Co.Mety Wild Bronco Race At Crook County Fair," Wed nesday morning. OrlnU'r '.II. I0, ilrt; second; 15, third. The Precint ExtiMts Were lending feature at' the County Fair lout Fall. IMp your community win this year. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1909. VOL. XIII-N0.43 m I 1 II DATE OF FAIR IS APPROACHING Secretary Is Ready to ' Record Entries FARMERS MUST WORK, TOO SuccMful Meet la Expected EntrU Should Be Made Before the Ruth. (let your exhibits In rarly tor the Crook County Fair. TIm awretary will tie very glad to have entries In aa aoon aa poaalltle In ordir to ease up on the final ruah. For aome reason or other everyone seem to want to enttr their artU-ulr- ani mal or article at the aante time, and tbl tline la usually Junt the day lie. tore the lair imm; henoe the secre tary I always rulisl off hi feet at that time. Now la the time to enter; the secretary's office la located In the oftVe of M. It, IUggs, one blork east of the 1'rlitevllle Hotel. The date of the lair la Ortolmr lOlh to 23rd Incluttve, and If any one hna not yet had a poatcr imwUhI up In lilt neighborhood, they are Invited to communicate with the secretary who will Immediately rertlfy tlie omission. This year the poster were sent out rather later than UMUiil, owing to the almenre of the regular secretary, but tbla la only an added reaaon why all and aundry should assist In making this fair one of the beat In the hlatory of Crook county. f All farmer coming Into I'rlitevllle from a distance are requested to aee the secretary If the fair baa not leen advertised enough In their locality, and It la hoiied that all out of towu ten ma will not leave the city on Katurday without having a good sized poster tacked on to the wagon. TIiIm la not a one-home showthe success of the fair depends upon the out-of-town farmer. They alone have the power to make or mar It. Crook county la looking for a record ahow thla year. Come yourself, bring your family, bring your ex hibit, get your nelghbora to do like wine. That In all that la needed. The fair will theu lie nn unqualified iiccena. Itemember the very (net dny for receiving r ii trlee la Monday the lNta of Octoberthat la week from next Monday. Itemember alao that the secretary U ready right now to make eutrlea. If you are In town on Maturday call and let liliu know that you are going to enter. If you nre not coming to town aoon, aend In your entrlea by mall. , Ad dmn Secretary Flint Central Oregon Agrk'iilturnl Association, I'rluevllle, tre. l'rlie Hat, rulee and regulations and race program can lie obtained from the te.retary or from J. II. (J my, president of the aaeoclallon, Prineville, tre. BIG GRIST OF ROAD IIATTERS Acted Upon by the County Court 70 CORDS OF WOOD WANTED Many Matters uf Interest to the Pnblic Receive Attention From the Board. In the matter of the C. T. McCall road which was continued from the July term. Petition, affidavit of petting no tice and hood for t'JOO with Fred Davie, J. W. Livingston, H. H. Clow and C. T. McCall, filed and approved. Viewer ordered to meat at beginning of pro poned road, view, review and turvey out Mitt road on October 27, 1900, and report their finding at the next term of thl court. In re eot of gateway of C. E. Rouah. Continued to November term. In re application for quit claim deed by Colombo Friend heir. It appear ing tatiidactory to the court, from an examination of the record and file and other evidence adduced, tint the origin. al tax sale and deed thereunder wt erroneoo, it I ordered that a qnlt claim deed be executed in favor of tlie heir of Columbu Friend, deceased. In re notice of appeal In L. F. Kelly road. Appeal dismissed, In re petition for county road by J. C. Bothmsn et al. Petition, affidavit of posting notice and bond