Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 23, 1909, Image 3

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    Closing Out at Cost!
' .. 'lit yja'.-Vt'' if?. J-,. -
Fifty Cents on the Dollar Isn't
a Circumstance to This
Our big line of Oliver Plows, all styles and sizes, repair parts and extras
must be closed out this Fall. You know the line. Come and learn the price
W. F. King
MIh Mainlo 1 In I Icy In now con
VuKwriil. Mr. M. II. Tn.vlnr returned to Iht
Iiiiiiu' In Urnn Vnlli-y on Momln.v'n
: lit I:!Ii'(hoii ami wile li'tL or a
vlIHit North YuMinii tho flwtof
ttl' WlH'k.
Mix JintiU nml Ktlrii Wllllum
tn left tlu IIi-kI of tin' wc'k for a
lrl to l'ortluni,
rotiiniftirl'i Sii( unlay, Krti'mlM'r
2.1, III Moving rirtim Show will
n-ii at T.::0 IukU ioI of 8 p. in,
MIh Wnin Itowanf left forMatlniM
I ho fl rut of Hit' Wivk wherv hIim will
ti-ach Iho II rot am) Mivoinl grmli-N.
Mr. A. M. Itvlnml U home npiln
after mi nWiire nf wvernl inoiitli
vMiltitf relative In Southern ( io
iron. J. N. WllllauiHon U moving hi
luei from the tnunini'r rnnj;e to
Inter quarter on Crooked river
t hi WHk.
I'rnnk JohiiNoit returned from
Portland Tni'da,v. lie nay that
lit wife will not lie aide to leave the
lioMpltal for n eoiide of week.
Jowdi l. Tlfloii of Tennee an
oh) friend if Oraitvllle Clifton, wax
vlxltlun; In l'i'liievilleTueda,v, From
here Mr. Tltmi jjocii to lturn
whew he will vIhU hi lirother.
6 Miles South of Madras
Tuesday, Sept. 28
.1 stiiiill, tll lirokn, cen tie licirw'.
1 ony linrno sad hiijiiiy.
4 gixnl srado Jersey crms,
3 heifer.
21 le nd of I'olnnd China Imirn.
Onn 3 Cooper Wauon with 14 ft. rack.
1 net of Imniem, nml n few other nrtiele.
Terms of Bale.
All naimintH of I0 or lens, cahIi.
All miiiiuntH over I0, twelve month
time will l Riven if defired, Interest 8
per eeat with approved personal rerur
Ity. Settlement to bo tniido liefnre the
article in removed from the preiniHW.
Harold llohlit I aide to Ik-out
1 N. Vlldiert of Young, wa a
tiUNlne vlltor the llrt of the week,
Clifton & Cornet t are Klvltig n way
(10 dinner net to riiMtomer. Head
their nnnonneo In another coliiinti,
Kranel (.'. lleweo( IH'nver, Col.,
arrived In l'rluevllle on today"
"Inge. She will Rive a wrle of
lei'ture tin Modern hychology,
eomniemlnit Kimdaj', 8ejiteinlier "'I.
Ml Fay Maid win left Monday for
an extended eatern trip. 8 lie and
Mr. John K. Ity a a will himmkI the
winter vUltlng In the lariter cltle
Chicago, New York and Montreal,
Canada. Hodge ot the thumb of
hi right hand Monday, lit wa on
horwliarlj and wa leading ft wild
hore when In Home way ho got hi
thiiuil) between the coll ut the rope
and It wa pulled off at the I1rt
IM Smith returned the other day
from a trip to (he Willamette valley,
whore be went with ft bunch of
horHe. I le report I he boro market
a very dull. While he made a little
money out of the ale It wa not
what he expected.
i. W. Kidder, who live nix mile
outh of Madra. wa In towu Satur
day with a load of wheat. He pot
cent a, bindii l. Mr. Kidder will
hold an auction ale Septenilier
at which time he will well borne,
Jerey cow. 1'olaiid-Cliliia hog,
etc. Hee hi ndvertlHoiucut In an
other column.
Mr. and Mr. Max I.ueddematin,
who have made their borne In Mad
ra for the pat four year, departed
from thi place lat Friday for out
wide point, they having not divided
In what locality the will eventually
make their home. Mr. and Mr,
l.ueddemau were prominent In bunl
iiik ami orlal circle of Madra,
and their nliKence will Im felt In the
community. 1'loncer.
