pETEY; NOTES BY CM HVTATTZ o COBKtSFflKTCXCX i I SOLICITED U lOops-rlght, ISO, by C M. Barnltx. The article and Illustrations must not be re. printed without special permission.) READY! AIM! FIRE!" "Bum!" roM a pheasant o'er my head. I aimed my fun to shoot hint dead When, lo, 1 bad forgot The load of shot. Wh!r flow a biid Into the air. I let him har It full and (air. Cut, lo. It was no co. I amlod too low. "Boar whined a third across the f!en But I was watching scenery then. I hardly raised my hc&d When he bad fled. But when Oie next bird mn In flight I quickly glanced alone the sight. I hit him In the brain With deadly aim. Thus some win prises In esrth'a strife, WhUe others make a miss of Ufa. They're careless or too slow. They aim too low. It you are seeking real renown And wish to win the victor's crown. The highest things aspire. "Ready! Aitul Flrel" c. m. a WANTED NATIONAL PHEASAN TRIES. Time for Cucle Sam to hatch pheas ants, lie raises fish to restock streams and tadpoles for bully rum farms, aud Why "not beautiful pheasants for wood and field, so that ouce more we may It at breakfast and shoot fat pheas ants off the back fence for dinner? Not such a big contract. Why, tu 1SS1 Oregon turned loose thirty-eix birds, and only sixteen years iatcr her sportsmen bagged 100,000. What hunt ing! Makes your trigger anger jerk to think of It Makes your mouth water to think of ail that juicy breast meat Oregon, Colorado, Kansas, Illinois and other western states are being stocked mostly by lullriduals and gun clubs. But It's a national nintter, and Uncle Sam can stl'.l run In another iron and not burn his fingers. Does It pay? Well, they are ornamental, ne plus ultra table birds and sell for big money. Sportsmen will gladly pay landowners for permits to engage In such magnifi cent sport Brain storms will thus cease, and the festive green worm that dropped down yonr neck while meditating on the sublimities of na ture will be gobbled, for the pheasant will do the pests and thus add millions to the farmers' riches. FEEDING PHEASANTS, YOUNG AND OLD. More pheasants are fed to death than raised. After twenty-four hours feed three times dally and, contrary to superstition that birds get most of their drink from dewdrops, keep pure water before them and grit First four days feed custard made of twelve beat en eggs Btlrred Into pint of milk at boiling point, then boll thick. After fourth day serve as part of ration for eight weeks. On- fifth day add a little chopped let tuce and pinhead oatmeal. On eighth day Introduce kiln dried cracked wheat split oats and occasionally a little hemp or millet After three weeks serve minced boiled meat using broth to wet up a crumbly barley mash. At six weeks throw in wheat and barley for supper, and they are now ready for adult ration. Feed them greens regularly, but keep oil the wet grass to avoid gapes. Old birds In woods are only fed In winter unless food Is scarce. In confinement they are fed ' like chickens. They relish the following: Acorns, chestnuts, hazelnuts, beech mast grains, seeds, roots, herbage, small fruits, cress, cabbage, lettuce, turnips, mangolds, potatoes, insects, worms, ant eggs and fine cut bone. ; MAGGOTS FOR PHEASANTS. Where do our English kozens get those big maggots they feed their pretty pheasants? Well, they just skin a dead horse, give the blowflies a good chance at It, and when the ani mal begins to get lively they bury him just deep enough for the skippers to come through to daylight when they are fat