Ihe economy jar keeps perfectly Vegetables, Fruits, Fish, Game, Soups, Etc. I : 1 flSs&l ' r- I e Sure Seal Air Tight Wide Mouth Sanitary Straight Sides ll U MT MOT ta Ml I HM, kM t wife math. kp MMiUnl mu. Ifc, (a U- M mtt M IraiM, widwai tim Mm afcwtattlr r-ti4l- 4tk a MtiO at. tMfcW to Ma that U adarbK. vnllikl nMMT ar rabfcar riat. Tfca tinwr Jar wiM y Try a Dozen Today We guarantee them if directions are followed. PINTS, QUARTS, HALF-GALLONS AND EXTRA CAPS "W. . LOCAL MENTION Mr, and Mr. Hoy ITU of Post, were visiting In town liwt wwk. Horn-Saturday, Hi-ptcmlier 4. to tlio wife of Walter IVmnrl, a mm. U. 1 Adwnson nnl luiiiHy n-turn. rd Friday from tliclr ontlng nt Ma tulo. Mm. WUkcrslintn g't back lat Rnturday from Visit to frl.'iul nt Paulina. Hlrlk out n tun other and moke tho Engl Cigar, fr tliey are the Unt. Mr. Um line returned to Prlne- villa from & visit with relative nt Willow Cn-ek. jw (ilmr.lo nml family linve re turned home from their ciuiuiIiik trip at Crane Prnlrlo. . twit, a WIUiui of Klwter. I vlMttlntc with her mother, Mr. Hnrah Hteveim, In lTluevHle. iH.ni.. uiler 1 etltl quite eU-k with ivnhohl fever. Thl nmke the third week, the doctor Is ijulte 1ioh ful. ii ... i. .i,i i'Min i if Kuirene In (IS I Ri t lmv " - vUltliiif lu-r brother, tieoriiw and Ed Klnylon. nt present, nud exiH-ct to tie here two week. ...... Miliar niul Charley Stewart of .uullna. missed through Prlne viiim M. in.lav on their way home from the Seattle fair. Mr. Annl Ete and son Karnent arrived home from I'ortlund Sun tav. where Mr. Eaten went to pur chaw her new fall stock of millinery. Jnrk Ikw wn In trout the Willow rM.k unwmttl Tuesday. He report biialnea brisk na n result of the rail road work In the vicinity of Matlra lH-rry Monroe conic In from Trout Creek Tuesday bringing a big wagon load of watermelon for Stroud lro. Home of the melon were big one like uw to grow In the , old country, and the lluvor wa un surpassed. The melon sold here nt retail for 5 cent ter pound. ltev. Samuel Oregg and wife have been called by the Christian Chun-he of ("rook county to preach at i rine villa. Post and Laldlaw, with resl denceat ITInevllle. If they accept h pull thev will take up the work ik'tnlmr 1. Mr. Greirg 1 uleo preacher. She U now at their home In Portland. Uev. Orejnt liaa . Ke tnLaldluw where he will hold aerr h-e next Sunday. Tho revival mett tnir which were beluir held In the t'nlon Church were cloued the first of the week. . MU SIC Private Instruction both Vocal and Irutrumental. MISS HELEN A. ELKINS PIUNEVUXE. OREGON Nick Welder wa over from Bend thl week. Ml lima Sather of Hend, wo In tho city Tueadny. Ed. J. Baldner wa In, the city Tuenday from Madra. ITof. J. Alum Thomson of I-ald- law, wa In the city Sunday. B.C. Caldwell the hardware man Irom ilend, wa In the city Tuemiay. Win. Trkthal and wife were In town the flret of tho week from their home at I'millim. Horn Saturday, September 4. on the McKay, to the wire oi u. r. Mitchell, twin, a boy and a girl. Mr. M. E. Delor and the MUwea Jeitle nml MbrkIo Hlnkle of I'aullna, were In town the flrt of the ween Ad. Coleman of Paulina, wa In i.i.,viii, tiii wwk. a eueet at the home of hi aUter, Mr. Harry Wool drlilire. J V..- Newblll. dauirliter ua and mm Carl were In ITInevllle laat Saturday from their home on II low Creek. . mu Kdna Morwj who ha been mifiitllmi aeveral month at her old . . home In ITInevllle, returned to i ori- liind TueHdny. Mr. Annie Mallna returnwl home the tlmt of Hie week from nn extent! ...l un. In ,llfnriilii. and at New port, Yaqulna liny. C. I.. Shattuck and wife Mt Mon day for Spokane. Mr. Shattuck will at fend the convention- of electric 1 ght men to lie held at that place. W. I. Myer and wife, of tho Laid law Chronicle, were In town aeveral day the flret of the week. Mr. Myer looking for a dependable man to anoint him In the publication of hi newepnper. Mr. and Mr. HURh Mat' m fimlly moved Into ITInevllle tho Bret ..i iu u-M,v fniiii their r nm;n near Paulina. wlHT they have been pendlnff the aununer moth. They eatueln uretmratory toRvttintr me i.n.ir.,r inrtml into Mcnooi next Mitndnv. Tin. liook tyiHswrlter wea in re cording paper In the county clerk ' ofllce ha been out of commwaiou thotwfi week and no recordlugol document ha laen poaalble duHng that time. Tartle who have aent puMr In to le recorded will have to wait for their return. A new ma chine of the lateet Improved type ha been ordered and ought to ar rive In a few day. sheriff Fank Elklna went to North Yakima, the lat of the week to take In charge Charlie Allen of Hnycreck, who had been arrested at tnat place on reuueat of