Our Great Closing Out Sale Gonnlejr, The Tailor. What lMut that toll nit t Ol cnurwe you want H taiior-mimr. It tltwau't runt any mora tnnn ii hlt-aiiil-mlaa klnt. My aanntka are the flnt In town. rmwUK. n-pnir. lug ami i-leanlng. Uivo a trial. -o Is now going on. The people of Prineville and vicinity are being treated with real bargains. Our complete, stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Merchandise will be sacrificed at any old price. Bring in the family and take advantage of these sterling values. Remember, procrastination is the thief of time so don't hesitate but come in, for 50c does $1 worth of good HERE Hall Safe for Sale. a It. II ui. m.vI u new. for Hi, i weighs I3.X) pounds and l 4iM:M outaide mnuun.ni.nl. tnatde tlxSl I. tor further particular call at this olHee. C-l-tf Timber Land Wanted. Timber land wanted by buyer direct from owner. Uiva deacriptloa and prtca. Addreea "Timber," car Journal. H tm Professional Cards Xmwyr COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH PLENTY OF HELP TO WAIT ON YOU , Look for the RED S I C N at the Morris Bid. Price Bros. PRINEVILLE, OREGON Main Street near ) C H O C BRIDGE III II z - ISTT?'lflllllll,llll Quality I what tha careful buyer in vratigatoa when purchaainr. jew elry or watches. We Un4 be hind the quality of everything we we guarantee it to be ol the quality we re jirceent it to be WATCH REPAIRING W: FANRK PETETT Jeweler & Optician PI2S7 PrWille, Ore eat For Sale. White Hewing Machine for 11150 j good baby buggv kw mI at a bargain. Apply at tbla oaWe. Notice al Final lettlenieitt. Nolle U hereby given by the under slgned, theeierulrllof lh lael will and , ......! at Aletamler friend, deueeeed, thai aba baa made and tiled" with ouunly clerk br llnal arouuiillng ol her adniiitlatrniton of hM allele and Ua eourt Iim Ml Monday, Ilia let day of November, Iwa), at W o'clock In Ilia loretioon at lha county eourt room in rniniii,viTii aa (ha time and place h hearing and rilling eeld nnel eceounung. at time and place, any pereon ; aid aetata may appear and object to eeld Oated thlalBd day of rWpUniher. IIK. Ki.ua earn raiase, Kiecutrliof wlllof Aleieuder rtend,de- jftUrmf-ml-Xm Statement ol Reaoortes and Liabilities al The First National Bank Crmf.m. fAriSmm mm J JWiyaa niu imnni rMMfltT l'T oa naearr tlmi'l Oaa laooa wr or DawiWroaa. Bote, e aloe an reaj. tie oca telephone. fWammifm, Ormfm PrimUrn. Orfn V. A. HELL A.ttormcy-at-Law rrlnrTllla Oron B. F. SWOPE Attornay at Law PRlitavilxa Oaaooa , I tllaltm HUUHI Btwa... Hank ivrntara KrdrnipUon fund t'aah a IHm rrora bauka I ll'H,:i 1 . r. AlUa. rMlM I Wll Wamtaw, Vlca Praild.M Of Prineville, tka cloaa of RKHOI'H'KM 1wnaaad IMatnuala tW . IxMHl 01 . . .. w 2IO,rt M Oregon aa S.pL t, 10 UAiilUTiaa okpiiai htuck lewaaet Nurplua and aadlM aroau at4 m clreolalkm . aniBoru. In lh. rireull Court ol lha BUI of OraoB lur Crook County. Uoiu.lb J. Waller, plaintiff, a. Kmalla Wallar. defendant. To ISwalla Wallar, tba almva hamad da- fandant) In lUa nam of Ui hlala oi ura. ron I Youara baraby sonimaiidad to a p. and anawar ma npi - paar Individual Haaoalta,... rl.r4 HI T. M. BaMwto. Capiat H. RaUvta. Aatl Caakla mill aaalnat you In Ilia aUia anl Iliad aullon or bafora tna 1Mb day of Itelobar, and If you fall ao o anawar, lor wain ou, tba plaintlf lll Uka a darraa aalnat you aa pravad for In the romplalnl, lo allr Kora dSIa of HUB court nmwiuni forever reminding and aeUluR aUla Uia marriage outran beralolora ailaUng be- the nlalntia and defendant, and benveforth and forayar annullln and dla aulvlng ! bonda of matrimony now aa Ullnl between tba plaliiliff and defendant andawardlni tba plaintiff a decree of ab- auluta Ulyoira Irum tna ueienuant. en thai tba