.lie Sale of Sales ! Our Great Closing Out Sale opened with a rush and those who took advantage of the bargains we are offering are loud in their praises of the values received. Our Time Is Limited In which to dispose of this stock which consists of Men's, Women's and Children's Merchandise, in fact, everything, for the family. The greatest bargains you ever heard of are here, so come early, you won't regret it. Space being limited, we quote below a few of the most startling bargains you ever dreamed of getting: SPECIAL SALE ON LADIES' DRESSES $5.00 Dresses : 7.00 Dresses 9.00 Broadcloths 12.00 VoUles: $ 1.75 2.15 4 2.45 $ 4.75 SPECIAL SALE OF MISSES' DRESSES S4.00 and $5.00 Skirts. 6.00 Dresses $1.25 1.45 SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S SHOES $3.50 Shoes 4.00 Shoes .... 5.00 and $6.00 Men's High Topped Shoes .. 2.50 Boys Shoes 3.00 Boys Shoes $1.95 . 2.15 . 2.95 125 135 Look for the RED SIGN at the Morris Bidg. TTfi rice oros. PRINEVILLE, OREGON Main Street near O C H O C ( BRIDGE Items From Southeast Crook. W. W. Brown is building a new Louse on Lis ranch at Bear creek. When completed it will be one oi the linear residences in the county. Ed Foley is in charge of the Dew poet- ', office of Fife. Ed needs a clerk lady preferred. .UBC)U uvi c v in jijjimi cifp.vn unci . week. Any one thinking that fruit - raising isn't a success in this part should go and see Joe's orchard. liermon Schmid has moved into this part of the county to stay. lie and his ' wife have located on a section of Cioofc , rounty desert land and are building a good house. This county needs a good many more settlers like Mr. Smith and we have room for them. This part of the county has had a : nice rainfall the past two weeks. A 1 inch rainfall is reported by the govern ment observers. " A large number of homesteaders are locating in around Hampton Buttes. This will be one of the thickly iopu lated parts of Crook county some day. - The settlers on Bear crwk, Camp creek, and those at the head of pie river, have been running a sWge line through their part of the county for the past three months by popular subscrip tion. It is now time for the govern ment to take hold of the matter, an there is a large and growing community to be accommodated by this line. How ever, the ei-ttlers will keep it going for another month or until they find out what the government is going to do. Gilchrist Bros, are enlarging their ditches and running laterals. When completed this will add about 500 acres to their already large meadow. The beef drives for this year are over end the ranchers are now busy putting iu their crops. Mr. and Mrs. H. Barnes, who have been spending the Eummer with their son Harry, will leave in a few days for their home at Albany. Lew Bennett and Dick Rhoda have re turned from Rhaniko, where they have beet for the past few weeks helping Ed Willard (ship his beef. Mr. Willard bought a large number of beef in this part of the county. George Huitte, from Minnesota, is looking over the public land in these parts. He says if he can find a suitable location there will be several people from his state come here to locate. Mr. Huitte has been over the state of Wash ington and liiont of Oregon, but says this part of Crook county looks good to him. In fact he says this is the best location he m found and contemplates locating here. October 10, 1000. Crook County Fair. Continued from page 1. broke Thiriy-An CycU Record. At tU no- M