Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 14, 1909, Image 3

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    High School News.
1M. tonal Ktaff
NiwUI '. Ajini-n Mliiitt
Athk-ti.K , CiBfU Mure
Alpha fciteioty, I.oiiian
K IuhoiiImii Kn i..v Wilfnnl JSelkimp
J rolim"il bihI Keillor I .. .
r-i'.ln,(,ri in,,! i i i.- I'-wioi 'Kie
nir iniiii Helium LTiminU re
Krenlly Improved. Tin. weed luive
nil Imi-ii InUi'ii off iiii.l they hnva Immii
fieimrully renovated. ,
In One tif Mr, llool.pnboiry' n.
aeiubly tiilk be nave u the ilitn of
the ii'tilltli ii In bo erec ted wlioimur
Ioiih of the old courthouse expires,
Those who fin fortunate enouuh U
In' members nt (but Hum will cer
tainly iipproclnli It ami wit who will
! Until' will n lol. t' Unit niir iilinu
itiaiiT In t'lijiiylnif n di-m-tvcd pro.
" spoke imxi week or a .voting
litntl whit wished to secure n plucc to
wtik fur Mm liniinl m nil there linvr
tieen Mi-vi rnl jiIik i-h offered, mi If nny
.voiitm iimn or jniunjr womnii wishes
to work IiIh way I hiotiub school the
opportunity In wiilllitif.
A t'litniiilitit' cotiNlHtltiK of Chirk
M tint', president of Hit' tKliocoiiltitiH;
I, 'Mil. Summers, pri'Hlilfnt of tin1
Alphitu, itml Kiin l Kidder, president
of the Junior, whs Appointed to
draft resolutions of i-nmlolcuoo to ln
lr Miitfl to MIl'tirolliii'('iilHtlaiil,
with wlmiii wtf nil sympathise In lit-r
hour of sorrow,
Tht niittt-rltil for the try out ih
bnte In hero. Tin- lllintry sent In for
tlm second choice, resolved: "Tlint
tin Monroe limtluo Ik' continued tot
the pcrtuiiiiont fon lifti policy of tlu
I'uttfil Stati M." Tlic Htitili'iitM have
begun work, tt ml t:ret rt-ttnltM are
looked for..
The (list month's Knnl"M will not
ltt received utitll after fair wc-ek, n
there must hi' n u week' month In
ench semester nitil It wns divided to
hnva It conn' nt tlii lolunliij; so the
students who entered late would
hiivt' mi opportunity to make up
tit lr work.
Tlit' fair run U enjoyed to the
fullest extent thUyenr, us the stu
tli'ittit liiivt' t ht entire week. Tlit' fn!r
nti'l county Institute ruiiiliijr to
in it ior iniiko It iiiinh hot tor tm t ho
work Ih Interrupted but nine, whero
in It bus lutiully lu'cu twice.
A intTllnj; of tho Amtitftir Athletic
AHMwIiitlun of the high school wn
Itolil Monday ovcnlnir, for tho pur
pose tif deciding upon some phm to
raise inoiioy and itlmi to thn hlo nomo
Itielhuil for ktvplnjf th utock oil the
IoiiiiIh court. Tho motion that tt e
one Ut iippolntril to care fur the
rotirt wni (lefontiil, but It wm 1p-
elilfil that Mr, Kvn be rmpoimlble
when liny dlHctiMiitoB enrne up, A
commit ti'oroiiBlMtlnjf of MIm LoiiIm
Siiiiiiihth, CI i an Iiwthor Ami Itobort
Ki nli r, (tipoluteil to rain fuuil
for tint iieedoil rulnieut for the an-
.The boys have Ihiti working faith
fully on tint track nntl lire hIiohIiik
IhoroHtiltM, The Jumping utandarilit
worv "it it p I tint wovk Mm) Home of
the Iri hliriicti havo mIiowii that they
are ni iiovIcok nt thU fout.
It him been divided that the tennU
court U to bo umoiI ou Tuindnyi ant)
ThurHtlnya by the itlrln ami on Moo
lnya ami Wetlui'Miliiy by the boy.
While Friday l left to either or both.
Wo hope t hint to develop noma ten
Din player that will bo ablelocom
N'to with any hlh itchool In the
into. A cup will tie jclvt'U for the
miceerHful oiion at the cprlnif tournu-meiit.
Mint Allle liorlunn him dropped
her work itttlieC. C. 11. l. We are
tiorry to lnm her.
The Jnr.lom have flnUhe! their edu.
citlonal exhibit for .the Orook
County fair ami tiro now remly to
work on the ludtiMtriiil.
Tho Mophoinore boye have adopted
the prenldont ' of the cliuw. ltoy
Ltiwther, n othk-tle nmnaKer. We
nru hoping for aome rimkI work
alonii t IiIm line from thl rln and
feel they have ninde a wine election.
