r !- i $ The Neiv. Firm at the Stand, Od TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: In closing my individual business relations with you I desire to thank you for your kindness and patronage in the past, and-to bespeak for my successors a continuation of these favors. Respectfully, W. F. KING LOCAL MENTION A. T. Morrln leuven thin week for Ielmitin, where his will mn the winter. M. (1. ("w if lU iiil, who Im In the rvnl tt mid lin-atliijr. IxihIiichm, wan In the city the Dint of the week. Warren' Kiultli emiw over Ktimlny from Miulrn. He nnjn Unit MiuIihh Urlnhtup ntxl coming. Kveryboily U liimy ami cone'iieutly ftrllnu irooil. J antra Turner iiinj Mm. Catherine t'linnctt wern mnrilu.I at 1'owfll ISulUn the hint of the wk. Mr. TurniT U Ccl jcarmif ngo ami Mr, t'haiicp In &S. II. Kc'hititil f Hmk creek. Inn I'rliU'vlllo vUlior thin week. Mr. rUiimlil hint fur ft nnnilMT (if .vt-nrn Imh'ii eiupl.tycil nt t lit Reform Heliool lit Snli in, hut .l.il.IeJ ha unit toil a lituiiMiU'itil no ensue tu Crook county to take up the Intnl. . Every Clerk Every Mechanic Every Farmer Every Stockraiser Every Merchant Every Banker Every Professional Man is directly Interested in the prosperity of Oregon. None flourish unless money is in good supply. Lifeinsurancepremiums drain Oregon of vast sums every year. Stop This Drain Place your life insurance with Qrcgoijfc , Th Policyholder Company This is the only "Purely Oregon" Company. Makes all of its invest ments here, and is an im portant factor in the up building of a Greater Oregon. Rates aro no higher. Write for further partic ulars giving your occu pation and date of birth. HOME OFFICE, POKTLAND, Oil. A. U MILLS, Frea. I SAMUEU Gen. Mgr. , CUUIICNCB 8, BAA1UBU AMt- llff E. N. STRONG, RciMtat Ait, Primville Special Gearing Sale of Seasonable Goods One Week October 18th to 23rd Inclusive This is an opportunity that you do not often have; a chance to buy seasonable goods at clearing prices. We find that in some lines we have too heavy a stock, while other lines which are ulightly broken we intend to close out. This is a strictly bona fide sale; we do not believe in humbugging the people as we have seen done in some of the special sales held in Prineville. Look over the articles listed below, you will not have to be a judge of merchandise to know that they are genuine bargains. Of course at these prices goods are STRICTLY CASH. 1 - - -.- w Grocery Specials Fela Nnptha soap you generally pay procers 75o to85o for a 101b box our ppecial price for one week, 10 bars ; ; , 55c Pink Rosa Castile, a good 5o toilet soap, Fpecial this week, 7 bars for ; 25c 110 pancake flour, 20o vnluo, special 12Jc Mountaineer Java coffee, pound 10c Quaker toasted corn flakes, reg 15o, big pkg, speo'l 10c TT.1 nr V 3 flmwn raisins, special pound 08c Standard peaches, dried Tho little child of Mr. ami Mm. V. C. Hon Im very 111 at tho ranger ntntloii nt Howard. Zcpli Dixon arrived from Ilowhury; today with "Yankee Hoy" tho race liorenud will take part la the rneen at the county fair. IU-v. C. V. Ilallty leaven thin week to attend tho Oregon llnptlnt ntntc convention which convene nt Roxe burg thu lUth. Tho older linn the In troduelug Mention to preach. Married -At tha renldence of J. M. I.nwaon on Mill creek, Hundav, Oc tohcr 10, Clarence II. Randolph and Minn Anna Major wore united In marriage. Rev. V. 1 Halley will ;hit liiU. Fred A. Young of l'.unit Ranch, haw purchawd of the ltlack Ilntte Company 6000 head of sheep mid de livery wan made thin week. The hwp are now on the way to Mr. Young' rnneheH. The Journal break nil record for Central Oregon In the ndvcrtlxlng line thU week, eight pageM, nnd Home adx turned awnyfor want of time and ipaee. Our reader will find m mil Information to their advan tage In the announcement of the li'ixlmm men In tliU lunue. The criminal docket for the circuit court next week U a nhorl one. So far there Ik not much work for the grand Jury. Only two ntnte cane are mi