Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 19, 1909, Image 3

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    jmm u iir mil ami wiiynfcj
Vegetables, Fruits, Fish, Game, Soups, Etc
Sure Seal -
f Air Tight
Wide Mouth
Sanitary -
Straight Sides
II it wry r M ml sod
opmm. Sea a wida aMNrth. knpi
nicukkt, await. , m,
, as will h IraiM. wit haul
KroM or Iom.
Stale iiMH aawluulr air-tight
ilh a eealial tompoMtioa at
tackael la MP till ia odsrlaM.
taeteleea, aoae a bacon porao
er rat Ilka rubber or rabber rias-
Tbr Eaoaonr iar will dtliahl foa.
Try a Dozen Today
We guarantee them if
directions are followed.
Ilck Durllim mil! family are back
from the Mat'ole.
John Wight nml family returned
today from the Mntolf.
Judire I'.HU cnnn over from Rend
on official uuIup Moiulny.
HornMonday, Anguat 11, to the
n Ife of Ueortre Hubert, n girl.
Mr. VmUh niul finally have return
h from their out Inn nt iWlkunp
J nke William nnil 0. .V. Stnm llff
Ml for I'm ne Tralrk Huiiday on a
tlatlitltf trip.
Mlmies Lltlkiniid Alihy WIIon left
Haturdny for their tiomffttend at
Dear Creek Butte,
Hert Templetoti, wife nnl -on of
of Hrowtwvllle, Orenon, are vMtliig
relative In rrtntvllk.
Mm, A. M. Jolly and ton,' T. H.
Jolly, of HohIiukI, niv lu Prluevllle
on their way to the rnttlc fair.
The families of V. If. Young and
Thron Throiiaoa left Mil ndny for an
outing to Kolhur Hprlupi on Wolf
Willi Hrown, tho cattleman from
lleller, pned through I'rl vvlli.
Tm-nilny on hi way tt Harney
county for feeder.
C, M. Lister who live up t)u (kho
CO, loft Monday for Shiinlko with n
bum-h of tnet cattle, lid will take
them to the Portland market.
The wedding announcement of
Minn Corn Emma Miner to t'hurte
William Colby, on Monday, Augnut
Oth, la at hand. They were married
in Oakland, Calif. They will bc'nt
home In rrlnevllle November 1.
If L.dtohh linn retu.Mieil from hid
ramping trip to Belknap Kprlng.
While down the river itcnrt'hlng for
n horwe h tepwd on a big rut tier
that win lieatled cloe to A chimp of
willow. A noon a he felt hi foot
-Hp he heard the rattle" and he
Jumped the longent lump of hi life.
The minke had eight rattle.
W. If. Porter, who live on the
McKay, lout hi septtrotor by fire
last Thursday night. He wan
threshing ou the Freil Stewnrt place
Ht the time and It I thought that n
npnrk from n pHhs or cigarette tnrt
rd the bliue that connmed the ma
chine, Mr. I'orter came to Prlne
vllle nnd necured nnothea outfit, lie
1m now filling date n unual.
II. V, (late ven making hi uhuhI
round nmong hi electric dant the
flrjitof the week. After Innpeetlug
and iMttllngup the affair of the
Prluevllle plant he let for Mitchell
nnd the John Day couutry, Mr.
(lute ha filed ou a water right nt
Monument and will put lu a big
plant at that place with power
enough to furntHh a 24-hour nervlce
for the town of FohhII, Condon,
ifeppner, Mitchell and other place
In that country. Mr. Gate eny
that It will take a year to get the
preliminary work done so that build
ing can be pushed. ,
The Club dance In t Frldnr even
ing wiim a pleiiMant affair.
U'o i,ni(jieUe and family are
home again from Helknnp Hprlng.
Judge W. A. Hell and family will
lenve thl week for an outing on the
Ma toll?,
Mr. M. l' ltrlnk haa lieen upend
ing a week with Mr. John K, Itynu
at the Tule.
ff you want to rent or lce a good
lin k much read the ltd of C, M.
