r Clooing Out at Fifty Cents on the Dollar Isn't a Circumstance to This ! G i 40 3 ' a . i- 5i if i i LOCAL MENTION. Mn" Hofi-r l now vlcrkliiff for J. K. Ktuwnut & Co. J. W. Curtain nuil wlfi lire liome bkhIii from I'urtlnml. f llfiirjr Wliiiltim U In town thl w k from IiIh ttoiuf nt CtitviT. , lUtlwi-ll frum of Trout rm-k. wnn yIhIMik tiU brother tu-rv Frhliiy . hmL , . ' v .;-, C. I UoIhtIm n turniil ri Friday f.'oni nvli.lt to WIIIiiiiKtte vulli'y ltutM. i , ! ; i' . A. W. WliKe In IhiII.IIiic n now tvl- ih'iiM JtiNt wnt of tliu roliulcxti r NkttlliiM; rluk. HrliiK In jour irvliit fxlilliiln Twik jiHai-h un offort'i), t'O to fltnt mm fio to mrond. , : Mn. ltl.ljf I'otxl 6t lllli)olii, MiMtcr of HnK I.Utir, m vUllhiif olj frlotula niul ri liilH-.- In I'rliH'vlHi-. . Mim Wlllii Couiltn, wlii tiu lim-n worklmr In I'ortlnml for ftlioiit a ' ,)vit, U Iioiiic for .the Mlhtt-r . - Mm. Naomi Wiiloinoii ff Snli in In In l'rliit'vlllo on IuihIimhh. Kind lu-r notlw In tlir dimnlHii1 Im nl roluinr. C. Ik Hhnturk lift WfdniKiliiv for Th linlltn, to lirliiir lim-k a Whlh Sti'iimiT nuto fort ho Corm-lt Nlae Coiiiiiii,v. ' t " ., Clin. Alk u, tlH' lioy f ha It wrr liiismia dny m'liti'iic? In ttiocoiinfy Jnll In portt'il III with tj pliol.! f,-vcr. lie lum Imvii ri'inovi-it from tin Jnll iuI In iwlvltujeiiivful ntti'iiltoii. W. I-nk IVU'tt, Wl.lil Ilitnitn, Alf. i:iiRMon mid Juck ClmmU-M iiuuln up ft party hint Friday evriiln t n u j Wfnt tot ho iliiiieo at I.uniontit In lloilKon'N unto. Other l'rliu-villo 1 iwoplo who ttlti'inleil tlu hull wore J OKI Ariit'(t, Odcnr Vrotun nml wlfn niul MIwh' IWrtha IIiiITiuhu nml Kilnn I-oii. Tlioy all report an tn JtynlU tlnu, ' ' , . , ; i Lyman McConl wnn In town thin wiHk lriMvi'ril dnyn, having eomt .In for mm rqmlin for a thnwhlnic imwhliiH, which httlH oicratlnpr thin diiiwon In ttift Mutl Spring mrt Ion et of Mailrn. Il rt'porU Krnlu rrop n tiirnlnij out far UittUT than tlu owner expwti'd nnJ the grain of high , (jnnMtjr. TrliTH, too, nr nway iii, rolled barley I now ellliiK vt Madriin hundred. The ladle auxiliary of tiio I'rlno vllle Cniii'ier lal Club met for . thu flrt limn Tuesday atlernoon ulneo the holiday. ItetreHhmeiit Avere nerved and u plenHimt aflornoon spent by the ladle.. The only new lMilueM wiim liar (ippolntment of a 'committee coinpoHed of Mr. D. F. Htiwart, Mr. V. W.; Klkliw ami Mr. LanliiM, to ninke arrangeiiH'iit for an (pnlortnluimnt ,tq bo iRlventhe Hub Homo time about the Brut of No. vi'inber. It wa alo decided to cm ploy a .lllirarlau for the duty liiHtond of leavlng-tho dutle of thl to the . voluutwn rUe of nnxlllnry uiom Ihth. MIdm LoiiIho Suiiiiiuth will act tn thl - capacity 'every Tnesdny "evening, " . THE SHOE THAT STANDS ROUGH ""j That won't quickly wear through tne soics, or kick ,.,..(-. ,.tf i " tiave seamless bppers , leatherthey are won t get, more how much you from under the pense, buy Special Merit School At7$ I ' Shoes for the Horn To the wife of Ralph Porllly, edneday, rtOoher 0, a aon. MImmKIvii Dublin H ited the Way ton nehool Monday for the fall term, Hoy (.ray and Dick nml Frank Mini; nave gone to the fair at Seattle and will nlo mii(1 neveral duyMut Cortland while away. MurKau' orilietitra lum reuiii(5d rehtarHl for the wlnUr, meeting every Monday evening for pruetlee, Thl organisation plan for gnat prtt(rr thl neimon. ; 3eorgo W'hlted of IJe'ppner, ha ac ncepted n ptmlllon a nalemnan with CUfton & Cornettut the brick tore. William U-dford, (Kentuck) who ha had charge of the Cornet t tiige ollleo In I'rlnevllle ha nlo bivn traiiMferred to the More, the tge biiHlnee I lielng looked after by (ieorge Iteam. Ia the lk-nd JuMthe court Ituit Thnrday the