the docket that of Victor Trnylor for thu larceny of a horne from llerU-rt Hideout and that of Fred Miller, charged with the theft of (13 from Lawrence Hunt of Lower llridge. The term of court will not he long unleMii Hoinetlilng develop lu the menu time. There are between M and 00 c iwen on the civil calendar. Hioclal evnngi'llKtlo meeting are being held In the M. K. church by ICvangellHt John Ix-wtan, traveler and evangetlnt. The attendaiico Im Kteadlljr lnereaHlng night after night. The wrnioiin are Inteiimly lutercut lug and Instructive, trie from any thing of neiiHatloiinl nature, and up peal to the Intelligent! of the audi ence. Thu afternoon meetings tire well spoken of. (loud Hinging In the feature of the meeting. Ail Hhould make, an effort to hear thu evangel Ink Frank K. Rodman of Portland, accompanied by Mr. Ethel Sexty, to whom lie wa married Saturday at George Hodman' homo near Culver, wn In l'rlnevlllo the bint of the week getting hi marrlago licence and greeting old friend. Frniik ald he came to Crook county to be married to ecapo notoriety, of which bo nays ku ha had plenty of late, but the Portland paper were noon on hi trail nnd made scare head out of the event, Junt the same. Ho doe not seem to bo worrying much about tho outcome of the man Hlaughter charge against him In con nection with the automobile accident reuniting In the death of Mr. Ileal on the Linton road Iat Augut. Peoplo who claim to know aav that Hodman can proe a clear nllbl when tho cane come up for trial. 09 c jiiawj LOCAL MENTION tiny Allliigham nRnt nererul days at Kltem during the week. Little Florence, daughter of Pont manter Guy Lafollette; ban leen very 111 for pant few day with nplnal meiiliigUI, but 1 better today. Morgan' orchentra wilt give a grand ball nt the Club building to morrow ulght, i'rlday. Everybody U Invited and unnured of a good time. Special Kuuday aftt-rnoon lecture In the M. V.. church by Evangellt Ixwtan at 3 p. in. "The Woman for the T weu tleth Century." For women only. The Margaret lien Theatrical Com pany will be In Prlnevllle five night during next week opening oa Tuen day evening at the Club hall. Several member of thl company have been lu Prlnevllle U'fore, and It I nal 1 to present very good enter tainment for the Inland route. Price 25, SO nnd 73 cent. The Journal I Informed that Mr. Watt Jonen wn In a lively runaway at Powell lluitea a day or two ago but luckily enenped uninjured. The team rail wildly and threw Mr .lone out of the rig for a dlntance of 20 feet or more but nhe wn not hurt. Afterward the horse got mixed up with a barbwlro fcuco but further detail were not learned, E. E. Laughlln and family of Pau lina panned through Prlnevllle today en route home from a trip to Port- bind and Seattle. Mr. Laughlln took four carload of cattlo to the Port bind market and had to feed eight day at Slmnlko waiting for a lock car. He Hay there were 30,000 Hhecp and 3000 cattlo at Shaniko when he left waiting for car. P. L. I'apleK, nnlenmnn for the Honeymau-Ilardvvnro Co., of Port laud, 1 In Prlnevllle again for the tlrt time In many month. On the flrnt of lat April Mr. Cnplc wa In a r.maway about 40 mile out of Hepp ner and the tendon la hj knees were evered. A a result ho laid in a hospital for 70 day but I able to get around about as well an ever again. G. Springer wn In town Monday from Culver, this lielng hi first trip to town since he got bunged up by falling off a load of hay. He 1 planning to attend us a representa tive of the Deschutes Valley the Dry Farming Congress and exhibit of farm product which will bo held at Hilling, Mont., the latter week In thl month. Mr. Sprluger will bring la some of hi fino homes to the Crook County fair. Volume I, No. 1, of The Oregon Hub, published nt Redmond, made Its appearance Cctolver 7. W. C. Walker 1 the editor aud publisher. It la a neat 7-column paper, all home print, nnd is well filled with local mutter. Such a publication speaks well for the community In which It is published, It business men and citi zens generally. May It keep step with the thrifty town in whieh it is published. wart C5o to $1.00 values in Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, special per garment ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45c Heavy Ribbed Underwear, mixed wool and cotton, 75c values, special.