tlefandant be ktrever barred and eaUipped from having or claiming any In- trml in any proany oi ne p ii. Thl. an in taunt la DuUUUeJ In tba t rook County Journal, a weekly newepeper P lotted at l'rneUla, Crook Counly, rliala nersi rircoiam I of tlreiriin, and of order of Hon. W . M. rlKUlallon. by Hradaban, Judnaof at lha abora etitlllrd court, maua on inw MKh day of Auguat, ia, tba Lii,a i.i l aif lhaxndda ol Itaai. and Iba laet BiiMlratiwn to ua on toe Brat pubil- of Heplember, 11 2 l County Court Continued from page 1. report tbereon at the next term hereof. Ia re resignation of Albert Seals ae road en pet-visor. Final accounting aa inch approved and resignation accepted. Charlea Freeman appointed road super visor for Lamonta precinct. Clerk to notify him. la re petition for eoanty road by A. S. Phillips et al. Petition, affidavit of posting notices and bond for 1200 with A. 8. Phillips and R. D. Robinson, filed and approved. Viewers ordered to meat at the beginning of said road on October 22, 1909, view, review and aor vay out said road and report thereon at the next term of this court. Viewers' and sorveyor's report on the Jack W. Jones road. Petition disal lowed as per viewers' adverse report Surveyor's and viewers report on David Travis road. Reports approved and road declared a public highvcay ' Clerk to notify supervisor to open same and request petitioners to work one tier each opening said road. Surveyor'a and viewers' report on Augusta Fullerton road. Reports read and approved and road declr red a public hiifhwav. Supervisor to see that same is opened for public travel, provided pe titkiners keep said old road open and maintain gates thereon. In ro surveyor's and viewers' report and remonstrance on E. A. Gillett road. Upon careful examination of the records and files in this matter and the argu ments of counsel both for the petitioners and remonstrators, the court finds a greater number of remonstrators than petitioners, therefore the prayer of said petition is tot granted. Clerk to notify bondsmen of costs and to collect same. In re Livingston addition to town of Madras. Upon written report of counl y ;: surveyor, said matter is continued to November term of court, 1909, because ol failure to comply with statute. Petition for right of way by Redmond Telephone Co. Continued to Novem ber term, 1909, for more specific de scription of county roads upon which it . is proposed to construct telephone lines. - M. D. Powell having failed to qualify aa justice of the peace for the district of . Prineville, Geo. L. Bernier is hereby ap pointed to serve the unexpired term and until the next general election. Petition for county road by A. II. Rohde. Continued to November term. ' In re resignation of J. L. Gichiist as road supervisor. Accounting approved and resignation accepted. John Zeek'a application for a par t of gambling fines was disallowed. - Check of Bhipp & Perry for 200 in payment for old safe, formerly in the county clerk's office, received, all in ac , eordance with their bid. Clerk directed to deposit same with county treasurer to credit of the general find. ' In re application for refund of half . coat of cutting weeds by Mrs. Hummell Whereas, pursuant to an opinion by the distrust attorney a compromise between the county and the several debtors to the county for cutting weeds has been affected and that all may be treated alike, the county clerk is hereby direct ed to draw a warrant on the general fund for' one-half of the total amount heretofore paid by Mrs. Hummell, and that aaid lien be satisfied of record. The county clerk is hereby directed to advertise for bids for supplying - seventy cords of good four -foot wood to be delivered prior to December 