Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 07, 1909, Image 2

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I. MICHEL, Proprietor
1,. - Va" L'w '
We are overstocked and must make room for fall goods
: " . r Men's Regular $3.50 Hat .. $2.75
Men's Regular $3.00 Hats $2.00
Men's Regular $2.50 Hate $1.50
A Few Odds and Ends Men's Hats at Less Than Cost
Gty Will Put Streets
in Good Repair
The council met Tuesday evening
with Mayor Stewart lu the cbalr.
There wen present Councllmen LIpp
man, Shtpp, Yancey, Cram and
Adamaoa. Absent Councilman Clif
ton. After the reading and approval of
the minute the usual routine was
gone through.
The committee on street and pub
lic Improvement was given more
time In which to report on the
naming and lettering of street In
Newsom's third addition to Frlne
Tllle, The marshal was Instructed to
have the road scraper repaired so
that It could be used.
The matter of having some work
done on the streets received the -approval
of the council. While the city
funds would not permit of anything
extensive, yet It was felt that chuck
holes and other low place In the
treats should be filled up and repair
ed. The committee on street and
public Improvements were therefore
In true ted to go ahead with the
work and were authorised to pay 60
cents a cubic yard for the necessary
gravel. The following bills were al
lowed: E. O. Hyde, witness f 1 30
H. Kinder, witness 1 50
- Anna Mating, 3 months' rent... 25 00
P. L. I W, Co . 4 2T
Wade Houston, salary, etc...... 56 00
M. R. Elliott, attorney's fees.- 15 00
Be view 8 00
D. F. Stewart........... ....... ... 15 00
M.D.Powell 18 90
8. J. Newsom 1 50
, A. 8. Collins earns before the coun
cil and wanted to get permission to
change the ditch of the Rye Grass
Oompany . on the north ' side. The
matter was referred to the commit
tee on public Improvements with In
structions to report at the next regu
lar meeting.
Council adjourned.
Rodman's Trial in November.
Mrs. Basel Maddux and Frank E.
Rodman, who have been Indicted by
the grand Jury on a charge of man
slaughter In connection with tbe
death of May Real on the Llnnton
Incorporation of the
C W. Elkins Co,
That Incorporation Is the order of
the day Is exemplified by the recent
changing of the big merchandise
business of C. W. Elkins to an Incor
poration under the name of The C.
V, Elkins Company. The transfer
of the business took place on Octo
ber 1. The company Is Incorporated
for 150,000, shares flOO each. Be
sides the former owner, C. M. Elkins
and Oraer C. Clay pool have taken
stock in tbe new Arm, and It Is un
derstood that others have sub
scribed for stock.
Regarding the new regime Mr.
Elkins said to a Journul reporter:
"We find our business growing so
rapidly that we are obliged to shift
some of the responsibilities of Its
management, and those carry tbe
Interests of tbe business best who
have more than a mere salary lu
Progress will I the watchword of
the new firm, and that It will mean
no empty phrase Is evidenced by the
Installation of three up-to-date rapid
cash carriers In tbe establishment,
thereby savlug time, errors and pos
sible losses.
road Amrnat 5. entered ideas of not
guilty before Judge Bronaugh In the '
circuit court, and their cases were .
set down for trial In Xovemler. j
The cases will be beard separately,
Rodman's being first on November
11, the trial of Mrs. Maddux will
come up one week later.
Joe Smelzer Injured
in Runaway Accident
. Joe Smelzer and A. H. Kennedy
experienced a runaway lust Friday
afternoon In the former's buck board.
They were watering the horse at the
Ochoco ford under the bridge on
Main street, when Sam Newsom
passed over the bridge In his auto.
Tbe horse took fright and ran down
tbe bed of tbe creek to the first cross
street and then turned north, tip
setting the rig and throwing the men
out on tbe boulders. Mr. Kennedy
was not much injured, but Mr. Smel
zer, who Is a heavy man, was
thrown much farther, striking on his
side and fracturing several i I'm, be
sides sustaining other Injuries, the
exact nature of which has not yet
been determined. Dr. Edwards was
at the scene Immediately after the
accident, and Mr. Smelzer was taken
In tbe doctor's car to the borne of
A. E. Gillam, near by, where he has
been In a serious condition ever since.