for $ 100 with J. C. Hothoian and II. M. Gardner a uretie. filed and approved. Viewer ordered to meet at beginning of road, view, review and survey out aaid road ami report thereon at the next term of tbkf court. In re jiotitlon for connty road by Fsrle Benton et al. Petition, affidavit ot potting notice and bond for (100 with Karle Benton and W. It. Davidson, filed and approved. Viewer ordered to meet at beginning of proposed road on Octo ber 18, 1901), view, review and aurvey out aid road and report thereon at the next tetm of thi conrt. In re petition for county road by C. W. K. Foot et al. Petition, affidavit of pouting notice and bond for $100 with J. W. IJvlngnton and J. M. Mayes a uretie, Mod and approved. Viewer ordered to meet at leginning of road on October 20, l'.XW, view, review and aur vey out aid road and reort thereon at the nelt term hereof. Petition for county road I'V W. D. McNemar et al. Petition, affidavit of pouting notice and bond for $100, with J. W. I.ivington and J. M. Mayer a uretie, filed and approved. Viewer onlered to meet at beginning of aid proponed road on Dctolicr 25, ItKK), view, review, and turvey ont mid road and Continued on'puge 4. Ladies! Our Millinery Stock is most complete with the becoming fashions for Fall. Our expert trim mer will trim to suit your taste. New Arrivals to Our Suit Department This week. Come and geUherweJrpecjaty this season is our $25.00 Suit When suit and hat ere bought here we can make you a saving. If you will make your selections we will convince you. To Our Out of Town Customers , 'r.w; New Dress Fabrics are so varied this season that we want you to send for samples. If you cannot come, try shopping with us by mail. You will find our prices highly favorable and our goods the very best Visit Our Remnant Counter HOUSEHOLD Remnants of Shoe Lines Leng'th. of outing.; flanelettes. dress E CO N O M Y tcJut goods besides odds and ends of w v w - , t ....,, . . FOR YOU BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS $2 underwear for children, hosiery, etc T KJi A VJ J and up. Jusl Ae thing for Khool, Z Oliver Chilled Plows , All new stock, in cludes the new gangs, new sulkies and the new disc plow. Complete line of modern repairs. Get our prices on these goods. We have several Walking Plows and Sulky Plows of other makes that we; offer very low. m r V Farmers! We are introducing the . New Kentucky Drill with the disc feed, impos- sible to choke it up impossible to crack grain. Prices right. Call and see this new implement. Closing out Buggies & Hacks - Closing out my entire stock of Buggies and : Hacks. My prices on j these will be convincing. I If you are wanting a new ' rig come at once. ' C. W. ELKINS BIG DEPARTMENT STORE TEACHERS' ANNUAL COUinY n,STITUTE Convenes in Prineville October lSth to 22nd Distinguished Eduatcrs Ccsisj INSTRUCTORS 3. II. ACKCRMAN, State Supt ofInatruetioa L. R. Alderman, University of Oregon W. J. Kerr, Prenident of Oregon Agricultural College.. J. A. Thompson, Principal LaidIawJ3chool . E. M. TiPrANY.TPrincipal of High School.. .Salem Eugene -Corrallis Laidlaw JIadra Mrs.Emma B. WickerhhaJ, Supenriaor'of the Training Department of ? the Crook County High School ,. Prineville C. H. Jones, Music ; , fihm Preaiding Officer.. GENERAL SESSIONS " HIGH SCHOOL ASSEMBLY EOOM County Superintendent R. A. 8:30 to 9:00 11:10 TUESDAY MORNING Organization and Announcement. General Session. Music, InafitiitA Vocal Solo (Sel.) Address (SeL) Ford -Led by C. H. Jone Miss Celia Nelm J. H. Ackerman 30 TUESDAY AFTERNOON General Session. MUSIC, Institute Vocal Solo (Sel.) Addrea (Sel.) h -Led by C. H. Jones Prof. E. L. Aahby L. R. Alderman WEDNESDAY MORNING 10:40 General Session. Music, Institute.. .Led by C. H. Jones -Vocal Solo (Sel.) : Address "Some Requirements of a Teacher Mia Helen A. Elk ins 3:00 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON General Session. Music, Institute 1 Vocal Solo (Sel.) Address- .Mrs. Emma B. Wickersfaam -Led by C. H. Jones .Miss Catherine V. Conway Agriculture in the Public Schools", , ,W. J. Kerr THURSDAY MORNING 10.40 General Session. ' Music, Institute Vocal Solo (SeL). Led by C. H. Jone -Mrs. Charles M. Elkins -Prof. E. L. Ashby "Eighth Grade Debating League" Round Table-"The Most Significant Phase ofMy Work .. as a Teacher." Reports of Committees. v THURSDAY AFTERNOON Inspection of the School fcxhibit at the Crook Count;? Fair. -k " . : FRIDAY '"' . - School Day at the Crook County Fair. SHOW JIM HILL . ! MR PRODUCTS Great Hcrtfcirn r.!an Here After Exhibits FOX FAIX AT BILLINGS, K0NT. Request Comes Direct From Lewi. W. Hill-Help Put County on the Map.. - Presiding Oflicer! 9:00 to 9:40 Primary Reading. ELEMENTARY SECTION High School Assembly Room . TUESDAY MORNING . Mrs. Cora Chapman, Redmond Mrs. Emma B. Wickersham 9:40 to 10:20 10:20 to 11:00 11:00 to 11:10 11:10 to 12:00 History. Primary Language.. Recess. , General Session. L. R. Alderman -Mrs.' Emma B. Wickersham TUESDAY AFTERNOON .Miss.Margeria P. Brink, Prineville R.' Alderman Presiding Officer . ". l:3O.to2:10. Grammar. Advanced Grades.. 2:10"to2:50jNumber.Work ' 2:50 to S.-00 Recess. , 3:00 to 4:00General Session. WEDNESDAY MORNING -Mrs. Emma B. Wickersham :::--' f V'i '..Vi'i .fi John I. Springer, traveling freight and paaaenger agent ( the Great Northern Railway, arrived In Prine ville Monday to make an effort to arouse aome Interest In tlie fourth National Dry Farming Congreaa to be held at Itllllnga, Montana, Octo ber 28, 27 and 28. Mr. Springer made thla trip at the urgent reqneat of Lewis W. Hill, president of the Great Northern Railway. James J. Hill, chairman of the board of director of the Great Northern, offers $1000 in prize and three silver eupa m special prizes to farmers In Oregon, Washington and Montana. The only stipulation he make la that the products must be grown within 25 miles of any of his lines. This, however, will not apply to Crook county. Mr. Hill considers all of this country tributary to his rood so Invites the farmers, not only invites them, but urges them,' to make an exhibit 6t their products so that the outside world may know what ean be grown here. 8o keen was bis Interest In this country that be had a special representative come bere In one of Porter Bros.' autos to make sore that something wonld be done. Its np to you. A tew of these silver cups would look mighty fine on your sideboard. Here they are: A $50 silver cup for the best Indi vidual display of farm products' by any town or community In Oregon. Another 35 silver cup Is offered for. the best Individual exhibit of winter wheat, Turkey. Red variety. Still another silver cup for the best Indi vidual exhibit of alfalfa seed. .We can bring these cups to Crook coun ty. We raise the staff and all you have to do is to get It ready and leave it It at the First National Bank of Prineville.. Mr. Baldwin has been appointed a delegate to this con gress by uovernor uenson ana win be on band to look otter the inter ests of Crook county. So anxious Is Mr. HiU to get an exhibit from this country that he will pay . express charges and your membership fee In order to get It. The time is short so get busy at once. Mr. Hill's offer is as follows:- ; f sen, .'A " Jim J. HiO'f Oifer. Presiding 0(Rcer .J 8:30 to 9:10 Primary Reading. 9:10 to 9:50 9:50 to 10:30 10:30 to 10:40 10:40 to 12:00 Discussion Literature in the Grades.. Recess. - ; General Session.. ... ,; W. R. Cook, Madras Class Work Mrs. Emma B. Wickersham ; ' , ,,, ,,, " , '..I.ed by Instructor .L. R. Alderman WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ... , J. . ..Miss Mauds Vandevert, Bend Work.. Mrs. Emma B. Wickersham (SAiAey '---.