15, 1909, and to be cotded for measurement as follows: 20 cords on the Crook County ' High School lot and 50 cords on Ihe Crook County court house lot. All bids vember 1, 1909. The court reeervea the right to reject any and all bids. Pursuant to statute in such rases made and provided, the following war rants are hereby cancel d : Claaa Ko. Date Name 310 July 10, ia 81 Jan 11, MS& J77 Janll.WHS Ml Spt 4. IS G. U. Snyder I 1 M ia Vaughaa 4 SO Lee Vanover Frank RobilaiUe t'4 Sept U, 18 C- Greea l Srpt U, lSW Mra. Rayl m Bept 11, 18 W. Bailey 8T4 Sept 11, 1MB Jamte Morgan 94 Jan a, 19U t. A. Hill 1 se 1 i se 1 50 1 00 1 ' t w 1 M I 09 a e a a m oo a oo 13 50 sen 1 ss 20 STOP. Before You Sign a contract for life Insur ance in any company look into the merits of G. L. HMiNIIiR Attorney -at-Law Will pratb In all tneOonrU. Office nrit door to Pr. Kaanberg'a, Prineville, Uregna. THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in Connection) J. H. WIOLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rate. Remember ua when in PrineTille. Rates Rkabowabli. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent .k .i. ,.rik.i..i., liaaL I'ubltaheJ Urat uniit ii.im. M. K. pKlria, Attorney for PlalnUfl. Uoanl of EualiaaMon Meeting. The tVuttty Hiwrd o Kqaallaatkin ar On. antr, orrttio. Miie elar, . I. Itti .1 Ihm MMrtlHMtae itt 814 Hiaty. Tna Uiaayera ata raepeel rally re ume ana a tt in,r mi apprar cm Ike tal ruia, ana ....ra ia the deaerlallaMt or ealualUia ut taxable peuewriy we will fladlf 4, II lkrvI.I.BrrTe, A lOHiaiy. PJL I ajtmled loeua fCf nwnta aa tney (al I there are a 3 earraet Iba earne. Itetad kasi. B. County ae nr. aa.M ft I fim, aort 11m LV day nt Nui f a'eiurk In til VS I IX aal4 Hi' jfH9rmjf-mt-jCmm Office with Ceo. W. Barnes 119 March 12, 1900 Miner Lewii HH Jon S8, 1SU0 8. tl. Courtney 3M Jum 2 , 19U0 Bruno Fram 307 Jnne , 1SO0 H. O. Serfling MS Nov 10, 1900 Harry Bailey 730 Not 12, 1909 T.J Llnvllle SM July , 1901 Luella. Winer 539 March 11,1902 0. V. Oo"t asj July 1. 1902 J. 5!. Bennett 2n Sept lt, Chai Miller 2S6 Not . 1901 Geo Lee Thereupon the county clerk cancelled said warrants in the presence ol the court, all in accordince with the statute and it ia further ordered that the amount of the above warrants shall not be computed or included in any eati nation or computation of county finances hereafter. Perry B. Poindexter ia hereby ap pointed road supervisor for Montgomery precinct, to serve until January 1, 1910, Clerk to notify appointee. Application for county aid by Jamea F. White. Application recived and upon a full investigation it ia ordered that the couuty physician, co-operaticg with the sheriff, arrange for such sup port and care as may be neceasary under the circumstances. Court adjourned for the term Horses for Sale. A few broken and unbroken horses for for sale from 1150 to IV) in weieht. For further information inquire of T. J. Fkboi son, Prineville, Ore. 8-19-ln. Primimdtl. Crffmm JT. &etmmrj The Policyholder' Company No matter how much you are urged to place life insurance elsewhere write first and hear what we have to otter. RATES ARE NO HIGHER PjkjHtimm mmd Smrfm Cmll. eanwrae prm,rfy 4m0 mr mifmt mm J PrimtmilU n- tJ G'J ra Cmmm, A mmrf Jf. V. 33ikmmp Belknap d a 'wards &mjiiimmi aaaf Jmrfm. C mm ffrmr mmr mtt mf HkmmmS0 0M Jmmm All the money paid to this Company stays in Draxtnn and helns VOUr own prosperity, it as- Vital Treatment sists in the up -building of a Greater Oregon. There is nothing better in life insurance than nn CJ r.n Seneral tBlacksmithing IIORSKSHOEINO, WOOD WORK, KTC., Nkatlt and Promptly Done Whem rr n Dome Bt : t : fiobert Wfoore Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Priukviu.k, Orkoon. Mi r.3 