and ready. The birds stand round and pick them off as they wiggle through. They eat the dead horse germs too. Tou'll cut pheasant In London cafes after this? Can't blame you a bit Owners of insectivorous birds should use our meal worm plan. Mix equal parts bran aud chop,, add several handfuls of leather scraps for ventilation, drop In a handful of meal worms and watch them multiply. If wiggling worms, they are clean, yellow and fat as butter. Our birds fly six feet high for these Juicy sweetmeats, perch on our shoul ders and pull our ear for more. DONTS. Don't neglect to keep the water ves sels clean and full. Tes; it's easy to put off, but harder to dig chicken graves. Don't spice chicken feed with red pepper. It is not so hot as the fiery furnace, but you would think it hotter In yonr stomach. Horses for Sale. A few broken and unbroken horses for for sale from 1150 to 1450 in weight. For further information inquire of T. J. Ferhu kon, Prineville, Ore. 8-19-lm For Sale. Household goods, Sewing Machine, Baby Buggy, one Air Tight Heater etc. Mabion Tbavis atTfmpleton & Son's drug store. Just Received. Five hundred feet of Hjioplate by A. H. Ltppman & Co. 8-12-tf Ml HOW TO MAKE CEMENT FLOORS. Cement or concrete llo.irs gxwrsUy consist of two etuis, th roujeh anil Snlshlng. Our method Is suitable for flours In general. U pressure Is greater than that of poultry house floors, simply In crease the thickness. A three Inch floor Is stiQctently thick for a poultry plant. The first consisting of one part best cement two of sharp sand aud four of clean, gravel, should I mixed thoroughly with water to the consist ency required and packed and leveled on the surface prepared. " When this two and one-half Inch lay er has sot well, sprinkle with water and apply balf Inch finishing coat made of equal parts cement and sharp saud. '1 he second coat should be per fectly smooth, for a rough floor cannot be scraped clean. For engine room mnke first layer three Inches and see oud one. Cement work on bare grouud Is sel dom a success. The cement floor should be flush with the sill, and what ever Is beneath It must be rammed and soaked. A loose foundation Is, of course, no foundation, and If the floor Is laid on dry material the moisture is absorbed from the layers and a fail ure results. Our floors were laid on packed soak ed ciuUer aud are satisfactory. All gravel aud sand must be thoroughly sifted, and the concrete may be mixed on wooden platforms. Have a good current of air for drying, but keep out the rain and animals. The work will be sufficiently hard to walk over la two days. Do not ceuieut later than August If the work la ex tensive, as it will uot dry out for win ter. When the cement work separates well from th sills It Is tlry. THE MUSHROOM HOUSE. For hot climates like California, Florida, Forto Bleo, Hawaii and the cnual zone the hip roof or mushroom house is excellent, it Is covered with a water -proof roof, Is generally six hxsilboom Borsa. feet square, and the four foot sides may be covered with painted canvas or sacking. The house stands on two foot legs and need not be cleaned, as It Is moved from place to place. The ladder to roosts should be re moved at night to avoid preying ani mals. In the rainy season wire screen may inclose the bottom, and a ditch should be dug around to avoid Gooding. If desired windows and ventilators may be added. Koof in style preferred. This Is not only a cool, movable, sani tary bouse, but the fleas that breed In the accumulated dust