.Slla Adam, who wa taken
violently nick In the t'nucade moun
tain lftt week, I now reported out
of danger at the home of Steve
Yancey. Sila had ipilte ft trip. He
wa 21 mile wtwt of IMaiuond lake
when flrt taken nick. lie wa car
ried 1(1 inlli'H down a Htccp mountain
side on ft Mrotcher, there ho wa
transferred to a hack and carried 110
mile. At thl point ho wa im-t ly
Dr. Ktl ward with hi auto, whlcii
wa convened Into a temporary am
bulance and carried lull mile to
Ml May Hello Hood and Hruce
dray were married In 1'ortland lnt
Thurday evening. They thought
they would tirprlo their friend but
the marriage llccntgu column tit the
Cortland papero gave the smap
away. The young couple came In on
yesterday' stage and ro stopping
at the home of Win. W'lgle. They were
given a pleaant HurprlHO lat even
ing by their many friend In Crlnc
vllle. Mr, (iray, who I demitv
county clerk, will help catch up with
the work in ,tliat tittlee Ulore retir
ing to the ranch of. her biiHband nt
l'ot. The bent wIhIio of a largo
circle of friend go with them.
Horn SeptetnW'r 17, to the wife of
(ieorgo Anton, ft on.
Horn Monday, SeptemlK-r 20, to
wife of Stanley Cooper, a girl. .
Htirn Septemlier IS, to the wife of
Oeorge Kolin, of I'aiillna, a Hon
Horn Friday, September 17, to the
wife of Harry Wooldrldge, a girl.
A 7-room houe and four lots for
Bale. See cbu!fled ad.
T. J. FergUMou came In from Hear
Creek today.
Hilly Ilnnnon wa In from Agency
rialn ycterday.
II. F. Mchol of Lnldlawr I vllt-
Ing with friend In town thl week.
Perry M on rot wa In town
Wediiedny from hi Trout creek
T. II. Lafollette aad wife and on
Frank, leave for . Portland and
Seattle the latter part of the week.
Plant one optic on the top of thl
page and the other on the bottom
and you will learn omethlng to
your advantage, (let the habit.
Alonxo (icHiiur of Salem, I a I'rlne
vllle vltdtor. Mr. UoMiicr I well
known iu thl county and know
every foot of the country. He sur
veyed It for the government year
Union Church services: 10 a. m.,
Hible School, lln, in., preaching:
topic, "From theCroto Paradle."
7 p. m., ChrUtlan F.ndeavor society.
8 p. in., preaching; topic, "Triumph
of Christianity." A cordial welcome
to all. C, P. IUii.ev, 1'antor.
Spivlally good program were
presented at the Moving Picture
show thl week, and crowded houses
have been seeing I he entertainment.
The townspeople find the Emporium
ft plenaut place In evening to re
lax from the dntle of the day.
J. II. dray returned Saturday
from where be had liecn to attend
tho opening of Hie new stock yard.
Mr, (Iray reports the cattle market
weak, caused by the Indiscriminate
dumping of all kind of sttH'h upon
It. He ttellovea it will Improve In
tone a the year advances.
At the First Methodist church for
Sunday September 2(1: Sunday
School at 10 o'clock. Preaching at
11: subject, "The Law of Sacrifice."
The same a announced for lat Sun
day but not used. F.nworth Lcairuo
I service at 7 P.m. Preaehlnir nt. 8-
subject, "The Itace of hire." Come
and worship with up.
Slmulko I to have letter train
service and Incidentally Prlnevllle
will have better mall service. That
Is, stage will arrive on time Instead
of the Irregular schedule a at pres
ent, caused by poor train service.
The people of Shanlko complained
to the State Itailroad Commission
but before action was taken theO.
H. & N. agreed to put on an extra
passenger train liotween The Dalles
mm fMianiKo. it . will arrive
ShftulkontCp. m.
Mr. Klmer Kpauldlng left for her
home in Port land today.
Itev. Halley will preach at the Mc
Kay school bouse Sunday 3 p. m.
Head the announcement of Price
Hros. on fourth page. It may save
you money.
The ladles of the Methodist church
have postponed their harvest dinner
for a few weeks.
Presbyterian Church : Sunday
School at 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a.
m.; theme, "An Investigation for a
Great Purpoc." Endeavor at 7 p.
in.; topic, "How Missionaries Win
Soul for Christ." I-ender, L. A.
Hunt. Evening service 8 p. m.; sub
ject. "The Way."
