tones. ' DWAKF AFFLES, - Thty Will Ce Crown en Aceeuni Thtir Ccr.vanienee. O. f. ronvll cf Colombia county, N. YH linn been couduotiiia come tutorest Inff exrin:i'iit9 on the vulne of dwarf lplf trees In liuwlnean orvLan!. It la tin- Idea of Mr. Powell Unit IM'J of a low habit of prowi'd wlil bo ntjuired niore and more Imvs uao if tlio tuvU of convenience for KjiruyUiR anJ harvest lug. The soak InsevU make H almost Impossible to thoroughly treat largo trees, and tlie cost of labor makes a avlug at harvesting time of creat Im portance. Two styles f dwarf trte are uudor trial. The' o callod Parr.Jise Is very dwarf anJ Is nhort llveO. The PoiK-in stock la half dwaif. waking trevs aix teeti to eighteen foot hlj;h, and prem ises cooJ results In couituetvlal or-clinr-Jlng. The trees lire planted two or three Inches below the union of stock ami to;. In Mr. Powell's or chard the treei of Paradise stoek ar m-t as fillers between- those of the tor por dwarf kind. The rows la the or chard are twenty feet apart au-1 the trees ten l:i a row. The wii Fpaees between the rows allow plenty of ro--m for cultivation b.v horsewwer. while the trees la the rows will bo thluuej out as soon as they become crowded. The dwarf trees pive fmit In a few years from planting, and the amount gradually Increases. The small dwarf kind lasts six to eight years and the ; nldwarfs for about twenty years. For dwarf trees the Spitieuberg. Jona than and Mcintosh are found success ful. They produce fruit of very fine appearance and quality, suitable for packing In boxes for the choicest trade. For the half dwarfs the Northern Spy. Koxhury Russet, Twenty Ounce. Astra khan, Baldwin and Greening are satis factory. The dwarf trees must receive good "culture, with plenty of plant food and careful cultivation. The soil Is plowed and harrowed in the spring and Is kept In a cover crop of clover during the summer. Scale and other Insects are easily treated In the dwarf orchards. The Idea appears so promising to Mr. Towel! that he Is pruning bis larger trees on the dwarf plan, cutting back the tops of the standard trees In order to cause them to spread out and to re move the bish parts of tho tree, which make so moch difficulty In spraying old trees. . ' ' The Louise Bonne Pear. ' A good mldseason pear, the Louise Bonne, Is one of the best known mar ket varieties and has always been pop ular In various localities because of Its great productiveness and general good qualities. The tree Is hardy every where that pears succeed, and It does 0()Aing Yr'a PIUne- As Jour shrul. perennials and an nuals blossom plnntlug plans for n-t year may best te devised. When the floers are In bloom their effect may Ih noted, and the chance to be wrought by new plants may 1 accurately cal culated That Is the time to pet out notebook and catalogue, figure out what your flower beds and shrubbery borders lack and decide what may best supply that lack. If a pink Cowering shrub Is needed at a certain point, make a note of It In your book; better still, stick up a little stake In the exact spot where the shrub would look best, marking on the stake the specifications, whether the plant should be tall or low growing, the sea son of flowering, etc Then when you order your shrubbery for fall planting your nurseryman can Cll your specifi cations, and w ben the plant comes you will knovr the exact place to plant It In grouping your plants take pains to make them Ct In with the neighbor