ownemhlp of the dl nueu cow, inentlou or "Wlileu wo made lat we-k, wa " decided In favor of J. II. Wood, the Halm of. Adam Kotxiiiau to theauliunl being denied by JukI Ice Merrill. Cobble Ktroud ha moIi! hi Intercut In the (). K. Market to II. K. Cro, anil the firm will hereaft?r lie Stroud Unm. &CroH. The family f Mr Crtuui arrived from JcnVrHoii lout week nml an-1 muted In the Uaiitlxt church rvHlde'ure projierty on weat unit Hitwt. J. S. Fox. formerly tJf the "TIuiIht mau" of Tortland, ha litcated In I'rlnevllle and U now acting an were tary for the county fair nnnwlatlon. Ili"ldc being a nettpa'r man, Mr. Fox In a hookkcccr and Htenog. rapher, and ha ojiened a public of-fk-e with Attorney M. It. lllgg. , tin Monner and Dave Harden were In town -Wednenday from Agency Train, bringing In big load of wheats They received 78 and 6 cent per bunhel. They report the llarrlmau railroad firco tearing up the earth nt Porter Spring ennyon and on the plain north of Mad ran. Arch Powell wa up from Mndrn the Inst of the wek. He nporl ti e wft drink bUHlnen. flourlnhlng nt Madran, where he and Itulph Slinrii have an eHtabllhnient. Me ny that then an no btn for dale In Madrtf at m than (250 each, price ranging from that llgure up to flOOO. The county clerk refime to handle any inori' green coyote hide. . Tl e Hceut In too utterly too too. Heln nlnta that the hide lie thoroughly dried before they are brought to Ids olllee. He tiny ho I tired of piling weight on them to bold then In one plnwi I.Ike old cheese, t hey wnnt to crawl around. OutMlde paper seemed to haye our fair date mixed. Tho Jlural Spirit and Pacific Momentead have got It too early. . A a.n-fiult omo Wll Irtmettb valley tiH'k got here the flrnt of the month nnd when they found the fair wa not to take place until Octfflicr lit-2.1, left for home. We hope theno pu per will mnko the correction. PLAY out at tne toes. SPECIAL MERIT SEAMLESS SrHOOL SHOES' w-r all one solid piece of selected made with double leather toes. You substantial, longer wearing, and better looking shoes no matter where you go, or f pay. If you want to get out burden of shoe ex-' boys arid girls. ', LOCAL MENTION Ed Parker of Hear creek, 1 pcnd Ing ncvernl day In town thl week. J. If. licatn, manager of the Cor nett Stage Company, wa over from Khanlko thl week looking after biiHlneM. ', T. K. Mcfalllnter nnd family have moved Into tlM-lr property next door to t lie Journal oillce. and opeiied a boarding bonne. Perry Long k-ft Wednesday for a vlnlt In the Willamette Valley. He exMci to go to the' Foley Spring for the benellt of hi heal til. Dm. Gray, dcnthUa, are at the I'rlnevllle and will remain for a week or ten day. See their announce ment cine where lu thl Innue. The Indie of the Prenbvterlan church will give a dinner on Friday tOctolier 22) during fair week. Home cooking. Everybody Invited. S The duck aeanon for Crook county dooa not open until Ootohcr 15. In Ignorance of thl fact several hunters have already been out. Duck seem to tie plentiful thl year. Oeorge Hitches, the operator In the Moving Picture Show, ha sold out hi Interest to bin Hroslus, who Will conduct thebunl- ncx In the future. Mr. nml M nr. Kitchen left for Portland the flrt of the week. ' " i The ladles of tho Christian church will glvenn Ice crenm eiKlul tomor row ( Friday) afternoon and event nc as ltelknnp hall. There will he chicken sandwiches, coffee, cocoa. herbet, Ice cream and cake. etc. Doors ojicn from 5 to 9 p. in. John Alden Seabury, famoim here. la now publlshluir-a freak naiwr nt Mocllps, Wah., the Mocllpa Ocean Ware. It has the distinction of be. Ing publlnhed farthest west of anv paiier In the Cnltetl StaU. right