ffii'tfr 'T'""' -vj---. ,- - - " rfjm i mm mum r THE EC ON 0 MY J A R X EPS P E & FEfcT-L Y Vegetables, Fruits, . Fish, Game, Soiips, Etc. Sure Seal Air Tight Wide Mouth Sanitary Straight Sides It It rrj 9mrr la ml i eaa. kat aid. awata. kp au., m wall at baiu, wiibeal Maid at mm. cilt Malt abwIaMlr air-lialil with ataliaf aeaiBawliaa at' lacked I that la aaorlaM, taatakaa. tfoaa aoi bacowa aareat or tot lika fahhar ar rafcaar riai. The Booaoatr Jar will alabt yaa. RiaVtatlCiXCwM Try a Dozen Today We guarantee them if directions are followed. PINTS, QUARTS, HALF-GALLONS AND EXTRA CAPS "W. IF1- PRINEVILLEOR l aBaaxaaxaaaaa K ... - . - I I 1 - . . LOCAL MENTION Fwl MeCnllMcr wn In town on liliallit'aa W'l'durailuy. WHirrd Itolktmp returnr-i) HiUnr dnjr (rum trip to rorllniul. (tootir Howell of Hwwtliome vnl Uy. U vlaltlng rvliitlvt In I'Mim-vIUo. rt Cil t fillvrr rmk, juum-il through I'rliH'vlllo tli flrat of the week on hla wnjr to Portland. Mm Holer nn W'amn Crook rr turmtl Suiulnr from thi'lr vlalt to rortUml nnl the Hcitltle fulr. Mlaa Palta Mel'oy of lliijatrtck, prcnrtiiMl nt tha t'l.lon church Kun ilnjr to n good conitn'itntlon. ' Jnim-a Cnuffelt ami Orvnl Taylor of lWniion, canto home with A. T. Morrl to tnkv a look at till coun try. Mr. F. K. Uroalti wit mimmoiicil to Lino. Wah., ttumlay, ly tlw death of a grant chlUI, iluuKtitrr of Mra. K.I Tol.ln. MUa Vivian Allen of rnullun, am vA throuith rrlnevlllw Hut unlay on herwnv to (irlxaly taoien m-uool the nmt of the wwk. V. It. t'iok of Madrna, wn In ttiwn Momlny. Mr. Took Im bought thrt W. II. Under lnee ml- Jolnlnii hl hoiuintcinl. It. K. Jonoa rvturnetl yeatenlny from a IiiikIiipm trlu to Tucoiiia where he bought muni' new innehln eryforthe ltuulM-r mill nt Howard. Mlwt Dalxy Mc('itlllMler enme home from l'ortlund the flrnt f the week, Him will keep liomw for her brothera while they attend mhool In rrlne- vllle. Itev. J. T. Mooro and family left Tueadny for I'oaull, wbero Im will re- iiintii for lx week. Later he, may decide to nrrept a call to n church In I ArlniiKHH. Mr. May Zell and Uny Mackey were married at Caldwell, Idaho, Heptemlier 2. They arrived In I'rlne vllle litMt Thnraday and will make their home here. Mamie Mailer In nt tit wreatllng with the typhoid fever. Thl makes the fourth week. Mra. Mattle Tay lor la with her parent helping to care for her alutcr. Henry Hllks and MJhh Cordelia Ktevena were married In Portland Tuesday. Mla Stevena wan a very popular young high school teacher, who made many friend la J'rlne- vllle, and Henry, the husband, was Just as popular and hnd na many friends. May their troubles belittle ones. M TJ S I O Private Instruction both Vocal and Inatrumental. MISS HELEN A. ELKINS PRINEV1LLE, OREGON Arch Powell came up from Madras Monday. Theodore Cadle, son of Jack Kadle, died at Paisley last week.. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wurxweller nr- rived from portland yesterday. Ml" Jessie Hartley came In Satur day to take np her school work for another year. A. U. Kcoggln of Paulina, passed through town Tuesday on his way to visit friends la Portland. Mrs.lt. P. Harrington and son, who have been visiting relative lu Prlnevllle. left Saturday for their home at Mnrshlleld. Mrs. John Ncwsom, who has been visiting In Prlnevllle for several months, left last Friday for tier home In Denver, Col. Mrs. I. It. Myerof Paulina, was In town tlw first of the week, sue started her 12 year-old son on his way to Spokane to attend school. If. II. Palmer, n printer of Che halls, Wash., passed through Prlne vllle Monday on III way tof.altlaw, where he will lie employed on the Chronicle. 