LlHter, publlHhed elwwhere.
Terry rolndeiter and family, and
Ml Nellie Iteynold left Monday for
a camping trip to Crane I'ralrle.
Surveyor are now at work In the
Sijuaw Creek country making ur
ve.v before the adjudication of water
right beglu. ,
llev. C. 1. Ibtlley and family ar
rived from The Halle Monday even
ing. They are now domiciled In the
ltaptlxt taronage.
J. I MeCulloch returned Haturday
from a meeting of thet)r'gon A(K'I
atlon of Tit h. Men w hich wn held
nt Portland lat week.
John W. Colllim, who formerly con
ducted a real entnte olllce lu Prlue
vllle, I now driving near on the
IViiil Mudnm Auto I.I ne.
Owarllvde and wife lift Siindnr
for Portland on a bunluc and
ptrnure trip, llelatlve here r-.
reived word .venterday that they had
concluded logo to Sau Framleo.
H v WIIhoii I down with an at
tack of typhoid fever. Ill mother,
Mr. I.. V, WIIhou, came lu from
Porilait l, Monday, to take care of
Ml Kdlth Itice go' back to Port
land next week to ttnlnh 1tr training
In the flood Samaritan Hopital.
She will graduate a full-fledged uurse
next June,
IontUd McKay nnd wife of Shnnl
konre In , Prluevllle, Mr. McKay
will vlHlt old friend while her hun
baud take impplle to hi itheep
camp In the mountain.
F. S. Stanley of the I. I. & P. Co ,
with headquarter In Portland, nnd
Mr. Ly tie, the builder of the Colum
bia Southern, poed throngh Trlue
vllle thl week on their way into the
It. Qnnten came in from Pout Tues
day, He way that harvent I over
up hi way. Mr. llooten ha eold
hi 3-year-old Hteer to Bud Cram at
til) a head. Delivery to be made
September 1.
County Purveyor Rice returned
laat week from hi trip to Lakeview.
Mi1. Rice nay that people dowu
that way are laud eriuy. Lakeview
1 now fuji to overflowing with peo
ple who want to set In on the Ore
gon Land Company' drawing.
Thl company bought the military
road grant down there and cut It up
Into lot varying from 10 to 1000
lu You pay 1200 for a chance to
draw with the amira nee that you
get something. The 10-nere tracts
carry a jierpetunl water right for
five 'acre. Thl 1 a better acheine
t han I'ncle Sam devuted for the di
noHHl of government land. You are
bound to get something for your
money. I
Mr. A una Muling I expected home
thl week......... -
I'erry Long and Dick Vaudervert
left for lielkuap Spring toduy.
Mr. LawBouand daughter Loulna,
and Muliel , Wlndon have gon to
CaacadUato eud their Vacation.
Duncan Mncleod came in the flrxt
of the week for a vllt to old friend
lu Prluevllle. l ,
li. M. Donacaand family of Leb
anon, Oregon, relative of J. A. Mc
Clun, are vlltliig in Prluevllle.
Mm. Llllle OTarrell and Mr. Win.
Todd and son, accompanied by War
ren Duncan, left for Silver Lake to
day. .,, ... - 1' ' '
Mr. Pearl (inborn of Madra, ha
been endlng the week In Prluevllle
the gueet of her aunt, . Mr. Uom
Cleek.' ;
J. W. CarUon and family have net
tled In Portland. Mr. Carleon ha a
poHlthm with the electric- light com
pany. -. - '
MIhh Hiizel Caldwell, who taught
lathe Prluevllle Public School laat
year wilt teach in Ialdlnw the com
ing year, '
Mr. Robert Ilerrlngton of Marxh
flehl. formerly of thin place, came In
on v ednemiay Ktage tor a vwlt
with relative. ,
William lioegll wa In town yester
day from the Cove Orchard n
Crooked River. He brought in a
load of - crabupple for the local
John Iiei was In from tirUaly
ytnterday. He nay that harvesting
I well advanced and that average
Sop have been obtained. . The peo
. o of tirtuly, Jie aay, are feeling
good over the railroad news. .
