Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 28, 1909, Image 3

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    J i
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Just Two
This season of Money Saving to our customers and the people of Crook county will long be remem
bered as one of the greatest sales of dependable merchandise ever held in Prineville. Everything
will be marked in Plain Red Figures at prices that will put all previous; attempts at price cutting in Prineville below low water
mark. It is not necessary for us to go into details regarding the quality of our merchandise; everyone knows that we carry
the best of the world's goods and have always catered to the best trade, and we now offer you your choice of any article in
the big stockat a reduction for cash that will interest the most skeptical buyer in this county.
REMEMBER this is a bona fide Money Saving Sale for you, and the firm, Lively-Jordan-Lanius Company is a guarantee as to the state
ments of this advertisement. Remember, if at any time you are not perfectly satisfied with your purchase, we will cheerfully refund your
money. Our methods of doing business should be well enough known to the buying public to assure one and all that we mean just what we
say, and the same treatment will be extended each and every customer during the two weeks of this Money Saving Sale.
Grocery Department
Syrup Specials.
S' g1 Rock Candy Dri 45
lgitl t " " 80
2 gal ' " " l.f0
3 gl " " " 2.!
4 gal " " 2.SK1
gut Superb ISrand :15
1 gal , "0
2gIPUir Brand 1.35
3 gt " " 2.10
4 gal " " 2.tM)
No 1 Japan like, 14 lbs for 1.00
6 Si lb high-grade roast Coffee... 1.00
10 lb Yellow Corn Meal 40
10 lb White " .40
10 lb White Hominy 45
3 cam Dutch Cleanpor ' .25
6 bars Bilk Soap....! 25
6 burs Crystal White Soap 25
5 bars Hoyal White Soap... 25
All Hardware, Tinware niul
Groceries will he reduced (or
this Hits Kale and each article
will be markod in plain
Furnishing Goods
Minn's 25c black lioee, during
this side 5 pair for 1 00
Men'd 35c funcy hose, this Bale.. .25
" , " tanhmere hone " ... .25
Mon'f and boys' dull-finish cel
luloid collar, all sixes, regular
25c sellers, during this sule 15
Men's work fhirts, the kind sold
everywhere for 75c, thin Nile... .40
Men's silk pongee negligee
Shirts, plain and fancy f tripe;
regular 12.25 and (2. 75 values,
during this sale 1.05
Men's (iolf Shirts, all new stock,
good patterns, all sizes, regu
lar 11.25 and (1.50 values 05
Men's Kagle Brand Heavy Wool
Underwear, sold tho world
over for (2 tho garmontdur
iug this sale 1.35
Hoys' wool-mixed 2 piece I'nder
wenr, all sizes 2 1 to 34, regular
l garmentK, during this Bale... .05
Men's Night Shirt, plain white
and fancy trimmed, regular
(1.25 and (1.50, this sale 05
Men's 4dn-hand Ties, Hand
Treks and Shield Tecks, all
colors, regular 85c values, dur
ing this Balo V. 20
A big bunch of men's Hilk 4-in-hand
and Shield Tecks, worth
up to (1, during this sale..,.,... .30
Overcoats and Suits
A fine suit of clothes, coat, pants
and vest, cue ami two suits of
a kind, worth up to f 15, dur
ing this sale 0.00
Men's Corduroy Suits, all sizes
3(1 to 42 worth (12.50, during
this sale .0O
Youths' Corduroy Suit, worth
(7.50, all sizes 23 to 34, during
this sale 5.00
A few Men's (20 Cravcnette
Coats to go at this sale tor... ...12.00
We have over 200 pairs of Men's)
Tunts, t all prices, to be sold
at less than cost of making at
this sale.
Men's good substantial Over
coats, in all-wool Kerseys,
Miltons and Oxfords, worth up
to (25, this sale..... (12 to 16.50
Youths 3-piece Suits, 10 to 10 yrs
worth up to (12, this sale (5 to 7.50
Children's 2 aiul 3-piece Suits,
knee pants, 4 to 0 years, worth
up to (5, during this sale..: 1.S0
Men's Duck Coats, blanket lined
worth up to (3 50, dining this
sale .....:..(1.60 to 2.25
Hoys' Duck Coats, blanket lined
during this sale 1.00
Men's Heavy Mackinaws, regu
lar (4 and (4.50 values 3.25
And now the climax of all bar
gains Your choice of all Now
--Fall Suits, (25 to (:i0 values,
during this sale .' 17.50
Our shoo department is a small
store in itself, where yon can
get anything in shoes for Men,
Hoys, Ladies, Misses and Chil
dren, at prices that will as
tonish you, considering the
fact that the stock is all new,
dependable giods.