a. J aj'j 11 1 I. J o4ka al Viaal SatllssMat. Dartre la larr.br glvea lhal Ihe aaaerale4 bea Sled hie anal anatat aa edaxlalatralu' uf the relate ot H II. d.e.aae.1. aa4 at liar eatal- of IXHrranee Mn.tb.m. with Ihe (Mialy elera tub twi'7. '" m. aad the iVarl baa art Monday, Ua Bret Nuemlr, Iim, al Ihe hour ut i- i lit. urenuuo: aa ine unw Rnal axwouBl and aay objMlhHta llial niay be muut. lafwa, aao wr an an order f Baal arltleinmt of aald ealale. Aitmlntalreh of Ihe aetata or a. I. I ""- drwaaed, and of Ihe arlerahli eelale of tiurranoa Hrua, 1004, Tba Dalle I.I.I No. 00ITU. Notica lor Publication. NotCwl Land. Ulllira niaiee imnv viu,, The ltallea, Oregoa. Aug. W, KMlce la hereby given that tba Northern 1'a.lUo Kallwey Cnipany, whuea pue olBie e.idraee ia Hi. I'aul. MinneauU, haa Ihia Wlh day of Atig. "led' ) thta orlloaiU applteailu to aelrrt arnler lha nrovUUitia of tba Act of t ottgrrea, ap proved July 1, 1 I SU Htat. 6tC, I aa extended by the Aet of onreaa, approved May 17, MM, the BWHltr-H am it, i ia a. Ane end all neraon clalmln adversely tba Unda dinr)led, or deainng to objrrt ealale t Jainee M. Mamlllon. dereaaed, and II urrauna bavlni eutlane aaalnat aald eelale are Iwrruy required tu prraent the aeme, duly vrrltted. to aald aamiaiatraina ai iw becauea of the mineral rbarartrr uf Ilia land, or for any other rraaon. to tba dla paeat to the applicant, aboubl Bit tbetr amdaviuor pruteet before tba 1Mb t IMIp Xotlca to Crcilttwra. In this oW.-e, on or I day of October, WW. C. W. MOOHB. Register. DR. A. W. CRATER Room 9, rVludexter Hotel, Priuevllle, Ore n a. J Hrlnk.al Hrineellle. Urraui ine area SECOND - HAND Orcgonlifc tu. nnthSncr nat tfnnrl for Ore. asa STORE gonians as HOME OFFICE. PORTLAND, OR. i r. MILLS, Prea. L SAMUEL. Oan. Mft, CULBSKCK a SAMUKU aaat Mgr. L N. STRONG, ItaiaW AgL, rriaeriOe im All Kind of Good Bought and Sold C. L. V. Marker Dillon Building. t j U'J r.3 t j P3 n3 B3 U'm R3 ra L! J Mil r.rt nil U'J There are two kinds of whiskey One -the other isn't The kind that IS contains all the constituents that come from proper distillation and. ageing That's, what, makes it KtlAL, whiskev. xThe kind that ISNT is made of alcohol, prune iuice and bead oil or is simply alconol put in, charred barrels, and branded whiskey. I The Pure Food Law aims at. haying the. consumer get exactly what he calls for. , . , When you call for whiskey " ask yourdealer if it will respond to a government laboratory test. Ask him if he guarantees it Then you will know what you are paying your money for. Buy the brand you know, the standard for 70 years. Cyrus Noble pure whiskey all whiskey old whiskey. HARNESS and SADDLERY SHOP m 1 2 stock saddle, ladies' - saddle, chaparejos. ness w kels. 3 4 a" quart bottles ol GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE direct to you, all charge paid to tba nearest, railroad axpraaa office. W. J. VANISCHUYVER & CO. EtuUuhtd 1864 105-107 Second Street. Portland. Oregon CUV ay TtHS UM AND Ua, TO-OaV wmmmmmm W. J. Van Schuyver Co- PinU. Otaaaa. ( Eadoaed plo iucl$4.90 xitcll pleaM Kad aa) at oaca by txfnm, anoaai four ejnaru) titNUlNfc CTKU9 WOBLE. P. O. AeJn wmimssm For a astride bits, spurs, lap robes, harness ol all kinds, horse blan etc., call on J W. BOONE Prineville, Oregon !?.! Notice for Publication. k Nut coal land. Department of the Intel lor. V. 8. Land Offlce, The JXlle, Oreiton, Ootolier 2, WQ. Notice la hereby lven lhat i i. it. i . A,.ln.i joMih Mlkkelaon. of lrineTllle, Oregon, who on April III, , l-JW, made homeatpad entry tawrmi no. IZli. forHK!4 auction !M, townalilp lf aouth, n.niioi iv M hu riled nolii of Inli n- ,i r. H....I Ivmm, nr,H,f. toeatHb- INh elalin t the land above dtMrlled, bore Warn-n