under fixed abodes have no hiding place. FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. If newspapers that waste space on fake stories of three legged calves, hens hatching snakes and bulldogs adopting ducks would print legitimate poultry news and practical poultry in formation, they would be helping their readers to get more cash to pay in ad vance. Ia preparing young roosters for roasters keep them out of the gymna sium. It matters not how mnch corn meal you feed, much exercise will be antifat and keep them thin as a slat The longest bird flight is from the isles of Bering sen to Hawaii and Fanning islands, a distance of 2,200 miles. Birds arrive unexhausted. Per haps they rest by Coating In the air, as swimmers do In the water. Most of the fairs are held In the molting season when the birds are unsightly. The fair directors compel the graceful oriental dancers to don dusters and yet allow the other hens to show In full dress. Is this alto gether fair? We find the best way to feed char coal is in soft mash. Otherwise some fowls get none, for certain birds never visit the hopper. The way some incubator chicks get lice is easily explained. An old hen's chick gets half drowned and Is slipped into t!ie incubator for a minute to dry off. The lice crawl off the chick on to the eggs, the eggs hatch, and the lice crawl off the eggs on to the new chicks. Try it Secretary Wilson of the agricultural department at Washington has started a crusade against the sale of storage for fresh eggs. Thought when storage got Into the Washington eggnog some thing would effervesce. One of our friends who set his goose at the same time we set our goose In cubator left the gate open, and the hogs ate the eggs. Chickens have a mighty poor chance to escape from hungry hogs. Clean and screen that hogpen. There, is no reason why state and agricultural colleges should go to Can ada or England for Instructors In poultry culture. If the trustees of these Institutions are uninformed, we take pleasure In notifying tbem that their Uncle Samuel is way ahead of Johnny Bull. Milk Cows, Etc. for Sale. At J. T. Moore ranch, 3 good milk cows, other stock, plow, household tur niture, etc. 8-26 For Sale. 250 tons of alfalfa and meadow hay for sale, also 60 head (jrade Shorthorn cows and heifers, includ ing ten head of I irrtlfP mlloll innra Call at ranch nt mimtli ,f p.,,,,,.,, Creek, or address C. L. Koiikuth. -zo-uw Post, Ore. Subscribe for the Journal, $1.50 a Year. County Official Paper I - - e Agents Wanted. Acentt wanted in every town for the Stivl Adjustable HameloM Horn Co! at. No pads, banns or straps: can ii" with any kind of tiis attachment. Wi 1 not fttll Iioisj or ar out. Will uot coi rode or rust. Price fit each, Ark your dealer. Write for literature. Ad dtvfa, Ngiaos WnnitK Cinsv, exclu sive distributors Pacific IVast Nut", Albany, Orogon. 8-1- l:u Ho for Sale. rure-ldood Poland-China Hops, both sexes, for sale. Price reasonable. Can lie seen at home of J. H: vikay, IVine villi", Or-gon. Milch Cows for Sale. Two jrood nilVh cow. for snlo. Apply to Med Yanderpool, Print-viUe, Ore. M'i-lui Deering Binder for Sale. A 6 foot IVering Hinder for pale cheap at the Vieo. Hodman rat cli, near Culver. Stock Ranch for Rent. 11S0 acres in rai c'i; HO in pasture: Jul bottom land; 140 in alfalfa and meadow; 60 acres in grain; nearly all under free water: 3"0 ton of hay will be put up tins year and lOU bushels ct grain ; all under fence. Good house, orchard, machinery and wagon, all go w ith