Solon m4 FmUn,
The aentorH are flnhdiliiff their cdit-
eatloiuil exhibit thla week and the
C. V. II. H. miiy well point with
prldti to thht exhibit, aa It U unl uo,
liiNtructlve mid IulmImk'H of lucntliua-
tile value to the memltera of the chow.
The biiMt of litiiiK'li'llow which waa
ordered by the aenlora a few weeki
ntro hrut lioen fhlpped. We hope It
may decorate our bulla during Inatl
t litis week.
The frcMhiucu effected nn organlxa-
tloti Monday evenlnjf, and thefol-
lowing olnooifi were elected. Wnrren
Yancey, prentdcnt; Koliert Kenter,
vice protddont nml Ix'tila Kntett, aecro
tury. Coitimltteea were appointed
to select chow color and to draw up
acoiiMtlttitlou and by-law.
The NtH-lety lout an efficient nioin-
1 -r, not only nn Intellectual but In
athletic purnult. when our vice
proMldent, MIhm Maggie Cos, waa
compelled to return homo.
The following program will be
rendered Friday, t)ctolier 13:
Hong School.
hmtriiiiientul I)net....
(ialdya Doak and Ktta Hoimtoii.
(toll Call... Aimwered by quotatloue.
Heading ; Hoy McCallluter.
Itwltatlon WIMit Nye.
I'ttper F.tmer Martin, i'.dltor,
Itolnnd McCallluter and Vernon Hell
liupromptu ..Lulu Montgomery,
The program of the Ochoconlan
Hix:lety for Friday, OctoU-r 15th, I
a follow:
I ntru mental Koto (Jeorgla Cleek.
Debate, Iteaol vel "That a a source
of knowledge, reading Is more ben-
flclal than observation,"
Affirmative, Negative
Clark Morse Caroline Chrlstlnnl
Clarence Itlue. Wm. Creawell,
Heading ...Iwrence Lister.
Talk... Kmcrlen Young.
I'aper Agne Klllott, Kdltor,
Donald liurlelgu and Mabel Doak,
Heading.... ...Mary McDowell.
London Landlord.
There la perhnpa no tenant who 1
u completely at the mercy of hi land
lord a the occupier of a bouse In Lou
don which Ix? Imi its to ou of the great
ground landlord. He Is an absolute
prisoner within the four corner of bl
lease. The slightest deviation 1 ac
companied with pain and penalties;
nut. on the other band, the landlord
reserve all kind of privileges to himself.
'Somehow I'm awfully stupid to-
nlghf," remarked young Itorum lan
guidly the other evening.
"Indeed you arc," retorted Mia Cut
ting, somewhat Impulsively.
"Do you really mean thatr asked
the young man In surprise.
"I merely Indorsed your remark.
Didn't you Just now assert that you
were stnpldr she queried.
'1 es, be responded, "but I only said
so without thinking"
'And up to the time you spoke of If
ahe replied, "I only thought so without
Haying If-fearcon' Weekly.
A Lgsl Opinion.
Roscoe Conkllng came Into Charles
O'Conor' office on day In a nerrou
'You seem to be very much excited.
Mr. CoiiUInc," said Mr. O'Conor
Rnscoo walked up and down the room.
"Ye, I'm provoked I am provoked."
nld Mr. Conkllng. "I never had a cli
ent dissatisfied about my fee before."
"Well, what' the matterr
"Why, I defended Gibbon for arson,
you know. lie was convicted, but I
did hard work for him. I took him to
the superior court, and be was con
noted; then to the supreme court, and
the supreme court confirmed the Judg
ment and gave him ten years. I charged
him $000, and Olbboiia Is grumbling
about It; snys tt 1 too much. Now,
Mr. O'Conor, I ask you was that too
"Well," snld O'Conor very deliberate
ly, "of course yon did a great deal of
work, and $iJ00 I not a big fee; but, to
be frank with yon, Mr. Conkllng my
delllierate opinion Is that be might
havetieen eonvleted for less money."
Is Impressed With His
Greatness at Once
Winsome Smile Impresses and
Brotherly Manner Wins Has !
No Fear In Crowds.
Portland, Ore., Oct, 4, VMM.
Crook County Journnl, Dear Sir:
I had the privilege of seeing and
hcurlng the President of the U, 8. A.',
(W. II. Toft) at close range yester
day, while be waa laying the corner
stone of the First I'niversaJ church.
The Impression that one gets of him
are many and could not lie told In a
great number of words, so w III not
go much Into detail.
One I Impressed first with bis
grentnes for he Is six, by nine: sis
feet high and nine let t In clrcumfer
ance; (thl I not necessarily a fact
only an Impression.) Hut putting
all Joke aside when he steps on the
platform one know that a man of
power I before him and when be
stands speaking a great quietude
prevails and all ear are open to
drink In every word.