-... : . . . 45c All wool ribbed underwear, an exceptional value at $1.25, special the garment 95c Men's regular 3 for 25o cotton box, special this sale per pair. J. : . i . . ; : .. . ...... . 05c " " lOo grade cotton box, special this sale per pair i. ...... 07c Heavy winter weight wool sox, 35c values, special per pair . . 22Jc Men's brown stripe covert pants, regular $1.00 values per pair ....... . ,JV . .M , . f?t .... ? . , 75c Men's trousers, values $1.50 to $1.75, special. . ! .:;t!.'.. 90c " $2.'25 to $3.50, special $150 " " " $3 50 to $5.00, special $2 25 Men's negligee and golf shirts, a nice assortment at ..About One-Half Value In taking charge of the business of W. F. King, we aim to give the public the highest quality of goods and the mosT: efficient service possible. The presnt complete stock will be maintained and other lines added to take care of the growing demands of the country. , We want your business and know that we can save you money. The W. F. King Company W.F.KING Mr. Win. McMeekln I critically III at her home near Grli,ly. j Dougln Hood the Madrnn livery man, wan In town the first of the week. Joe Sinelzer, who wa Injured In a runaway a couple of week ago I still lu a very critical condition and Improvement, If there I any, In very Blow. ; Friday night of next week a ban quet will Ins given by the Crpok county teacher at the Prlnevllle. It looks like a big week for the teacher during the institute. i Wldtl Barnes, W. Frank Petett, Jack Feaks and Alt EIIefon took a Joy ride In Hodnon's car last Friday night nnd attended the dance nt Madras. Needles to say they had a good time. , Dennis Matthews, forest guard, who has been stationed during the summer at Puck Creek, Iz-e and Silver Creek In northern Harney county, I now doing office work In In the forest service headquarters In Prlnevllle. Mrs. Mary Stiles of Portland, worthy grand matron of the Order of Eastern Star, will In? in Prlnevllle next week oil an official visit to" Car nation Chapter No. 44. The ttewdon will probably be held Thursday night of next week. ? The loeal K. of P. lodge I prepar ing for big things next week wlien Grand Chancellor Frank Menefee, Past Grand Chaucellor tins Moser and Supreme Representative W.X. Bradshaw will be here. Plans for one of the most Interesting sessions In the history of the local lodge are being made for next Wednesday night. .James Allen passed through Mad ras the first of tho week on the "way to his home near Prlnevllle. Mr. Allen has beeu tn attendance at the Sovereign Grauil Lodge of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, which wn held In Seattle recently. He wa one of the few members of the order who was admitted as an hon orary member. Pioneer. The baseball cup to be awarded by the board of management of the Crook County Fair has arrived and In all Its splendor Is on exhibition In the window of W. Frank Petett's Jewelry store. This cup la engraved "Crook County Baseball Champion ship, 11)09." It stand 14 inches high on a 5-lnch ebony base. It I a $20 silver cup and should stimulate the liest effort of the baseball boys. S Duncan Macleod, J. H. Ilaner, J. L. McCulloch and Mr. Drennan, the latter of Butte, Mont, came la Fri day from Portland lu Frank Rod man's big Plorce-Arrow car. They shipped the car to The Dalles and made a good run Into Prineville from there. Mr. Macleod Is here on business In connection with his real estate business In Portland and Mr. Haner and Mr. McCulloch were re turning home from the city where they have been on business. Mr. Drennan Is here looking over the country with a view to making Investments. iipsiHiiBp