Ike Ward returned yenterday from
a trip to Pprtlaud and Seaside, t He
ny that It wa very cold and rain
ed nearly every day he wa on the
coiwt. He tried the breaker Just
once; that wn enough for him.
At the First Methodlnt church for
Sunday, Augost 22. Sunday School
at 10 a. in. Preaching at 11. o'clock;
subject, "The ChrlKtlun' Signature."
Thl will be the Inst regular service
before Hie unnual conference and all
memlHra are requested to be present.
At T p. tit. the union nervlee of the
young people will be held In this
church.,- In thl church at 8 p. in.,
Rev. C. C. Babbldgfl of the Presby.
terlan church will preach the sermon
for the Cnlon service.
The Coillna Wireless Telephone
Company has been busy during the
week demonstrating for the many
visitor who called at the Hotel
Prluevllle. . Many ladles availed
themselves of the opportunity and
talked over a telephone without
wire for the first time. The manager-called
ub up today and an
nounced that the company wonld be
pleased ();hivve all the ladles -of;
Prluevllle hd' vicinity call aud wit
ness the dentonstrations. J
C. V. Elkin and family left yester
day for a trip to Portland.
Verna Howard aud Nellie Sum
mer are visiting at the Dobb ranch.
Mr. Omer Claypool returned yes
terday from her vbtlt to Portland.
Mr. Dillon aud family leftyester
day for an outing in the mountain.
" Rev. Dabbldge ha lost a plain
gold cross watch charm. Finder
please return mime and get reward.
Raymond Cnlvan left yesterday for
Portland to see hi wife who I sick
at that place. She Is reported to be
much worse.
D. 8. Hamilton cniue in from Silver
Lake Tuesday. He I after more
sheep to take to Iake county where,
he wiy. there Is a good market for
blooded stock.
Jim Wlgden leave this week for
Nebraska for a stay of several
months. Jim I the general utility
man of the town and his service
will be missed by a good muuy
T.J. Ferguson was in from Post
yesterday. He say the men of his
flection nre getting ready for the fall
cattle ride to gather beef cattle and
brand calves. The lower ride will
tK'giu the first of next week from
Farewell Rend nnd cover the lower
desert, Bear Creek and up to Trlngle
Flat. The upr ride begins August
20 and cover Camp Creek, the head
of Crooked liver and Hamptlon
Ruttes. The start will lie made
from Antelope Flats.
Hall Safe for Sale.
A Hull nfe, good m new, for ale. It
weighs 13.'iU oiimii ami is 41x30x24 out.-mle
iiu-diiiri'meiil, insuio 27x21x14. Kor further
particulars call at this oiiiee. f-19-tf
WHford Belknap leave Sunday for
Portland to see Rlngllng Bros.' cir
cus. Mr. Estes leave tomorrow for
Portland to order her fall stock of
millinery. -
Crook County High ncliool will be
gin the fall term a week earlier than
was contemplated. It will open Sep
temlKT 13.
State Evangelist Samuel Gregg, of
the Christian Missionary Society,
will begin a series of meetings at the
Cnlon church, commencing next Sun
day, August 22. Every one Invited.
A party of young people took a
canoe excursion last Sunday up the
raging mill ditch and out on the peril
ous Crooked river. That there was
no fatalities wa owing to the skill
of Cnptaiu Hofer. One young lady
took a plunge from the hurricane
deck but her feet caught on the gun
wale nnd she was saved from a
watery grave.