Men's 14-inch high-cut counters,
worth (ti.25, during this sale... 5.00
Men's heavy work shofe, Klon-.
dike eyelets, (4 and (4.50, dur- .
ing this sale 2.95
Half a dozen or more lines of
Ladies and Misses flue and
heavy shoes, regular (2 and
(2.75 values, this sale 1.S5
A broken line of Misses fine
shoes, sises 11 la' to ; rcgu- ;
lar (2.25 and (2.50 values, dur
ing this sale ......... 125
Children's (1.50 School Shoes,
during this sale 1.15
Misses (2.25 rchool elioes 1.G5
Youths bigh-top shoes, Klon- ;
dike eyelets, regular (3.25, dur- !
ing this sale.. (2.25 and 2.50
A broken line of Infant and Chil
dren's shoes, sizes 5) to 8, go
at 25 and
Rubber Goods
Men's heavy 2-buckle Rubbers
for felts 2.
Hoys' heavy 1-buckle Rubbers
for felts
Men's Lace Rubbers for German
Sox .
Boys' Rubber Hoots
Men's " " .
Men's hip" " ...
Motorman's shoes
Men's 4-buckle Overshoes
" 2-bnckle "
Bovt' " "
Ladies " "
Children" "
Ladies' Plain Rubbers...
Misses' " "
Hoys' " "
Suit Cases
All leather Cases, in 26-inch
lengths, several styles to
choose from, regular (7.50
values at
Regular (6
Regular (5.50
Regular (3.95
Telescopes, all 22-inch size, go at
All of our plain 19-inch 85c Taf
fetas, in colors and black, to
go at... I .63
riain India silks, in all colors,
regular 65c value, this sale..... .43
Dress Goods
riain and fancy suitings, regu
lar 65 and 75c valued, during
this sale .'. .45
Liht shades in Albatross, Cash
meres and Henriettas at .45
All wool Serges in black, navy
and red, regular 65c values,
during this sale 45
Regular 85c values 55
Regular (1-25 " .S3
Farm Machinery
Winona Wagons Syracuse Plows
Junior 14-inch Steel Sulkey Plows
Regular (52.50, this sale (44.00
Junior 16-inch Steel Sulky
Plows, regular (53.50, during
this sale 45.00
Syracuse 2-section Spike Tooth
Harrows, regular (21, during
this sale 17.00
Syracuse Lever-Spring 17-Tooth
Harrows, regular (28.50, dur
ing this sale 23.00
Syracuse 14-inch Walking Plows.
during this sale 12.00
Syracuse 12-inch Walking Plows
during this sale 11.50
We have on hand several 2 and
3-inch Winona Wagons, also several
extra plain and California Stake
Rack beds which we will sell at ac
tual cost.
Calicos and Outings
Indigoes, 17 yards for., 1.00
Fancys, 17 yards for 1.00
Silk finish, 14 yards for 1.00
Outings, all colors, good heavy
weights 10
Galeteas 15
We have 50 dozen Hats of all
styles and prices which must
be sold during this sale.
A few odds and ends at 1.00
Regular (3.50 values, this sale... 2.35
Our regular (2.50, this sale 1.85
John B. Stetson's famous (4.50
and (5 Hats, during this sale.. 2.95
Suit Department
Ladies Tailored Suits, in all the
new shades and styles have
been reduced 20 to 33 percent
during this sale
Ladies Long Coats, regular (15
values, during this sale 9.00
Regular (12 values, this eale 8.25
Misses Long Coats, in all shades
reduced Hto for this sale ;
prices now range from (5 to
(8.50 per garment.
Ladies New Tailored Skirts, reg
ular (0.50 values . 4.00
Regular (3.50 values at 5.50
' (10 " 7.00
Owing to lack of space the above will not give you more than half an idea of what real bargains await you during this big money saving sale. You will find nothing
reserved in this large stock, every article has been reduced in price and a visit to our store any time during this gigantic sale will convince you that this is abso
lutely a bona fide Money Saving Sale for you which you can not afford to overlook. Send us your mail orders; you will find shopping by mail with us most satis
factory. Every purchase guaranteed.
1 1
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