the Crook County of ficers. Allen la charged witn ine larceny of n ul't of clothe and a hat bi-longlng to Harry Hamilton, from the latter room at smeuer reeiu rant. Hamilton wag out of town employed a a forest guard nud when became borne mlseed hi clothe. They were traced to Allen, and when arrested he had the goods with him. He I now In the county Jail. LOCAL MENTION lck Mr. Frank Johnaon I very at a hoepltal In Portland. iw.m On Wednesday. September S, to the wife of I-. A. Booth, a aon. Walter Foater left thl morning for a trip to llelknnp Spring and Portland. The H-vear-old daiiicliter of Charle Caawell, who live on the Joe Tay lor place, I lck with typhoid. Kalnh Sharp moved hU family to Madra liMt Tuesday. He la aaaocl ttted with Arch Powell In a oft drink etbllhiuent at Madra. w. 11. Mowe and wife are In from their ranch on Crooked river today. Mr. Moae I a new man In tula coun try. He I but recently from Denver, Colorado. The little daughter of Frank For- et while riding a borne Monday n iiii kicked by another. The little girl leg wa severely bruised but no boue were broken. ITInevllle Public achooln and the Crook Couuty High School open next Monday for a nine montu term. The Indication are that the ,.ifn,i,im- will be the largest ever known here. There I considerable activity In the local bay market with price rnHnir from 10 to 19 in the atack. A few rancher are holding for 112, iieiievlnir the orlce will reach that point before spring. Th little daughter of Forest Ramrer C C. Hon. broke ber left arm at the wrlat and dlnloeated the uiiu.w inlnt of the same arm laat Friday bv falling off ft teeter board on which she wa playing with one of the little Horlgan girl. Dr. IlOMcuberg wa call and he report the little as getting aloug nicely Mrs. Hate, the milliner while In Portland, nurchaaed the finest Btock of new fall millinery she boa ever been able to show her patrons in Prlnevllle. The new goods are now on the way and Include all the very latest styles. Bhape and trimming She will hold an opening a soon as the new goods reach here, the date of which will be announced later Attorney M. R. Blitiw this week circulated petitions In Prlnevllle for h nardon of Ed Oaroutte and 18- lle Allen, who were sentenced to serve two years each In the penitentiary on a charsre of larceny from a dwell ing. The petition recited that the boy plead guilty through Ignorance of the serious nature of the charge. The paper were quite generally sbrued by the cltUens. The Columbia River Conference of the Methodist Church which met this year atCteur d'Alene, has re appointed J. D. Lewellen pastor of the First Methodist Church of rnne vllle; G. R. Moorehead goes to Mad ran: E. S. Fox. to Redmond. W. J Jlnnett, who wa formerly pastor In Priiipville. now has a church la Elleimburir. Wash. Walton Skip worth Is the district superintendent Mis Viola Young of Portland, Is the new milliner at C. W. Elklns store. Miss May Belle Reed writes to friend from Michigan that she Is having a fine time. nillv Ford and wife are on their way to Prlnevllle from lakevlew, to visit relative and friends. LOCAL MENTION Ora Polndexter and wife and Mis Anna Thronson arrived home Tues day from their camnlna; trip at Crane Prairie. Miss Rose I). Parrott and Mies Catherine V. Conway, high school teachers, are expected on tomor row's stage. G. A. Elliott of Powell Buttes. has sold tils stock and farm Implements and Is movlnir to Washlntcton. lie will not sell his land holdings. Mr. and Mrs. George Storkmnnn arrived home from their visit with relative nt Lakevlew last Monday evening. They had a very pleasant time while away. Omer Clay pool has purchased lot on the north side of Ochoco from the road company and expect to begin the construction of a cottage soon to be occupied by his family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Luckey of Burns, stopped over In Prlnevllle to visit relatives Wednesday. They are on their way to tue nuiameius Valley where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Dale Jones went to Shanlko Sunday to meet Mis Mary Jones, of Seattle, her husband's sister, who will soend the winter In Prlnevllle and attend the Crook County High school. Edw. B. Williams of Portland, who recently bought the Jacob Mays ranch at Powell Buttes, pass ed throiiKh Prlnevllle the first of the week and Is now looking after nis Interests at the ranch. He expects to acquire other land In that section. The regular term of county com missioner's court was postoned from Wednesday of last week until September 15, on aecount of the ab sence of County J udge 11. V. fcin'. who accompanied the remains