1",. H. Kiddle, Most excellent (irand High Priest of Itoyal Anh Mamtu of Oregon, will be In l'rlm vllle Saturday, SeptemU-r IS. PJiKi, to Institute tluj Cent nil Oregon Chapter of Koynl Arch Masnns. Douglas Tnpp w ho wa arrted last wwk on a charge of stealing some bedding from J. II. Ileckley at the Cohl Spring ranch, has licen re leased from Jail, Mr. Ileckley with drawing the charge and paylug the costs. Mrs. J. H. Prose and Klsle and Uobert Osborn, will leave Saturdry for Puliiuau, Wash., w here the young folks will attend the agricultural eolleire. Thev will ro by way of Seattle so a to take In the exposition. Mrs. Ida McNutt, a sister of Mrs. Collins' Klklns, who was a visitor In Prlnevllle a few years ago, wa married Tuesday, September 11, to Louis Oldllcld, of St. Paul. They w ill travel a couple of year before settling down to housekeeping. They go to Europe this fall. Oscar A. Prose and Miss Madalene M. Cudd were united lu the holy bonds of matrimony, nt the home of the father of the groom. S. A. Prose Sunday afternoon. The wedding win quiet, only the Immediate rela tives being present. Itev. C. C Bub bldge of the Presbyterian church wag the olllclatlng clergyman In making this happy pair one. Presbyterian Church: Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. n.; theme, "Battlements. V Ku deavor at 7 p. in.; subject, "Vanity Fair," (Pilgrim Progress series.) Lender, Miss Louise Summers. 8 p. m., Itebekalis' anniversary sermon. Th local lodge of ItcbekaliB and vblllng member will attend In a body. All friend of the Itobcknh arc mviteu to atienu mis uerviee. LOCAL MENTION MIm Mattle Wilson la visiting In Madras. i Will Ford and wife of Lakevlew, are visiting relative In town. Cobby Stroud left Tuesday for a biislnc trip to Portland. Cliiirlee Lister I home again from a visit to the Willamette valley. Ed Hodson and sister, Mr. Uundy, returned Saturday from a week's visit to Salem. Mr. Thotuu Balfour and family have moved lu from Buck creek to take advantage of the Prlnevllle school. The new opera chairs and new car pet for the M. E. Church are here and It I hoped to get them In place for ucxt Sunday. Mrs. Este has two curpenter at work enlarging her sale room. Her millinery business luu outgrown present quarters. Mrs. lteppn Hamilton, Miss Edna ami Herbert Hamilton of Eugene, and Mrs. Ethel Sulzerof Antelope, left for their respective home Satur day, ft. O. Smith write from Seattle that be I doing well. He wuuta to keep tab on Crook county so must have the Journal. HI address Is 21 M Jackson street. N. F. McCotn leaves the latter part of the week with a loud of supplies for his sheep camp nt Crane Prairie. He wilt bring In his flock from Dia mond IVuk to Crime Prairie. The Indies of the Presbyterian church have planned an Ice cream social for tomorrow (Friday) even ing on the lawn of the manse. Ice cream will be served from 3 to 7 o'clock. W. H. Unston of Tucoma, Is head ing a party ofTaeomalte through this country with the object of In vesting. Mr. (inston ha a son only 23 year of ago who I holding down the city desk on the Tucoma Dally Tribune. Smart boy, Mrs. Win nek and daughter, Mis Lorene, leave today for a trip to California aud Mexico. On their re turn from the Mexican trip Miss Lo rene will attend school lu Los Angele for the winter. Mrs. Whi ne k expects to be away a couple of months. Word was received yesterday that Charles Zell, the oldest son of Teter Zell, fell from ft 70-foot bridge near Chlco, Calif., and was killed. No further particular have been re- celved. Charles Zell was a enrpen ter, and was well know In Crook couuty, James Willis Mills of Beverley, 12. York, .England, was lu Prlnevllle Tuesday. Mr. Mills Is n stockholder lu the B. S. & L. Co. of Ilaycreek, and I greatly Interested In educational matters, lie visited the Prlnevllle school and made mental notes to be used lu the, schools of Beverley, of which place he 1 town clerk Mr. Mtraude Price left Tuesday for Seattle to attend the fair. Duncan Maclcod left on Wednes day's stage for Portland. Horace Belknap ha a position be hind the counter at C. W. Elkln' store. The Ladles Aid of the Methodist church are planning a harvest sup er for Septcmlier 24. J. E. Wilson, tiie Madra shoe maker, came over with a load of fruit the first of the week. L. H. Arnsmler passed through Prlnevllle Tuesday on hi way to Suplee to take charge of the school at that place. Mrs. Jennie l"lten of Eugene, who ha lx-eu visiting her brothers, Ed aud George Slayton, left for her home Tuesday. L. C. Morgan, clerk In the forest service headquarter at Prlnevllle, left Saturday for Portland to meet his parents who are on the wny from the East to the Seattle fair. Word has licen received from Port- laud that Mrn. Frauk Johnson Is Im proving slowly. She Is able to take light nourishment but It will be some time before she 1 able to leave LOCAL MENTION There may be clgara a good but there are none better than Stork man's Best. the hospital. Judge U. F. Sw(i e of Newport has lined the local bar nt Prlnevllle. Helms moved hi wife and family here to reside jwrmanently. 