A day or two ago he was improving
nicely, but was worse again lust
night. Dr. Roacnlierg' lias had other
physicians of the city in consulta
tion on the case.
Alphabet In BibU Yiru.
Id 11m twenty-first verw of the sev
enth chapter trf Ezra can be found
every letter of the English alphabet
h runs thus: "And I. even I. Artax
erxen tbe king, do make a decree to
all the treasurers which are beyond
tbe river that whatsoever Ezra tbe
p !et. the scribe of tht law of tbe
God of heaven, shall require of you. It
be done speedily."
But. still more wonderful. In the
eighth verse of the third chapter of
Zephnniah Is contained every letter,
Including finals, of the Hebrew la-
rung. Westminster Gazette,
Haw Cat Caught Two Rats.
I ouce bad cat who did a rather
remarkable ratting feat. He stalked
two young rats on the eaves of a low
flat stable roof and caught one In the
usual way. Tbe other jumped on to ao
elderberry tree Just below.
Bob, however, not satisfied with the
one. grasped It firmly In bis mouth
and then jumped headlong for tbe oth
er. Either he was very lucky or ex
traordinarily agile, for he fell to the
ground with one rat still In bis mouth
and the other In his paws and prompt
ly killed them both. Scotsman.
Tha Lily of Franca.
There Is a pretty tradition about the
Illy of France. Three black toads form
ed tbe curious device on tbe shield of
King Clovia, but one nlgbt as sn sged
hermit sat musing la his lonely ceil
there appeared an angel before him
bearing a shield of woodrons beauty.
On Its azure front three golden lilies
shone like radiant stars. This shield
the angel bads tbe hermit deliver to
Queen Ctothllde. Receiving tbe celes
tial shield Clotbllde gave It to tbe king,
whose arms thenceforth were always
victorious. St James' Gazette.
Tha Woman ef Balgliim.
No one can travel In Belgium with
out being struck by tbe extraordinary
activity and prominence of tbe wo
men. Over tbe doors of shops of all
descriptions the name of the owner or
owners 1 frequently followed by
"Soeurs" or "Veuve." Tou find them
proprietors of hotels snd restaurants.
They are often custodians of the
churches. Tbey are employed to tow
the boats along the canal banks. Tbey
cut up tbe meat In tbe botchers' shops,
and they are even to be noticed shoe
ing horses St tbe forge.
I consider a human soul without edu
cation like marble In a quarry, which
bows none of Its Inherent beauties
until the skill of the polisher fetches
out the colors, makes tbe surface shine
and discovers every ornamental cloud,
spot and vein that runs throughout tbe
body of It Education, after the same
manner, when It works upon a noble
mind, draws out to view every latent
virtue and perfection, which, without
such helps, are never able to make
their appearance and would otherwise
be lost Selected.
A New Line of Dependable Merchandise at Winnek's
We are offering a large line of
at prices that will appeal to you.
Men's Overshirts
Regular 75 to 90c value .
" $1.15 to $125...
1.25 to 1.50
" 1.65 to 2.00
Other qualities up to
Men's Underwear.
Regular 75 to 90c value..
" 90c to $1.15
M 125 to 1.507 .......
Other values- to .
1 45c
.1 65c
1. -85c
... $6 per garment
Celebrated Topsy Half Hose
Regular 20c value .....2 lor 25c
" 25 to 30c value ......20c
" 35 value .. ;25c
' Other grades up to 50c; heavy wool 25c and up
Men's Shoes
The Wizard Shoe lor men, guaranteed.....$4.0O
Other good Shoes , $3 and up
Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole, the easiest shoe
made; ..... . .. $5.00
Our Drug Department is more complete than ever. Prices are as low as consistent with
pure goods. We endeavor to merit your continued patronage. '
Step in and listen to the new Edison Phonographs and the latest improved Amberol
Records, the longest playing records made, the purest tones.