ing architecture. The texture of the foliage, the color of the Cowers, sea son of bloom and the rapidity of growth should nil be considered care fully. Do not plant shrubs so close together when they are young that when they attain a ftw years' growth they will be crowded. Mn't Study of Himself. Omit a few of the most altmse sci ences, and mankind s study of man occupies nearly the whole field of lit erature. The burden of history Is what man has been; of law. what he does; of physiology, what he Is; of ethics, what he ought to be; of revelation, what he shall be. George Flnlayson. Smart Press Agent. While George Ade was comlmting a dramatic column on a Chicago paper the press agent of a coming theatrical attraction walked brightly Into A.ks office one morning and offered the au thor a loug article, which was pri marily an advertisement for the coin ing show. "Ade. I want you to use this story for me." said the theatrical man. "It's a rood. Interesting article, and you'll itn nw a rreat favor bv uriuttnsr It." "I'm sorry, but it s not the sort or stuff the paper wants," replied Ade. "It's too much of an advertisement. Why, If you took that down to our LIFE SAVING DEVICES, Urn Yd Z''W-S Aw LOUISE BOSKS PEAR. well either on natural pear stock or on the quince. It Is a vigorous upright grower and very productive, especially If grown In deep rich loam, which Is its favorite soil. The fruit is large and yellowish green In color, with a slight tinge of brownish red The flesh Is white, fine grained and Juicy, with pleasant aro matic flavor. It Is v good dessert pear and also suitable for market or distant shipment It ripens In September and early Oc tober, Just before the Sheldon. Bart Jett Louise and Sheldon make a suc cession "of (hlgh grade market pears. It Is a pear or trench origin, but is nigh ly recommended on the official list of the department of agriculture as suit able for the New England ond middle tates. . . . - IB. i.i ' - II r- " ' "i ' &" m?'VJf-VBXSSX7wnZ!i' "asj.ii Tli irsaJaLi CESSssSHi issssm. 0 il f"'' B Advances Mads In Apparatus For Shooting Life Lines. Consul John L. Griffiths of Liverpool reports that the advisory subcommit tee appointed by the British govern ment to formulate a report upon the question of British ships compulsorily carrying life Hue throwing apparatus conducted some most Important experi ments In Liverpool recently., the re sults of which are briefly described The apparatus submitted comprised kites, buoys and different styles of guns and rockets. The first tests were those of West's drift buoys, which were followed by the much Improved Re gnrk box kite. It was the opinion of those who witnessed the experiments that the kite is a successful invention and will be very serviceable when the wind Is blowing on a lee shore. One of the most interesting of the tests was made with a balloon constructed of gold beater's skin In two weights. It carried a line for 1.500 yards. The principal tests, however, were made with rockets, cannon and shoulder guns, which have been carried to a high state of perfection. Much Interest was shown In the results of these tests. both by the committee and the nauti cal experts. The cannon threw a line a distance of 310 fathoms, which Indicates the standard of efficiency to which it has been brought' A projectile Is Inserted In the cannon, and the cannon Is fired by means of a friction tube which pro pels the projectile a certain distance, and