1 he udge" has beeu practicing law for sixteen years. He ha been Judge of Lincoln county, was It deputy dis trict attorney for seven years aud is a man known Integrity. A change of climate was necessary for his fam ily and he chose Crook county as h s future abiding" place. 1JU office will lie with Attorney W. A. Bell. We be speak for Mr. Swope and family a e r Hal welcome by the clt'iens of Flue vllle. W. F. Hammer of Albany, I In Croik county- looking after hi In terest here. II. L. Hobbs, who ha been alck with typhoid fever for three week la now able to sit up a little. There will be no services at Rye Urns school house Sunday 3 p. m. Sickness In family prevent. 0. P. Bailey, Pastor. Union Church Services. Bible School 10 a, m. Preaching at 11 a. in. : topic. "I It Well With Thee?" Young peoples' meeting at 7 p. m By request of the Presbyterian pastor there will be no preaching at the Cnlon church at 8. The congrega tion will attend the Anniversary services for the Rebckah lodge at the Presbyterian church. At the First Methodist church for Sunday September l!: Sunday School at 10 o'clock and preaching at 11. The subject will be "The Law of Sacrifice." There will I no serv ice In the evening as the congrega tion will Join In the Keliekah Anni versary service at the Presbyterian church. All members of the churvh are requested to be present at the luoruing service. We are beglning the work of the new year, therefore let lis loin heartily in the wor the Master. Itev. J. D. Gormley, The Tailor. What about that fall suit? Of course you want It tailor-made. It doesn't cost any more than the hit-and-mis kind. My samples are the finest In town. Pressing, repair ing and cleaning. Give a trial. 8-5 SECOND - HAND STORE For Sale. . White Sewing Machine for $12.50; good baby buggy for sale at a bargain. Apply at thia office. Hall Safe for Sale. Hall sale, good as new, for talc It weiaht IXi) bound. and in 44x30x24 ouUide measurement, inside 27x21 x 14. tor further particulars call at tiiia office. s-19-tf All Kinds of Goods Bought and Sold C. L. V. Marker Dillon Bunding. for Lbwei.lex, For Rent A fl room hous ) : ifool barn. Inquire at thia olliee or of A. C. Knighten.9-9 3t "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon 8 3 A. P. Annatron, LL.B., Principal Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard commercial school of the Northwest Open all the year. More calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special penmanship department. Write for illustrated catalogue. fr I ITi TYHINr. .OtAIrt Dandruff and it. are but outward signs of the evil done in secret by myriads of dan druff germs sapping the life blood of the hair. Micro kills the para site, soothes the itching scalp, gives lustre to tbe hair and stops it falling out A single application gives relief aad proves its worth. Save your hair before too late. Micro prevents baldness. It is a delightful dressing for the hair, tree from grease and sticky oils, Ask your druggist for free booklet HOYT CHEMICAL CO. AITiikn aafna For sale by Templeton & Son D. r. Adamson & to Caaera Sippliet ' SX. DRUGGISTS 'CT School Books School Supplies D. P. Adamson M Co. DRUGGISTS I DISTRIBUTORS ROYAL CLUB GOODS J. E. Stewarl & c ompany AGENTS MAYER SHOES CLOSE OUT PRICES ON SUMMER GOODS Ladies' Goods Half Price Ladies muslin underwear, night gowns, shirtwaists and knit underwear 1 to close at One-Half Regular Price. ill We have a few suits and extra pants left, some exceptional bargains in this lot, some at half price, others at less. Extra low prices on tan and ox-iiii blood shoes. Men's Suits & Extra Pants Men's summer underwear i 1. I mixed, balbriggan, etc., regular $1.20 1 a. m ner tJaxiiieiiL. i O Light weights in wool and wool nor einf t- - Inca -Mir S4r CU1U f I J-VA Oltll) IU UlUiJ UUI. - " I on iraSrajfSE?r3SfET35r