NiWKTO ApVKKTIXKUH ll.mri.r all
rt-a.llim nollrv n ln Journal will ln m-i
up In Um form ivl .'U'-lll. .1 ala an.t nin
Hn.lcr ll.l li.'n,tli Tlx- rliarv will
ON K t-K.NT I'KH V OUI hr ,-,'tj " -' '"
Twill ntrnotvd ami tilled alu. lut, ly uh
out pain hy lrx. limy ,V 1-r.iy town!
the Hotel riinavtllr. All kimta U
Mental motk done painle.! , J
NOTll'K I am hrr for a h w dnv ait
thug u my IniakniU ratut. A II .-r-aona
tiiii whom 1 hold notes aiv re
quested ta fettle at once.
Mia. Noy Saiomok,
I't'KK rVolrh r'ilVevl wheat tor aslo tv
Je Wiiutoin. t'ulvvr. t&Mtp "
Node aprlnl !r of lirallm .Uvea at J. K.
Stcwurl (Wit. !i
Siuok nothing but eiyan mmle ly rMiir
viii i ijrar ra.-tory. jut n, eur.i uir
iww Havait ToIhicvM for the Stork maim
' iiv I'iuttr 8 for Si cl.. Try one.
TIIK HKW KKNTIVKY. lnl. tle rtrill
now on exhibition. Knit cnttnut that,
laleat nurrvvlmt allm-limi-ula, aloel rlhtioil
tutwa, C Klkllla" ,Hl..rv. ai'H
Hpeclal sal on heal hit i'ov at Htewarta.
Mr. and Mr. J. A. Fahnaller, tl; noted view
arllaii, are In lowu Tor few ilava. If voii
want a Srat-elnaa ielurw at Unlit rh-e
tv theiu cull.
fir lirae tl... I,.l.,l.w lt.ll. .1
the ilotel I'rinrville, are jotmt 'work for
numiwraot rrmeviue ivtiuK iltueiu
A! work tlon I'alllleiily.
Hu your ahora at J. F. Stewart A tV, t ."
pair to avlevt from. ai
J. K. STEWART A m the moat atlftu-lorT
plana In I'rtnevtll to trade. afoek
anil reaaonHlile prior.
Now Fall Oood arriving at J. K. Htewart A
Co.'. .M
Dr. Cray the I'ainle IVntiota, at t lie
Hotel I'rliieville, are luisy from momuiK
until night. Nolux tlu-i'i adil in lhn it
FOR SALK-laewn-room turn ami Anir tola
good oiitbullillnit. Inn l had on retuon
ail hrina. Apnljr to Mia. tlush l i-nr
Prliravllk', Oremm.
BIDS WANTKD By onler of the county
court of Crok eoiiuty, I am authoi iisl to
advertij' for seventy' eonls of -fixt Jum
per wood to Us delivered prior to IVn-em
ber 15, U!t, and to I corded lor me.iure
ment as follows: 20 cortl on the t'mok
County Hijjh iv hool lot and ' conla i n
tlie Crook County Courthouse lot. Ail
bids to Iw left with thecuunty clerk hv
Novtfinrer 1, Tha court riv
the rifiht to reject any and all hida.
WaaaiuN IIkiikn, County Clerk.
Our Fall and Winter Goods Come in Daily
Royal Worcester
v. V
These two numbers are
among the latest of the
new models. See our
lines from
$1.00 to $3.50
If w I W W
Uf' Our New Fall Line of WaisU aro Coming DailyNew Skirts and Suits
Fall Coats for Ladies and Children
When we confront the vaitnrss of tti
And meet the Rnxe of her eternal eyea.
How trivial avcin tha garnered liuins w
The Luir.1 wreath we flaunt to envious
Tha flower of lov w pluck for our !
Tho mad aneet music of the heart that
An tTisiant on the listening air, then
dies j
How short the day of all thins dear and i
bright: j
Tha everlusilnj mock our transient
The poKtjont of the nnlverae whir! by
Tht llttto sphere with nel'y turmoil rife
Swift a a dream nnd tleetlne ns a siuh
This brief delusion that we cull our Hfo,
Where all we can ao-omjiliah Is w dl.
lula .'hauiiuir Moulton
For Ladies
New shapes at
- $3.50
Hi v
For Children
Slippers, School
Shoes at
' as
H Lively - Jordan - Lanius Company, Jnc 5i
K: ---. -..u . ,u . ,u . .l . ,u. ,u . .l . ,u. L: ,u . .u. , ft
a0 171 plimenta.