the nim'h. Can le rented tr a term of S or 5 years for N0 a year. V head of cattle can be had; per mit for. V- goes with ranch. For further particulars address CUAK1.US LIM'KK, Prineville Or. MMm Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor Crook County. . C. A. Stevenson, plaintiff, vs. Nettie Stevenson, defendant. To Nettie Stevenson, the shore named defendant: in the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to ap pear ami answer the complaint liievl agaitiNt you in the above court ana action, on or liefo-r the lust uVrol'the lime pre sented in the order for ("uHlic.iilon of this summon, to-w it : the ImIi day of Septem ber, iss.w, ami it you tail to so answer, lor want thereof, the plaint Iif will take judg merit against you for the sum spoiled therein, to-wit: Per the sum of I went v- iii hundred isrJiSXVXil dollars, and lor the eo-ts and uubureuieiits of this action. This summons is tei'YeJ upon you bv or der of the lion. 11. C. Kills, J soke of t rook t oiitity. Mate of Oregon, duteu the :mI tav of August, ;!.(. and the dateol the first publication of ttna summon is augu-t Mil. i.n ami tiie date of the la.-t publicMtlon thereof w ilt expire on Septem ber lo h, llOJ. . A. 1IKI.L. Attorney fo t ie Plaintiff. Katies far Publication. Not Coa' 1 and. Pppartment of the Interior. U. S. 1-and Olhce at The Dalles, Or., August 1 l'Jfl. Xotice is hereby given thut Austin Kixer, of Prineville" Oregon, w ho, on July "in. 1S., made Homestead, iSerial No. 0737! No. rJ for XUN'Wti sec 5. tn IS a. ami SESSW'i.SWsKK sec 8l, tp 17 8, r I east, Willamette, nieritlian, has tileil notice of intention to make final live-vear proof, to establish claim to the land abovH doscribod. lfore Warren lirown, enmity clerk, at his office at Prineville, Oreoii, on the 2Slh day of rVpteniiier, hM. I Inimanc names as witnesses: Granville 11. Nve, Man ford D. Nve. John Million and Orange K. Hodges, ail of Prineville, Oiecon. KSp C'OV . AiOUnK, Register. In the District Court of the United States for the District f Idaho. (Central Div'sion.) In the matter of ilichard Cunningham, imii Kruii. .uiice. Notice is hereby given that J. C. Con nors, trustee in the matter of Kichard Cunningham, bankrupt, will sell at private sale five hundred (flOC) shares of capital stock in the American Standard ilming Company, a corporation ot Oenvrr, Colo rado; and also the north half of the north west quarter, and the north west quarter of the north east quarter of vection even teen, (17) and the north east quarter of the nortn eal quarter ot section eighteen tlft.l in township twenty-two south of range nine n east oi the illnmctte .Meridian, in Crook countv. State of Oregon. Said mining stock to be sold in one lot and said real estate in one lot. Sealed bids will be received for said property by said trustee, at Silver City, Idaho, either personally or through United States mail, during the period com mencing with the lir t publication of this notice and terminating on the 15th day of October, V.W. Hids shall be accompanied bv a certified check equal to ten percent of the amount bid, the trustee being authorized to accept the highest and he.