i O h ":?. f-. (Incorporated) J.GERARDO LOCAL MENTION Mr. nnd MrsJ W. M. Harvey, par ent of Mr. Georgtf Storkmnnn, are here from Lakevlew on a visit and will remain during the fair. Mr. Harvey was In the southeastern part of the county looking after buy ing horses and came on to Prineville. Assistant State Engineer Donnelly I at Prlnevllle surveying, platting and checking up the entire acre age of land under irrigation in this section, to make report to the state board of water control In con nection with the adjudication " of water ' rights In the Ochoco" and Crooked, river valley. He expects the work- to; keep' him, here nntO about Christmas. - r Roy Grsy .who le'thereto attend the fair at Seattle, has gone to San Francis co to see the Ketchel-Johnsoa fight. . The Ladles Auxiliary of the Prlne vllle Commercial Club announce that a 500 party will lie given by the ladles to all club members on Friday evening, NovmTki" 5. The ladies will offer prizes' worth while so want members to get busy and brush up on the gatn The entertainment committee Is composed of Mesdames Ollid Stewart,. Mand Elklns and Hazel Lnnlus; decoration committee Mesdames OUie Stewart, Josle Storkmann, Gertie Foster, Angle Smith, Liila Rosenberg, Rova Brink, Margaret Elklns and Eliza Milliorn.. Reception committee Mesdames Mattie Elliottt Wllda Belknap, May WIgle and Mis Rosa Pnrrott.; j, Maker k Gruk Eiirei Sckeel Bmki Caaera Sapplict Jewelry Wall Paper i D. - ; W .aMa'?-'"' t.-. S"W1-J--1" II i 1 .1 i.ili' "T T f-f - ;! V- . ' DeiBo Adamson 1 nn 11 3 go H. R. LAKIN Mack Cornell is on business trip to Portland., Mr. John Levis of Gjlzzly, is visit ing in the city. Frank and Dick Long returned this week from a visit at the A. Y. P. N. B. Longly, better nown as "Old Yank" got a knock on the head recently at Pauling, that came near finishing him. He was assisting In pulling up a horsepower and wo struck on the bead by one of the heavy stakes nsed In staking the ma chine down. He was on one side of the horsepower and another man was on the other side and not seeing "Yank" threw a stake over. "Yank" was unconscious for about three hours and Dr. Edwards was called from rrinevlllc, going out In his car. The old man is recovering, which will be good news to bis friends. "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY' Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon 3 3 A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard commercial school of the Northwest. Open all the year. ' More calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special nenrnnnshin department. Write for illustrated catalogue. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS School Books School Supplies DRUGGISTS Outing flannels, 12c graiJe. ................. 094c Children's ribbed hose, 15 values, special 10c Misses ribbed hose, 20c v alues. special. ......... 12c Ladies handkerchiefs, excellent 10c values, spec! 05c A large assortment of lac &s 10c and 12 Jo values special this week 05c Men's neckwear, 20c, 35c and 50c values in ties to go at 10c, 20c and 30c SHOES Don't overlook ns on Shoes, we have a big stock and prices very low. C. E. SMITH LOCAL MENTION D. 0. Yandevert is here on business from Eugene where be expects to spend the winter. Jap O'Hars of Central Point and bis brother, Frank O'Hara of Pendleton, were in Prineville the first of the week on a trip of inspection. Sam Gotter of enterprise, s brother of Ben Gotter of this place ii here looking over the country with a view of locating. Rev. Clareraont C. Babbtdge, pas tor of the Presbyterian church, re turned Wednesday from Portland and Newberg, where he had been In attendance at the fall meeting of the Pendleton presbytery and the annual session of the Oregon synod. He returns to Prineville with strong convictions in its future advance ment and a rapid and permanent growth for the Heart of Oregon. Huical laatiami ill Mifai ' Lawaey't Caadies Stall try Gfar & Co, I i gTjjgljjjiljlj