He I a remarkably clear and logi
cal sieuker, baa a ready flow of good
language sparkling with wit and
easily hold hi audience until the
last word ha been spoken.
HI kind face and manly bearing
cause one to think that a great big
brother 1 to have a little talk with
you personally, rather than a Presi
dent of the beat nation on earth was
to deliver an addresa to a multitude
of people.
While not a forcible a speaker a
Hoosevelt be display a great deal of
tact and judgment, and every word
help to clinch hi hold upon the
heart of the people.
PunJoubtedly be Is a wellder of.
the big stick, but It la not a rough
one full of kuots and thorn that
break and tear with every blow.
It seems to be the smoothest kind of
weapou covered with kid but the
permanent good will likely be a
greater length and more of a lasting
benefit to the people of our treat
commonwealth. .
HI everywhere smile la natural
and winsome, undoubtedly be wo
envied for It by the horde of poli
ticians than surrounded him.
A you study hi in you can't but
help think that be bit politician of
the old school, the kind that klssea
the babies, jollhn tbe ladles, and
win the mea by allowing an Inter
est In whatever concern tltem. He
spoke In term of highest praise of
all churches and the work that was
being done by them at home ami
abroad, Intimating that It was bis
belief that they had tieen the greatest
factor In giving u the 20th century
civilization that we ao much enjoy.
He show a grrnt confidence In the
people and a fearlessness of spirit;
the police bad gone to tome trouble
to keep the crowd at the distance of j
the width of the street, but w hen he
came he requested that they be al
lowed to close In and for the police
to stand Just below the platform :
from which the exercise took place. J
Outside of the afternoon exercise '
his Kuhbatb was spent In a very j
simple way. In tbe morr log declin
ing invitations to worship In some I
of the larger and more stylish
churches of the city, to meet with
the people of hi own faith (Unitari
an) and enjoy a quiet hour with
them. : Summing It all up be la a i
noble man of a great people, and I
well fitted In every manner to be
their leader to prosperity and
greater development. His winsome
mile Impresses and hi brotherly
maimer' wins. May be lie spared
by the Ruler of all nation to
take u along to the milestone In
nation building.
, Clakewont C. Baumiigk.
Vancouver Laeross Tam Coming.
A crack lacrosse team from Vancou
ver Is to luvade tbe United State and
try Its fortunes against tbe teams of
the Pacific coast, especially In the vi
cinity of Ban Francisco. The Pacific
Lacrosse association the Cana
dians of a warm welcome, although It
could not aee It way clear to provide
a guarantee. However, they offered
tbe visitors all the gate receipt over
and above the actual ground expenses,
and tUls arrangement was quite satis
factory. Pauxtis Is Barrsd From Psnn Turn.
Pauxtls, tbe star end of the football
team and tbe crack first baseman of
tbe nine at tbe University of Pennsyl
vania, will not be eligible to represent
the red and blue thia season. Pauxtla
failed to complete a full year In the
taw department at Penn, and tbe sec
retary of tbe law school sent a letter
to Dr. Smith stating that Psoitis was
barred from all athletla contests as a
member of the teams.
Crook County Journal, County Offi
cial Paper. Subscribe for it. $1.50 year.
Will Remain One Week Longer
Teeth Extracted Filled
Now at the
Prineyille Hotel, Prineville, Oregon
Drs. Gray have already operated upon scores of Prineville' lead
ing citizens, all of whom speak in the highest terms of their work
and cheerfully recommend them as being, not onlf painless, but
practical, in their work.
Read what Mrs. Elliott says concerning the doctors' painless
To my Friends in Prineville:
I wish to say that I have met called on Drs. Gray at the Frinevtlle
Hotel and took the Vitalized Air and had nine teeth extracted in less than
one minute. I can truthfully say that I felt no pain at all and no bad
effects whatever. lean gladly recommend Drs. Gray as doing exactly as
they claim, and would advise my friends to call on the Doctors as they do
not misrepresent. MRS. J. V. ELLIOTT.
Prineville, Oregon, October 2, 1909.
Gold Crown and Bridge Work Done
The Doctors do not use cocaine nor any other local anesthetic to
poison the gums. The doctors can fill as well as extract teeth absolute
ly without pain.
Rooms 11 and 15.
Prices Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed
aTTrTfsyW1 IMf WIT !B
oes! SHioes!
M l Ml-ir-
We have decided to sell our entire stock of Ladies' Boots and Oxfords at the following prices
Nothing reserved. This sale will continue as long as the stock lasts. All must be closed out
$2.00 Shoes go at -2.50
" " "
100 " " "
$3.50 Shoes go at
4.00 "
a u
3. 15
We are closing our ladies shoe department out to make room for fall lines, so here is a chance to buy good shoes cheap. This is not
a second-hand nor peddler's stock. Remember we will be here all the time to make any complaints good not here today and
gone tomorrow. Call and see what you can save on your Winter footwear.