---',;,,,,-.---", J. H. Ackerman Presiding Officer. 1:30 to. 2:10, Busy 2:10 to 2:50 2:60 to 8 .-00 ; Recess. . -3:00 to 4:00 General Session. IrJiCHi V I THURSDAY MORNING Presiding Officer . John Tuck, Redmond 8:30 to 9:10 Reading. Intermediate and Advanced L. R. Alderman 9:10 to fl ai ' (RpWted) . ' ; , , ... ; . J. H. Ackerman 9:50 to 10:30 - Arithmetic. Advanced ., ..L. R. Alderman 10:30 to 10:40 Recess. " ; 1. 1 - . t 10:40 to 12:00 Genoral Session. , ; i One thousand dollars will be given for exhibits of farm products grown without Irrigation and under dry farming methods in the states of Montana, Washington east, of .the Cascade mountains, and in Oregon in the Deschutes valley, entered at the fourth National Dry Farming Con gress, to be beld at Billings Mout., October 26, 27 and 28, 1909,. Jaxues J. Hill has ottered tlOOO to be distribu ted as prizes. These prises are offered for exhibits grown without irrigation within 23 miles of any of the lines of ..the Ureat Northern Railway in the three states named above. Samples to fee .one peck each.,.,..-.. Presiding Officer 9:00 to 9:40 Selected 9:40 to 10:20 10:20 to 11:00 11:00 to 11:10 11:10 to 12:00 ! HIGH SCHOOL SECTION WEST - ROOM OF HIGH SCHOOL, f c TUESDAY MORNING , J ', Mias Anne Markel, Bend .:.iu. :.. J ;L. R. Alderman , ; , .., .J. H. Ackerman J. A. Thompson Presiding Officer 1:30 to 2:10 Selected....J..... 2:10 to 2:50 Selected.:........-.. 2:60 to 3:00 Recess. 3:00 to 4:00 General Session, Selected . ., .. Selected Recess. General Session. 1 : - TUESDAY AFTERNOON 1Z.1........ M. B. Hockenberry; Prineville ; ,..E. M. Tiffany L .J. H. Ackerman WEDNESDAY MOKN1NW Presiding Officer . .'. .. . . 8:30 to 9:10 English ..i 9:10 to 9:50 , Selected 9:50 to 10:30 - Selected. ; 10:30 to 10:40 Recess. 10:40 to 12:00 General Session. ; . v .. A ?-.-. v : WEDNESDAY Presiding Officer. : . 1:30 to 2:10 History....... .;...;....:.. 2:10 to 2:60 Selected: :..:......;.: 2:50 to 3:00 ; Recesa. ? , ' ; i . 3:00 to 4:00 General. Session . L v i ' . ..Miss Ruth Reid, Bond .... .L.JR. Alderman . .W. J. Kerr J. H. Ackerman AFTERNOON , ; ..........y....:J. R Myers, Prineville ... :. ..J.....L; R. Alderman .i . ....JJ. H. Ackerman CONTINWE ON VMQt & ik 2d Winter wheat, Turkey Red ...10 . 5 Spring wheat, hard : ft 6 Oata. any rarietT.J r W-" S Barley, malting.. Barley, hulkaa... Winter ry..i.. Alfalfa eed 18 '. 10 . 10" f 3d lt S s A 4 S . 'I !:1 s Potatoes, any variety .......... Sheaf exhibits, not less than frix Inches at top band. . . ; Wheat in hcaf, any; varlety.....3 M J1 fi 0aU,1n aheaf, any variety...... 4 : a Barley.tnaltiUK, abeal, any variety 1 J: I AMalla, In heat.....i.'........h.?. 4 2 Also five; special" prizes as follows: One silver cup for each state, value $50, tor the best individual display of farm products made by any town or community In the , states rabjve named above. ' 1 One silver cup, value 357"for the best- Individual , exhibit of winter wheat," Turkey Red variety, grown in any of the three states named above. . ' , One silver cup, value $35, for the best individual exhibit of alfalfa seed, any variety, grown In any of tl) three states named above. ' f i Anv tiemnn or community draw ing cup prizes cannot also take Brst money prize In any contest.' Property for Sale. , 2 1800 acre of good land for sale at a bargain. On account of my health 1 1 must live in a diffeient climate. Wijl dispose of mv holding in tracts to suit purchaser. Fine stock location. For further information inqnire at this olfice or address Johm DaTin. Paulina; Or.7-2i Crook County Journal, Connty Offi cial Paper.. Sttbscribe or it. $1.50 year