from that point a rocket Is dis charged which carries the line to its destination. The gun Is portable and easily handled. Another Interesting feature Is that during the daytime the smoke indicates the direction in which the line la carried while at night the fire of the rocket .denotes the direction. For shore use this gun can be placed on a small handbarrow, and, as there are no elaborate accessories. It can be readily worked by any person of ordi nary Intelligence. This gun Is claimed to be the most satisfactory apparatus for heavy work, as, for example, from the deck of large liners. Consular Ke- port Position on ranch for the winter by reliable man with small fhmilv. Please write B. Kagam, Lakeview, Or. It 2VJS8&P A f GENUINE WfiS 2 f 3; " charge paid to the near- 1 vSf mm from the best known, strictly wholesale house in the Northwest, established in I 'on land in lVrt 4 twtU GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE $4.90- A pure old honest whiskey bottled by the distillers. -Guaranteed to the United Stales Government, and to you, lo contain nothing excepting pure straight whiskey. Many ot the railroads use Uyrus iNoble almost exclusively. Cut Out U CoupoM ua Sd T4r So do the bis steamship companies. So does nearly every big metropolitan hotel. Because it's pure. Because it's aitcd in wood. Because it has that soft, delicate, palatable flavor ol the ripened grain, often taentioocd but rarely found. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. Established 1864 105-107 Second Street. Portland. Oregon i CUT T THIS LIMC AND MAIL TO-OAT W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., ponUad, Ongia Eadowd pleaae find $4.90 lot wbxJi pleaw aetxl aw at once by espress, prepaid, four quart GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. . ' Ni , ' I l P. O. KUmm i . Sh I YOU PROVE IT ! An invitation to all owners of cylinder machines Columbia and others. Wc could argue the quality cf Columbia Indestructible Cylinder Records until a year from now but what good would it do if you could not prove it for yourself by coming into our store and seeing and hearing it? We could print a whole newspaper every day about the special and original Colum bia processes cf manufacture and get no where at all if the Records did not bear the evidence. COLUMBIA INDESTRUCTIBLE CYLINDER RECORDS won't break, no matter how roughly they are used, they won't wear out, no matter how often they are played. Moreover, their tone is far purer, clearer, more brilliant than that of any other cylinder record made Don't merely take our word for it come inside our store and listen. Cost 35 cents 1 D. P. Adamson & Co. rS V . , r V .- ' V-; i wl f v S A: - -; 1 Quality I lit th cartful uj rr In v.mig(c wltrn 'urt liimg j'W .lry or wnlcht. We '" liiitd lie quolily f rverything woarll w guarmttce it to l u! thi quulily we rcrt'M-nt it to lm WATCH REPAIRING W. FRANK PETETT Jeweler & Optician Prinill, Oregost Statament of Resources and UaUllitiea of The First National Bank Of 'Prineville, Oregon tk clot of buwnaae Juno 23, 1V09 I 1 pki&ki' Teacher's Institute. Professional Cards. Teachers' Annual Inetittrte Mil Crook county will holil Its nnntinl session in tht'IIIh School Imllillujr, t I'rlnevllle, October ID-O 21-'J:. State Superlntenilant J. H. Acker- man, President, W. 11. Kerr, O. A. ('., Professor A. L, Alderman, U. of O., and other prominent eiiucntom tI the county and state will lie present. Friday, October 22, will Ik- "School Day" at the County fair, and a Joint session ol school ollicers and teachers will lie belt! on that day. Ix-t us make this a great day for the cause of education In Crook couuty. B Sincerely yours. It. A. Fom. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Idaho. (Central Div'sion.) In the matter of Richard Cunninghum, bankrupt. Notice. Notice ia hereljy KWen that i. C. Con now, trustee in the matter of Kiclmrd Cunningham, bankrupt, will dell at private ale live hundred (."00) shares of capital stock in the American Htamlard Minim; Company, a corporation ot Denver, Colo rado; and also the north half of the north went ouarter. and the north west quarter of the north eat quarter of section seven teen, II) anu the nortii fa -I quantr ol trie north eaxt quarter of section eighteen (IS ) in township twenty-two aouth of range nine (it) east of the Willamette Meridian, in Crook countv, Ptate of Oregon. Said mining .-bick to de sold in one lot anil paid real estate in one lot. Sealed bids will be received for said property by eaid trustee, at Kilver City, Idaho, either personally or through United States mail, durinir the period com mencing with the lir.-t publication of thi notice and terminating on the llitn day ot October, law. Hids shall be accompanied by a certilied check equal to ten per cent of the amount bid, the trustee being authorized to accept the highest and best bid. subject to the approval of the referee, after a return to the referee of his proceed ings hy said trustee unner oaui, ami a hearing by the referee thereon, after ten days notice by mail to creditors. Dated at Bilver City, Idaho, this 5th day J. (J. UUJSUUS, ' Trustee. -Cawytr (JJJ Ciiiott, jfHorntjf-mt-jCmm !Prtmmili, Origtn. At KKSOt'UI'KS Uvani anil litonunta tH. fulled Plulr. Ikmda lUnk livmlaea.,., Kettenipttmi fund I'nati A lu from bauk Itts.W U B. F. All.a, Prokl.nt WiU WrawUM, Vtc I1..VM ID A lt l:t,l,J M 1J.MUI.ITIM mrlial Hltwk : 80,onoo Hiirpliisaiid undivided pmltU V'.n rlimlalloM .....i I.e Individual Itornxdla. .... M.U II l t T. M. Baklvia, C-iUt H. Bahlala, Awt CukWr ITHE HAMILTON STABLES 1 1 (IIorscsluH'ins; in Connection) J. H. WIOLE, Proprietor rRiNKViLi.i:. oRi:t;oN Ftoek boarded by tlie day, wwk or month at Kensonabla rate. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Rkaroxabmc. W liuve Fine Livery Rigs For Rent ft AJifllhlltbd' Salt Ot Bllt f lUtl. Nolh-s t In reliy lven. that In tnir.iM am. ol an order ol thv Cuilnty Court ol th Plnle ot IHfitKli) ltr Ml rtniiily t'ltfooa, made on lh ('III ilny of July, liMi, in II. mailer of lb et il ol camuel II. Itll. h. v. deceased. H underiIiiml, lb admlina. ' initor uf anld lal, HI Mdl at publm in lull to the lili!hl linl'H-r, inr ali. aul Jivl to continuation by nlJ t'olinty Court, mi r'lldav, th l day ol Hepleml-r, liam, at lUu'cbH'k ill th forenoon, at lli. from ,.v.r ol Hi ixiuniy courihoiia In I'rliif- vllle. On Km. nil III ri'lil, nil. Inl.-r t lid IhI. oltli ""Id hniiiind II, Itiu-hey hi the tun l lila d. aih, and all tb. right, tllle, lulvreal and tul thai th aai,( rlnt. Iiaa ai'inrxl other lliaii or In ad. dilioii u that ol tiiw said Samuel II. Itu.diev at th tlui ot III uralli. Ill tb following d crllxMl tract of land, lo alt i ib 11,11 lb a eat uiiaiiif of avi'tloii thirty In township iHHlih. of rang arveniwn aat of Wlllamrtl M.rbllan In Cruok County, Oregon. 