Fred Miller, a young' man 28 years
of nge, was arrested by Sheriff
Elkins a few day ago charged with
stealing 45 from I A. Hunt. Miller
and Hunt were Working for John
Howard at Lower Bridge. The
money was left in house and it and
Miller cume up missing. Miller was
apprehended in Prinevllle. He in
tended taking the Shaniko stage for
the railroad. Miller will have a
hearing lief ore Justice Sam Collins
tomorrow. j
Gormley, The Tailor.
What about that fall suit? Of
course you want it tailor-made.
It doesn't cost any more than the
hit-nnd-mtss kind. My sample nre
the tinest in town. I'res-lnix, repair
ing and cleaning. (Jive a trial.
Dr. Mendelsohn.
Dr. M. P. MemlelMjIin.optorrittriHt.rif
The Dalles, vt ill be in I rineville this fall
during circuit coort tnd fair time. He
tomra at the ir quest of the jihyfieisii
of Prineville. Do cot le humbugjifd by
peddlare. 7-22
Tenth Bod Morrison, Portland, Oregon 3 3 A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard
commercial school of the Northwest. Open all the year. More
calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and
individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by
office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special
penmanship department. Write for illustrated catalogue.
r I IMT1 1 I ff "i I I TffTf- -mn- t -3TfflT9- -?Cit Tm
Dea'ers in
Chop Feeds of all Kinds, Baled Hay, Seed Grain,
Timothy, Alfalfa, Clover, Grass and
Garden Seeds of all Kinds.
Toll Chopping Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed
in inn i iiiiii'Mi iii m 4
00 si Wtotergraen. Thymol. Glycerine, Eta,
Uaed aa a Mraplo Wua
It really seems strange that so many
people Buffer year In and year out with
eczema, when it is now no longer a se
cret that oil of wlntergreen mixed with
thymol, glycerine, etc., makes a wash
that ia bound to cure.
Old, obstinate cases, It is true, can
not be cured In a few days, but there
is absolutely no sufferer from ectema
who ever ysed this simple wash and
did pot' find Immediately that won
derfully soothing, calm, cool sensation
that comes when the itch is taken away.
Instantly upon applying a few drops
of the wash the remedy takes effect,
the itch is allayed. There is no need
of experimentthe patient knows at
Instead of trying to compound the
oil of wlntergreen, thymol, glycerine,
etc, in the right proportions ourselves
we are using a prescription which is
universally found the most effective.
It is known as the D. D. D. Prescrip
tion, or Oil of Wintergrcen Compound.
It is made by the D. D. D. Co. of Chi
cago, and our long experience with
this remedy has given us great confi
dence in its merits.
The Winnek Co.
Maker It Croil (aires " A 1 f) iO M"!ca! InatruMiiU
U. r. Adamson k to
Cueri Sappliet Lawaey's Caaeiet
Remember, when you want a Graphophone
Cylinder or Disc we have them in stock. We
carry a complete line of Columbia gold
mQulded indestructible cylinder records, 35c.
Also the 1 0-inch double disc records, 65c
D. Po Adamson Si Co
Plymouth Standard
Binder Twine
" Hay Forks,
Mowing Scythes, Etc
Lubricating Oils
All Kinds of Ammunition
Choicest Groceries
For an outing. If you want something dainty
and fresh come and get some of our Lunch Goods.
Our line is complete. Below is a partial list
Sliced Beef in ' Glass
Deviled Ham
Lunch Tongue
Royal Club Shrimp
Boneless Chicken
Jellies in glass
Potted Beef
Deviled Meats
Veal Loaf
French Sardines r
Sardines and Mustard
Sweet Pickles in glass
Royal Club Salmon
Roast Beef
Cervelat Sausage
Pearl Onions
Sour Pickles in glass
Try our Royal Club Pineapple the finest ever put in cans.
We guarantee every pair of Mayer
or Washington Shoes put out by us
to give perfect satisfaction. We will
have repaired, free of charge, any shoe p
Buy your Fishing Tackle of us
proving defective.