of the I.oe Angt'M alotorvyole rlub mvutly omc(lilUj uuparnllchM tu the history of racing oevurreU, tue lnvuklujf, tf thlrtymw woxM's record and the vKtRb'.U-him'tit of right new twort!. In the last vent, a one hour raw. two nmiitvura between them nctvuipltstu-d the font. Raymjnd Seymour broke the ten, twou ty, twenty-one aud t unity two inllo records In the wiuie race. J. Howard Shferer passed hhu at I hi polut and broke every work!" record from twenty-three miles to forty-eight uilte. tablthhlng uew rece-rtla from forty-nine mile to nfty-alx utiles, ami broke ttn world one hour record by nearly eight mile. In addition to thK Paul J. 11. iVrkuiu rode a quarter of a ihKo In thirteen second. feat never ac complished btit oiice and which hn no place In the record book. Athl.tio Crack f th World to Mt. With the Olymidc iriiuc Rtlll under dlsciuwlou. plans for athletic meets of a I mot. t a treat liuiHrtunce are un der way. The purpose Is U give groat track aud field meets In Athens an t Japan two years beueoa double et of world games so that the miih team of Americans ran compete in each. This mean a trip around the world for the America us w no will com pose the team from tho Vulted State an t eihlbltlots at many phuv other than lu Greece aud Jupau. rurther than tbls outline the plaus have not been puahixl. The luformatioa conn's from rrculdout Sullivan or the A. A. U. through Torter, a member of the American Olympic team. Horses for Sale. A few broken and unbroken horses for for sale from 1150 to 1 1W1 in weight. For further information inquire of T. j. Kkkoi' sos, I'rineville. Ore. B-liMtii the champlonahlp cup presented by the fair association. The ladles, at latest report, seem also to be busy trying to arrange to have a refreshment booth oat at the fair, so that this will prove a great convenience to those In attendance. Enterics are coming In now la a steady stream and from all Indica tions the class and number of ex hlhits should be beyond reproach For the beuelit of the uninitiated we might mention that the secretary has opened an office one block east of the rrlnevllle Hotel on third street, In the office occupied by M. It. Biggs, where enterics may be made at any time. SECOND-HAND S TORE Jen Against Doubt Umpir Syatam. Manager Fielder Jones of the t III- cko America us does not think well of the double umpire system. Any plans that rcnnlro an umpire to Muml bo- hind the pitcher la a poor one." wild Jones, "for whenever an umpire ntumls lu that position he obstructs the view of the outfielders to such au extent that they are forced to piny out of their posit lou by several feet. 1 do not like tbe'phtn of having the umpire on the diamond any place. The advan tage of seeing the ball from behind tho pitcher Is wore than offset by the In convenience and handicap Imposed ou the outfielders." FOR MALIC Krven-room houaeand lour lol good out buHilIng. inline bii't on tvni able nnu, Apply la Mn. Hiufh lJuer Prtnevllle, t)rron. '." Professional Cards, C. Srink jCatvytr Jt ttrrtt, ZPrinriil, Ortym. CffJ Si. ClUoit, j(ltmy-i-jCm !P rim mil It, 0rjm. S. 0. je,j. SPAjfsitimm mmd Jimrjm Call tsiiniii Pbohptit Iht o Niskt Optici On Door Hoctn or ahimii'i pan tfroa. Ikxh o nii-s .a reJ-di-aoc teiepaoue. Prim, - - Ormftm ffft Si. Siiss j(ttrmymt-JC mm SPrimmn'llt, Orgm W. A. BELL Attorncy-at-Luw Prineville - Oregon . F. SWOPE Attorney at Law Pbirevh.lk, .