1 ei iii and couiiuiona oi aaivi caii, aoi.i colli of the I' llUeil Mle. . j. it. IIA. Adnilniotralor of th. ratal of Haiiiuel II. ltltcbey, iteveaavit. i d-a Notlco for fiihllcuUiut. Not coal land. IWpartnieol of th Interior, 1', H, UJ tlllU al Tb Dnllra, Or., July Ti, Itwu. Nolle Is lirbv nlven thai 1 1. my II. Kar, ol O'Nell. trroti. who, on April JDIIi, I 'am. mad liomt-ni entry (iial .o. uwi. No. .',f.trXY,ar lion M.toweablp 14 aouth, rang. 14rat. V Meridian. Iiaalllrd nolle, ol lut.iillutl to liiak final e.iiiiiiiuuilon proof, to ratubllali I Inlio to the land aU'V. diwritied, Iwlor Wari.n lliown. county clerk, at lila cillle el I'll tie. vlll, t', on Hi TtU day ol tti'pleii'Ur, i'tti, Clnlniiiiit nmnri a wltiH-ea IaiiiI and Alwl Cudd of O'Nrll, Or.; Carl J. hiindiiil of 1'rin.vtll, Or and John Ksrgm-aon of liiionl, Or. IWp C. W. Mimas, ll.glaler - Nolle lor Publication. Not coal land, - of the Interior, l. B. Uml Ulllc. 1l jiallra, Oregon, , . July it, liaaj. Notice la berrl.y glvin that to-org M. Iteiaun, of I'lliietllle, OrrgoU, who on Marrh 'i'.lh, lialS, niaile hoineali-nd entry (erlnl No. r'.T No. for Wt, NK' W HK,, rretlolt II, tonbl 13 wiiith, rang IA eaM, V. M ha llle,! nolle ot Inlenilon to make tiual llvi'-year' pnMif. In taldlli elaiin to Hie laud almv ilcwrllird, l-for Warn ii Hrown, rounty clrrk, al bl olln- lit Prim vllle. Oregon, oil III '.'ml day of Pi pt, inlwr, lit. t'lniniuiil namra as wllliee! Kdwunl H. Juii.a. iioy Htunrt. Harry W. I.I.. rrel Slnatl. nil ol rrlnevlll. Or. . 7.'.,p C, W. Mmi. Kegtater, C.l.itija. In the coiuity coio't i f t!i slnle ol lrrgon "lor ili.cii'inly l t'i..k. In i he mttttrr'ol (be eamte of Andrew J, Klnnegnil, itereiirr I llillloii. t) T. Kdwjrd A I-nun gan. Joint i, r In if iiPkiin and nil brlr of above named tl li) erib lll, inkliown. II lty llu 'v I, greeting : 21 In l nam ul lb anil" l Oregon, you ft r,i'"r'irr"sr'irnr;rT-ir'vr'ir'ir"iif5r'ir'trr"rr.',trr-irTir"ir'ir' i. jcjlji. juji j4.JUJ-ju.ju.jk.Jk.jrk,j r. i CJ r 1 r.i w J ri t J r,.i i. J n Li rt CJ r.i r.i t J r,i Li r i L'J r.-i LJ r.i Li ri Li r.i Li ri L'J Sonera ffilaccsmithing ujljl;jl,jlwljljl.jl; jljujl. j L J r.i L J r i L J r.i L J Physician and Stirfftom Ciuj Amaiirii PaoarTLT Day o Siobt OrKu a ow looa Soirrs or ADiaaoa'i Jjrikj SToaa. Hoi h ofllee an reaj deuce telepbouva. srtfom W. A. BELL Attorncy-at-I.uw I'rineville Oregon of August, KM. s-tl'-ow Travelers ON SANT1AM ROAD WILL FIND THE BF.ST Accommodations - AT Lower Soda SPRINGS Hotel and Feed Darns,Groceries Tobaccog and Provicions. Hay andOat8 for sale; pasture for horses. Free camp grounds. S. L. HULIN, Proprietor Subscribe for tie Journal, $1.50 a Year. County Official Paper Qt C. SUrx jfttorntjr-mt-jCam &eal Cstata Office with Oeo.,W, Ibirneg tPrtnioill; - Ortyen Jf. ZRotenbarg Aynean anJ Surjtom Celts amimTtd promplty tajr r itrpAt C7m Aw mrm fmmtmm'm mm V7-M Jtrmt: tPrintvill: Or fen, (County SPAytioan) ffiolknap & Cdwards SPiyu'aiani and tSyrytont. Of JTrmr 1DT tetmmmft Srmf Jfrm !Priitill; Ortyon. For Irrigated Farms jj I and Fruit Lands S h5 IN THE DESCHUTES VALLEY WRITE JONES LAND CO HI Kedmond, wregon Hotbe for Publication. Jiot coal land. Dennrtment of tlie Interior, U.S. Land Otlice ot The Duties, Oregon, . July ZO, 1WJ. Notice is hereby given that IOlonzo Bheiiherd. of Paulina, Oregon, who, on July 8, 11KI7, made homestead erial No. U4HH No. 1WBI, for V. HK4. nectlon 32 and WM HW, lection 33. townnhip W south, range 21- nnt. Willamette Meridian, bus filed notice of intention