-t bid, subject to the approval of the referee, after a return to the refree of his proceed ings by said trustee under oath, ami a hearing by the referee thereon, after ten davs notice by mail to creditors. Dated at Silver City, Idaho, this Mh day of August, 1WW. J. C. CONNORS, 8-12-5 w X rustee. For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands 15 U ! IS THE i DESCHUTES VALLEY I WRITE JONES LAND CO Redmond, Oregon M g Jk quart tattle, c? GENUINE' fofZzZir) ti et railroad eiprci office, & l B rJLl'! I II Mi0$$$ m MS JfP- You must have the best guaranteed lo be absolutely pure aged in wood and honest. We buy CYRUS NOBLE direct from the distillers have bought it (or 44 yean. Don't let them sell you something else " just es good." r liny the best it's the cheapest in the long run. Uuttlcd by the distillers. Guaranteed 10 the United Stales Government and to you to contain nothing except pure straight aged whiskey. For the first time since Wtt (44 years) in such sections as the puHio is unable to purchase CYKUS NOIil.E we will sell you direct 4 qusrt bottles for$4.90. No danger of refilled botilcs but the GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE the belt made, the best selling brand in the whole world. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO., 1 05-1 07 Second Street, Portland, Ore. ESTABLISHED ISM KETCRENCE ANY BANK OR TRUST COMPANY IN OHEO0N m CUT T TMI UNI W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., Portland, Or.foa. Endotcd please fcod $4.90 for which please scad GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. SPrcessona Cards, 2. 6u;tt, 7VVav't Ortfn, SjfittiaM mm tSmrytm CaUa Amiwtaaii rimt Pit on Ntonr orrica s too Merit Mr apoiwh'i I'mii fcnim Hoih uilit-e au rvsj deuc telephone. jfttvrntjr-mtmjCaw W. A. 1JLLL Attorncy-nt-Iatw Prineville Oregon Q C S&rx 5? a I Gstalw Office with Oeo..W. Barnes JTAjfNctmm mmm Onryrm fmm 4 m4 Myim ,S. jp, !PrtntHtU, Onion. T . a. Belknap c Cd wards Ott JXitf fW fims S Vkaa-a !PrimmiHm Travelers ON SANT1AM ROAD YYILL FIND TUE BP.ST Accommodations - AT Lower Soda SPRINGS Hotel and Feed Harns.Grocerica Tobaccos and ProvUiona. Hay and Oats for ale; pasture (or horses. Frte camp grounds. S. L HULIN, Proprietor Notice for Publication. Not Coal Land. Depnrtn-ent of the Interior, V. 8. Land Olhce, The Dalles, Oregon August 111, IMJ Notice is hereby given Unit Ruth Mvera. if Prineville, Or., w lio, on Septemlier 19, I'KU, maiie hoiuetcad (wrial No. uXHi3), So. !?, forSW NK,V! KKlj, and SKI hWW, eection 2, towinhip 18 notith. range 17 eat, V. M has filed notice of intention to make final live-year proof, to rirtn-u ennui o, uie i:iou auuve uecriiici before Warren Ilrow n, county clerk, at hi ollice at Prinevil e, Oregon, oil thc2th duy of September, 1!X1). C'liiiinant nomea as witnewa Albert D. Ilurker. Clarence F. MeCullisler. Charle Mathews ami Alexander jSushey, all of Prineville, Oregon. K3ip U. V. HUliK, Hegiter, Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. ljind Ollice at The Dalle, Ore. a u-ut iaib, l'joa. Notice i. hereby given that Richard Meyer. of Prineville. Oregon, w ho, on June S'.'nd. l'XM, made Homestead, (.Serial No. (lollfl,) No. 130-JU. for NK!4, section L'J. township Hi .....L. . . I I ... tc:n i.C., iuii(c i, c-n-i, o iiinillclLe Dierillinil, has tiled notic e of intention to make turn live-year proof, to establish claim lo the land above described, before Warren Brown, county clerk nt his office, at i'rine- viue, cregon, on me iisi uay oi repiciu ber, WOO. (Maiiniint names as witnesses: Franjt Kellev, Charles II. Foster, J. Alvm l!ipi;s. Thomas -McOuniel, all of Prineville, Ure- gon. C. W. MOOKE. -l!lp KegisUT MO UIL TO-DAY I me at ooce by eipress, prepaid, four quart. yv ,tjti fu P 1387 Statement cf Resource, and Liabtlitie. of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon Al the close