Brown, county ciorn, anii"oii I'rlnevllle, Urioii,ou the i?in uay oi iiunw tier. J'.a. a iiiimu ni nn earuaai bub. w inmnnni V...,. A Hii.iml.nr I'oWCll Hlltl. UfflOII, fl.rlHi n. Hwanaon. J. Alvln HIkkm, K"Oerl U.Hinllh.allol t'rlnevllle, Orejtni, The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIloUE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Carrying ft choice 'miration of fine enndjr, clgara, oranKia,; It-moDH, etc. Oive ua a cnll. ' ' SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. P m ra tsu ra Lj ra ta ra a j ra m m ra ..ill. -J hi. K. wllhlnall Btonlha from Utedaleuf 1 publloatlun of Ihll notlea. third eud pmbllabed Brat time aw pie tuber ft) I yuv. ' Herepla Mamlltnn. Artmlnlalratrlt of Ine ealale ol Jainee M. Hamlll'in, I m ai.: t r..l.l: ivu,Iam nillllgll-Ti, lliuuiuiun, r iuuim Doors, Glasnes, Etc. . Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY riUNKVILLE, OREGON :V ; 1 Notloa for Pnalicatl a. (Hut eoel land) department of lha Interior. V. a land um re at The tNallea, tireann, HeplenitMr II, leua, Nutlee la hereby given that David K. Hohwood, , of frinevllle, Umm. who on lireemher a. I am. made bomeelead.enlry No. Ilinl, (aertaJ No. oni4) for and t'i "." Kiwnahlp M a, range 17 e, W. M., haa Sled no tleeorinlenlloa to make flaat flve-year proof, to ealabllah olalin to the land above deaorlbed. before Warren Brown, euty eer. al bla i.mre at Prineville, Urraon, on the Sth day of IKoveniiBH , leue. 4'laliuant name aa wllneeaeat Th'imaa K. Htroud, Fred Hlnwd, Krank Ray and William H, Klrkbaut, all of muevllle, "Sop"" C, W, Moons, Rectaler. Notice of aamliiwrator's Sale of Real Batata, Notice Is hereby given, that la pursu ance of an onler of the county court or Crook eounty, Bute of Oregon, made on the 0th day of BepUinber, UM, In the niat ter of tbe ratale of A ndrew J. rinnesan, iliveaMKl, the undeMlKned, the adminis trator of aald ealale. will sell at public auc- . tlon to the hlKheat bidder, for caah, and aubject to etmtlrmatlon by aald ootinty court, on Friday, the ifind day of Outolier, lnw, at tun o cloct in ine forenoon, at toe front door of the county courthouse In Prineville. Oregon, all the right, title, in tereat and eatale of the said Andrew J. Drop in Champ and See ft Smith DEALER IN Soft Drinks of all kinds Imported and Domestic Cigars At the old Smith & Cleek S stand, Main street, two doors south First cl National Bank CRQOE CQUm BAKE OFFIOERS: W. . Booth, . Praaldent ( D. BTIWAarr, Vice Praaldent O. M. Clkins, ' Oaahlar OIREOTORS: i l;:, W. A. Booth, O. M. Eikins, i 0. F. 8TIWART Transacts a General Banking IJusineBS Exchange Bought and Sold - Collections will re ceive prompt attention. Kinnecitn, at the time of hia death and all the rlii.t title and Intareat the laid estate haa auuired iu addition to that of the aaid Andrew J. KliiiitKan at (he time or his death in all that certain piece or paroel of land situate, lying and being In the County of Crook and Btateof Uregon and more particularly deacribed as the north half ol the north weat quarter of section eight, the weat half ot the southwest quarter of section tire, the aouth half of the northcaat quarter and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of sec tion seven In townahip nlteen south, of range twenty-one eaat of Willamette Meridian. ... Terms and oondW'ona of salet Cash, (old coin of the United States. Ihtted this !Od day of (September, 11)09. M. H. Km-iott, Administrator or the eatate of Andrew J. Kliincgan, Deceased. . : . For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands DESCHUTES VALLEY " . WRITE JONES LAND CO Redmond, ' .1 I Oregon Subscribe for tbe Journal, $1.50 a Year. County Official Paper to be left with the county clerk by No