of his father to the old home In the East. Commissioners Bayley and Rice came to Prlnevllle but did not trans act any business. The court will meet on September 15 if Judge bills has returned by that time. Dounlas Tapp, a young man from Buck Mountain, was arrested the last of the week and brought to Prlnevllle on a charge ot having "tapped" some blankets and otner things from J. H. Beckley, at the Cold Spring ranch. After reaching Prlnevllle the man In charge went before Justice Powell and swore out a new complaint, and Tapp was turned over to the sheriff's omce lor safe keeping until next Monday when he will have a hearing in tne Prlnevllle justice court. Tapp Is now In Jail. Hill Man at Medford. U it Necessary? Persons desiring a copy of the premium list for the Crook County fair can have the same by applica tion to the secretary, J. U. Haner. at Prlnevllle. The books are now ready for distribution. Death of Mr. Davu. Mrs. Msttie VsnUeriool Davis of ho had been sick for the past it, ... months or more, died st the home of her father, Med Vsnderpool, last evening st 9 o'clock. All tbat niemcai tkill and lovine csre could do was with out avail with the Grim Destroyer. Mr. Davis wss born in Crook county, Oregon, on April 16, 1877. She was married to Homer H. Davis on Febru- rl!. 1896. and has resided la Croo county ever siase. She leaves, besides husband and daughter to mourn ner loss, a father and mother, nd four sisters-Mrs. E. E. Spaulding of Port land, Ore., Mrs. Eugeoe Lnssier of MKw Marion county. Mrs. Elmer Kaylersnd Mrs. W. A.Bell of Prine ville. The funeral will be held Friday, Sep un,k in at in a. m.. from the home of her father, Mr. Med Vanderpooi. ine sympathy of a wide circle of friends goes out to the stricken family in this their hour of bereavement. The Paclfie & Eastern railway wa recently purchased by John R. Allen of New York. Thl la tne aiea- ford Crater Lake line. Tnia roau and the country It will tap when ex tended was carefully Inspected by John F. Steven at the time he maae his tour through the state Incognito. The-rumor la persistent that tne road ha been purchased for a link In the Hill Dlan for line In Oregon. u v Randall, a brother-in-law of and one of their best lieutenant in the recent fights In the Deschutes canyon is now mcu,u,u with a, narty of engineers, looking nftpr matter for the P. & E. The Medford Mail says that Randall' connection with the Hill people and his present position are significant. lulanliMw aviitpmfl mean ,. la ili with Inferior service. The Pioneer Telegraph A Telephone Company will give, ai a rpuouuio rate, telephone connection and serv ice to anvand all farmer' line In Crook county. Mr. Merchant, are you going to pay aouoie rem uu i. aorvlra to hftln A few satisfy a personal grudge? I there a demand lor i wo ju:iiib. w farmer were putting In a store would you want the telephone com pany to help It along? Pionekr T. T. to. Gormley, The Tailor. What about that fall ult ? Of course you want It tailor-made. It doesn't cost any more than the hit-and-mis kind. My sample are the finest In town. Pressing, repair ing and cleaning. Give a trial. 8-5 For Rent r IMakcrtGrofc & Sctel Bock Caaera Soppli Jcwdry , Will ftper ..tttw srwnoT. OF QUALITY Tenth and MorrUoo, Portland, Oreoa 83 A. P. Armstro. LL.B., Priaeipd Old in years, new in methods, .dmittedly the hih-standard commercial school of the Northwest Open all the year. More calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by- office practice. Shorthand that excels m every respect, opewot nenmanshiD department. Write for illustrated catalogue. c - - P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS School Books School Supplies D. P. Adamson Co. DRUGGISTS . . . IPMW4aMaB v I -aisMMWMWMWWMwawa-! TTmm " 7 ii ii iriiii-liir1IUr-Hrir.nirllrUirtlfl .. ii ii ir-ii -ir i rr-irTnTTTirFiirr-iiii-ii nun in n 'n en ittt nv mm rt1 re re re rr -i l l 'ii'i m ui U min-iiiiiMiiMiiii"ii iii ii i DISTRIBUTORS ROYAL CLUB GOODS uaoiaiaiaiauiijiu I E. Stewart . & Company AGENTS MAYER SHOES CLOSE OUT PRICES ON SUMMER GOODS rrrrf,rr Ladies' Goods Half Price Ladies muslin underwear, night- I gowns, shirtwaists and knit underwear to close at One-Half Regular Price. 1 I Barr-rt3-y 3 Men's Suits & Extra Pants We have a few suits and extra 1 pants left, some exceptional bargains in this lot, some at half price, others at less. Extra low prices on tan ana ox- ooa snoes. hi IE : i Men's summer underwear W llHlit WClgllLO r - j-, mixed, balbriggan, etc., 4 Tegular $ 1 .20 1 I land $1.25 per suit, to close out at 35c 1 per garment. w.m lrS m t-r . jg6grgj5PPae'3aaLi:n M5I-- E-FHr-i i i