to miikc liniil commu tation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren Hrown, comity clerk, at In olnce ut frinovlile, Oregon, on the 1st day or September, 1009. ClniiiiHiit names an witnesfcs:- (irover Price and Orville I. Davison, of I'rineville. Or.: Henry W. Pickett and Bruce Balfour, of Paulina, Or. 7-2!tj ' . V- W. Moob, Kegistcr, 13 r i LJ r.i LJ r i LJ r.i LJ r 1 t j m L J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i LJ ri L J r.i Li riririr,irirfir.rirririr!iri.rr.."irriirririr,nf:!irnr"irnr..i LULJLUtJL,JLJLiJL.JL:jLJLJLJL.UfLJLJLJL JLULJLJLJl.-iLLjLJl-UL.J IIoKSKfitoKisa, Wood Work, nr., Neatly and ruoarrLY Diib Wheh it is Pone By : : : Robert 97oore Satisfiiction Will Uc Guaranteed PRINEVILLE, Okwion. r hereby cited slut rw.ulred In nolxnr In thecoiiniy cmin ef the luteof Oregon, .,r the countv of I'rtKik, nl lli. iniiirt roin Ibeiwf, al I'rtm Hie. in lb. rounty uf r. ok on Moiidiiv, Die mil ilnr of ti-iiif l-r. t' ' nl o o 1 1. k in Hie foreiiiMHi tir Hint dny, ihen iiml 1 1. ire to lio lan-d. If niiv tbeie be. shy an order ol I Ida court l.o old not be in iile author mg ths iiml tr.'tor of the cmte of Andrew J rli- nrg.tll. ilei, nt aril llie 10110 aing ue--riUd n-ul e-t da of aniil dvceaaril, lo-iall. The we t linlf of the north net quarter uf Mt-lloii right, and the el half of the aottthwert quarler of awllon live, and lb wmtli Hall ui the norinraM iuarier, aim the aoviiben-t iiuniirr or the norinei lilnrter of unlioii rwven, III townalilp ttlleeil aouth of range rntjr-uiie eat of Willaiuelle Meridian In Oregon, W inea.. the Hon II. V. Kills, lu lge Of the county court id the atnle of Oregon for the county of I'ronk, with thaaeal of aslil oiirt aiiHiii, una .'xiri uar ol juijr, n"i. trol AUeat -Warren ltioti, I lerk.7'J0 friririririirinirir.iri niririr;if!jriririririr!irinir;iw TS1 Li'JCJLlJL' JL.JLJLJI.JL JLJLjLJLJL:jLJk'JL;jl.JL JLJUJL JUJLJ t- ri l J ri LJ fj,1 LJ ri L J ri DJ ri LJ ri Lt r.i L'J ri L'J ri L'J r,i LJ HI L'J ri L'J ri L'J r..i LJ ri L'J The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIlobE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up' Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION of lino candy, cigars, orange", Carrying a li'inoilM, etc. choice wli-ctlon (live uh a call. SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. r-iriririiririririirirtrrirrijirirrrtrnrrirnrinrrtrrirriricir.irnr.a ri L J r.i L'J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L J r.i L J ri LJ K3 L J ri LJ M L J r.n LJ ri L J r.i LJ ri LJ It LTJjVCBHjjE?; Shingles, Mouldingn, WintlowB, Doors, (iliifHes, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP& PERRY PRINKVILLE, OREGON ISA AAAAWAAAAA jj Drop in and See Champ Smith DEALER IN Soft Drinks of all kinds Imported and Domestic i Cigars At the old Smith & Cleek SBtand, Main utreet, two ' doors south First 4 National Bank . , 1 CEQOE COUNTY Ml w. OFFICERS: A, Booth, Pratldant D, f. 8twat, VlcaPraaldent O. M. Elkini, Oaahlar DIREOTOH8: W. A. Booth, 0. M. Clkins, D, F. 8TIWART Transacts a General Banking Buainess Exchange Bought and Sold Collectiona ... will re ceive prompt atten ' . : tion Notice ol Final Stttltmcnt. N.HIre la herehr lvm ! Hie nnilrralsiied. tlireti-riilurur Hie r.lnle "f llllam '. lll, r.M,xl. thai lip haa liltt'lx a Mil tllnl lila Ann) m-omtillna ir lila iliiilnlatrnllmi ir lil r.iuln nn.1 thai llin llumimhln wimil ctiurl Ino- I MiMKtnr, III" alii ilar nl