- OarooH G. L. DERNIER Attorney-at-Law Will practice In all the Court. Office next door to Dr. Itimnbem', Prineville, Oregon jfttornmy-at-jCamt &0al Cstaia Office with Geo. W. Barnes 49 ... iPAgiitiam mmd Smratom Cmh nwnW rrmmptly J my mr mtyAt ' mm 97mSm Jlrmmiw. PrinfilU, Orcaon, Cmm: S. Cdmard JT. P. S3,lknafi $ el knap 6c a wards SPjftcamt mmd tSurjtont. 0mm Jlrmm gmmr mfWmmmfm nmmwiiim, Vrtgon, 1 A 7f HARNESS and SHOP mZZ Jki isti iJ K i-'i A -. ISADDLERYi All Kind of Good Bought and Sold C. L. V. Marker Dillon Building. For a slock saddle, ladies' astride saddle, chaparejos, (f oils, spurs, lap robes, harness ; l -II L:J L Li . etc, call on h) J. W. B00NE Prineville, Oregon PI3S7 Quality I wlmt His careful luyer In tnlij;teii Klirn urcliasing jew rlry or waklies. We stand be tiiiul the quiilily ol everything we n il e guarantee it lo be ol llie tiunlily we rrrent it lo I WATCH REPAIRING W. FANRK PETETT Jeweler & Optician Prin.vilU, Or of on Sut.nicnt cf Rcourx and Uabiliti of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At th do. of butin Spt. t, 1909 l.UHii.mr. I HKNUt ItCKK lvn ut IMwottnt,.... r.V "J 51 t'nlti-il Ktl l.iut I3.VW Hnnk irpinln-a I3.V V It ltHt,iiitln fumt KA W CU A l'u from bnk .'U'.uW V ll'-t..l SI B. F. AIU, Pruliit WU WrU. Vk. lraiJ.iil rpiil muh I U.m M Hurrlui .ltd uti(Jlvl.ll pruQI ctrvultla , ,M W IuiHvl.lul PrtHVMI , m (M,:i 11 T. M. B.W-U, CmUm . .. 3 ft THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horses Wins: in Qmneotion) J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor ikim:vim.k. (ki:(2on . Stx k boardfj.by the loy, wok or mouth At Hoaonnblo mto?. Rfinombcr tin when in I'rineville- Ratks Rcamo.iiaiilk. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent tPirir-rir irinnrtr p- inrir irir ii ir trim inspiri jwjLJi.jL:jLJkjL:ji.ji.jujkji.j'Lji.iL.ji:jk.jkJk;ji.jLiwJk:jw'ji- L J ri CJ r.-i L J ri CJ ri r.1 J ri u Sonera ffllacksmithing IIORPMHOKINO, WtXlI) WtUiK, ETC., NKATLY AND TnOMfTLY IX)SK Whfji it is Dune By ; : : Robert 9?ooro Satisfaction Will lie Guaranteed PK INK VI UK, k"4 r.s .m 15 irf r - i.j r. i. j ra t j r j wj r.i L J r.a u j u ri LJ t-j r i r.trinririnnrir'tr'iririr'ijnfririrtrirnrrsrnriMr.i ;rriririrrrrr.r.irr.ir.ririr.irirrir.irir.ir.iri UJuJU JU JUJUJU Ju JujUjJUJU JUJUJU JUJL JL JUJUJLJUJUJ ri ri t J r,i u J r.i Li ri LJ ri c J ri CJ r,i U J ri ri L J r.i U.J r.i u J r,.i CJ ri u ri u J r.i The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIUbE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Ciirryliifr ft rhok-i; wlcctlun of finu taudjr, clKiim, ornngtn' lfiiniiiK, i-tc. (live uh n rati. SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. LJ r i LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r-.i LJ ri LJ n LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ ri LJ 63 LU r.i r,r1rl?rr1rrnr.1r'1r?1Jl(r'1rrrrr."rrr'1r"1rclr1r"rllri.1 L.JLJLJU JU JUJUJU JL JU JU JU J HL JU JU JLJU JL JL JL JU JL JL JL JL LiL) J IjTJ-m:beje?, "1 Fhinglcg, MouldinB, Windows, Doora, GbnHCH, Ktc. Etc., Etc. SHIPPS6 PERRY riUNKVILLE, OREGON rrfJk JV A A AX-2 JVjfi. A AAjIfJ Drop in and See fi Champ Smiths DEALER m Soft Drinks of all kinds J Imported and Domestic Cigars At the old Smith & Cleck J stand, Main Btrec t, two t (j doors Boutli First & j National IJank ft i IT mi mm mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, Prtldnt D. F, Stewart, VlcPr.ild.nt O. M. Elkins, Oathlcr 0IRE0T0R8: W. A. Booth, O, M. Elkini, D. f. STrwAHT Transacta a General Hanking Uusiueas Exchange Bought . and Sold Collections will ro ceivo prompt atten-tion Node ot l iiittl Ivttltnitul, Nolle l lirrvhy thru ly h uti.l. r. iKiml, tli" lilttl of lit Ul Will unil tralatitiit of AIlnlT rrtmn, ilMrar.l, that alt liaa niaila ami IIIimI in coiiiitT I'lrik hrr II mi I aii'ountliiH l Iff ailiiilnlalralloii uinalil lal an. I tln rmut lia wl MuikUv, Hit l day ,SonoU r, liaH. al III nVliH'k In Ilia lorin.Kiii al'ha oolllily iMiurt rtHiin In I'rmavilli-, ri'Kin. a tlm Urn ami ilm lor lira ring hii.i M-t 1 1 i i. ar alil Ihial ntvounltnn Aklili li lima aim im , any i ron inirnoii o mi aall ilat may aVar ami oi.J.i lo ul l lliml an-ounllmi, latil lliUnl Uaytir HrplrmlxT, limi. K'iilrli of will of Alramter I rli iul, Ui- I'i'lwl. Summon. In III Cliruit Court of llit hUlo of OrvKon tor l hi l uiiiiiy, OolilviliJ. Wi'llrr, .luliillir, ya. KiiivIIh Wfllvr, ilrlamlanl. To KiuvlU Wrllar. Ilia alwv tianir.l ilc frmlaiili In III namanr Ilia flat ol Ort noiu You ar hrrvliy coinmanill u km war ami an III conii.lnlnl HUil attain "u li alwv nlitl.l ml mi or blor Hi 11 h day ol Houilivr. lt, ami ll yon tan to aimaryr, ror anl lin'nnil, III lilalnlllf MI lak ilai rw aualiial you a iiraywl for In lit ronitalnl, lu-ll- r or Uiur oi iiuai-ouri iii-ncviorui anl forvyor rvarhnlliiK and acllln alla Hi marrlatf oonlrw i hvn-lofor oiallna; Ih Ivrrn Hi ilaintlir ami ilrlriiilanl, ami liamcforlh ami forvvar aiitiulllitu ami Ul aolyln III Uioila of Inalr liinoiy now r. lallnil Wlwnii III laliiliff ami tllmlaiil ami awanltnit Ilia .lainlilt a Jihto ofnlw aolula ilivorv Irom Hi UrfvnilauL, ami thai Hi ilrfaiulaiil I lorrvrr barrvii ami ratoip4Hl frtini havlnn or rlalmlnu any In. irri in any prony 01 in i-iainun. lhla tuniiMon la intMiam! In III I'ruok County Journal, a rkly iia.af ihiIi. Iialivd al I'rliirvlll. CrtKik L'uiiniy, main of OrKnn, an.l of arnrral riroulaiion, ly orilirof lion, W, l UraiUliaw, Jmliif of tli abov vtiilttril ronrt, uiad on Ilia Hh day nf Annual, l'. Ill lir-t ulilu cation to Im ou tli ind day of brli-iulirr, l'w. and Hi lat iiilliration tu m on m Itth day of mtolvr, I I'M. 1'uhliahcd lira! tiin!v-i.trml.f ?nd. Itain, M. V.. HHISK. Allornvy fur I'laintlfl. IluurJ uf rkuulUttllm Mvllit. Tli futility lloitd ol Kiioalliailnn for l'ni I'oumy, ittrfon. ntn-iM Monday, lKlolar In, IN, al llw tuurttiouatf of aald munly, Ilia lakiwyira am rvapvetrully v, qnmlrd loninia ami Ka1 over Ittpir araa monia aa '! aiIMriHt tha lav rolia, an4 If Upm ar ay nmra In Ilia drwrloilon or valuation ot lala!l I'morrty will (lailly eurrwt Ilia aaitia. J. U Larm l aria, l ounly air, Haled Hrpt, U, I. atl Nolle of riBAl StiUmnt. Nolli-a U horflir (Ivan llial Ilia miitrrliwd haa nird hia anal aerounl aa a!mloittlir of ll ratalr ol H II, iairin"a, ilrTaartl, and of tlir aalati of arranoa Uroltu-ta, w ll h Ih eoituty ik-fk of t'mok Hin'y, aiata uf t,r- and Hiw Court ha art M-ii4ay, tlto rtr-l day of NovDiolivr, l". al lt hour of W u'cliN-k In th AoaiMMtnt aa llw llna for loar lu aalit 0itt anionl and any ottleelhma llial may na ntad thereto, an4 for tltaktli an ordrr of Anal artilrnmnl of iaild fMiiata. Imtrd till IHU (lay ofHrpirmtwr; la-" J. li IxmUAKt'K. Adnilnltrulor of llot aalata nf M, , artanr itnoaaail, and of Ilia arltwrnli ratal of liortanoii llrua. Motlt. to CrUttir. Not liw la hrfrhy li-n thai ll undralinrd baa urti aniattnirtl ailtniuUtrairl 01 it aalata if Jaoira M. Hamilton, ilmawl, and II rra.ina liavlna i l.iUm acatuat alt aalala an hrrhv nHiulortl to nrfwwnl In mm, duly mrtllad, lo anli! ailiilllllal ralrt a al lha law oftli-a of M. K Hill k. at I'rltwTilla, (in-o, wlihtnati lii.MUh. Iomii lh date of III Oral puniloatmn ol tin iv i no, lait.d and (luliilalird Aral 1 1 lb M. pliular Hvita llamilloo, A'lmlnUlralrU l Hi HUM nf Jaiua M. Ilainlltin, 4mvhI Notice (or Publiuti n. (Mo rual land) Ik-txHiiH-nl nf lha Interior. V. K. Ind Oltliaji at Th Iwtlra, inn, Hrtltrmlu r lMa. Kollec I lirrahy ln that lavld K, II..1.w.hI, nf lrlnvHlr, Orrion. wtm on ILntlaT 6, fa, tna.le hotwalrad antry Ma I in? I, (rial No. tS!U for !' NVI and N ,, ar J", lownahlp 14 a. raitia I? a. W, M .. ) Alrtl no lle or lotnntton lo tnaki final dvyar onf, bi aalalitlab ataliu Ui lite land aitov drarrtt ad, b- rora Harm Hrown, county r-ik.al hla otTlra al rrlmolll. Hfgoii, on Hi till day u Nov. mipci, lau. (lalinani hatiaa aa wttnaana: Thomaa K ntroud, Fred Ml rood. Krank Hay ami Wiiii.h, H. klrklmin, all of filuryliw, atov ' C W. Monk. H-lalr. Noticu ot AimlnUtratoi' Suit ot Itul Entitle. Nolle la liaraliy kIvvii, tliul III pit ratt aiuc of an onli-r of lha county court uf 1'ruok county. Hut ofOwm, ma,l on th mil day of HrtmljT, HM), In the mat tcr oflhe ratal of Andrw J. Kimicftau. lifX'Aard, tlul tliiilprii!nr.l, tli adiniiila Irator of aald tnta, will -ll at iubllo am--lion to th liiKiat litddar, for raan, ami uli) l wi (Hinilrnmilnii hf aald county cntirl, on IVrlilay, th Wild day of OetolM'r, lu), at len o'clork in the lurrnwin, al Ilia front door of th county cotirtlioita In Prlnevlll. tlrcRou, all tli rlaht, till, In Ureal and rll of tlia aaiil Andrew i. Klnnan, at lb tint of hla dalh and all Ihc rlKltt, title and InUrrat the aald ratal haa aciilrr. lu addition In titat of the n.l Amlrt-w J, KlniM-Kau at tli titna of hi death In all that certain tdci-e or rwrccl of land aitnate, lyinff ami Ix-ln In the County of (.'rook and tttateof lin'Kim ami more particularly ilrarrinctl aa th north half ol tli norlnwral qtiurtrr of mfi'linn iKlit, the wi-at half ol Hi aoitthwral itiarter of aecllon lly, the aoulh half of th northi'at iiirtir and th routhfaat quarter of the linrthweot quarter of lion arven In townahip lilicen aoulli.of riiK twctilyHin cant of Willamette Mi-riillatt. Tcriua and condition, of attic; Caalt, gold coin of the United Hlnt.n. Uated thi day of Kctdemlicr. VM. . , , , M. K. Ki.i.iott, Ailinliilatrator oflhe fatute of Andrew J. KtiinvKan, Deceased. Nolle for Publication. Notooal land. Deparl mentof the Intetlor. U. B. lnd OITIce, The Imllea. Oreatnn. a .. i . . . Outolwr A lyi. Nollne la hereliy (tven that Jaoohi;. Hrlx,nrmerly JruMth Mlkkelann, of Prineville, Onvon, who on A nrll In, t irt, mndH homealcad entry taertal No. lmi) No. I2IH6, furKK'n aertlon , townalilti l i aoutli, riiiiKi. et, W. M., haa nieil nolhw of inten tion to tiiiike rlnnl five-year proof. toealHh 1 1 ah fllalm to the hold alxive deaerllwd, before Warren Hrown, wiunty elerk, at Ida olllee nl J rlnevllle, Oregon, on the I7lh dny of Novetu tier, liaiy. t'lHlltinnt natilaa aa HfllnnMU.- Kliinann A. Hiiaaet. of t'owell lltil e. On hurlea I). Hwiiiiaon, J, Alvln Itluna, Jt no, an 01 ITincville. tin-eon, !. W. MOOItK, lU'ulater. ( O. Mi i7 ton, ii I Vital Treatment DR. A. W. GRATER lloom B, lNiliidextcr Hotel, I'rlnovlllc, Ore 1 For Irrigated Farms land Fruit Lands I IN THE j DESCHUTES VALLEY 1 WHITR JONES LAND CO Redmond, . . Oregon Subscribe for the Journal, $1.50 Tear. County Official Paper