Centrnl Oregon.Chnpter No. 33 of
Royal Arch Maon wa instituted
Saturday evening by E. E. Kiddle,
most excellent high priet of Oregon.
Mr. Kiddle delivered the charter and
Installed the following officers:
High Priest, I). P, Adamon; King,
W.F.King; Scribe, T. M. Baldwin;
Treasurer, James H. Homey of Mad
ras; Secretary, C. M. Merrill of Bend;
Captain of the Host, Charles S. Ed
ward; Principal, Harold Baldwin;
Itoyal Arch Captain, Edward O.
Hyde; Master of the Second Veil,
Creed M. Trlplett of Bend; Sentinel,
James Cram. After the Installation
the lodge had a banquet. There are
fourteen uiemliers of the new chap
ter. One must have taken three de
grees to become eligible In the Koynl
Arch Chapter.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby Riven by the under
lined, the executrix of the last will and
U'sUincnt of Alexander Friend, deceased,
that .lie ha nmile and tiled with the
county clerk her tinnl accounting of her
admimst ratiim of said estate and the court
haf let Monclity, the 1st day of November,
I'.nft. at 10 o'clock in the lurenoon at the
county court room in Frineville, Oregon,
. i . .: i ..i r i I
u mo nine nmt iir iiparuig inu
(ntliug aiil linal accounting. At which
time and place, any person interested in
aid estate may appear and object to said
n mil nccomninif.
Dated thia 'kl day of September, 1909.
KuxABrrH Krikno,
Executrix of will of Alexander Friend, deceased.
C. W. Elklns has something for the
ladies this week. Do not overlook
Mrs. Estcs announces her millinery
opening Iu this Issue. You will find
her ad on this page.
Sam Christenson lost a finger while
working with a wood saw at O'Nell
the first of the week.
Private Instruction
both Vocal and
All Kinds of Good
Bought and Sold
C. L. V. Marker
Dillon Building.
A 1G0 acres of good land near
Prlnevllle, also a homestead re
linquishment' adjoining can be had
cheap by applying at this office.
See classified ad.
Vital Treatment
Room , Polodexter Hotel. Prlnevllle, Or
I Millinery Opening
September 24th and 25th
I will have on
display a fine as
sortment of Fall
and Winter Hats
AH the latest style. My stock is complete. Call and see these
ueauinui nais in our enlarged quarters. Don t forget the date.
Corner Second and Main Streets. Pn'nwHU iVmak
U ' " --6- '
Tenth sod Morrison, Portland, Oregon 3 3 A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard
commercial school of the Northwest Open all the year. More
calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and
individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by
office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect Special
penmanship department. Write for illustrated cataloguer
X Q Anni 17DV
J U U Ma Li k 1
For a slock saddle, ladies' J?
p astride saddle, chaparejos. O
I t L
una, spuis, lap iuucs, liaincsis W
O of all kinds, horse blankeb, 3
S etc, call on
I j. w. boone!
Prineville, Oregon
MsW A Cms Kaires
Casssra SsspBts
Wall r.per
D. P. Adamson & Co
Mstical lutmseils
Levsey' CssJies
School Books
School Supplies
D. P. Adamson & Co,
That won't quickly wear through
the soles, or kick out at the toes.
m M.
J, .
tiavc seamless uppers all one solid piece of selected
leather they ere made with double leather toes. You
won t get more substantial, longer wearing, and
better looking shoes jio matter where you go, or
how much you pay. If you want, to get out
from under the burden of shoe ex
pense, buy bpeciat Merit acnooi
Shoes for the boys and girls.
Mayer Shoes
J. E. Stewart & Co.
Royal Club Canned Goods
New Fall Goods
This week we have received a number of shipments
of new Fall and Winter goods. Mens, women's and
children's underwear, sweaters, sweater coats, ging
hams, percales, outings and a number of very pretty
patterns in all-wool dress goods. Hosiery of all kinds,
cotton, fleece-lined and cashmere, also a good supply
of the Famous Holeproof Hose.
All Goods Marked at Very Reasonable Prices
S t o v e s
Special inducements on heating
stoves this week and all of next
until October 2nd.
Stoves at all prices $2.50 to
$15.00. In addition to the ex
ceptionally low prices which we
making we will furnish free with
each stove at $5 or more 3 joints
of stove pipe. J Also all stoves
sold in the city will be delivered
and set up free.