H. Hrini'r, linn, hi tin- linur nt ID oVitH-k In ilia hirvnixm al lit ixMinlr enurt nmm In lrlm-vlllr, tr K'Hi. a lh lliiiKanit larv Air limrlim ! M-itlliis aulit niuil niMHiiiiiniig. Al wiiii-n Hint' unit tilitrxali Ivraiill liili'rwliil III ull ratuli innr aiirr and ouji-ol Ui aalit fliial so CNHIIlllll. miu-iiiiiiawiiauyurjiiir.ii'". T. h. IIAI.IiWIN, Kxm-iilnr of Ilia will or Wllllniiil'. III. di-rrnwil. Call for Warrants. Nolli-e U litTt-l.v Rlvt-n Hint llii' liilluwlna ('ruuk con my rrnrita. laaunl aevaii ymna prior lo July 1, llm, muai iw in inri u-r invnii nt willilli Ui ilnya irum wild jiuy I, imki, utln-rU tlicy will ! cmiei-llcd ami iiynivnt t n rvulti-r Ins rufiiMHl aa pruvblttl iv Inw. July in. HUM M Mnilr I I 00 Jmiiinry II, iHUrVWm V aualiali,. 4 6" Jaiiimry II. IK-V-Ia Vannvi-r ' Ht-iilMiulM-r It, l"i- Corral Uiilmliy I Ti K, plciiiUr 4, IMW-Kraiik 1 1 l 1 1 it 1 1 lr . . . . I IHI m-l-ll-IIHH-r II, iniw-IJ M llri-t ,,,,, I if !ra Itvul., I " " " " W llalli-y I " " " .laiiu-a Muriin,.' 1 Jnnuiirr H. 1wA K 1 1 1 1 1 I 10 Miin-li li IWH)Mliior lwla I ft Jiiiiii'. I IM -I, M t'liiirlnny..,,. 8 " llriimi r rmia 9 w " " " II 11 Hrrnins I M Novi'MilH-rfl, twit -A V Jnni-a 8 HO SnvKinlM-r I", I'tat- Marry Hnllny - Nim-inlH-r 12, W"-T J l.lnvlll 8 ' " ' fl.l-lliirr lulv. Ili1-I.ii. lln; " on Miirrli II. lW'io PtMli-l 1 "0 Julv I, l4-J N M.-niM-U Ki-i,-iiiUt , l''l-'ha Mllli-r 10 Niivt-iiila-r , I'nil I'lmrli-a lHwnum., ' 4,1 KuvvuilK'r , lW'l tli-o la t UAHKKN HROWN, R-l7 H"J liiuiily I'U-rk, Stint iiionn. In llif Circuit Court of the Hliito of Oregon Inr t'rook County. 0. A. HU'Vi-imou, iilul itilT, vi. Nettle Hti-vi'iiaiin, ilrfi-iiilniit. To Nettle HUivvimuu, tlie nlnire iiiiiiiimI itiili-tiiluiit: in the name of tlia Klnte of OrcKOii. You ure lit-n-liy ic(iiircil to aj penr anil ntiawer I lie eoni piiii i t llltnl UKuiiiMt you In tlie above court ami action, on or lielorn the liuit clay of tlis time iire aorilioil In the order for lmlilicullon of t lila niiiiiiiioii.H, to-wit : the llllli ilny of Heptem ber, llfif), anil If you fail to no immver, for want thereof, tlie pliilntlll' will tnke JutlK riient UKulnnt you for the sum upecilied tliert-ln, to-wit: Fur the mini of twenty ail hundred (Wioo.iMi) dollara, mid lor I lie costn and dlahurieiiieiita ol tills notion. Thin Kiinniiona la i-erveil upon you by or der of the Hon. 11. 0, Kills, .IuiIk" of ity, hliile ol uri-Kon. nateil the AiiKUHt, 1IHHI, and the dato ol Crook County 2nd (lav of the first iiublleiitloii of thin anniiiionn Ih Autfii-t 5th, lUJi', iiml the date of the last nulilieat'on thereof will expire on 8eiiU-m. ber HI: h, ltOJ. VV. A. HKI.I-, Attorney fo the I'liuntiir. Notice for l'tiblicutloii. Departnient of the Interior. U.H. Lund Olllue at The Duller Or., AUKUNt Otli, i m. Notice Id hereby given that Joeih T, Creamer, of I'rineville, OreKon, who on AuKUHt 8'h, 1!HI, made Home Nteiid (Hcriul No. 08KI,I No. 4!7oT, for NWW, Hi-ction 14, tnwiii'liip 14 toiitn, niiiiro 15 euht. Willaim It ) Meridimi, line II led notice ol'iutentii n to mako linal five- year proof, to eatahliidi c aim to the land above described, bvloro Wan en Drown, county clerk nt hia olllee, at I'rineville, "Orejrou, on the Vi Li-1 day of Heptemhcr, 1IMH), Cluiniunt iiHiiuis an witiieHHen: ChiirlcH II. Dinwiddiu, (larreti'f. Hoover, John K. UriinvN, Fred Btuurt, all of I'rine ville, Oregon. t,. 8-12p 0. W. Moohe, llegUter. jfltarnyat'jC SPrintyIU, Onymn, V 1 I I