Judge Strr ami Eilr-rtl ETorett
trere once the guosts of honor at s
bauiuet The former as a voluntary
tonst gnve the follow Inj:
"Fame follows uiorlt where Everett
The tfi'iitlenmn thus delK-ntoly com
pHini'iitcil at once nrwe ntnl replied
with enmilly fpllfitmm Improtnptti:
"To whatever height Judicial learn
ing may nttiln In this conntry thers
will always be oue Story higher."
' -xa3j- -cm- --4Eb-
a m , i Ma1 mm "a " - A.
M" 1 .' m v ' 'a
Old Tima "Wireleaa."
ratrk-k Malonc was having an argu
ment with a friend who wat well post
ed In history.
"How can you contend that tho an
cient Irish were more udvnnced than
the old F.gntlnus?" said hht friend.
"Why, tho Egyptians mut have eveu
nndcretood electricity, ns wires cor
responding to our own telegrupb wires
have been found" in archaeological ex
cavatlous there."
"That may he," answered I'ut, "bnt
the fact that lu wii-ua hnve been found
in Ireland simply makes it clear to my
mind that the Irish were In the habit
of UMlng wireless telegraphy."
Perfect h
rr-" , m.' rerfecr
.it- f k a I J.iiiIi if Lii, i
'jKl I ' M A TTIXIP 1 I
SAN1T0S ; j
!i i; i ?Xi 1
and Save 25 Cents on the Dollar
& COi
1 II
mmmmmt iai m .e. ie3 1
Beautifully Hand-Decorated $10
Dinner Sets given to our cus
' tomers Absolut ely F R E E
Keep Your ' Eye on the Clock J
: That stands in a conspicuous part ;
of our store and will be allowed
to run down and stop at stated ' v '
' Our Liberal Offer:
With each cshIi purchase of a certain amount you rnokontonr,
store we will give you a card on which the time of the day is stamped.
Bring cards to our store on the date and time specified thereon, and a
complete dinner ee"t will be given to .Die person present holding tho
card on which is stamped the nearest correct time the clock stops at.
It is necessary for all ticket holders to be in our store at the time
when the face of the clock ie uncovered. - .
We want you to secure one of tlieHe hanceomo dinner sets so as to.
advertise our htviinegq and to show in a substantial way that we appre
ciate your trade. We are not making auy money on them we don't
expect to we . make this offer simply to please our old customers and
to make new cufitomers. This is a splendid opportunity for you to
ecure a handtome set of dishes absolutely free.
If your ticket does not secure a set for you tho Arid time tho clock f j
is uncovered, save your ticket as you may win on it the next or the 5o
second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth time. Your ticket is good while we ?F
are giving Dinner Sets Free on this plan. Ycurs truly, J
Clifton & Cornett 1
, l '. Land for Sale.
Ak C. It, Towers C"nipswiy. Miles
City, Mm, Unit, concerning ittty-oiie
thousand iicrea i( (jnuiiiK Mid ii(trt
cultural hind in the heuit of Cii8tir
County Montana. For a permanent
livestock ranch it will out cIiim .the
Im'hI. I'tice 1 per ivre.
Call for Warrant.,'
Notice In hereby t v-ti thnt jl ('roi'k
f 'ii ti ty Wnrrant up to and IniduilliiK
mttlmered numlM-r 11T, will" rw paid huii
pruaiMitutlon to tlia '1 ri-niiirnr of l id
enmity, I iilertnt thereon ceaan Inim Oil
date. W. K. KINO, ;
Mnrylllt!, Dr., A lie. a, . t o, 'J'Maa,
8-'.'(l , :, . t i
The City Meat!Markltl
' . IItDIP t r . utii v .'L '
"Headquarters for
,. .if
Home - Cured Lard anidj
T Try some of Crook county's choicest I
products. Us the best that money, can ;ul
buy. You will not only savo money but ,
you will help build up a homo, industry. .:
Wo always carry tho best in ,v 5
Beef, Pork, Mutton, wVeal.
("" ,
. id hsurvtmH
Special rates when sold in large 'quantities
We handle all kinds 'of country produce
Prlnevlile, ,
V,';:'- Oregon