of buain.s. June 23, 1909 HKMOl'ltt'llH Ixmne anil lUseoutita.,. t'nltisl Bute. Honda..., Hank jreralsea,,.... , ltrtemitliin fnml t'aali m I'ue fruin bank. rJ'.,,,,ll"rt M , JS.V.I i lim.l.y Sa lllS.5-11 14 B. r. All... Prld.,,! W ill Wnw.U. Vic. THE HAMILTON STABLES (HorscsiuHnng ia Connection) J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor rRINEVllLE, OREGON Stock boftrdod by the day, wwlc or nionlh at IloasonaMo ratt. Rttmemlter Uti whm in Prinevillo. IUtes KEA-osni.K. hnve Fine Livery Rigs For Rent r'irsr'ir'ir"fir,r'if''7rr-t-iriPnr'irrnr LJkdLJkJbJkJLJkJkJI.JI,JLJkjrLJkJkJl.JI.Jl.JLJkjl.JLJl.JkJl.J r r 3 t:. Soncral S$tacs??7iVinff IIOKSEhHOEISO, VtnD Work, trrc, Neatly and I'komitly Don When it is Done By : j : Siobcrt ?oore i-j tk J LI n V'J r..-i L"J rr LJ r i t, j n t j ri w J ri LJ n LJ r-i l. j ri S.itisfaction Will Frimcville, LJL.jL.JbJ.jL4i.JLJLJkJl.jl,Jl.klf Ej. .' 1 : r ... ii. jr I.JLJI.JLJLJLJL JLJLJLjVL. r i L'J r.i Li r.c L J r.i LJ r.i l J r.i LJ ri LJ r.i LU ri L'J r.i L'J ri LJ r.a LJ ri LJ ri The O'Nei! Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIbbE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Carrying a choke wlittlon of fine candy, cltffira, orntiKin, IrmotiH, etc. (ilve uh a cull. SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. L'J r.i L'J ri LJ nfir!ir.irnriririrnrirrririj!rirrtririr"iririrnririririr!Pir.i LUMBER J3t JiLdVAJkSW Juk jtVatV stV jff Drop in and See p Champ Smith DEALER IN Soft Drinks of all kinds Imported and Domestic Cig ars At the old Smith & Cleek etand, Main street, two doors south First National Bank Quality Is what llm cnrvful Imyrr in vrtir'titt' wlirn tirclinvin( j'w rlry or walclns. Wo taul If liintl the quality (t everything n'll we guttrantre it to le ol the tjunlity wo rrrfnnt it lo he WATCH REPAIRING W. FANRK PETETT Jeweler & Optician Prinaville, Oregon I.IAIltl.lTIKi rapllat Ktoek U.0U0 00 Rurplua and undlvbted prullt. n (iroulntlon. ..... ii,lu 00 ludlvldual Pvnoalta ,. 3M,Ut If l..V0 13 T. M. DaldwU. CafcUe H. Baldwin Am'I Cakir ft a r..i r,: L. r.i i. j t r . t j r..i LJ r i i-j ri LJ ri LJ m L J LJ r -t LJ r.i lie Guaranteed Oreoon. rn LJ r.a LJ LJULiLJl. JLJL.JlJL.UL.Jk:'Jlb.LiJI.J - .. ",,1lj lrl.ilf .11,1 n LJ r.ii LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ ri LJ r.i L J r.i L'J r.i LJ ri L J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i LJ ri L J r.j LJ B 1 LJ Shinglt, Mouldintrs, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON CHOSE ITi Em OFFIOERB: W. A. Booth, Prssldant D. F. Stewart, Vic. President O. M. Elkini, Oaahl.r DIRE0T0R0: W. A. Booth, 0. M. Elkini, D. r. Stewart Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention AdmlnUti.tiit'a Sal. of K.ul E.Ut. Niilli- Is liiTsl.jr Riven, thai in mrsi. .tic ul .11 onlrr it) Hie I'oiiiitjf court ul the M sir tr I Ill-Klin, fur tlm rmiuly utt'rouk, limit mi ilio ,Mli ilujr nf July, lias.1, hi Hi mullrriif li. rsUti- of iinii'l II. KlU lir, livraacil. tli. uuili'mlHimi, the .'liiilin. tmlor uf sitld twtittn, will M'll pulilln till lull lu III. Ill ( lief I lilllilrr, fur t-Mali , .ul,. Jri't In -iiiii tiinlinit I'Jf mIiI t uuntjf tlourl, on Kilil.y, Hi M duy f rVi-tnnlwr, lusj, .1 lUuVlm-k In Hi. furvniHiii, .t ih. (mut diHir ul tli. ouuiily rotiriliiiuM In I'rlnp villi, On-Kiin, all Hie risilit, lltlx, Inlpre.t anil estai. of i In mIiI h.iiiii.I II, KiU'hry nt ilir tlm uf his ilrnili. ami all Urn right, tills. Iiilrrvsl ami estate that Hi. mhI r-lnl. ha. aoiUimt ulli.r lli.n