on tne brink of the ocean. Our advice to the editor would be to aro a little farther west. , Mis Hilda SundoulHt met with an accident near tho Ulbson ranch while horseback riding the hint of " the week. She was found by the road side In an unconscious condition by some drummers w ho took her-toa nearby farm house and telephoned Dr. Itosenlierg. An examination by the doctor showed that the girl was not serlounly hurt, other than reiving several hard bumps and liruUH'S. - m Ite.v. John Iewtns ; of Tncomn, Waah., 'wlU lglii mwtlngs at the Methodist church next. Sunday. Itev. Mf . Lcwtna cornea very highly recommended as a preacher ami also m a singer. He lielleves fn singing the gosel ns well as preaching it. Besides Wing an evangelist, Mr. lA'wtns haa traveled extensively In Europe and the Holy Lands. "We most cordially 'Invite the public to attend these, services. All who at tend will not only be entertained but edifliid and strengthened In the Christian faith. J. D. Lewellen, Pastor. , , Mayer 2500 PAIRS ' x I 1 This week we have received, a number of: shipments of new Fall and Winter goods. - Mens, women's and children's underwear, sweaters, sweater coats, ging- hams, percales, outingsand a number of yery pretty patterns in all-wool dress goods. Hosiery of all kinds, cotton, fleece-lined and cashmere, also a good supply of the Famous Holeproof Hose. All Goods Marked at Very Our big line of Oliver Plows, all styles and sizes', repair must be closed out this Fall You know the line.' ' Come and Orange Hodge ha returned from atrip to the valley. Frank Marlon of Lildlaw, Is Sieudlng the week In town. Adam Kotzmnn wa lu Prluevllle today at tending to business. Mlns Hnsel Wlndom of Culver, was visiting friends In Prluevllle today. Dr. nnd Mrs. ltelknnp made a trip to Laldlaw lu their auto last Friday. Alf Parkey was In Unlay from Agency Plains , with a big load of wheat. ' 1 . , Oeorge Steven wa over from Sis ter the first of the week greeting old friends. . ' , MlkeChrlstfanl, a well known resi dent, Is very low nt his borne In Prluevllle. ; J. U. Terrell and son, E. S. Terrell, of O'Xell, were transacting bunnies today In Prlnevllle. ; .,4, . Mrs. It. 8. Price retnrned from a visit to Portland and the A-V-P Ex- ponltlon on today's stage. f - C. T. Hubbard, who Is ''holding a squatter's claim on the MatoWs, was In Prluevllle several day this week. ' ' f , Mr. William Circle dle'd at The Dalles last week. She was well known here having spent a large part of ber life la this county. r Forest Supervisor A. S. Ireland ha gone to the Portland bead- quarters to assist in the olliee work there during the next two months. The Crook County Sunday .Sehool Association will meet at Jtedmond on Novemlier 6, 6, and 7. - .Plan are belug formulatetl for a big attend-' ance. ' i U , j Johnny Howard of Lower Prldge, went toShaniko this week to meet III wife and baby who are return ing from ft visit In the Willamette Valley, i , . . ', Tom Armstrong ha eight head of horses owned by local parties now In training at the fair grounds. The racing events - promise high class sport during the fair, Oct. 19 to 33, Inclusive, r. !' ,.. -t Sheridan Shroufe says he has Bold his Sisters stage line to S. Soott und will settle at Shanlko soon. Heex pecta to ngaln engage In the freight ing buslnes If the prospect looks good, although he may not legln hauling until spring, f Itev. ( Charles T, Kudrord 1 the name of tlie new ; minister . for the Christian church. He and his wife and children arrived Wednesday night. Rev Kadford will preach In Prlnevllle the third and fourth Sunday of each month, nt the Union church. - , Ijvst week Alex Mackintosh shtp led 