i. nk.i.ii.n a(11 worn atwnt from , . - . e . v:.:. farmer is becoming exMuuijr i vum , w. . , VnnWn in thia section, where he classes Monday At the annual Urook uoumy . Fair held recently the livestock P" - J" - - aWin. would have been a credit the prizes at the . last two county , ... .v. i fairs. Madras noneer 10 tne locoiiljr uu iuo uu"."v . Miss Blanche Wilson, '11, is again in classes after a two days absence. Prices cut to actual cost, closing out the entire line of Ladies and childrens hats. Get our priceB. Get Ready for Christmas. Our line of Toys, Dolls, Chfldrens Books Etc. areready for your investigation and you will find the prices ex tremely low in comparison with other places. Buy early and avoid the rush. o W. ElMms. Company full-blooded entries surprised out 1 - a sidersvery considerably. JNor is the stock industry the only in dustry that has been carried cn for many years with remarkable success, and has proven its value. Crook Coaaty Agiiait tk World. At the Billings, Mont., dry farm- ine con Kress, held this fall, Crook county carried off the silver cup for the best exhibit ot dry farming Droducts for the whole of Oregon, . . . ... while other locfcl awards from ngni around Prineville were: R. M Powell, first international prize for alfalfa: W. H. Cadle, first inter national prize for oats; H. J . liealy i . first and 3rd international prizes for rye, 2nd international prize tor oats, and 3rd 11:11 prize for rye; G. Springer, 2nd international and l - 2nd J. J. Hill prize for potatoes The greater part of these awards were carried off in face oi very 1 strong opposition from loreign BAKING POUfErt Absolutely Para Makes the finest most deli cious biscuit, cake and pastry; convey s to food tnemostiieaKMul of fruit properties