or In ul. illilun tu tlml nf tlii Mill Hatnu.l II. Kilrhry al li time l Ills Hr.tli, In tli. r.illow ttiK il.M'rlliml trai'l of Unit, to-s.ll i tli. tiiiiiliil iiuilrr of sstlo ihlrly in Uiwu.lilp Isri'lv. sou lh. of ran aevrnlMin rsi.t of Wlllamrlte Meridian In Crook County, Ors-spin. Terms ami comlillima of salet cash, goltl iHiln or Hi. I' mini Hlalva. J. II. IIA.NKR, AiliulnUlralor of tin eatate of Hatnu.l B. Kltihry, ilt'ifaseil. IMJ Nolle for l'libllcntloiL Not coal land. Ilriisrlnirnt of III. Interior, ir, 8. Uml unit e at The Dall. t, Or., July mill, 1UUW. Nolin Is li.reliy s-lrrn that Jl.nry II. D'oater, oi O'Nrll, OrvKiin, who, on April Hli, 19ml, tuailii liiuii.l.n.l entry (rWI.I No. tuvsji, No. .l.r..r ,V tlon U, lownslilti li south, raiits llss't, Wlllam.lte Merlillan, lias tllnl iiollve ul intuition lo make Dual roiniiiiiLllun iMof, to rataliltsli olalm to IIik Unit alsive ilri'nl-H, hrlore Wari.n linmn county clvrli, at lit. olllre al 1'rlue. villi., Uri'Kon, on the 7tU day ol 0riikrnber, l-nns. ( laliiiant tianir. aa wilnessrst Uml. Oii.l.iiaml AIU'inl.l of O'Nsll, (r.iCarl J. rltimluist of I'rllievllle, Or. nil John K.rKUvson of Lanmnla, Or, tWp V. V, Moons, Krister Citation. In tin county court of the itat. ot Oregon for the niunly of Crook. In the inntti'r of Hi. rsiat. of Andrew J. r'liiiii'Knn, ilcn-ssc.l - ( liililon. To Kilwsr.1 A. Klnnxgan, John II, Kin nrtcan ami all hrlrs of atto.e uanml de iiHlt tit, unknown, If any lli.rv he, grwitnn: In I e uaina of ili aute of Uron, yod are lirn l.y ritnt ami nsUlml to aptx-ar In the county court of the .tale of Oregon, lor the county u( CnHik, al lln court room thereof, ul I'rtuevlllc, In lb. county of Crook, mi Moiulay, llieilili ilay of tv'pt.ui. her, IMtni, at lu o'c'liM'k tn llie forenoon of that ilay, then ami llirre Li .how rause, If any thvre lie, why an onler ol Hits court slioulil not iw mails authorising tin ail of the estate of Amlrew J. Kin iiCKsn, ilanl, to aril the folio lug it., scnlietl rial iwtnt. of solil tleceaMHl, to-wit. The we-t half of the north wcl iiiarler of section right, ami the west lielf of t tit. stiiithwcst iinrtrr of section Use, ami the south hull of the northeast quarter, ami the soutlira- nimrii r i f the northwest innrler of section wven, III township liftin south of rmig" tt nty-on. east of Wiilsmcttv Mcrl imii In On-voii. Willies., the llon It. t". Kills, Judge of the county court ol the slnte of llregnn for the ctuiiiiyiif CriHik, with I lie soul uf satil court siIIm'.I, ihls '.'.iili ila of July, m. (Kcnl) Attest -Wsrrcn blown, Clerk. 7-U" Notko of Floul Ssttlsmcat. Notice Is hereliT given ti the undersigned, the .-Willi, r of llie . Mnle of IIIIbiii '. HU, ilecrnw.l, lie ms itia.l. ami tiled bis niii.l Helllllll( of his u.lllillll.trnllon of Mill cwiHfe Hii'1 IIimI the ll.inomhlo et.iinly eourl lis el .Mtimlny, ihe .Hi day ofHeinentlier, tls, nt I he hour of lu o'clock In Ih. forenoon nl fie county court room In t'Miievllle, Ore gon. the lime and tilae. Air bearing and xliilng ssl.l Knsl sMHsHinllng. Al "lilih lime and I'lsceany ern Interested In said ealii.e msy aiier and object to said final ao e. tin: lut, lle.t this llOth day of July, T. M. IIAI.PWII, Kieciilnr of the will of William Wills, deceased. Kutiti for Publication. , Not coat laml. Departuu-iit of the Interior, C. L, lud Ulllce at Tin Dulles, Oregon, . August ttrd.itsju. Notice is hereby given that . .. I . U t 1 II nmiipw c, r leiua, of I'rlnerllle, Urcgon, who, on Beptemlicr, ll I'HH. ina.l. lloiii.len.l,-H.'r!l No, No. isrro, for en nwk, ns s.i lion X townshlii 14 south, range 14 east. i iiinmeite jiermiaii, nas nicii notice Ol I . .. ... .. L .11 .1 i.i.ii.i..ii i.f iiinsv niiai ore-year prooi, to e.tnlilii. clniiil to the litml above describ es , n.rren urowit, county cierg al his ollice. at I'rlrtevttt. Ilreiroti unlliMAtl. duy of Ui toiler, lunu, t Iniumnt name, nt witnesses: Jeff D. L-u.. U.tlll L. ... 