17,000 head of mutton sheep from Shanlko to Oreat Falls. Moutaua. where they will lie fed for the Chica go market. Mr. Mackintosh was unfortunate lu having to wait on cars at Sholitko, and had to a.v over at the railroad terminus foar daya longer than he anticipated, being to the extra expense of feeding the sheep during that time. ' j 5 .... Shes1 IN 'STOCK Ji EL New Fall Goods w. Pound and a Half j of Beef to Each Man Jfs Howard wan in the city today from Ixiwer Bridge. Mr. , Howard states that associated with hint In the contract for supplying beef for the construction crews of Porter Bros, while building the Hill road from the Columbia to Madrn ore Messrs. Z. M. Brown and Charles Horton, of Tvlaraath "'couhty.'" He says that the Journal's account of the fact last week was a little too high In the estimate of the amount of beef that will be required, the tiasls on which they figure being about yt pound dally for each man employed on the work, . , u 'Mr. Howard states that he and his associates will buy what Crook county cnttlethey can so long as the price doe not go above that of the outside markets. They now have-tpo head of cattle on feed in Klamath couny, and expect soon to have more than donble that number feeding lu a few week. The Hill forces are putting more men to work each week w hich will gradual ly Increase the lieef supply In pro portion.. . Eight surveying crews are now working between the mouth of Trout Creek nnd the Columbia on the Hill Toad. Some of the meat may be brought in from Portland. This contract calls for the delivery of meats anywhere between Madras and at or near Celilo, and Mr. How ard believe it Is probable that the Oregon Trunk is planning to bridge the rlver at Celilo to make connec tion, with the North Bank line. Maker a Grask Kairta ScUalBsois ' r ' Camra Sapsliet Jw.lry Cit- Wall raper D. P. Adamsoii iillDliliMllis Stewart Reasonable Prices TV Hall Safe for Sale. A Hall, safe, good as new, fur cale. It weighs 13,'jO pound anil U 41x30x21 outside measurement, inutile 27i21 ill. For further particular call at this office.- f-ID tf "THE SCHOOL Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon 3 S A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard ; commercial school of the Northwest. Open all the year. More calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practice. Shorthand that excels m every respect. Special penmanship departmentr" Write for"fllustfatecf catalogue. New Millinery Display Show all the best late Fall and Winter Hat. All the latest styles.' My stock is complete. Call and see these beautiful hats In our enlarged quarters. Don't forgetJtlie date. MRS. m Corner Second and Main t&t3mi Ef Er-s c m z& x& m e& D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS School Books School Supplies DRUGGISTS (X OUR &Co. Royal Club Canned Goods , ' . . . . t. Heating Stoves We are still, offering special values in Heating , Stoves. If you -are thinking of buying one it will pay you to - investigate our line. ''".'V.y.' ;, ; ' r 1 . . Grocei Start voiir Grocerv : account wi 1153. most complete line in the city b 1 .--... -'- l r-J ana can save you money. Koyai m vmu uctiiiicu guuus oui specialty parts and extras 'learn the price 1 : . Gormlcy, The Tailor. What about that fall suit? Of course yon .want It tailor-made. It doesn't cost any 'more than the hit-and-miss' kind. My sample are the tinest in town. Presslnsr, repair ing and cleaninc. Give a trial. 8-5 OF QUALITY" 3 ESTES, .(1 Streets, PrinevUIe jD'regon. S t- m m e m m m m Musical fmtruKDti Maais . Lawaey's Caadies Statiaacry Ci(irs i i &o, i , "t J SPECIALTY res t-i'.: -: IP th M a m fiVJ frjii!iiiiSJi!ioiji! V.: