CLASSIFIED LOCALS. THK TL.ACK TO SAVE MONKV The Leader I. MICHEL, Proprietor THK t'l.ACK TO HA VK MONKV SALE ON MEN'S HATS NICE, NEW, NOBBY HATS NOT OLD STOCK We arc overstocked and must make room for fall goods Men's Regular $3.50 HaU ... Men's Regular $3.00 HaU... Men's Regular $2.50 Hats... A Few Odds and Ends Men's Hats $2.75 ....$2.00 $1.50 at Less Than Cost ALL STRAW AND CRASH HATS WILL GO AT VERY LOW PRICES I . 3VC I C NTI K Tt! - llwnfliT nil rvmllna imilova In Hi Journal w ill Ih ! uutn ih Sinn tU Wine,l mU mut run untt'f Ihl li.titltt'tf. Tlie i'ltrv will lr NK CKNT I'KII WHRI forem-h Iiim-viUuv Notlof Mwrlnl !. of liou'lliir stove Hi J K wmti r . v.". tS UYOf KVMt THY THK "FAVOIUTK? " Tli lxl clr niHil ror nleklo, -'! THK NKW KKNTI'I'KY. lnl itlw itrlll now on liltHIn. Kwt rUm. Ulcl nurwylng M(lelimeiilii, alvl rll'lMti lutwa. l W. K)khi' Mtor. Ct siwvlnl ul, on hntllii ,ovr Ml Mlvwitrt. I uur rail ana winter jooas tomu m wauy HorsKIIOI.D (KtOlW MH HAI.K--UII aell Ml UrlVMIe mmH Mlilrl lloleM'kwtttlit out. Ill liiclmhtic Blow. IhIUm. rlotim. klleheii Iimmiis itiklitw, rooking ulettftll. iron u, liiMltiv., ftrtn, ln. Mil lnitoHteomtlltoii, Iltll m tmu in northweat ptrt of town. Mr. 1'. A. KlUilks I'rluvvUlc. '.4 WIIKKK TIIKKKtt I.II K Ihrre-n hmwht-ro lherv' lire thorv's amokc. tout wtifiv Hierv' Mil titv ir, llierv'n nnitt-nh'il Mitiukrr. i I Mr. Mittt Mm. J. A. KHll. r, u-.t noted vl.-w xrimiH, Mrv In ii u fr few Oktk. If u want a tln.t-1-lHvi I'trliirv l riKlit rt Kiv litem tsall. Bur rounli.mlJ. K. tttrt A Co.', '" W Al'RKS of h1 'unit fur :, rliva to I'rlnvvllns also a reliiMUlhtmiit atJolnlt: flnf YftTlMtiU miiU imln ar grviwit on llu J. K. HTKWAKT (IK lh iol allrarlurt lac In 1'rliK'VlllM to I rail r. I41IXV utix k miiu rOMMOtiaUIr prim. ai Knllroitit Ticket for KaiV. Two niHmj tk'ki'la tot ! cheap; oo for nmn Mini the 01 hrr for woman. i,oot lo MtrlitlM. Kmii., liactlra, lrunir. lo. iiiumt lw umt In-furs ik-iotM'r l. w III ' II mm or both; tru ij..''wu'H. Appijr Mt iitu umi-. Mt-xt Big Sums Change Hands for Cattle Xerer ia tlie history of Crook coun ty, for a given length 01 time, lias no much money changed hands for livestock n within the pnut month. The-Kum is greater than the total amount of last year. W hat has been the cause? Will, various reasons are given. Some want to retire from the business, others are short of hay and still others who lielieve that It will not pay to teed $10 or 12 hay to stock. J ust bow much this selling movement will affect the future of the cattle industry In Crook county U hard to say. Ed Willard, a Portland buyer, has leen Investing heavily in Crook countr livestock. He has three bunches of cattle now on the road to Sbauiko and about 300 head of Iteef stuff feeding In the neighbor hood of rriueville. He bought 1300 nt the head of the south fork of Crooked river. Camw creek and Hampton buttes. Among those who have made sales are: Sanders Logan, 200 cows and calves; Hackerman & Pfeffer, Gil Christ Bros., cows; George Wiley, cows aud steers; B.Bennett, cows; "X. Bennett, cows; Columbus John son, 130 cows and steers; Itandolph Gibson Ed Lnughlinof Swampcreek, Jim Beckley and others. Among the buyers, besides Mr. Willard, might be mentioned Henry Cram, Oliver Towell, Ed Slayton, Willis Brown and Itoe Grimes, C. . Sam Smith. All of the foregoing are buying feeders, with the exception of Mr. Willard, who will ship some and leed others. We are credibly informed that 3000 head of cattle have been bought in Crook county daring the past thirty days at prices ranging from f27 for cows to 1 10 for steers. A good many head were bought under contract to be delivered next spring, so that an approximation of the number could only be obtained. It Is thought that Crook county growers are richer to the tune of $100,000 at the very least Ellis cxi erleneed nil the Rcnxntlon of a daring hold-up without lotdng hlx wealth. Five highwaymen made the attempt and nearly blew tlieex. prees car to piece w ith dynamite In their efforts to get Into the strong box. Mr. Ellis relates-the thrilling Incident as follows: "It It hadn't beeu' for the porter, I lielieve the robliem would have gone through the Pullman sleepers and the other coaches , sain air. r.nis. "We were blissfully Ignoraut of any trouble until the first charge of dyna mite was set off. "It wasn't any tiiueat all after the first blast that the porter started through the cars turning out all the lights. 'We are held up," he said. Climb Into your berths and hide vour valuables. Don't get sen red, but keep Inside. Theu he went from one end of the train to the other and turned out every light. On the hind end he found the sigual lanterns turned off. und lighted the red lant ern. It probably saved us from a collision from the rear, tor another train came along in a little while and stopiied on seeing the danger glsrnnl. "I Ulieve all the other porters and conductorn on the train climbed Into their bunks und stayed then', after hearing the first shot. But with all the lights turned off it is a cinch none of t lie robliers cared to take the chance of coming into a dark couch and trying to hold us up. Hut they probably would have come if the lights had beeu left on." Mr Ellis said the scheme was a most during one, ami was well planued, though the robbers could not curry It through. Rodman Indicted for Manslaughter County Assessor Iifollette nounces elsewhere that the Board of Equulixation for Crook county will convene at the court house in Prine ville for the purpose of hearing com plaints or correcting errors in the tox roll. Taxpayers are requested to call and look over their assessments. Frank E. Uodiuan aud Mrs. Hatel Maddux were accused by the grand jury of killing Mrs. May Ileal lii the early mornlug of August 5, In the mysterious automobile accident on the Llnnton road. Just ontslde the city limits. The Investigating body framed It accusation Into a charge of manslaughter which was set forth in an Indictment, a true bill for which was preseuted to Presiding Judge Bronaugh, of the Circuit court on Monday, says the Oa gonian. Failure to exercise the proper caution In the operation of an auto mobile, thereby rendering them i criminally liable lor me Killing 01 Mrs. Kent, Is the ground ou w hich the indictment agalust K oilman aud Mrs. Maddux Is drawn. Both the accused will be arraigned before Judge Bennett In the Municipal court for their preliminary hearing. Their conviction under the charge Is a question Involving considerable doubt The fatality having occurred outside thecltv limits, theautoino- bllisls would therefore come under the provisions of the tlc ! itn an luting the speed NoticCof Administrator's Sate of Real Estate. Notice is hereby xiven, that in pursu ance of an onlerofthe county court of Crook couutr, 8tate of Oregon, made on the tali day of September, liMI, in the mat ter ofibe" estate of Andrew J. FinneRan. deceased, the under.iijued, the adminis trator of aaid extate, will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder, for cash, and subject to confirmation by said county court, on Friday, the 22nd day of Octolier, 1MI, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the county courthouse in Prineville. Oregon, all the ripht, title, in terest and estate of tbe said Andrew J. i Finiieg:in, at the time of bis death and all the right, title and interest the aid estate for cuttle transfers thus fur this has acquired iu addition to that of the said fall. I Andrew J. Finneean at the time of his It must not be inferred that all the death in all that certain piece or parcel of cattle are cleaned up. Far from It. ! '"'' ,"itQA,,e' yinK d beinir in the ilmtrietB Iihvp nnf iMH, County of Crook and Bute of Oregon and home districts nave not been particularly described as tbe north touched. The Bear creek country ,iaf 0f ba nortyweIlt quart,r 0f.cti und udjoining districts have not,eiht. the west half ol tbe southwett sold. quarter of section live, the south half of the northeast quarter ana trie roumeast ouarter of the northwest ouarter of sec tion seven in towuahip lit teen south, of 1 range twenty-one eatt ol v niauieiie (Meridian. Terms and condition of sale: Cash, gold juuge tins reiurneu yesieruay .j., of ,e L llilj HMea. from his trip East with the remains I Dated thii 23-1 day of September, 1!9. .11. ft. rl.l.iorT, 'Administrator cf the estate of Andrew J. Leudville, Col., Judge. Finnegan, Deceased. Judge Ellis in Hold-Up. of his father. While near New Kail UooUs arriving at J. Co,'. K. Hlrwurt KOK SAI.K Reven-rtHim hiiuw anil four lota good oulbulldiillt. I il tm IimiI on rvuaou- Mill trma. Apply lo Mrn. Hugh Lll.r. t'rlnevllle, Orrgou. et - m Royal Worcester Corsets These two numbers arc among the latest of the new models. See our lines from $1.00 to $3.50 Our New Fall Line of Waists are Coming Daily New Skirts and Fall Coats for Ladies and Children w hether they might properly Indict Mrs. Maddux aud Hodman Is evinced In their delay In making a report In the case. All of the evidence, which was conclusive lu character, was le forethe Jury at least four days ago and It was after this evidence was lu their hands that It summoned Julius Meier without apparvut cause. Merchants Depend On Farmers One Rancher Thinks Telephne Company Makes a Weak Argument. cv; i $f Vi"1 14 m ' r-V ,L-. , t ;S U'. t U-. i U-. t L-. k. L-. , . L,-, ,L, . ,l-. ,L . ,t. L . , L . .L .', U . ! SOROSIS For Ladies New shapes at $3.50 to $4.00 A X' ir-- sr.? y V fart sr fii i urn i Mm B Suit & I I O Ii s For Children Slippers, School Shoes at $1.00 to $2.75 Lively - J ordan - Lanius Company, Inc 1.MA,n,WM SG- r' X A S& .r- A A A si of liutoinobiles, which ixriults25 miles au Hour on public roads except when within the limits of village, town or city, w hen it is then required to l reduced to eight miles an hour. There bus been nothing In evidence to show that the car which killed Mrs. Ileal was exceeding the prescribed 2o miles uu hour. The unaccountable silence of both Mrs. Maddux aud Kodman remained unbroken yesterday on the advice of their counsel. Attorneys Eogun and Caldwell. The Impending ordeal which Mrs. Maddux faces in the courtroom has seemingly thrown no dumper' upon her spirits, for al though she refused to discuss her case, she laughed and chatted gaily, as though she did not worry as to the outcome. Humors of a jierfect alibi for Mrs. Maddux and for Rodman were circu lated by their friends yesterday and it was said that when the case comes to court they will have wit nesses to disprove the evidence ul ready given before the grund Jury. None of this new evidence for the de fense, however, has lieen brought to light and,.ff It is produced, will come In the form of a new sensutlon In the case. That there was some doubt, even In the minds of the Jurymen, as to Paulina, Ore., Sept. 14, 1D09. Editor Crook County Journal: Iear Sir I see lu your Issue of Sep tember 9lh a request made by the Pioneer Telephone & Telegraph Com pany to tiie merchants of Prlnevllle not to patronise the fanners' Inde pendent telephone line, or rather uot t runt totutdioiies from them. Sow, I would like to ask the busi ness men of PrlneTille, through the colu runs of your valuable paper, who has done, the most for them, the farmer or the Pioneer Telephone Company? The farmers and stin k men of Crook county have spent hundreds of dollars lu cash and labor to construct telephone Hues so that they might be contiecled with the business men of Prlnevllle. It Is to the advantage of both the farmer and merchant to lie so connected. After these lines have been completed aud tlie independent companies are maintaining a central of their own, would It be riisht of yon, Mr. Mer chant, to althdrnw your support from the farmer? Could you exist If the fanner would withdraw his sup. port from you? There ure over LT0 milts of farmer Hues in the south eastern portion of Crook county, us well as many miles north of Prlne vllle, terminating In an Independent switch board that has a capacity for 10) lines. It is open to nuy and all farmer lines entering Prinevllttt. Vow, I appeal once more to t he buslniuH men of Prlnevllle. Who will do the most for you, the farmer and stockmen on the Pioneer Tele phone & Telegraph Company? Kanciikii, ol southeastern Crook county. T ! PICTURES MOULDING FRAMES fttAy.1ai?Jvvw-RT. , I" H V" '. A iiik'-, ,et' ' ?"" '"aj V.7:i a i ill Mm LINOLEUM MATTING SAN1T0S rrr' j CAPITAL Perfect Irv V r m .- -SJ :iSE 3 eve fry RANGE VMWRAMTtD FOR Furniture Carpets Ranges Hardware AND Building Materials GO TO Nl .MH.,.r W t) A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. and Save 25 Cents on the Dollar Seasonable Goods for the Summer Kodaks Kodaks. We have them in all the popular sizes, Irom the lillle Brownie at SI each to the belter grades to $20 each ; also Films and Supplies. Hammocks The latest and best in Hammocks the Hammock Bed (or porch or camp. is not like the old hammock, but bed. Values from $11.50 to $12.50. like Porch Screens We have Porch Screens in while and green at $1,75 each up, according to size. Exceptional Values Furniture in We are ollering some exceptional values in our Furniture Department Chairs from 90 cents up; Rockers Irom $2 up. i . .- Edison Phonographs Victor Talking Machines. These .1 i i r f .f . sent the best we nave them in popular sizes. Sold on easy terms. repre- all the Winnek's Toilet Cream Your in For every day money back il you don't tlie like year, the cream. Elgin and Waltham Watches THE GOOD TIME KEEPERS , Jewelry ' of all kinds FREE! FREE Beautifully Hand-Decorated $10 Dinner Sets given to our cus tomers Absolu t ely F R E E Keep Your Eye on the Clock That stands in a conspicuous part of our store and will be allowed to run down and stop at stated intervals. 1 Our Liberal Offer: With each cash purchase of a certain amount you make at our itore we will give you a card on which the time of the day is stamped. Bring cards to our store on the date and time specified thereon, and a complete dinner set will be given to the person present holding the card on which is Btamied the nearest correct, time the clock stops at. It is neceseary for all ticket holders to be in our Btore at the lime when the face of the clock is uncovered. We want you to secure one of these hanesome dinner sets so as to advertise our business and to show in a substantial way that we appre ciute your trade. We are not making any money on them-we don't expect to we make this offer simply to please our old customers and to make new CuHtomers. This is a eplendid opportunity for you to secure a handtome set of diehes abeolutely free. If your ticket does not secure a set for you the first time the clock is uncovered, save your ticket as you may win on it the next or the second, third, fourth, fifth or tixth time. Your ticket is good while we are giing Sets Free on this plan Yours truly, Clifton & Cornett Lands for Sale. Ask C. H. Towers Company, Miles City, Montana, concerning lifty-one thoiunml of raxing Mini ituri cultural land in the heart of Cunler County. Montana. For a permanent livestock ranch it will out elum tlie best. Price ! per acre. Call for Warrants. Nolle? in hereby xiven that all Crook futility Warniiitn up to und liielmlliit; rvKixtcreil miiuliei' IS7, will lo paid upon pri'senliilion to tint Treasurer of mi Id county, lnleroil tliereon ei'iifes Irom this date, - V. V. KINU. I'rinevllle, Or., AttR. M, '00. l'o. Tre;w. H-Jll The City Meat Market IIOUIGAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Its tho best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. Wo always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce THE WINNEK COMPANY GENERAL Prlnevllle, MERCHANDISE Oregon & STILL if) rjPsft H0RIGAN