1. .1. '..ui.e, n iiiiufit r. mason, joun tv. Hny.lcr, John It. Luvkey.all of I'rliicvllle, Oregon. C. W. AIOOKK, &'$ Kcglstcr. Notic. for Publication. De) artmcut of the Interior. V. 8. Uud Otttci at The nalh-s, Oregon, August lHtli, 1U.SJ. Notice is hereby given itmt Clurenco F, McCallister, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on April 22nd 113, nimle Iloniesteail.- Herlnl No. twin No. liM3, for Uits 2, S ami K4 8V, sec tion tn, township lft south, rang! 17 east, Willamette Meridian, hits lllicl notice of liilcnilon to make limit five-year prtHif, to estithllsh ciiuin to the land bImiv. describ ed, hefora Warren Ilrown, county clerk at lilsolllee, nt l'rineviilo, Oregon, on llieiltli diiy of October, lut. t laiiiiaiit unities a. Charles Keiinrlielm, John Ilutisakir, William Ailmns, William Mark, all of Prineville, Oregon. C. W. MOOltK, 8-aip Ileglstcr. Summon.. In the Circuit Court of tin BUto of Oregon lor Crook County. (lottlcibj. Welter, plaintiff, vt. En.olla Weller, dufriuliint. To Kmello Weller, the tbove named de fendant: - In the name of the Htate of Ore gon: You are hereby commanded to a p. pear and answer the complaint filed ugnlnst you in the above entitled stilt on or before the lHtli day of October, MOD, and If you full so to answer, for want thereof, the pluiiitltf will take decree against you a pravetl for in the complaint, to-wit; For decree of this court'henceforth' ml forever rescinding and auttiug asiil. the marriage contract heretofore existing be tween the pluintitr and defendant, and henceforth and forever annulling and dis solving the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between the pliiintiir un.l ilefend mt and awarding the iluintill'a dwree of ab solute divorce from the defendant, and that the defendant be lorever barred and estopped from having or claiming any in--Icrest in any property of the plaintiff. - This summons la published In the Crook County Journal, a weekly newspaper pub lished at Prineville, Crook County, Htulo of Oregon, and of general circulation, by order of lion. W. U. llradshaw, Judgeof of the ubove entitled court, mado oil t ho 80th day of August, l!KJf', the flrst publi cation to be on the 2nd day, of Heptemlier, IIKHl, and the last publication to be on the Mill day of October, IfHiO. Published lirst tlineSimtemlier 2nd, 1908. M.K. BKINK, Attorney for Plalntlll. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. -U. 8. Lund Ollice at The Dallas, Or., August Uot ce Is hereby irlven tlint Joseph T, Creamer, of Prineville, Oregon, who on August 8th, 1IXM, made Home steiid (8orlal No. 032tl,l No. 1HI05, for n w yt, Bcouon u, towiisinp 14 outu, range 10 east. Willaiiutte Meridian, ha. II led notice of Intention to make Html five-year I'lifio, w uoLio.onil uinilll J Hie innu aoove docriljed, belore Warren Ilrown, county clerk nt his otllce, at Prinevillo, Oregon, on the 21st day of Beptotnbor, 11X10. viuiuitiiit mimes as witnesses! Chnrlea H I )l . u.1,1 .1 1 II........ T ir... John K. Orimes, Fred Btuart, all of Prine ville, Oregon. - B-ip (j. W, Moork, KeglBter.